From Balder to Byproduct (Pt 1)

Story by FlareThorn on SoFurry

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Take part in a new study, help a startup business collect data for the good of mental health everywhere, Just sign a few forms and take a seat, Who knows what could come of it.

Commission for ~Phoenix0310 (On FA)

On the outskirts of a small city, or even a large town, Not sure when one becomes the other, not that it mattered. Was a calm if not bland day, the sky a shade of grey to dull the sense, not sure if it would rain or not. Which was only casting the web of doubts further and further. Neglecting an umbrella as feet made their way down the gravel specced road. Was an appointment to have, And it was a bit of free money for a study. Not as if there was much else to do anyway. Maybe it would be an interesting story, or I would learn something. If not then at least my pockets would be a little thicker. All the inner musings of our white wolf, as he drew ever closer to the recently constructed clinic.

SyncLink. A newly founded mental health clinic. Seemed like another one of those hypno centres, cure your smoking, kick that habit, be better and all the other nonsense, Just no pocket watch or crystals. So it was at least a curiosity. Not much was known, but they seemed to have some decent prospects, enough to open at least. Getting to the outside, where the city thinned and highways weaved through the underdeveloped lands. It just stood there, Wooden paneling on the walls Just a somewhat styled sign. It was like a hut compared to all the glassy and steel towers that offered themselves to the landscape. Few other places just looked like corner shops or the like. Give them this much they stood out.

Stepping up to the well polished and softly tinted doors they opened, showing what seemed like a very tranquil lobby, darkwood floors that drifted the panels to the left and right wall, soft white chairs that seemed to be half eggshells. Soft music, kinda thing you hear in a woodland fantasy scene. Yet this odd pristine science with the polished walls in a greyed.. Greyed something, nearly looking like stone, but not as rocky. It was nice, just hard to pin. Certainly not expected.

"Hi, are you here for the promotion? Or an appointment?"

An energetic and friendly voice chirped up,as a feline head popped out behind the desk. He seemed to be a leopard, or some smaller big cat, his pale fur matching the wall and furniture yet stood out against the dark wood.

"Oh.. Sorry, err, Yes, I got a thing about a scan. Really paying for it too? I wasn't really sure what to think about getting here.. So you know.. Just needed to know."

The orange trimmed canine retorted, set off balance with how everything was verus his mental image. Even as peaceful as the place tried to seem there was an unease in his stomach. Maybe it was just the nature of new science though.

"Of course, and yes, you will be paid, all sorted after we look over the data, will just need you to fill out a form, making sure you are fit to do this. Standard stuff, any medication, addictions, mental or bodily health risks, and all of that, though you seem fine. Just take a seat and I will be with you shortly with the paperwork."

Still that friendly tone, spinning in his chair, pulling open a cabinet, to prepare a clipboard, his long and puffed tail sweeping behind him, more so a visual of his thoughts, double and triple checking things. One interesting thing, Least it seemed, was the blue collar upon his neck. Nothing fancy, yet his ID hung from it. I guess it was a type of tag after all.

Making his way to one of the seats, leaning back there is a huff as he sunk in, nearly invisible on the white fabric if not for the clothing and his muted orange trim, pushing on the arms to adjust himself. A playful laugh heard across the room, growing closer as the feline offered him the board with the small stack of papers. Seeing the tag closer it seemed to read Monson, giving the man a friendly if not embarrassed nod from the chair folly.

"If you need anything, just ask, there is a water fountain just in the corner, but if you want a cup of tea or coffee we can fetch one. Just keep expectations low."

A coy smirk as he retreated, closing the gap back to his desk rather quickly with the lithe form he had, maybe on par with himself. Or a little less? Shaking his head it didn't matter who was thinner, not a contest. Unclipping the pen from the top of the board he begins looking over the first sheet.

First Name:Balder. Surname:Askarit. Gender:M. Sighing as the basics were answered. Run of the mill sheets, needing to know you were not some knife wielding maniac coated in a layer of toothpaste.. Drugs, no. Medication. No. History with this stuff. No. How could I, given it's all brand new? Scribbling as he needed to. Taking a few minutes for it all. Really nothing that intensive to share. God was I as boring as the paper made me out to be.. A shrug, thinking that they likely have a dozen or so people that answer the same. Thinking that the place was quiet. Sides the music. The odd movement down the hall, just a wisp of a tail or two. Seemed he was the only one here currently. Given the placement and theme it made sense. Going back to the form, last question. How did you learn of this place? Tapping the pen to his skull tutting as he recalled that random letter, thinking himself a fool for leaving it behind. Tracing it over, double checking he moves it to the counter. Just noticing the patch to sign, scribbling his signature then sliding it over to the leopard who gives a nod upon taking it.

"Excellent, sorry, just a bunch of safety and legal things, nothing to worry about, Take a seat please, Lucky it's a dull day so someone would be with you shortly i would think."

Still he was in a great mood, nodding as he hopped off of his chair, a little gallop to the long hall that was spied on the fill out.

Dropping his head he walks back to the chair more confident about how to sit in it this time. Seeing the secretary return to his post, a little bouncing as if he was singing along to something. Not wearing any headphones.. Okay..

Largely unnoticed was a small screen partly as it was off, the shining black seeming like a wall panel. Suddenly it flicked on. Nothing for a few minutes, then his name clicks on. A soft tone playing. Blader A. Room 2.

"Oh seems she is ready for you, down the hall, you will see numbers above the doors, they jut out.. You can read, I know.. Script took over. Best of luck."

Getting out of the seat, giving an awkward wave to the counter, his hand finds itself on the doorknob. Pushing it open to a very odd room. There was a desk with a chair on the opposite end, typing away on a computer was a youngish coyote. She couldn't be older than her early thirties. Giving him a friendly smile waving to the chair. A bit further back. It was something else. What looked like a luxury dentist chair. Some odd rig above it. The chair looked comfy. But the mess above it.. Was daunting. Least there were no drills or that. The pause it gave was noticeable. Enough to make her scoff into a coy laugh.

"Daunting isn't it? But don't worry we don't use that yet, just have a seat over here so i can confirm your details then we move on and get you on your way."

Her tone was reassuring, no doubt it was not the first person she needed to go over this with, waiting for him to take his place.

"Oh. So you know. It's Balder, not Blader."

An insecure offering of words as he found his place, trying as best he could not to be overwhelmed.

"Oh, sorry. Type things so fast that there are bound to be mistakes.You sound worried though. Its all perfectly safe, don't worry. Would we be open if it was dangerous?"

Slightly joking as she went on. Turning away from the screen to look at him, looking into a hard emerald gaze. It was countering all else she was. Which was a neatly groomed form of creamy, and near caramel shaded fur. Yet even so. There was something unnerving, he didn't even catch himself gulping. Hands on his legs, with an absent minded nod. Not sure what else he should have been doing.

"Of course, it's just all so big, and different, I never thought about how it would be. Being here, it's a lot different."

She nods along to his words leaning on the desk, one arm upright to support her head.

"Okay, While this is mostly safe, Did you read the risks involved? It is new research. So though we have tested a lot, we need people like you to help us fill in the gaps of our data. So what was your main interest in taking part? Sure you jotted it down. But it's so much better to hear it from a person, not a form."

"To be honest .. I needed the money. Life is not great and it seemed like a lot for what I was doing."

Looking back to the chair before he continued.

"I guess I have always had a little interest in this stuff too. I know it's like a hypno clinic. I always liked the idea of that stuff. Mind stuff is always so.. So.. I guess it's kinda cool. Going to a place to lose yourself, then come off of it all a better person. Without even knowing what is happening. It's all so mysterious, nearly magical. Reading that thing.. It was easy to accept."

"Hmm.. Very interesting answers, very interesting."

She gets up from her chair, walking past him. Nearly swatted by her tail on the way, his nose catching a subtle scent of vanilla as she passed. Moving to a panel near the chair, a holographic screen lit up with things he had no chance to understand. Yet she zipped through it without too much concern.

"Okay come up and take a seat, Get comfortable. So long as all goes well it should only be ten, to twenty minutes."

A nod back turning as he got up only to sit back down, the leather like lining squeaking a little as he sat. Padding allowed him to sink in, nearly as he was laying on a cloud. A soft "Ahh," as he settled down. The peace was soon broken by the hanging machines that swiveled above. A helmet-like device lowering down. Near his head but not on it.

"Okay Balder, just push your head into it, then it will tighten a bit. After that you may see some odd lights. That is just the scanner. Try to keep your eyes open. And otherwise relax. I will be right here talking to you."

"Okay.. Just like this?"

Leaning his head forward, it seemed to fit into the shape, his nose pushing into something as the helm latched onto his head. An instinctive whimper from the sudden movement. Yet it stopped once it was a snug fit. In complete darkness, he looked around, the helmet moving with him as he quickly remembered what he was meant to do. With an increased heart rate he leaned back. His vision was replaced with what seemed like a blue startup screen. He was told there would be odd colours after all. He did as he could to control his breathing. A red light blinking at the top of his view. His ears tried to twitch in the new confines as he heard a voice. The Coyote from before.

"Well then Balder. Are you ready to begin?"