Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Twenty One

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#22 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Twenty One

"Fuck It All"


Furry Sith Lord

"I fucking hate that deer!" Merrik complained as he returned to his office the next day. Gele stood by and tried not to roll her eyes as she listened to him whine. "He just can't seem to do things the easy way."

"The easy way? Sir," She replied wondering what he was going on about.

"I told him he was prohibited from entering our facilities and rather than beg and pleading so we could rescue his family, he was like "Fuck it I'll save them myself."

"The nerve," Gele replied trying to keep the sarcasm low in her voice

"Exactly what I'm saying!" Merrik exclaimed.

"Would you like me to talk to him? Maybe I can reason and get him to come crawling back to us?"

"He says he knows the location of The White Citadel. He claims he put a tracer up his husband's butt without him knowing. WE should have thought of that!" Merrik grumbled as he spoke to himself, ignoring Gele. She started fussing with her skunk tail as she wondered if she could get away with spraying her boss for being an idiot.

"Ah fuck," Merrik said as he was replaying the events in his mind.

"Fuck," I exclaimed to himself as Bear was doubled over vomiting in a trash bin. He suddenly became light headed and hit his head on the side of the bin before passing out. I casually walked over and slapped his face seeing if he could awaken him.

I grabbed a bag of ice and dumped it on the giant polar bear then reset the ACs to work at their full capacity. I felt a pang of regret for the suffering I'd caused but it was clear I was slowly killing him and that was not my goal. All things considered the bear had been good to me so I couldn't bring myself to hurt the big furry tub of blubber. I knew I was causing my prank to go too far.

A few hours later Bear awoke and I stood by wearing the large parka to help keep warm.

"The ACs are working again?" He asked weakly.

"The repair guy said he got them fixed but he's not sure how long they'll last." I lied. I felt another pang of regret as I realized I used to consider myself an honest fur but since coming here I had spent more time lying than anytime I ever had in my life.

"You've been really sick the last few days, want me to get the vet?" I asked, thinking about the trash bin I had to clean out his puke from.

"No," he replied verimently. He must be feeling somewhat better because he spoke with more force than he had for days.

"May I then go visit my brother or... my dad, my boyfriend?" I asked and he again shook his head for the thousandth time because I've been asking on a daily basis. He kept giving me the excuse that not until my indoctrination period was completed. It just infuriated me that they were kept locked up while he dealt with me. I wasn't about to allow him to start in on my family. I wasn't sure how much longer I had to go because of my sabotaging his ACs. I kept delaying him as much as possible so he couldn't get his paws on my brother and my boyfriend.

The matter of what he planned to do with my dad was another problem I worried about. Bear knew he was an agent of C.I.Z.A. and how he planned to deal with him made Bear very secretive. Bear had threatened me that he'd hurt my dad if I didn't behave myself and I was sure Bear must have told my dad to behave or he would hurt us also.

"Let me get my sea legs back and I'll take you out for some dinner." Bear replied, snapping me out of my daydream.

"No! I'm not doing anything until I can see m y family." I said.

"You're a slave, you have no family." he replied and I shook my head in disbelief that he had said that to me. "If I have to, I'll pick you up and carry you under my arm until we get there and you can watch me if you're feeling so stubborn." he said as I scowled at him because in terms of size he could easily carry me as if I was a briefcase.

"Fine," I groaned as I folded my arms across my chest showing my displeasure and I saw him smile as he realized he'd won the argument. I thought about breaking the ACs again but then I did not want to clean up anymore puke. I had my fill for the day.

"What's that?" he asked, pointing and I looked and saw the briefs I was wearing under my loincloth were showing slightly. I felt my cheeks get warm from the embarrassment that he caught me.

"The underwear that white wolf,"

"You mean BH?" he interrupted to correct me.

"Yes, master, the ones BH bought to humiliate me. I'm still searing them." I had to force the word master out. He had a smile on his face and I felt my cheeks get hotter.

"Was that part of the punishment? I thought he was supposed to give you a wedgie or something." he asked.

"I thought so too but instead he spanked me after making me wear them."

"So why are you still wearing them?"

"Because... they're special to me. When we were first sold as slaves my brother and I used to talk about Power Fur Rangers all the time. Even now we still love the show! I like wearing briefs because they're comfortable and they're the first bit of clothes my father bought me." I said truthfully and it felt good not to lie for once even though it was embarrassing.

"Interesting. They seem a bit tight due to their size. Wouldn't you prefer something more your size? Aren't they squishing your junk?" He asked.

"Kinda, but I don't want that wolf," I started and Bear gave me a look. "BH pretending to be my dad again and giving me another spank for not wearing them." I lied and felt the heartache of losing all the progress I thought I had made.

"Take them off but you can keep them in your room. You don't have to throw them out but you are too big to be wearing those, even if it is BH getting revenge on you." Bear ordered and I went to my closet prison to obey him.

"... to fuck," Lou said as he answered the qauestion the maid had asked. She had asked how everything was going and that was his reply.

"What do you mean 'everything is going... to fuck'?" She asked.

"Sorry but with my sons and husband captured and now C.I.Z.A. thinks I'm part of a secret organization... it just feels like a giant jumble." Lou griped.

"Is that where that fool of a swolf you live with is? He got himself captured.... Again? Thought the mansion smelled better now that the stink of wet dog is gone."

"Look I know he acts like a puppy but he is my husband and I love him... dearly! Just like my boys." Lou replied and she gave him a look.

"Isn't this part of some great plan of yours?"

"Yes it is but that doesn't mean I can't worry about them."

"Suit yourself personally I think a deer of your stature could do better than that dumb wolf." She said critically and Lou sighed.

"Must you always bicker about him?"

"Let he that hasn't called him 'acting like a puppy' cast the first stone." she replied and Lou sighed again realizing she was once again right though he hated to admit it.

"At least I never called him a dumb dog," Lou remarked quietly to himsxelf .

"Uh huh," She replied skeptically.

Lou had a flashback of when they were in school and he had been walking out of class carrying the tail-awful shoes that were required as part of the dress code. Someone bumped into him from behind and he turned to hear Jon apologise to him then he was shouting for Leggo to hurry up or they'd be late.

He had no idea who they were at the time but merely recognized them as classmates... annoying classmates!

"Sorry," Leggo said to him as he ran off after Jon and Lou wondered how could a grey wolf and a yellow Labrador Retriever ever possibly be friends? He watched them chase after each other and looked like they were playing tag as they acted like a couple of puppies. Lou shook his head in disgust.

His head hurt and the antlers, he had growing, felt tender to touch. Maybe that's why he was irritable today! This was his first set of antlers and much like a child teething he was feeling some discomfort.

He wanted to tell his father about his antlers but he doubted he would get much of a positive reaction. His father would belittle him and tell him his antlers were too small for a deer his age. As if he had any real control over their size! It was not like he was going around saying I wish my antlers were smaller than the other deer in my class. You can't fight your genetics even if you don't like how you've turned out.

There were others at this school that had smaller antlers than he had and they never seem to be able to control their development. It was bad enough his own father made him feel inferior but to have to hear the others of his species mock lesser developed deer really pissed him off.

"If I shove my antler up your ass you'll be glad it's smaller than normal," Tiny Petry would say when others mocked him. During his birth the umbilical cord got wrapped around his neck and nearly killed him. The damage he suffered left him weakened and he was never as big as the other deer. He looked like a permanent fawn never being able to grow up and even when his antlers started coming in he was mocked saying pencils were bigger than his. That was when he came up with that line and made him popular for having the balls to say it to the bigger kids.

Sadly, Tiny Petry died before they graduated because his heart never grew enough to fit the growth of his body. The strain became too much and he died of a heart attack as it was trying to keep up circulating the blood his larger body needed.

Lou realized the real reason he had been upset at seeing Jon and Leggo running off playing. He had been jealous because his father expected him to behave a certain way and acting like a puppy as they were was definitely forbidden.

The maid wandered off to do some work as Lou daydreamed to himself. He took out his cell phone and dialed Jon's number.

"Hey, what's going on?" Jon asked as he answered.

"Sorry, odd question but do you remember Tiny Petry?"

"Oh yeah, he was the deer that died in our class. Heart trouble I think. He used to go around telling everyone he'd shove his foot,"

"Antler," Lou corrected.

"Yeah, antler, up the ass of anyone that picked on him. He was a riot. I remember when he died the whole class wore t-shirts with his picture on it to show solidarity for his passing." Jon said, remembering the tiny little guy.

"I remember that, wow I hadn't thought about him in years." Lou replied.

"He was dating the head cheerleader as I recalled. Becky or something... whatever her name was. He asked her out and she was like 'I don't have time for your little dick.' Well he replied by saying, 'My dick may be little, but I'll crawl up my whole body inside of you and make you orgasm like you never had before.' Rumor had it that when he died she was pregnant with his child." Jon remarked.

"Wasn't she a leopard?"

"Yeah, but like I said it was a rumor. So what brings him up?" Jon asked.

"I'm missing my family and was thinking about them and then I started thinking about school and he popped into my mind."

"Huh... actually his small size gives me an idea. You said you know where they are right? Could you send in a drone to spy things out? Once you get the lay of the land you can mount a rescue and get them out of there."

"That's not a bad idea... but I expect Merrik to beg me to go back to them at any minute. I expect I'm being watched so I can't see how I'd get away with it and not have C.I.Z.A. learn of their location prematurely." Lou replied.

"I wonder what would happen if there was a group of students, a club actually, where they gather to fly drones. What if a teacher took them on a field trip to an area near the WC's base. What if that teacher flew a modified drone and captured the intel that you needed." Jon hinted.

"Jon, if you didn't like girls and I wasn't married I'd kiss you right now. Do you really think you can pull it off?" Lou asked.

"I don't know how to fly drones but if you can teach me a few things then yes I can."

"Ah fuck," I remarkerd as Bear took me to a fancy, expensive, resteraunt. He was dressed up in a suit like my father would wear while I was still in nothing but a dirty old loincloth. It wasn't exactly dirty and I've been washing up daily but I felt dirty compared to how the other richer species here were dressed.

"Shhhh, watch your mouth." Bear instructed.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked sheepishly.

"Sorry I'm late, I got a bit held up." BH said as he pulled a seat and sat at the table we were at. He was dressed up fancy too so now they really had my attention because I felt like they were up to something.

"Glad you made it, I know it was a bit short notice but I appreciate you coming. Pick whatever you want, the sky's the limit." Bear as he handed menus to both of us. I saw the prices and nearly choked. My father fed us very well but never this extravagant!

"Tyger, I'd recommend the lamb, it's absolutely divine." BH said to me and I made a face wondering why was he here? What was all this about? Was Bear trying to make peace between us because if that was the case then I'd be fine if he was kept out of the way.

"I'll have the seal platter." Bear told the waitress when she came to take our orders. Bear then pointed to me and she focused her attention on my which seemed odd after everyone ignored me for the last two weeks.

"I guess... I'll have a steak."

"In that case, I'll have the lamb," he said, then leaned in close to me and I felt myself scowl. "If you've never had lamb before I'll share a little of mine with you."

"Master, why is HE here?" I asked as he was really pissing me off. Bear chuckled to himself then motioned for me to stand next to him. I rose and stood by his side and he reached over and unlatched my collar but left it on my neck. My eyes must have bulged in surprise that he was releasing me.

"This 'feast' if you will, marks the end of your indoctrination period. I feel it's time for you to decide if you will stay with us or leave." He stated

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," kept going through my mind because I was still trying to stall him to stop him from getting to my brother or Ben next.

"I need to have someone l,ook after you because I feel you are still too young to be left alone. BH has volunteered and asked to take you under his paw should you decide to stay. He will also take your brother and your boyfriend so none of you need to worry about being split up." Bear explained and I looked at BH as if he was a rattlesnake about to strike me.

"I'm going to raise you as a guardian until you are old enough to be on your own. I know things haven't been the best between us but this gives us a chance at a new start." BH explained.

"I already have a father and a dad, I don't need you!" I told him and a large paw landed on my head as Bear pulled me so that my left ear was next to his mouth.

"In order to stay here you'll be under BH's supervision. I suggest you think it over very clearly because it would be a shame if something bad happened to your dad because you weren't here to protect him, understand?" Bear threatened and I swallowed hard, realizing what he was saying.

"I thought you said I have a choice in the matter?" I whispered.

"You do my son, you can stay and protect your dad or leave and hope nothing happens to him... or your brother... or your lover." Bear retorted.

"If you do anything to them..."

"You are the one to decide what gets done to them! It's your choice and your choice alone." Bear interrupted.

"You... win, I'll stay." I said weakly.

"Good, very good my son. You will be respecting BH and obeying him in the same manner you do your dad, right?" Bear asked.

"Yes... master." I replied.

"Ah ah ah, Papa Bear! All my children call me Papa Bear and now you're one of them." Bear ordered.

"Yes... Papa Bear." I corrected myself.

"Excellent," Bear replied, then he rose and began to tap his water glass with a spoon to get everyone's attention. "Everyone! May I have your attention please." Bear announced and everyone in the restaurant turned their attention to him and silently waited for what he had to say.

"I wish to welcome the newest member of the WC. Everyone meet Tyger!" He announced and the restaurant burst into applause and I sat in my chair feeling embarrassed with my cheeks getting hot. I could also feel invisible chains tying me making me realize that I was still every bit a slave even though he had opened my collar.

"Welcome to your new home, son." BH said to me as he put his paw on my shoulder. The touch made me flinch as if he struck me. I was going to have to play house with him and Bear if I wanted to keep my family safe.

"Wait until you try the lamb, you'll love it!" BH continued.

"Who should we bring into the fold next? Your brother or your boyfriend?" Bear asked.

"Ben, please pick Ben." I replied softly. Truth was I now needed Ben to be the buffer to keep Bear away from my brother as long as possible. Bear nodded in agreement and he reached out to give my shoulder a squeeze.

"I dunno if I like the idea of a boy your age dating other boys. I think we need to hook you up with a fine young lady and see what happens." BH replied.

"Bah, love is love and if he likes boys then so be it." Bear remarked but BH argued a bit then the conversation of my future was put on hold as the food arrived.

I looked at my steak and had completely lost my appetite. BH cut some of his lamb and began to force feed it to me. It tasted like ash in my mouth, unlike the usual delicious lamb I had eaten in the past. I feared all my meals would be tasting like this now.

Thinking it over I now wished that I had pushed to make Bear suffer from the heat more...

"What the fuck?!" Ben exclaimed as Sanic unlocked him from the cuffs he had on securing him to the bench in the basement prison.

"Tyger has completed his indoctrination and has decided to join us. Bear has decided to indoctrinate you next. I would like you to accompany me to his office so he can have a word and explain things to you." Sanic again explained slowly to help Ben understand. Sanic was trying to not get annoyed that the cub wasn't listening to him but his expression showed what he was feeling.

"No, I mean why did Tyger join?"

"He wanted to stay and protect his father and his brother and you also and he could not do that if he left us." Sanic explained and he gave a dirty look at Leggo. Leggo sat chained in his cell with his gaze lowered and he looked at Sanic with his eyes watering as he looked on the verge of crying.

Sanic looked up at the lights as they suddenly began to flicker as if the power was about to go out. The walls were thin here so while not everything could be heard when the light flickered the ACs in Bear's office went off and they heard Bear swearing. He stomped his feet as he went about trying to restart them and Sanic sighed.

Morris entered suddenly and went to Leggo's cell and began to unchain him. Sanic watched wondering what was going on because Bear had said nothing about Leggo to him.

"Morris, what's going on?" Sanic asked and the albino zebra shrugged.

"I was told to fetch him and bring him to the office." Morris remarked. Morris and Leggo led the way with Ben and Sanic following them.

Tessa was busy packing up her belongings and she stopped the group as they approached the office.

"Bear asked to see the adult first." She stated and Sanic and Ben stood nearby as Morris and Leggo entered. Several minutes later they exited and Leggo had a dazed look on his face and he looked around in confusion. Sanic looked in horror as he was led out of the office instead of being led back to the cells.

"Papa Bear, why was Leggo led out of here instead of back to the cells?" Sanic asked as he and Ben entered the office.

"Leggo is a member of the WC and always has been! Even if he has amnesia and needs to be reminded of what his life was like, we need to be compassionate and help him adjust to his new life."

"Amnesia? When did this happen? Are you saying he can't remember that Tyger and Lyon are his sons?" Ben asked and both Bear and Sanic gave him a look for butting in.

"He never had any children, so I don't know what you're talking about. Tyger and Lyon are BH's sons." Bear stated and Ben opened his mouth in surprise and he looked at Sanic but the hedgehog seemed unphased by the remark.

"But let's get down to business..." Bear started as he began to explain what was going to happen to him.

To Be Continued...