Secret of Elm (CH-1)

Story by Raid the Revenge on SoFurry

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#1 of Ankara

The following story is copyrighted by Raid The Revenge.



Adults only. Contains scenes of explicit violence and sexuality.

By reading this Chapter, you are agreeing to place no alternate

feelings or sensitivities towards the author.

All moods deprived from this story are to be exerted with Apathy.

My goal was to create unforgettable characters by making them into puzzles. Some keys you'll be given, while others you must find on your own. The rare ones you'll have to make yourself.

---Secret of Elm---

Raya was the most dominate lioness of her kind. She stood taller than any of the females in her clan, sporting a height that matched even some of the 7 foot males as well. Her masculine body was strong, powerful and full of rich muscles and mass. However, Raya was still quite feminine with her tapered waist and curved thighs, even more with her firm breasts that clung tight against her chest.

Despite the fact she was a highly skilled hunter, Raya had been abandoned by her kind. Now she knelt alone in the desert, like a goldstone wrapped tightly in white silks. Her eyes were now more fiery red than ever, both from anger and sadness. The prophet's eclipse was at hand: "The life of the strongest female, upon the day of her 25th year, was to be left in the Forging Desert at dusk." Although the natural lifespan of her race was considered a whole century; Raya was at the end of her time in her prime.

What's even worse was the prophecy was spoken from a human. This figure was from a race that survived because of their pathetic inventions and tools. Normally, humans would get ripped to shreds from the clan in less than a second. Strangely, this particular human-prophet had already saved the people many times from disease, drought and other disasters. Even the male lions were more than eager give-up their strongest wives for the latest prediction. Obviously, those females wouldn't do. Raya had to pay for being the strongest the next day; for she would have reached her 25th year.

Strangely, the prophet claimed the task "didn't" have to be fulfilled. Not this time. Nobody's life had to be taken, but the clan felt obligated to complete the task anyway to "save themselves." Raya wasn't prepared for the sleeping arrows that struck her when she attempted an escape that night. She remembered her last words to her family before the knockout..."I wouldn't have sacrificed any of you...for whatever the reason....."

On the next day, which was Raya's 25th year, the clan ran as fast as they could to leave Raya's unconscious body deep in the Forging Desert. It is a dangerous place, where death arrived from thirst, starvation and the freezing temperatures at night. When she awoke, Raya saw the edge of the sun over a dune, with death in every other direction. She rose upon her back legs, realizing she was horrifically lost and alone. She looked down at herself and noticed her body was clothed in only a draping loincloth and white silk around her chest. Death would never claim anything more beautiful.

Raya immediately started running. There were no signs of where her clan had gone; either they covered their own tracks or the wind distorted the sand. She instead aligned the stars in the sky in order to head as straight as she could. She was a survivor, knowing the best thing to do was run and build up energy to fight the cold. She was the fastest of her clan, kicking up enormous amounts of sand behind her powerful legs. She was like a comet, complete with her fiery tail in the universe. Raya was a bolt of lightning. As long as she went straight, she might be able to reach an edge of the desert, where she could easily survive despite her condition.

After some time, her hope had diminished like her speed. Although the wind was tame this night, the cold was mostly in her body now. It was slowing her down and suffocating her fire. Raya had little time left, for it was only a matter of seconds before she would collapse and freeze. She decided to run for one last minute while hoping some miracle would occur. She was prepared to die many times in her life; this moment being difficult to accept with tears streaming down her face. At least she put up one hell of a fight.

However, a miracle had occurred after all. Raya had not known at first, but now she realized after convincing herself she wasn't delusional, there was a face in the sky and it was staring at her.

Before this time, Raya was unknowingly being pursued by another gazer. A face of silver shields and pearl-opaque eyes had discovered her. The stars in the sky shifted, which revealed a constellation. A body shimmering like stars, glittering like sparkles on snow, with a pair of enormous and feathery wings. This form of liquid silver was flying along Raya's side, wings minimally stroking to keep up with her pace. Oddly, Raya's first reaction was to sprint faster; more out of competition rather than fear. The lioness had a slight grin on her face. With a single wing-beat the flyer had matched her increased velocity. Those eyes made of pearl were intrigued, since they'd never seen this kind of reaction from prey before. Suddenly the dragon asked in a gentle voice, "Do you want me to carry you?"

This made the fearless lioness gasp with surprise. Raya's eyes went wide as her legs gave out and she tumbled in the sand violently. Her body finally stopped rolling and rested on her front. She realized the dragon was definitely male and it touched-down ahead of her in a graceful landing. She tried to get up, but her limbs would barely move from being frozen. She felt the powerful creature making it's way toward her. All the lioness could do was weakly raise her head and dimly look at the silver angel before her. It had a massive body that was just about twice her size, not including its feathery wings. It walked on all fours but looked capable of going into a hind foot rise. Its hind legs were more massive than it's front ones. The chest was very thick and smooth from beating it's wings over time. The most incredible feature was the eyes being opaque as pearl, beaming down upon her like little moons in the sky, complete with the milky-way from the creature's long and glimmering tail. The cold didn't seem to affect the dragon at all. The lioness fought as hard as she could to keep her own eyes open for she'd die otherwise. She whimpered,

"Please save me, Angel."

"Where are you going?" asked the dragon curiously.

"I'm going to die..." Raya's eyes began to close.

"Forbidden! Do you want me to carry you or not? Answer me!!" the dragon demanded while burrowing his claws in the sand.

Raya's eyes were completely closed, yet somehow she managed to answer "yes."

"I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt..." the dragon gently said as he rose upon his hind legs. His claws rolled the lioness onto her back, slightly scratching her while doing so. The worst was yet to come.

"Be strong lioness..." the dragon said as he began to lift her. That was when she screamed in pain. Although her back was numb and frozen, the dragon's talons were piercing into her about an inch. Raya was paralysed from pain. The dragon had evolved to take its prey this way. At least he knew where to place his 8 talons into her without striking vital organs or drawing large amounts of blood. The pain was keeping Raya awake, which could prolong her dwindling life. The last thing she remembered was a violent leap, then her body feeling weightless and moving faster than she'd ever felt before, while being cradled in the talons.

The lioness was on the edge of death, where minds leave bodies and everything is like a dream. Raya saw the soft earth reaching out and pulling her flesh away from the hooked talons. She felt a warm sand was flowing over her, which filled the wounds in her back. For once, Raya could actually distinguish colors, but she didn't know any names for these hues. If she did, the warm earth would've been called a garnet brown. Every time the sand flowed over her, Raya felt an intense pleasure that made her fire return. Her mind was returning to her body. The last thing she remembered seeing was a pair of green emeralds within the flowing earth, which was caressing and moving her body.

Raya opened her eyes and was inside a large dwelling within a candle-lit cavern. Plants and flowers were growing around the perimeter, placed inside a carved gutter within the stone floor. A thin-white sheet, slightly swinging in the suspended air, was concealing the entrance. The starry sky was visible above, through a crystal-glass ceiling, which Raya had never seen before. The room was large, easily capable of accommodating the silver dragon that saved her earlier. Raya carefully moved her body and closed her eyes to ease the pain that would eventually sear through her...which never arrived. Her eyes opened wide again with surprise. She sat up over a soft bed of silky white sheets that draped over a mound of sand. She felt along her back, feeling only her smooth coat without any pain or scars. She was still clothed in her beautiful white linens. Then she realized she could hear the sounds of whispering voices and flowing waters beyond the wall...

"She called me an angel," a large being whispered.

"Like when you were my savior?" asked another small voice.

"She'd change her mind if she knew how many lives I've claimed..." the larger being added with a discouraging voice.

"...with your talons full of mercy and regret," the smaller disagreed.

"...and pain," the larger admitted with full voice.

"Shhh! You'll wake the lioness," the smaller frame warned.

There was a moment of silence, where Raya confirmed the erupting voice was from the dragon, but she couldn't decide who or what the lesser being was.

"Remember when you saved my life?" asked the smaller being in a soothing female voice.

"Your body was covered in blood," the dragon painfully recalled.

"I know. I willed my heart to beat forever the moment I saw you."

"You should've died."

"Love defies death."

"Then I suppose you think it was love that made me save the lioness?"

"Yes. More than anyone can imagine," followed by a pause.

"Spoken like a true angel. Foolish and predictable," the dragon whispered arguably.

"Yeah? Then predict this..."

There was a moment of silence, followed by a low and muffled moan of passion from both beings beyond the stone walls. Then the dragon exhaled,

"I didn't know you could jump that high."

"Yes you did," the female reminded.

"I'd better do the same. The lioness will need food when she awakens," the dragon remembered.

"You're going to leave me here alone with the predator?" the girl asked without worry.

"Yes. It's punishment for your foolishness. You'll have to be unpredictable in order to stay alive until I return," the dragon stated sincerely.

"Careful. She'll starve to death if you don't come back," she giggled and joked.

"You'll be cunning, full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed..." the dragon joked back.

"I'm not a bunny!" the female giggled hysterically, yet quietly.


Raya heard the sound of the air filling a wingspan, then silence. She wouldn't dare to believe what she just heard. She could still hear the sounds of water in the next room. The girl was gently humming a soothing song, filling containers with water and pouring them back. It was quite some time before Raya slumped back on her comforting bed and felt at peace. That was when the humming grew louder and the girl was drawing near. Immediately the fires ignited in Raya's eyes as she tumbled herself onto her feet instantly. The lioness could've cleared the room and pounced on her victim in a single leap, gaining total control.

Raya enjoyed that idea, so she primed her stance for a takedown as the curtain slowly parted to one side. Ready. Claws extended. Everything black and white. Green emeralds. A body of earth. Stasis. Raya didn't move. She couldn't move. She was staring at those healing emeralds. Raya's claws retracted as the figure of earth fully revealed herself.

That incarnate had collected all her power and strength into her lower body. Her legs were stable and hardy; the thighs being her most massive feature. She stood perfectly still upon the metatarsals of her long and taloned feet. There were black braces with laces around her heels and navicular bones, leaving her toes and talons open to touch the ground for stability. Above each foot, were tapering shins being connected to those muscular haunches. Raya could see a thick and long tail was laying on the ground for even more balance. Above the girl's waist, the girth had waned, making her slim and lean anteriorly. Her upper body was completely feminine, especially due to the pair of creamy breasts that clung to her chest. Her frail arms and lightly toned biceps were joined to her small shoulders; making her hands look large but soft. Her thin and fragile neck held her beautiful face with those green and glistening eyes; visible beyond Raya's color-blindness. Her ears ran straight behind her head, with flowing golden-brown hair parted in the middle and separately pony-tailed in the back. She was wearing a pine-green robe, while her delicate arms carried a large water glass in one hand and a scythe in the other. It felt as though Raya had known this creature for years.

"Happy Birthday," spoke the earthly figure in a soft voice.

The lioness felt struck by this remark as a pool of questions were forming in her mind; she collapsed onto her side in awe.

"I thought you might be thirsty, so I brought you this water," the sturdy girl offered from her thin branches.

"I could've killed you," Raya admitted while dousing the fires in her own eyes.

The green eyes were lifted by a sinister grin and asked, "You still want to try?"

There were hundreds of moments in Raya's life where she was challenged this way. Each time she accepted, she was the victor while the loser paid with their life...or worse. Sometimes her tasks would've been considered suicide, yet she always triumphed. That's just how she was. At this moment, Raya was being taunted by someone laughable in comparison to them all.

As the lioness burrowed her face into the bedding, she realized it was impossible to bring herself to strike this one. Raya kept thinking of the flowing hands that massaged her body back to life and those possessive green orbs, with color the lioness had never seen before. Raya felt her life was disposable for this healing creature.

"...I'd rather die for you..." the lioness whispered to herself within the softness.

Raya wasn't a witness, yet those ears above the kangaroo's head had slowly risen as her grin faded.

Raya raised her head and cried, "How'd you know this was the day of my birth? Is it "still" the same day!?"

"My arm's getting tired from holding this for you..." the re-grinning earth reminded.

Raya suddenly realized she was terribly thirsty. She more than wanted to rise and meet the offer, even though that strange blade on the staff looked deadly. The lioness didn't care if it was a trap. Raya slowly rose and gracefully walked toward her giver, while noticing the kangaroo was shorter than herself by about a foot. Although those kangaroo's legs were extremely compact, the fact that Raya had more mass overall was distinguishable.

Raya took the polished crystal glass and drank heavily from it. It was about a litre, being a small portion for her, but she felt refreshed. It was such a beautiful container, being perfectly symmetrical and carved from crystal.

"Please call me Elm," the Kangaroo said as she watched.

"My name is Raya; it's my hunting name," the lioness finished her glass.

"You chose it yourself?" Elm asked with interest.

"After my first kill," Raya claimed with pride after offering the glass back.

Elm retrieved the container from the enormous arm, then placed it somewhere under her robe.

"What was it? May I ask."

"One of those black birds that ate dead meat," Raya grinned.

"You had a rough beginning didn't you?" the Kangaroo girl asked with sarcastic pity.

"I was providing food for my family at 10 years of age," the Lioness grinned with teeth.

"Would you have killed me?" Elm asked seriously.

Raya gasped with eyes wide and head shaking, "No! Stop saying things like that!"

There was a tremendous pause as Elm's emerald-eyes burned in Raya's fiery ones. Elm recalled all the times in her life when her tribe was surprise-attacked, being violently killed one after another by predators. However, it seemed Elm really hurt Raya emotionally when death was mentioned. Raya's claws were full of regret like someone else Elm knew.

"Hold this tool," Elm offered the scythe to the lioness.

"I don't understand..." began Raya.

"...just take it in both paws or claws or whatever you have!" Elm demanded.

Raya nodded as she obeyed. The blade at the top felt sharp and heavy. The lioness had never seen farming tools like this before, since she only consumed proteins instead of grasses. Raya thought it was strictly a weapon and bearing it near Elm was torture. Raya closed her eyes in the emotional pain as her pride was being drained.

"You can't kill me with that," Elm cried.

"I'd never..." began Raya in anguish.

"...yet you'd take the lives of those you can't see," the kangaroo challenged.

"That's not true," Raya winced.

"Liar! You were going to attack right when I entered this room. I crept in so you'd see me first!" Elm cried with anger.

"I've never killed for sport."

"Yeah? I saw your kind take the lives of babies and joeys from our tribe. I'm sure they were no more than a mouthful to you."

"Please stop, I'd rather have starved to death," Raya begged while slowly sliding down the staff as the blade atop was wavering.

"Never! We're just getting started," Elm warned as she brought her powerful body close to the Lioness.

There was a moment of silence as Raya felt like she was being buried alive.

"You know that prophet who came to your village?" Elm reminded Raya.

The lioness slightly opened her eyes as tears began to flow, "Him..."

"Yes! Him..." Elm sneered.

"He cursed me into the Forging Desert," Raya recalled.

"You fool. Who do you think that person really was?" Elm asked with sadistic glee.

"The angel," Raya trembled further down the shaft.

The blade atop was wavering so much; Elm grabbed the staff with both her hands and yelled straight down to the Lioness below.

"Yes! Your "angel" had set-up the false prophecy on your clan. I hope you survive the next question." Elm began to glare from her shouting.

"Please stop, I'm begging you..." Raya was almost on her knees at this point.

"Do you know why the task didn't have to be completed?" Elm whispered with a sadistic glee.

"Because it was a lie?" Raya guessed.

"Oh my! You're not as gullible as I thought. Too bad you fell prey to your own kind!" the Kangaroo giggled and joked.

It was at this point the lioness had completely fallen to her knees. Elm had to lower her frame to whisper into Raya's ear. Strangely, it was almost as if Elm had predicted everything.

"You are being tested," Elm had begun. "You are being tested to see how much your clan appreciates life. So far, I find them to be nothing but selfish. They traded you, their strongest warrior, for only themselves."

Elm realized what she was about to say could mean the end of her own life. Elm had to be very careful, or no angel would have held back enough anger to prevent tearing her apart. She kept one hand on the scythe to keep it stable, while she gently began to massage the back of Raya's neck. The lioness whimpered at the feeling of sand flowing over her, relieving so much pain.

"Your people are in danger," the earthly kangaroo whispered to the lioness.

Raya's eyes opened wider at that previous remark. Perhaps there was more to this test than Elm explained.

"Yes. I know you care. Too bad. There will be no survivors. Not even any cubs. Your "angel" has foreseen mankind arrive, with strange weapons that kill in an instant. Humans who'll claim that land will destroy your clan. It'll be covered with blood," Elm continued sadly.

Raya felt an intense anger like wildfire spreading throughout her body. Her tears boiled away and her eyes became fiery red. The only thing keeping her feral instincts in check was Elm's caressing hand.

"Only you can save them now. Their lives are in your hands. Only I know how."

"You will tell me!" Raya began to roar.

"Easy. There's still time, but there's one more thing you must know," the Kangaroo whispered in distress.

Elm vigorously rubbed her hand below Raya's neck against her back, going over the shoulders and polishing her triceps. The kangaroo of earth grabbed handfuls of Raya's fiery flesh and squeezed, causing the embers in the lion's eyes to tame. Elm looked up and saw the scythe's blade, with the starry sky through the crystal glass ceiling. The metal crescent looked like a massive moon in the sky. Elm gathered her courage to say her last,

"I once was lost in the forging desert, when your clan attacked my tribe. My body was ripped to shreds and I begged for death."

Raya's fire became molten hot as Elm continued; "They wouldn't give it to me. Yet, I see the angel appeared...I was saved..."

"All my people are gone. Killed by yours," Elm mourned into Raya's back.

The lioness glanced behind and saw this pile of earth, flowing over her hide. The sorrow was pouring into Raya like an injection.

"You wanted revenge," Raya burned.

Elm raised her head, her Emerald eyes clashed with Raya's molten orbs. There was enough energy to destroy a universe. The lioness rose slightly, letting the earth fall from her hide. Her fires became wild. Raya had let go of the scythe, readying her claws in the stone ground for what Elm would say next. Their eyes both flared like a forest fire. The lioness pressed her ears against her skull, knowing that Elm was full of vengeance.

"Your angel failed me!" Elm shouted as she let the scythe go too late.

Raya launched herself like a shooting star, crashing into Elm like a meteor. The crescent blade missed Raya by inches as their bodies tumbled away. Elm locked onto Raya's waist with her haunches and began to rake her sides with the talons. The lioness latched her claws into Elm's arms and pinned her to the stone ground. Elm's strength instantly dissolved as she screamed in terror; her Emerald eyes forming cracks and tears. The clashing of metal from the scythe striking stone joined the echo of Elm's wail; her plan had failed. The claws were like drops of magma flowing into Elm's body. All that remained was Elm's exposed neck, which Raya could bite through like an axe in wood. However, it all felt too easy...

"You wanted me to freeze in the desert!" Raya roared in Elm's face.

The heat could've seared Elm's coat as she begged for forgiveness.

"To think I'd pledge my life to such a fool!" Raya sank her claws further into her prey.

Elm's face was writhing in pain. Streaks of tears were everywhere and her eyes began rolling into her skull.

"Now it all makes sense. My angel has punished you for acting like a foolish child," Raya's eyes were fueled by anger.

Elm gasped for air as she barely whimpered, ""

Elm's legs were losing grip around Raya's waist. The kangaroo underestimated the strength of the lioness; but she hadn't lost yet. Her eyes began to open again as the pain was drifting. She began to grin. She laughed. She was laughing in the face of death, which angered the lioness more.

"Don't insult me! I'll kill you now I swear!" Raya bared her teeth and brought her head close to Elm's.

Raya felt the warm body beneath her, the undulating movement from Elm's laughter. The lioness felt like she was sinking into quicksand. Her eyes were searing orbs of light, like a pair of sun's in the sky. Elm's eyes were covered in an ocean, where those sun's began to set. Raya's seething anger was waning. Her claws retracted from Elm's trembling body.

"What have I done?" the lioness asked herself in shock.

Raya had almost doomed her entire clan. Only Elm held the key to the clan's survival, which Raya almost destroyed.

"You would've taken my place," the soothing Elm said as she raised her soft hand to the lion's face.

Raya took Elm's hand and said, "I'm sorry."

"We both are," Elm giggled.

"I must protect you," Raya said with panic.

There were deep cuts and rends where the lioness had pinned the kangaroo. Raya lowered her head and began to lick the grooves of Elm's fragile biceps, where the tender flesh was torn. The robe was sliding away, like grass in a field. Elm shuddered, feeling the strokes from Raya's gripping tongue. Strangely, there was no blood in even the deepest lacerations. Raya began to have trouble in finding the marks.

"You are more stronger than I'd ever hope to imagine," Elm said with passion as she pulled Raya's head closer.

Elm was massaging the neck of a predator who passed a test. Raya's coat was smooth and reflective, but there were terrible rends along her thighs from Elm's talons. So deep in fact, Elm began to worry as she tried to gently press Raya's head away.

"Please don't let go," Raya mused.

"Aren't you in any pain at all?" Elm asked while staring at Raya's sides.

"It doesn't hurt..." the lioness relieved.

Elm gathered her body by rolling onto her front, than pressed the stone floor with her arms to get up. Her powerful legs wavered slightly as she regained her balance by planting her thick tail for total stability.


Before Raya could look away, the green robe was gently flung away from the kangaroo's branches, like leaves in the wind. Elm's body was solid, but tender from the waist up. Her breasts were right there, full and smooth with her ventral fur; a lighter tan among her garnet brown. Raya's maw opened in awe, her eyes wide and full of trance. Her flames had never witnessed anything full of so much healing and girth. Elm's body was completely naked, spare the black braces on her feet. Raya wanted to shed her own beautiful white silks away for Elm, but the front of her body felt locked against the floor from this vision.

"I'll use my gift on you Raya," Elm whispered with those worried eyes, full of all the greens on the earth.

"How...could I hurt you?" the lioness barely said.

"With your claws full of mercy and regret..." Elm chorused.

"...and pain," the lioness finished.

Raya couldn't blink. She watched as the last of Elm's wounds began to seal away on her arms. She was slowly regenerating. She was slowly sliding her hands down her abdomen towards her pouch. The kangaroo grinned slightly as she hid her hands beneath the slit and showed only her thin and delicate arms for only a second. Her breasts jiggled slightly when she retrieved her glistening hands. They were coated in a watery film, which made Raya gasp.

"I forgive you..." Elm whispered as she leapt toward Raya.

In one graceful arc, Elm touched down next to the lion's prone body where Raya's long lacerations were. All the lioness could see was the end of an enormous tail, laying along the ground directly ahead. Suddenly, the earth piled onto Raya's slashed body, flowing like warm sands. The lioness shut her eyes and groaned as her head lowered to the floor. Elm's soft hands were caressing Raya's wounded flesh, making her tremble. The feeling was full of enervation as Elm's hands deeply massaged the scratches away, like a ruby being polished. Raya's eyes opened, shining with sheer pleasure as her maw opened with a gentle roar. The watery fluids had disappeared from Elm's hands as she made her way further along Raya's back. The lioness felt her wounds seal away as the kangaroo grasped handfuls of powerful muscles and gently squeezed them. Elm's breasts were burrowed into Raya's back, where she rubbed her entire body to stimulate friction, which would ignite Raya's fire.

When the intense pleasure reached her shoulders, Elm had put enough energy into Raya's body. The lioness pressed with her arms to rise above the ground, feeling the soft earth slide from her back and hinds. The kangaroo now stood again on her feet, watching the inferno grow into a stand. Raya turned to face Elm with her powerful body, full of muscular mass. That was when the lioness slowly pulled her silky bra away, which revealed her own firm breasts full of feminine curves. Raya's mind was pumped full of a lingering lust. Whenever Elm stroked her body, the lioness was intoxicated by a feral lust. You could see it in her eyes, burning with a molten desire. Raya's eyes seared into Elm's; the reds and greens absorbed together like a lava current through a forest. Raya's loincloth had looked as if it burned away, as her linens floated to the floor after she slowly pulled them off her fiery body.

The lioness gracefully moved her golden frame towards Elm's garnet brown, whose eyes were glowing an Emerald green that only Raya could see beyond her color-blindness. They looked at each other. The kangaroo looked up into Raya's eyes, which were higher than hers by about a foot. Elm's soothing smile slowly melted away as she saw Raya's head slowly lower and draw closer. Their wanting eyes had closed when Raya's maw pressed against Elm's mouth. Their lips massaged each other in this powerful kiss; a kiss that could join two universes together. Raya felt Elm's delicate arms binding around her neck and resting against her head. Raya was being pulled down into Elm's lips, where the taste of the sea was flowing. It was Raya's first kiss, and it lasted an eternity. The lioness lightly raised her arms and sank her paws into Elm's creamy and smooth breasts. The kangaroo released a muffled moan of passion, as she slowly stroked her tongue against Raya's gripping one. The lioness couldn't believe the softness of Elm's chest as she sank even further into her. Elm could barely hang on. She tried using all her strength to push her head against Raya's, where the strong massaging lips and tongues were instilling energy. The kangaroo whimpered as her arms were becoming untwined behind Raya's neck and head; her arms just weren't strong enough. Raya gently massaged Elm's beautiful breasts, even though she felt an incredible warmth and pressure build around her own waist. Raya didn't care about the firm grip around her body, for all she wanted was to stroke Elm's tongue with her own while caressing the filling breasts. Their lips were almost numb with pleasure by the time Raya realized she hadn't breathed the entire time.

The lioness nearly had her heart stop as she finally broke the kiss. Raya gasped for air and breathed heavily, full of panic as she desperately tried to imagine how long she held the universe together. When she finally regained her breath, Raya felt an intense pressure around her waist. The lioness opened her scarlet eyes, looking directly into Elm's emeralds.

"That was beautiful," Elm sighed into Raya.

Raya slightly grinned. Their heads were at a perfect level with each other, since the kangaroo had wrapped her powerful legs around Raya's waist. The grip was so powerful; Raya wavered and nearly collapsed when she noticed the kangaroo's muscles on her hind. Elm's legs gently released and sank to the floor, making Raya's body feel cool and light.

"I want to put my strength into you," Raya whispered toward Elm.

The lioness drifted her body to Elm's and curved her muscular arms around the kangaroo's haunches. Elm entwined her arms around Raya's neck, as she was side-lifted in the air, where she could see over Raya's shoulders. A fiery tail was wagging from Raya's feminine hind, with rippling layers of muscle all along her back. The weightless Elm felt her body being carried toward the bed; a mound of sand with a silky sheet on top. It wasn't long before the kangaroo was gently lowered on her back into the soft earth. Her eyes saw through the starry night, through the crystal glass ceiling above. The lioness leaned back on her knees to gaze at the full figure of Elm, whose thick thighs and tail joined at her feminine orifice.

The kangaroo moved her sparkling gaze to Raya's and watched as the lioness wrapped her paws around Elm's tender arms, which felt like fragile branches on a tree. The lioness massaged into Elm's biceps, hoping the warmth would instill strength into them. Raya's head moved closer to Elm's, watching her green and healing eyes as she hummed in ecstasy. The kangaroo slowly slid her hands into her pouch again without Raya's knowing; the feline was too busy trying to infuse strength and energy into Elm's tender muscles. Elm's hands returned while drenched in a glistening fluid as she slowly brought them to Raya's firm breasts. The powerful lioness began to slow her polishing, as she felt a glowing warmth touch her heart. The heat was comforting at first, until Elm's hands began to stroke vigorously.

"It feels so good," Raya's voice carried from her eyes full of fiery reds.

A few seconds after, the lioness felt the warming feeling on her breasts ignite. They began to swell passionately, as Raya gritted her teeth and reared her head back. The feeling was overwhelming. The feeling burrowed deep within her body; causing her chest muscles to flex strongly. The lioness was now constantly gasping for air, since her body had never felt this much intense pleasure before. Raya's eyes shut as she blindly tried to repay the feelings, by running her hands deeply over Elm's body. The abdominal plates. Those firm thighs. The lioness desperately tried to flow her paws over the tender flesh of the kangaroo. Over her breasts. Around her neck and over her head, brushing Elm's ears smooth against her golden brown hair. Raya was finally beginning to relax as her eyes slightly opened, gazing down into Elm's beautiful face. The kangaroo's eyes were shut in concentration with her mouth slightly grinning over the sensations.

"How'd you do that?" Raya begged to know.

Elm didn't even open her eyes as she slowly whispered, "magic."

"I want more magic," Raya gently demanded.

"I know," Elm slightly opened her eyes.

There was a definite pause as the lioness slowly brought her head down to Elm's again. Their lips met with a ferocious massage as they craved a lustful amount of bliss. Elm bound her legs around Raya's waist again, this time with even more strength than ever. Raya's eyes lifted as she groaned with a joyful agony; the kind you feel when your sensitive flesh is strongly touched. As they kissed, blood began to flow towards Raya's head. The lioness began to feel dizzy from the rapture as she wrapped her massive arms around Elm's thighs. Raya compressed the kangaroo's embrace hard against her own body as they pressed their seas together. The pressure was crushing, but Raya's strong body was only lightly compressed. Elm was brushing her tongue against the lion's sharp fangs until she felt a gentle vibration. Elm couldn't guess what that low buzzing sound was in Raya's body, but the kangaroo began to enjoy the soft purring in Raya's chest as it grew louder.

"You've tamed me," Raya released from her kiss.

"Is that what your heart is saying?" Elm whispered into Raya's flaming orbits.

"Yes," the lioness closed her eyes.

Raya lowered her head onto Elm's chest, full of warmth and softness. A minute passed, where the lioness could hear the quiet beating of Elm's heart. Slow. Gentle. Beating it's healing energy forever. Raya had almost fell asleep over the soothing current when Elm asked,

"What's my heart saying?"

That's when the feline warrior made her pledge, "It's telling me to protect you."

The kangaroo slowly grasped Raya's powerful biceps and lured her into turning over. The fire began to burn on the bottom as the earth rested on top. The lioness was satisfied with Elm's haunches on her body; her massive legs astride over Raya's waist.

"You look so beautiful under the stars," Raya spoke with pouring feelings.

"And what you said before was the most wonderful thing I've ever heard in my long life," Elm replied while looking at the room's walls.

The kangaroo held her waist up straight, her breasts slightly wavering under her flowing hair and starry eyes to match the sky. Elm looked around the room, slowly tracking all the flowers around the stony perimeter. Each one was blooming in it's own vibrant color; a year of Elm's life. Raya could only gaze at Elm's smooth body, while slowly sliding her paws up her waist. The kangaroo looked down into Raya's eyes below.

"Raya, are you a virgin?" Elm asked with a sad expression.

The lioness slowly nodded.

"Do you want me to share my secret with you?" Elm whispered deeply.

"Yes. I'm in love with you Elm," the lioness admitted with caring eyes.

"I know. My heart beats for you Raya," the kangaroo said while taking Raya's paws in her hands.

For that split second, Raya's feelings had gone into fusion. Her lust had ignited into a blaze of ferocity. The fire had been fueled by Elm's tenderness.

"Take me now!" Raya begged with a feline cry.

Elm raised her right leg and placed the wide girth across her lover's vaginal orifice. Raya's muscular leg went across Elm's. That's when the kangaroo began thrusting herself and feeling sucked into a void. Their bodies looked like they'd devour each other. Their violent feelings grew like the warmth between their legs. The scarlet eyes were glaring into the glowing emeralds. The lioness gritted her teeth and shut her eyes as she felt her tender groin releasing fluids. Elm could feel tremendous amounts of energy being injected into her body. The sounds from both beings were bursting with passion. The moans echoed down the cavern walls. Elm's jiggling breasts were taken into Raya's paws and gently squeezed. Raya's body clung tighter to Elm's, as her own body joined the rhythmic grinding. Their bodies were entwined together like a rapid vortex, full of flames and earthly fuels. Raya was losing track of her body, feeling absorbed into Elm's. There was so much energy and enervation; they just couldn't tell which flesh was their own. Raya kept thinking of the flowing hands all over her shoulders as Elm began to thrust harder. Suddenly, Raya's eyes opened wide and danced like pyrotechnics. The lioness peeled her head back and gently roared, digging deep into the sand and rippling out of control. Fluids began to pour from her vice. Elm became exhausted and lost a tremendous amount of fluid along her lover's thigh, while releasing a peaceful moan. The flames were doused by Elm's earth. Raya and Elm began to relax and ease their urges.

The lioness slowly let her arms slip away onto the cool sheets, her mind pulsing between love and sanity. Elm's passionate eyes opened and met with Raya's tired ones.

"I've lost myself," Raya spoke with exhaustion.

Elm looked down at her radiant lover, seeing what the stars were made of.

"I felt your strength inside me," the kangaroo whispered.

"You can have my strength forever," the lioness whispered in return.

In that moment, Elm's eyes were beginning to lose their pupils, filling completely green and opaque.

"You would share me your strength?" the kangaroo asked with a glowing gaze.

"I've already pledged my life to you," the lioness reminded.

Raya slowly raised her arms to gently grasp Elm's face; just beginning to notice this new aura in Elm's stare.

"Your eyes!" Raya said with shock.

Her paws were holding Elm's face, full of a haunting beauty. Raya's heart began to pulse with fright, after seeing those earthly moons with fiery rims. The feline warrior was about to feel the most hidden secret in the universe. A powerful toxin. A failed creation by the angels. It was used to form mortal bodies and cleanse the blackest hearts. The essence caused a tidal wave of death. Forbidden. Banished. Elm's body was full of the dangerous essence.

"Feel this gift," Elm closed upon Raya.

Elm brought her head down to Raya and sealed their minds with a kiss. As the earthly figure lowered her trunk for the kiss, her pouch poured out a watery essence. Raya could feel the warm fluid that flowed all over her smooth core, while her facial lips clasped to Elm's. Those alien eyes engorged with jade were all that Raya could see. Elm's hands pressed into Raya's shoulders; pinning her into the sand like roots.

The kiss was torn as Elm flung her head back, suddenly pulling away from Raya's paws. The lioness desperately tried to kiss again, raising her head toward Elm's, but her shoulders were pinned down and her paws would only travel up to Elm's bulbous breasts. Instead, Raya looked down and saw her own chest and belly; the seam where Elm's muscular thighs were astride the lioness. Elm's feet were visible with the black braces and talons. The ventral tan along Elm's anterior. A strong and thick tail was slightly slithering behind the earthly mound on Raya. No fluid. Raya's coat was gleaming with dryness. Beautiful. The air began to smell like alcohol. The flames were fanned.

Raya's body convulsed with a raging orgasm. Her eyes sealed shut and she tried to hold back her screams. She released forceful moans through her fastened fangs. Elm pinned down the writhing lioness; whose vaginal orifice drooled with enormous amounts of fluid as the muscles clenched. Raya's body flexed with each pulse from her heart, like electric surges traveling throughout her body. Just before she was about to scream in agony, the pain began to lift. Raya's body began to cease from exhaustion, feeling her muscles engorged with blood and warmth. Raya's eyes did not open again, but rather they loosened shut. Elm slowly regained her mortal eyes, with pupils surrounded by an emerald iris. Elm's mind returned.

"Sleep now my love," the kangaroo whispered with a kiss.

Raya resumed her purring. Elm gently raised her own body from the warm fire below. The cavern was peaceful with only the sounds of flowing water within the walls. The flowers had open buds throughout the night, filled with life from Elm's limitless care instead of the sun. The scythe flowing through the green shrubs was a lullaby to Raya. Elm consumed grasses and plants at night, like her tribe before her. Beyond the walls of stone, there was a pair of pearls. Feathery wings. A dragon. Raya's angel had heard everything.