Devil's Due

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#10 of Short Stories

Looking to get payback on a village that wronged him, Ciar learns an important lesson - when dealing with demons, always watch what you say.

"I'll show them. I'll show all of them," growled Ciar. "They have no idea the kind of power I've got. Oh, stop your whimpering! You're not going anywhere. Not until I'm done with you."

Ciar glared at his captive, a red fox by the name of Nevan. As the son of the village priest that had been making Ciar's life miserable for years, it seemed only fitting to use the fox's son for his ritual. Drugging the fox and bringing him here had been a simple affair. He'd stripped the young fox bare before getting him into position, the eighteen year old having just barely entered adulthood, the perfect virgin sacrifice. Nevan had been strung up, his arms tied to the rafters over his head, leaving the poor boy up on the tips of his paws without the leverage to get away. A study leather muzzle covered his face, keeping him quiet. His attempts at pleas for mercy and cries for help barely reached the ears of the black cat standing before him; they'd never be loud enough to reach anyone outside who might have been able to rescue him in time.

Ciar finished lighting the seventh and final candle needed for his ritual, arranged at equal measures in a ring around the fox. Setting up the complex sigils he'd needed had taken quite a lot of time, but now everything was perfect. It was finally his chance to get revenge on this miserable village, and all the doubting, self-righteous fucks that called it home. They didn't think he had the power to summon even a single devil to do his bidding. Well, let's see how they like it when an entire horde is unleashed upon their precious little town.

Ciar began chanting his spell, the candles around him flickering as the air in the room twisted and shifted, the air itself appearing to warp and ripple.

"With this covenant, I summon thee! Rise and fulfill my will, demons of the Abyss!"

The world itself split open, a rift forming in the air, it's dark light filling the room as the candles blazed and burned a sickly green. Shadows spilled from the rift, washing over the floor and walls like a dark flood. And then three shapes began to rise from the darkness. It took only a few moments for the demons to fully appear, and they were even more glorious than Ciar had imagined.

Each one was an absolute brute of a male - and it was clear that they were indeed very much male - each one standing eight feet high even if you didn't count the horns curving from their brows like those of a ram. The goat-legged creatures looked sculpted out of pure muscle, tar black fur covering them from hoof to fang, the maw of their lupine-like upper bodies filled with razor sharp teeth.

The center demon, who was a good four inches bigger than the others, stepped forward, his draconic tail lashing lazily behind him.

"You wish revenge on this town," said the demon. "I am Amarzi. We will gladly help you take what you want, if the payment is right."

Ciar knew how this worked. It wasn't his first time summoning a demon, though he had never summoned so many at once. He gestured to Nevan, who by now was thrashing wildly in his restraints, trying to scream around his muzzle.

"An offering, given in good faith," said Ciar. "To sate your lust. You may do with him what you will. But first, to business. Gather the villagers and bring them to the square. I want them to see what they've brought on themselves. Especially this one's father," he added, pointing at the fox, who was desperately trying to pull away from the hands of two of the demons that were now roaming his body. "The priest needs to be punished for the hell he's put me through. And I want the whole town to see it. You can ravage everyone in town as your payment. I don't care, so long as that bastard fox is humiliated and made to suffer for what he's done."

The eyes of the demon flashed, their blue glow growing brighter as their long maws curled into unnatural grins.

"So be it."

As one, the demons turned and pushed open the door to his home, stepping out into the night. One of them tore Nevan free of the rafter to which he'd been bound, grabbing the torn ropes and quickly looping them around the foxes wrists and tail, leaving the boy bound and his rear helplessly exposed as the demon tossed him over his shoulder, a thick finger slowly teasing the back of the boy's sac before working into his tailhole, fingering him and grunting in laughter at the way the boy's legs kicked against the tight hold of the demon's arm.

As soon as Amarzi stepped into the night, the shadows around him surged like a wave, a horde of demon rising from the darkness and storming over the town, breaking down doors, storming into houses and the tavern, grabbing anyone them found and dragging them into the street. Three foxes were dragged to the front of the crowd. Dressed in fine clothes, the man was clearly the village priest, and the two with him were his wife and daughter.

"Unhand me at once!" yelled Torin, the older fox jerking against the hands of the demons holding his arms. "You have no power here, cursed monsters!"

"I think you'll find they do," said Ciar, stepping forward so the crowd could see him.

"Ciar!" snarled Torin, his eyes wild with rage. "How dare you further defile our village with your blasphemous magic! You will burn in the fires for your crimes, you vile, miserable mmph!"

Torin's words were cut off when Ciar stepped forward and grabbed his face, shoving a rage into his muzzle to silence him.

"Loud mouthed fuck," said Ciar. "I'm going to enjoy watching your punishment."

"Please, please don't do this!" cried Bridget. Nevan's sister was considered the prettiest girl in the village, and even in the conservative cut of her dress, it was clear the girl had a very desirable body.

That gave Ciar an idea.

"Don't bother trying to beg forgiveness now," said Ciar. "For years, everyone in this village, especially your miserable father, have made my life hell. Well, I think the time has come to return the favor. You see, these aren't just any demons I summoned." A wicked grin split his face. "They're demons of lust, my dear. And I think it's time they got their reward. Remove their clothes."

Cries went up from the townspeople as the horde of demons surged forward snatching up men and women alike and riding their clothes to shreds until there wasn't a bare body to be seen. He could feel the aura of the demons growing, washing over the crowd. It was too much for an untrained mortal to handle, and soon every male present, demon and mortal alike, was sporting a stiff erection, and the scent of aroused females filled the air. The villagers began to truly panic now, knowing what was about to happen.

"Bring that table over here," said Ciar, nodding to one of the tables outside the tavern. "Time for a little show."

Two of the demons did as he commanded, setting it down in from of the assembled crowd. Four demons stepped forward, each one holding a member of Nevan's family.

"Well Torin, since you seem to enjoy shaming others so much, I think it's high time you got to experience some yourself."

Snapping his fingers, a demon pulled Bridget over to the table, pushing the young vixen down on her back and pinning her there, arms pulled over her head to show off the curve of her young breasts and her tight tummy. Two more demons moved closer, each one grabbing one of her legs and spreading them wide, revealing a virgin pussy dripping with unwanted arousal. A fourth demon grabbed Torin, pulling the fox forward; he struggled against it with all his might, realizing what Ciar intended.

"Since you value your daughter's purity so much, I think it only right that you be the one to claim it for yourself," said Ciar. "But don't worry, I've got a bit more than that in mind for you."

Before Torin could register what was happening, the tod threw his head back, crying out around his gag as the demon holding him grabbed his tail and roughly jerked it aside just before shoving his massive cock inside the priest's previously untouched tailhole. The magic of the lust demons would make sure he wasn't damaged; Ciar had no desire to kill them. He want them to be made to enjoy this, whether they did or not.

Torin's knees gave out for a moment at the feeling of that massive horse-like cock stretching him wide, which was just what the demons had intended. Angling the fox's hips, they pushed him forward and down, slowly sinking his length inside his squirming, struggling daughter until his balls rested against her tail. As the demon inside Torin started thrusting, his movements guided the fox's, making him fuck his daughter in time with his own rape. The demon behind him even grabbed the priest's head, forcing him to watch as his dick slid through his daughters slick pussy, the old fox moaning in unwanted but undeniable pleasure at the feeling of a hot young vixen around his cock.

And Bridget wasn't the only vixen getting stuffed. Two of the demons stood together, working their dicks into Eileen, the vixen's full breasts bouncing as she cried out, the two males working her back and forth, never giving her a moments reprieve from being stuff full of thick, long demon dick. At the same time, the demon holding Nevan had flipped him over, working his tongue into the squealing fox boy's tailhole. Then, as the crowd watched, the demon spun him over, slowly impaling the fox on ten inches of demonic dick, the boy's legs kicking uselessly beneath him, too high off the ground to be of any help. With his big hands encircling the fox's waist, the demon began to fuck, slamming the fox onto his dick, the boy's cock slapping against his belly every time the demon bottomed out inside him.

"Is this display to your satisfaction?" asked Amarzi.

"It is," said Ciar. "You have done well." He gestured to the crowd. "As agreed, take what you like. I offer everyone in the village as tribute to your lusts."

Amarzi's eyes burned bright. "Everyone in the village?"

"Everyone," said Ciar.

A wolfish grin split the demon's face. "Excellent."

The demons surged into the crowd, men and women, young and old subjected to the cruel lusts of the demons, cries for mercy ringing out as asses and pussies were stuffed beyond their limits before many of the cries were silence with thick cocks shoved down throats.

The sights and sounds of the rape around him excited Ciar, his revenge finally feeling complete. Which made it all the more surprising when he felt Amarzi's hand grab his arms and jerk them behind his back, thick ropes quickly binding his arms in place.

"What!? What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" demand Ciar.

"You should have been more careful with your words, little wizard," growled Amarzi, his claws making short work of the cats clothes, leaving him just as naked as the rest of the villagers. "You offered everyone in the village as tribute. Which means, my careless friend, that your body belongs to me now."

Amarzi tossed Ciar onto the ground, standing over the horrified feline as he slowly stroked his erection - twelve inches of thick equine cock, the head already starting to flare. Even Ciar's training couldn't protect him from the focused aura of the demon towering over him, his own pink penis sliding quickly from his sheath to stand at full erection. He tried to scurry back away from the demon, but Amarzi only laughed, stepping over him and grabbing the cat's head, forcing his mouth open with his thumbs and jamming his cock down the feline's throat.

Ciar's feet kicked wildly, desperately trying to find purchase to escape the monster cock making him gag. His throat bulged around the demon's enormous dick, the cat gasping for breath whenever it slid out of his throat, his jaw spread far too wide to even think of biting down. Amarzi's hand covered his head, the demon's thick thighs being the only thing he could see; though the demon was careful to keep his ears free, letting Ciar fully take in the sounds of the demons claiming the villagers around them. After a few minutes, Amarzi pulled him back, his cock leaving the cat's throat as Ciar gasped for breath.

"Good kitten," murred Amarzi. "You've got quite the mouth on you. Let's see if your ass is as good."

Snatching Ciar off the ground, Amarzi moved over to an empty ale barrel sitting outside the tavern, taking a seat and looking out over the orgy taking place in the town square. Ciar was begging the demon for mercy, just as the other villagers were, but like his companions Amarzi paid it no mind. After all, the cat had offered everyone in the village as tribute, and that was exactly what the demons would do.

The cat's words were frantic, quickly becoming incoherent as Amarzi lifted him up, holding him tightly around his thighs, the cat's rear pointing down at the battering ram of a cock between the demon's legs. Amarzi rested Ciar against the flared head of his cock, slowly increasing the pressure and letting the wizard realize just how doomed he really was.

Eventually the feline's tailhole gave way, his head snapping back as he cried out, slowly sinking down, down, down on the demon's penis until he though he couldn't take any more, three inches still left outside him. Until Amarzi shoved him down, hilting himself inside the squirming, squealing cat, Ciar's balls resting atop the demon's much larger pair. Leaning back against the wall of the tavern. Amarzi began to bounce the wriggling cat of his dick, enjoying watching his feet kick, his pink penis bouncing in time with his forced ride. It took only a minute or so before Ciar's head flopped back, the cat's eyes rolling back in his head as he came, his cum splattering onto the ground before him as anguished, orgasmic cries filled the village.

The first of many yet to come.