Kurt: the awakening

Story by razgriz_ghost on SoFurry

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#7 of new folder...

Disclaimer: the characters are mine if the description is damn near that of another's character than its by coincidence and I don't own any products like coke or Sony etc that are mentioned. Also if it is offensive to anyone then get the fuck out right now if not enjoy and if your under 18 if over then also enjoy.


Over the next week kurt learned that there are a lot of items here that are in his dimension such as a camera, tv etc

Kurt awoke to find that he was in the middle of the bed on his back with amber on his left arm and linda on his right arm. As he looked down he saw a familiar sight _well this could become a fun morning_ he thought as the girls awoke and stared at his morning wood.

"well I you can't go out of the house with that can you?" asked linda in a teasing/playful tone. "and I can think of only one thing that can get it down." Said amber then amber whispered something into linda's ear which kurt couldn't hear. Then they threw off the covers and amber went over to his wood and sat on his legs as linda sat on his face with her pussy on his lips. "lick her and fuck me." Ordered amber and kurt had absolutely no objections as amber slammed his member into her awaiting walls as kurt stuck his tongue into linda who gave a shudder _Mmmm linda tastes like honeydew melon this is gonna be fucking awesome_ he thought as he found her g-spot. "kurt right there don't stop." Linda moaned as he heard her breath quicken. "kurt please more." "Amber moaned as he just realized that he was playing with her breasts. "oh kurt faster faster" "kurt im almost there." "im getting close." They said as kurt couldn't identify who was who as he was to immersed in licking and fucking his girlfriends "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" they yelled in unison as the girls and kurt came. Linda clamped on kurt's tongue while splashing her juices all over his face while amber clamped on his member as this made him shoot 10 jets of his sticky spunk into her womb.

As they relaxed a little they switched places as amber was on his face. "commence." Kurt said as the girls lowered themselves onto him. Kurt had already knew where her g-spot was \ _Mmmmm linda tastes like honeydew melon while amber tastes like watermelon. Well then again they do have nice melons_ he thought as he gave amber's g-spot ample attention. "kurt we are getting close" said linda but kurt didn't hear as he just tasted his own sperm from ambers pussy __ GAAAHH how does she manage to suck me off then take my load in her mouth and smile? My spunk is nasty shit_ he thought as amber came splashing across his face and death gripping his tongue making it numb and while linda came causing him to shoot 11 jets of his sticky spunk into her womb.

"I don't know how you too do it but im going down stairs to start breakfast." She panted and went downstairs as amber got off his face as she tossed him a rag. "how come she can't last long?" asked kurt "I don't know. Besides im good for another round and it seems like you are to." Said amber while pointing at his erect member "hehe so it would seem." Said kurt with a smile. Kurt got up and walked over to amber who was looking away from him. He grabbed her and wrestled her to the ground. "oh it would seem that you like to do it on the floor." She said as she was on all fours "do what ou want I will not object." She said with that kurt put her head on the floor with her ass in the air as he slammed himself into her and pounded her hard and fast. "ah ah ah ah kurt im getting ah close." "Me too amber." "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Linda screamed as she reached her climax pretty quick due to the fact she was in the aftergloo of the previous orgasm and clamp around kurt making him shoot 12 ropes of his spunk into her womb.

"loud enough?" asked linda as kurt and amber walked downstairs "were we really that loud?" amber asked "yes actually you were even more so you gave the delivery guy a nose bleed and he left with a stupid grin." Said linda at this kurt laughed "yeah well I hope you think that's funny because my brother has challenged you." Said linda at this kurt laughed even harder " and this arrived for you from a holly pinto." Said linda handing him an envelope kurt opened the envelope and found a picture of a naked bluish-grey bat laying open legged at the camera. "GOD DAMNIT THAT'S MY COUSIN!" yelled amber "oh shit I forgot about the tradition." "what tradition?" asked kurt "my family's tradition is that whenever moves in with a guy the girls are to try and claim him the tradition only ends with marriage or impregnation \ _WHOA WHOA BACK IT THE FUCK UP. WHAT?_ he thought

"yeah well when's the match with your brother linda?" asked kurt "it is in 2 hours. And don't let his looks fool you he can cause some serious damage. He was going easy on you that once when I moved in. but he said either fight him and die or surrender by kissing his feet." Said linda "I WOULD RATHER DIE." Yelled kurt "hey let's go swim. There's a lake not too far from here." Said amber changing the subject "ok lets go." Said kurt and linda simultaneously.

When they got to the lake no one was there but kurt brought his sword because he would go to the fight after the swim. They were in swim suits kurt in snow camo trunks, linda in a white bikini and amber in ironically an amber bikini. About 30 minutes into the girls swim kurt sunbath a couple douche bags came along. "hey look at the hot girls. No one's around so let's rape them." Said douche #1 "ok dude. Ok everyone let's move in." said douche #2 when they all moved out which they all seemed to miss him as they almost walked on him they entered the water as kurt pretended to be asleep as he counted there to be 4 of them. As they snuck up behind the girls and grabbed them. "hey let us go you assholes." Said linda angrily "I recommend you hold your tongue girls and suck on our dicks." Said douche #4 while holding a knife to linda's throat "KURT HELP!" yelled amber "there's no one here now start sucking." said douche #1 pulling out his dick "well what are you waiting for?" asked #1 "tweezers and a microscope." Said amber kurt almost burst out laughing \ _well I guess I should help out now huh_ kurt thought as he got up and drew his 5'7'' sword and walked through the water to them "put that tiny thing away. Get lost or die." Kurt said "who the hell do you think you are?" asked #3 "girls get out of the water because it is about to get bloody." Said kurt showing the length of his sword as the girls got out. "ha I know your kind. You get the biggest sword you can but you can't fight worth shit." Said #1 while the others laughed "well then let me tell you im the real deal not like the others you are referring too." Said kurt coolly "let's just see about that." Said #1 as the others surrounded kurt. __ how pathetic. this gonna be quick__ kurt thought just as the one behind him charged kurt stabbed him trough the heart by turning his sword around then the left one kurt pulled out his sword and cut his head off then the one that is now behind him kurt put the tip of his sword on an underwater rock and pushed himself up and jumped then heel dropped his #2's head which smashed open like a watermelon. "now what was that about me not knowing how to fight?" asked kurt "DIE FUCKER!" yelled #1 as he charged at kurt who stabbed #1 through the crotch "OWWWWWWWWWWW!" yelled the girls as #1 bent over in pain "now die." Said kurt as he drew the sword upwards and cut him in half.

"now what?" asked kurt looking back at the bloody lake as about 18.8-20 pints of blood spilled into the lake and some brains. "get dressed and watch tv I guess." When they got home a letter was waiting for them. Kurt picked it up and it read: I so do look forward into seeing you kiss my feet kurt. Sincerely henry.

1 hour passed "well I think I should go." Said kurt "kurt the place is the water fountain in the center of town. Just answer me one thing." Said linda "sure what?" asked kurt "please don't die." Said linda "don't make me laugh. Like im able to lose to him. I will be back." said kurt "wait we are coming to." Said amber "if you want to." Said kurt and with that they left for the fight.

When they arrived henry was already there and the towns people weren't in the circle that was town center. "bout time I thought you chickened out." Said henry as kurt approached and the girls stayed by the sidelines. "me chicken out to you? Don't make me laugh." Said kurt "just draw your sword henry." Said kurt as they both drew their swords as henry had a 2'4'' long sword made of black metal.

Henry appeared right behind kurt in a blink of an eye "I told you that you're dead." Said henry as kurt jumped away \ _how does he know zero step? Could he have trained with blitz?_ kurt thought for the next 15 minutes they clashed swords both using zero step not one of them got hurt or even tired. "im impressed kurt you're better than I thought but I don't have time for this." With that a blue aura surrounded henry \ _what the fuck is this_ wondered kurt as henry passed him and kurt fell onto the ground and saw his lower half was separated from his body __ no this can't be I can't die yet__ "I told you that you would die. You are not worthy enough to be my sister's lover but you are the only the second that I have used this on." said henry as he started to laugh with that kurt saw black curtains starting to surround his eyes "die." Said a voice \ _no_ "die" __ NO__ "just die and you can rest" \ _NO NEVER I STILL HAVE TO PROTECT LINDA AND AMBER AND I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I COMPLETE THAT PROMISE_ "then use my power and you can defeat him and continue to love them." __ fine anything just so that I protect them_._ "good."

"HAHAHA see what your lover is now sis? Nothing but a dead body." Said henry as amber slumped to the floor. _no it can't be how could he die no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO_ screamed amber in her mind as her body lost it's ability to talk then a whirlwind appeared around kurt's body throwing dust around so you couldn't see inside. Then the whirlwind stopped but what was standing there was kurt with horns, enormous wings and 3 enormous tails that were what looked like darkness.

"hey henry I am not done yet." With this henry turned around and froze. In a split second kurt speed up to henry who looked like he was moving in slow-mo then kurt punched henry in the stomach which caused him to cough up blood then time sped back up and henry flew through 6 buildings and went unconscious then kurt's body felt as though he just bench pressed an entire freight train cars and all then he fell unconscious. "hi there." Said the voice \ _who are you and why did you help me?_ asked kurt in his mind "well let's put it this way if you die I die and as for who am I that is for another time." wait answer me god damnit. Hello hello? Shit.


Please rate and comment and any ideas?

Kurt: moonlight confession

Disclaimer: the characters are mine if the description is damn near that of another's character than its by coincidence and I don't own any products like coke or Sony etc that are mentioned. Also if it is offensive to anyone then get the fuck out right...

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Kurt: a Fun Night

Disclaimer: the characters are mine if the description is damn near that of another's character than its by coincidence and I don't own any products like coke or Sony etc that are mentioned. Also if it is offensive to anyone then get the fuck out right...

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Kurt: The Test

Disclaimer: the characters are mine if the description is damn near that of another's character than its by coincidence and I don't own any products like coke or Sony etc that are mentioned. Also if it is offensive to anyone then get the fuck out right...

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