The Doe in the Goo 01

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#1 of The Doe in the Goo

Story and characters are mine. (So ask before using, however unlikely that may be.)...

Story and characters are mine. (So ask before using, however unlikely that may be.)

Don't reprint any part of this without my permission. (Ask for it first, and give me credit.)

If you're under legal age, don't read any further. (Ask an adult what this means if you don't know.)

Otherwise, enjoy!

The Doe in the Goo 01

The bushes bit at Pearl's exposed arms as she ran deeper into the woods behind school, desperate to get away from her bullies. They'd kept her really late after school this time, held her down in an empty classroom and flipped through her class notes, laughing each time they found a romantic reference to a classmate and taunting her about how unrealistic her chances of dating or even talking to them were. But when one of the twins went out to pee, she'd managed to knee the other in the groin - hard. She grabbed her stuff and, figuring that she was already in for a pound, kicked him in the gut a couple of times before getting the hell out of there.

The main advantage to being a deer, she knew, was that she could really move when she wanted to, and hooves were meant for the soft ground flying by beneath her. Problem was, she wasn't used to running through a pathless forest. The twins were, somehow, and with all the noise they were making she could tell that they were slowly gaining on her.

Adding to her lack of bushwhacking know-how was an untrained sense of direction, the receding daylight, and the fear that gripped her. She didn't know what they would do to her this time - but more importantly, she didn't know what was in the forest. Her parents, when she was still in grade school, told her that murderers and rapists used the forest as a hideout, while her older cousin (who she lived with now, in her parents' absence) told her how that wasn't true, and that pot-smoking beer-guzzling high-schoolers were more likely to hang out there.

Feeling that the truth was probably somewhere in between, she ran faster, determined to outrun her problems and her fears. She'd outrun them all. She was Pearl Olsen, dammit, and if there was one thing she could do right, it was running away.

Or so she thought. As bad as the conditions already were, it began to rain, and not softly or peacefully - this was one of those 'torrential downpour at the worst possible moment complete with thunder' types of rain, and she wasn't carrying any rain gear. The only consolation she could get out of this was that her pursuers, spoiled rotten cat twins, hated the rain - in fact, she could hear them loudly give up the chase and run home. But then they shouted that they'd be waiting for her, although she was sure that, with their patience, this meant they'd watch the street in front of her cousin's house until night, then maybe tomorrow morning as well.

Basically, she couldn't go home tonight. No loss on the social side, and her cousin worked nights. All that was left to do was to call home and leave a message saying that she would be sleeping over at a friend's house. It was almost 7:30, so she'd be taking her shower right about now. Perfect. The best time to leave a message.

She found an evergreen with a large, dry base and opened her cell. She was getting reception, but barely had any battery life left - naturally, at a time like this! Enough for one quick call, though, so she took a deep breath and calmed herself as much as she could while the line was ringing. "Hi cuz, it's Pearl. Don't worry about me; I'm spending the night at a friend's house - sorry I couldn't tell you earlier. Good luck at work. Love you - Bye." She had to speak quickly, but got it all in. The battery indicator had already been blinking, so she turned it off rather than let it die.

And now she was alone in the wilderness. Her best guess was that she was several miles away from school - the nearest point of civilization that touched the forest - but that was through a rainstorm. She checked the gear she had on her for something that could be fashioned into a makeshift umbrella, but came up empty; all she had on her were the books, notes, and pens she needed for Friday classes. Today was supposed to be an easy day - go to school, come home, watch TV or play video games, surf the net, sleep - and those ...dammed Sayer twins, Lara and Jacob, ruined it all. Now she was outdoors, soaked, cold, alone, trapped... The tears were flowing down her cheeks before she realized she was crying. She hugged herself and squeezed all the emotions out, not really knowing what to do or which way to go...

It was 8:30 by the time she got a hold of herself again. It'd been warm all week so she was wearing her favorite summer clothes - mid-thigh denim shorts and a skimpy teal t-shirt, now showing some rips here and there - but even after an hour under dry cover they were still soaked from the rain. And it was getting colder - the sun was already too low for her to see properly and the rain was dropping the temperature. She didn't know what to do, other than to huddle up to her backpack and hope for the best.


No! She'd had enough of that. There was a time to be sad and helpless, and this was no longer it. She wasn't strong or particularly smart, but she was fast and maybe a little resourceful - there had to be something she could try. She looked around again, this time to find something that might help. A thought occurred to her: what kind of tree was she under, exactly? She crawled over to the trunk and - interesting. The bark came off in fibers and strips, rather than hard chunks - cedar! She could use the bark as protection from the rain and all she needed to do was cut it off, so she dug around for a rock. Finding a nice one with a sharp curve, she hacked off a piece of cedar bark big enough for her to hide behind. It wasn't too heavy, but with her lack of upper-body strength it was only good for a short trek before she'd need to rest - not a huge problem, given the number of trees providing ample cover. If she was lucky, she might even be in her own bed by the end of the night and see her cousin in the morning.

There was nothing else she could reasonably do to ensure her survival tonight, so she tightened her backpack, pocketed the cutting rock, grit her teeth, and picked up the cedar flank, resting it on her backpack while hoisting enough of it above her to hopefully provide respite from the rain. ...This was it. Time to go home. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the safety of the tree and into the rain.

It was raining so hard that Pearl could feel the percussion of the heavy precipitation through her arms. After standing still for a minute, she found that the cedar, dirty it might be, held. It worked! She sighed happily and smiled despite herself - a good, cheerful smile from cheek to furry cheek - and felt the optimistic warmth of something going right for once flow through her body. It kept her spirits up as she trudged through the mud churned up on the forest ground, not wanting to risk slipping by running.

Even though she knew it would happen, her arms eventually became too sore to keep holding up the cedar, which dampened her mood a little. She found a tree standing near a small hill and made her way under its ample branches, softly dropping the cedar side and her backpack onto a patch of dry pine needles. After a few moments of heavy breathing, she realized how long it had been since she'd last relieved herself. Though she was bashful about nudity, the middle of a nighttime forest during a storm was hardly the place to be concerned about voyeurs. Wild animals, however, might take offense to her marking up their territory, so she dug a small hole away from the exposed tree roots before dropping her pants and underwear (pink and plain, but obviously feminine) and relieved herself in it. (Another good thing about being a deer? Needing very little toilet paper, and only for what a daily pad couldn't handle.) She felt like a feral, burying her excrement, but it was the safe thing to do. Feeling a little better, she sat down next to her belongings and checked her watch, and felt that warm feeling again - she'd managed to carry it for close to a half-hour (when she thought her arms wouldn't last 20 minutes), making it 9:15. If she pushed herself, could she make it home in one piece?


The evening's exertion was finally catching up to her; she was beginning to feel the drain of an adrenaline crash. If this had been a sleepover with pizza and caffeinated soda, she could've gone all night just chatting and giggling, comfortable in friendship and warmth - but in the dark rain, she was ready to give up.


A voice?! She jumped up with a gasp and perked her ears around as she looked for the source of that voice. All she could hear was the storm - was she hallucinating already?


Again? "Come... where? Where are you?"


"Can you help me? Help - please help!" Fear was giving way to hope within her, with despair right around the corner.


The voice sounded like it was struggling for breath. "Under where?" Her own voice wasn't terribly steady either.


The hill?! Pearl turned and faced the little hill. She hadn't noticed it before, but the hill was... odd. It humped out of the relatively flat landscape like a drop of batter on a frying pan, and stood roughly 40 feet from one end to the other. There were plants and moss growing on it, but in the dark it looked more like an oblong boulder.


That was no longer speech - it was a gasp. "In...? Inside?" A shiver danced up and down her back - she would be taking a risk on a voice out of nowhere - but she ignored it and stepped out from under the protection of the tree. The cold rain hit her like a bag of bricks, soaking her fur and clothes within a matter of seconds, but she didn't notice it. She couldn't tell if she was interested or flat-out terrified, but all her attention was on the hill. Her eyes weren't much good in the dark, so it was her skinny fingers that did the searching. If there was something inside the hill, as the voice claimed, then there must be a way to get inside. And if she could get inside, she might be able to stay there for the night.

She ran her poor, soft fingers over the hill; in the cold, they retained enough feeling to confirm that it was mostly rock, but not enough for her to feel the scrapes and cuts. As she felt her way around the hill, she hit her delicate shins on unseen outcroppings and nearly tripped - but she was too worked up to really notice. Then she found a small ledge, just the right size for a hand to grasp, and at about the same height as a doorknob. Trusting in the luck that had gotten her this far, she twisted it and pushed.

Part of the side of the hill opened in. It wasn't a door so much as a hatch, but it was more than big enough for a 5'1'' doe to get through.

"I can still turn back, wait out the storm or run home. I can still turn back..." she repeated, staring at the blackness in the hill. She turned back to look at the darkness around her and, after hesitating a moment, went back to the tree. She made sure the cedar sheet was propped up against the tree, dropped the rock next to it, grabbed her backpack, and stepped through the hatch, pushing it shut behind her.

It was absolutely pitch black inside, and just as silent. Her crappy night vision (something she'd inherited from her father, and occasionally wore glasses for) was having trouble adjusting, so she decided to swing blindly. But it occurred to her that she was still wearing her wristwatch - and more importantly, it had a greenish-blue backlight. It wasn't nearly bright enough to replace an actual flashlight, but it was enough for her to find a cord dangling right in front of her. She reached for it, but she hesitated. Fear was beginning to set in again, what with the darkness and all - she felt paralyzed by the awareness that she really had no way of knowing what she'd see when the light came on. Her tail quivered a little, but without any better options she swallowed and pulled the cord.

The compact fluorescent light flickered on, and when her eyes were ready, it revealed a small, windowless room not much bigger than her own room at home (maybe 10 by 14 feet), with reinforced concrete walls and a ceiling reaching 8 or 9 feet (too high for her to reach). The furnishings were spartan, consisting of a sturdy-looking table and chair against one wall and a small cot against the other, all of it looking fairly cheap. The cot had a pillow and blankets on it, over some kind of mattress, making it rather inviting at a time like this. A cord ran from the ceiling light to a couple of car batteries in a nook next to the entrance hatch, but there didn't seem to be any electrical outlets anywhere. There was also a set of three opaque containers - the plastic kind one could buy at any large supermarket - stacked against the wall in the back, and a thin layer of dust over everything and the floor that suggested long-term disuse. The room on the whole was otherwise fairly clean and free of cobwebs, with the only real exception being a small puddle next to the table.

The perfect home away from home. And to a lost, soaked teenager - sanctuary, from the elements and from her problems.

It was as good a place as any to have a sleepover.

Pearl set her bag down next to the car batteries - moving it away when she remembered how wet it was - and crouched down, exhausted. She took a deep breath of relief, and continued to take them until the fear within her dissipated and her tail stopped quivering.

"Now what?"

She might be out of the rain now, but she was still cold, wet, hungry, thirsty, and tired. There was also the loneliness and the perplexing question of the voice she'd heard - no, 'heard' wasn't really the right verb. She'd understood it, but in the tempest outside there was no way she could have actually 'heard' it. Telepathy seemed like the only real option, but she was also the only one in the room. ...Could it have been a ghost? "Hello? Are there any spirits here?"

No answer.

"Flicker the light or make a sound please?"

No flicker, no sound.

"Am I alone?"

The silence gave its reply.

She sighed, and made a mental note to test her latent psychic powers at a later time. If video games had taught her anything, the next thing to do was to check the stacked containers for anything that could help her. The top one was almost too heavy to lift, given the lingering soreness in her arms, and the middle one was almost too heavy to move, but she was able to set them side by side on the floor, taking care to keep them away from the puddle.

The first container, originally at the top, contained textiles; several changes of men's clothes (some of which were in an older style she couldn't recognize or imagine anyone sane wearing), a couple of towels, a set of blankets, and several cedar blocks that gave it all a tolerable smell. Jackpot - or runner-up, anyway, since there wasn't any weather gear. This meant that someone was, or had been, using the hill for some reason, maybe for hiking or camping. But the fact that it was stealing (compounding on trespassing) never crossed her mind, feeling as she currently did. The dust and the secluded, sealed nature of the room helped with her bashfulness as she quickly stripped down to better dry herself. She felt a slight thrill at being naked in someone else's 'room', in someone else's 'house', while she toweled the water out of her fur.

Even with her wet fur taken care of, she was still standing in a cold, uninsulated room; she was now aware of just how much she'd actually been goosebumping, but was embarrassed to feel the pinprick of hardened, enlarged nipples poking out from her growing breasts. It didn't happen very often so, curious, she poked one, her finger jumping away as the electric touch ran through her young, untested body.

She knew how she could warm herself tonight.

But it could wait - she told herself to wait, just a little bit longer, long enough to satisfy her curiosity about the other two containers. She'd dug through some men's overalls to find the towels, so she put on a pair. They were too big for her (whoever last wore them was as big as her Daddy), but with a bit of adjusting and leg-rolling she got them to a comfortable size; high enough to move and loose enough to keep her nipples exposed and engorged.

The next container, originally the bottom of the three, was filled extremely long-term, virtually non-perishable food (and some famously durable cream-filled-yellow-cake snack foods), sealed glass jugs of potable water, paper cups, plates and bowls, and a small flatware set, all carefully crammed to most efficiently use the available space. Sleep could wait - she was a growing teen, and faced with such a treasure chest of food, hunger suddenly became her loudest internal drive.

It was a veritable feast. Because it seemed to have been prepared for a large man with a working man's appetite, Pearl probably could have eaten heartily out of it for a week. She tried several energy bars and followed them with some reconstituted powdered milk. It was delicious to her empty stomach - and cold. A week's worth of cold food would sustain her, but not satisfy her. The cold milk also had the side effect of cooling her down, so she slipped on a generic green sweater from the other container. As with everything else, it was for someone much bigger than her, and she had to bunch the loose sleeves up to her elbows.

Full and warmly clothed, she looked at the remaining container. It was too heavy for her to lift, so she'd only managed to pull it off of the food container, and even on the floor she'd needed to throw her whole body at it to push it into position. Besides food and clothing, what more did a man need this far out in the woods? Now more curious than ever, she opened the container.


Porno, porno, porno! ...And an air freshener. Stacks and stacks of magazines, none newer than 15 years ago, with voluptuous, curvy women looking very sultry and/or in heat on the covers. She was surprised to see that they mostly catered to more... esoteric fantasies, with titles like 'Beautiful Paws', 'Predators and Prey', and ...'Cub Cuties'?! On closer inspection it appeared to involve young-looking anthros of legal age dressing and acting like cubs - but still! For the first time, Pearl took some comfort in how dusty the room was.

But her curiosity was lit. She dug deeper into the container, past magazines of increasing age and obscurity, and found a metal box not much bigger than a shoebox. Opening it, she found, wrapped in a cloth, a pack of expired batteries and several plastic or latex penises, all in some state of degradation - and one glass one, clear with pink and blue lines running though it, pristine in condition and cleanliness. She knew what they were - she'd been "researching" online since she was 12 - but had assumed that all dildos were made of latex or were plastic vibrators. And now she definitely knew how she was going to spend the night.

The idea that she was wearing an older man's clothes - a stranger's clothes! - had been slowly turning her on, and she had been planning to use just that as her fantasy for the night. She closed her eyes and imagined, with all the might of a teenager in the throes of a sexual awakening, the older man standing before her, having found her mucking about in his cabin. He was amused that she was wearing his clothes, rubbing and massaging the growing lump in his pants at the sight. She felt 'him' touch her chest with her hand and her moistening va- her pussy with her other hand through the borrowed clothes, cautioning her about dirty old men like him who liked to molest little teenies like her.

'His' hands kept moving over her clothes but mostly kept to tweaking her pert little nipples, rubbing the sensitive little raspberries with the rough cotton of the sweater. The hand that had been playing with her... pussy, oblivious to how dirty or smelly it might be even through the denim, came up to her mouth. No - she was a good girl, and good girls didn't suc-! But the man didn't seem to notice her resistance and slid 'his' fingers into her mouth where, despite herself, she began to suck and lick that day's dirt, sweat, and grime off of them. They tasted good! Or was that just her enjoying the act of sucking? She smiled and looked up at the man's face... and saw nothing.

"Erg!" This always seemed to happen to her. She had a hard time with faces - oh sure, if she saw someone and had met them before, she'd know their name, but wouldn't be able to say what they looked like 3 seconds afterwards. She wobbled on her skinny legs, and realized that she might want to continue sitting down. While reading something. And playing with something. She licked her lips and grabbed the glass dildo, then looked through the porno for something to help her imagine her dirty old man. The 'Predators and Prey' caught her eye - the one with the large, muscular wolf stud having sex with the young, petite sheep girl - so she tossed it onto the cot ahead of her.

It was still quite cold in the room, but since she was getting tired of feeling the coarse sweater savaging her nipples, she took it off. For a moment, she imagined the man staring at her, watching his little dream girl pose in nothing but loose overalls for him - but he was a past fantasy. She had a magazine now! She sat up on the bed and opened the magazine between her legs. The wolf and the sheep ("Master" and "Slave", according to the mag, but she decided they were "Tom" and "Mary") were playing out a scene in a large, expensively-decorated room. 'Mary' dropped 'Tom's' drink as she was bringing it to him, and so she was being punished for it. Apparently. Really, the storyline or what they were doing (wasn't slavery supposed to be bad?) didn't make a whole lot of sense to Pearl, but she liked 'Tom'. The old dirty man became a muscular young wolf in her mind and rather than just simply touch and watch her shiver, he wanted to... have sex with her.

She gasped at his forwardness and backed up against the wall, eyes periodically closing to imagine and opening to peruse or turn a page. ...It wasn't right for a roguish wolf and a proper young doe like her to have sex. What if she got pregnant? Naturally, he didn't seem to care. The combination of the cool air against her rising body heat meant that her nipples were nice and painfully hard, and those were the first things 'his' hands attacked, tugging and twisting in that way she liked so much.

But he soon grew bored with stimulating her - he wanted his own turn. She saw the magnificent ...cock he had in the mag and picked up the dildo. With her eyes closed, she began to lick and nuzzle 'his' cock, feeling how warm and fleshy it was on her, as she worked up the will to actually take it into her mouth - but he wasn't so patient. 'He' thrust 'his' cock into her mouth, forcing it as deep as it would go without triggering her gag reflex, and demanded that she lick it and worship it. She did her best to please him, slobbering her tongue under 'his' sumptuous cock, drooling down her cheeks and chin when there wasn't enough room in her mouth to swallow and dripping it all onto her previously clean chest fur for him to see - all to show that she would do anything he asked, even becoming dirty and crude in spite of herself.

And then he demanded more. It wasn't enough for him to... to... ...cum in her mouth; he wanted her pussy. "Please, no - I might carry your cubs."

But he insisted. 'His' cock, that wonderfully filling length of meat, slid out of her mouth still dripping with her gooey spit. But rather than strip her naked and take her like a true mate, he tore apart the crotch of her overalls and positioned himself to force 'his' way inside. He asked if she was ready, and slid in before she could voice a reply.

Pearl had played with herself at home before, using her fingers, a pen, an old toothbrush, and a hairbrush handle - but nothing quite as big as the one-and-a-half-inch wide glass dildo forcing its way into her. The stretching feeling of fullness pushed its way through her body, forcing the lusty wolf from her mind. There was nothing but the newly-discovered pleasure in her little pussy now, and as she pushed into herself she felt more and more of her inhibitions slip away. She had a slight partially-dressed-sex fetish - she was grasping the dildo with her right hand inside of the overalls - but it was overruled by pragmatism. She undid the braces with her free hand and shimmied her way out of them as best as she could under the circumstances, but they only made it to her knees before getting stuck - with a more pressing matter at hand, she stopped caring about them as soon as they were out of the way.

The dildo had looked huge in the box and felt massive in her hands, but she'd gotten caught up in the moment and fooled herself into thinking that it would fit - it worked for all the girls online, so why not her? It would fit, she reassured herself through the sexual haze, but it was a two-hand job.

Even with all the saliva and lubrication her fantasy provided, it was slow going; she simply wasn't big or stretched enough to easily take the dildo into her. But that didn't stop it from satisfying her recently-discovered primal urge. Her little body had been needing the occasional finger or handle, but it had really been wanting something bigger - of course, now that it was getting it, it wasn't quite sure how to deal with it.

It seemed so simple: bigger cock = more pleasure. But she hadn't counted on her body being too small. She pushed the magazine onto the floor and tried squatting onto the dildo, putting as much of her weight on it as she could. This worked until several minutes later, when it was in far enough that she could lift her legs and (momentarily) balance herself on it. If it had been a real phallus, the poor man would have already pumped his sperm all the way into her little, unprepared womb but instead, the dildo stretched Pearl's untrained pussy wide enough for her to start enjoying the act, rather than working at it.

And enjoy it she did. The feelings she was getting was incredible. She'd cum before, of course - she wasn't a little girl - but the dildo brought her up to new heights; it was like riding a roller coaster for the second time, when the fear was gone and replaced by WHEEEEEEE. And it wasn't just the incredible physical pleasure - she was re-experiencing all the anger and happiness and love and sadness she'd felt today, intoxicating her with the emotional overload. These combined to give her the most powerful orgasm she'd ever had in her short, young life, and if not for the fact that she needed to get herself ready for bed (it was now past 11, after all, and she was exhausted from the day) she would have continued past her exhaustion. For the first time, she looked down at herself and saw herself as a legitimately sexual being this brought another smile to her face.

And then that she noticed the blue glow down by the table, visible throughout the room even with the light on, the source blocked from her sight by the containers. She sat up to take a better look; the puddle of water by the table was glowing an electric blue, almost cyan, and seemed to be moving to her post-orgasmic eyes. "Wha?" This wasn't a sight that was possible in real life - maybe the day left her a little crazy?

There was only one good way to find out.

Between the general exhaustion from the day, the feeling of emptiness, and the orgasmic tenderizing most of her body just took, Pearl's legs just weren't up for walking (and her mind wasn't up for thinking), so she crawled on her elbows and knees (leaving the overalls behind as she did), half-dragging, half-pushing herself to the puddle.

Gazing into it, she noticed that it wasn't reflective. It probably wasn't radioactive remnants from an old x-ray machine either, given it'd only now started to glow. So what exactly was it?


Oh hey, the return of the voice. It sounded healthy this time. "Are you the puddle I'm looking at?"


"Yeah, go ahead." A thought occurred to her. "Wait. ...on what?"


The puddle suddenly jumped up and landed on Pearl's hand, moving more like pudding than water. "Augh! Wha-" It pulled the rest of itself onto her hand and began to cover her arm - if it hadn't been so creepy she might have thought it was cool.


Her arm, now covered in a paper-thin layer of translucent glowing blue goo, felt a little constricted. She could still move it, and in a moment of panic she began swinging it around, trying to shake off the goo. The blue continued to move up her arm until it reached her shoulder, where it paused for a second.


As the goo moved onto her body, Pearl finally realized that she couldn't get rid of it that way. This made her stop flailing, but did nothing for the helpless panic she felt, that primal reaction any being with a self-preservation instinct would have upon realizing that it was trapped and done for. There was nothing on Earth like this, and while the idea of extraterrestrial life by itself didn't distress her, meeting it under such conditions did.


The voice seemed to sense her fear. It had been rather monotone until now, but this time it sounded concerned. Something about the voice finally calmed Pearl's fight-or-flight reflex and she let the goo proceed.


The goo, by now covering everything of hers below the chin, began to move up around her head. The constricting feeling wasn't too different from that of a dance outfit, but feeling it around her head was discomforting. It finished by covering her eyes (over her eyelids) and ears, but left her nose and mouth open - unlike her body, her head felt like it was covered in a swim cap.


Without being able to move on her own, she stood up - rather, the goo covering her stood up for her, back straight, keeping her legs about shoulder width apart but letting her arms fall limp. This demonstration of complete control distressed her and, despite her best efforts, her fear began to rise again.

Then she felt movement around her pussy. It started with her clitoris and a sucking sensation, like a child with a straw and a milkshake - her fear was quickly displaced by rising sexual ecstasy. The suction became intertwined with a licking sensation, and then a biting sensation. As the paralyzing waves of electric pleasure spread throughout her body she had the first oral orgasm of her life. Normally, she was as quiet as possible during an orgasm, but this time she yelled out a guttural moan, too far gone to care if anyone heard her.

[-DeLICiOus. BUt i REQuirE far MORE tO be fUll.-]

There wasn't much left of Pearl in her mind - there was only pleasure. The assault on her clit continued with no drop in urgency, but the goo stretched tight around her labia began to bulge inward, slowly forming a phallic shape inside her. It began small, not much bigger than a finger, but it stretched and contracted in such a way that it replicated the sensation of a cock eagerly thrusting into her. It gradually grew in length and girth while beginning to ram her, and also growing little bumps and ridges to better stimulate her. She wasn't conscious enough to notice any of this happening, and was only aware that her pussy was sending more and more pleasure around her body. The goo was tight and deliberately keeping her standing up, thereby keeping her from hurting herself or anything around her - but she was still able to thrash around a bit, her arms and fingers twitching in uncontrollable ways as she felt a second orgasm expanding from below her flat belly.

And then it hit. It was another first - her first vaginal orgasm induced by something other than herself - and she marked it with a feral roar she would never have believed herself capable of.

[-Good, gOod. But I'M stiLl a Bit huNgry. JuSt one moRe.-]

The full-sized (yet hollow) goo cock continued to pound the upright doe while the luscious goo lips and tongue (although Pearl herself didn't know that was what they were supposed to be) continued to work on her clitoris - but there was still more that could be done to the young doe. Lips and teeth and tongues (or approximations thereof) began to work her nipples, alternating between soft and loving, and rough and branding; gentle mouths also started work on her sensitive ears, rewarding them with worshipful licks and nibbles.

No drug could ever be as powerful as the sensations shooting throughout her body, from her head to her hooves to her nipples to her fingers to her clit and back to her mind, nor could any drug ever make her orgasm the way she did. Her eyes, already closed, switched from seeing slightly blue splotches to an explosion of color in all the shapes and sizes she could imagine. Her body, still twitching from the other ones, tensed as many muscles as it could spare. Her mind, no longer responding to any external stimuli beyond the goo, exploded in pleasure. But she wasn't able to scream out her passion this time - her lungs simply expelled what air they could, and with her throat and mouth open, it was more of a labored gasp.

But the goo didn't stop stimulating her. And her final orgasm continued to plateau long past a reasonable amount of time. Any future orgasm she might have would be hard-pressed to surpass this one.

Still, all good things had to come to an end; even with the goo redoubling its efforts, she came down eventually, tasting in air like she'd just climbed down from a mountain. She wasn't unconscious, nor would she pass any standard test for consciousness - she was dreaming while fully awake, swimming through the feelings pouring around her. Her body was producing enough heat to boil water and her pussy had about the same consistency as the goo surrounding it. In short; if the goo hadn't been holding her up, she would have collapsed some time ago.

She was satisfied.

[-Ahhh. That was a feast! I forgot just how filling you young ones are.-]


[-Er, hello? Young one? Hello? Move or make a sound, would you?-]


[-Am I alone again? ...No, you're still alive. Here, I'll take care of you tonight, so don't you worry about anything.-]

The goo reached 'its' hand up and pulled the light cord. With the florescent off, the room was bathed in a blue luminescence occasionally intercut with pink. Even as 'it' got under the covers and snuggled 'itself' in a hopefully relaxing way, the room remained lit until the goo itself fell asleep.

The storm raged on outside the little oddly-placed hill, but inside, two entities slept peacefully unaware of anything other that happiness and warmth.

--Nextro, 9/2010. For SoFurry.