Covin’ Lovin’ (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#62 of Smut I Commissioned

A trio of witches make a futa potion, leading to magically debauched shenanigans. Written by Jeeves, posted with permission.

  • October begins with with a nice serving of magical mystery smut! A trio of horny witches decide to make a futa potion. Shenanigans ensue. As always, this is written by the legendary Jeeves, so follow him on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon. Magic time.

Coven Lovin'

Kira, Vera and Mira stood around the cauldron in the midst of their coven sanctuary. Perhaps the fact that their coven sanctuary was the apartment which the three of them shared made it feel slightly less mystical, as did the fact that their cauldron was a large stainless steel pot resting upon the front burner of their gas stove. Nevertheless, that didn't change the fact that the three of them were witches. Empowered with magic drawn from a world beyond the one which most mortal anthros understood to be real, sworn to never use their magic to harm others lest it come back upon them threefold, and bound by blood to not only one another, but the very heartbeat of the planet upon which they lived... albeit three stories up.

They were witches. Powerful, devoted to their craft, and above all else, completely responsible in their usage of their magi-

"What do you mean, a cock potion, Kira??"

Err. Well... okay, mostly responsible in their use of ma-

"Just what I said, Vee. A cock potion. You drink it, you grow a cock. A really big one too."

Fine. Powerful, devoted to their craft, and above all else... horny. Really, really fucking horny.

"Can... I try some?"

Kira and Vera turned from one another to the third of their coven, the shortest, most delicately built of the three otters who had met in college and been inseparable ever since, even before they committed their sacramental blood bond to bind their power together. Mira was normally the last of them to get involved in shenanigans, and the first to guide them away from using their magic for things that might have been overly selfish or self-indulgent at the cost of others. But, this time, Mira's eyes were wide and her left hand was already pressing in at the front of her long black dress, cupping her paw against her crotch as she nibbled her bottom lip.

"You want a cock, Mirry?"

Vera giggled curiously at her dear friend, coven mate and frequent lover. Mira blushed deep beneath her brown fur, but didn't hesitate to nod.

"Yeah. I mean, it sounds fun. It sounds... sexy. To know how it feels to stroke a cock when it's attached to you. To know how it feels to be hard. To understand if cumming with a cock feels like squirting with a pussy. To..."

Before Mira could say anything more, a cup was being placed into her hand, with a ladle-full of the thick, creamy looking potion that Kira had been working on all day rather than vacuuming the living room and hallway like the chores rota said resting in its base. Mira raised an eyebrow at Kira, who was in the process of filling other cups for herself and Vera. The tallest, plumpest and unabashedly horniest of the trio looked at her coven-mate, and grinned.

"I know what you're thinking. It looks like cum. But, I promise you... it absolutely does have cum in it."

Vera snorted with laughter. Mira just giggled and sighed.

"Actually, I was gonna say that it would really be more impactful if we weren't drinking your latest concoction..."

Her voice trailed off for a moment as both Vera and Kira cackled with delight. She groaned.

" pun intended, I swear. If we weren't drinking your latest potion out of red solo cups."

Kira giggled and licked her lips.

"Are you gonna care what kind of cup you drank it out of when I'm giving you your very first blowjob? You know how good I am at eating pussy. Imagine what this tongue can do to a cock."

Mira opened her muzzle to say something, then closed it again to muffle a groan of lust as she felt her free hand squeeze her pussy through the fabric of her dress and the panties beneath it. She squirmed, her tail twitched, and she looked at Vera whose nipples were clearly rock hard through the greyscale tie-dyed t-shirt she was wearing. The two witches looked at one another, blushed deeper still, then turned their gaze back to Kira just in time to gasp as they saw the last droplets of creamy, glistening fluid dribble out of the cup and onto their coven-mate's tongue.

Kira grinned for a few seconds as the two others waited to see what would happen, recalling the time that Kira had tried to enlarge her breasts and had instead temporarily given herself a J-cup ass. They didn't have to wait long though, because just seconds later the front of Kira's short, black plaited skirt began to tent outward. The plump witch's eyes bulged and promptly rolled back in their sockets. Her hips jerked forward as a deep grunt of pleasure escaped her lips, and a split-second after the other two ladies heard a loud tearing sound of panties being torn to shreds by the sheer pressure of what they were failing to contain, a thick, throbbing cock shot out from under the fabric of Kira's skirt and began to spurt thick ribbons of pre-cum onto the floor at the other women's feet as it grew to over a foot in length and continued to swell larger, longer, thicker by the second.

"Ohhh, fuck..."

Vera moaned as she stared at that thick, twitching erection for another second before chugging her own cup of potion an instant later.

"Ohhh fuck!"

Mira gasped as she saw that glorious cock oozing and dribbling and spurting as Kira's toes curled and her body convulsed on the spot, seemingly paralysed by the intensity of the hands-free pleasure she was experiencing. She swigged her own potion in one go, and even as the pleasure of that sudden, magically induced growth began to surge through herself and Vera just as it was through Kira, the woman responsible for the potion's creation finally found herself able to move again, and unleashed a frantic scream as she wrapped both hands around her now nearly two foot long, coke-can thick erection, and began to pump it in a lustful frenzy.

"Ohhhhhhgodyesssss, _yesssssss! Fuuuuuuuuuck!! _"


Barely ten minutes later, the kitchen walls and ceiling were coated with cum. Thick strings of oozing seed continued to dribble off large puddles that had formed on the kitchen table, upon the counter-tops and the stove-top itself, streaking the side of the pot which contained the potion responsible for the cum's very presence.

The cum coated the floor in a mixture of puddles, small lakes and individual ropes connecting them across drier stretches of tile, and led towards the open kitchen door. The hallway, being more contained, was even more of a mess. Pictures had been knocked askew upon the walls by the force of cumshots which had struck them on one side of their frames, and the carpet was saturated as yet more seed drooled down the stained, streaked walls and dripped off the light fixtures dangling down from above. Muffled screams escaped the living room through a door slammed shut behind the final occupant to enter the room, but already a tide of thick, white cum was starting to ooze out under the door.

Within the living room, a scene of utter debauchery was already unfolding. Jerking themselves off in the kitchen had been a fun start, but after a minute or two of constantly cumming, of relishing the pleasure of their orgasm as generated by their own hands, the coven had craved more. Stroking one another had led to a gateway of new pleasures, the unfamiliar touch of a stranger's hand upon their cocks just as exciting as when they touched one another's pussies verses simply masturbating themselves. Before Vera, Kira and Mira had known it they had been grinding their cocks together and spraying a triple-action fountain of cum up over their heads, soaking themselves and utterly coating the kitchen with its sheer volume. Thus, they had stumbled out of the kitchen before they could damage any of the electronics and end up needing to master daily refrigeration spells to keep their fridge functional. After stimulating one another though the touch of their own hands as they staggered through to the living room hadn't been nearly enough, and as soon as Mira had tossed the coffee table aside with a flick of one hand and a murmur of a telekinesis spell, the trio had tumbled into one another's arms upon the carpeted floor, and had not risen again since.

Locked in a frenzied sixty-nine, cum pouring down their throats and dribbling out of their gurgling muzzles in equal measure, Kira and Vera could only move by squeezing one another's buttocks and curling their toes, by writhing their tails from side to side and letting their chests heave up and down with every stolen breath. With the best part of two feet of thick, supernaturally born cock being stuffed deep, deep down their throats, their upper bodies were effectively immobile and their lower bodies dedicated to humping the upper halves of their lover. While they suckled upon one another though, they hadn't left out their third; the shortest of the three of them, though the one with the largest, thickest cock. Mira screamed and sobbed in mindless rapture as she plunged her cock into Kira's asshole and rammed its ceaselessly spurting shaft home a dozen times before dragging it out again, watching the hole gape and quiver, and hurriedly altering her angle of entry so that she could spear Vera's hole next. Back and forth Mira's erection danced between her two coven-mates, and as she painted them both inside and out with wave after wave of cum, she heard their muffled, frenzied shrieks of rapture not just born of their own sixty-nine induced shared lust, but that which united all three of them.

"Ist den navis, vorral tempa sen'tarella, nevan!"

Mira grunted through her own ecstasy as she wrapped her arms around whichever of her lovers had rolled on top of the other a moment earlier and began to hump mindlessly, her hips a blur and her tail raised high as though urging an invisible lover to claim her ass in turn. She incanted the words of the spell almost without thinking, running on pure instinct, and had no idea whether it had worked until about a minute later something began to bump loudly against the living room door, before soon afterwards shattering through the splintered woodwork, allowing the large pot of Kira's potion to float in and join them.


Mira screamed as she fucked her lovers faster, as she heard them shrieking louder in agreement through one another's cocks.

" More!!"

The most reserved, mild mannered and yet horniest of the trio howled at the top of her lungs.

A second later the levitating pot reached its destination, and obeyed the commands of its mistress.

It up-ended itself, and poured gallons upon gallons of the potion over the prone, writhing bodies of the three freshly cock-imbued witches. Kira and Vera gurgled in shock, having been too consumed with their own lust to realise what was happening until they were soaked and feeling the potion absorbing itself through their fur and skin. For Mira however, as she threw her head back and opened her muzzle wide, gulping down mouthful after mouthful like it was her coven-mates' cum, she knew exactly what she had done.

She didn't know what was going to happen. She didn't know how the pleasure could possibly get any bigger, any better than it already was. But what she did know was that if one ladle of potion had done all this to them already, then a dozen could surely only give them what it was that they all so desperately craved.

"Yes!! Yesssssss! Aa-aahhhhfuck, yes! More!"

By Jeeves