Story by muzzlesndiapers on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

Tiltilla stalked his target, his solid black fur blending into the shadows about him.

_There you are, _he thought as he caught a glimpse of his prey darting into an alley.

The ferret youth unclasped his worn cloak, preparing to pounce on his quarry.

_Now, _he thought, leaping into the alley and trapping his prey under his cloak.

"Thank you mistah fearut.", the little hedgehog said as Tiltilla returned her lost pet, gleefully stroking the small frog as she held it in her arms.

"Your welcome little girl.", the ferret hob said, holding his paw out to the girl's elder.

The black-quilled hedgehog sow scowled at the vermin, dropping a pawful of copper pieces into the ferret's waiting paw.

Vermin scum, _the black-quilled elder thought. _I hope somebeast stuffs a dirty diaper in your mouth.

"Pleasure doing business with you ma'ams.", Tiltilla said as he turned and left. I hope Piav is doing okay.

"Oh stop squirming Piav, you know you need to work if you want coppers.", the squirrel matron said as she strapped the ferret to the changing table. "And I don't intend to let a vermin such as you work in my library unless I diaper you."

"But I don't need a-mmph."

"Hush.", the squirrel ordered as she muzzled the slender ferret with a strip of gauze. "Vermin shouldn't be heard and only seen if they're as cute as you, girly."

"Mmph...", Piav whined as the squirrel spread his legs apart, then slide a cloth diaper over his tail.

"Now now, no need to whine, sissy.", the squirrel chuckled, stroking the blushing ferret's genitals before securing the diaper about his waist. "There, ready for work."

She released Piav from the table and thrust a short, pink dress over his head.

"Now go help those library-going goodbeasts.", the squirrel ordered, smacking the ferret's diapered butt as he walked past, electing a cute squeak from Piav.

_The things us vermin have to do to eat, _the young ferret grumbled as he walked out into the library proper, blushing in abject humiliation as the patrons saw him muzzled and diapered, wearing a pink dress.


Dungeons and Adders CH1

**_CHAPTER I_** **_ _** **_ _** The trio of cogs sailed towards the woodlander's villager, their vermin crews practically drooling in anticipation at the coming murder, rape, and pillaging. The lead ship,...

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**_CHAPTER I_** **_ _** **_ _** The trio of cogs sailed towards the woodlander's villager, their vermin crews practically drooling in anticipation at the coming murder, rape, and pillaging. The lead ship,...

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