Pandora's Box: Part 5

Story by MisstressChange on SoFurry

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The goddess visits Jenny's argumentative neighbors, where she turns the unhappy family of four into a loving pride.

Pandora's Box: Part 5

By MisstressChange

The world went black for but a moment as the goddess sphinx phased through the wall separating Jenny's apartment from her neighbor's. When the light of the world returned, a new domicile awaited her. It was at least twice as large as Jenny's and was better decorated and furnished, at least for a human dwelling. Moreover, it was large enough for a whole family.

Stopping in place, she gazed around the well-lit room, looking for the source of the shouting she had previously heard from beyond Jenny's wall. As if on cue, an irritated voice sounded off to her left, making her four ears twitch. It was coming from the kitchen not too far away. It had its own room, unlike Jenny's kitchenette.

"I'm tired of living in a shoebox, Daniel. I miss our old house, my old kitchen. I barely have the room to cook or bake in here. This is no place to live." The shrill, female voice was the first the sphinx heard of the apartment's inhabitants. It was followed by a frustrated male voice.

"Well, I can't control where we can afford to live, Karen. It's not my fault the firm went tits up. So what do you expect me to do?" The clattering of metal followed up the voice as various cutlery was pulled from cupboards. The goddess decided to take a look at her soon-to-be devotees and started toward them.

"Why can't you get a job like your old one? One that pays more? There has to be something out there." This 'Karen' woman asked as the goddess reached the kitchen, entering by phasing straight through the wall as with the previous. The two humans on the other side appeared as she would have guessed. They were both middle age, their youthful looks clearly behind them. The male had some signs of balding, and the female's skin had blemishes. Both the male's dark hair and the female's blonde hair had streaks of grey. Neither of them would see her in her current state.

The male looked like he hadn't had time to change out of his work clothes. Although, the goddess, having been trapped for two millennia, wouldn't know any different. She studied the two as they went about the kitchen, preparing food and arguing. They seemed rushed and avoided each other's gazes as they went about their tasks.

"I can't just 'get a new job.' What accounting firm is going to hire a middle-aged manager whose previous firm went bankrupt?" Danial already looked frustrated with the woman, and his anger seemed to be boiling ever higher with each thing Karen brought up.

"Well, I think you could find one if you tried a little harder," Karen replied. The nuances of job searching in the post-modern age were clearly lost on her. Daniel was starting to lose his temper.

"We're lucky I managed to get the job I have now, for the pay I receive!" Daniel's half-shouted. He stopped what he was doing to glare at her. He caught himself before his voice got much louder and toned himself down to prevent their kids from hearing. "If it matters so much to you, why don't you get a job? It's not like the kids need you here all day. They're both going off to college in a few months."

"I haven't worked since we decided to have them. I can't start now. Where would I even get a job, the grocery store?" She sounded offended that Daniel would even suggest she find work. She opened the oven and bent over, pulling out a pot of roast beef with oven mitts and setting it on the stovetop with a clasp. David lifted a pot of boiling potatoes out of her way, drained it in the sink, and then dropped it down on a wooden cutting board.

"I don't know what to tell you, Karen. If you aren't willing to pitch in, then this is the way it's going to stay." Daniel began mashing the potatoes in the pot, taking the last of his anger out on the starchy vegetables.

The entire time the goddess watched, unseen, with an eyebrow raised as the two bickered like a couple in a soap opera. Karen started cutting the roast into servable slices with an electric device with moving blades sticking out of the end. The goddess found such an object rather peculiar yet practical.

"We'll talk about this later." Karen quipped dismissively, slicing the roast up piece by piece.

"Yeah, sure, Karen, just end the conversation whenever it's convenient." He replied, lifting the pot of mashed potatoes off the counter and heading for the dining area. As he walked away, he unknowingly passed straight through the goddess. He shivered as he got suddenly cold for a moment and paused briefly before continuing.

"Enough, Dan. I said we'll talk about it later." She disregarded his sarcastic comment and put the slicer down. Daniel just knew she'd bring it up some other time as a point against him in another argument.

Hoisting the platter of cut roast up off the stove, Karen turned and followed her husband out of the kitchen, shivering as she walked through the unseen entity. They both set the food down, and Karen returned to the kitchen to get the green beans. "Can you call the kids?" She asked him, shivering as she once again walked through the goddess, who seemed unphased by having people walk straight through her.

The sphinx stepped into the dining area and paced slowly around the table set, observing the nightly feast to be.

"Dinner's ready!" Daniel called out. He took hold of a large glass pitcher of water and went about pouring it into the glasses placed at each of the four spots. It wasn't long before a thumping sound came from one of the rooms down the short hallway past the living area. The goddess's ears perked, picking up the dainty thuds of footsteps on the carpet.

A door opened, and a slim, young lady with brown hair came padding out of the room into view. The goddess stopped to observe the soon-to-be follower as she entered the room and casually took her place at the table. She pulled a strange black rectangle from her jean shorts and stared down at it, face illuminated while her thumbs tapped over its surface.

"Where's Robby?" Danial asked his daughter. The girl answered without even looking up from the glowing object.

"I dunno, his door was still closed when I walked past it." She paused to scoff in disgust. "Thank god for that."

"Robby!" Daniel bellowed, making the girl flinch on instinct. She peered up at him from her phone and sneered at him, clearly unamused. He spoke to her again. "Are you still going to that bonfire tonight?" Once again, she didn't even look up from her phone to answer.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Her snarky tone was testing Daniel's patience, which was still strained from earlier.

"Just wondering." He sounded exasperated, and his voice took on a more passive-aggressive tone. "Do you need a ride?"

"No, I'm good, thanks. Casey's gonna drive us there." She paused to glance up at her father for a moment. "Thanks for the offer, though, dad."

"Ok, well, just be safe. Promise me you two won't drive home if you drink, alright? If you need a ride home, call me, ok? I'd be more than happy to pick you up." The girl sighed.

"Ok, dad, I will...." She rolled her eyes.

"I know you don't want to be seen with you're 'lame dad,' but it's better than crashing your car or getting a DUI." He turned his head towards the hallway again. "Robby! Dinner!" He shouted with impunity, losing what little patience he had left.

"I'm coming!" Came an aggravated shout from the room nearest them, barely muffled by the door. They all heard a thumping as someone walked around the same room. The door opened violently, and a boy who looked about the same age, if not a little older than the girl, strode out. He headed straight for the table. Without acknowledging anyone in the room, he pulled out his chair and sat down.

"What's the holdup, Robby?" Daniel asked.

"In the middle of a game," Robby grumbled.

"Couldn't you just put it on pause?" Daniel rebutted. Robby scoffed at the question.

"Dad, it's online. You can't just pause the game." He responded sassily. "I've told you a million times already."

"Dad's a boomer, Robby. He can't remember." Robby's sister added. Robby snickered a little at her comment. Karen returned from the kitchen with a bowl of steamed green beans.

"Chloe, don't talk about your father like that." She chided, setting the bowl down and pulling out her chair. Daniel let out another exasperated sigh and finally took his seat as well. Each of them now sat at one of the four sides of the table. The goddess stood, watching them with hands on her hips as they bowed their heads, except for Robby, who looked at the others with an unimpressed look on his face.

Karen led the family in prayer, stating her and, supposedly, the rest of the family's gratitude for the food set before them. Robby leaned back in his chair, waiting for them to finish with a bored expression on his face.

"Good boy, Robby. No sense in worshipping false gods. Very soon, your one and only goddess shall embrace you, and you shall embrace me." The goddess's words went unheard as the family went on.

"Amen," Karen said, ending her prayer. The other three mumbled an 'amen' before picking up their utensils from the table and digging into their food.

As they ate, the goddess observed them, pondering over the somewhat dysfunctional mortals before her. She peered into each of their minds, revealing their daily routines and lives in general.

Starting with Daniel, she saw him going to work every day, working his hands to the bone and pulling late shifts to provide for his ungrateful family. Stuck behind his desk, he slaved away, running himself ragged for his boss, earning a meager pay compared to his previous work.

Next was Karen. She watched as the woman spent her days barely justifying her work-free lifestyle, cleaning here and there occasionally and throwing together meals. However, most of her time was spent in front of the TV, watching trashy shows, or spending her husband's money on herself while out getting groceries.

Reading Chloe's mind, the goddess saw a girl obsessed with how others saw her, spending a heinous amount of time enhancing her looks. The girl held contempt for others she saw as less beautiful than her, even if only judging them silently from afar. Those she saw as more pretty than her, she coveted, throwing aside all gratitude for the beauty she already had.

And lastly, Robby. She saw an angsty boy, full of testosterone and with no constructive outlet for it. He'd waste his free time playing games on his strange devices, shouting angrily at those he played with and against. He used words that even the goddess knew, who was two millennia behind, were full of hatred.

"What a 'quaint' family." She said to herself, the others still unable to hear her. "What shall you four become?" She thought about it for a moment. It didn't take long to decide. "What you four need is to take a little 'pride' in each other as a family, a pride of lions to be exact. Just like Mark, you'll join a whole new family, worshiping me."

She looked at Daniel and Karen, all four of them eating in silence. "I know just the roles for you." She smirked mysteriously. "You'll both need new bodies that fit your lifestyles. After all, it's the female lions that do all the heavy lifting. The males sleep most of the day."

The goddess sphinx waited until all four of them took a nice bite of the beef roast, and when they had, she raised her hand before her and snapped her fingers.

All four humans looked up, hearing the snap as if it were a gunshot. They all looked around the room, confused, but soon their curiosity would be forgotten as their mouths started to water. The roast in their mouths suddenly tasted several times better. In fact, it was the best roast they had ever tasted. Perhaps the best food they had ever tasted.

"Mmm, mom, this is...really good." Chloe complimented, mouth full, nearly drooling.

"Yeah, mom, this is...great." Robby chimed in, agreeing with her. Daniel simply stuck his fork into the rest of the roast on his plate, jamming more into his watering mouth.

"Mhmmm...I musht hove...reawy outdone myshelf dish time..." Karen replied through a mouthful of meat. Daniel reached for some more off the platter. The others took turns doing the same. None of them noticed how the meat seemed to replenish with each piece taken. In fact, there appeared to be more roast than there had been previously.

The four of them ignored the rest of their meals for the slices of roast, eventually eschewing their knives to bite straight into the pieces hanging off their forks.

"So good..." Chloe murmured absentmindedly as she picked another piece from the platter with her bare hands, bringing it straight to her face. The others also cut out the middle man and dropped their forks, grabbing pieces and stuffing them in their mouths.

They all hummed in pleasure, the roast only tasting better and better with each slice eaten. Flavors they didn't think were possible danced across their tongues, lighting up the synapses in their brains. Blood began to flow to their nether regions, and all four of them were becoming rapidly aroused.

The four of them ate like beasts now, steadily losing control of themselves. They frantically grabbed at the platter to get as much meat as they could. Each of them snarled or growled in a voice not their own whenever one another's hands got in the other's way. The sounds of them eating and snarling drowned out the sound of cracks and snaps as their legs began to recombine.

"Here we go. It won't be long now." The goddess sphinx commented to herself. Her hand rested on her hip as she watched them lose control. A wicked smile spread across her muzzled face, no longer invisible to the family. They were far too occupied to notice her standing there.

One after another, they tossed their plates and cutlery aside to make room for the piles of meat they pulled from the never-ending platter. Messy piles of roast beef sat before each of them, their dishes scattered amongst the floor around the table. They each grabbed handfuls of roast with one of their hands, tearing pieces off with their rapidly changing teeth. Their other hands went southward to tend to the fires raging between their legs.

Daniel unzipped his jeans, letting his six-inch cock spring free under the table. Then, with his member free, he began stroking himself off, unable to control himself in front of his family.

Robby teetered back and forth in his chair, pulling his tented sweatpants down and kicking them off his new, digitigrade legs and leonine claws. His five-inch cock bobbed out of his boxers, and he went to town on his stiff rod.

Karen fumbled to undo her own jeans. Her hand forced itself into the tight space beyond her open fly, clawing through her pubic hair to reach her drooling snatch. Her fingers sunk through her pussy lips, and her thumb rubbed her clit.

Chloe had her hand inside her fly shorts, fingers plunging in and out of her wet hole. Her shifted legs twitched as she hit her g-spot over and over again.

All four of them were too busy devouring all the roast they could to notice how much their faces had changed. Their new carnivorous teeth now correctly fit in their new leonine muzzles. Their noses flattened and widened, turning black and leathery.

The growls and snarls that filled the room were much deeper now, bestial. The room sounded more like the pen of a zoo than an apartment.

Fur sprouted from every inch of their bodies, coating their skin in a soft pelt. Daniel, Robby, and Chloe all had the same light, tawny brown coloration, while Karen's got a darker, more golden orange. Their ears rounded out, enlarging and moving up their heads, closer to the tops of their broader skulls.

Karen's pants split at the seams as her form grew larger. Her muscles tightened and bulked. Her upper frame widened, too, giving her a powerful masculine shape. The buttons of her blouse flew off as her shirt stretched, as did her bra, which no longer held anything. Karen's bountiful breasts had receded into massive pecs, her nipples now smaller.

Daniel and Robby were experiencing changes much the opposite. Their waists slimmed while their hips expanded. Daniel's jeans strained against his new hips, and he stopped what he was doing to pull them down, kicking them off under the table. The waistband of Robby's sweatpants slid up to his waist, the path of least resistance.

Their shoulders shrunk inward, and their musculature softened. Their muzzled faces feminized while Karen's masculinized. Chloe, who hadn't experienced any gender-related changes, now looked far more beastly than the others. Her hands were larger now and had retracted claws instead of fingernails. A tail hung down from out of her shorts. The brown tuft rested on the carpet below her.

The transforming family appeared to have finally sated their hunger, and their attention had turned entirely to another type of hunger. They wished to satisfy the appetite of lust that was quickly consumed them.

Karen took her powerful arms to her blouse and tore the fabric from her torso, going back to remove her bra. After discarding the useless articles, she took to her jeans, slicing the partially separated seams as her fingernails finished their transformation into sharp claws. She shredded through her panties to find that her clit had grown quite a bit. It stood almost erect at 3 inches. She just had to stroke it.

Daniel had already pulled his boxers off, as well as his polo shirt, which was starting to tighten as two soft orbs grew from his chest. Robby tore his t-shirt off, too, feeling the same pressure in his own chest. Both of them had fewer and fewer penis to stroke by the second, their members shrinking by each second passing.

Chloe had finished transforming, her last change being the extra nipples dotting down her chest and tummy. The new lioness pulled her top off and plucked the center of her bra with her nail. The garment fell away as she relaxed her shoulders. With that, she went back to fingering herself, one hand playing with her tits.

Karen's clit had reached seven inches and was no longer really a clit at all. She furiously stroked her new, still growing member. A furry sack formed from her pussy lips and filled with testes that were once her ovaries. They grew to the size of plums and rested on the seat of her chair between her legs. Her blonde hair turned a shade of dark red and merged with the fur on her neck. The rest of her neck fur grew out and joined with her new mane, ending at the top of her chest, forming a V-shape that only added to the masculine look of her, no, his upper body.

Daniel watched him complete his transformations, with undivided fascination, feelings of arousal for the manly, alpha male before him taking control. He wanted Karen to mount him so fucking bad, mount him and claim him, or rather, her as the alphas own. Along with the other two lionesses, the four would make a wonderful pride together. As her member finished shrinking down into a sensitive clitoris, her hand sunk down to feel her testes retreat into her to become her new, female reproductive organs. Her sack divided and tightened, becoming sensitive pussy flesh. Eventually, she was able to sink her furry fingers into her new vagina.

Robby felt up his new breasts with both his paw-like hands, tweaking his wide, sensitive nipples. He, too, stared at his once-mother, watching the alpha lion stroke off his new ten-inch cock. The male grinned wickedly back at him, enjoying the show of watching his son become a cute lioness before his eyes. Robby gulped then moaned involuntarily as the male's stare awakened something deep down inside him. The sound leaving his throat was unmistakably that of a female, girly and soft. Robby wanted nothing more than to ride the mighty cock of her alpha.

Chloe took the initiative, wanting first dibs on the new male lion. She stood up from her chair, letting it fall over backward as she climbed up onto the table. Plates and cutlery spilled over the edge of the table as the lioness crawled in front of her alpha. Then, turning toward Robby, she presented her drooling pussy to Karen, making sure to arch her back so she could get her bottom as close to the male's face as possible. She looked back at him with bedroom eyes.

"Want an appetizer, big boy?" She swayed her ass back and forth, enticing the male further. The female scent overwhelming Karen's new nose was doing more to drive his arousal than Chloe's movements and sultry voice could ever hope to.

Karen let out a manly grunt and leaned forward, diving his muzzle deep into her moist muff. He licked through her fold vigorously with his rough feline tongue, getting in deep to drink from her juices. Chloe sighed in pleasure and stared forward into Robby's pleading eyes.

Robby's right hand went south to touch her new pussy, moaning at the shocking, sudden sensation it delivered. Chloe grinned at the new lioness as she was eaten out by her former mother. "Jealous, sister?" she asked, teasing the girl. Robby let out a whimper in response. "You have no idea how good thi-OH! This feels." Her sentence was broken by a short moan when Karen momentarily stuck his tongue deep inside her.

She brought a furry hand to Robby's chin and guided the former boy's mouth to hers. The two shared a passionate kiss, tongues intertwining between their maws. Robby closed her eyes and leaned into their kiss, submitting completely.

Chloe was suddenly jerked backward, being ripped away from her surprised sister. Karen had pulled the girl's hips, bringing her closer to him. He growled impatiently.

"Enough appetizers. I want the whole meal. Get down here and ride me." Karen had enough of Chloe's sweet scent and taste. He wanted to cram his new cock in her more than anything. He loved this unique dominant nature he exhibited, and his bulging muscles made him feel like he could facilitate that nature.

"Alright, alright, big boy. All you have to do is ask." She climbed backward off the table, legs straddling Karen's. Her ass hovered right over the male's member, and her tail was curled and resting on Karen's stomach and chest. Daniel and Robby watched with slacked jaws and gaped mouths as Chloe lowered herself onto Karen's member, taking it all in one move. She let out a long gasping moan as she felt it stretch and filler her.

Karen groaned in pleasure, and the other two lionesses looked on, green with jealousy. Chloe sat on her alpha's lap, full of his cock. She looked with lust-crazed eyes to the two watching her while they fingered themselves. "I'll be a little while. Why don't you two play with each other? Get more aquatinted with your new bodies and selves." She started to slowly rock back and forth on Karen's lap. Both of them cooed at the new sensations. "Put on a show for us." She suggested breathily.

Daniel turned to Robby, who still sat slack-jawed at the two mating across the table. She lifted her digitigrade leg under the table and stroked Robby's, trying to draw her attention. Robby turned her head to see the lioness smiling warmly at her. Her paw-like foot ran up and down Robby's leg, enticing her.

"Wanna go play, sister? I'd love to see what we can feel now that we're girls." Her hand slid under the table and caressed Robby's knee, stroking her thumb across the girl's fur. Daniel stood up from her chair, pushing it over the carpet. She held out her hand, offering it to Robby. Robby glanced at it for a moment, then took it, looking up at her father-turned-sister. The lioness helped Robby out of her chair. She led her by the small of her back to a space around the table where the other two could get a good view.

Chloe, meanwhile, was being lifted up and down on Karen's leonine cock by the male's powerful arms, his strong hands gripping her spread thighs. She moaned each time she sunk down on his member, and she watched the two with glazed-over eyes. Karen watched as well, soaking in the sight of Daniel taking Robby in her arms and caressing her.

"Let's give them a good show, sweetie. I want to explore every inch of our bodies." She spoke tenderly, and Robby merely nodded in return, gazing up into her eye longingly. Then, finally, they leaned into one another, and their muzzles met. The other two watched on as the two new lionesses felt each other's feminine forms, paw-like hands running gently through each other's fur.

Daniel's hand came up to caress one of Robby's C-cups, her other hand wrapped around the small of her back. Robby's hands were at her arms, simply letting the lioness touch her. She finally let her right arm down between Daniel's legs, wanting to feel her wet pussy lips. Daniel cooed into Robby's mouth and broke the kiss. She rested her head on Robby's shoulder and sighed as the hand got further into her folds.

"I was wondering when you'd go for the goods." She sighed pleasantly into the former boy's ear. Then, she pulled her hand away from Robby's breast and reached between the girl's legs.

"Ahh...Fuck..." Robby moaned out, gasping as Daniel forced her two fingers right into Robby's hole. Robby's hand faltered for but a moment before she adjusted to the sudden sensations shocking her system.

"Good girls, discover every wonderful thing being a woman has to offer. Soon enough, you'll get a turn up here." She encouraged the two while she was repeatedly impaled on her alpha's cock. Daniel sunk her fingers as deep into Robby as she could, making the girl softly cry out. Robby tried to return her new sister's techniques, having never done this before, let alone as a female. She pressed her own fingers into Daniel's hole, and happy sighs graced her ears in turn.

"Rrrr, you're fucking tight, sister. I'm gonna cum." Karen growled out. Chloe's moans giving away just how close she was as well.

"Yeah, fucking cum in me, brother. I want to feel your hot jizz inside of me." She cried out breathily. With one last thrust downward, Karen pulled Chloe all the way down into his lap, pushing every inch of his member into her. Karen gritted his teeth and clamped his eyes shut, growling ferociously. His cock pulsed a thick glob of white lion cum into his former daughter, the second filling her cavity to total capacity before spurting out from her pussy.

Chloe's eyes rolled back into her head, and her tongue lolled out of her open, unspeaking mouth. Convulsions wracked her legs and pussy as she orgasmed from being bottomed out by her alpha's cock. Cum continued to spurt from her stuffed opening, making a mess of the chair beneath the two.

With the last few small spurts from Karen's cock, the two lions came down from their orgasmic highs, panting and expressing their satisfaction through tired but joyful sighs. When the world slipped back to them, they both turned their heads to see Robby and Daniel both pleasuring each other, fingers frantically trusting in and out of each other's new holes. They had gone back to kissing, too, their free hands groping their partner's form in an exploratory manner. Soft moans and cries filled their part of the room, and their tails swayed back and forth happily

"Which one do you want next, brother?" She asked, eyes glued to the erotic scene before them. Karen chuckled softly, half snarling.

"Daniel. I want Daniel. I want to show him what it's like to be fucked good and proper by a real male's cock." Chloe could feel whatever portion of his cock had softened stiffen back up inside her.

"Good choice, brother." She replied, grinning at the two lionesses. Then, she raised her voice to them like a taskmaster coordinating workflow. "Hey! You two. Enough lezzing out. Your alpha needs another hole to fuck." The two stopped what they were doing, looking back to Chloe and Karen with their fingers still in each other's pussies. She then raised her hand and pointed to Daniel, turning it over to curl her finger, gesturing her over.

Daniel slowly released herself from Robby's loving embrace and started toward the others. Her hips swayed enticingly, and she brought the hand that had been inside Robby to her mouth. She looked Karen in the eyes as she sucked the lioness's juices off her fingers. The girl wanted to give her strong, handsome male more of a show.

"Good girl, Daniel. I can't wait to have all ten inches of this meat inside you, filling you up with my seed. There's much...much more where this came from, after all." His voice rumbled deep and predatory. His hand reached down in front of Chloe to scoop some of the cum from her crotch. Then he brought it back up so Daniel could see the sticky, globby mess. Strings of it connected between his broad, furry fingers. Daniel looked at it intently and licked her lips. "Want it?" He asked her with a smug grin on his face.

"Yes, please, my alpha." She said before taking his hand with hers, bringing it to her mouth. Daniel licked away at Karen's fingers, tasting the salty, sweet taste of his semen. The grin on Karen's face only got broader and smugger as he watched her clean him.

Chloe had been watching Robby while the others teased each other. Their eyes were locked, and Robby had his hand between his legs, filling the void left by her lover. Chloe licked her chops, and Robby returned the gesticulation. Little by little, a hunger grew between them that they, as siblings, had never had before. An itch buzzed in their beings that needed to be scratched.

Karen gave Chloe a couple of hard pats on her rump, and the still impaled girl snapped out of her temporary trance. She looked back momentarily, then back in front of herself. Taking her cue to move, the young lioness hoisted herself off the lion's member, moaning as it slid free. Jizz poured from her snatch, emptying the majority all over the seat of the wooded chair. She made her way forward, crawling onto the table.

Robby's attention had been drawn to Daniel, who was almost finished cleaning the hand presented to her. She mimicked her former father, sucking on the fingers of her free hand, all the while oblivious to the dishes and food being swept over the table edges as his sister repositioned.

"Hey, sister," Chloe said in a very teasing tone, trying to catch Robby's attention. The new lioness looked to see Chloe bent over and her tail raised, presenting her messy pussy and puckered asshole. The fur around her crotch, ass, and inner thighs were matted and sticky with Karen's love juices. She stopped what she was doing, and her hands left her body as she stared in aroused awe. Chloe giggled.

"Well, don't just stand there, sister, pull up a chair and...give me a bath." Robby swallowed hard and started towards her without even thinking. She moved around the chair in front of the lewd display on the table and sat down eagerly, pulling it and herself closer. Her hands slowly crept up to Chloe's ankles at the edge where her feet hung off the side. She took in the sight before her. Chloe's sticky, juicy crotch moved like a hypnotist's watch as she swayed her hips slowly back and forth. Her head appeared as she peered back at her hungry sister, and she gave the girl a knowing smile. "Well, what are you waiting for...dig in."

Robby's hands grabbed at Chloe's thighs and pulled the presenting lioness's hips toward herself, planting her muzzle right in that muff. Her tongue darted out, taking wide laps of her folds while she drew in long breaths of her scent. She savored the taste and smell of her new sister and also of her new brother, whose seed she drank greedily.

Chloe cooed and relaxed her arms, allowing her upper body to slide down and rest on top of the table. "Mmmm, yeah... just like that, sis. Get right in there." She purred and let her eyes shut so she could focus on the rough, wide tongue dredging her cunt.

Beside them came an "Oh," followed by a shocked moan as Daniel sunk down Karen's ten inches. She sat in the lap of her man, rolling her hips forward and back. Pleased hums vocalized her satisfaction, and she relished the feeling of every inch of Karen's rock-hard cock as it shifted inside her new pussy. She needed more though, she needed to fuck like the animal she was.

Using her legs, she pushed off the carpeted floor and rose off the shaft filling her. Soft gasps escaped her throat, then a deep moan as she came back down on her lover's member. Karen groaned sensually as he felt his second partner begin to quickly lose her senses on his mighty cock. It wasn't long before whorish moans and manly groans filled the room, accented with the *Plap plap plap* of Daniel's round ass slap on Karen's lap.

Chloe lazily opened her eyes, thoroughly enjoying Robby's tongue as it began to further explore her depths. A fulfilled grin split her muzzle, and her purrs steadily rumbled in her throat. Her eyes focused across the room to where the goddess stood. Her goddess. She was the first to actually notice the radiant sphinx standing there watching them. An even higher joy warmed her heart as she laid eyes on the being she instinctively knew was responsible for her new life.

One of her furry, gold-flecked hands rested on her hip while the other had slipped beneath her silken loincloth, stroking through her pussy while she watched them. What little of her shimmering golden labia poked out for her cloth shined like a beacon of hope. Her wings were spread wide, lifting her off the floor by a few inches, allowing her worshippers to bask in her glory as she basked in their sexual energies.

"Enjoying yourself?" the sphinx asked, speaking directly to Chloe. Her ethereal voice resonated through the four lions like a tuning fork. The four shivered at her succulent words while they continued on fornicating before her. Chloe lifted her head to answer her goddess.

"Yes, your worship...Immensely." Her eyes were getting misty from the mere gaze and recognition of the sphinx. "T-thank you so much for this, for making us truly happy." Her voice was breathy from the assault of the tongue behind her.

"Oh, you are truly welcome, my dear. I'm glad I could bring you all together as a family." She chuckled before continuing. "Would you say you are a happy family now?" Her hand left her hip to cradle her chin between her finger and thumb. Chloe swallowed hard and turned her head to see Daniel thrusting herself up and down Karen's member, the two of them making a cacophony of pleasurable sounds she had not noticed while conversing with the being that changed them. Her head then craned back to see Robby's head nodding up and down as she took long strokes of her tongue, even reaching up and over her asshole. She looked back to the goddess.

"Yes, your worship. Never closer." She let a mischievous grin twist her face. She giggled uncontrollably, and both of her hands reached to cover her eyes and muzzle while she attempted to compose herself. Too many brilliant sensations, both physical and emotional, were flooding her body. It was beginning to overwhelm her mind.

The goddess floated down to the edge of the table opposite Chloe. She withdrew her hands to lean on its surface crossing her legs as she did. The sphinx peered into the girl's eyes as she finally got control of herself.

"Excellent, I knew you would be." Her wings folded. "You know, you can help others join our happy family." She implied, turning her body to take a half-seat on the edge of the table.

"H-how?" Chloe asked keenly. The idea of others joining their fun kindled the depraved fires of her imagination.

"Well, soon everyone in this dwelling you call an 'apartment' shall join us. But, to take this whole town by the end of this night, I will require an army." She leaned in toward the lioness, her upper body held up by her arm. "I heard earlier that you had a 'party' to go to. Do you think those attending would, too, enjoy my gifts?" She grinned at the girl mischievously, watching her as her gaze peeled away from the sphinx. The goddess peered into her mind to examine what she was thinking.

Visions of Chloe's friends and acquaintances filled both of their thoughts, visions of them transformed into animal beings just as she had been. They were all gathered in a pile, sucking, fucking, licking, jerking, and fingering. Every lewd act was on display, and no one was left out. Dozens of blissful faces moaning and crying out in ecstasy. The vision faded from their consciousnesses as Chloe snapped back to reality so she could deliver her answer.

"Yes...yes, your worship! I know they would." Her face turned craven with lust, her pussy producing further moisture for Robby to lap up. "Change them all. Remake them as we have been remade! I wish for them all to know the same joys I do!" She panted, her arousal reaching new highs at the idea of sharing the joys she felt with her classmates. The goddess hummed in approval.

"Excellent, my dear. I just need one thing from you."

"Anything, my goddess," Chloe answered with extreme enthusiasm. She looked up at the sphinx, her face a picture of derangement.

"I need you to envision the way to their location. Show me the way, and when the night is done, I will reward you. You shall be the center of an orgy with each and every one of them. You will experience pleasure beyond comprehension for days on end." Chloe's heart beat like a sledgehammer in her chest. Her pussy ran like a faucet. It was even too much for Robby to keep up with, and it puddled below her on the table.

"Yes, your worship." Chloe closed her eyes and bowed her head to the table. She felt the telepathic gaze of the sphinx examining her thoughts. In her mind, Chloe thought of the route she would take to the bonfire with her car. She weaved in and out of the suburban streets until she reached the outskirts of her town. She continued on an old logging road only a few hundred meters before reaching the dugout where she and her friends always partied.

The telepathic link was severed, and Chloe looked back up at her goddess, who smiled back down at her lovingly.

"Thank you, my dear. You have served me well, and I assure you, I won't forget it." The sphinx turned in her seat and stood from the table. Chloe's eyes followed her voluptuous form. "I am leaving to further conduct" She spoke to the fornicating lions while facing away from them. "The four of you have fun with each other. I'll be back once this town is mine." With that, she strode toward the wall bordering the outside of the building and phased through the wall. Her hips swayed sultrily as she went. Once outside, she spread her wings wide and took flight, soaring off toward where the unsuspecting grad party was starting to take place. She took a deep breath of the cool night air. It had been the first breath of fresh air she had taken in over two thousand years, and it felt divine.

Meanwhile, back in the apartment, Chloe watched her former parents rut like wild animals while Robby tongue-fucked her hole. Daniel had both of her hands on her nipples to tweak them as she rode Karen vigorously.

"Oh...Fuck!" Daniel cried out. She had been on edge for a while now, and with her hands working their magic, she could finally reach that sweet release. Karen roared behind her as he joined her, unleashing his second load that night, filling Daniel.

Chloe lost sight of them as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her own orgasm finally washed over her, brought on by Robby's persistent techniques. Robby whimpered from behind the lioness. She had been touching herself while she worked and was madly anticipating her turn with Karen. The sounds of the other's orgasms brought on compelling images. She knew her alpha would make her cum as well as the others, and she yearned to have her pussy filled by him.

As the three came down from their orgasms and all four looked around at each other, they smiled lustfully. It was going to be a long night of debauchery, and they couldn't be happier to be spending it together.