A Kobold, Captured

Story by FurryCavour on SoFurry

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There are many, many creatures that can overpower a kobold. Deg is snatched away by someone quite soft.

The dungeon is dark, and the kobold is nervous.

This is nothing unusual. All kobolds are nervous, especially when under the thumb of a red dragon. Deg and his clan live their lives knowing that, should they ever show signs of disrespect - or even just one clumsy mistake too many - their master will make his displeasure known very quickly, and very... decisively.

That's just what life looks like for many kobolds. Like more mundanely terrible home situations, Deg navigates this reality by spending as much time as he possibly can by himself.

To say he is a 'vanguard scout' would give undue importance to his role. Deg, like his clan-mates, is squat and stubby. His scales are a vaguely nice scarlet, but that's all they are, and could not withstand much punishment. He's just an errand boy. If there's something to be fetched from further afield, one of the many far-off rooms of this sprawling dungeon, Deg has perfected the art of getting that job and spending exactly as long at it as he can get away with.

There's just one problem. Being alone means he doesn't have a dragon breathing down his neck, yes. But it also means he has no backup.

Kobolds are not solitary creatures. In a world where any farmboy with a pointed stick can kill them, their greatest survival mechanism is strength in numbers. That means that solitude feels instinctively wrong, worsening the natural anxiety of all kobolds into outright fear. When he's close to the dragon, Deg takes any excuse to leave. When he's alone, every tiny noise becomes frightening, until returning to his clan comes as a relief. He really can't win.

He puts one clumsy paw ahead of the other, and keeps walking. Reminds himself that he wanted this. And now, scary or not, he should enjoy it before he has to return to begging for his life. It was just a matter of attitude, right? So he ignores how his footsteps echo loudly down the stone corridor, and the way that shadow is staring right at him, and all the spiders on the-

Deg freezes. His prey instincts have caught something. But they've caught it too late.

It's all he can do to - slowly, like a nightmare - drag his gaze back to that shadow. Yes. It has eyes. Two emeralds, split down the middle by black slits. Drinking him in with predatory promise.

Before he can make a noise, it pounces.

Confronted with this creature, with the feeling of being tackled and pinned to the floor, with the omnipresent spectre of his own fragile mortality, Deg does what any self-respecting kobold would do. He passes out from fear.

It's not a terrible way to go. Peacefully slip out of consciousness before your killer does... whatever they plan to do to your small, powerless body. It's not like Deg could heroically fight off his aggressor anyway. So it's better to just take a little nap before the final sleep.

That's why the sensation of waking back up brings no relief. Only cold dread.

It's not just the dread that's cold. Something cool and steely is biting into him, made worse by the fact that... he's...?

When Deg opens his eyes, the first thing he sees is his own naked body. Scarlet scales completely on show.

"Mrgh!" He naturally tries to cover himself - kobolds are pathetic creatures, but they have at least some dignity. But his limbs don't move. He's chained to the wall.

The term 'dungeon' can be used generically, but Deg's clan and their surly master live in a literal dungeon. Or the remains of one, at least. Whatever caught him has dragged him back to this room, which features still-functional chains, and used them to string him up. His little heart sinks. It's one thing to be eaten by a wandering beast, but whatever has him is clearly intelligent. Gods know what kind of torment awaits him...

"Hey, you! You're finally awake!"

The voice of torment is pretty chirpy.

Deg drags his eyes upward, and is met with that shadow from before. Now it's walking around on two legs. He squints, until things make more sense.

It's not a shadow. It's a tabaxi, with midnight-dark fur, and a thief's outfit dyed to match. Black on black. The only splash of colour are her gleaming green eyes - and a row of proud white fangs when she gives him a mocking grin.

"I was a little worried I scared you to death! But I made sure you were still breathing. Never saw anybody hyperventilate in their sleep before..."

She plants her hands on her hips and leans in, almost nose to nose.

"I am the tabaxi rogue known as Gems in the Dark! But all my friends call me 'Gems'." That grin only widens. "Are you gonna call me 'Gems', little man...?"

Deg is trying to pass out again, but he can't do it on command. He averts his eyes from that piercing feline gaze, shyly looking at the floor.

"Hey, hey. I'm talking to you."

Two soft but firm paws take hold of his captive head, and tilt him back in her direction. She's only gotten closer. Almost right against his naked body.

"When a lady introduces herself," she says, low and casual and terrifying, "it's rude not to follow suit."

"D-Deg!" he yelps.


"My-" He pauses, unnaturally, for breath. "Am Deg."

Deg is not a linguist, and his grasp of Common is imperfect. But thankfully it's enough to earn a nod. "Deg. Good name for a kobold. Short and stubby. Like you."

"Thank," says Deg, despite knowing this is not a compliment.

She has not let go of him. She has not backed off. Gems remains an inch from his face, cupping his scaly cheeks in both hands. "Listen carefully to me, Deg. I'm sure you're wondering why you're naked and chained to a wall, hm?"


"It's because that big, mean lizard you call a boss has a jewel. A jewel I want very much. You know which one I mean, don't you?"

Deg doesn't nod, but his widening eyes answer the question. The dragon owns a vast swathe of treasure, of course. But she clearly means the massive ruby which is the centrepiece of the entire collection. The beautiful, ornate gem the dragon will happily spend an entire day admiring.

The one item that's definitely impossible to steal.

"I'll take that wide-eyed look of terror as a 'yes'!" she sings. "So you know where it's kept? You know how to get to it? You know what your ugly boss will be doing when he isn't staring gormlessly at it?"

Experimentally, Deg tries shaking his head.

"Oh? Nothing useful in that head of yours, huh?"

"Just dumb kobold."

"Awwh." Her sunny demeanour briefly softens. "Don't talk about yourself like that, sweetheart."

"No," he says, matter-of-factly and without pity. "S'true."

"...Well. I did worry this would happen." She finally pulls back. "I knew it mightn't be the first kobold I nabbed."


"Better luck next time. Or maybe third time's the charm..."

Deg doesn't consider himself smart, but he knows this much: every attempted kobold-napping is another opportunity for this plan to fail. As a 'loyal' 'servant' of the dragon, Deg should want this tabaxi to get caught...

...except he's been caught first, and if he's not executed for betrayal, he'll probably be executed for weakness. Chained to a wall, naked, the reality of Deg's life hits him in the face. He can't win. But he can at least keep his fellow kobolds out of this.

"U-um! Actually..."

Her grin returns. "Know something after all, do you...?"

Deg nods. He's unsure of where to start, but he's willing to tell her anything that could help. The dragon's habits, the layout of the dungeon, the quote-unquote 'patrol' the other kobolds sometimes remember to undertake. He's going to share it all. He doesn't need further convincing.

"Perfect!" she says. "Because I know exactly how to convince you..."

Deg blinks. She seized initiative in the short moment he took to order his thoughts. He needs another moment now, to work out how to tell her he's already surrendered, and she seizes that one too. She moves too quickly and fluidly for his slow, anxious words.

She quickly, fluidly, begins to shed her clothes.

There's a delayed reaction as this new information reaches Deg's eyes, then his brain, then his body. She unbuckles and discards her thief's outfit with such speed, and casualness, that he doesn't immediately realize he should be embarrassed. But that reaction does take hold, and hard.


"Yeah, that's right..." There are now a pair of soft, lithe tits in Deg's face. And she's not stopping there. "I'm a fair jailer, aren't I? If you're naked, well..."

She slips her long, fluffy legs free. Despite her dark fur, it's obvious she's in amazing shape. She's everything he isn't. Powerful, confident, soft... And another obvious difference soon faces him, literally, as she becomes fully nude. Her exposed pussy is not that far from his snout.

Deg can only stare. He's an adult, who lives among other adults. But their miserable little existence is hardly romantic. And this... her soft crotch looks so inviting. Even the scent is incredible, exotic in ways Deg couldn't possibly describe but which register deep in his brain. Even as his face stays frozen, his cock reacts freely.

"Awwh..." Gems pats his head, deliberately patronising. "Speechless, huh?"

After a second, Deg remembered to nod.

"Well." Her voice is edged with authority. Softer than a dragon - a lot softer - but still more than enough to command him. "We can't have that."

With one graceful motion, she sinks to her knees. The enthralling view of her pussy disappears, but is replaced by her tits and shoulders and face as she looks up at him. Those green eyes exactly as predatory as before.

"Listen carefully, Deg." She breathes his name. Warm air right on his scales. "I'm guessing you've never been with a tabaxi before...?"

He shakes his head.

"You've never felt a tabaxi tongue slowly caressing you...?"

Shakes it slower. Spellbound.

"Well," she purrs, "you will..."

Gems leans in, slowly, closer and closer to his cock, already hardening just from this incredible situation-

And then she stops. Her mouth as close as physically possible without touching him. "If," she says, "you start talking." Her gaze is hard. No room to beg. "One piece of useful information. One lick. Got it?"


Here's his last chance to be a loyal footsoldier. Deg could just refuse, and make himself calm down, and hope the next kobold turns out to be a harder target. That the dragon soon discovers and murders this insolent intruder, with her soft lips and pretty fangs and cute, pink tongue...

"Patrol... sometimes. Back rooms. Start south, go round north."

Gems doesn't waste a second. Instantly, he's rewarded by a long, slow lick. He sucks in a breath. The feeling is incredible. And she drags it out, really letting him enjoy it.

When she finally reaches his tip - which twitches - she pulls back. She gives him a bright smile, and soft words of encouragement. "Go on, sweetie... I'm listening..."

He goes on. He tells her everything he possibly can, anything that could help. And she stays true to her word. Better, even. She starts to give more than one lick. She starts to kiss and sniff and nuzzle his dick, which immediately became fully erect and stays like that for the whole ordeal.

Deg watches as her striking green eyes are soon glassy with lust. It's clear she's losing herself in her little game. At first, her strong, soft paws stayed on his thighs and hips. Keeping her prize in place. But around the time Deg starts describing the dragon's psychology, one paw disappears between Gems' legs.

She exhales loudly. "Sorry. Listening." He may not have catlike hearing, but Deg can still make out a wet, rhythmic noise from beneath him. "Keep... keep talking..."

He does. There's no way he's going to disobey, not now. So he keeps mumbling away, even when her claims of paying attention grow increasingly questionable. Even when she leisurely leans in, as close as possible, and...

Deg has to suck in a breath. She's taken him into her mouth, and now she's sucking his dick.

She lets her eyes flutter shut. She looks so content, almost sleepy. Just kneeling there, pleasuring him. Her tongue and lips move in tandem, and her sharp teeth - normally terrifying - fit snugly, safely, around him. He can't move an inch. He doesn't want to.

Realization trickles in amid the pleasure. Deg is enjoying this. It's an unfamiliar feeling, because there is not much in Deg's life to enjoy. But a warm, wet mouth on his cock... a warm, wet tongue encircling him, massaging nerves he barely knew he had... This is the best he's felt maybe in his whole life.

The chains are useless. This is all she had to do.

The session rolls on, the thought of discovery the last thing on either of their minds. Arousal is mounting in Deg's small, bound body. Carefully, desparate for more, his hips begin to rock against Gem's face.

The motion pulls her from her reverie. She opens her mouth and disengages, earning a whimper of need from Deg.

"Awwh... poor boy." She wipes her mouth with the back of her paw, then grins. "Don't worry. You did a good, good job..."

It can't compare to the warm treatment she was just giving him, but hearing those words is a forbidden pleasure all by itself. A thrill runs up Deg spine.

"Such a good job, in fact," she says, "that I think I have all I need. Now all I have to do is make a plan."

As gracefully as she knelt, she returns to her feet. Deg has a chance to drink in her nude body - her pussy, now noticeably wet - before her next words register.

"And I think best," she adds, "right after I cum."

She reaches for the chains. With a sharp tug (and another whimper), Deg feels his body being moved. Normally, he would only be about half her height. But she works, with her little pink tongue sticking out, to adjust his position on the wall. And suddenly, his erect cock is at the perfect height for her warm snatch.

She wastes no time in aligning their bodies. One soft, insistent finger tilts his chin up, until their eyes meet. "Deg," she purrs, "are you gonna help your new friend cum...?"

He nods, breathless. "Yes... please... use me..."

"What a good, sweet boy you are!" Her other hand is already on his dick. Stroking him and ensuring the perfect angle. "If you insist..."

Her hips sink down. With a shared breath, he's slipped inside her.

Deg's heart is pounding - he's never experienced anything remotely like this. It's almost overwhelming, but to his relief, she starts slow. There's a quiet moment where she settles her soft body against his scales. A few seconds where he can get used to the feeling of her velvety pussy, the welcoming new home of his virgin cock.

"Mmmh..." She nestles their hips together, close and warm. "Doesn't that feel nice...?"

He swallows, and nods. And she smiles down at him, and leans in for a kiss. It's as soft and slow as her other movements. Deg has the chance to calm down a little. He eagerly returns the kiss as her paws stroke his defenceless body.

This gentle introduction doesn't last forever. Gems' tongue begins to get more bold, exploring the shape of his mouth - and her pussy doesn't stay still, either. After the occasional soft twitch of her walls, Deg now has to get used to full, sexual motion.

Gems rubs herself against his crotch, using his scales to pleasure her clit. Her movements build, and soon, she's grinding against him - then, humping his cock. Deg tenses, and his dick moves on its own. His hips start to timidly thrust, too. It just feels natural.

There is a warm, wet pussy around him. He's supposed to fuck it. Every previous task Deg has ever been assigned leaves his brain, replaced by the totality of this new, tantalizing directive.

If he could move his arms, he would be clinging to her to waist to ensure a steady rhythm. But he can't. He can't grip handfuls of this warm, dark, fluffy fur, because he's chained up. She chained him up. She owns him now.

If kobolds are naturally anxious, and fearful, then they are also naturally submissive. And the physical, bodily pleasure Deg is experiencing mingles with the soothing sensation of submitting to his new mistress' will.

She's clearly pleased with him. Gems is embracing him tightly. Thief's arms; lithe, but gracefully muscled. And still wonderfully soft. She breaks her (by now, deep and wanton) kiss, but doesn't go far.

"Good boy, Deg... Good good boy...!" She plants firm, wet kisses along his face and neck and forehead. "That's it... Fuck me...!"

She clenches, and he gasps. His brain, already addled with pleasure, becomes caught between two instincts. On one hand, his body knows exactly what it wants. He doesn't need to move his limbs, or even think. Just thrust faster and faster, until he-

But there comes the other instinct, sticking cold fingers of fear into his warm reverie. Kobolds need clear instructions. Kobolds need permission.


"Mmnh?" Gems is still kissing his cheek. She either doesn't notice her new title, or doesn't care.

"D-do you... Do Iiii....?!"

His whole body is burning. It's so hard to think, let alone form words. Even as doubts crept in, their mutual rhythm hasn't slowed an inch. All he wants to do is-

"C-cum?" It's barely more than a whine. "Gonna.... Shhhhhould-?!"

He's cut off when Gems grabs him by the horns and buries her tongue in his mouth. A shiver runs through his entire body, from his bound ankles to his bound wrists.

She breaks the kiss, meeting his gaze with eyes that are almost feral. But even now, her voice stays low and encouraging.

"Do it," she breathes. "I'm close, I'm so close, sucking your tasty dick already got me so wet and I just need a little more." Her soft paws are cupping his cheeks now. "Do it, Deg, please cum inside me! I need y-!"

That's more than enough. Instantly, Deg's fears of angering his mistress become an overwhelming need to please her. With that in his mind, and arousal coursing through his body, he cums.

He feels his balls tighten and dick stiffen and then he's spilling his seed. Warmth spreads out of him, mingling with the warmth of her feline body. He yelps and yips and curls his toes, overpowered by his own urges.

Gems is right there with him. She gasps, eyes widening, and her lithe body stops moving. He gets a brief view of her face, caught on an expression almost like surprise, before it melts into something very different.

This thief, who has sneaked into dangerous territory, suddenly gets very loud.

Her face screws up and she practically screams in release. It's incredible to watch. For the first time in this encounter, she is no longer in control - not even of her own body. All she can do is cling to him, moaning and panting right into his ear. He can feel it as her body reacts similarly. Her walls are twitching hungrily around his dick as it shoots the last of his load inside her.

As the height of orgasm gives way to the warmth of afterglow, there's a third kind of satisfaction settling into Deg's head. He's a good boy. He's done a good job.

Gems comes down slowly. She leans her weight against the wall, burying Deg's face in her chest in the process. He feels her wonderfully soft tits brushing his scales as she steadies her breathing.

There's a wet noise as she pulls away, his flaccid dick leaving the warm comfort it had been offered. After that, the only sound is two creatures panting in the darkness. That, and the occasional echoing drip as Deg's cum slips out of her pussy.

Moments pass. Deg doesn't dare to speak. Finally, with a sigh and a little stretch, Gems steps back, withdrawing her warmth. She speaks.

"Okay. I figured it out."

Deg can only blink sleepily at her. The last few minutes were so overwhelming, he briefly forgot why she came here.

She grins. "I know exactly how to steal that gem!"

And all too suddenly, Deg remembers.

Gems is already moving. "A sensible thief would keep you tied up for now, but, heh... I think you've realized I do things my own way." She begins to undo the chains. "Besides, if I don't do it now, I'll probably forget! So be a good boy and don't tell anyone about all this, okay, sweetie? Oop, sorry-!"

Deg hits the floor. Free.

"Run along, now. Or don't. Do want you want, as long as you don't rat me out." Gems turns her attention to her equipment. Casually nude, but not for long. "I better, uh, clean up a little before I get dressed and start..."

It's like she's already forgotten him and moved on. But Deg knows he'll never be able to do the same. It's not just that this has been the strangest, and most pleasurable, hour of his entire life. It's that his 'entire life' looks bleaker than ever.

Either Gems' daring theft of the ruby will succeed, which will no doubt put the dragon in a truly furious temper, or it will fail. And if she fails, she'll...

Gems gives a quiet mewl of surprise when Deg clings to her still naked leg.

"Uh...?" She watches him with those green eyes. "When I said 'do what you want', I wasn't really expecting-"


"Awwh..." Gems bends down to stroke his horns. Her paws feel soothing. "Gotten attached, have we?"

There's no room for embarrassment. He just nods, arms tight around her dark fur.

"Well, don't worry about me. This isn't my first outing, I'll be fine." She twitches her whiskers thoughtfully. "But it's not just me you're thinking about, is it? Worried about what your boss might do, too?"

He nods more.

"Hmm... I got a few buddies who'd be interested in a bit of dragon-slaying, but they wouldn't get here for a while..."

Gracefully, she joins him on the floor. Deg finds himself wrapped up in a soft, feline embrace.

"In the meantime," she purrs, "I think I have an idea..."

That had been half a year ago, now. Deg sometimes finds it hard to believe how he used to live.

His clan is doing much better. Gems' friends did a thorough job on their tormentor. Now his family and friends are happily minding their own business and being very, very accommodating to any passing adventurers.

Not Deg, though. He got out even earlier. Adventurers plunder dungeons to get treasure. Normally, they have their eye on something like a massive jewel. But really, they'll take anything they think might be useful - anything that isn't nailed down.

"Sweetie, I'm home~!"

Deg's whole body perks at his mistress' voice. He eagerly greets her at the door, smiling up at her.

She returns it. "I see the hideout is as spotless as ever..."

"Yes mistress!"

"All thanks to my hard-working little manservant~..."

"Thank you mistress!"

She bends down and plants a long, slow kiss on his mouth. He sighs as he returns it.

Thieves are busy people. Constantly working, keeping long and irregular hours. Deg takes great pride in maintaining his mistress' home, and is very well compensated for it.

Gems breaks the kiss with one of her usual grins. "Got a fresh find for you to polish," she declares, dropping a leather bag on the nearest table. "But first..."

She's already stripping out of her clothes. And Deg, her good boy, is of course already naked.

"Get between my legs and give your mistress a proper welcome."

"Yes mistress." He smiles as widely as a kobold can. "Thank you, mistress."