Office affair

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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hello everyone. after months of silence, i bring you more porn stories. i meant for this story to be released earlier but colldge stuff and well of general stryggling caused me issues with writing the porn part. anyway please enjoy

also, thanks to lantheorc for beta reading and helping me with my edits

I would like to say I am good at my job. It is not as glamorous or interesting as the work my other coworkers do, but somebody has got to do data entry. The place I work at is also pretty friendly and accommodating, allowing me to work in a t-shirt and shorts most days. My hours and pay are good, considering they are above what I was expecting for this work. My only complaint would be how long and slow my days feel, but taking into account how long it took me to get a job, that was something I am willing to put up with. Besides, after a while, the monotonous sounds of key clicking become soothing.

I heard the alarm I set on my phone go off, a loud annoying ring that signals that it was time for lunch. I disabled the alarm and punched in the last bit of the sheet before putting my computer to sleep mode.

I walked out of my cubicle and immediately ran into someone, hitting the wall of muscles with a "oof." I stepped back from the person I ran into, which just happened to be my Boss, Mr. Howard, "Sorry sir, I wasn't paying attention."

"No problem,"He smiled. While most people in this office dress more or less casually, Mr Howard is usually seen in suits which seemed tailor made for the brown bear. He looked over my shoulder at my computer, "Finished for the day?"

I shook my head, "No, time for lunch. I'll get back to work once I finish it."

"I see, you stepping out or-"

"No, I brought over some leftovers from last night dinner for lunch today."

"Ah," Mr. Howard patted my shoulder, "Well enjoy your lunch. I'm," he stopped himself, "Nevermind, just enjoy your lunch." As he walked away, my eyes immediately went over to my boss's juicy ass. Just the way his pants showed off his ass made me a bit hard.

Bears really do have the best asses. I tore my eyes away and headed to the breakroom for my lunch. Ever since I started to work here, a day hasen't gone by that I haven't stared at my own boss's ass or crotch in passing. What could I say, I was attracted to him. I practically fell for him at first sight when he interviewed me. Even though he was a bit awkward around me, I could tell he is a good business person and a good boss just by how he ran this place. His good looks were also a plus, with a well sculpted body and clothes that didn't hide anything. I knew he was probably straight, so I was resigned to him not returning my feelings, but looking was free at least.

I entered the small breakroom and opened the fridge looking for my lunch. The room was pretty bare, holding a single table, some chairs, a fridge, a microwave and a sink for dishes. Another thing I liked about my work was how nobody here was a lunch thief. If it was my last place, I would have had to put my lunch inside a lockbox just to make sure I would see it at lunch. I pulled out the curry I made last night and put it in the microwave to reheat. While my curry heated up, I pulled out my app and opened the Poundr app. It's a dating-slash-hookup app I joined a couple weeks ago. I was tired of just going to random hookup places and hoping to see a bear down for some fun. Last night I finally learned to filter based on what kind of people I am looking for, making finding bears easier. What can I say, bear hunting was in my blood.

I went through the profiles of other users, "Too far, not interested in dogs, too far, too far. Why is this area so bearless?" As I browse through the profiles, one stuck up because it was actually one that was close by. The distance was less than a mile from me. Meaning he was working in the same building as me, how convenient.

The profile name was HTeddy87. Odd name but then again, other usernames have slut or horny in there username. I read the bio. A horny bear looking for fun. Looking for some casual hook ups, if something more happens, we'll deal with it. No gold diggers, you are an adult (i hope). The pictures he had up didn't show his face, but it did show a lot of juicy ass, broad chest, a round belly, and a dick so thick it would fill my mouth easily. I went over preferences to see if I have a shot. Preference: canines and knotted cocks.

Lucky me, I have both. I sent him a message with a simple Hi and sent it to him. I thought it would be awhile since it was the middle of the day and he might have work, so i was surprised he responded so fast.

Hello. The message said. You have knotted cock?

Straight to the point. I like it. Yeah, I'll send a pic. I went through my gallery and pulled out a dick pic I took a few days ago and sent it to him.

He responded immediately. Fuck so tasty looking. I need it in me now.

I chuckle a bit. Such a needy bear.

Please fuck me. It's been so long since I had a good cock and you are so close to me. I need it so bad. Please fuck me

My tail wagged. Nothing got me harder than a bear pleading for dick. I could almost hear it in the deep rugged voice that bears have. As much as I want to, I can't. I am in the middle of work. And I guess you are too.

I waited for a minute. Then another. He didn't respond. I may have scared him off, fuck. I pulled out my heated lunch from the microwave, grabbed a free coke from the fridge and got started on my meal. I pulled up some videos to watch while I ate, a normal thing for me.

After a few minutes of nomming and watching, Mr Howard peaked his head into the breakroom, "Hey Sato, there is something I need to ask."

I put down my spoon and phone, "Why? Is something wrong?"

Mr Howards had a nervous look on his face, "No, nothing is wrong, just wanted to check on your work."

I tilted my head, "On my lunch break?"

Mr. Howard looked embarrassed, "I didn't mean to. I am just making sure you will get your work done on time. You wouldn't need to stay overtime to finish it right?"

I sighed, "No, I should have it all done by the end of my shift."

Mr Howard's face relaxed when I said that, forming a little smile, "Okay, good. Just making sure. Sorry to disturb you." He pulled his head away from my line of sight.

What was that about? On the table my phone buzzed as I got a notification from the Pounder app.

As I opened it up, I saw that it was from Hteddy87. Sorry for the late reply. Most of my coworkers get off around the same time. So why not come by my office after we stop working for some fun.

I typed my response. You sure? Your boss may not like it that you invited someone for sex in the workplace.

No need to worry about that, I am the boss and this isn't the first time I have done this. The office would be empty, so we can be as loud as we want.

I got hard thinking over the scenario. Doing a boss bear in his office, yes please. Sound hot and great, give me a time and suite number and I'll bring my dick over after work.

Excellent. Come to Suite 4G around 6 pm. I'll be waiting ;)

Alright it's a hookup. As I closed the app, my tail couldn't stop wagging. I got a bear close by and there was a chance to make it a regular thing, how couldn't I be excited. My penis started to rise out of my sheath in my pants. "Down boy, can't go back to work with a boner now."

Okay so to get to 4G I would need to. I stop myself. Wait, 4G is my office. So HTeddy is a coworker, but the only bear in this office is... I facepalmed, I couldn't tell if I should cry or laugh. I just agreed to have sex with my boss. This was fucking rich.

What do I do? Do I tell him? Cancel? How would I even break it to him? What if he fires me because of this? Think Sato think. On one hand, it would be abuse of power to get together with my boss. On the other hand, when would i ever get a chance to fuck my boss again?

As my thoughts continued to spiral out of control, the alarm on my phone went off, signaling the end of my lunch break. As I went back to my work desk, my thoughts were still in a whirlwind of thoughts.

Two arguments kept running in my head. One that said I should just keep our relationship professional. My other thought was to be happy with the idea of fucking my boss. It was an argument between the head on my shoulder and the head between my legs. As the hours passed, my lower head was closer to winning the argument, just for the fact it had been getting more blood running through it. An unfortunate part of my altered blood flow had also led me to be slow in my work. Just one thing after another. I had thought of just nutting in the bathroom just so I could have a clear head, but the thought of just blasting a load in my boss kept making me push it off.

Before I knew it, it was the end of my work day and I was behind on my work. I leaned back into my chair and just glared at my crotch, "This is your fault and you know it."

"Huh? Who's fault?" a deep voice sounded behind me.

My heart sank as I slowly turned my head to see my boss behind me, "Oh uh Mr. Howard. Nothing, just talking with myself." I placed my hands into my lap, trying to cover the hard on that was slipping out of my sheath.

"I see. So Seto, how is your work coming along?"

"Unfortunately slow. I kept getting distracted and slowing my progress down." if only he knew what was distracting me.

"I see," Mr Howard looked a bit down at my answer, "If you need to, you can just leave now and work on it tomorrow."

"You sure sir? I don't mind staying here longer to catch up."

"No no, go ahead and sign out now. I am waiting for all my employees to leave before locking up and you are the last one here."

"I see." in my head, the little voice wanted me to just pull out my cock and show him. But I had enough self awareness to hold back, "Let me do a bit more work and i'll sign out."

Mr Howard nodded with a clearly dejected look on his face, "Okay, just don't take too long now." He walked off to his office and closed the door behind him.

I sigh. Maybe I should cancel the plan I made with him.

The phone buzzed from a notification from the Pounder app, saying I had a new message. I opened the app reluctantly and saw that the message is from HTeddy. Hey, you might need to wait a bit longer before coming over. One of my employees is a bit behind on work and staying longer to catch up. I'll tell you when the office is empty.

I sighed. There is no doubt that this 'employee' he is talk about is me. If only he knew. It might be a good time to cancel plans with him since something came up. I typed out my message turning him down but before I could send it, he sent an image. Oh my god.

The image was of HTeddy giant bare ass. His cheeks pulled apart, showing off that sweet pucker he has. I can't wait to put your dick in this hole. Been thinking about it all day.

Be strong, Sato. just turn him down.

Another image popped up in the chat. It was a realistic looking green knot dildo. If I had to guess on a length it might be around 8 inches. Need to stretch myself up for the thick cock of yours. Hope you don't mind ;)

My brain stopped thinking. Did my boss just keep dildos in his office for situations like this? My cock was fully erect and urging me to just fuck my boss. I deleted the message I just typed out and replaced it with something else. Can you even fit that thing in you?


I completely face palmed.What am I thinking? I need to stop this right now and cancel our plans to meet up.

I started to write out a replay when a video got sent into a chat. I paused and looked at it. In my head, I kept telling myself to ignore the video. my heart stopped as I played it. It was a video of him pushing a green dildo in his ass, stretching out the hole. "See that?" HTeddy said. "My toy might be bigger then you, but nothing beats a real dick in me, fucking my brains out." The camera moved to point at his face, showing the face of Mr. Howard, "So, when you coming over and fucking this slutty bear?"

I couldn't take it anymore. Whatever coherent thought i had in my head was just replaced with the thoughts of fucking my bossbig juicy ass like the slutty bear that he was. I pocketed my phone and signed out everything. I was now off the clock and ready to fuck. I walked over to my boss's office door and knocked, "Mr Howard, I signed out."

I heard some shuffling on the other side of the door, "Oh okay, have a nice day Sato."

I felt like my heart was about to burst out of my chest, "I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Huh? Sure, just give me a minute." I heard the faint sounds of a drawer closing inside the room. "Alright you can enter."

I opened the door just enough to poke my head in and keep the rest of my body out of sight.

My boss, Mr Howard, was sitting at his desk. His shirt looked a bit wrinkled and his tie was crooked. He cleared his throat, "So what do you want to talk about?"

Doubt started to form in my mind, thinking that what I was about to do was a bad idea, but it was too late now. "Excuse me," I pushed the door open, no longer hiding behind it. In my shorts, an outline formed of my cock, making it very noticable to anyone with eyes. It was honestly a bit embarrassing for me to do it.

While it was a brief moment, I saw Mr Howard eyes widen as he saw my boner through my shorts, before moving his eyes back onto my face, "S-so what can i help you with?"

"Nothing much, just thought that we could talk about something," I took one of the seats across from him. I tried to sit in a way so that my boner wouldn't be seen from a mile away.

"L-like what?" Mr Howard kept stealing glances down to my crotch, most likely flustered about seeing an employee with a boner walking into his office.

My mind went blank. This is why you use the higher brain with planning. "Well, I haven't worked here for long and I realized that I don't know that much about you. So I thought, maybe we can use that time to get to know one another." Such beauty. Such gr. Truly a master stroke of seduction as the world has ever seen.

"I see," Mr Howard said, his eyes looking directly at his phone on the desk, "I don't mind talking for a minute if that is what you want."

Wow, I am surprised that it worked. "Well, let's start with something normal, what do you do in your free time?"

"I don't have much in the way of hobbies, sadly. Owning a business doesn't really give me much time to enjoy myself."

"Really? Then how do you unwind after a day of work?"

Mr Howard paused for a moment, "Reading, I think."

"You think?"

"I mean, I haven't read anything recently," Mr Howard's phone buzzed at that moment. With surprising speed, he brought it up to his face. Once he saw the screen, he made a disappointed face and put it back down.

"Expecting something?" I ask despite knowing the answer.

"Uh yeah, just a text really."

"From who? A date?"

Mr Howard's face turned red, "What no no. nothing as scadelus as that. I am just waiting for a response, that is all."

I laughed, "It's fine, really. To be honest, I have plans to meet someone later myself."

Mr Howard tilted his head, "Oh really? Well you should be getting ready then for the date."

"It's fine, he's really close by. Real close from here."` I tried to emphasize the last bit, hoping maybe he would get the hint.

"Oh I see," Mr Howrad looked away from me and picked up his phone, visibly anxious about his hookup.

I decided to continue, "I mean, we only just met on the hookup app today. Right around lunch to be exact."

Mr Howard paused, looking a bit stunned but curious of what I was about to say.

"We agreed to meet at his office around six today, which is around now."

His eyes widened in what I assume is horror, showing off those brown eyes of his.

"And before I signed out, he sent me a video. A video of himself preparing himself for our meetup and," I paused, "He showed his face to me."

Mr Howard said nothing, but the horrified look on his face did most of the talking. For a solid minute he was silent. As his body started to shake, he put down his phone and looked me in the eyes, "What is it that you want from me?"

"For starters, I don't plan on using this against you. I am not going to use this as blackmail or anything of the sort. In fact, just say the word and I will delete the video and photos from my phone right now." I stood up from the chair, "However, it would be a shame to end it just here."

"What do you mean?"

"From your texts and video, you made it clear what you wanted to do. In fact, I am in the mood for the same thing." I walked around the desk and leaned over my boss, "So here is my offer. We fuck. No strings attached. Afterwards, we pretend that it didn't happen and carry on as normal. No one will be the wiser and we will not do it again."

Mr Howard glanced down, most likely to my bulge. "And if I refuse?"

"Then I walk away and pretend this encounter didn't happen. I'll delete the chat and the video and we continue like nothing happened. Just say the word: Do you want it or for me to walk away?"

Mr Howard eyes kept darting to my bulge and my face, his eyes full of need. "Fuck it," he muttered before pulling me into an open mouthed kiss. His long bear tongue made its way into my mouth, exploring every crevice of my maw. His hand also grabbed my crotch and fondled my dick, through my pants.

I pulled myself away, reluctantly, to drop my pants. My cock, fully free from its sheath, sprang forth and at the ready. Even my knot, which was about the size of my fist, was out of my sheath.

Mr Howard sucked the air through his teeth, his eyes twinkled with a certain hunger, "So big."

"Yeah, your video did this to me." I moved my hips side to side, my seven inch bat swinging with me. "It is excited to meet you."

The Bear wrapped his hand along my shaft, "And I am excited to know him personally. I've been dying to get this thing in me when you showed me the photo." Mr Howard licked his lips as he dove for my cock, engulfing it in one motion. My knees shook with the experience of a warm maw sucking my cock and Mr Howard was a pro at it. Just the way he would use his tongue to mess with my shaft and knot sends me over the edge. I watched as his head bobbed on my cock, slowly moving lower and lower. With his free hand, Mr Howard juggled and squeezed my balls.

I was in horn dog heaven, "You are a pro at this, sir."

"You don't know how much I need this Sato." he said before returning that needy mouth to my member, his tongue licking and slurping.

I reached down and put my hand on his head, running my fingers through his coarse fur, massaging his ear with my thumb, bears seem to like that.

Mr. Howard let off a low rumble as he went and deepthroated my cock all the way to my bulbous knot. He held it for a few seconds and pulled himself off my cock. "God, I need it inside me now." Mr Howard stands up and starts to undo his pants, letting them drop to the floor. What immediately caught my eye was his penis. While not as long as mine, the thing was unbelievably thick. I didn't get a chance to enjoy it before he turned around and showed me his big juicy ass. "Please, Sato, put your dick in me. I need you to knot me so badly."

Seeing my boss like this was such a turn on. I smacked his ass and watched it bounce and jiggle, "You don't know how much I wanted a piece of this ass." I spread the cheeks apart and saw something strange. Something was stuck up the ass. I laugh, "Did you really just leave the dildo in there?"

Mr Howard mumbled something.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I didn't have time to pull it out when you knocked so i just kept it in there."

I let out a chuckle, I really didn't mean to but it just seemed funny to me. I grabbed the base of dildo and slowly pulled it out of the bear's hole. With the dildo out, I pressed a finger into the hole. Almost immediately, my finger was accepted and inside the bear. The inside was very warm and roomy, "Seems like that dildo really loosened you up for me. I might not even have to use lube to get in you."

"But before that, put on a condom. I don't want any more surprises from this encounter. There in the drawer by your hip."

"Yes sir," I opened the drawer and saw boxes and boxes of different condom brands, there were even condoms designed for knots. "First dildos and now condoms, how often do you get fucked in your office?"

"Pretty often. Some days I ride my dildo, others I bring someone over. I usually do it as a reward for working all day." His voice was a mix of being both proud and embarrassed about the whole thing, no points for guessing why.

"My my, you are a naughty bear, to be doing it in your workplace. Kind of impressed you were able to hide it for so long." I opened the packet and roll the condom down my shaft and over my knot. I slid my cock in between his cheeks, "Well then, ready for your reward for a good day of hard work sir?"

"Oh fuck yes, fucking yes, just shut up and breed me already!" Mr Howard yelled so loud I was certain that the other offices might have heard him.

I gave him a good smack on his big juicy ass, "Now is that any way to ask for dick sir. I am sure your parents taught you proper manners."

Mr Howard made a low grumble noise, "Please, fuck me Sato."

"Good boy." I moved the tip of my cock into the bear's back cave. I faced no resistance amy cock sunk inside of him. I always enjoyed a nice loose hole to bury my cock in. "Are you enjoying my cock sir?"

"Mmmmm yes," His voice was a mix of a rumble and a purr. "Oh, I needed this so much."

I continued to push all the way down to my knot. I really didn't want to put it in this bear yet. I pull myself out halfway before slamming back into him. Mr Howard let out a roar as I hit his prostate heads on. The office filled with the sounds of hips slapping and love growls. We had no intention of being quiet now so might as well be as loud as we want.

I continued to pound my boss's ass with vigor. All the sexual tension I had since I laid eyes on him came out at once. Everyday I passed him by, I wondered how his ass might feel. Now I knew and enjoyed it to the fullest. But there was one way to make it better. I puledl myself out completely, "Lay on your back, i want to see your face as i breed you."

Mr Howard laid on his back. His impressive member was rock hard and already leaking pre. The bear grabs the back on his knees and pulls them to his chest, "I believe this is the position you want me in." that smile, that voice. He was fully committed to this now. And it was hot.

I pushed myself back into the bear, who just seemed to have gotten easier than last time. I continue to pound the bear, his cock bouncing in rhythm to my thrusts.

Minutes pass as I shamelessly fucked my boss. The entire time, his face was one of pure bliss as we fucked like animals. He wrapped his legs around my waist and pulled me closer. All the while, my knot had been poked at his entrance, ready to force itself in the smaller hole. Mr Howard looked at me, his eyes full of lust, "S-sato, please, I need it in me. I want your knot in me please."

Without saying anything, I grinded myself against him. I pushed and pushed until the knot just plops right inside of the bear inside.

Mr Howard let out a lustful moan, "Oh fuck yes." I could feel his ass clench around my knot. He didn't want it to go at all, nor was I having any intention of removing it from him. I grabbed my boss's neglected member and started to jerk him off. I couldn't make out a word of what my boss was saying anymore.

I could feel myself getting close. "You ready big bear?" I ask, "Are you ready to have my pups?"

"Oh yes, breed me now!"

That's all he needed to say. At those words, I came inside him. My knot slowly increased in size as I shot my load.

"I-I feel it, it's getting bigger." Mr Howard growled as he shot his seed onto his chest. It was a massive load, like he had been saving up for awhile. It just kept coming out like he had no end.

I laid on top of the bear, using his chest as my pillow, his cum getting into my fur. No words were spoken for the next few minutes. Both of us just caught our breaths and basked in the afterglow.

But then reality hits in. it really hit like a train. I pushed myself off his chest and looked down. I was in my bosses' office, my cock knot deep in his ass. Oh fuck.

###(2 months later)

My fingers danced across the keyboard as I put in the last bit of data for the day. Tomorrow was my day off so I wanted to make sure I got everything in before leaving. With the final bits of data in, I saved the spreadsheet and breathe a sigh of relief. "I'm done." I stretched my arms over my head and cracked my knuckles above my head.

"Ah, seems like I made good time," I heard behind me. I turned and see Mr Howard standing at the entrance of my cubicle, leaning on the divider, wearing his new polo shirt and some slacks.

"Hey Boss," I said , straightening my posture, "Yeah, I just finished the spreadsheet you wanted. Give me a sec and I'll forward it to you." I turned my back to my boss and opened up the messenger.

"You don't need to do it now. It can wait there for a couple of days anyway. Besides, " I heard the faint sounds of a zipper coming undone, "There is something else I'd rather see at the moment."

I smiled, "oh really?" I can already see where this is heading.

I turned around and saw Mr Howard pulling out his cock from his pants, his grizzly member already stiffening, "Yes, a big bonus for your excellent work. Thought it would be good to give it to you before you leave."

I reached out and wrapped my fingers around it, licking my lips in anticipation. "Well, I do love being your employee and all."