The Doe in the Goo A-02
"Goo?" "Yes?" "What kind of things do you do with other people?" "Oh, you want to know..." --- "This one pony, a frat boy, likes it when I bring bondage gear (it's expensive, so I just form it out of myself and don't let him keep any of...
The Doe in the Goo A-01
"Hey they, alpha-stud. Lookin' for a little girl to breed?" The dark brown furred opossum trying to get his attention on the street from the alley was maybe 13 years old at most and a little under 5 feet tall with those stilettos of hers. She wore a...
Plots, Problems, Request
I'm fighting some considerable writer's block (in both furry/porn and "respectable" writing), so I thought I'd just jot down what I have so far. \*Aileana series - Haven't thought about these for so long that I couldn't remember how to spell the...
The Man, The Boy, and the Donkey (Parody)
The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey Once upon a fine day late in Spring, a Man, his Boy, and their Donkey were traveling to a city some distance from their farm in the country. Now, the Donkey was, in donkey terms, middle-aged - he'd made the trip...
Aileana 00 - Introduction
The Aileana series focuses on the sexual(?) misadventures of Aileana the mouse. There's no continuity between the stories, and I'm trying to keep them short. No backstory, and as little plot as I can get away with - but not 'plot-what-plot'-short -...
The Doe in the Goo 01
Story and characters are mine. (So ask before using, however unlikely that may be.) Don't reprint any part of this without my permission. (Ask for it first, and give me credit.) If you're under legal age, don't read any further. (Ask an adult what...
Aileana 01 - Encasement
Story and characters are mine. (So ask before using, however unlikely that may be.) Don't reprint any part of this without my permission. (Ask for it first, and give me credit.) If you're under legal age, don't read any further. (Ask an adult what...
Black and White and... (1) ...cumming all over
Shannon Moore died on a sunny day after a long fight with injuries from a car accident. Her husband Tom and daughter Kayla were grief-stricken in the classical way, and couldn't bear to live somewhere that reminded them of her. So they moved out of...
Aileana 03 - Public (Park)
Every so often, maybe once every couple of months, Aileana got really, really horny. This sudden horniness was unrelated to her heat (itself tightly contained by a widely-available implant) and was apparently some kind of a hormonal imbalance, but she...
Aileana 02 - Roleplay (pregnancy)
Aileana was sitting in a neighborhood bar after work again. It really wasn't the best way to spend her evenings, but there was never anything good on TV and movies were too expensive to rent, so she would drop by and blow 3 dollars on a beer before...
DKC 1 - Donkey, Stop & Go Station
Those green and red lights. Those blasted lights! Just when you thought you were safe under the red light, it changed back to green with no warning! * * * "I dunno, Donkey," Diddy Kong said. "Maybe we should skip this one. They never leave the...
DKC 1 - Diddy, Stop & Go Station
Those green and red lights. Those blasted lights! Just when you thought you were safe under the red light, it changed back to green with no warning! * * * "I dunno, Donkey," Diddy Kong said. "Maybe we should skip this one. They never leave the...