The Legendary Crystal Beast Deck

Story by Vampire Panther on SoFurry

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The next day I went to Ted's card shop and bought a Shinning Dragon, Dragon Master Knight and Future Fusion. And added them to my deck the deck that beat one of the top ranked duelist in the world. News got around that I beat Smith and they think I'm the one to beat now. I was walking through town with my deck box strapped to my leg, caring a backpack with my duel disk in. Just in case. As I was walking along the sidewalk heading to the park. other furs were looking at me and whispering to each other. But I ignored them and kept walking. Once I got there, I found a bench and just sat there minding my own business.

Until, a raccoon walked up to me and asked "Are you the one who defeated Smith?"

"Yeah". I answered

"Let's have a match, unless your afraid to lose." His duel disk activated.

"Bring it on." I pulled out my duel disk and put it. And put my deck in the deck slot.

The Life Point counters turned on. My LP:4000 His LP:4000

The holo-projectors launched from my duel disk.

"Let's duel." We both said and drew our five cards.

"Before we get this duel underway, what's your name?" I asked

"The name is Trayvon Miller. The Ancient Gear duelist". He said with pride.

"No, way. I'm going up against another top duelist. This is gonna be fun". I said getting surprised.

"I'll start." Trayvon drew his card. "First I play Ancient Gear Soldier (ATK/1300 DEF/1300) then I play Ancient Gear Castle. This card increases all Ancient Gear monsters by three hundred points." A castle appeared behind him. Ancient Gear Soldier attack points rose (ATK/1600 DEF/1300 "I set one card face down and end my turn." A card image appeared face down.

I drew my card. "I activate Card of Sanctity. By removing all the cards from my hand and field, I get to draw two cards". I put the cards in my deck box and drew my two cards. "I summon King's Knight (ATK/1600 DEF/1400) and one card face down. It's your move."

Trayvon drew his card. "I play Geartown." Then a town appeared. "Next I play Ancient Gear Golem (ATK/3000 DEF/3000) by giving up my Ancient Gear Castle. Then I activate Ancient Gear Explosive." The card revealed itself and a bomb came out, the golem pick it up and threw it at me. It exploded and so did his monster.

My LP:1000 Trayvon LP:4000

"I end my turn".

I drew my card "I summon Neo-Spacian Dark Panther (ATK/1000 DEF/500) King's Knight attack his soldier and panther attack him directly." Both attacks landed.

My LP:1000 Trayvon LP:2700

"I end my turn". I said

Trayvon drew his card. "I activate Cost Down. By discarding one card from my hand all the monsters in my are powered down by two levels." He discarded his card. "I summon Ancient Gear Beast (ATK/2000 DEF/2000) then I activate Ancient Gear Drill. This card allows me to pick one Spell card from my deck to the field after I discard one card from my hand." He discarded his second card.

"I activate Shadow Spell." The card revealed itself and chains wrapped around his beast. (ATK/1300 DEF/2000.

"I set the card I picked face down and end my turn." Trayvon said getting a little upset.

I drew my card. "I set a monster face down, and attack my two monsters." My King's Knight destroyed his beast and my panther attacked directly.

My LP:1000 Trayvon LP:1400

"I set one card face down and end my turn".

Trayvon drew his card and put his hand on his deck. "I surrender." He said.

"What?" I asked

"You heard me, I surrender." He turned around and walked away.

The holograms disappeared and I ran after him. Once I caught up with him. I grabbed him by the shoulder. Trayvon turned around. I asked "What the hell was that man?" in a upset tone.

"It wasn't your time to lose". Trayvon answered

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Fate". Is all he said

"Fate, well I believe in destiny. And I wonder what did fate have in store for me?"

Trayvon held up three cards with the pictures facing me, they were; Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon (ATK/3000 DEF/2000) Ancient Gear Explosive and Mystical Space Typhoon.

I just stared at them trying to figure out his plan. "Wasn't there one more card?"

He pulled out another card, and it was; Negate Attack.

Then it hit me like a punch what he was gonna do. Trayvon was planning to summon his signature monster Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon. I would've lost the duel in one blast.

Trayvon put his cards back in his deck and said "Next time we duel I won't go easy on you. See ya next time Spence." He turned and walked away.

'Yeah, same here. Wait how does he know my nickname' I thought

Then I heard a blast from the other side of the park. I grabbed my backpack and started running to where I heard it. When I got there, there was a crowd already there. So I made my way through the front of the crowd. I saw Jackie my Coyote friend with his signature monster Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon (ATK/2800 DEF/2400) and two face down cards, and two cards in hand. Dueling against a brown furred panthress I never seen before with a Lady Panther (ATK/1400 DEF/1300) and two face down cards as well with no cards in hand.

"Your move." Jackie said.

The panthress drew her card. "I use Lady Panther effect; I can tribute her to bring back one monster that was destroyed in battle this turn to the top of my deck." Her monster shattered and a card slid out of the graveyard slot. She took it and put it in her deck.

"Next I activate Card of Demise. I get to draw five cards, but I lose all the cards in my hand on the fifth turn." She drew her five cards. "Then I activate Polymerization."

"I activate Magic Jammer." Jackie countered

"Then I activate Counter." The panthress countered back all three cards were destroyed. "I fuse my Big Koala with my Des Kangaroo. To make Master of Oz (ATK4200 DEF/3700)"

'I'm starting to like her. And I don't even know her.' I thought as she was making her move. Because every move she made was well made.

"I use Quick Attack. So you know what that means Master of Oz can attack your dragon." Her monster punched Jackie's dragon so hard it shattered, bringing his life point's to zero.

Jackie LP:0000 Panthress LP:2000

The holograms disappeared and I said "What happened Jackie?" In a sarcastic tone and laughing. While I was laughing the panthress walked up to me and asked "Aren't you the one who beat Smith yesterday?"

"Yep, that's me. Spencer Jock is the name." I answered feeling good about my biggest win yesterday. I extended my paw to her and asked "And you are?"

She took my paw and introduced herself "I'm Mayra Damon." With that said for some reason we felt a connection to each other. As I looked into her brown eyes and she looked back into my green eyes and it was suddenly interupted when Jackie spoke.

"Do you want me to leave you two alone."

Me and Mayra let go. I turned to Jackie and said "Shut up. So how did this get all screwy?"

"I challenged her to a duel." Jackie answered quickly.

"And you got your butt handed to you." I said

"Yep, wait." He thought about at what I said. "Hey." He said catching on to what I said.

Me and Mayra laughed at his confusion. "Yeah, sure laugh it up you two." Jackie said with that said Jackie left in his anger.

"Forgive my friend. He has a short temper sometimes, but he's a good guy when you get to know him." I apologized

"It's alright." She accepted my apology and continued. "What kind of deck do you use?" Mayra asked curiously.

"I'm a all around person, but this deck never let me down before." I showed her my deck with my Panther Warrior at the bottom.

"You have a Panther Warrior, that's awesome. Do you have any fusion monsters?" She asked

I pulled out two purple cards from my deck box they were; Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon ATK/4500 DEF/3800 and Dragon Master Knight ATK/5000 DEF/5000.

I put them back in my deck box. "Enough about me, what about you. How come I never seen you here before?" I asked.

"I just moved here. And if your wondering I use a Beast or Beast-Warrior deck." Her phone alarm started to ring. "I'm sorry Spencer, but I gotta go."

"You can call me Spence, but when can I see you again?" I asked.

"Meet me here around noon." With that said Mayra turned and walked away.

I went the opposite direction of Mayra was going and went home, it was getting late the sun was setting. Once I got home there was a mysterious package at my door step. I picked it up unlocked my door and went inside. I closed the door behind me with my tail and locked it. It was something I learned a while back. I set the package on my kitchen table and cut the tape off with my claw. I opened it, inside was a rainbow tin and a blank DVD.

I pulled out the colorful tin which shined in the light. I opened the lid of the tin inside was a deck wrapped in a clear plastic covering, I took off the plastic covering and turned the deck around. What I saw astounded me it was a; Rainbow Dragon ATK/4000 DEF/0000 I thought 'No way, it's a Rainbow Dragon, wait if that card is in this deck then that means.' I looked through the rest of the deck and everything was there to summon Rainbow Dragon. 'But why would somebody send me this one of a kind deck. Maybe that's what the DVD is for.' I reached in the box and pulled out the DVD and put it in my DVD Player.

First it showed static, then it showed Smith. 'What the? Smith.' Smith said "You got lucky last time punk, but next time you won't be. I was told to deliver this package to you from the creator himself. The legendary Crystal Beast deck. Tomorrow an envelope will come for you, that loser Jackie and someone else named; Mayra Damon. " Then out of nowhere I seen a Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon spirit appear by his side.

I wiped my eyes to see if I was seeing things, but nothing changed and Smith continued. "In a few minutes after watching this DVD, you'll be experiencing sum pain in your right hand and you'll be seeing things that are real. Anything you want to say Darkness?"

The black dragon flew in front of the camera screen and spoke in a deep voice "I'll be looking forward to be seeing you again." It went black.

"What the hell was that about? Sure I heard some weird stuff before, but nothing like this. And plus it's been a few minutes already and I don't feel any pain at all." Then I felt burning in my right hand. I looked at my right hand and the burning increased. Then a yin yang symbol was burned into my skin. The pain was too much that I passed out on the floor.

A few hours before I opened my eyes I heard voices unfamilair voices.

I heard a female voice say "Somebody wake him, we got a job to do."

Then I heard a male voice say "No, let him rest. He'll wake up on his own."

I also heard some squeaking noise from an animal. And a male voice said after that "Ruby is right, we must wait."

"Then wait we shall." A shakey voice said. Then everything was silent and I stayed asleep.

First Time for Everything Duel

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