Indecent Reunion

Story by Apatapa on SoFurry

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Seeking to satisfy his urges with a hook up, Bethlehem arranges to meet up with an older bear who isn't quite the stranger he expected.

Characters and art by dunetides_ (

I wasn't all that sure what I was doing here.

It was nice to come back to my old stomping grounds, sure. But like this?

Summer sun beat down on the park, and though covered by a canopy of trees I stopped to wipe my brow. I hadn't been here in years.

The tips of my antlers caught in the crags of the bark of an old oak tree as I leant against it, trying to catch my breath. I'd picked a longer route, hoping it'd ease my nerves but if anything it made it worse. I didn't want to end up a sweaty mess.

I was on my way to a hook up, some older guy. A blonde bear, gorgeous body. My type. Except I didn't know much else about him.

He was fun to talk to, if a little reserved. But I wouldn't fault him for it, so was I.

Both of us had somewhat anonymous profiles. We talked a bit, found out we vibed immediately, made plans to fuck and traded some horny photos, all without showing each other our faces. He had a thick cock and a nice body.

I was down.

Down bad.

It wasn't unusual for me. I wasn't the sluttiest guy in town, but I was easy when I wanted to be.

Which was often, I guess.

But I'd made it hard on myself today. This guy lived pretty far from me, near my old highschool. I hadn't come back here since graduation and I figured this was a good excuse to see the sights again.

I sighed, staring at the sun-soaked grass beyond my cover and set out across the park.

I'd spent countless hours on this oval, part of PE from my schooling. Hated every minute of it, really. I cared more for the grass than the sports. Given the chance, I used to slip away from class to relax in the quiet of this small copse of trees.

If you listened to my classmates that desire supposedly came with being a deer. Truth be told I was just tired and liked the peace. I was surrounded by carnivores who didn't understand me. And that was fine, it just added to the tiredness I carried with me as a teenager.

I frowned at those memories.

Maybe cutting through the park wasn't the move. This wasn't my favorite place in the world.

I hurried through and crossed the street. The gates to my highschool brought with it intense nostalgia. I wasn't the smartest kid at school, but I was studious enough. Just disliked the routine, so many subjects I had to do when I only really cared for English. It didn't leave me enough time to do the things I wanted to do.

But I was 23 now, mostly in control of my life. Sort of.

In control enough to be able to set aside an afternoon to fuck a stranger.

I smiled to myself, trying not to let the nerves get to me.

This would be fun, it always was. It was just difficult to stave off the anxiety that this was a stranger and things could potentially go wrong.

I think I'd just weirded myself out, coming back here on the way to fuck. Wasn't quite the wholesome reminiscing I expected. I wasn't sure why I thought it would be, when this entire time I'd been fantasizing on and off about sucking thick bear cock.

My cheeks flushed as arousal gripped me once more.

Screw highschool.

I picked up the pace, eager to meet my hook up in person. He lived a few blocks over and I was hard the entire way. But I reached his house, and standing on his manicured lawn my anxieties found me again.

He had a well-kempt town house. A small front lawn with a neat garden. Orange lantana and lily flowers glowed in the summer sun beside his porch and brought a smile to my face. He'd shown me pictures of them during one of our conversations on the hook up app.

I exhaled, close to panting. It was so hot, I was sweaty and getting a bit dehydrated.

I'm sure he'd understand.

I took a deep breath as I strode towards his front door.

Anxiety warred with arousal as my finger hovered over his doorbell. I dry swallowed and pressed it. Nerves tightened my gut.

I could hear his footsteps.

I licked my lips.

The door swung open. My cock tightened in my pants. I widened my smile to greet him.

I froze.

My heart stopped in my chest.

Eyes wide, I stared at him, mouth agape.

There was no way.

Damn it, there was no way.

I tried to take a step back, but couldn't move. Every muscle in my body tensed and refused to budge.

"Bethlehem?" He sounded shocked.

I almost jumped down his porch stairs.

Should've, at least.

This was too awkward.

Way too awkward.

Abort, run, leave. Flee.

Damn it, run the hell away from this.

But I didn't move.

I sucked in a long breath.

He stared down at me with those familiar, brown eyes. Same as he had years ago, when he taught me. Mr. Bailey. My English teacher from 10th grade. I gawked. I'd seen his cock. His thick cock I'd spent the entire way here thinking about sucking.


All I could think of now was how this dude had given me a fail mark on an essay once.

The hell was I meant to do?

The hell was I going to do?

The bear blinked.

I cringed internally.

"Hey." The word slipped my lips as a whisper. I was about to turn tail and run.

He tilted his head. "Fawnbutt3?"

I tried to gag as he awkwardly stumbled his way through the pronunciation of my username from that damn app I was never, ever going to touch again.

Instead I burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all.

He rubbed at his face, a low chuckle rumbled from his throat.

"Uhh." I ground a hand against my face. "Yeah," I mumbled. "That's, uh. Me."

"Right. Wow." The strong timbre of his voice was so familiar. My eyes drifted down his chest for a mere instant before I yanked them right back to his face. But staring into his eyes was too awkward.

I cut my gaze to the floor.

He stuttered, like he was reaching for something to say. Anything.

"What have you done with yourself?" he asked. "Uh, with life. After school."

"Oh." I gulped. "Stuff. I guess, bit of um, work. Like. Normal work, not, uh..." I trailed off. "Not anything big, Mr. Bailey."

His eyes widened. "Charles," he said. "Call me Charles." He looked shell-shocked.


I knew that once, I think.

I wasn't sure what to say.

The photo he'd sent me of his cock was burned into the walls of my head. I couldn't not think about it.

I... I had fantasized about him, right? Like, at least once. Surely. I had with most of my male teachers. I think. That was normal, right?

I stole a glance at his body. He was stocky, tall. Built. His blonde fur a little shaggier than I remembered. Perhaps he'd put on a bit of weight over the years but he was undeniably sexy and man, I really, really did not mean to be thinking about him in this way.


At least not when I was standing in front of him.

I squinted at him.

Was he thinking about me similarly?

He'd gone wild when I sent him that photo of me taking a dildo. In a frenzy he'd typed me fiery messages about all the things he'd do to me.

I- oh. I um, really should not have sent that. Huh. It was a bit uncomfortable, knowing the things this man was into now that I knew who he was.

"Charles." I nodded, wondering if it was weirder for me to run for my life or stay. "Or PapaBeaw?"

He choked on his tongue and grimaced until he couldn't contain it. A laugh broke his composure. "Charles, please. Fuck. Please, Charles and only Charles." Hearing him swear was a surprise to me. He'd spent a year lecturing me in his class about essay structure. That's what his voice was connected to in my head.

"Sure." I held back a chuckle. "Call me Beth then."

He sighed, his eyes drifted to my face. "Alright." He took in a long breath. "Why don't you come inside? Get out of the heat."




Surely not.

My cheeks flushed.




I should be going.

Make any excuse at all and go.

I didn't though.

I stepped forward.


Shivers went down my spine as I stepped into his house.

Was I curious? I couldn't even tell.

I was mortified, truly.

Think part of me died on the porch.

"Would you like some tea or something?" He spoke softly. I spaced out. "Beth?"

His front door led straight into a living area, comfy couches arranged around a television. It was quaint, like most old people's homes--uh. Was he old? I glanced at him.

He was probably like... I dunno?

"How old are you?" I blurted.

He gave me a strange look. "52," he said. "Tea? Cold water, something?" He asked again.

I jolted. "Uh. Water. Thanks."

Brain not working properly.

Brain very not working properly.

I was staring, wasn't I?

At his face. He was actually kinda beautiful. Bit rugged. Scholarly. I knew he had a sense of humor, and I think I regarded him as one of my favorite teachers. Probably, at least he--


Wait, wait.

Was he staring back?

Like, we were looking into each other's eyes. Or. Or? No. I...

His brow creased in concern.

"Are you alright?" He frowned. He started to raise a hand to my cheek and must've thought better of it, because he lowered it.

I opened my mouth, like my brain fizzled on my tongue for a moment I made an empty sound. "Uhh. Sorry. Yep, yep. I'm alright. Just. Uh. Like..."

He chuckled. "Processing it all?"

I nodded.

"Same. Let me get you that water." He beckoned me to follow him into the kitchen, my eyes tracked to the blonde lump of a tail poking out over his shorts as he led the way.

Damn he had thick thi-- no. No. Bad.

No horny.

Not in my damn 10th grade English teacher's house.

But his ass--ets. His assets. Like that painting on the wall, of a sunset. Lovely.

This was all very normal, like the bookcase in the hallway. Full of literature. Probably the driest words ever written, the sort of thing only an English teacher could stomach.

I nearly choked on my spit as my eyes brushed over the spines of the books.

'On Sex and Power'

'The Sexual Liberation of the Queer Revolution'

It wasn't all sexy, but the more I looked the more I noticed.

The shelves were lined with countless tomes ranging from histories to gardening to politics to biographies of pornstars and I swear, from title alone some of them had to have been straight up smut.

He cleared his throat and broke the trance I'd fallen into. He stood at the end of the hall, beside the kitchen with a bemused look on his face.

I stifled a yelp as I hurried to catch up.

"Something catch your eye?" he asked.

I winced. "Cool collection," I mumbled, it sounded so weak. I wanted to say more, stop giving these half answers. "It's um, a lot... I dunno. Not what I expected." For some reason, the idea that my English teacher was actually cool was... mind boggling.

He raised an eyebrow at that. "There's a lot of things Mr. Bailey's not allowed to talk about that PapaBeaw is."

I blinked. "Right. Uh, of course. That makes sense."

He placed a glass of water in my hands.

I gulped it down immediately, I was so thirsty.

I laughed as the double meaning of that thought twanged in my skull.

Charles cocked his head.

"Sorry." I forced myself to calm down. "Being an idiot." Nerves and shock had overwhelmed me, I had to get this under control. I swallowed. "Why'd you invite me in?"

He shrugged, though a flash of uncertainty betrayed his composure. "Not really sure. Awkward coincidence, guess I wanted to hear about you. See how you've been doing. It's quite rare I get the chance to speak to one of my student's once they've grown up, gives me a sense of pride even if you're not using the skills I taught you."

I took in a deep breath.



I could handle that.

It ignored the massive elephant in the room, but like. Sure. Play it off.

My racing heart started to slow.

"Huh, of course. I'm kinda curious as well, like the sort of man you are. I think you were one of my favorite teachers, actually." I offered a smile.

"You think?"

"Uh, don't remember too well. But I think so, yeah."

"You sure that's not because you've seen my cock?" His eyes glinted over a toothy grin.

My thoughts seized up.

Massive elephant acknowledged.

It took me a good few moments just to make sure I hadn't imagined that.

"No." I squeaked.

He laughed heartily. "I'm just playing. It's hilarious that this is how we met again."

I nodded, too surprised to laugh. Though I smiled. And my thoughts warmed. The picture of his fat cock blazed in my mind's eye. "Yeah." I forced a nervous chuckle. "Uh. Very surprised you're on those kinda apps."

He snorted. "Wish I could say the same about you."

I tilted my head, caught off guard. "Wow."

"My gaydar blipped on you the first day I taught you." His deep voice took on the slightest touch of gruffness, a hint of ravenous intent.

"Should I be offended?" I faked something stern into my posture.

"Nope. You should rock it." His grin faded as he sighed. "A little jealous you were so comfortable being you. I'm out, but my personality's closeted. Has to be in this profession."

"Hmm." I peered at him. As a teacher, he'd been firm but understanding. Well-focused and calm. He'd portrayed a sense of humor, but not a sense of fun. It was really like he had muted so much of himself, if this was him normally. "Yeah. This is... you aren't what I expected," I said.

"Neither are you." He clicked his tongue. "I was expecting some dumb twink to slam against my mattress."

Well that's what you got.

Those words were on my tongue.

I wanted to say them so badly but my inhibitions begged my silence.

I laughed instead.

He laughed too.

Quiet fell between us. It was awkward, the reason I was here was so evident it couldn't be ignored. But if he wanted to do the things we'd talked about doing, he wasn't making the move.

Neither was I.

But that was good, right?

I wasn't actually thinking about having sex with him. Not now, at least.


That felt like a line in the sand I shouldn't even try to cross.

We could joke about indecent things. We were adults. This coincidence wasn't beyond understanding.

And he'd invited me in to catch up, not fuck around.


Those were all thoughts I truly believed, but with the raging boner in my pants I wasn't sure I'd have the strength to resist something.

I could smell him, here in his own house. It was faint at first but his scent was everywhere and now that I knew what it was I was hooked. He was intoxicatingly masculine and no amount of aircon could hide that in the summer heat.

Charles folded his arms and sighed as he leant back against his seat. "I'll be honest. In the back of my head I've always been worried something like this might happen eventually."

"Ah." I gulped.

"And I was never sure what I'd do if it did happen." He leant an elbow against the table, his eyes prowled my face. He was testing me for my reaction.

And I failed immediately.

I glanced at his pit, my dick twitched in my pants.

A smile crossed his face. I bit my lip.

I should go. Just get up and leave, apologize and disappear. I could have him blocked on that app in seconds and never have to think of him again. But I was too horny for my own good.

"Heh. Uh. Yeah, I've um, had some awkward run ins with other people I used to know on those apps." I grit my teeth. I hated this. I needed a deflection. "Never uh, met up with them. Just, like, recognized each other. Then dipped. Yeah."

He snorted in amusement. "Bit late for that now."

I opened my mouth to speak but found nothing in my brain to share and fell silent.

"Could turn you away," he spoke low. "But I'm not sure what that changes." He licked his lips.

My heart was pounding in my chest. Was he hard? He probably was, right? Surely he knew I was.

Big fellas like him drove me wild.

I'd told him as much. Sitting across from him it was so clear he had height and weight on me. And he knew I liked that.

I knew how much he liked that too.

"We've both seen each other, right?" His voice took on a rough edge. "You told me you jerked off to those photos I sent."


Twice even.

"Uhuh." I could hardly breathe. He was pushing me. Fucking damn, I was hard as a rock.

"Stand up." He spat the words.

The fact that I had once answered to his authority over me as a teacher made it too easy to give in.

I couldn't look away.

He made a throaty sound that prickled in my skull.

Danger, it told me.

He was stronger than me.

If he fired up there was little I could do to stop him.

But rather than run, I obeyed.

I rose out of my chair, fingers a little shaky.

He stared into my eyes before he cast an obvious glance at my crotch.

"C'mere." He pushed his chair back from the table.

I rounded the table and stood in front of him.

I tried to muster my inhibitions.


He raised a hand behind his head, the sweat patch on his shirt drove me wild. His fat cock strained against his pants.

"Appease me." It was an order.

With no hesitation, I fell onto his lap. My snout buried in his armpit.

I huffed his scent, a shiver rushed down my spine.

His burly arms tightened around me as he growled. I moaned against him, his bulge pressed into my thigh.

Any sense that this was wrong vanished.

It had left the awkward terms of our social contact and entered the only natural order that made sense to my submissive desires.

A bear using a deer.

A carnivore rutting a herbivore.

Anything he needed of me, he would take.

He shoved a hand against my antlers and held me in his pit. My head swam with his musk, warm and dark like coffee grind. It sat in the back of my nostrils as I groaned against his side. His arm clamped around the back of my head, leaving me no option but to breathe him in.

My cock throbbed in my pants so bad it hurt. I fumbled for my fly to free it but a meaty hand stopped me. He groped me firm, squeezing me until I gasped. With a rough nudge he pushed my head to the side and pressed his muzzle against my neck.

I shivered as he took a deep breath.

Sharp teeth pricked against me.

I tried to jerk back but he nipped the flesh like he was going to break the skin. I wriggled, my heart pounded in my chest.

He wrapped his burly arms around me so tight I could hardly breathe.

He rose to his feet and held me like prey. A fiery snarl on his face as he tensed his jaw.

I squirmed against him, trying to bat my antlers against his face and give myself room to breathe. But the struggle was in vain. He was too strong. My fruitless resistance only blazed the arousal through my body.

I was his. He had me.

With heavy footfalls he took me upstairs to his bedroom.

The aircon wasn't on up here and I felt the sweltering summer heat immediately.

He slammed me on his mattress and standing tall over me, dropped his hands to his waist.

I trembled as he unclasped his belt. I licked my lips.

His face was tight with stoic passion, a predator far too keen on his prey to let it get away.

He threw his shorts aside and yanked off his shirt.

His blonde fur bristled around his bulk. A thick knee pressed into the mattress beside me.

A heavy palm pressed down on my sternum.

I couldn't look away from his crotch.

From his tenting boxers.

He looked even thicker in person.

I wasn't sure I could take him.

I glanced to his face, a bit uncertain. He balled a fist in my shirt and tugged it over my head. I nearly cried out as he ripped it off me, no caution given to my antlers.

I leant back, shocked. He crawled over me, his weight forced me against his bed. His thighs caged my head.

My snout brushed against his boxers.

I whimpered out loud.

The scent of him was overwhelming. So much so I couldn't think. I huffed him in, every piece of my body screamed for more. He growled as I rubbed my face against his bulge.

My tongue ran up the underside of his boxers of its own accord. The cloth hardly masked the salty and dark residue of his sweat. I shuddered as I licked him again.

The fur of my forehead was already damp. I could feel myself overheating pinned between his thighs, yet all I wanted was to bathe in his musk as it grew heavier with each passing moment.

He grabbed me by my antlers and forced me under his bulge. I inhaled the scent of his balls so deep my lungs burned and opened my mouth, instinctively longing to suckle on his nuts.

I rubbed my nose against his sack, then turned and tried to force my snout up the edge of his boxers. I needed to get closer.

Needed to.

As I pressed in, something warm and slick brushed the top of my snout.

I whimpered, realizing I'd just smeared his precum up my face. He growled again, pulling me by my antlers deeper. I lapped at his fuzzy sack. The taste of his sweat was electrifying.

He exhaled heavy. His fat cock prodded between my eyes and sent tingles flaring down my back. I sucked on his balls and rolled my tongue over them. He grunted and sunk his weight against my chest.

The hold on my antlers eased as he cocked his head back towards the ceiling to groan as I tongued at his sack. As I pulled back to breathe, he stood and left me panting on the bed.

He swiped the back of his paw across his forehead to wipe sweat out of his eyes and let his boxers fall to the floor.

His thick cock stood to full attention. It curved up towards his chest a little, the plump head poking out from the foreskin. The small slit of it stared me down as it oozed precum.

For a moment, all I could do was stare back.

In awe of it.

In awe that he'd had this bludgeon of a cock hidden away all this time.

I was so far gone that the perversion of our relationship prior to today was only more arousing.

I lunged for his dick, mouth wide.

I could hardly fit him.

The sides of my lips stung as I sunk down on him.

His pre was as sweet as honey and slathered across my tongue.

His hand landed on top of my head. He tilted me back to stare down into my eyes. I leant forward, trying to take more of his cock but he pushed me back further. I was straining against him, trying to get more of my mouth around him but he was too strong.

His cock pulled from my mouth with an audible pop.

He shoved me onto my back. I gasped as he snatched my shorts off.

My white briefs tented firmly, with a visible wet patch at the tip.

He ran a thick finger up the length of my cock, smirking as I shifted to his touch. He teased my tip and stretched a strand of pre with his finger.

He raised that finger to my mouth, his claw pressed against my nose. I licked his fingertip.

With a snarl he forced it into my mouth.

I grunted, eyes wide.

In that moment of surprise, he gripped a fistful of my briefs and tore through the cloth and ripped them clean off.

I groaned, a runnel of pre fell down my shaft. He moved to straddle my legs, his fat cock slapped against mine.

I yelped, surprised again by the sting of it.

He held our cocks together, an amused look on his face. I glanced down.

A breath caught in my throat.

He was nearly twice as thick as me.

I whimpered at the anticipation of taking that.

He squeezed our dicks together until I gasped at the touch of pain.

Desire swarmed his face, his tongue ran over his sharp teeth. He climbed over me, his heavy balls dragged up the length of my shaft and drew a brief moan from me.

He crawled over to rest his dick against my snout and rubbed more pre into my fur.

I licked at the underside of his cock and gasped at the sweet taste of his pre. I needed more.

He rocked his head back and exhaled as I lapped over his slit.

"Good boy." He grabbed the base of his cock in a fist and rubbed his head over my nose.

I moaned as I tried to curl my tongue around his girth.

He pushed his tip against my lips. "Take it."

I opened my mouth wide. He crammed it in, not stopping as I heaved a careful breath around him.

His head hit the back of my throat, I gagged but caught myself from jerking back.

He pushed it deeper, the pressure unforgiving.

I grunted and winced.

He placed his palm over my eyes.

"Focus," he spat the word with force.

I could barely whimper an acknowledgment.

He bucked his hips and pushed his fat cock deeper into my muzzle.

I spluttered.

His claws dug into my scalp. "I said take it." He growled.

I eased.

He thrust again and though my lungs screamed I held steadfast.

"That's it." He spoke flatly, voice stained with lust. I gulped and found the concentration to close my lips around him. His cock was thicker than any gag I'd ever worn. It hurt my jaw just to hold it in my mouth.

And damned if that didn't just make me hornier.

I wanted this.

Craved this torment, for the sake of his pleasure.

I slurped on his dick and he hesitated a moment as he groaned. I wriggled into a better angle and eased up, pushing myself down on him further.

My nose brushed the fluff of his chest. I inhaled his musky scent and excitement lit within me.

His hands adjusted to my antlers.

I braced as he started thrusting into my muzzle.

I groaned under the force of it. He was rough, and it was a lot to handle but I wanted this.

Needed this.

It was my place here. Under him.

Being taken for his pleasure.

I opened my throat and ignored the pain.

His hips pounded my face.

I gasped rushed breaths and delighted in his growls of pleasure.

My skull rung with each blow, but it felt good.

Felt right.

The head of his cock battered the back of my throat with every frantic push. My body gave protest which was ignored under the weight of passion that burned in my thoughts.

He humped my face with fervor and gripped my antlers so tight it ached. But that only spurred me on further. I forced myself back down on his shaft over and over and over until his shoulders slumped and his growls and moans became an inseparable sound that intertwined my gulps.

All I could taste was the sweetness of his pre.

I could feel nothing but desire.

I went on harder.

He inhaled and shoved me back.

He tore his cock from my throat.

It twitched above me and leaked pre. It throbbed as he moaned so loudly I expected cum to erupt from his tip. I reached a hand up to finish the job.

He swatted it away and descended upon me.

He panted in my ear, the warmth of his breath sent shivers down my spine as he held me against his chest.

His heart hammered in his breast, racing overtime as he edged out the pleasure.

No part of me could sit still. I was basking in his scent but it wasn't enough. I wriggled against his hold and wormed my snout to his armpit. It was wet with his sweat and ripe with his musk. I licked my lips and delighted at the taste of him.

"You like that?" He growled.

I could hardly moan an agreement.

He shoved his hand against the back of my head and forced my snout into his armpit so hard it hurt. He growled again, his claws flexed against my ears. I snorted in his the raw scent of his sweat. The bear's musk was overwhelming. I shivered against him, my head burned with desire.

I lapped at his pit, nostrils flared and eager. He lay his arm across my snout and squeezed me tight against his side. His free hand stroked my back and started to creep down. Electricity crackled through my limbs as his fingers brushed past my tail.

He placed the pad of his thick thumb between my cheeks and drew a moan of anticipation from me as he lightly circled my hole.

The tip of his thumb pressed in.

A buzz of excitement ran through me.

I relaxed and grunted as I pressed down on him.

He let me work myself against him for a moment. I eked out the pleasure of penetration and grew dizzy with his musk.

He switched to his index finger and prodded the edge of my hole before stuffing it in. His middle finger pressed alongside it.

I gasped and adjusted to take it.

They were thick, but his cock was thicker.

It took focus to relax, my muscles strained around him.

I huffed in the scent of his pit as a necessary distraction. With some tension in my chest, I eased onto two of his fingers. He rubbed them vigorously within me.

Without warning he crammed them deep.

I jolted out of his armpit and exhaled, face twisted.

He yanked me against his chest.

His muzzle brushed my ear.

"You want me to fuck you?" His voice cut low.

"Uhuh." I gasped.

"I'm going to destroy you." He growled and lunged forward. I tensed just as his teeth scraped my skin. His jaws clamped down on my neck. I froze, paralyzed in his hold. He snarled into my fur. The sharp pricks of his fangs broke skin, but only just.

He fingered me, hard and uneven. I whimpered against him.

Arousal grew ravenous within me. I couldn't focus.

Couldn't relax.

His rough fingering grew into a frenzy of prods that left me keeling in his grasp.

He shoved me away.

I wasn't ready.

He slammed me down on his mattress, a thick hand clutched both my arms behind my back. His other hand braced against my shoulder as he positioned himself behind me.

I was gasping, trying to squirm to a more comfortable posture but he held me tight.

Every sensation expanded tenfold, my eyes went wide as the meaty head of his cock brushed the underside of my tail. I could feel him there, all warm and wet. Throbbing against me. I sniffed as he nudged forward.

His tip prodded my hole.

I kicked out, hesitation brewed within me.

He was too big.

But he forced me against the sheets, pressure built against my cheeks until the tip of his cock started to slide into me.

I groaned loud. All I could do was focus on relaxing, on breathing, on holding myself together and not shouting out. He growled as he pushed in deeper, his massive cock stretched me wider. I shuddered under his weight, eyes scrunched shut as I gulped in deep breaths.

His claws dug into my shoulder and he snarled as he thrust in another inch. I squeaked, entire body tense as pain and pleasure thrashed against each other.

He left me no time to recover as he pushed in deeper still. It felt like he was splitting me open inch by inch, but I wanted more.

Arousal burned filthy in my thoughts.

I craved him.

Needed him to fuck me.

He flared his nostrils and exhaled as he bucked his hips.

I cried out.

I could feel his fuzzy nuts against my thighs.

He was in, right down to the hilt.

I started to take in a shallow breath, thinking he was giving me a moment to adjust.

I gasped it in as he tensed back and I loosed a silent hiss. Every tiny fraction of an inch felt like he'd yanked himself out of me entirely thrice over.

I mumbled something under my breath, so lost to the overwhelming sensation.

He thrust back into me.

My struggle wasn't important here.

His pleasure was.

Any tightness, any restraint, any discomfort were just minor obstacles he would power through. I was his prey, my entire purpose was his pleasure.

He grunted as he humped me, gaining distance with each time he pulled back.

His cock was so fat it grazed my prostate when he shoved in.

I arched my back and moaned, pleasure crested over the pain

He tore it out and crammed it back, making space for himself until he could fuck me at a steady rhythm.

But he didn't wait for me to grow accustomed to his girth.

His pace shifted. He started pressing me against the mattress with each thrust, gaining speed and force until he was crushing me with his strength.

He threw himself forward, caging me under his weight and growled as he slammed me.

A docile deer under a rampaging bear.

He bit my neck, teeth locked down tight against me.

Pain flattened the pleasure but nothing else felt more right. This was meant to be.

He savaged me.

His hips pounded against my ass as his cock stretched me wider with every wild thrust.

Every spike of pain within me was worth it to hear his gasps. His grunts.

His growls.

His balls slapped against my taint harder as he gained pace.

His bed creaked violently beneath us.

And I was stunned.

Unable to think.

Unable to move, his weight crushed me. I was caught in the vice hold of his bite.

I made no sound but strained breaths as I tried to fend off the panic and pain. My brain burned with passion that drowned my inhibitions.

This was right, this was how it was meant to be.

He only slammed me harder.

My eyes bulged.

He held my arms so tight his claws dug furrows in my fur.

His growling grew frantic and rabid.

And though he pounded me into his mattress with every thrust he found another reserve of force to crush me.

My body seized. I groaned. He wouldn't relent. Any sense of pleasure within me shattered under his passionate pounding.

My cheeks ached. I scrunched my eyes shut in focus. His balls battered my own. His cock throbbed within me.

And then he faltered.

A growl curled into a moan.

His weight shifted against me as he scrambled to try keep pace and failed.

He pulled out and bellowed.

Spurt after spurt of cum jetted over my ass and thighs.

He groaned. A shot of cum went up my back. His cock throbbed as he loosed another. A final throb left a runnel of spunk that ran down his shaft and hung from his balls.

He hung his head, shuddering as he heaved a breath and thudded onto the bed beside me. I was still reeling, unable to focus. He placed a thick paw on my face.

I flinched as it drifted down to my torso and pulled me against his sweaty chest.

Convinced there was more to come, I braced.

He licked my neck and made a soft sound. His warm tongue ran over the marks his teeth had left and soothed the pain. I gasped.

Gentle as a lamb, his fingers swept down to my crotch.

I whimpered as he slowly placed his hand around my cock. He gripped me firmly, but not tightly as he started to stroke at a steady pace.

I exhaled, shivering as relief cascaded through my limbs.

He held me so softly in his arms I could hardly believe this was the same bear that had rutted me just a moment ago. My hips still ached with the passion he'd forced through me.

His touch was so consistent, so reassuring. It coaxed my pleasure out of hiding, all the joy that had been crushed under his wild thrusting was still there.

My breathing came ragged as he stroked me, never altering his pace. The caring deliberation of his touch only made me weak in his arms. I was moaning between loud gasps, struggling to keep myself together. He held me tighter as I convulsed, eyes fluttering from the excitement rising through my chest.

Something buzzed in my fingertips and flooded down my arms. I scrunched my eyes shut, so rocked with pleasure it grew to be too much.

I yelped as an orgasm thundered through me. I groaned through it, thrusting my hips as spurt after spurt of cum shot a foot into the air and splattered across my chest.

"That's it, that's it," he cooed softly in my ear.

I moaned, shuddering from the relief that followed.

Breathless, I nuzzled my face into his chest and whimpered out the ecstasy.

Pins and needles fizzed through my upper body.

I was weak, unable to put thoughts together. Unable to do much else but breathe and observe the burning mass of emotions whirling inside me. I was sated so truly.

It took us both time to recover.

I lay in his arms and panted until I could think again.

It'd been so intense I could hardly keep track of what I felt, but eventually I rolled out of his arms.

It was stinking hot in his bedroom and staying in his hold was getting uncomfortable.

He sat up, pulled in a deep breath and wiped the sweat off of his face.

He smiled at me, gentleness in his eyes.

I smiled back, at first.

But his expression was too familiar; the same he shot his students every class as we walked in.

I bit my lip and looked away, a heavy sigh on my lips.

"Here." He leant over, pulled a towel out from a basket under his bed and offered it to me. "That was..." He exhaled. "Fantastic."

I took the towel and grunted, awkwardness rising in my throat as I started wiping my cum out of my fur. I stood up to clean his orgasm off of my ass cheeks.

He was watching me.

I caught my breath, shame in my chest. I wanted to excuse myself, find a bathroom and shower but the thought of lingering here any longer was eating at me.

I toweled off quickly.

It was late in the afternoon, if I stayed any longer he might start offering dinner and that... that was a stroke too far.

I stared at the wadded up cum towel in my hand.

This was many strokes too far.

My silence must've spooked him because he said nothing as I started to dress in a hurry.

I wasn't sure what to say to him.

Wasn't even sure why I'd let this happen.

He was good, sure. Maybe even great.

But I never ever wanted to find out how good at sex any of my teachers actually were.

I--I didn't like how this reflected on me. Too horny not to turn down an obviously bad idea.

I hardly resisted did I? I just gave into it.

I flicked my gaze over his body.

Because he was hot.

Charming even.

Damn it I... I kinda wanted to go again.

I exhaled, flustered beyond words though I knew I had to say something.

He stared at me, uncertainty in his eyes.

"I'll uh, message you," I said, sheepish. My heart hammered in my chest.

The awkwardness doubled.

I wasn't sure I was ready to admit he was a great fuck. Definitely the best I'd had in months.

"You better."

I looked him in the eyes and flinched.

He wanted more.

I couldn't see anyone other than Mr. Bailey. My tenth grade English teacher.

And he wanted me, again.

I gulped.

What had I done? Why'd I done this? Ack. I cut my gaze to the floor and awkwardly waddled to the door of his room.

"See ya," I spoke softly, almost inaudible.

He drew in a long breath, like he was about to say something. I shut his door behind me and bolted out of his house. Standing on his front porch, I snatched my phone out of my pocket and almost dropped it I was so shaky.

I pulled up the app I'd found Charles on and chewed the inside of my lip as I stared at his profile.

My finger hovered the block button.

But even gut-churning nervousness couldn't compel me to.

I pulled my shoulders in as I exhaled, feeling small. Feeling foolish.

With a wince I started heading home, mulling over the last hour of my life.

And it was hard, real hard to reason it all out. But I didn't want to ghost him.

If anything, I regretted not staying longer. In his warm arms, cuddled up and--no.

Focus damn it. I needed to make up my mind.


If my mind wasn't already made, apparently.

Underlying the chaotic storm of thoughts, I'd already started mentally drafting an apology to him. About why I rushed out so fast, about my uncertainty.

There were a lot of details for me to split hairs over, but I knew how I'd end it already.

By asking if he wanted to hang out again some time.

Damn it all, I chuckled to myself.

He was better than an English teacher had any right to be and my thirst for more was unmatched.