The Stone Guardian

Story by Ruby the Guardian of Courage on SoFurry

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"Please, if you are real, you must help me!" Seri cried, dropping to her knees at

the base of a statue of an eastern dragon, crying. As her tears rolled down her lightly

sun-burned cheeks, she let out a slight sniffle, and hit the ground, her long dark hair

hanging to the ground. Clothed in a tattered tunic, grey and covered in stains, she had

traveled far to get here, and for what? To pathetically cry in front of a statue? Her village

was under enslavement by a powerful demon, and she just wasted her time in a

pathetic attempt to call some stupid, fake guardian to aid her free it. Then again,

considering the fact that the statue was sitting in the middle of a destroyed, charred old

village pretty much proved that it must not have really protected the village.

She had heard stories since she was little that, in a time long ago, some villages

had a guardian dragon that watched over them. These guardians slept as statues, and

awoke to accept some sort of sacrifice in order to protect the village, providing their

blessings in exchange. When she heard that there was actually a dragon statue in a

ruined village far East of her own, she hoped that she could free it from the savage

fiend that terrorized her people. Unfortunately, it seemed to be just that; a statue,

lifeless, and covered in moss. The dragon was probably eight feet long at the most,

and had an elegant look about it, with two long whiskers flowing off the sides of its

face. How they had not broken off from the abusive rains that plagued this region was

beyond her.

"I hate you!" she screamed, standing up. "You are a fake! You are no guardian!

You are just a statue!" As she wiped the tears from her green eyes. She had to blame

somebody for wasting her time, even if it was just a statue. So much hope rode on this

guardian, and it had all just been spilled upon the ground. "You are just a waste of my

time!" she yelled, grabbing a whisker of the statue, trying to break it off in frustration.

Despite how thin it was, she couldn't snap it off. "What are you even made of?" she

asked, tugging on the statue. Finally releasing her grip, she turned around. "For such a

useless thing, you sure are well made." She grumbled, picking up a small leather

satchel that lied on the ground. "I'm going to go."

"Grrmph..." a voice growled behind her, causing her to jump. Turning, she

looked at the statue.

"Oh, great, now I am imagining that you are growling at me." She said, looking at

the statue."Then again, the fact I am sitting here talking to you is proof I am already

insane." With a sigh, she turned to walk away, when suddenly, the statue emitted

another growl. "Wait... are you really growling at me?" she asked, putting her hand on

the statue.

"I am sealed within this stone... to be freed, I require a sacrifice." A voice echoed

in Seri's head.

"You are real!" she said, looking at the statue, her eyes lighting up. "What do I

sacrifice? I am more than willing to give it to you. Just say what you need!"

"I require one virgin female to awaken." The voice echoed again. It was

obviously male in tone, but not overly demanding or deep like one would expect from a


"I am one." She said nervously, gulping slightly. "I will willingly sacrifice myself

to you if you will save the village of Lumia from the demon, Zemis." She said, pulling a

dagger from her belt. "Will I do?" she asked, nervously pointing the blade to her chest.

She had to save her village. Zemis had already taken her father, brother, and many of

her male friends from her, fearing that a man might slay him. Even if she had to die,

she would willing do so if it meant that Zemis would go with her.

"Still your dagger, miss." The voice said, stopping her.

"Am I not good enough?" she asked, lowering her dagger, a panicked

expression on her face.

"You fit perfectly, my lady, but I most certainly wouldn't want to take your life."

The dragon's voice echoed through her mind, causing her to blink in confusion.

"But I need you to save my village!" she cried, throwing the dagger down.


"No, no, you got it all wrong." The voice echoed gently. "I don't want your life as

the sacrifice."

"Then what do I give?" She asked in confusion.

"You must give yourself to me. Allow me to do as I please." He echoed calmly.

"The sacrifice is met to provide the dragon whom she is given to with whatever he


"I'll do whatever. Just please, save my village. I am yours!" she said, kneeling to

the dragon. "Just tell me what I must do!"

"Quite simple. Simply swear that you belong to me. You must rename me. Since

this village is gone, I must be given a new name. Once you give me a name, swear

yourself to that name, and I will be awakened." The dragon echoed again.

"Name... alright... I got it. I will name you after my brother." She said softly, still

nervous about belonging to a dragon. "Xiao, I swear myself to you. I swear to do as you

wish, in return for saving Lumia from Zemis!" she boldly pledged, bowing before the

statue, which suddenly began to rumble. In a brilliant flash of light, the stone fissured,

and bits of stone exploded from the dragon.

"I have been freed at last!" The dragon roared, the light slowly fading to reveal a

white-furred dragon with a light brown mane running down his back. Long, light brown

fur also protruded from his chest, and ran down half way down his long body. His eyes

shun a brilliant green color, and his long whiskers flowed majestically in the wind. A

light brown patch of fur also came off the tip of his tail. Looking down at the startled girl,

he slowly stepped off the pedestal that he had been perched on, and looked her over


"I-I can't believe it." Seri stuttered, trying to hold herself back as she tried to resist

the urge to reach out and touch the dragon. "You are really a dragon."

"Are you sure?" he asked, looking himself over, causing her to suddenly jump in

surprise at the somewhat goofy nature of the dragon. "Okay, I guess you are right. I am

a dragon!" he said, happily smiling at her, giving a twitch of his whiskers. "So what is

your name, miss?"

"I am Serenity... but most people call me Seri." She said, bowing at the dragon.

"Miss, you have no need to be so formal." He said, lifting her chin with one paw.

"Yes, you pledged yourself to me, but really, I don't need you to treat me like some kind

of king." He laughed swishing his tail back and forth. "I mean, obedience is nice, but I

want you to be a bit more comfortable."

"But why? I mean, you are saving my village." she asked, starting to gain a bit of

confidence around the majestic beast.

"I am just happy to be out of that statue. I have been stuck there for over a

hundred years." Xiao said, stretching. "Sitting there, watching the world go by day after

day is quite dull."

"You were aware of time passage?" she asked, stunned.

"Of course." The dragon said with a sagely nod. "That way, I at least knew the

status of things while I was dormant."

"It must have been hard watching the village be destroyed while in stone." Seri

said, looking at the ruins of the town around them, imagining the dragon sealed

helplessly as a statue as the village burned around him.

"Uh... f-funny story about that..." he suddenly stammered, turning his head

away, ears lowered. "I wasn't sealed up at the time."

"Really? Was it a powerful demon that did this?" she asked, starting to worry that

the dragon lacked the power to help her.

"No... a reckless dragon tried to defeat the demon that was attacking the village

with a spell he wasn't suppose to even know." He said, unable to look up at her.

"Wait... you mean you?" Seri asked shakily. "You did this?"

"Yes. I tried to kill the demon with a powerful spell that I wasn't even suppose to

know, and misfired it do to my lack of experience." He said, fidgeting. "As punishment, I

was sealed back into my stone prison in the ruins of the village I destroyed. The gods

figured that by the time I was finally freed by somebody, I would have learned my


"If you weren't supposed to know it, then how did you obtain that spell?" she

asked, shakily looking at the destroyed buildings.

"I stole a spell book from one of the gods I serve under, and read its contents.

Unfortunately, the spells weren't meant to be used by me, so it only caused me

problems." He said, slowly looking up at her.

"So you were breaking the rules?" she asked, worriedly. "How do I know I can

trust you with my village's safety?"

"Well, if you declare a break in you pledge before I complete the task, you can

re-seal me... if that is truly what you want." Xiao said, evilly smiling. "Unfortunately,

you appear to be sort of desperate, so you don't have much of a choice. Either you take

the risk, or your village will be in the demon's hands forever."

"Fine, but we must hurry back to my village." Seri said shakily. "Every moment

we waste means that there may be less people to save."

"Fine, fine." The dragon said nodding. "Technically, I should be the one giving

the commands, though." He said, invitingly pulling her closer with his tail. "Now hop

on. We can get their much faster this way."

"If that is what you want." She said, putting her arms around the dragon's neck.

Before she could say another word, the dragon suddenly leapt upward, a rush of wind

suddenly coming up from below them, as the dragon began levitating.

"Just hold on, my darling little human." He said with a snicker. "I'd hate for my

newest little prize to become a little crimson splat."

"Uh... okay..." she stuttered, clutching the dragon tightly. "I'll try... but I've never

flown before."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't fall." He said, swishing his tail, and moving

upward. As the ground slowly grew farther away, a rush of adrenaline going through

Seri . "Here we go!" Xiao said happily, beginning to swish through the sky like an eel

through the water.

"Th-this isn't half bad!" Seri said, looking ahead. "In fact... this is amazing!" she

said, loosening her grip slightly.

"Don't talk too much, love. You might swallow a..." he began, suddenly

coughing, and spitting. "Bug." He finished, showing an irritated flick of his whiskers to

demonstrate his disapproval. Seri couldn't help but giggle. In a strange way, she didn't

really feel worried about belonging to the dragon. He hadn't really showed any cruelty

to her. If anything, he was more entertaining than he was intimidating. He seemed

happy to just have somebody to talk to than anything.

"Uh... Xiao, what all will I have to do for you? I mean... once we save my

village." she asked, looking down at him.

"Well, sweetie, you just do as I please. No matter what it might be." He said,

snickering slightly. "I'm sure there is plenty of things I could use such a beautify girl

for." Hearing this, Seri actually blushed slightly. She always had people say she was

beautiful, but she was never had anyone flirt with her seriously. In her village, people

got married to their parents requested, so nobody ever bothered.

"So, what kind of things are we talking about?" she asked him curiously.

"Well, being cooped up in a statue for so long means that you don't really get to

enjoy the more... primal urges that sweep over you." He said, turning his head back to

look at her, hoping to see her face.

"You mean you want me to... with you? But we aren't..." she stuttered


"Calm down, sweets. I am your new owner basically, but I'll be a gentle lover."

He said, turning his head back to look where he was flying. "So is your village still in

the same place? Just wanting to be sure. Stuff can change in a hundred years."

"Yea..." she said, thinking about what he just said. Losing her virginity to a

dragon? It sounded so... weird. She was a little nervous about the concept, but wasn't

really afraid. Something told her that he would never really hurt her. She just didn't

really know if she wanted to be de-flowered by a dragon of all things.

"What's wrong, dear? Did I take your breath away with my charm, or are you

getting motion sick?" he asked, beginning to descend.

"No... I'm fine." She said, looking down. Below, she saw her village, filled with

several burnt homes, grave markers, and scorched land. Zemis controlled the village

by keeping it in a state of poverty constantly, making them all rely on him.

"Look! Something is flying this way!" a man cried out, seeing the dragon.

"Is it that crazy girl that snuck out? Did she bring the dragon?" an elderly woman


"It is a dragon!" another man yelled as Xiao slowly landed on the ground with

much grace, the wind around him stirring some dust up as his feet touched.

"Everyone, this is Xiao, and he is going to free this village." Seri said, leaping off

the dragon's back.

"He's a bit smaller than I imagined." The elderly woman said, looking at the


"Sorry, Would you like me to go find a bigger dragon?" Xiao growled

sarcastically, looking away.

"I'm sorry if I offended you. We are thankful for your help." The elderly woman

cried, kneeling.

"Where is my mother?" Seri asked, looking around. "She is usually out at this


"Your mother was executed a day ago." One of the men said, lowering his head.

"Zemis is killing off any human that can't breed to give him more slaves."

"Wh-what? My mother is dead?" Seri said, angrily clenching her fist, eyes

welling up with tears. "That is it! I have nothing left! Come on, Xiao! Let's get Zemis!"

the girl yelled, marching off.

"W-wait! Seri! You haven't even told me what kind of demon he is yet!" Xiao

cried, catching up to her. "Is he a wolf demon? A shadow? Maybe a rouge kitsune?"

"We aren't sure. He looks human, but with claws, white hair, and black feathery

wings." Seri said, looking at the dragon. "Why? Does it matter?"

"It most certainly does!" Xiao said in a panicked tone. "I wish you would have

said something sooner! You just described a dragon demon! I can't take on something

that powerful!" he said, stopping dead in his tracks.

"Why? A demon is a demon, right?" she asked, looking at the dragon. "Come

on, you said you'd do it."

"You don't understand. A dragon demon can rival a dragon easily. I might not be

able to defeat him." The dragon whimpered slightly. "Besides... I have some problems

with dragon demons."

"I thought dragons were supposed to be courageous." Seri said in a frustrated

tone. "So what? You are just going to turn tail and run?"

"The demon I destroyed my village while trying to beat was a dragon demon.

The only spell I know that can kill him is the one I messed up on!" Xiao cried, lowering

his ears. "I can't risk it!"

"What if I evacuate the village?" Seri asked the dragon, looking him in the eyes.

"Evacuate? You can't. I just put a barrier over the village. Now nobody can

leave." An eerily deep voice echoed.

"Zemis!" Seri cried as she looked around.

"Look out!" Xiao cried, tackling her out of the way of a suddenly burst of fire.

"Damn dragon. I was just trying to punish my servant for running away. Why?

You want some, too?" the voice asked as the two rose to their feet.

"I am Xiao, a dragon guardian. I warn you, I can destroy you easily." The dragon

announced, standing up proudly on two legs.

"And take the village with me, right?" the demon's voice mocked, causing Xiao's

ears to droop. "I know all about you. The other guardians called you the White Inferno.

They said you sometimes just went too far."

"Come on, Xiao! You can do it! You already know what your mistake was, right?

Just hit him with it!" Seri cried, looking around. "Come on, show yourself!"

"Yes, my runaway?" a tall, silver-haired man laughed as he phased out of the

ground before them. Two black-feathered wings gently flapped from his back,

spanning about three lengths longer then his arms."You wish to test the courage of

this dragon?"

"I can't." Xiao whimpered. "I'll just mess it up again!" Xiao growled, looking at


"Then I guess I am already dead." Seri said sadly, looking at the dragon. "I guess

I just wasted my life on you."

"B-but..." Xiao said, looking up at her. "I would destroy the town if I tried to use

the spell."

"Fine. Dragon, you may leave. I will temporarily remove the barrier if you wish to

leave." Zemis said, waving his hand. "After all, I have no use for your kind."

"Can I take Serenity with me?" Xiao asked, looking over at the girl. "She pledged

herself to me."

"She technically belonged to me first." The demon laughed, licking his lips

slightly. "She disobeyed me when she left, and needs punished. Consider her my

payment for sparing you."

"Then I am afraid I wish not to leave." Xiao said boldly. "I will, instead propose

another bargain. Either free the people of this village... or I will destroy you... even if I

must take the village with me."

"Xi-Xiao?" Seri stuttered looking at him. "Why the sudden mood change?"

"Seri is mine, and I will defend what I rightfully own." The dragon growled,

stepping toward the demon. "Besides, you know I can destroy you."

"Do you really want to risk the well being of the people in this town?" the demon

asked, laughing. "I mean, you are a gua..."

"I am a rather selfish dragon that has been known to do reckless things. The

only one I care about is Serenity, and if you are denying me that, then I have no

reason to hold back." Xiao growled, his ears pinned back as he strafed around the


"I get it. You were locked away so long that you became infatuated with the

person that released you." The demon laughed. "Sorry, dragon, but I have a better idea.

Why don't you die?" he mocked, pulling a rapier from his cloak.

"Xiao!" Seri cried as the dragon leapt at the demon. She was worried about the

dragon's well being. She could tell he was afraid of Zemis. She had basically brought

him into one of the most dangerous situations she could possibly have dragged him

into, and she knew by the glint in his eye that Xiao had no intention of using that risky

spell on Zemis. He was just going to try and kill the demon... even if it put his own life

at risk.

"Fool! I will crush you!" Zemis laughed, swinging his blade. As the sword swung

at the dragon, Xiao used his magic to propel himself upward with a burst of wind,

before spewing a white fire from his mouth. Zemis held up his hand, blocking the fire,

before spewing red fire from his own mouth. Xiao was engulfed in the flames, before

dropping hard to the ground, his fur singed.

"Xiao! No!" Seri cried, running to the dragon, kneeling beside him.

"I am not dead, yet." The dragon gasped, slowly rising to his feet. "Seri, get back.

I don't want you being hurt."

"Want some more, dragon?" Zemis asked, a small trail of smoke rolling from his


"How about I show you what they meant when they said I was an inferno!" He

growled, his fur glowing with a white light, as smoke began pouring from his nostrils.

"Get him, Xiao!" Seri cried from behind a tree several steps away from the fight.

"This should be quite a treat. Most guardians are far too careful with their

powers, and end up chickening out on their most powerful attacks." Zemis laughed.

"Might be fun to see what a guardian that is a bit more loose might try."

"Shut up!" Xiao roared, spewing a long stream of white fire from his mouth.

Zemis stepped to the side as the fire cut through several trees, and pierced through a

house. Laughing, Zemis was caught off guard when the dragon suddenly tackled the

demon while still spewing fire, hitting him at point blank range, burning both of them in

a flash of white. As they both hit the ground, Xiao rolled to his feet, and spewed

another burst of fire at the demon, who simply leapt straight upward, and began

flapping his wings, hovering above the ground.

"You do realize that you just burned down a house." Zemis asked, panting


"Who cares? Nobody is around." Xiao said with an arrogant smirk. "Besides, I'm

sure these people can make a few sacrifices if it means you'll be gone."

"D-don't destroy the village." Seri muttered, putting her hand on her face.

"Oh shut up and eat the sharp edge of my blade!" Zemis yelled, swinging his

sword hard. As it hit the dragon, it suddenly glowed, and pathetically bounced off.

"What the hell is wrong with this thing?" the demon asked, looking at the sword.

"I don't know. Did you happen to get that from a demon slayer?" Xiao asked,


"Y-yea..." Zemis stuttered nervously.

"It appears you got yourself a holy blade. Something that was blessed by a

dragon." Xiao laughed. "Dragon blessings can't harm other dragons, so I'm afraid

you'll need something else to kill me." Xiao laughed, swatting the sword from the

demon's hand.

"Fine! How about I show my full power?" The demon asked, laughing evilly.

"A demon becomes so much stronger in it's true form, but becomes much

weaker to holy magic." Xiao said confidentially. "I guess you aren't such a dangerous

demon after all."

"Sh-shut up!" Zemis stuttered, his body glowing with a red energy. "I will crush

you long before you can even scratch me!"

"He is actually getting nervous. Maybe Xiao can beat him!" Seri said happily, still

staying behind the tree. As the two stood off, Zemis suddenly roared savagely, his

body exploding into a bust of black feathers and smoke. As the smoke blew away, the

form of a massive, feathered beast with large wings and blood red claws stood before

Xiao, who was but a small worm compared to it.

"Wow... I didn't expect you to be so big." Xiao said nervously, backing up


"What's wrong? Losing your luster, dragon?" Xiao asked, stepping toward the

little dragon, the earth rumbling beneath him. Before he could take another step, Xiao

spewed a fireball in his face, and darted airborne, trying to get above the beast. As he

prepared to fire another, the beast leapt upward with a mighty beat of his wings, and

rammed the dragon, sending him even higher into the air, knocking the wind out of

him. As Xiao freely dropped, his eyes widened, and he swung his tail quickly, shooting

himself upward toward the now airborne dragon.

"Stupid choice!" Xiao laughed, closing his eyes. Slowly, he began chanting a

spell under his breath, the ground below rumbling, and the winds circulating around


"I get it. He is using that spell he used to destroy his old village." Seri said,

watching. "If he fires it upward, it might be a bit safer."

"What? No!" Zemis growled, attempting to fly down to the dragon, but he failed to

reach in time. Suddenly, Xiao spewed a great beam of light from his mouth, which

exploded upon contact with the demon. Unfortunately, Xiao was caught in the blast

since Zemis had drawn closer to him.

"Xiao! No!" Seri cried as both Xiao and Zemis hit the ground with a thud, both of

them smoking. Zemis looked more damaged, most of his feathers burned off, and his

skin blistered from the attack. Xiao was burnt, as well, but not nearly as badly. As the

two lied there, neither one moved. "Xiao! Please wake up!" Seri cried, running to the


"Not so fast." Zemis growled weakly, rising to his feet shakily. "I won't die...

without taking that little bastard with me..." he coughed, slowly limping over to them.

He obviously wouldn't last much longer with his body so badly burned.

"Get away from Xiao!" Seri cried, trying to hit the demon, which swung his paw,

knocking her away. Grabbing Xiao in his talons, he grinned at the dragon. "You

mortally wounded me you little bastard." Zemis said, smirking. "Us demons can be

restored eventually, for we are fueled by the sins of this world. I will live on one day...

but you will not! An immortal being, once dead, stops existing."

"At least Seri is safe..." Xiao gasped as he slowly drifted in and out of

consciousness. His eyes suddenly clenched in agony as the demon began squeezing


"Die!!!" Zemis laughed hysterically, clenching his talons tightly, beginning to

pierce the dragon's skin. Xiao screamed in agony as he felt his ribs about to break, his

blood running down the demon's claws. Just before he could clench his hand all the

way, his grip went limp, and the dragon rolled out of his hand onto the ground. Looking

up, Xiao saw Seri standing at the demon's side, holding the hilt of the blessed sword

that Zemis had been using, its blade driven deeply into his demonic chest.

"Serenity..." Xiao purred slightly, before falling unconscious, his body in shock

from the burns and abuse he had received.

"Curse you..." Zemis groaned, falling to the ground with the sword still stuck in

him. Seri yanked it out, and dropped it to the ground, running to Xiao's side. "Don't

worry, Xiao... I'll take care of you."

Xiao smiled as Seri slowly peeled the bandages off of his chest, unwrapping

what seemed to be an ever-lasting strand of cloth. She wore a clean, bluish tunic, and

had her hair neatly braided. "Well, Xiao, you are fully healed, now. In fact, we kept you

all bandaged up a few extra days just to be sure." Seri said, smiling. "I'm glad that

everyone in the village was able to contribute."

"Thank you, Seri. I think it is almost time to leave." Xiao said with a smile.

"Tomorrow morning, I will leave the village."

"Where are we going?" Seri asked, a little sad about leaving her village.

"I am just going to wander around. I'm not much for being in crowds." Xiao said

with a slight twitch of his whiskers. "You, however, my dear, should stay here."

"But I belong to you, remember?" Seri said, stroking the dragon's nose. "I swore

myself to do as you please."

"And I am freeing you." Xiao said with a gentle smile. "You saved me, so I

believe we are even. You freed me, and saved me from death."

"But... Xiao... you said you had uses for me." She said, feeling slightly

disappointed. She had been trying to get herself ready for her life of serving him, trying

to imagine all the advantages of traveling with a dragon.

"No. You have much more in this village to look forward to." He said with a

smile. "Besides, I couldn't bear to see such a lovely young human lady live life as a


"Okay..." Seri said, lowering her head slightly.

"Don't worry, I'll visit occasionally. I have a hundred years before I become a

statue again." He said with a smile. "I'm sure to pass through again."

"Okay. Visit often, okay? I want to go for a fly again." She laughed, receiving a

chuckle from the dragon. "Also... I'm sorry for calling you a waste of time during the

fight with Zemis."

"It's fine. I was. Luckily, I had you there to inspire me to do better." He laughed.

"Anyways, you have been up every morning at sun-up to treat my bandages, and you

have been going to sleep very late. You should go early. After all, I want you to be

rested up tomorrow. I want to see you with a bright, alert smile on your face."

"Okay." She said, walking out of the room with a gentle smile.

"Funny how much I seem to fascinate that girl." Xiao said to himself with a

snicker. "I know you think going on adventures with a dragon would be fun, but if you

were to go with me... I might just lose control of myself." He said, his ears drooped.

"Such a sweet, beautiful maiden deserves better than to be some dragon's play thing."

As he waited for the crickets to start chirping their loudest, and for the night to darken, a

slight tear came to his eye. "I'm sorry, Seri. I'm bad at goodbyes." He muttered, crawling

from his bed, and walking out of an open window in the small shack he lied in.

Walking through the night, he slinked between the houses, trying to stay out of the

public's eye. Reaching the edge of town, he looked ahead into the forests, before

looking back at the peaceful, sleeping village. "Farewell." He said turning to walk into

the woods.

"Xiao, you act like I don't know you." Seri's voice said laughed, causing him to

jump. Looking up into a nearby tree, he saw Seri sitting on a low branch smiling at


"D-darling, I was just going on a walk." Xiao stuttered, backing up nervously as

she leapt to the ground, and walked closer to him.

"You are a bad liar." She giggled, putting her hand on his nose. "I've been taking

care of you for three weeks. You are kind of easy to figure out."

"Serenity, I just wanted to leave without the teary goodbye. I am quite bad at

them." He said, lowering his head.

"You don't have to say goodbye. Let me go with you!" Seri cried, looking at him

with a begging glint in her eye. "If not as a servant, then let me go as your friend!"

"Seri, I am leaving you behind because I wouldn't want to hurt you." He said

with his ears drooping. "I really like you, and I am afraid I might hurt you."

"Nothing you do could hurt me." She said with a smile, hugging the dragon.

"Serenity, you don't understand what I am saying!" He growled, turning away.

"Of course I do. Remember? I can read you pretty well." She giggled.

"If you knew what was really going through my mind, you'd not be too fond of

me." He said, blushing.

"Actually, I like what is going through your mind." She said, gently kissing the

dragon on the snout, causing him to jump back.

"Wh-what has gotten into you?" he stuttered, his face flushed red.

"Was I wrong? I thought that the thought going through you head was that you

were secretly in love with me, too." She said, smiling at him.

"Too? Wait, you mean you..." he began to say in shock before the human girl

shoved her mouth to his, her tongue slightly touching his lips. Opening up, he slid his

tongue gently across hers, purring as his mouth tingled from the interaction. As the two

pulled their lips back, she smiled at him.

"Xiao, you have a fear of doing something to me." She said with a smile. "I'm

sure there is nothing you could do to me that I wouldn't be willing to go through with."

"Seri... Every ounce of my being just wants you. I want to mate with you, and

claim you as mine. I want to do sooooo many things to your delicate little body that you

can't even imagine." He said nervously. "Are you sure you would want something like


"How do you know what I can and can't imagine?" she asked with a giggle,

causing both of them to blush. "I admit... when you were laying there sleeping,

recovering from your injuries, you were lying on your back, your... male dragon part

was sticking out. I saw it." She said, caressing his cheek. "Some people may have

thought it was gross... but It made me actually fantasize about it."

"You were watching me have a wet dream?" he stuttered, looking away.

"It was about me wasn't it?" she asked, smiling. "You did purr out my name in

the cutest way."

"Y-yes... it was." He said, slowly looking up at her.

"Would you like to live out your dreams?" she asked, gently caressing the


"I couldn't perform such a selfish deed!" he said, whimpering. He wanted her,

admittedly, but he didn't want to hurt her.

"The only selfish thing you are doing is not sharing your body with mine." She

said with a sad face. "Xiao, I am absolutely in love with you. I want you in heart, soul,

and body. Every moment we remain apart is another second of my life that I am


"Serenity... you really need me that bad?" he asked the human, slowly drawing


"Yes, Xiao. I want you to take my body as yours, and claim me. I want to wake up

in your arms, as your mate. Please do not deny me this. I am a mortal. I don't have

forever like you do."

"Serenity... I accept your offer." The dragon said with a purr, gently rubbing his

cheek to hers. Gently licking her cheek, he gently put his paws on her shoulders, and

pushed her down to her back in the grass below. "Shouldn't we go somewhere a little

more secluded, though?" he asked, staring into the human's eyes.

"Nobody lives in this area. This is mostly just for meetings and festivals.

Everybody is in bed right now, so we're fine.." She said, kissing the dragon on the

snout. "Why? Are you shy?"

"Maybe a little bit." Xiao snickered, nibbling on her neck softly. "You mind getting

that shirt off? I wouldn't want to claw it all up.

"Of course." She said with a giggle, undoing the belt that was around her waist.

Pulling the tunic up over her shoulders, and off her head, she revealed a tight-fitting

white undershirt that firmly held her small breasts in place. "Sorry if my chest

disappoints you a little." She said, embarrassed.

"It's alright. Female dragons don't have any, so you actually have quite a bit

more than what I would naturally have in a mate." He said, pawing at one just slightly.

"So, is there any reason you dress so much like a man? Most girls would wear a dress

or skirt of some sort, and have more... delicate attire on underneath."

"I never really saw the point. I mean, I was the one that came to find you when

my village was in distress, right? I guess I've always been more of the tomboy type."

She laughed as the dragon pawed at her. "So, you want me to take this off too?"

"Yes, yes, that would be very good." He said, nodding quickly, an eager glint in

his eye. Giggling to herself, Seri slowly pulling off her undershirt, revealing her soft,

pale breasts to the dragon. Before another word was said, the dragon suddenly pinned

her to the floor, and caressed her with his paw, one claw gently tickling over her left


"Xiao, you seem to be enjoying yourself." She laughed, slowly running one

hand down the dragon's side.

"Dear, you don't seem too eager to stop, yourself." Xiao laughed, before slowly

running his tongue across her breasts, up her neck, and across her face.

"Allow me to speed this up a little more." Seri laughed, pushing the dragon back

slightly as she stood up. Kicking off her worn leather shoes, she looked up at the eager

dragon before dropping her pants to the ground, revealing a pair of shorts underneath.

"I admit, I like what I see, but I still find it funny how much you dress like a boy."

Xiao laughed, eagerly sniffing the air as her scent filled his nostrils. "At least you look

and smell like a girl."

"Oh, and since when are you suddenly given the right to judge what I wear?"

she giggled as the dragon once again put his paw on her shoulder, and brought her

gently to the ground underneath him.

"Didn't you know? Us dragons have quite a rich history in designing fashions

for royalty." He snickered, bringing his snout slowly down to her inner thigh, sniffing

the scent with a deep-throated rumble. "Of course, my lady, I believe you would look

best wearing nothing. The reason we always make royalty dress up is because they

are always fat, and never fun to look at."

"Well, I'm sure you know what's best, Xiao, The Great Dragon of Fashionable

Attire." Serenity laughed, putting her hands on the waste of her shorts, and slowly

pulled them down. As they slid down, Xiao intently stare as a moist slit appeared

before his eyes, thin hair growing lightly around it.

"Oh... by the gods..." Xiao gasped, lowering his snout closer. Without her

permission, his long tongue suddenly snaked out, and slowly dragged across her

fleshy folds, causing her to jump slightly at the new sensation, her breath quickening

as he suddenly turned his tongue, and dragged it down the other side, licking around

her in a circular motion.

"Xiao... you are good at this..." she hummed, closing her eyes as the dragon

licked around her wet pussy, his circular lick getting stronger as he began to speed

up. Pulling his mouth back, he looked up at her, looking into the girl's lustful eyes, as

she stared back at him, panting lightly.

"You are quite a nice little treat." He said, purring at her. "Would you like to taste


"I've never tasted dragon meat before." She giggled as the dragon lied out on his

back. Crawling over the dragon's belly, she positioned herself so that she had her face

in between the dragon's legs, her swollen sex facing the dragon's face. After all, she

wanted to make sure her partner could still have something to satisfy his hunger.

Bringing her mouth to the dragon's slit, she slowly licked across it, getting a sharp,

feral-sounding purr in response.

"Love, I'm starting to wonder if you've done this before." He purred as her

tongue licked his quickly-swelling slit. As a sensitive bit of pink flesh began to emerge,

she licked across it, causing the dragon to flinch. Unable to control himself, he

suddenly grabbed her hips with his front paws, and buried his snout against her, his

tongue slowly licking up her, and then back down, eventually reaching her clit. With a

smile, he began to lick the sensitive little bump, purring in delight as his wondrous

dragon meat grew into her mouth, which she willingly licked, inhaling the dragon's

strong musky scent as his arousal grew. Pushing his tongue between her folds, he

licked gently across her, being careful not rob her of what reminded him that she was,

indeed a virgin.

"Oh... Xiao..." she gasped as she lifted her mouth from him. "I can barely take it.

I want you deeeeep inside of me." Turning to look at the dragon, she looked almost as

if she was in tears. "Please, Xiao, either stick that tongue deeper, or mate with me."

"Well, I normally do take the girl I am mating with's virginity with my tongue..."

he said in thought. "However, I think I'll make an exception with you. After all, this

occasion is a little more special."

"Just tell me what to do." She said, looking up at the dragon with a smile.

"First of all, why don't you turn around, and let me see that cute little face." He

said a sweetly innocent-sounding grin on his face. His ears twitched cutely as the girl

stood up, and turned around, still straddling the dragon.

"What do you need me to do next?" she asked, smiling at the dragon.

"Just come down here and give your new mate a hug." He said, opening his

arms. As she lowered herself to hug him, she couldn't help but giggle at the feeling of

his soft fur on her skin.

Embracing the little human girl, Xiao purred, "I love you, Seri." Brushing some of

her hair out of her face, he licked her across the cheek, which was salty from the sweat

she had experienced in the heat of her first-hand experience of what a dragon's

tongue could be used for.

"I love you, too." She said, caressing the dragon's face. As she looked into his

eyes, she suddenly felt something hard press tightly against her sex, causing her to

gasp slightly.

"Seri, I'll let you go at your own pace. After all, a dragon is quite a bit for a little

human to handle." He said, licking her across the neck. "I wouldn't want to make my

new mate's first time something she regrets."

"So you are basically being chivalrous, and saying 'ladies first,' aren't you?" she

giggled, kissing the dragon on the snout. Reaching back and gripping the dragon's

hard, smooth cock in her hand, she held it up slightly as she pushed onto it, clenching

her eyes. "Thank you..." she whimpered as the cock penetrated her slowly, feeling a

fairly high amount of pain as the dragon slid deeper, tearing through parts of her body

that had never before been explored. Xiao could only growl in lust as she spread her

legs further, gripping the fur on his chest as she pushed onto him further and further.

"D-don't hurt yourself... little one." He managed to snicker, before purring in lust.

He hadn't had a willing mate since the time before he was forced to take guardianship.

Instead, he had to request his servants to mate with him, which he never really liked

doing, so he only did so on rare occasions. Though they would comply, they usually

just laid there with their eyes closes, crying, or they would simply bend over, and grit

their teeth. Having a mate that actually wanted him... that actually was actually willing

to push herself onto him in lust... it was far greater than any feeling he had known.

"Xiiaaoo... you feel so good...." She panted as the dragon's cock throbbed

lightly inside her. As she lightly kissed the dragon's snout again, he embraced her

tightly in his warm, furry arms, and began to roll over with her, pinning her on her back

in the grass, releasing her from his embrace and putting his paws on either side of her

to prevent from putting too much weight on the smaller human. Licking her slowly

across the snout, he slowly pulled himself out of her, almost drawing the full length of

his cock from her body, before shoving back. As her worked his way through her

slowly and gently, but sill demonstrating his great amount of power, she gripped at his

fur, her body jolting with pleasure as her muscles were forceful moved back and forth

by the dragon.

"Brace yourself. I'm about to take this up a few notches." Xiao growled with a

lustful purr. Digging his claws into the grass, he began to quicken his pace, smiling as

he watched her lurch her head back in pleasure, letting out a loud cry of ecstasy.

"Xaaiioo... make me yours! Please.... Don't stop... yesssss...." She moaned,

bucking her hips against the dragon as he began hilting her, that wonderful tool

pounding deep into her body with each pleasurable thrust. She was absolutely in love

with her dragon lover. Nothing could describe the mix of emotion and pleasure that

shot through her as she was united with her new mate, her body taking him in as deep

as she could physically allow. As her body milked the dragon, he began to drool a

small amount of his rich pre into her, a warm bead of pure pleasure oozing through

her. The dragon hissed slightly as he felt his body nearing its climax, beginning to

quicken his pace.

"Love, I need to know... do you mind if I let it loose, or do you wish for me to pull

out first?" he panted, slowing down. "A dragon's body temperature is a little warmer, so

some girls don't like the feeling."

"I like the heat." She said with a lustful grin, pressing her mouth to his and

kissing him deeply, their tongues mingling amongst each other's as the dragon began

thrusting wildly, purring deeply as his tool swelled inside of her. Serenity clenched her

eyes shut and embraced the dragon as tightly as she could as her body began to tense

up. She could hear her own heart throbbing, his heart throbbing. She could hear every

breath as time seem to slow down. As she opened her eyes slightly, everything

seemed blurred. All she could make out was the dragon in her arms beginning to pant.

"Seri... brace... yourself..." the dragon growled, thrusting against her one last

time. He buried her cock as deep as he could, his fur tickling the outer edges of her

entrance. Her body felt as if though it could erupt any moment. Suddenly, Xiao bit

against her neck, lightly enough to not do serious damage, but hard enough to create

a sting. His tail beat furiously against the ground as he tried to hold himself back.

"XIIIAAAOOO!" Seri screamed as an intensely hot spurt shot deep into her, her

body being set over the edge. Every part of her body felt like it was rumbling as the

dragon's cock pulsated inside of her, spurt after spurt of hot dragon cum shooting

through her depths. Time seemed to flow slow enough that every single ribbon

seemed to slither through her. She felt as though she could almost feel every part of

the two's climax. She could feel every spurt. Every beat of his heart. Every beat of her

own. Her head seemed to spin as her blood raced, and her lower body seemed to

almost burn from the heat of the dragon's thick seed.

"Are you alright... Seri?" the dragon panted, looking down at her with a slightly

worried look on his face. When she simple smiled at him, a blissful smile on her face,

he grinned back, licking the girl on the nose. Nuzzling his snout to her neck, he began

purring, licking up her neck.

"I love you soooo much." Seri giggled happily, hugging the dragon's warm body

against her. His fur was so soft against her. His body heat felt so good. His slowly-

softening male hood slowly drew from her body, a drooling stream of off-white ooze

running down her crotch. She just lost her virginity to a dragon. No... Not just a dragon.

She lost it to Xiao. She was really under him, her skin tingling as the dragon's tongue

glided across her.

"So, you don't mind if we travel, right?" Xiao suddenly asked, looking down at

her, his head tilted. "I mean, I was sealed in stone, and I think it would be nice to get

out and travel. I won't deny you the right to go with me."

"Is this really the time to be asking that?" Seri giggled as she felt the dragon's

chest heaving against her own. "I mean, we aren't leaving right now, are we? I

probably can't even walk straight."

"You're right." Xiao purred, licking across her cheek. "I'll let you sleep on it." He

then panted, pulling himself from her with a slick slurp.

"I say yes." She said with a smile as the dragon rolled onto his side beside her.

"Or you can decide now..." he said, laughing softly. "So, anywhere you want to

go in particular?"

"I have one." Seri said, snuggling close to the dragon. "According to a story I

once heard, there is a well that grants wishes located somewhere in the world. I want

to go there."

"Really? Do you really believe that something like that exists?" he asked,

looking down at her as she swirled his chest fur softly around her finger.

"I learned about dragons in a story, and nobody in my village believed in them."

She said, looking up at the dragon with a smile.

"And may I ask what you would wish for?" he asked, nuzzling himself against


"Sorry, Xiao, but I want that to be a surprise." She giggled, reaching up and

stroking the dragon's nose. "I know that you'll like it, though."

"Then I won't ask." He growled, his whiskers twitching slightly in frustration. "I

guess I better find that well so I can find out."

"But for tonight, let's rest." She said, snuggling closer to the dragon.

"Of course." He said with a gentle nod. "We'll leave in the morning..."

"And maybe I can learn more about how to make dragons happy." She giggled,

laying her head against his chest.

"Oh, you don't need to learn any more. You got it down." He said with a smirk.

"Now you just need to learn how to handle all the strange things us dragons like to do

with our mates."

"Sounds like fun." She said, closing her eyes. "Thank you for giving me

something to dream about."

"Just don't oversleep." He purred, laying his head in the grass. "I mean, we are

out in the open."

"Okay." She said, hugging him tighter. "We better get to sleep, then."

"Yes... my love." He purred, gently closing his eyes, giving his tail one last swish

before dozing off.

"Good night, Xiao." She said with a smile, the thought of what she was planning

to wish for pleasantly drifting through her mind.