Pull of the Moon - Chapter 6

Story by Eben Black on SoFurry

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#6 of Eben Black Series - Pull of the Moon

© All characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, Eben Black..

Snow was sat at the top of the bed when I entered the bedroom. He was sat, surrounded by the thick cushions and the pillows that the bed had been decorated with. The room was almost identical to mine, except the colours had a slight difference and the windows overlooked a different view of LA to mine. I closed the bedroom door behind and touched my forehead to the smooth wooden surface, feeling those beautiful blue eyes gazing at me. I turned. Snow was sat there, legs crossed Inidan-fashion, his thick tail slithered and spilled over the edge of the bed, those cerulean blue eyes held such heat, passion and a gentle caring. He had his hands in his lap, looking innocent. He'd been handed new clothes too. His whole muscular form was nude except for a pale blue pair of boxers that hugged against him and left almost nothing to the imagination. I blushed and padded toward the bed. As I walked, those blue eyes warmed me, they made me feel comfortable.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I walked along the side of the bed, and sat down beside him.

"Fiona said I healed quick, quicker than a normal wereanimal should." He showed where his bullet wounds had been. Even the scrape Kane had given him was healed.

"She said you heal silver wounds like normal. And the others think its because you are truly powerful," I explained.

"What do you think?" he asked. He moved close so that we were inches from one another.

"I don't know." I moved my fingers closer to his and touched them traced my hands over his as he watched me do so.

"Do you find this wierd? Part of me is thinking I don't know anything about you, but the other half feels like I've known you all my life." He leaned in and touched his forehead to mine.

"I do find it wierd, but Donovan thinks its because we're in the middle of a binding," I explained.

"A binding?" he rubbed his cheek alongside mine and took a deep breath, taking in my scent. "What kind of binding?"

"The kind of binding that an alpha male and female can do." I trailed a hand up that muscular arm and trailed his shoulder, traced a line across where the blade wound had been. It was furred and smooth, silken.

"But your not female, and neither am I?" he let out a deep growl as he lifted his face and looked at me from inches away. "Do you want to do this?" he asked.

"I'm anxious, but yes, yes I want to do this, strangely enough." I looked up and met those pale blue eyes, those beautiful orbs and leaned in. Our lips touched, a chaste brush of warm flesh, that deepended with each passing moment. I crawled onto the bed as I broke the kiss. I crawled over him and stradled him. His hands slid up my thighs and smoothed up under my shirt. His hand brushed the holster at the base of my spine. I needed to remove some of these clothes as soon as possible. I undid the belt and the holster dropped to the floor with a loud thud. I peeled the chequered shirt off and slid out of the tank, stradling the weretiger, gazing down at him. He was excited, I could feel him, pressed against the inside of those blue boxers. His tail moved with gentle swaying movements. The black stripes looked stark and almost threatening, while the white fur looked smooth and innocent. I touched a hand to his chest and leaned in, I kissed him deep, our tongues moulding together and caressing one another. This sheer moment felt like Heaven, it felt perfect. It was odd to feel like this, but at the same time felt as normal as breathing. That was what Snow was right now, he was the oxygen I needed to breath.

Our tails wound around one another as he sat upright, pressing his naked chest against mine. His hands trailed up my spine and back down, one hand caressed the base of my tail. I shuddered at the touch as our lips melted again. That flame burned harder and warmer inside me. It erupted into a blaze that would not die. The warmth spilled over me, spilled over Snow as his hands found the waistband of my jeans and slid down inside, squeezing my ass, his strength alone made me cry out as he growled and licked along the line of my neck and collarbone. I raked my nails down his back and found each breath he took reverberated inside me, each touch sent me into waves of raw, naked pleasure. I pushed him back, his back bounced a little as he landed upon the mound of pillows. I crawled back down his body, kissing along his stomach and tracing fingertips where his bullet wounds had been. I pulled back the waistband of his boxers and got my first glimpse of what lay beneath.

To say Snow was well-endowed was being polite. I swallowed hard and leaned down, I licked across the warm flesh, and tasted that first bitter-sweetness that was all Snow. I gazed up his body as I circled my tongue around him. In some shadowed part of my mind I wanted him to take me then and there, but I also wanted to play first. Me and the wolf inside me wanted to experiment and test the waters, see what we were dealing with. Snow growled, then a gentle purr escaped his lips as he arched his back and gazed back at me. Our eyes, two different shades of blue met one another. I slipped the boxers down until he was nude underneath me. I licked and savoured the taste of him, and then held him in my hand, I pointed him to the ceiling, making him shudder, before I slipped him along my tongue and into my muzzle. I let my tongue work around his warm length, while I slowly sank up and down. I'd never taken someone so huge before, but accustomed quick enough. I could take about half of him in my muzzle before I needed to relax and breath. I sucked and licked and savoured that warm, thick, hard essence. My tail rose. It was almost like the rest of me wanted to be taken, wanted to be mated with as soon as possible. As if Snow read what my body wanted, he slowly pulled out of my muzzle, he shuddered but went to his knees, he pulled me up so that I was wrapped around him. He lay me down and ground himself against the front of the denim that stopped us from going too far. He kissed me again, deep and penetrating with his tongue, he leaned to one side, those long-fingered hands snapped the belt off of me with a squeeze. He slid down the jeans while he kissed down my chest and stomach. He mirrored what I'd done until he tossed the jeans aside. He slipped me out of the boots and suddenly we were both naked and warm and together. As he slid back up the bed, he raised my legs over his shoulders and for a heartbeat I expected him to begin doing what I'd done to him, but instead he simply licked along my testicles and moved lower instead of higher. He licked and kissed tenderly along my flesh and fur until he had pushed me back and exposed my opening. I shuddered when his tongue lapped across me, he sucked and licked. I growled and murred as he explored me and tasted me. He lapped harder and sucked faster, until he pulled away his maw and began probing me with those long-fingered hands.

I growled deep as he pushed a digit inside, he slipped in and widened me, stretched me with that one movement. He went to his knees and loomed over me, while his hands, his fingers worked me. I gasped as he slipped more of his digits inside me. Two, then three. He slid in and out slow, stretching me and making me arch my back and claw at the bed sheets around me. He slowly pulled those fingers out of me when he was satisfied. He lay down on his side behind me, and while one arm wrapped around me and held me close, his other hand raised my leg and then guided his throbbing member inside me. He pushed slow as I stretched and accommodated that length, heat like nothing I'd ever felt flushed through me. The burning flame damn near exploded and swamped the whole room in such intense flames, I could have almost sworn anyone else besides us would've been burned in that bed but as Snow pushed himself inside me, the burning heat dimmed and dulled. He finally pushed that last inch and was secure inside me, our testicles touched for a moment and we then seperated once again. He pulled out and thrust. He was slow, but pacing himself as that dull warmth seemed to focus on us now and only us. Was it passion? Was it something stronger than lust?

All I knew was the increasing pleasure that filled me with each thrust. Each roll of his hips sent shivers up and down my spine while I raked my nails along his muscular forearm. He held me close. His tongue licked along the back of my shoulder, while his strength and power flowed over me. He was an adonis, a true God in that moment. He thrust harder and faster, he thrust like a true alpha, he impaled me like a true dominant should. He slowed down, as he changed his position. I was on my knees now, head bowed over the edge of the bed, moaning, whimpering with pleasure and heat, while he held my hips in his hands and thrust deeper and harder. A slapping noise echoed, as flesh on flesh crashed together. He growled and moaned along with me as he grew closer and closer to his own orgasm. The flame flickered inside and my own orgasm began building. I cried out his name while he growled mine. His thrusts, his rolling hips became solid poundings. His rythmn lost some smoothness and he became harsher somehow, more desperate. His body shuddered over me and he cried out, "Eben? Eben, I'm going to cum!"

"Do it, please, Snow, please!" I pleaded as I arched my back and looked back at him, my eyes held all the passion I had for this beautiful, dominant feline as it loomed over me, the eyes full of heat, lust and love for the one he was ploughing good and hard and fast. His tail cracked like a whip as he sped up, his hips a blur while he pounded all that massive length into me. He thrust once, twice and let out a beautiful, animalistic roar whilst he pulled me down onto him and spilled his boiling hot seed inside me. I cried out and my own spilled across the bed sheets underneath. I shivered from the intensities of the orgasm and found my whole body spasm with each of Snow's dull thrusts. He growled and wrapped both arms around me, his chest smoothed against my back as he licked my shoulder and gently raked his nails along my chest and stomach.

That fire that burned around us dimmed and then swallowed itself, sank deep and into the shadowed depths below. I caught our reflections in the mirror opposite the bed. There was a look now in our eyes, both of us held a look of understanding, a look that said we knew where we stood with one another. It was like Donovan had said. I'd always want Snow now and on some level crave his touch, but when I considered taking a shower to clean up, the idea was pleasant and normal. There was no shallow hunger now like there had been before.

"H-How do you feel?" I asked, not sure I could stand alone yet. I was trembling all over in those muscular arms of his. He eased back onto his heels and held me close.

"I feel wonderful. You?" he growled.

"Same. And that still feels strange," I admitted.

"Good strange, or bad strange?"

"Good strange. I'll get used to it. But for now I'm happy being here," I replied. I was happy being in Snow's arms. It was like we'd been away from one another for years and had finally reunited.

I suppose this is what they call love? Did it matter how sudden it had come around, or the circumstances it had happened under? No. No it did not. Snow was an honourable, strong man. And I knew deep down he would be there for the wolves, let alone me. If only becoming friends with the other wereanimal species could be so simple. But one white tiger would not solve our problems. Then another thought crossed my mind. If I had indeed bound myself to Snow, then would I be able to do the same for Donovan? There was no law forbidding an alpha female wolf binding an alpha wolf and white tiger. Then again, it had never been done before.

I snuggled back against the weretiger around me and remembered what Donovan had said. We'd handle Snow first, and then confront our problems with Nico and the massacres. Had Snow almost been our eighth massacre? He'd wounded a few people, but had never killed anyone. And as far as the police authorities were concerned Snow had disappeared off the face of the planet. I traced fingers through the thick fur on his forearms and heard the distant thrum of his heartbeat. It was a wonderful sound.

I needed a shower and a change of clothes before we handled Nico. But for now I was happy where I was. Snow's tail slid across the bed sheets and trailed up my stomach. I touched the tail and it coiled around my hand. It was so warm. I stroked the thick fur and heard Snow purr deep in his muscular chest.

Donovan had been right about something else too. I now had the feeling that Snow would be a permanent fixture in all our lives, mine especially.

Pull of the Moon - Chapter 7

_© All characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, Eben Black.._ --- I had showered and dressed. I listened to the gentle rush of hot water while Snow showered and cleaned up. I had donned a pair of silken pyajama...

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 5

_© All characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, Eben Black.._ --- The lions had gone home, and now we were playing host for a tiger. Donovan had met us at the penthouse garage and rode up with us in the elevator....

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 4

_© All characters and storylines surrounding these characters belong to me, Eben Black.._ --- Half an hour later we were in Bishop's 4x4. I was sat up front with the man himself, while Kane was lounged in the back. We had changed, explained...

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