Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Nineteen

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#20 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Nineteen

"When The Best Plans Become Spoiled."


Furry Sith Lord

"What the fuck did you guys do to your system?" Lou asked as he sat at a console in a C.I.Z.A. base. A large clock was plastered on every screen and it slowly began to countdown as it ticked off the time limit B.O.T.S. had given them when they hacked the computer server.

"When that Brotherhood hacked our system we found links to their website. Apparently they have their own secure encrypted server. Our team used a password cracker program to gain access and it seems they have a security measure that if someone uses such a program they invade their computer over a secure connection.

Once they got inside we were send the message stating their demands and how long we had until they froze our system. We are C.I.Z.A. We don't give in to demands but instead tried to purge our system of them and they started this countdown where we are locked out of our system and if we don't send them all the intel we have on all the rare white fur species, then they'll permanently lock our system." Merrik explained.

"Is there any way to respond? To send them what they want?" Lou asked.

"Hit any button on the keyboard and a screen pops up." Merrik said and Lou did just that. A message box appeared covering the countdown clock. The words typed in were: This is the B.O.T.S. secure messaging server. How can we help you? Lou thought for a second then began typing into the box.

"We are ready to give you the printed copies. They are available only as printed because you locked our server. Where can we meet?" He typed into the box and Merrik growled in his ear but Lou reached up and scratched behind his ear without looking at him.

"I want to see if any response is given." Lou stated as Merrik was practically purring in his hoof, had he been a cat instead of wolf, that is.

A typed message was being written as a response and Lopu and Merrik stopped and read the reply.

"Details will be sent to you. No tricks because we are watching." The reply stated and Merrik fumed but Lou wasn't surprised since this was his doing after all. What Merrik and the rest of C.I.Z.A. didn't know was that the timer was not merely a regular timer but a download indicator.

He set up a failsafe for his fake server knowing that a password breaker might be used. Once detected the remote computer would begin to download a virus he created to hack into their server and lock it. Once the first download, or timer, finished his virus would fully affect the C.I.Z.A. server. The second timer, or download, was for a megohydra virus he had been developing to completely cripple every C.I.Z.A. server and he figured that they were all interconnected in a way so he could go in and wipe out every bit of data they have given enough time. His mega hydra would go in and wipe the drives then secure and redirect all funding and basically destroy C.I.Z.A. Only C.I.Z.A. wouldn't know about it until it was too late.

The mega hydra was going to release the computers with false screens making it seem as if C.I.Z.A. was back in control but when the agents went to cash their paychecks or buy any gear they needed, the funds wouldn't be there.

He wished again he could take credit but Tyger had asked if he could put a worm inside a worm inside an apple. Kill the first worm and you'd think the threat was gone but the real worm would still be at work rotting the fruit that they thought they had saved. This was exactly why he never played chess versus his son, he always had a few schemes to make you think you're winning then he'd checkmate you. This was also why he loved that little furball so much! He knew that one day Tyger would lead his company to greatness and follow in his hoof prints but his own paw prints would be something spectacular.

Lou had hated his father because he had pushed him and bullied him to make him great. By the time he realized how much his adoptive father really loved him it was too late. His father had died in an automobile accident. Lou feared sometimes doing the same thing to his boys. He tried to be the adult of the group because Leggo was too soft and acted like a puppy himself. He hoped his boys realized how much he loved them even if he never said it.

They may not love him but deep down he knew he was helping them become better cubs and maybe one day they will truly understand everything he's done for them. He really didn't want to follow in his father's hoofprints but he did have to admit his father had been effective in raising him.

"You don't really believe you can trust them do you?" Merrik asked.

"No more than I can trust any of you but if they send a rep then you can capture him and interrogate him." Lou said knowing who he had picked as their representative and he would go down without a fight just to help stall for time.

"359 Church Street. 1500 hours. Bring the files or else." Was the typed response then he turned to face Merrik to plan out their strategy. He was going to make careful notes to tell Will so he'd be ready when he gives up and reveals he's a double agent. Something Will wasn't too happy about but it serves a purpose and he needed to delay C.I.Z.A. for a couple more days.

His plan was to get any information he could use from C.I.Z.A. servers to reveal to the public and with their funds cut they would have no way to retaliate after they destroyed The White Citadel.

"The stage is set and everything is in play." Lou remarked as he strummed the fingers on his hoof against the armrest of the chair he was sitting in.

"I'll get a team together," Merrik remarked.

"Give me a few minutes to print this out." Lou opened his Fur Book account and started printing photos of his sons he had loaded on there. There were all kinds of pictures and some of his favorites were ones where they were making funny faces at the camera.

"What are you doing?" Merrik asked.

"To keep up the illusion that we are going to bring them copied records of all the white furs we know of." Lou snapped.

"Once we capture this clown word will get to them that it was a trick." Merrik replied.

"Sir! I got the problem fixed. I used my personal laptop to hack into our systems and found they were trying to download a virus into our servers. I set up a secure firewall and blocked what I could. It's not 100% gone but I blocked a good chunk of it." One of the IT experts told Merrik and Lou wanted to curse but kept his composure.

"Back to square one," Lou remarked.

"Huh?" Merrik asked.

"What I mean is, back to square one for those Brotherhood clowns." Lou lied as he contemplated not having Will show up. A thought suddenly occurred to him. "How much actually got through? Could it still disrupt the systems?" he asked.

"Something like 22%. I doubt it will be able to work." the agent replied and Lou had to suppress a smile because his mega hydra, much like the lore of a regular hydra, would start growing it's heads back. It was designed to self replicate as long as a portion remained. It was going to take time but it would grow itself back until it reached 100% then it would carry out its mission. It just meant it was going to take longer now than originally anticipated... he hoped.

"Hi! Excuse me!" I shouted to a clerk in a pharmacy to get her to notice me. She was a female otter with a bright pink bow in her hair. I was getting really annoyed with everyone ignoring me. I was tempted to try and shoplift to see if they'd still turn a blind eye in my direction. They'd probably make me pay for it later if I decided to stay.

Bear sent me on an errand because his ACs were continually malfunctioning for some strange reason. He was in worse shape than when I first started and while I felt bad at first, the longer he kept my family prisoners the more I was enjoying it.

"You the one Bear called and said he was sending?" She asked me politely.

"Yes ma'am, I have almost everything Bear asked for but you're missing stuff and none of your staff will talk to me." I replied and made sure to pout just to drive the message home. The good thing about being a cub is that you can still get away with stuff like this although not for much longer because I was nearing adulthood and wouldn't bee a teen/ cub anymore.

"You can talk to me sweetie, what do you need?" She asked and I took out the list Bear had given me.

"You don't have any more honey?" I asked and she smiled.

"We keep some special saved up just for Bear. I'll get it for you, anything else?"

"What aisle are the vitamins and sleeping pills located in?" I lied because other than the honey I had everything on his list but I wanted to add a few things of my own to further my plans for him.

"Aisle 5 dear," She replied as she hurried off to get the honey while I collected the things I needed. I was going to pick up some laxatives and sleeping pills and grind them up and put them in the ice tea he drinks. My goal was to knock him out at night so I could sneak in and destroy more of the ACs with no chance of him waking and catching me. The laxatives were to leave him huddled on his toilet groaning as his body purged itself without him knowing why.

Sure his pranks, the best word to call them, were minor annoyances but the longer he made them progress the more effective they were becoming and he enjoyed watching Bear suffer. He grabbed the sleeping pills and laxatives and when I returned to the counter a large glass jar full of honey sat there waiting for me.

"You're all set dear," she said to me as I waited patiently.

"I don't have any money, how can I pay for all this? Bear never explained it to me." I asked and she quickly smiled a false smile which looks like the smiles Merrik does.

"Just leave the list with me, since Papa Bear does so much for us we bill him accordingly," which sounded like everything he gets, he gets for free. "I'll ring him up later," Or not at all I guessed. "And he'll send a check by the end of the month. Don't worry about it just take his things and go. You don't want to keep him waiting." She said and I handed her the list and lugged the bags back to Bear's office. The jar of honey was the worst part because it was the heaviest to carry and I was glad I wasn't Sanic's size because he'd never in a million years be able to even push it.

Lou and Merrik stood at the address, an old nursing home that closed years ago, and waited for the B.O.T.S. agent to arrive. The place was run down and in desperate need of repair as the building's outside wooden panels were warped and the paint was chipping. Grass was growing through holes in the concrete and the main lawns were in need of mowing.

They were being watched by a security officer that had initially asked them to leave but Merrik identified himself as an agent and over-ruled security's orders. He was not pleased but he sat in his vehicle and watched them closely as they ignored him.

Will was late on purpose as Lou had explained the details of how the event was to unfold. Lou had decided to go through with the plan confident his Mego Hydra would still pull off it's function. He was still working on a Plan C just in case but his mind was too troubled at the moment to focus on it entirely.

No word from either Tyger or Leggo so he wondered what they were suffering from at the paws of Bear. Merrik was also bothered he had not heard from Leggo either! Leggo was probably under lock and key now that they knew he was an agent. Lou was sure that Tyger would at least find a way to get in touch so he could rescue his son. Unless Bear blocked all communication in and out of there, what was being done to his family?

Will arrived wearing a robe and hood covering his face and he walked deliberately slow but his gaze seemed focused on Merrik and himself as if anticipating they were going to try something. Lou could see some kind of mask on the muzzle of the figure and knew it was a voice scrambler as soon as he spoke.

"I'm here for the files." He said and the scrambler made his voice sound deeper with a lower pitch than normal. Lou had to admit that had he not already known that it was Will disguised he would never have known it was him.

Lou raised his hoof and raised a folder holding the pictures of his sons he had printed. On the ride over he had been staring at them missing them because they'd been gone for so long. Here he was missing them terribly and they probably hadn't thought about him once. He recalled his last fight with Tyger in which his son admitted he'd rather be at school away from him than actually being home. Maybe that was why he never bothered to get in touch with him!

Lou forced himself to push those thoughts out of his mind because he needed to stay focused before this whole plan goes to shit. Even his best ideas had been getting fouled up lately and he needed to get back on track.

"When we get confirmation the computers are released we'll hand you the files." Merrik explained and the figure turned to look at Lou but said nothing. Will was calm and Merrik's request was known to both of them but Lou had missed his que. They had planned that Lou would become a hysterical father and push things along. Will had looked at him waiting for him to deliver his line but he had been too over focussed on how little his sons love him he missed it and tried to psych himself up to say it.

"When will I get my sons back?" Lou's voice quaked as he was forcing himself to say the lines but not in the manner they had practised. Merrik looked at him as Will continued to stare and Lou wanted to kick himself for his p;oor acting.

"We don't have your sons, they were taken from us but if we did we would simply eliminate them rather than ever giving them back." Will replied his reciting was in perfect precision just as they practised.

"You son of a bitch! Give me back my nephews!!!" Merrik screamed and with the earpiece they wore they heard the agents getting upset by Merrik's outburst. They were expecting the drama to cause the situation to get worse.

"STOP calling them your nephews! You Dumb Dog!!!!" Lou dropped the folder as he lunged at Merrik and the two were struggling with each other. The figure watched them out of amusement as they fought each other and they ignored the radio signals of the agents.

"I'm betting on the deer." Yilves replied over the radio.

"Naw, the boss has this, the deer is deer meat." Louis replied.

"Fifty bucks says the deer kicks him in the balls." Another agent said.

"You're on." Several agents attempted to reply at once.

"Merrik's gonna grab him by his antlers and beat him against the ground like an old woman beating dust out of a carpet."

Lou and Merrik were still arguing as Lou was pinned gto the ground with Merrik on top holding him down with their fingers intertwined and their palms pressed together. Lou shifted his body and knocked Merrik off then rolled himself on top of Merrik. Both kept doing this back and forth to each other as they struggled.

"Dunno if I should be cheering or getting turned on with those little ladies fighting it out." Louis snickered.

"If they start kissing I'm outta here." Yilves said.

"Brown Chicken, Brown Cow." An agent jeered. The robed figure picked up the folder and began to look through it. He threw it back down and grabbed both Lou and Merrik by the scruffs of their necks and held them apart. They both continued trying to strike each other but when their arms didn't reach they tried a couple of kicks then they finally gave up and hung in his grasp helplessly. The agents grumbled because they couldn't collect on their bets with the stranger interfering in the fight.

"Where's the real files! Not this fake garbage you've brought!" The stranger yelled at them.

"You'll get 'em after I'm done kicking his ass." Lou shouted as he tried in vain to kick Merrik again.

"Bring it Deer boy, the Buck stops here!" Merrik sneered at Lou.

"What?!" The stranger asked not believing what Merrik had just said even though Lou looked at Merrik and tried not to laugh.

"Was that a comeback or an admittance of defeat?" Lou asked.

"Even 'I' agree, the worst comeback ever." The stranger replied.

"Screw you both then." Merrik huffed as he crossed his arms across/ his chest. He set Lou and Merrik back on the ground and cautiously released them.

"Now you two behave or the next step I'll sit on you both and I have a lot of gas from the steak burrito I ate." The stranger replied and he touched his chest as if trying to suppress a burp.

"Not really part of the script but then neither was me kicking Merrik's ass," Lou thought to himself.

"...I'll say one thing, at least that deer can hold his own." One of the agents remarked over the radio.

"Shut the fuck up!" Lou exclaimed and the stranger and Merrik looked at him. At least Merrik knew that Lou was responding to the comment but the stranger just looked at him unaware of what was just said.

"Sorry, but I 'know' what he's thinking!" Lou remarked and pointed at Merrik.

"Are you two brothers, or married? Because you both

fight like an old married couple." The stranger said and Lou scowled at him.

"I can understand why you think that way because he does fight like a little soft doe." Merrik mocked and Lou looked ready to lunge at him again.

"You'll be gumming my cock when I knock out all your teeth." Lou remarked.

"Now that was a good comeback." The stranger said. Merrik sulked and the stranger gave both of them a light squeeze on the backs of their necks.

"Let's get back to the matter at hand." Lou remarked after he took a deep breath. Will picked up the file again and thrust it into Lou's hooves again.

"Where are the REAL files?" he asked.

"Now," Merrik said calmly and the agents charged in pointing their guns at Will. Will saw the first agents appear as they charged in from their hiding positions and he ran away as fast as he could.

"Freeze, freeze!!!" They shouted but Will ignored them as he ran, then a couple of agents appeared in front of him and he stopped as he saw he was surrounded. He raised his paws in surrender and was quickly arrested then Lou and Merrik walked over and an agent pulled the hood off him. Lou gasped pretending he hadn't already known it was Will and Merrik just glared at him.

"Well, lookie who we got here." Merrik retorted.

"And I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for your meddling cubs," Will remarked. He was led to a containment van and transported for interrogation.

Will sat paw cuffed to a chair in an interrogation room. A table was set in front of him and behind it was a large glass mirror which was two way. Agents were looking in monitoring him as he sat there waiting for whoever was going to interrogate him. Lou had assured him he was going to be part of the interrogation and he was going to have a rescue attempt planned to get him out of there.

Lou and Merrik casually entered the room and Will kept his gaze lowered as if in embarrassment. He was supposed to be Lou's slave; that was the story they had set up when trying to rescue Jon and Leggo out of C.I.Z.A.'s jails. They had kept the narrative up until now when he was going to reveal how he had escaped being Lou's slave.

Lou pulled a chair from the wall and placed it next to the table on the opposite side from Will. He sat in it before Merrik could and Will expected them to start trying to push each other out of the chair. As they each tried to claim it. Oddly Merrik let Lou have the seat which made him wonder if Merrik was supposed to be Good Cop and Lou Bad Cop.

"Odd to see you not wearing your pretty little red collar, Will." Lou lied as he broke the silence.

"Hod did you manage something like that?" Merrik asked softly. Will smiled now that they had confirmed who was Good Cop and who was Bad Cop.

" species I work for arranged it. They had a way to remove it and promised me they'd permanently keep it off if I went to the drop and got the files for them." Will recited his lines and Lou was always impressed at how Will was like a natural born actor. His look, the way he delivered the lines was spotless. He was completely convincing which was why Lou had decided to use him.

"Who are they?" Merrik asked.

"I can't say,"

"Can't or won't?!" Lou replied by asking in an angry tone.

"Can't! You don't know the kinda species you are dealing with! If I say anything I'm dead." Will exclaimed as he looked frantic and panicked. Right on que as always and Lou had to suppress a smile.

"We can protect you," Merrik replied. Will frantically shook his head.

"Not from them, before they freed me they killed a fur in front of me and told me this is what they do to traitors."

"Where was the drop off point?" Lou asked.

"I... dunno. I was told I'd be contacted after I got the files. They said they'd be watching me."

"So they know you've been captured." Merrik remarked as he thought it over to himself.

"They must have figured we'd try something so they send in someone expendable while their best watch the whole exchange." Lou replied.

"He's gonna need protection," Merrik remarked.

"Not if we use him as bait!" Lou rose and leaned with his arms propped up on the table as he gave an evil look at Will. The tiger swallowed hard and the look of panic set in as he heard Lou's response. The acting was again perfect.

"What are you thinking?" Merrik asked as he had a smile across his maw and Will tugged at the cuffs trying to get free as he continued to display the fake panic Lou wanted. Honestly the whole scheme was really starting to worry him.

To Be Continued...