Breel, My Literal Angel From Heaven-Part 2

Story by Dewriter on SoFurry

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Keene, an obscenely rich heir to a massive fortune, reflects on the time he met the love of his life and how he changed him forever.

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I was about to jump through the portal when Tarot stopped me. I yelled, my brilliant destruction of her lack of foresight in warning me causing a turn in character. She told me that through my nightcap and the magic of the temple, I had come into power (because apparently the temple is very silly and all you need do is wear a hat to become a demi-god). That that was how I was able to fend her off during our struggle. I had obtained the power of dreams, and all I had to do was fly, without thinking about it. Being naturally amazing at nearly everything, I was able to fly within seconds. With a few words of goodbye, Tarot began to drain the mana pool, and if I didn't find Breel and bring him back in time... it meant we were stuck there forever. Swooping through the portal, I called out for him, over and over, the eerie dark buildings and foreboding atmosphere of Pandemonium sending my tail trembling. Hopelessness filled my chest, but I forced myself to push forward... for Breel. After what felt like an hour, I found myself in the company of a creepy little shadowy raptor flying alongside me, saying his name was Breel. Correcting immediately that it wasn't but I could take him back Earth regardless... and he called me Daddy. Eeeegh...

It didn't take much longer, but I came upon a large open building with demons who weren't trying to actively shoot me down. Walking in with my new unwanted companion, I came upon a large goat-like demon named Eudoant. Creepy guy, sunken in stomach, four ears, glowing green eyes. And because I'm an idiot I followed him without thinking and got tricked into eternal servitude, unbreakable shackles attached to my wrists, my nightcap taken away so I couldn't fly anymore. All that was left to me was hard labor. Every link in the chain I was forced to make for no reason, every crack of the whip that split my back, every drop of my own blood I was forced to scrub up just reminded me of how much I had screwed up. I knew I deserved this. Nothing would ever make up for how badly I had hurt Breel. For condemning him to this fate.

I don't know how long it took; time was different in Pandemonium, my new home. I started to lose hope. I'd never see him again. Never see that smile, never smell his scent, never explore what it really meant to be with him... But then, one night as Eudoant held me like his personal teddy bear, that creepy raptor demon came squeaking about how he had found Breel. He'd only tell me on the condition I'd take him to Earth. Of course, there was no way I couldn't agree. His eyes glowed bright with an eerie "Then the contract is sealed" echoing out from him even though his lips never moved. I decided I'd think about that later.

He got my cap out of the container it was in by... well, by licking the side of the thing and melting the thick glass. Deciding I'd think about that later, I flew after the creepy demon straight to a tower, begging him in my mind to fly faster. The grating sounds of a grinding wheel sounded as we approached, nasty images of Breel being forced into it flashed through my mind's eye. Looking in through the window though, I saw him. Breel, looking perfectly untouched. My elation at seeing him unharmed was stymied just a bit by my confusion and jealousy that he wasn't hurt. I mean, yes I know I needed the punishment but the fact that the demons chose to punish me when they could have not rather bothered me.

Deciding I'd think about that later, I bolted over to him, taking the chains he was shackled to on the floor and pulling as hard as I could. My reunion with him could wait until he was free.

"I heard you were coming, but you didn't have to go through all this trouble just for me..." He sounded worried. Worried for -me-. Me who put him in this situation. His capacity for caring about others is something I will never be able to understand. Especially not for a worthless tiny ferret who'd condemn others to Hell if it meant he could get a bit of power. But I'll be damned (again) if I didn't say it was part of why I love him so much.

"That's not the point!" I had started to tear up, fighting through my quavering voice and sniffles to tell him what I needed to. "The point is that I thought I was ready to make ANY sacrifice to get what I wanted... and I'm not!" My heroic rescue was cut at that moment as my legs seemed to have given out. I fell to the floor with a loud rattling of chains, avoiding Breel's gaze.

"Keene, if I couldn't break that chain what makes you think you can." He sighed, patting my foot which was now pointed straight in the air.

"This isn't a breakout, this is penance." In retrospect I could have been a little more reassuring and way more masculine... I tugged at the chain again, over, and over, and over, my hands grew raw as the spikes dug into my skin, my back felt like it was splitting in two. Finally I collapsed backwards, tears starting to well in my eyes again.

"AUGH! Why's everything I want have to be just out of reach?.." My frustration imploded into fits of sobbing. I'd doomed us both in my bid for power. The demons would separate us again and we'd never see each other. My tears flowed freely; I hardly registered Breel's arm wrapping around me, his chest against my cheek. "I am -so sorry-. This whole enterprise was a mistake, I didn't mean to drag you into it, I didn't mean to get upset, I was just SO CLOSE... I completely lost sight of everything else that was importan--" I felt Breel grab my shoulders. My eyes opened as he pulled me up. I gazed at him, seeing the light dancing behind his beautiful eyes the moment before they closed. With a sharp tug he pulled me towards him... and finally... with a roiling explosion of emotions that sent my head and heart spinning, he kissed me. His lips were so soft, his tongue felt like more than I had dreamed it would, the breath on my cheek past what I had imagined.

I didn't need my nightcap to fly in that moment. I felt a world of worry and self hate and fear dissolve as he held me. I swear that single moment lasted longer than my entire time in Hell. When we parted though, something felt off... better... lighter. Our shackles had dissolved. I looked up at him, tears reforming in my eyes for an entirely different reason.

"Hey! That seems to have done the trick." Breel cheered. I hardly cared. I wanted to be in his arms again.

"Good to know, can we keep kissing?" I slid up to him, our eyes meeting once again. I could feel the ghost of his tongue against mine, against the roof of my mouth, exploring every crevice. My trance was broken when the demon screamed.

"No! Earth NOW!" He shrieked. As much as I hated to admit, he was right. Tearing myself away from this moment, we flew our way back to the portal to see that awful demon that had taken Breel still trying to shove his way through. As we were trying to figure out a plan of attack to get back home, who would appear but Eudoant, a small army of demons at his flanks. We decided that bolting like lightning through the portal in total disregard for the dangers of flying directly next to an angry lava dragon skeleton demon was the best plan.

I shot through, carrying both of them, straight past the demon, straight past a giant super buff cat who was fighting the demon for some reason. I screamed "SEAL IT SEAL IT SEAL IT" as I whizzed by, a brown and black blur.

The temple was crumbling around us as the portal closed. That cat had used up all the mana for the endeavor and there was nothing left for us to get home with. Those who were left were standing around, just waiting to be crushed. But then, the instant before despair was poised to take over us all, my startling genius came to the fore. My nightcap had bestowed upon me "dream power", if I still had that then I could...

We all woke up in my bed, safe and sound. After a brief fit of rage at how simple our escape was, everyone started sorting themselves out. The denizens of Heaven who came to help out went back after saying their goodbyes, save Breel. The teams that dove into the temple all went back to their normal lives. And I did what I always did... I got to work.

With lightning efficiency I arranged to have Lana take over the company. Within hours I was at a press conference to announce as much. My urgency to end my tenure as CEO was fueled by the thought that there was absolutely no way I would dare be in a relationship with Breel in any regard still heading that company that had corrupted my soul. And so, with my position officially filled, I went back home. Home... to Breel. The entire limo ride home felt like an eternity. I was finally going to hold him, feel my fingers raking his fur, bury my face in his neck and take in his musk until become a part of me. And... and yes, finally I'd be able to explore the feeling of him... beneath my tail. I found I'd come to accept that part of things with ease. After all, the way it felt that night, even though nothing had actually happened, still sent tingles all the way to my toes. I vaulted out of the limo and through the front doors, unable to wait a second longer. The mansion, though, was strangely empty. I called out, hearing only a faraway echo of my own voice in reply. I had no choice but to wander in search of anyone... until I found a rose petal on the floor. I bent down to pick it up, the flowery scent tickled my nostrils, but it wasn't just that, another, familiar, exciting, masculine scent was on it too. My heart beating a frantic rhythm, I looked around for another, spying several more down the hall. It was a trail. I followed it, my heart seeming to pump harder with each petal I passed. They grew in frequency and density, until finally I reached my bedroom door... the bottom foot was completely covered in what I could only describe as a "snowdrift" of rose petals. Wading my way through, I opened my door, finding Breel laying in my bed, a single rose in his mouth.

I had no words... but by choice this time. No words could have done the vision in front of me justice. I near floated over to him, my eyes taking in every inch. He flipped the rose in his mouth... with his tongue. The feral shuddering squeak I unleashed only broadened his grin to something more... smoky. His leg hinged at the hip, exposing... himself. My gaze was torn away from that sultry expression right to his throbbing rod. As I bumped into the side of the bed, he took my hand and pulled me up, settling my comparatively diminutive form next to him. His tail curled around my waist as he fixed his eyes to mine. I could tell he was about to say something, but I couldn't wait a single second longer. My arms flew around him, cradling the back of his head and hip, I practically shoved my lips against him, my tongue probing his mouth hungrily. He churred, holding me tighter than I had expected. Every bit of whatever we could manage was pressed together; I didn't want a single fraction of an inch apart from him if I couldn't help it.

We twisted about, rolling together, unabashed at the noises we were making together. Noises I had no idea I was capable of. At times I lost track of where my body ended; Breel felt like such a natural extension of myself I felt like two beings of one body. We must have been at it for hours... when our mouths finally parted the sky out the window had changed from clear blue to a deep sunset orange. Breel stared down at me, his eyes both sparkling with delight and burning with desire, our chests heaving for air. He kissed me once again, pulling back slowly, my lips so eager for his I sat up along with him. I could feel him smiling as we sat upright, breaking the kiss once more.

"You are everything I've been waiting for." He whispered to me, a thin sheen of tears shimmering in his eyes.

I choked out a small laugh, fighting back tears of my own. "How dare you. I was going to say that." With seamless grace he moved us to the head of the bed. Once again we were side by side, his tail around my waist and one arm around my back... I was just about to ask why he brought us to this position again when he held my hand. Smiling a kind, knowing smile, he brought my hand to his thigh. His now familiar warmth seeped into my palm, my eyes were drawn to our hands... when I realized what he was doing. My fingers were less than an inch away from his malehood.

I swallowed, hard. That look he was giving me... I don't know how but he -knew- I was nervous about this part. I'd never been with anyone, let alone another male. It didn't matter that we'd just spent the last hours pressed against each other, this wasn't the same.

He didn't say anything... he just... leaned a little and started lovingly grooming my ear. It tickled in the best way, my toes curled and my whole chest shuddered. It's like he was playing me like an instrument, my hesitation started to flow away... I reached, fingertips brushing against his pole, recoiling for the briefest moment, and then my hand was upon him. It was... warm. It felt warmer than mine, and at least a full inch bigger. My thumb started moving by itself, stroking the underside of his member. His steady breaths began to tremble in my ear, and what was clearly not the first bead of crystal clear pre formed at his tip.

I felt myself move before I thought, Breel making a curious little purr as I leaned forward. His musk grew stronger and stronger as I drew nearer... my lips slipped around his tip, the slick, salty taste of him summoning a deep moan from within me. He responded in kind, a surprised but all too pleased gasp coming from above me. I slid my tongue around his pole as best I could, anything to keep him making those sounds. My free hand snuck in, cupping his perfect orbs, kneading them in my palm against his groin. I felt a near instant increase in the steady flow of pre on my tongue. Just as I felt myself finally starting to get into a comfortable rhythm, I felt Breel's hand take hold of my scruff and pull me up.

I must have given him a hell of a look because I saw him bite his lip to keep down a chuckle. "You are... amazing, Keenie." He said, very out of breath. "But if you want to... finish this proper, we need to do something else first."

"Finish prop--oh." My face burned, my tail lifted, that deep tingle beneath it started to ache. -That-... we'd actually, we were going to... and he'd be... -oh-. He noticed my mind starting to fizzle, his hand cupping my rear and stroking it gently.

"If you'd let me, I can get you ready. I promise, you'll love it." There was no way I could ever have said no. My head nodded without me giving it a signal to do so. The next thing I felt was Breel's firm grip around my tail; he lifted my lower half into the air, pivoting myself around until the fronts of my thighs were on his shoulders. I was so inexperienced I didn't have the faintest idea what he was planning on doing. Surely we needed some lubricant, which I'm certain I didn't own. It was with a soft exhale of breath around my tailhole that something in my brain lit up.

I had no time to process what was about to happen before it did. I felt his steaming hot tongue press against my rear entrance, dragging up to the underside of my tail. My entire body seized up, this unfamiliar body-wracking pleasure sending me into fits of twitches. All I got from him in response was a soft hum of satisfaction.

His tongue swirled about between my cheeks as I started to melt. My previous tense spasms giving way to an all encompassing gooey pleasure. This was only enhanced when he began pushing his tongue -into- me, I was very nearly brought to orgasm on that alone. Feeling something probing inside me... all while buried nose deep in the one I love's musk, it started to overwhelm me. But just before it did, he pulled away with a resounding "schliiick". The magic of this evening was only marred by the thought that I had had far too much of him pulling away from me than I cared for. I needed all of him, all at once, for as long as I wanted, and I'd settle for nothing less. A firm stroke of my side told me I was about to get exactly what I asked for, though.

I steadied myself on my hands and knees, turning about to see Breel's shining face once more. We didn't need words now. I placed my hands on his shoulders and spread my legs over his. That soft, loving expression on his face had me hypnotized, I felt my hips move, rolling up high enough to allow his shaft to fall behind me, running up all the way up and past my tailhole. His hands rested on the nape of my neck and the small of my back, never once pushing me into place.

My breath quickened as I pushed myself up; my nerves were getting to me, my claws dug into Breel's fur deep enough for me to notice, though if it hurt he never let on that it did. It took several adjustments, back and forth, side to side, but finally I could feel his tip against me. I hesitated for several long moments, feeling for all the world that this'd change my life forever. And then I started to lower myself. The feeling of him sliding into me was... it was... complete. It felt like everything I ever wanted combined into a single experience. The most all consuming connection to a love I truly thought I would neither get nor ever deserved.

Breel's tongue started to work the nape of my neck. I didn't even notice I had begun to shake only halfway down his length. The feeling of ethereal happiness didn't fade, but I started to feel the strain my ring was under. Unused to having anything going inside larger than a thermometer, it was struggling to fit Breel's not insignificant girth.

Pressure on my rear halted my advance for the moment. He pulled up, a whole new series of pleasures jolting through me. Then, gently, he let my weight come back down. I could feel myself parting just a little more, fitting the smallest amount extra inside. My blissful exhalation turned into a long, low moan, Breel's excitement flaring up for the briefest of moments as he took my chest fur in his teeth. The surprise of him losing his composure forced a gasp from me, accompanying a reflexive clench from below. He started to work in a rhythm, digging his tongue into wherever he could get a reaction from as he lowered me down his length, stealing a kiss and gripping my fur tight as he pulled me up.

I was in heaven... not literal Heaven, but as close to you can get to it on Earth. The moment his hips finally went flush with my bottom, our eyes met again. A flash darted across his pupils, I knew instantly what we were going to do. He held his hands up, our fingers sliding together, holding each other tight as he leaned forward, going past the point I could hold myself up. But still slowly we lowered, taking a small eternity to lay my back flush with the bed.

With one final press of his lips against mine, his hips started to move. The feeling of him dragging out, both stimulating and leaving me begging for the rest of his length at once, then pushing in, giving me everything I wanted as my deepest untouched depths felt the touch of his shaft... it was... I thought Heaven was perfect... but this was a step beyond.

For the longest moment all I wanted to do was lay there, let Breel do with me whatever he wished as I clung to him; just let the bliss wash over me and drift away into a fuzzy oblivion. But no, I was done being selfish... with him at least. I lifted my legs to settle against his hips, a short but appreciative rumble coming from Breel's chest. Holding him all the tighter, I rolled my hips forward, both giving him a new angle to push even deeper, and adding in my own small thrusts, careful to not jostle him out of me but wanting to add to our experience.

Time seemed to dissolve as we held each other, lips and tongues dancing with and against each other, soft moans and gasps filling the room, the muted sounds of his hips against my rear only adding to everything. My climax built slowly, unlike anything I'd ever experienced. Rather than reaching that all too familiar point of no return, from the instant he entered me I felt my pleasure building, steadily climbing past any point I'd felt before. I was lost in a sea of unending pleasure; unable to think or even remember anything past this moment. It was only when Breel's mouth left mine that my eyes decided to focus, his sweet, handsome face shining with sweat just inches from mine. The way his eyes lay half closed, his mouth open, ears back, he didn't have to say a word. Together, we leaned forward, teeth digging into the side of each other's neck, both of us shivering, moaning openly against the other's fur. We came together, clenching every part of me to him so hard my shaking turned into wild twitching. His pumps of seed were so intense I could feel his length pushing out every pearl of cum deep inside me. My own orgasm sent me floating... it was like every vein in my body was pumping streams of hot loose sand. I must have lost consciousness, though I don't remember it happening, because next thing I knew Breel was next to me, cleaning off the mess on my chest with his tongue.

"I..." I strained out, apparently all the noises I'd been making had taken its toll on my throat. Breel stopped and looked up at me, those sparkling yellow eyes still somehow filled with energy. I tried to say the words, but the spell he held over me once again sent my mouth flapping wordlessly in his presence.

"I love you too." Breel said, a small choke and a sniffle accompanying the confession. It felt like everything in my life had been pointless before tonight. How could I have imagined living any sort of life without him right here, next to me? We spent the next several minutes once more tangled in each others embrace. It was only when I nearly tumbled straight off the edge of the bed, the sheets having wrapped themselves around us to the point we could no longer see where we were, that made us stop.

We looked at each other, hearts thrumming with adrenaline at the near miss, then burst out into laughter. As he held me while we shook in fits of hysterics, tears filled my eyes in what seemed like what was becoming an all too frequent occurrence. In what can only be described as an "elegant sweep", Breel lifted me off the bed and carried me into the bathroom. Something about needing to get the mess off of us because it's not Heaven and I don't want to imagine the mess if we didn't. I can't complain about the shower though. It's an entirely different experience, having someone there with you. Having them hold you gently when they're supposed to be scrubbing, the soft kisses all over your body, feeling your fingers work deep into their fur. The steam billowed about as he opened the door to get towels, leaving me to lavish in the hot stream of water for another minute while he dried off.

The shower ended with gentle sounds of the last droplets hitting the tile and the creak of the door pushing open. Breel was behind me in an instant with my favorite towel and a kiss to the top of my head. I had to make sure to tell him how much I loved that... but as I stepped back into the bedroom, Cerberus sitting on my bed, the jolt of surprise blasted that thought right out of my head.

"Okay, time to go home!" She said matter-of-factly, the words stabbing straight through my heart like a frozen ice pick.

I felt my heart pick up pace once again, but this time for a completely different and entirely unwanted reason. "You can't take Breel away! We've barely had any time together!" I pleaded, as if a tiny mortal ferret who barely came up to the celestial's knee could convince her of anything.

"Sorry, this was always meant to be a temporary thing." Her right head spoke, at least trying to sound a little consoling.

"Technically we were supposed to take them back the moment this was all done." Said her center head, rather callous as usual.

Every magical moment of the past hours seemed to turn black and crumble. The new ambitions of my life pulled out from under me, my old goals seeming hollow, I felt like... nothing. I couldn't even feel myself grip my own arm as I searched fruitlessly for anything I could say to make it go back to when everything was wonderful.

"Hey uh... what about that deal you mentioned during orientation, about incarnating?" Breel cut in, looking rather nervous as he addressed her. There was a spark of light in the dark hole I was falling through, and I was so scared to cling to it... but it was all I had to keep myself from collapsing.

"You want to incarnate?!" Cerberus blurted, clearly caught off guard. "Oh dear, I thing going to the bad place might have given him some serious trauma."

"I'm gonna have a word with Kitsune about screwing up the souls I let him borrow."

"I can hear you, you know." Breel said flatly, clearly unamused at this departure from the life-altering decision. But that tiny light started to grow in my chest, I felt myself able to move and speak again.

"Incarnate? You mean like, you become a real boy?" I said dumbly, mind trying to wrap around the situation in any way it could.

"I -am- real, I just don't have a body to inhabit." He put his hands on his hips, turning to me, I didn't hear a shred of condescension in his voice.

"I don't want you to suffer this world all over again just for me!" I said before I could stop the words from falling out. Of course, I meant it. He was so perfect, so pure, I loved him to the point it made my chest ache and I didn't want to inflict any harm upon him... even if it meant being apart.

"Come on! It's only what, forty, fifty years? I've been in Heaven a lot longer than that! It'll be a snap." He smiled at me, the abyss that had formed within me dissolving just as quickly as it had opened.

"Okay, confession, given Heaven is -so- perfect it's -kinda- hard to come up with rewards for heroic actions." The right head half mumbled, scratching her head.

"We didn't think anyone would actually take us up on that one." Her center head said, a tinge of disbelief and mild exasperation in her voice.

"So you aren't gonna make him a body?" I questioned, the roller coaster of feelings inside me starting to exhaust me more than all the previous hours combined.

"I will, if it's what he wants. I'm just not sure how it'll affect him." The left head said as she shrugged.

"Hey, we've established I've been alive before, I can -handle- it." Breel stated proudly as Cerberus reached down, pinching his halo and plucking it straight off. Instantly Breel's hands flew to his chest, his pupils contracting as a spike of worry drove itself through me. "WHAT is that moving in my chest?!" I almost laughed... really hard. The relief after such a sudden onset jolt nearly enough to override my exhausted emotions.

"You mean the breathing, or the heartbeat?" I asked, walking over to the poor boy, all while wondering what all the breathing and pulsating I felt when we were together was about. 'It's just Heaven being Heaven again' I told myself as I placed a hand on his shoulder, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"So... are you still okay with this? Once I'm gone you'll have to wait it out." Cerberus asked, a bit of concern seeping into her question. But Breel, now the one seemingly incapable of speech, just nodded, tears flowing even as he beamed up at her. "Okay, see you at the other end!" "Have fun!" And with the inexplicable appearance of glowing golden staircase, she ascended through the ceiling and was gone.

"Breel, you didn't have to do this for me..." I choked out, starting to embrace him, my tears quickly catching up to his on their way to the floor.

"Aww, but if you'll have me, why not?" His hands on my shoulders, his lips drawing to mine once more.

And that... leaves me here. Flustered beyond belief at how I just went and wrote about my first time on paper. And still I... think I might have a few words to say.

Breel, my actual angel. Before you I was lost... on a path of no redemption, thinking money could solve every problem in this world, instead of just most of them. You showed me, with a kindness and patience I never knew existed in any world, exactly who I could be. I never want to be apart from your smile. Never but a moment away from feeling your embrace. You're my everything, and I can't wait to spend eternity with you.

... I hope the tears on the page don't make that too hard to read. I'll... I'm off to go see him.

Keene Milton