(CBC) Taxi Ride

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions

A CBC for smeshnoymem on FA.

A thin, delicate raccoon gets in a taxi to go downtown to visit someone. The taxi driver, however, has another idea in mind...

Was a fun little quick one to right. Enjoy~

Coffee Break Commission

Taxi Ride

By XP Author

Artem sighed as the yellow taxi pulled up. He had been waiting for a cab to come by for nearly twenty minutes. That was the problem with needing a ride so late at night. The raccoon opened the door and slid into the back seat. "Well hey there, handsome. Where can I take you?" The driver was an older goat, in his 30's or so, and quite buff. More than what Artem would have expected from a cab driver, at least. In his experience, most were either pretty thin, or overweight.

He cleared his throat. "Uh... downtown. To the Greenloft apartments. It's on se-"

"Yeah!" The goat interrupted him. "I know where those are!" The car started pulling away almost before Artem had closed the door. "I'm Dimitri, by the way. So, late night visit to a friend?" The goat's tone was jovial enough.

The raccoon nodded. "Something like that." He did not like talking much with complete strangers.

The goat, on the other hand, seemed to quite enjoy talking. "Oh? Maybe more than a friend?" He chuckled. Artem just stayed quiet. "Oh, don't be embarrassed, little guy! Though you are pretty cute when you blush." The raccoon frowned then. He really did not like being called 'little guy' or 'cute.' He was quite short and small, even for a raccoon. The 23 year old raccoon stood at only 5'4" and was quite thin, even frail or delicate looking. He had been teased about his size his whole life. "Frowning only makes you cuter!"

Artem sighed. "Please, can we just ride in silence." He shook his head and looked out the window.

Dimitri continued anyway. "Aw, c'mon. It'll be a boring ride then. Besides, I wanna hear more about this friend of yours. Are they a big guy? Bet you like big guys." Artem clenched his jaw. People always assumed he was gay because of how he looked. Sure, he was bi, but that did not automatically mean he was visiting a boyfriend, or that said boyfriend would be a 'big guy.' "Probably not. Big guys would probably break a little stick like you, eh? Bet you got picked on a lot as a kid for that, too."

The 'coon let out another heavy sigh. "Can you please just stop talking? I really don't-" He noticed the view out the window was not what it should be. He had gone back to the town by cab many times, and there was never a trip through the woods on that route. "Um... you went the wrong way. I said Greenloft, back IN town, not outside of it."

Dimitri chuckled, a sound that put the raccoon on edge. "Ah, yeah. Don't worry about it. There's a bunch of traffic on the main roads tonight, so I'm taking a back way there. It'll be faster, trust me!"

Artem felt suddenly very nervous as the woods around the road got thicker. There was something very wrong about this whole situation. "No... that's it. Pull this cab over right now!" The goat scoffed, but did as he was told. The car slowed down and pulled off into a little dirt road hidden in the trees and pulled over. Before the car was even fully stopped, Artem shoved the door open and made a run for it. Something about the goat had set off every warning bell in the small raccoon's head. He would deal with the consequences later if the taxi company tried to get a hold of him about ditching like this.

He only got several dozen feet away from the car before a pair of strong arms grabbed him around the middle, pinning his own arms at his sides as he was tackled to the ground. He hit the dirt with a grunt, pinned down under the larger goat, who he now saw stood almost a full foot taller than him. "No running away, cutie! You didn't pay your fare!"

He struggled in the grip, kicking about and squirming, trying in vain to throw the man off of him. "Get off of me, asshole!" One of the arms did let go of him, only for a hand to grab his now messy gray hair. His head was pulled back, only to be slammed hard against the ground. Pain exploded in his face, his body jerking once before his struggles stopped. The blow left him a little dazed. Dimitri grunted, standing up and looking down at the man. "Now that was just uncalled for." He reached down to grab hold of Artem's by the neck, dragging him fully off of the ground. The raccoon's feet kicked as he dangled there.

A moment later, he was being slammed full force against the ground again. This time, the blow left him more than a little dazed. He felt his nose shatter upon the impact, tasting blood in his mouth. His body jerked, then grew still. He was still taking gasping breaths, panting heavily, so it was clear he was not dead so easily. He started to cough, spitting up some blood in the process. A rib or two may have been broken as well by how much it hurt to breath.

Dimitri grunted as the man at his feet had finally stopped struggling. "There, that's better." He reached down and grabbed the end of Artem's fluffy ringed tail. "C'mon back to the car now." He started to drag the stunned man back by his tail. Artem let out a loud cry of pain from this. He started to scramble on the ground again, clawing at the dirt with his fingers as he tried to claw his way out of the grip, to no avail. It was not long before they were back at the car. The goat reached down to grab the man's throat before he could try crawling away again. "In you go!" He bodily lifted Artem up and threw him face-down into the backseat again.

Artem crawled to the other door, grasping at the handle and trying to shove it open. He was pulled away from it quickly by his ankles. "Nope, no getting out that way. Now, let's get these things off of you!" The goat grabbed at Artem's jeans, tugging them down hard enough that the denim tore around his tail. The pants and briefs under them were left at his knees, but it left his ass exposed. He tried to cover it with his tail. "Ah, cute little thing indeed."

Artem tried to crawl forward again, now fully in a panic, but the hand again dragged him back by his tail. He yelped when something hard and hot pressed up against his ass. "I'm going to enjoy breaking this little ass of yours!"

He begged and pleaded the man not to. "N-no! Please! STO-" The plea was ended by a scream of pain as the tip of the goat's large shaft shoved into his ass, spreading him wide in one thrust. The goat was large, but the bigger issue was the lack of any lubrication or warm up. "STOP!" He begged, but the goat ignored him. The cock was shoved deeper into him, spreading his tight hole painfully. Dimitri groaned in pleasure, still gripping at the now thrashing tail to keep the raccoon from crawling away.

"I love you little guys!" Dimitri smiled wide as he shoved deeper. "Your asses are always so fucking tight!" He shoved deeper still, enjoying the scream of pain that came from it. "Keep screaming, cutie. No one's going to be hearing you out here!" It was an effort to shove himself so deep with no lube, but it was always worth it when he heard those lovely screams. More and more he thrust forward, until he pressed his crotch against those lovely little cheeks.

His heavy balls slapped against Artem's little sack. He reached down with his free hand and grasped at the raccoon's shaft. "Bet I can get you to cum before I do!" He was making sure to hit the right spots inside the Artem's ass to make his cock harden, regardless if the 'coon wanted it or not. Sure enough, the shaft was growing to its full length within his touch. "Aw, look at this little guy. It's so adorable, like you!" He started to stroke the cock in his grip while pulling back his hips to slam himself forward again.

Artem gripped at the fabric of the back seat, mortified that his body was betraying him like this. Tears ran down his eyes, both from pain and from the humiliation. His cock twitched within the man's hand every time the shaft was jammed into his ass. There was no pleasure in this for him, and yet his own rod responded to the rubbing. He whimpered as it continued, trying his damnedest to resist, but his body would not listen. He bit down on one of the seatbelts to try and keep from making more noises, something the goat clearly enjoyed hearing. It only worked so much as the pace picked up.

Dimitri groaned in pleasure. "Oh yeah, that's it, short fry. Don't go holding back. You know you wanna cum!" He could feel the cock twitching in his hands. Each time he thrust himself deep, his heavy balls smacked against the raccoon's sack with an audible slap. "Go on! Empty those cute little balls of yours!" Artem whined loud, feeling the pressure rising unbidden. He tensed up hard as he tried to resist, which only tightened his ass harder around the goat's shaft pounding into him. "Fuck! You're tightening up! You're enjoying this!" He was not. His ass felt like it was on fire, the constant raw friction only making it worse.

Artem clenched his jaw harder, his teeth biting into the seatbelt in his mouth. He tried everything to hold back, but he no longer could. His cock jerked and started to spurt his cum out onto the seat under him. His tail thrashed in the grip as he came, the least pleasurable orgasm of his life. "There you go! Let it all out!" The goat stroked harder, forcing several more squirts of jizz out of him. He just squeezed his eyes shut, wishing he was anywhere else but here.

Dimitri stroked Artem's cock a little more, then brought his fingers to his mouth to lick them clean. "Good boy. Now, you'll ta-" music started playing from the jeans around Artem's knees. The goat looked down. "The fuck?" He halted fucking the man only long enough to reach into the pocket and pull out the raccoon's cellphone. There was an incoming call, marked only as 'From B.' "Huh. Looks like whoever you were going to see is looking for you." Artem's eyes went wide.

Dimitri did not answer the phone, but instead smashed it screen-first against the edge of the door, breaking the thing and bending it in half. He tossed it over his shoulder to the dirt, then continued slamming himself forward again. "Such a shame." He grunted as he felt his own orgasm starting to rise now. "Whoever that was will never get to hear from you tonight!" He grunted again as his cock twitched and pulsed. "Real tragedy. Your boyfriend will never know you got fucked by a real man!"

The goat let out a loud cry of pleasure and slammed his hips forward, thrusting every inch he could deep into the raccoon's ass. He came a moment later, blasting his insides with molten seed. Artem let out a loud whimper of pain, clenching his jaw hard to keep from crying out louder. The cum filling his ass felt like it burned against his already abused hole, coating him in pain. Several blasts were shot deep inside of him, then the cock was yanked free all at once. His hips were let go, dropping down to the seat, his legs danging out of the car door. He just lay limply against the seat, trying not to sob as cum drooled out of his sore ass.

"Ah... that's a good look for you." Dimitri rubbed his cock against the fuzzy butt in front of him to clean the cum off of it. He reached out to grab the tail again, dragging the man out of the car. Artem slumped to the dirt, his head propped up on the side of the car. "That was a lot of fun. But we're going to have to part ways here, cutie." Artem thought that just meant that he was going to be left like this out here, half-naked in the middle of nowhere.

Instead, he winced as his head was lifted by his hair again. "W-what..." He never got to finish his question or the thought as he was once more grabbed by his neck and lifted bodily into the air. He could not really kick much this time, what with his pants still around his ankles. His tail did thrash about quite a bit. He reached up to grab hold of the goat's wrist, trying to pry the hand off of him. His eyes were wide with fear, thinking he was just going to be choked out like this.

Instead, he was again brought down hard, only this time not against the dirt. His head was instead smashed against the much less forgiving metal trunk of the the car. His already broken nose shattered completely upon the impact, blood exploding from his nostrils. He was left to bounce off of the trunk, collapsing into a heap on the ground, coughing and spitting blood. His head was grabbed and lifed again again, slammed into the side of the car this time with another heavy, metallic THUMP and he felt several teeth jarred loose. "S-STOP!" He tried to reach up to grab at the hand holding onto his head. When his face was smashed against the side of the car again, his arms jerked and fell away. He tasted blood in his mouth, his vision blurry, his head throbbing in pain.

The hand let go of him, and he slumped forward, head resting against the bottom of the doorway into the car. He coughed and panted. When he tried to claw his way up, the world spun and would not let him see properly, forcing him back to his knees. He spat a gob of blood from his mouth, splashing onto the dirt, along with a broken piece of tooth. He tried to pull himself up again. That was when the car door slammed against him, smashing the side of his face and crushing his neck against the edge of the car. His body jerked, legs giving out under him again. Before he could fall fully to the ground, the door was slammed shut against him again, smashing his face and neck even harder.

Dimitri shoved his knee against the raccoon's side, pinning him to the car while he proceeded to repeatedly smash the door again and again against the man. Each time, the body jerked, the tail twitched, the legs spasmed. After a half dozen strikes, the twitching stopped. Blood drooled down the edge of the door, dripping onto the ground. When he opened the door again, the raccoon slumped to the ground. His head was a bloody mess, his face deformed from the repeated blows between the door and the car frame. The goat reached down to touch the man's crushed neck. There was no pulse there. He still twisted the head until he heard a crack, just for good measure.

He again dragged the raccoon by his tail, this time away from the car. He tossed him behind some overgrown bushes by the edge of the road, face down and cum-drooling ass up. He then yanked the jeans off of him fully and started going through the pockets. He found a wallet with some cash in it, several credit cards, and some ID. He took it with him. He also took the watch off of the raccoon's wrist, as well as the set of keys in another pocket. He left the shattered cellphone behind, having no value as it was now.

Dimitri then jerked himself off over the raccoon's corpse. He had gotten hard again from the way the man's body twitched each time his head was smashed. He did not bother holding back this time, and came one last time onto the dead, battered face. "Ahh... that's a good look for you, little one." He again wiped his cock on the dead ass to clean himself off before stuffing his shaft back into his own pants. "Alright. Time to go."

He got back into the taxi and started it up again. He figured he should probably ditch the cab soon, now that it had cum stains and blood all over the back seat. He stole the thing anyway, so it wasn't like he was going to keep it. The actual cab driver was laying dead in the trunk. Both would be found some days later, having been driven into the lake. It was much longer before someone would stumble upon Artem's body. With no ID and his face destroyed, he was marked as a John Doe. By the time anyone figured out that the missing report for the raccoon and the dead raccoon they found were one and the same, Dimitri was long gone.

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