Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 16 - Where Furs Came From

Story by ErickTheClyde on SoFurry

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Standard adult content disclaimer, shortened for brevity.

I awoke to find myself laying on my back on a table. It was very dark and my head was throbbing. I went to reach up to rub it and found that my wrists were bound to the table. A quick check revealed that my ankles were bound as well. A strap across my chest completed the restraints.

Once my eyes adjusted to the very low light, I could see that an IV bag hung on a stand nearby. The tube led down to my right hand. I must be in a hospital, I surmised. I was trying to remember what happened and wondered if perhaps the truck hood had fallen on me.

"Ah, my patient awakens," I heard a strong, low voice speak in a pleasant manner.

"Am I in the hospital?" I asked weakly. "Are you a doctor? Is my friend OK?"

"Relax, my friend," the voice replied. "All will be answered in due time, Ken. Someone tilt him up so we can chat more comfortably."

I noticed a very large figure flip a switch nearby, causing a motor to quietly whir. The top half of my table slowly rose up to about a 45 degree angle before it stopped. I blinked several times to try to focus on the lone figure sitting across the room, dimly lit by a single light. I was curious who he was and how he knew my name.

As the figure came into focus, I could tell he was an equine fur. It was difficult to make out the breed in the low light, but I could tell he was obviously a draft. His mane was closely cropped so that it almost looked like a mohawk. He was wearing a nicely pressed white shirt and a dark tie. His arms and shoulders were so massive, his head almost looked dwarfed.

He rose from his chair, the substantial piece of furniture audibly groaning, almost sounding like it was relieved that the giant figure was no longer sitting on it. As he walked towards my table, his massive body all but blocked the single light source in the room. I had never seen a larger fur in my life - equine or otherwise. Sitting upright as I was, his crotch was just above my eye level. His legs, loosely wrapped in black dress slacks, were as big as tree trunks. He walked down past the foot of my table and clasped his hands behind his back before turning back around.

"Are you with the police?" I asked, trying to figure out what was going on.

He laughed so loud I thought the entire room was going to collapse from the reverberations.

"No, no, I'm not," he finally replied. "But your initial guess was somewhat correct. I am a doctor, but not a doctor of medicine, per se. And you are in what, for the lack of a better term, we could define as a research facility."

"OK," I replied, still confused. "Then why am I here?"

"Ken, Ken, Ken," he chastened. "You ask many questions. And I assure you I will eventually answer them all in due time. However, I would like to wait until your two friends wake up. I really do not wish to have to explain everything more than once."

"Two?" I asked quietly, trying to look around the room, which was still too dark to make out anything around me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. How impolite of me," he continued. "On the table to your left is Ben. Or, as I believe he is referred to now, Tank. And to your right is Dr. Tom Skytower."

"Tom? Why is he here?" I asked. "He has nothing to do with all this. He was just trying to help..."

"Shhh," the doctor replied. "There you go with your questions again before your friends are awake. We really should be polite and wait for them to join us."

He was walking back over towards his chair, hands still clasped behind his back. Just before he got to the chair, he spun around.

"Check to see if the other two are waking up," he directed, waving a hand in our general direction.

"I'm awake," I heard Tom say, somewhat groggily. "Where am I?"

"How about Tank?" the doctor asked without answering Tom's question.

"Me? I'm awake, I think," Tank replied.

"Excellent!" The doctor replied. "Someone turn up the lights, please. Slowly, though. Give my guests' eyes time to adjust. And tilt the other two tables up so I can see all three smiling faces."

I heard the sound of the other two tables being raised as the room slowly started filling with light. I could finally see everyone clearly. Besides the three of us and the doctor, there were two more equine furs dressed in white scrubs, both now standing next to the door with their arms crossed. They were both even bigger than the doctor, who appeared impossibly huge compared even to Tank.

"Well, now that we're all comfy, I suppose some introductions are in order," the doctor continued, again with his hands clasped behind his back and slowly walking around the room as he spoke. "I am Dr. Desmond Phillips. You can just call me 'Doc' if you want. I have been a researcher in the field of genetics for many years now. As a matter of fact, when I started my research years ago, I was human just like the three of you were at one time."

Both Tank and I turned and looked at Tom. He continued to stare straight ahead, his jaw set in a look of determination.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Doc continued. "I thought you two knew that fact. Well, anyway, several years ago I stumbled upon a combination of ingredients which, when consumed by a human, greatly accelerated and enhanced muscle growth. The final product was packaged in pill form and was supposed to be administered in tightly controlled conditions under my specific supervision. It became a rather lucrative business, providing muscle enhancement services to those that were able to afford it. One day, one of my clients came to me with some odd side effects that I hadn't observed before. He was starting to grow fur on his body, his height was increasing and his genitals were growing in size."

Tank and I glanced at each other.

"That's right, Ken," Doc continued. "The same effects you are now experiencing. After extensive testing on this individual to try to determine why he was the only one exhibiting these side effects, and through his admission to having a rather active sexual attraction to equines, I discovered the cause of the unintended side effects - the intake of semen into the body, either orally, anally or vaginally. The greater the quantity, the more rapid the changes."

"I thought you said these pills were only administered by you under tightly controlled conditions," I said to Doc, then glanced over at Tank.

"Originally, yes," Doc continued. "But as with most such breakthroughs, the formula ended up out on the black market as a muscle enhancer. Of course, any packaging would fail to mention any undue side effects because they were unknown outside of these walls."

"So does this drug only interact with equine semen?" Tom finally spoke.

"Good question," Doc replied. "And one I was naturally curious about, myself. As it turns out, I ran across another individual that eventually started taking on definite canine attributes. After investigation into that case, I found that particular individual had indeed been intimate with a canine during the time he was taking the pills. It was indeed an important discovery and a turning point in my research and my career. Eventually, I was running a separate program specifically to cater to those individuals who were fascinated with the furry subculture and who wanted to realize their dream of becoming a true fur. I even provided appropriate legal services for identity change purposes. It, too, has turned out to be a very lucrative business."

"So," it finally dawned on me, but I had to ask. "All the furs in the world were previously humans?"

"Other than those that have since been bred by furry parents, yes," Doc replied, turning and walking around the room some more before plopping down into his chair. He waved his hand around the room. "And it all started here, in my humble laboratory."

"But why?" asked Tom. "Why did you perpetuate such a thing?"

"Because," Doc answered. "I saw how much the furry culture was gaining popularity in modern society. Throughout history, man has often put animal characteristics together with human intellect in a hybrid form. Think of the ancient civilizations' fascination with such man-animals such as centaurs and minotaurs. Typically these hybrids were a cross between humans and larger species, usually to provide a more dominating image to suppress man's desire to rebel against these imaginary gods. That has inspired my current project, to come up with a super-species of sorts. I could have gone big and used elephants or other such mammoth creatures. But I find equines tend to have a dominating presence that is more readily acceptable in modern culture."

"Super-species?" Tom asked.

"Yes," Doc continued as he got up from his chair, walking over to the two equines standing near the door. "Lars and Wilhelm here are two of my best examples. Both of them came here from Europe specifically to become equine furs. They have both been so kind to now assist me with this latest project."

As Doc stood in front of the pair, you could see that they both had about a foot of height on the doctor. They were also more massively built. The doctor stood and admired them for several seconds before speaking.

"Aren't they both just simply stunning?" he asked, beaming like a proud father. "Ten foot tall walls of beautiful muscle. And," he turned to look at us, "they're still growing. Eventually, I'd love for you all to meet more of my clients. I think you will be duly impressed."

"Is there any way to reverse the effects?" Tank asked. "I don't know about Tom, but Ken and I both would like to be fully human again."

"As a matter of fact," Doc started, his face brightening and giving me a glimmer of hope. "No, there isn't. I never really looked into researching any reversals of the effects. Mainly because, well, now that the drug has been perfected I have bigger plans. And the three of you are part of them. Isn't that exciting?"

"Wait. What plans?" asked Tom.

Instead of answering, Doc simply nodded towards his two assistants. Each of them walked over to the sides of Tom and Tank's tables and flipped a lever on the IV bags they were each hooked to.

"What are you doing?" Tank asked frantically. I watched in fear as both Tom and Tank struggled against their restraints, their motions slowly subsiding before they each fell into what I hoped was a deep sleep. Then I looked questioningly at Doc, who was now walking towards my table.

"Don't worry about them, Ken," he said calmly as he started loosening his tie. "They'll be fine. They're going to sleep for a while. Eventually, you will join them as well. But first, we have a little work to do, since you are only partially transformed."

The two assistants approached, as well, and stood at either side of the table. The three large equines surrounding my table made me feel absolutely tiny. From the preceding conversation, it occurred to me that I was about to be sexually ravaged by the doctor, who had now removed his shirt and tossed it onto the floor. I watched as he slowly unbuckled his belt and unfastened his pants, bending down as he slid the pants and his boxers down to the bottom of his legs, stepping out of them. I saw the pants slide across the floor as the doctor stood up.

The doctor's shaft was already sliding out of his sheath. His balls were gigantic, swaying slowly underneath him. He grabbed his member with both hands and slowly worked it so that more and more of it slid forward out of his massive body. One of the assistants handed him a huge squeeze bottle of lube, which he spread over the length of his hardening shaft. The other assistant released a catch on the table which let part of the table fall away between my legs, leaving my ass exposed. The portion of the table under my legs was adjusted so that my legs were further apart.

"It's way too big," I pleaded with the doctor. "I can't stretch that far." His cock was way bigger than Tank's. If it would even fit past my opening, it would absolutely tear me up.

"Not to worry," Doc said quietly. "The important part is that you receive my ejaculate."

With that, he poured warm lube down over my asscrack, working it slowly around my opening. I could feel a warm sensation and I could tell my ring was opening up on its own. Doc stuck the nozzle of the bottle in my loose hole and I felt the warm liquid work its way up into my bowels, which involuntarily loosened up as well.

He set the bottle down and pushed his massive cockhead up against my loose opening. I could barely feel anything, but watched as the cockhead slowly started entering me. The lube must have had some type of numbing agent in it, otherwise I was sure I would be screaming in pain by now. Doc grabbed me around the hips and slowly leaned towards me. I could see my abs distending from the size of the large intruder.

"See, that doesn't hurt a bit, now does it?" he asked. "Most pain and tearing is inflicted when the recipient involuntarily contracts during insertion. This lube has both a numbing agent and a relaxant. I think it's absolutely fabulous."

Doc continued to slowly push as much cock inside me as he could. His medial ring was getting close to my entrance by this point. I'd estimate he had nearly 12 inches inside me. My entire abdominal area was raised quite a bit and undulated as Doc moved slowly in and out, working his gigantic cock around in my lower bowels. He eventually started sliding in and out in a steady rhythm, stopping just before the head popped out, then pushing slowly back up inside me, moving my organs around in the process. My own cock started throbbing from watching the show from above. I wished my hands were free so I could bring myself off.

Eventually, Doc started pushing with more fervor and I could tell his cock was stiffening. Finally, he reared his head back and jammed his cock inside me up to the medial ring. I felt the first large stream of his cum travel into my bowels, warming them and filling them at the same time. My abs distended even more and I could see the thick load traveling up and around my intestines, filling me to overflowing. Without being touched, my own cock shot its heavy load all over my chest and neck.

Doc continued to pump several more heavy loads inside me, filling me to the bursting point. Finally, he pulled his cock back until just the head was inside and let one more large load go inside me, filling the rest of my lower bowel. Before he pulled out, he reached over and picked up a large butt plug. In one swift move, he pulled his cockhead free from my hole and pushed the plug inside me.

"We need to keep that in there for a while," he explained. He walked over to the sink, his large flaccid cock swinging between his legs, bouncing off his heavy balls. He cleaned himself up and washed down his cock while it slowly slid back into his sheath. After that, he put his clothes back on, then nodded to one of his assistants, who turned the dial on my IV drip.

"You sleep well, Ken," he said quietly, brushing my hair back from my forehead. "I think you'll probably be one of my prize studs."

Then I fell into a deep sleep.