dragons destiny: chapter six: about to hunt

Story by Draco Cindyr on SoFurry

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#6 of Dragons Destiny

Chapter six: about to hunt

"It's right in front of you" said sapphire with a slight giggle

"but... but where?" murmured Draco

Sapphire walked up to the wall in front of them and placed her palm on it, Draco was stunned by what he saw unfolding in front of him, the wall was melting away.

"it's just an illusion that I put up to make people think there is nothing here" giggled sapphire, "you mean to say that you were actually fooled by my little trick, I'm surprised"

As the wall seemed to melt away Draco was even more puzzled by the fact that he could not feel the wind coming through, but when sapphire removed her hand the wind gushed in and brought with it that sweet, almost sickly aroma he had sensed before, but this time it was stronger, it made his mind go crazy.

"sapphire what is that delicious smell on the wind?" asked Draco in a whisper.

Sapphire took one look at him and realised what was happening.

"we had better get back in the cave" said sapphire whilst pushing him bodily back into the cave

"but that smell is so heavenly, I feel like I just need to find whatever it is and do something... what that is I don't know" said Draco as he sniffed the air, all of a sudden his form changed back into that of a dragon on two legs,

Draco was really confused.

But now he was in his dragon form his sense of smell was at least ten times better, he could now pinpoint the source of the smell, IT WAS SAPPHIRE!

"uh sapphire that smell I was talking of it-


"it's me I know, it's because... well..." sapphire really didn't want to tell him what it was.

But Draco had already worked it out.

"you're in heat aren't you" said Draco rather bluntly

Now it was sapphires turn to blush.

"how did you know" asked sapphire

"now I know what it was that the smell was telling me to do, and also I have read your mind, I know you are in pain, you need this as much as I do.

Draco began to walk towards sapphire again "it wasn't hard to work out, as soon as I turned into my dragon form I could smell it so strongly, and my mind was focused on the source, you, now the only thing in my mind is you, your body, your...


Draco's eyes turned deep red as he thought of what he was saying, but then his eyes turned pink, a very deep pink that seemed to radiate warmth and love.

Sapphire made a vain attempt to hold her legs together to quell the feeling beginning to burn within her.

"but... but I cant what if something happens between us?" whined sapphire

Draco embraced her so that he may bask in the warmth of her body once more and whispered into her ear "cant you see, something is already happening between us, and I cannot deny it any more, you are so beautiful sapphire, I think I'm falling for you"

Sapphire held him close, it felt so nice to be able to have a man hold her again, he comforted her and it seemed to calm the burning feeling she had between her legs slightly.

"this heat is terrible, I have tried to satisfy it myself but I think what I hunger for isn't mere sexual satisfaction, I think I need a man to satisfy me... I need you to mate me" she whispered back to him

"and I to have something that I need this for, I have lost everything and I need to feel that I can be loved again, or that I can love again" Draco looked ready to cry and sapphire picked up on this

"please don't cry, I have also been alone for oh so long, I will give you a place to stay and I shall give you a bed to sleep in"

"thank you, this means allot to me" said Draco rather more happy now

The burning between sapphires legs began to worsen so she did the only thing her mind would allow her to think about and pulled him close, then kissed him with passion she didn't know she had

"hurting again?" cooed Draco

"yes... somewhat" said sapphire gritting her teeth "please... please I need you"

"who am I to deny such a beautiful dragoness release?" sighed Draco "where are your quarters?"

"it's this way my good man... and mate" said sapphire in that angelic voice that only she could talk

As they walked into the room sapphire snapped her fingers and torches all around the room sprang to life creating a very cosy feel to the room, in the middle of the room sat a large bed that looked at least the size of two king size beds, the torchlight seemed to give it a very inviting glow.

Sapphire reached up to stoke his sides again and was rewarded with a groan from Draco

"mmm I really do like that" sighed Draco walking up to the bed "now it's time to give you something you like"