The Daisy Chronicles 4: Plans

Story by Tremerre on SoFurry

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Daisy and Nail's relationship goes further than Nail expected. Waking up finds him in a unusual situation, but one he and Daisy will explore together. Story contains M/F TF and vice versa with tones of corruption, symbiosis, Pregnancy and Cows. Daisy, Rose, and Nail are my characters, please ask before borrowing them.

Nail opened his eyes, His head was all kinda of funky, but he did not know if this was a dream, or what. What he saw as his eyes opened, was the familiar visage of Daisy. Not the Artificial remotely operated bipedal drone that served Daisy, but the Actual Cow herself. Her Bovine 4 legged form was a comforting presence for him since he had moved into a common room with her less than a week ago. Daisy spoke something, which did not look like a noise a cow would make, but his returning senses could not quite decipher. He felt weak, and odd. But as he concentrated he could hear words ...acclimation......adjustment.....success. And all at once, he felt his senses snap into focus. If this was another dream, it was a weird one he thought.

With his sharpened senses, he did hear and see as he should have, but more oddly, he moved to sit up, and his legs jerked. He started, as since the accident, he had been a paraplegic. He slowly moved his legs, the feeling one he thought he would never feel again, He raised his hand to his face, with tears of joy and relief coming to his eyes, until he noticed his hand had a red glowing gem embedded into it. "Oh!" He exclaimed, sitting up abruptly enough he headbutted Daisy's soft nose. "Sorry Daisy, '' he said, rubbing the cow's muzzle affectionately. I guess this is fixing my legs, as ordered, huh?"

Daisy surprised him by responding "Take it easy there, Nail. And yes, I've always been able to speak, it's nice to drop the subterfuge, welcome to the Barn, My Child." Daisy finished this by giving Nail a healthy lick to his face, repaying his headbutting him with intrest. Nail laughed, Sliding off the bed he stood, marvelling at his new body, one he would have to get used to, as being as tall as a Professional Volleyball Player was new to him. His legs felt a little spindly, but strong, and other than a little remaining oddness, he felt natural. "Daisy, I thought I'd get a new body, but why am I in a Teledrone?"

Daisy looked abashed. "We call the procedure, the Riker Process. It was a success, and Your mind imprinted on your Clone perfectly. However, the procedure does not actually move your consciousness to the new body, it only duplicates it. So, that is why I'm here, instead of My counterpart." Saying this, a viewer springs to life, showing Tele-Daisy and Nail, hugging before he climbs into the pod, and soon heading up the Space Elevator. "Your duplicate is completing your mission, though unaware of you having survived. He's going to be part of a grand adventure, and happily carrying our name to the stars!" Daisy pranced in place, obviously happy.

Nail froze, having watched himself, or a facsimile of himself go off to see the stars. And here he was, still here. He stood up, resting a hand on Daisy's Shoulder as he gathered his thoughts. He was alive still, but legally he had to be dead, or at least on board a spacecraft heading to lunar orbit. And being in a Teledrone, was he actually alive? "Daisy, am I dead?" he asked. "Heavens, no! You are fine, though the papers you signed would allow us to legally terminate your life, what a waste that would be! I'm your only living relative, and I said I would take care of you, didn't I?". Nail looked her in a haze of confusion "Your Tele-Drone said that, I've just met you." He said with some contrition. Looking down, he noticed something else, Daisy had lost her Udder, and instead was sporting a rather bullish set of Male attributes. "You are Daisy, right? The same cow I helped milk last night?"

"I suppose I owe you the truth. As one geneticist to another, as Family, and friends. Lets start at the beginning, And the beginning was the great dying of the later 21st century. Walk along me, and we will visit where your body is resting." She said as she led the way, a series of retina scanners opening doors as she led me "As you were taught, the great dying was the attempt by religious fundamentalists to punish the world because what they considered God to have judged it not worthy to redeem. They let loose a virus, which had a 100% lethality for Primates. All monkeys, apes, and Homo Sapiens were affected. The virus also had a 4-6 year incubation period. So beyond cryptic posts on social media of the day, nobody knew, until the 4 years were up.". I followed Daisy into a room, filled with techno wizardry, And just like that, there I was, looking into my own eyes, and vaguely seeing myself in return.

Daisy continued "We had little time, each day brought Millions more dead. As the Pandemic roared through Earth's Primates, we worked for an answer, and WIth the brilliant mind of Doctor Xi, we had A answer, but the remaining population were unwilling to trust anyone. Offering them a vaccine shot, most refused. Humanity had not learned from the Pandemic of the earlier 21st century, though Millions died then, that they had survived, just reinforced how they felt invincible. Now, we had to save humanity as geneticists from themselves once again. The solution that Dr Xi had, was as you know them now as Nanites. The self replicating artificial organisms that live in our bodies, but for the people of the time, Injecting themselves with actual machines, was religious heresy, and that was the better of the reactions. Xi himself was killed by a mob, blaming science for causing this." As I listened to Daisy give the true history of the world, I walked forward, and touched my skin, feeling the sensation in duplicate.

"The answer Xi had implemented was to use the Nanites to change some of us into Cows, and Voluntarily pollute the food supply with the nanites that would save humanity. We volunteered to undergo giving our forms up to save what was left of Humanity. And so it went, many Sane, loving people chose to save lives of people who hated them. They were infiltrated into dairies around the world, where their infectious milk gave the Humans what they needed to survive. I don't need to say, the Humans were not kind to my comrades. It wasn't until a century later that we regained the ability to talk. But what has not changed from that time is how one becomes one of us." My Artificial skin touched what should have been impossible, A Cow's udder, girdling the crotch I was born with. And the strange part is I felt it. Like it was part of me.

Daisy Continued "It's part of our biological process, The udder attaches to a host, and changes them into an intermediate form. it's a symbiotic life form in itself, and you are part way transformed there, but the hope is that once your spine grows a tail, it will enable you to walk again as your spinal cord is remade. That is how we will help you walk. And we have further plans if you are willing, but I have a more immediate one, I'm still pregnant, and you have my udder. I'm due any time, and while I can find a surrogate, I'm hoping you will help. The changes accelerate with milking, and you will want to use the milker, as you can likely feel, you are due for a milking now. But you will change into a Anthro-Cow at the most, minus one thing happening." I picked up my form, so light to this body, still very human, and placed myself down into the Sled/hoverchair that I have gotten so used to.

"If you want to be like Me and Rose, it's simple, all you need to trigger the second round of transformations is to carry a calf. Otherwise, you will retain your human hands, and gain strength and you will never age. Pretty sweet of Xi, he deserved better." I answered "That's a lot to take in, Daisy. But why me, why now?" I waited for her answer as the Sled pulling my broken body proceeded me out of the room, and towards the central elevator.

Daisy looked back to my living self flicking an ear "We need you. You altered humanity when you released your Nanite reprogramming as a STD. I bet Xi would love you for that, but what you did was lock us out from recruiting new members. We are responding by doing something unique to our existence, Breeding. You may have seen many cows out in the field, they are our children, its true, but they are just animals, and sterile too. Every cow in the world today is born from one of us. It's why Cheese made from Cow's milk is worth more than Gold. Only we can become pregnant, and be milked because of it. The Child within me, She will be the first of a new species. Born Bovine, but with the Mental abilities of one of us, The Changed." As Daisy entered the Elevator, I followed, listening to someone older than anything I have ever seen minus the earth itself. And yet, I stand a chance to live that long myself, It was incredible!

Once we had reached a more normal and familiar area within the barn, Daisy stopped, and requested that I look in the sled's aft compartment. I did so, and discovered a fairly old skateboard! I looked at her, and she nodded "Just don't get lost, and when you feel like it, we do have an area for this. Your old board will have to be modified for your size, so you can borrow mine. Just remember there is a bit of resistance with its metal wheel bearings." I nodded, setting the board down, rolling it back and forth, getting a feel for it. And my new body took to skating like I had been born doing it, and realistically, today was its birthday, so yeah. I took Daisy's board around the familiar residential block, and was surprised to run into other inhabitants (not literally, but socially) for the first time. I suppose my recruitment had meant that during certain times they were clearing the streets, and now, they were free to go as they pleased. A nice mix of Bovine, Anthro, and surprisingly, humans greeted me, as I started to really learn about the community I would be living in.

As My Tele-Self took in the sights, my True self continued to the Apartment we shared. I was waking up more fully and could not help myself from touching the udder, and oddly I could feel it as if I was born to it. A dull ache and sense of fullness was what I felt, a heaviness as the milk within me needed release. Daisy entered the Apartment, and the Sled seperated from my chair leaving me still needing to be milked, and not having a clue how, but looking past Daisy, I saw that Tele-Rose was there. As well as there being a bench with an udder sized hole just above the milking station. "Ah, I guess that is for me?" I Inquired, and Tele-Rose nodded, picking me up and laying me face down into the comfortable padded bench, with my udder hanging below, its weight almost uncomfortable as I squirmed a bit to get myself in position.

I could not see exactly what Rose was doing, as I laid my head on my arms, but could feel as the Cool machine was being attached to me, and some instinct had my milk already in my teats. As the machine turned on, I gripped the outside of the bench, as pleasure washed through me. This was aided in part by Tele-Daisy returning the massages I had given her true self since we had met. I had no Idea if it was part of the symbiosis, but the relief and desire that washed through me, I let out my first Moo as my udder warmed from the attention. "Pretty good, huh?" Tele-Daisy grinned as he paused from massaging my udder, then standing, he Massaged my back, "No Tail yet, but you might notice your hearing being a bit better." My hands of course reached for the sides of my head, where my ears were elongating, turning into cow's ears. I gave one an experimental flick, pleased at the change.

"Rose, I'm no longer male, am I?" I asked, and he paused in rubbing my back before answering "You are a varying Hermaphrodite now technically. Though your maleness will only appear after dropping a couple of calves. Like What Daisy just did, while you were out. Daisy is both Male and Female for now, and we will collect her semen for future impregnations, now especially as her seed lets us bear intelligent bovine calves. You really did put us into a bind with releasing the Spacefaring Symbiote the way you did, I hope you know.". I Nodded as the feeling of fullness in my udder went away, and a feeling of warmth as my mammaries worked more to feed the machine took its place. "Rose, I can feel myself out there, and also in here as well. You really are Rose, the Cow, aren't you? Not some person operating a Tele-Drone?"

Rose Chuckled "Yes, and No, Nail. We found out fairly early that Bovine Symbiosis (What we call our condition) creates what's known as split brain syndrome in humans, but in our case, its different. The left and right parts of our brains form separate personalities, but are able to access memories and skills from the other side of the brain. Like two Computers sharing a common source of data. The reason Humans need extensive neuro-surgery to operate a Tele-Drone is because the result of the surgery mimics our condition. We developed the Teledrones to solve what was a near universal condition that led to severe mental disorders. The Multiple personality disorder we underwent, it was biological. So Letting the second part of your mind have a body of its own, solved two issues. One being that we had mental instabilities, the other, not having hands to manipulate the world around us. And now having bodies to be able to take care of ourselves, also meant that we could also defend ourselves. During the Second Century after the great dying, no military ever won a war without our backing. Even though the Teledrones were primitive then, they were deadly in combat."

As the feeling of warmness turned to discomfort as I felt lighter, the Machine Disengaged, and Tele-Rose Worked to massage my teats, feeling like they were tingling with the stimulation they had just gone through. As his warm hands felt my teats, I mooed again, softly. He finished up, and stood "If I had to guess, you won't be on two legs long, you really are into being one of us, aren't you?". I Blushed "It depends on what you are wanting me to do, but sleeping with Daisy and her pregnancy every night has made me very happy. That I get to do that, would be more reward than a goal." I answer. Just then, Tele-Daisy sauntered in, with my skateboard in tow, lengthened for the size of feet that my Tele-drone had. "Nail, get your teledrone's ass over here, We have some shredding to do!" I looked at her, Dressed in quite an ancient style, Denim with Rubber soled shoes, and knee and elbow pads with a tube top to round out the outfit. It looked ancient, but well used. "How exactly do I ask my counterpart to come nicely?" I asked. Daisy said "Can you see him?" I nodded "He's at the Fountain, at the end of the main corridor, near the Statue of The Man and Cow." She nodded "Now imagine a leash, and you are pulling on it, attached to him." I tried then shook my head. She snorted "Well, you have some work to do, but at least I know where he is. Nice board, by the way!" She grinned before setting it down, and kicking off, riding it toward where I presume she would find my Tele-self. I hoisted myself into a sitting position, and transferred into the Hoverchair with far less difficulty than I had before. Tele-Daisy snorted at my expression "You are stronger now, and will find being a Bovine has its benefits. Now relax, you won't need milking again for the day. And its been 3 days since you left here last. Try catching up on the newsfeeds a bit"

I nodded, and directed the hoverchair to the nearest viewer, where the news was about the Launch to the Alpha Centauri system. Rose must have known, and I listened to the broadcasters as they outlined my life's work, and indeed the collective work of humanity to that point, as the ship cast off, RCS equipped tug ships guiding her to where she was free to ignite her fusion drive. The Feed switched to the view from inside, where several of my comrades, and my cloned self were ready to make the leap, and as the countdown reached 10 seconds, the feed switched to a split screen, and at zero, they each hit a ceremonial red button attached to their launch chairs, and at the same time, the ship's engines roared to life. The ship's inertial dampeners kept the acceleration to liveable amounts, but it still had to be one hell of a ride, as they would see four times earth gravity past the orbit of Mars.

Nail watched the ship as greater and greater levels of magnification were used, then switching to the Lunar cameras, as the ship approached the moon. He did not notice time having gone by, or that his (not exactly true for his current sex pronoun anymore) roomates had all gathered around watching as well until Daisy nibbled his cow ear and whispered "Dinner" and he looked around, shocked at how quiet everyone had been. Rose cleared her voice "That was Impressive, but wait until they see ours!" And Daisy and Rose slapped tails, a cow version of a high 5 one would suppose, but all Nail could do was gawk. Surely being a cow meant space was off the table, right?

Daisy licked me as a way to reinforce the need to eat "You need more food, now that you are changing, and being milked too. And Rose is not kidding, we have a spaceship, and intend to spread our kind across the cosmos. The Humans get the water worlds, along with the Cetaceans. We get the Arctic and Grass worlds. We currently have 3 star systems we are looking at. You, my cute houseguest, get to be part of settling more than a single world! How Exciting!" Daisy pranced in place before stopping with a peculiar expression as her pregnant midsection became hard and she huffs before relaxing. "You alright Daisy?" I ask with concern. "Yes, though belly rubs are very welcome. The contractions are not regular yet, so don't worry about feeding a calf yet, but it will be within a couple of days I think"

As my hands rub Daisy's belly I consider the future, the future I imagined as I grazed under an alien sun. I ready myself for bed with my own tele-drone helping for the first time, and knew I wanted the whole cow package. I needed to walk first, but soon, I too, would be on four legs. But for now, as I layed down for the night, my udder rested against Daisy's full belly, I felt another contraction and wondered that I might skip the morning milking, as I would need a full udder by the day's end. I smiled at the thought, rubbing Daisy's belly, and slipping off into dreamland. I dreamt this time of a fragile life pulling milk from me as I petted her head, feeling my life fulfilled as my milk flowed to feed her. A feeling of purpose, and of longing filled me as the calf looked into my eyes. It was something I wanted in the moment more than anything. But that is what dreams are for, no?

The Daisy Chronicles 3: Dreams

The Daisy Chronicles 3 :Dreams Ah, How nice it was, to run across the field, a calf's spindly legs under me as I race the wind! Running around Mama, I skid to a halt, hiding from my friend, who lost track of me in our race, my Lungs burning I pant...

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The Daisy Chronicles 2: Wishes

The Daisy Chronicles 2: Wishes Nail was dreaming, of soft movements, surrounded by warmth with a steady heartbeat comforting them. It was a nice dream, and as morning came, he reluctantly woke to the smell and sensation of having cuddled against...

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The Daisy Chronicles: Meeting

It was a normal day for me, Nail Selune. Well, until that happened. But How exactly can you describe normality, with me, unemployed, and recently graduating from college, and debt free thanks to numerous scholarships, mostly from friends of my late...

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