The New Farmhand

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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For those looking for deeper meaning to life, you won't find it here. This is kind of silly, and entirely an adult story without much else in terms of plot. I'm surprised how easy the idea flowed out and wrote itself though. I really wish I could write this much for other ideas... It is about a border collie who is hired to become a new farmhand in a rural area. His is surprised to find many of the livestock are anthropomorphic, just like him! Lots of nudity ensues...

This was entirely inspired by Anisis's sheep:

The vixen "Fox mom" by Schmutzo is used with his permission. She is important too :)

Let me know if this was an idea worth pursuing.

Edit3: some important typos fixed!

At a farm outside of Ufa, a border collie was talking to a farmer and his wife at the steps of their porch. Standing upright on his digitigrade paws, the anthropomorphic canine was only in his bare fur, but that didn't faze the couple. Fur often made wearing standard clothes difficult, especially during a hot day. Anthropomorphic people with fur weren't expected to dress the same way humans did; and it was customary for them to be in their bare fur outside of urban settings. Moreover, he rarely wore clothes at any farm during his life.

"Thank you so much for accepting this job." Boris the human farmer smiled gratefully.

"We will pay you three Kopeks for every day of work, and one Kopek every day of rest." Svetlana, the farmer's wife nodded.

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to working here." Alex the border collie gladly shook their hands.

"If you want, make yourself at home and look around the entire property." Boris gestured. "There's plenty of space to roam, and let me know if you need anything."

"I will. Thank you again." Alex smiled and bid them farewell for the day. The bright smile on his face didn't fade in the slightest as he was excited to start working immediately. It was his first real job on his own after leaving his home, and he wanted to make a good first impression with everyone.

"The farmer and his wife are very nice." The collie smiled as he walked around the side of the house, and passed through a tall wooden gate. He passed by small garden patches of vegetables: predominantly cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins. A smaller herb garden of basil, rosemary, and lavender was situated beside the house. Hen houses were open and chickens were walking around a patch of dirt with clumps of grass, pecking and clucking at anything of interest. Several blueberry bushes were a short distance away from them along a low fence.

Further ahead he could see apple trees bordering one side of a large red barn. The structure itself was fairly old and worn, but well made. Aside from paint chipping off in hard to reach places, everything looked fine.

"I guess this is where I will stay." He hummed aloud his thoughts and looked around the old barn, liking the quaint rustic feel. Little wrens and cardinals were happily chirping as they ate from a bird feeder outside the front entrance. A few empty stalls were inside, some with hay and others without. A second story loft was accessible by two different ladders where hay bales took up most of the space. Elsewhere tools and equipment were always within sight.

Walking back outside he spotted a wide shed where a blue tractor was parked. However, a figure standing nearby had his immediate attention. It was a female ewe, but to his surprise the ewe was completely nude. Without any clothing Alex could see that the was very beautiful and had a gorgeous figure. Her breasts were well rounded and of healthy size. Her tummy was slim and her legs appeared toned; but the ewe's wool looked so soft and warm to the touch. She resembled a pretty cloud! Both of her ears were pierced with little iron rings with small tassels attached. Anthropomorphic people rarely needed to wear clothes due to their fur, especially on a farm, but the lovely lady was not at all shy about being naked.

"Hey there!" The canine waved as they approached each other.

"Hello, my name is Eva." She politely introduced herself. "And who are you?"

"My name is Alexander, or Alex for short. I'm the new farmhand here. I'm a herding dog." He explained.

"That's wonderful!" Her face lit up happily. "It's nice to meet you." She shook his hand.

"Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm eager to start working here."

"I hope you don't mind that I'm not dressed." She innocently spoke. "It is hot outside, and my wool already keeps me very warm."

"No! Not at all!" He bashfully rubbed his head. "I understand, and you're very beautiful."

"Aww. Thank you." She closed her eyes and held a hand over her heart from the compliment. "It's great news that Boris and his wife decided to hire you. He needs plenty of help around the farm. I can help show you around the whole property if you would like." The friendly ewe offered.

"Yes please. I would appreciate it." He gladly accepted and followed Eva along the grassy field stretching out towards the rolling hills.

"So where do you come from?" The ewe was very inquisitive.

"I was born on a smaller farm around thirty or so miles to the east." He pointed in the direction. "My mom and dad raised me and my three siblings well. I grew up herding sheep, but they weren't like you." Alex bashfully grinned and rubbed his head.

"What do you mean?" Her head curiously tilted.

"Well, they weren't anthropomorphic. They were all regular domestic sheep." Alex explained. "Boris didn't mention that the animals here were anthropomorphic like me." He admitted. "I was expecting to herd like I used to at my old home."

"That's quite alright." Eva didn't see any fault. "We very much need a herding dog at this farm." She insisted. "Sometimes the ladies of the farm get lost or distracted so easily." The ewe waved a hand and chuckled. "The farm is so beautiful, and all of the scenery is just lovely."

"You're right about that." He grinned and looked out towards the rolling hills where small patches of forest met the grassy fields.

"Oh! Look! The farm is just like this flower." She unexpectedly bent forward in front of Alex. The collie's eyes widened as his ears stood attentive at the sight of her naked rear for him to see.

"It's such a beautiful flower, isn't it?" Eva spoke with admiration as she picked it from the patch of clover. However, his eyes were drawn to the "flower" nestled between her wooly thighs. He felt his sheath stir as a few thoughts entered his mind.

"You don't get scenery like this at any farm." The sheep stated and stood up with a little white flower between her fingers.

"Eh. Um. You're right." Alex rubbed his neck, and blew a little sigh of relief. 'Stay focused Alex. She seems a little clumsy.' He told himself.

"I'm so glad that you're here." Eva stayed closed to his side and locked arms with the collie. "All of the ladies will adore you." She contently spoke.

'Ladies? So she is not the only anthropomorphic person on this farm.' Alex wondered if she meant a lot of people. The ewe led him along a dirt path through the green grass that passed by a row of apple trees.

"The apples here aren't very sweet, but they are tasty." Eva told him. "We help pick them each year, and we get many baskets full of them."

"They'd make a good snack anytime of day." Alex looked at the trees with the ripening fruits.

"Mmhm!" The ewe happily agreed as they reached the end of the flat ground where the terrain gradually tumbled down a hillside. It gave a great view of a large portion of the farm out to the rolling hills, patches of forest, hayfield, fences, and pasture.

"Oh, look!" Eva pointed ahead, down the sloping hillside towards a stream below. "There are the goats. I can introduce you to them." She offered. Alex looked and saw four female goats wearing various striped dresses and gown-like garments. They even wore little cloths or headpieces around their horns.

"It seems like they're about to bathe in the stream." He noticed that the ones at the water's edge were already disrobing, and then setting their clothes aside. "Maybe you could introduce me when they are finished?" He didn't want to intrude.

"Oh nonsense." Eva insisted. "We are not bothering them in the slightest. They'd love to meet you."

"Are you sure?" Alex hesitated.

"You shouldn't feel shy about approaching anyone here. Everyone on the farm is very friendly, and they'll be happy to know that you are our new herding dog." Eva insisted. "Besides, you'll feel comfortable with everyone in just a few days." Even though the collie had his reservations, he followed the ewe down the hillside path where the goats were standing.

"How should I address them?" Alex nervously asked. "As nannies, or ladies?" He wondered what to call a group of anthropomorphic goats.

"You don't have to sound so proper or formal. I can tell you all of their names." Eva stated as they walked closer. By the time they walked down the pathway, all of them had undressed. He could not help himself from staring as one of the ladies bent forward and wet her white and brown head fur with handfuls of water. Her white furred breasts hanging below jiggled tantalizingly before him.

"Hey girls!" The ewe called out once they approached.

"Hello Eva!" One of them excitedly spoke, quickly attracting the others' attention. All of their eyes quickly stared at the border collie by her side.

"Who is your friend, Eva?" The goat closest to them asked with interest. Standing in front of them; her fur was white as snow and she had a very curvy body with modest perky breasts. Her horns curved backwards, still adorned with a grey colored cloth, the only garment left on her body. Her legs were toned and her tummy had a slight natural curve of fat. She didn't seem to mind the fact that they were all naked.

"This is Alex." Eva placed a hand on his shoulder. "Boris hired him as a farmhand. He's a herding dog by nature."

"Um. Hello." He shyly waved at the naked group of nannies.

"Oh!" All four were intrigued.

"I was taking him around the farm to show him the property, and everyone who lived here." She explained. "But he wanted to know all of your names."

"So tell him." One of the goats nestled by the creek said with a delighted smile.

"I'll correct you if you are wrong." The goat standing before them chuckled and placed her hands on her hips.

"This is Elena." She gestured to the naked curvy female standing before them.

"Hello." Elena nodded and smiled.

"Anushka." The goat seated in the grass behind them. She also had white fur and was a little pudgy compared to Elena, but her heavier breasts sagged noticeably as they rested low on her pudgy front.

"Hi." She waved.

"Galina." The white goat with black markings who also wore a medallion necklace. Her body was more athletic than the other goats.

"Hey." She flashed a smile.

"And Natalia." The brown and white furred goat kneeling in the stream had heavy breasts like Anushka, but her tummy was fairly slim.

"Hello there!" She waved with a joyful smile causing her bracelet to jingle.

"It's nice to meet you Alex." The one standing before them smiled politely.

"It's, uh, very nice to meet you. All of you." He smiled and looked at all four nude goat ladies. "As Eva mentioned, I'm a herding dog, and I'm very happy to be here."

"Oh! That's great!" Galina cheerfully spoke. "We really need a herding dog."

"Mmhm!" Anushka nodded from her seat in the grass. "Just a few days ago, a storm suddenly rolled in from the mountains when we were in the fields and it started pouring rain. Our clothes became soaked, and we had to hide under the trees naked until the rain stopped. We had nothing to wear for the rest of the day." She sullenly finished.

"The thunder and lightning terrified me." Natalia mentioned with a chill.

"It will be very helpful to have a swift collie guide us home when we are so far from the barn and house." Elena agreed. "We're glad that you're here Alex." The white furred goat warmly smiled.

"Thank you. I'm glad to be of help." He warmly answered.

"We were just about to take a bath together and wash all of our clothes. Would you like to join us?" Elena stepped forward and placed a hand on the collie's arm. The other three behind her liked the idea very much. The collie felt a rush of embarrassment at the proposal.

"Eh. um. Sorry, but I'm touring around the farm." Alex quickly came up with an excuse much to their dismay. A few pouted in response but didn't fuss too much about it.

"What he means to say is we have a lot of ground to cover ladies." Eva chuckled and tugged Alex away with her. "He's simply too polite, but maybe another day. Thank you for taking the time to chat!"


"Bye bye!" The goats waved as they departed from the stream. Alex felt his nervousness ebb away as Eva walked with him along a path that followed the creek.

"Thank you for helping me get out of that." He glanced over his shoulder and noticed the goats were still watching him as they chatted amongst themselves.

"It's no trouble at all." Eva reassured him. "I could tell you were a little nervous, but I would be the same if I was standing in front of a group of strangers." She smiled all the same.

"But you're not a guy standing before naked women..." Alex mumbled under his breath.

"Hmm?" Eva glanced at him.

"Uh. It's nothing... Is the stream a popular area to bathe at?" He asked.

"Of course." She stated. "Everyone loves cooling off there. I wouldn't be surprised if just about everyone cools off there at some point in the day when it is hot."

"I see." He nodded.

"If a lot of people are bathing one afternoon, and you wanted a little privacy, then you can simply follow the stream and find a quieter spot."

"Thanks. I'll definitely keep that in mind." Alex noted and looked around the open field. There weren't too many places to hide from prying eyes, except for a few trees at the top of the closest hill.

"I wanted to ask, out of curiosity, was there another herding dog before me?"

"Yes, a German shepherd named Elizabeth used to live here for several years." Eva told him. "She was very sweet to all of us, worked very hard, and we loved every day she spent here."

"Why is she no longer working here?"

"Her mother became ill and needed to be cared for, so she had to make the difficult decision to move back and help. Her mother gradually recovered, but we miss Elizabeth very much." Eva mentioned.

"Well, it's good that her mother is well. I would feel the same way if my mother became ill."

"Mmhm." Eva nodded and hummed as they walked along the bottom of the hill. They reached the corner of a fence that divided the flatter land across the stream.

"Let's cross the water here." The ewe suggested and waded across with Alex. Paws and hooves quietly splashed less than a dozen steps to cross.

"Ooh!" Eva suddenly jumped the last two steps onto land causing her breasts to bounce.

"Are you alright?"

"The water was chilly when it reached my ankles!" She laughed only to shudder from a little chill. "But I'm fine. It was refreshing." Eva reassured him.

"So what's on the other side of the fence?" Alex asked.

"This fence divides up the hay field." She explained and patted one of the posts.

"Looks like a lot of acreage." He observed the gently rolling hills.

"Yep there is plenty of ground to cover. Oh, and there's one of the cows!" Eva pointed further ahead to a white furred bovine leaning on the fence, gazing out at the hillside of dandelions and buttercups. She wore a loose vertical striped dress supported by two pinned straps on her shoulders; but the garment was very revealing along her sides. Alex could easily see her sides from shoulder to waist, including a very generous view of the sides of her breast. She wore a small matching band of cloth around the base of her horns, and a braided leather armband on her upper arm.

"Hello!" Eva cheerfully waved and greeted one of the farm ladies.

"Hey there, Eva." The cow smiled at the ewe and border collie. "You're looking as beautiful as ever." She complimented her.

"Aww, hush you." Eva turned and blushed sweetly for a moment. "I wanted to introduce you to each other." She placed a hand on the collie's shoulder.

"I see! My name is Matilda." The bovine introduced herself. "And who might you be?" She looked at the canine.

"Hello. I'm the new farmhand, and a herding dog."

"Oh, that's wonderful! I will have to tell the others about our new herding dog." She smiled and stood up from leaning on the fence. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Matilda reached across the fence and shook his hand.

"The others?" He blinked as the cow placed both of her hands on a fence post.

"They're all still fetching water, but I'm sure they're gossiping about other farms and everybody else. You know how ladies are." She rolled her eyes and giggled. "There's Daisy and Marfa. Oh, I will just have to introduce you to everyone when we are all together." She kindly smiled.

"I have a lot of people to meet and become acquainted with." The collie nodded.

"You aren't going to chase us around like sheep, are you?" She giggled at the idea.

"I don't think I will have to herd cows." Alex found it funny.

"I hope not! I'm not very fast." Matilda laughed. "But we will need to be milked every day." She told him with a smile. "Sometimes the farmer and his wife are too busy with all the acreage they have to cover here." The cow surprised him.

"Milked?" He glanced back at Eva. "I don't know..."

"Oh, please promise me and all of the other cows that you will milk us." She clasped her hands together. "It's most uncomfortable when we go even a day without it."

"Well, uh..." The collie wasn't sure how to answer. His face burned underneath his fur from embarrassment. "I have never milked a cow before who doesn't have udders..."

"It's not difficult at all. You'll get the hang of it quickly." Matilda promised and undid the clasps on her shoulders, allowing her heavy breasts to hang in full view before him. The cow had bell shaped breasts, likely from their weight, and thick nipples that pointed downwards.

"You just need a firm grip, but please be gentle." She demonstrated and carefully tugged the base of her nipple at the areola. A thin stream of milk quickly came out with little effort. "My breasts will feel so full and tender if I'm not milked." She softly whined and gently rubbed both in front of him. Alex swallowed nervously as his cheeks felt warm as he stared at her breasts hanging so plainly before him on their side of the fence.

"Oh, Mildred he'd be delighted to help milk you, and every other cow too." Eva gladly spoke on behalf of Alex.

"Huh?" His eyes gaped at the ewe.

"Oh, thank you so much Alex!" Matilda clasped her hands together. "That makes me feel so much better. I'll be sure to let all of the others know." She promised.

"Eva..." The collie grumbled.

"A breast isn't very different from an udder." The ewe cupped one of her own breasts.

"That's... not the point." He nervously looked away.

"I'm really grateful for your help Alex." Matilda added in a heartfelt tone. "Thank you." Her voice was very sweet and innocent. The cow didn't have any malice in her voice, and her facial expression was sincere.

"You're welcome." He flashed a grin despite the new obligation he had. A warm grin returned to her face.

"Sorry to bother you Matilda, but we'll be going now. I have to give him a tour of the farm." Eva locked arms with the collie once more.

"Oh, you were not bothering me in the slightest." She pulled her top back up. "I'll have to tell the other cows about our new farmhand." She smiled at Alex.

"It was nice meeting you, Matilda." He waved as they parted ways. The cow smiled even more and waved.

"Matilda is very nice and sweet, isn't she?" Eva said once they left.

"She is." Alex agreed. "But I wish you had mentioned something about... milking cows earlier."

"Sorry, you're right." Eva apologized and ruffled her wool.

"I believe Boris is going to work more with the machinery now, you know, the tractors, while you do more of the hands on work." She grinned. "At least, that's what I thought."

"Well, that does make sense." He thought for a moment. "It's just that he didn't even mention anything about milking cows to me."

"Oh, it's nothing special." Eva spoke in a reassuring tone.

"Maybe for every farm that has anthropomorphic cows." He guessed.

"We can continue following this fence or go through the field if you'd like." Eva suggested. "Or is there somewhere else you had in mind?" She turned and asked.

"Hmm..." Alex paused and thought for a moment. "I wanted to take a look around and see if anything needed repairs, or if anything was run down along the fences."

"We can do that!"

"If it is alright... I'd prefer going at my own pace for a little while this afternoon." He didn't want to find himself obligated to more... intimate chores at Eva's behest.

"Oh, of course. I don't want to bother you too much." Eva slipped away from his side. "I'll meet up with you again in the afternoon." She promised.

"Thanks!" He waved. "I'll see around in a while." They parted ways.


Alex quietly walked along the far end of a field, close to the forest beneath the steeper hills of the mountains. His keen canine eyes followed a lengthy fence that bordered the forest only a couple of meters away. It was constructed of wood, like many rural farms, but the natural elements didn't age very well. He crouched down and examined one of the old broken sections of fence.

'It's just very old and worn down.' He concluded, and stood up to wipe his forehead. The afternoon wasn't too hot, but staying under the sun for more than an hour was a lot for the fluffy furred canine.

"I envy those in the shade and water." He hoped for a strong breeze to blow across the farm and ruffle his fur. However, the air was still, as it had been all day. His eyes scanned the area and settled on the nearest section of forest to find reprieve.

"Resting in the shade will be nice." He walked around the dilapidated section of fence, and headed up the gently sloping terrain to the closest group of trees. Alex took a relaxed breath, enjoying the presence of shade and the subtle chirping of crickets. An occasional bird chirped overhead or nearby. It was the perfect place to be during a sunny afternoon. He found a comfy spot at the base of a tree and settled down for the time being.

'It looks like I won't be doing a lot of herding even though Eva said I would herd the other sheep.' He thought about herding anthropomorphic ewes, but the image of many others like only created a fantasy for the collie.

'I'll be running around with a full hard-on, knot included if this keeps happening.' Alex closed his eyes. Fortunately, sleep arrived without interruption. He dozed off with the birds chirping in the trees above him, but the border collie's slumber was brief. His ears perked up at the sound of a stick breaking nearby. His eyes opened up and stared at the green canopy above, but a quiet step prevented him from falling back asleep. Alex jumped to his paws and faced an unexpected intruder. Standing before him was a vixen of short stature whose youth was years behind her. Like the rest of the ladies on the farm, she was completely naked. Her arms and torso were slim, but her breasts were well sized and her thighs were thick. The pink nubs of flesh on each pointed more towards the ground than directly at him.

"Who are you?" He questioned the mysterious fox.

"Sorry to startle you." She curtsied despite her obvious nudity. "My name is Evelyn."

"Do you live around here?"

"I have a small den in the woods." She pointed over her shoulder. "But I have never seen you here before." The vixen took immediate interest in the collie. Alex felt his legs tense as she thoroughly eyed him over.

"Let me guess... You're here to steal chickens from the farm aren't you?" He looked at the buxom red vixen skeptically.

"Oh no sweetie." She shook her head sadly for a moment. "I do not want any chickens from the farm. I'm not as fast as I once was, and goodness, my breasts would just get in the way if I tried to quickly climb a fence or dig under a wall." She held up her large breasts and lightly squished them up to her chest, just below her chin. "I have to hold them even when I run, or they'll bounce all over the place." The vixen let them slip out of her hands and hang naturally. "It's so embarrassing..." She looked away and blushed. Alex's cheeks felt warm at the saucy description, and his sheath stirred in reaction.

"But I can see that we'll get along perfectly if you're this happy to see me." She nodded a little low. Glancing down, Alex was shocked but not entirely surprised to see half of his red length emerging from its hiding place.

"Ah! Sorry!" He quickly covered himself, but the mature vixen didn't look offended in the slightest.

"No worries. My bust must be a little distracting." She knowingly smiled, leaned forward and shook her chest lightly for him.

"You think?!" He sarcastically barked at her. The vixen quickly stepped closer and grabbed his hand.

"It's perfectly normal for a young male like yourself to feel that away with a mature fox, wouldn't you say?" She winked and pulled his hands away, revealing the healthy red spire standing upright.

"Ma'am, this is not appropriate, and I've been surrounded by naked ladies all day." He mumbled.

"Then you need a lady with experience to satisfy you." Evelyn suggested.

"I don't think-" Alex tried backing away only for his paw to catch and trip over a large tree root. The collie stumbled back, landing flatly onto his back.

"Ouch." He winced and felt his head. Alex felt the mossy root covered ground only to feel fur brush by his legs. The collie blinked and tried to sit up only for a hand to firmly hold his inner thigh.

"Huh?" He looked down and his mouth gaped at the mature red vixen on her hands and knees, looming above his waist. Her breasts hung so innocently below, but the look on her face was sweet and promising of something even more. His hard member throbbed at the sight.

"I have a deal to offer you." The vixen said with sultry eyes.

"Wh-what deal?"

"Let's have a little chat." She told him. "After I'm done taking care of this." Evelyn touched the tip of his manhood with a sole finger as if to hold him in place.

"Nngg." Alex bit his lip.

"Relax sweetie." She cooed with a warm grin. "I know what I'm doing. You just lay back and enjoy it all." Her voice was as smooth as velvet. Alex grunted and closed his eyes as soon as her smooth tongue began licking him from base to tip.

"Ohhh. Wow..." The collie gasped as the vixen's keen tongue drew pleasured groans from him with ease. His erection jumped and throbbed under the gentle stimulation from Evelyn's tongue. Watching her keep eye contact with him only made his heart race even harder. His knot emerged, giving her something to hold on to. She ever so slightly aimed his erect length a little lower and began suckling and lapping at his tip. Alex was in heaven, writhing and tensing with pure pleasure as she soon began engulfing his length into her maw. The warm and wet stimulation of her tongue constantly teasing around his spire of flesh made the pleasure spike with no hope of returning down.

And then without warning, Alex came with force. Evelyn's hands held the collie's legs to prevent him from bucking into her muzzle, but her devilish tongue drew out every pulsating jet with breathtaking pleasure. The collie laid motionless when he was finished with closed eyes. His heart pounded within his chest, and it was the only sound he could hear for a minute. It felt as if everything was over in a flash, but he was left basking in a warm afterglow.

"My, my... You were quick to pop." A female voice broke through the haze in his mind. The collie peeked an eye open only to see the vixen watching him with a content smile. Her fluffy tail slowly swayed behind her. Not a drop was to be found.

"Ready to chat?" She asked while still holding his knot and blushing erect length.

"Uh... Sure." He breathed.

"I didn't even get your name." Evelyn chuckled. "How impolite of me."

"It's Alex." He sighed.

"Where are you from Alex?" The vixen asked while gently toying with his pulsating length.

"A farm several miles away from here. Although, none of the livestock were anthropomorphic. I was hired by Boris to be the new farmhand here."

"Oh! I should've known that." She snapped her fingers. "Why else would you be here?" The fox asked herself.

"I want to know something." Alex spoke up for himself.

"Sure! Ask away." She grinned.

"A stranger doesn't jump someone like this." He mentioned. "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing but good company." She giggled truthfully. "But if you must know I was walking along the edge of the woods when I first saw you examining the fence. I waited for you to come here before deciding to reveal myself." Evelyn explained.

"You're very tricky."

"So I've been told before." She cooed. "But it's not at all common to see a male around here, especially one like you. How could I resist when I know someone else will get to you just as fast as I have."

"They've been trying alright." Alex admitted. "But why me? Aren't there male foxes in the woods?"

"No one else lives in the forest other than deer, but they're not anthropomorphic like us. You might just say I'm a lonely old vixen with only women to keep me company." She told him. "Besides, I saw a nice red tip emerging from down here when you laid down." She brushed a finger against his sheath. "I knew you had something fun on your mind." Alex grumbled, cursed by his own thoughts. Glancing down, he was thankful to see his member finally receding back into his sheath.

"Well, I guess playtime is over." Evelyn remarked and sat up. Alex followed suit but held his head as a brief moment of dizziness passed. She stood up and loomed above him, providing him with another grand view of her body. Alex half expected her to try something, but the vixen extended a hand instead.

"Thanks." He accepted and grabbed her hand. Evelyn help pull him to his paws.

"Look at all this dust and dirt on you." She looked him over and didn't hesitate to step around and wipe his backside and arms clean. "There. You look better now."

"Um. Thank you." He politely spoke.

"Maybe you could do the same for me?" She innocently smiled and raised her arms above her head and puffed her chest out towards the collie. Alex felt his cheeks burn red as he became frozen in place.

"Oh come now." The vixen dropped her arms and pouted. "You don't need to be so pure hearted around me, or any other lady on this farm or the next." She told him. "You'll be doing this a lot more than you know."

"I-I will?" He felt nervous, but the news didn't surprise him.

"You'll see soon enough." She huffed and placed both hands on her hips. "You're so innocent and sweet... I should've rode you for all your worth." She added in a gruff voice and shook her rear. "But now that I know you'll be working here, I haven't missed a single opportunity yet." Evelyn winked. "Just come by the woods anytime, or maybe I'll come by and visit you." She poked him squarely in his chest. Alex touched the same spot but wondered how he should feel about it.

"Stop pouting." She frowned. "Most men would die to be in this kind of situation."

"I'm afraid I might die from it." His ears folded back bashfully as the vixen cackled with loud laughter that echoed through the trees.


Despite their odd yet eventful encounter, Evelyn had departed with him on good terms. Alex still had a difficult time trying to figure out why the mature vixen jumped him like that, but he hoped that no one would find out what had happened. Without much rest, the border collie lumbered along, leaving the woods and spending the next hour surveying the edge of the farm along the forest. Alex ended up following the outer fence line of the property, returning closer to the farmhouse.

"Finally, a quiet place to rest." Alex sighed and trotted over to a lonely fence. "And the scenery couldn't be more beautiful." He remarked with a grin. The collie had a wide view of the rolling sunny grassland below, and subsequent valley where the opposing forested hills and mountains rose. One thing was certain, he would have a gorgeous view wherever he worked on the farm during the daytime.

'Evelyn handled me like I was putty.' He felt a little dejected at how easily she had seduced him. The canine's gaze lifted to the horizon as he thought about what the vixen had told him. 'Is everyone really like that around here?' The canine thought back to Eva bending forward in front of him, the goats wanting to bathe with him, and Matilda the cow begging him to milk her and the other cows.

"Maybe she was right..." Alex rubbed his head fur before leaning on a fence post causing the old fence post to creak loudly.

"Who's there?" A gruff female voice suddenly spoke, startling him. Looking down, the collie found himself staring at a canine face seated on the ground below him.

"Sorry! I didn't see you there." He apologized and took a step back as the canine rose to her paws. She was an eastern shepherd and her stature was impressive, but like everyone else at the farm, she was completely naked. She was taller than Alex, and built with strength. Her arms, legs, and torso were toned and fit for any physical task, no matter how demanding. Her breasts were small, matching her athletic physique, but her wide dark ringed areolae and stout nipples were impossible to miss as they jutted out ahead. However, the downy light grey fur between her legs concealed her womanhood very well.

"Fancy meeting a stranger at a fence." She grinned. "My name is Mikhaila, but everyone calls me Mischa." She introduced herself by flexing an arm.

"It's nice to meet you Mischa." He shook hands with her only to wince from her strong grip. "I'm Alex, the new farmhand. I am a herding dog." The collie pointed to himself.

"Ah!" She hummed with intrigue at the news. "I was wondering when Boris would seek extra help on his farm. He can barely keep up with everything now that he's getting old." Mischa remarked. "And I must say, he hired a nice young male for a farmhand." She smiled and gave him a quick look over.

"Uh, thanks." He grinned shyly only to step back as Mischa suddenly jumped across the fence to stand before him. The collie had ample time to see the canine beauty standing proudly.

"It seems someone else has gotten to you first." She lightly huffed in disappointment.

"Eh-what?" He blinked in surprise.

"I can smell it as easily as you can." She tapped her black nose. "You and a fox. That is, a lady fox." She grinned with a knowing look in her eyes.

"Ah. Well, uh..." Alex bashfully rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"Don't feel ashamed. I won't tell anyone if you're that bothered about it." Mischa offered.

"You won't? Thanks!" He blew a pent up sigh and relaxed his shoulders.

"No problem." She innocently waved a hand. "But you do owe me one." The canine added with a toothy grin and wink.

"So, uh, do you live on the farm as well?" He asked.

"No. I live on the neighboring farm beside Boris's." She nodded over her shoulder. "I'm not a herding dog, but I help keep watch over the livestock here."

"Are any of them anthropomorphic?"

"No. She shook her head. "They're cows raised for beef. None of them are like us, which makes watching them kinda boring. That's why I like to hang around the fences here to chat with any of the cows, sheep, or goats who stroll by."

"Oh, okay." Alex nodded.

"Of course, if no one is around then it's a nice place to snooze for the afternoon." She grinned. "I'm guessing you'll have your hands full very soon." Mischa pointed over towards the farmhouse. Alex turned around to look only for his eyes to widen as her bare front pressed up against his back. Alex could easily feel her perky nipples digging into his fur just below his shoulders, silently begging for attention. A hand began caressing his arm.

"If you ever feel overwhelmed and need a break from herding you can come by this farm and visit me. I won't bite." Mischa cooed into his ear. Alex nearly jumped back into the eastern shepherd as she placed a firm hand on his inner thigh. Her fingertips made a pass at his sheath.

"But I will lick." The eastern shepherd whispered and licked his ear. "A lot." Mischa gave Alex a little squeeze before letting him step away.

"I-okay." He fumbled his words, but the strong female canine smiled all the same.

"Oh, and before I forget, my farm has a guard dog, Anya. She's a Doberman and anthropomorphic like us, but skinny like you. Unlike me she's well endowed." Mischa drew her hands over her chest, marking well sized breasts. "I'll let her know you're the new farmhand here, so she won't bite either." She chuckled. "Maybe we could do something together." The canine winked. Alex's entire face felt red from the openness of her suggestions.

"Thanks!" He quickly said unsure what else he could say. "I really need to get going though, but thanks for chatting." The collie slipped away while the eastern shepherd watched him closely from the fence line.


The collie briskly walked down the gentle slope of grass back towards the farmhouse.

'First Eva the ewe, the goats, Matilda the cow, Evelyn the vixen; and now there's two canines from the neighboring farm, Mischa and Anya...' Alex wondered how full his hands would be with so many 'friendly' ladies in the area. He looked over his shoulder, thankful that the eastern shepherd canine hasn't decided to chase him down for a little 'fun.'

'Being young has its... obligations I suppose.' He didn't know how else to word it appropriately. At every turn it seemed as though someone had their eyes on him, but their eyes were the least of his problems. Alex slowed down to a casual walk as he approached the nearest hen house. Just around the corner, he spotted Eva feeding a small group of ducks and chickens. The ewe was still completely naked, although he didn't mind seeing her pretty trimmed wool figure in plain view.

"Hey Eva!" He greeted the ewe. "I'm back."

"Oh! Hi Alex." She turned around with a look of excitement on her face. "You startled me." She scattered the last handful of food to the fowl and hopped over to the border collie.

"Have you been back here most of the time?"

"Yep! How was your walk around the fence and farm?"

"It was... good." He slowly nodded and thought for a moment. "I wish I had taken a full nap, but I was able to look around where I needed to."

"There's a few outdoor showers if you wanted to cool down." Eva offered and motioned towards the back of the farmer's house. "There's also a spigot by the barn."

"No it's fine." He politely waved a hand. "But thank you anyway. I'm not hot right now."

"If you insist." She stated. "So did you meet anyone else while you were walking along the fence lines?" She curiously asked.

"When I tried taking a nap by the woods I met a red vixen named Evelyn..." His cheeks warmed at the mere mention of her.

"Oh, that sneaky vixen." Eva slowly nodded.

"Is she dangerous?" Alex looked at Eva with concern.

"No, she isn't dangerous." The ewe shook her head. "Years ago she used to steal chicken eggs from the farm and run away with them. Boris wasn't happy about that. None of us were. Elizabeth would chase that naughty vixen all the time, sometimes successfully returning some eggs. But that was several years ago."

"What happened back then to change it?"

"Evelyn was getting older and she couldn't outrun Elizabeth, and the vixen was afraid of being punished by Boris if she was captured. So one cold winter day she came to us begging for food. Boris agreed to give her some food and free passage of the farm if she didn't steal from him anymore. Evelyn agreed and since then she visits from time to time and eats with us. She's very friendly, but quiet at times, so keep an eye on her. She is a sneaky fox." Eva winked.

"How well I know..." Alex muttered under his breath.

"But you might see more of her with the rest of us on the farm. She likes traveling through the woods and sunbathing at the streams and creeks too."

"That's good to know." He nodded. "There was a canine who I met at the fence. She told me that she was from the neighboring farm." Alex pointed back from where he had walked.

"Oh?" The ewe looked at him with interest. "So you met miss Misha too?"

"Yes, and she's... something else." He admitted.

"I admire her physique. She's very strong and outspoken." Eva nodded.

"Those are both true. She told me about their guard dog too." He added.

"Mmhm. That would be her good friend Anya. She's very quiet and well reserved, but I'm certain you two will get along just fine." The ewe promised. "Just know that she's very protective."

"Thanks. I will keep that in mind."

"Okay." She giggled. "I can show you around the rest of the buildings here if you'd like." The ewe offered.

"Sure, I'd like that." He agreed. Either way, the collie would need to know where everything was situated on the farm. Eva gladly took him to a pair of buildings that resembled stables, but also open homes. A wood stove was visible inside the middle of the open space underneath the overhanging roof. The stalls were more akin to little bedrooms where hay created a soft bedding. He noticed a few blankets were folded up on a shelf.

"This is where the goats sleep." She gestured to both buildings. "And the cows sleep here."

"They both look very comfortable, but what if everyone wants a little privacy?"

"If someone wants a little alone or quiet time, then they can close the stall door or hang a curtain up." Eva explained. "Most of the time we just sleep together if we're chatting into the night anyway. It isn't a big deal, and a little body heat goes a long way during a cold night." She bumped her hip into him.

"Heh. I guess you're right about that." He shyly grinned as she smiled. "Oh, but where do the sheep sleep?"

"The barn. Isn't that where you will be staying?"

"I think so. I mean, that's what I thought." He shrugged.

"We typically sleep in some of the front stalls with plenty of hay since our wool keeps us warm." She ruffled her fingers through her sides. "But I can ask some of the ladies to prepare a stall just for you, or even the loft above if you prefer." Eva offered.

"Sure. That sounds nice." He liked it.

"Perfect! I wanted you to meet all of the ewes anyway." She led the collie back across the yard where the barn and hen houses were. The chickens were still rummaging along, and he even saw a few more ducks lingering around. Eva took him to a wide but short building where he could hear playful shouting and laughter coming from inside.

'What is going on in there?' Alex tilted his head. Eva peeked inside only to back away.

"I'm so sorry!" She covered her mouth out of embarrassment. "I forgot to tell you that they were getting sheared today."

"Oh, so that's why you look so trim today." Alex grinned understandingly.

"Yes, but then you appeared and I was excited to show you around so I forgot about it. I'm sorry for not letting you know." She apologized.

"That's okay." The collie wasn't bothered at all and decided to step forward and take a peek inside. The scene before him was unlike anything he had expected to be on a farm. There were white wooled ewes like Eva all throwing shaven fleece at each other. The scene resembled a blizzard with all of the fluff in the air and on the floor.

'Four ewes.' He counted the naked sheep dancing, bouncing around, and playing.

"Excuse me, ladies!" Eva called out above the fray to catch their attention. Their heads turned and the shouting stopped. All of the fleece floated and fell down to the ground, if it wasn't sticking to their wool.

"Hey Eva!" One said.

"There you are!" Another said.

"Who's your friend?" A third looked at the collie beside her.

"This is Alex." She stepped forward and led Alex inside. "He's the new farmhand that Boris hired. He's the herding dog." Eva explained. "And I'd like for each of you to introduce yourselves to him." All of the ewes eagerly and happily ran up to them, clearly not bashful about their own nudity in front of Alex. Three of them were a little difficult to distinguish since they were built similarly, especially when they were all pressed beside each other!

"I'm Katarina." The first kindly introduced herself.

"I'm Beatrice."

"I'm Natasha."

"And I'm Agatha." The pudgier one with the oldest voice and heavier breasts introduced herself last with a little bow. As soon as the introductions were over; the youngest ewes, Katarina, Beatrice, and Natasha excitedly surrounded the collie, nudging out Eva from his side.

"Where are you from?"

"Do all collies look like you?"

"Do you like the farm?" Three questions were thrown at him, and many more were waiting to be asked as Alex found himself surrounded.

"Ladies please give him some space." Agatha the eldest interrupted with a stern voice, and helped calm down the younger ewes down. Her breasts shook as she wagged her finger at them.

"He just arrived here earlier today." Eva pouted and placed her hands on her hips wearing a cute frown on her face. The three overexcited ewes bashfully backed away with folded down ears and looks of shame on their faces.

"I'm sorry, Eva, Agatha." Beatrice spoke first.

"We're just excited to see him." Katarina innocently said next. Natasha nodded in agreement.

"All of us will have plenty of time to become acquainted with Alex." The older Agatha approached the collie. "Besides I'm sure he appreciates a more mature lady for company." She smiled and placed an arm around his shoulders. Alex glanced down and saw one of the older ewe's saggy breasts touching his side.

"Fleece fight!" Eva yelled and threw a handful of fleece, hitting Agatha in the face. The older sheep burst into cackling laughter before scooping up some and throwing it back. Alex watched as all of the ewes, including Eva, began throwing fleece at each other once again.

"Look out Alex!" Eva squealed as she hurled a ball of fluff at him. The collie quickly ducked and threw some back, joining the fray.


Only a hanging lantern illuminated a small radius of space at the entrance of the old red barn on the early first hour of night. Crickets were chirping loudly and an occasional hooting sound from a faraway tree eerily echoed to the farmhouse. A mouse skittered away as a pair of figures approached the barn. Alex slowly walked alongside Eva, holding onto his arm dearly, as they entered the farm's humble outdoor dwelling.

"I'm so tired." He admitted as they passed by the stalls where the others were asleep. "And I haven't even started any chores yet." The collie already had a list for tomorrow: milk all three cows after sunrise, collect eggs with the goats, repair the damaged section of fence, help churn butter with the cows, and then help the ewes spin their fleece into yarn. Somewhere in there he could fit lunch in, right?

"I asked the ladies to prep your room." Eva explained as they approached one of the back areas of the barn. Turning a corner, she showed him to a stall where fresh hay had been scattered to create a firm bed. Two folded blankets were neatly tucked on a low hanging shelf. Fresh picked flowers were strewn along the entryway, and several cut herbs were left in a little glass for a refreshing smell.

"Thanks. It looks nice." Alex appreciated the kind gesture. Eva clearly agreed as she gracefully sashayed over and laid down in the middle of the hay bed.

"Come lay down with me." She beckoned him with a finger.

"I don't know Eva..." Alex weakly shook his head. "It's been a long day."

"I'd feel much safer if you were with me." Eva feigned a little frown of disappointment. "I just want to go to sleep too."

"Alright. It's fine." He waved a hand and joined her. The collie plopped down into the soft rustling hay beside Eva.

"Thanks." The ewe snuggle right up to him, but he didn't mind the intimate contact. It was far more polite than some of the other ladies on the farm!

"Your wool is very warm and soft." He mentioned, and ran his hand up and down her side.

"Aww. Thank you." She grinned and gently wrapped her arms around him. "You won't need a blanket with me." Eva told him. Alex didn't deny the fact, and enjoyed the softness provided to him.

"I heard that you made friends with everyone you met." She quietly spoke.

"Everyone was very friendly to me." Alex agreed. "But you wouldn't believe everything that happened to me today..." A sigh escaped his lips. The ewe grinned but withheld a giggle.

"You can tell me another day then, but are you sure you're up to managing this entire farm?" Eva asked. "Everyone here has many needs, and there's always someone um something to do." She covered her mouth at the little slip.

"I think I can do it all." He stared up at the wooden beams barely outlined in the darkness high above them.

"Splendid. That's the spirit." She grinned. "I'll help in any way that I can." Eva offered.

"Thank you." He sighed gratefully and snuggled closer to her warm wool, nuzzling his face into her chest. Eva smiled and held him close, letting her wooly breasts 'hug' his snout.

"All of the ladies of the farm are so happy that you're here." She quietly added.

"They're very nice." He hummed sleepily.

"Well, everyone here-"

"I meant your breasts." Alex corrected her and closed his eyes with a little grin.

"I'm glad you think so." Eva softly smiled and pet his head. For a moment neither spoke and simply enjoyed the other's company.

"Thank you Eva, for everything today."

"You're welcome, Alex. Goodnight. Work starts bright and early tomorrow morning." She whispered as he fell asleep in her embrace.

'Everyone else has had their chances.' The ewe thought to herself. 'But we will have daybreak all to ourselves.' Eva happily closed her eyes with the border collie in her arms...