Sweetened Up- A Male Bear TF

Story by pruvia on SoFurry

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He thought J had moved on months ago. Bjorn is very wrong about that, and his ex is very ready to bring him to heel...

Written because despite posting stories for months now I still haven't written a bear TF?? That needed to be fixed quickly lmao

"Hello, Bjorn!" He turned around to merely see the twist of pale wrists and long fingers thrusting something into his hands.

He ripped his hands out of his pockets and barely grabbed it in time, cuss words slipping from his lips. "Hey..." He trailed off; he couldn't see the ridiculously long fingers of the person who had handed the small, flat box in his hands, and their voice had slipped from his memory like water through a sieve- he knew what they had said, and that was it.

People were giving him odd looks. Cheeks burning crimson, he speed walked to the bus stop, eyes exploring the package's nondescript brown paper. What had he got, some sort of drugs? Who had sent him this, and how did they know his name? A shiver went up his spine, and he was glad when the bus rolled in so he didn't have to stand with his creeped out thoughts.

Instead, he sat with them. His eyes fixed on the box as the bus rolled along until it was half empty. His fingers drummed against the wrapping, rubbing against the slick tape keeping it all together. It couldn't do any harm to open it, surely.

His first surprise was seeing the box of honeycomb chocolates instead of a bomb or heroin. His second was the card that landed on his lap. 'Thinking of you- J."

The beat of his heart fluttered, mouth turning desert-dry. Her again? After all this time? He had said it was over twenty times by now, and for the last few months she was finally listening, and he had moved into a new flat too. Even so, she sought him out and thrust gifts into his face. From the moment he saw those long fingers, he should've known; he couldn't remember anything else about her appearance well now (there had always been something about her that made him forget everything, even her), but those hands were carved into his memory forever.

He looked over his shoulder once he got off the bus, wondering if J (what had been her real name?) knew where he lived already, or if he should try harder to hide his route home.

Entering his flat brought no relief; he felt like eyes were burning on the back of his neck, watching. Waiting. Bjorn thrust the box of chocolates onto his sofa and went into the bathroom to wash his face of all the sweat pouring down it. In the mirror, his eyes were reddened, baggy things. Just like they had been when he had... broken up with her. How could he not even remember how he had broken up with his girlfriend?

He slammed the blinds and curtains shut, double checking the five locks at his door. Flipping on the lights, he let out a juddering breath. For a while, he might be safe, enough time to think about his next move.

His stomach rumbled, loud enough for his neighbours to hear through the paper-thin walls. Bjorn went to the fridge, then his cabinets, frowning. Except for some spices, a tea bag and some dodgy milk, there was no food. Shit; he'd forgotten to pick up some groceries on the way home.

Bjorn nibbled his tongue in panic. Surely it would be okay to get a takeaway? It couldn't be too dangerous, as long as he didn't stick around outside and yell for attention.

Rap, rap, rap. His blood clogged into ice, heart seizing in his chest as he bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed. "Can I come in?" she asked. All along, she had followed him. There really was no escape.

He didn't dare breathe in his dim studio apartment, too afraid to fumble around for his phone lest J hear and be encouraged. What he needed was the police, or possibly an entire army. But he stood stock still instead of reacting, so deep was his terror. Maybe he could make her go away. No need for any drama-

"You know I'm here, Bjorn," her voice seemed familiar now, exasperated with a dark undertone of threat.

He kept silent, clamping on his tongue. She sighed, the sound like a nail scratch on a blackboard, and muttered something under her breath. For a long time he waited until his stomach was tearing up in hunger and he felt she had to be gone.

Still creeping on his tiptoes, he went to grab the box of chocolates. No way in hell was he going out or ordering a delivery, even if the gift from J was the last thing he wanted to eat.

A floorboard creaked underfoot. "You can't hide from me forever, my love!" Bjorn's stomach churned like lava, the box almost slipping from his hands. He crept, silent, to the living room and grabbed his phone. Time to call for help, before J broke his mind totally. But before he could dial the first number, his phone's screen flashed incandescent rainbow colours and died, the scent of burning shrivelling his nostrils. "Silly boy."

He went for his laptop; it too flickered and sputtered out, sparks biting at his hands. J sighed, sound bored. "Really? Come out so we can talk."

Bjorn held his head in his hands and fought back an urge to sob. There was nothing else he could use in here, and when he looked to the door, he could see J's shadow crawl under the gap between door and carpet. If he tried crying for help or crawling out a window, she would get him. Or would she? At the moment, it felt like all his options made his mind spiral into anxious dread; he needed something to distract him. He picked up the chocolates again.

After checking them closely for any signs of tampering, he pulled open the box to a series of identical chocolates. He bit into the first and grimaced as the filling clung with fervour to his teeth, the sweetness pulsing through his taste buds like a bullet of sugar. When he was done with it, his stomach churned. Bjorn pushed the rest away.

"So easy, my sweet... all it took was a bit of persuasion." J laughed.

It burned his ears, clawing at the recesses of his mind and making his teeth judder in his jaw from the force of it. And then it stopped, and his teeth kept on juddering in his gums.

His tongue sensed the change first, scratching itself over his right canine. He yelped, mouth filling with blood; his tooth had become sharp. He turned into the mirror and stared with darkness adjusted eyes, and what he saw made his skin burn with fearful cold, jaw slackening.

As he watched, his canines bloated and shoved his other teeth out of place before growing long. They reached a sharp point at the same time that his bottom canines pushed around too, his other teeth crunching into the corners of his mouth until he tasted yet more blood from his gums protesting. With such long, sharp teeth he couldn't close his mouth, slobber gathering at the corners of his lips.

"This can't be happening. You're making me think this is happening," Bjorn said with a severe lisp.

J only laughed again, prompting him to bring his hands to his ears. "I made you forget so much! Don't worry, you won't care to remember soon."

Bjorn staggered from a sudden intangible blow, landing with the palms of his hands in front of him. His muscles flexed, forcing him to arch his spine, his ass pointing out into the air, wriggling from side to side as his spine twitched in his back like it was a foreign thing trying to break free of his body.

The position made his jeans feel tight. And they only seemed to get tighter as he continued wriggling it around, a sensitivity building at the base of his back. He blushed, all his attempts to stop his wriggling behind failing, more slaver falling from his half open mouth.

Light blinded him, his curtains shrieking open. There was no need to crane his neck to look behind him; he knew his wriggling ass was exposed to the sky and anyone who looked in. At least he still had-

Shit. A thunderclap of snapping denim fell away from his asscheeks, bringing his underwear with them. Without the constraints of the fabric his ass grew greedily, plumping until his wriggling made the heft of it jiggle. He bit his lip, the movements of his hips gaining momentum, cock hardening. Something about it just felt so good. "Nice!" J clapped.

The sound of her praise echoing in his ears, Bjorn arched his back one last time, and his cock sprayed cum onto the carpet, still hanging half erect. At the base of his back, a nubby little thing wagged. He sat on his thick ass, sinking into that cushiony flesh, and looked around. A stubby brown tail twitched, almost lost in his butt.

His brain kicked back into motion at that inhuman sight on his buttocks. "W-why are you doing this to me?" He couldn't look out the window no matter what. It felt wrong, like it would disrespect J.

"I don't want you leaving me again."

His heart thumped; she loved him so much! It would be best if he accepted it, ran back into her too long arms and begged for her forgiveness, making him fully hers forever. His cock hardened at the prospect. A ball formed in his throat.

"No." The noise cut at him like knives. It was the hardest thing he had ever had to say, but part of him had a strange feeling this was not the first time he had said it. "We're over now." His voice shook. "You have to accept that."

The door opened. He quivered away from her, unable to run away with his pudgy ass nearly dragging on the floor. "Sweetie, you're not the one who gets to make choices here." For the first time in a long time, he looked at J's face.

Compared to her long hands and creeping fingers, her face was normal, rounded and crinkled by smiling that didn't reach her frigid silver eyes, which were full of tears that sparkled with unnatural colour. When she opened her mouth, Bjorn didn't need to count to know she had too many teeth. "This is hurting me. Pets don't hurt their masters, do they Bjorney?"

He bared his teeth, aware the gesture was comical with the way his ass bulged. "I'm not your pet."

The air left his lungs; he turned blue for want of oxygen as the world blurred around him and he once again landed on his ass. He clawed at his neck to tear off the thick band running around his neck, binding him, killing him-

"As I said honey-boo; you don't have any choices here." J clicked her fingers, letting the new collar around Bjorn's neck loosen to let him breathe. He turned into a statue as she drew near and grabbed his belly. "And I'll make you like it."

She dragged out his belly, the flesh pulling out to accommodate the stretching, rising like yeasted bread. Atop his chest, his pecs puffed up into bulges of fat, the line between moobs and stomach growing thin as his belly sunk onto his thighs. He couldn't move now, no matter how much he wanted to.

And did he want to? The last time he defied J, she had almost choked him on the collar. It seemed inevitable that she would find him even if he hadn't been changed by her. He surrendered to the fact there was no escape and moaned.

She scratched him behind the ears, fur cushioning his skin from her long nails. "Good pet. Look at how big you're getting."

All he could do was moan. When he tried to speak, his throat cramped, vocal cords sliding around into a new form. Words became grunts and snorts. "Awwww, you're trying to talk!" How cute!"

Bjorn's eyes glazed over, more saliva dribbling from his lengthening mouth. His reduced mind could only register the niceness of being petted and being talked to nicely by the weird lady he couldn't quite remember (though he knew she was wonderful and important).

His long, clawed hands kneaded against the ground, feet stretching into long, padded paws. "Look at those!" Bjorn grunted, coming again as she stroked the sensitive padded skin of his paws. His cock stayed erect and continued drooling cum pumped through the tip by his massive balls; in comparison, his dick was tiny, having not grown a bit in size since he had first began his transformation.

Fur grew over him like a cushion, further padding his ass and broadened thighs. He prodded at the brown fluff and snorted in approval; it was so thick he could hardly reach his skin even with his long forepaws with their even longer claws!

"Good boy!" J stroked her pet's thick fur and groped at his little cock until he gave a cute little whine. "Come on Bjorn, it's time to go home." She clicked a lead onto the small, fat bear's collar, and he walked right at her heel, an obedient pet through and through.