Of Raven feathers and Nightingales

Story by Bythepope on SoFurry

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a small story about a mother and son Npc i created for DND, Valrevanna "Raven" (F 2246) is the queen and a wolf folk, Dillion(her son (M 24) is the prince and also a wolffolk. , i found they have far too much....tension between one another, so here i am relieving it. mostly through some naughty time while they sleep. (all characters are of age). mostly a shameless excuse to write smut with characters i got too attached to.

Raven's scene

Quietly, Raven padded down the hall, her mind racing, trying to figure out why she couldn't sleep. she was back home, in her own bed, so...why was she wide awake. Silently she entered the main hall and made her way toward the massive windows, peering out over her city. a soft and faded moon light was cast over Gloom-dale, the walls stand strong, the stone guardians are still ,the crystals and candles glow softly within the windows of the town and all the world seem to be asleep, quiet and still and....


A lovely night to walk a moonlit field.

So why was she so...tense.

Her hands trembled and she couldn't sit still. he mind would wander from any task and all she _wanted _to do was pace. was she nervous about finally being queen. was she anxious or excited about her speech tomorrow. what? what was IT?!


shaking her head she pulls her view away from the still city. perhaps some mulled wine?

eh, couldn't hurt.

Her toe claws click softly on the polished stone floors, as she makes her way through the dark castle toward the kitchen. With a small wave of her hand, a small purple flame blooms in air beside her illuminating the dim kitchen.

Taking a bottle of spiced wine from the cabinet she places it on the purple ring of flame before turning to a small shelf of plants.

"which one of you little ones wants to help mama?" she asks he hand running down the line of plants. "you, mint? no. what about you, lily. no. hmmm. Ah, its you, Jasmine" as she speaks small purple wisps float from her hands, the plants seem to bend toward her, quickly growing and stretching, trying to wrap around her hands. she stops under the jasmine as it curls around her her fingers depositing several leaves and petals into her palm. " thank you, lovelies"

with a small shimmer of magic the leaves quickly dry, crushing them and letting them fall into a small mug and taking the bottle of wine off the flame, she pour the steaming liquid over them before stirring it with a stick of cinnamon. hopefully this will help.

Quietly she makes her way back into the main hall, steaming mug held tightly. sitting by the picture window, slowly sipping the warm wine, she attempts to quiet her mind , staring out over her city, watching the Aurora shift and flicker. but as much as the wine and jasmine dull it, the feeling still remains. the gnawing twisting feeling in her gut. perhaps she should just try to go back to sleep.

as she quietly makes her way back to her room, finishing her wine and internally berating herself, a quiet whimper draws her attention.

it came from.....Dillion's room? her ears prick up and she listens closer, almost pressing her head to the door. .

small whimpers and whines come from behind his door. sounds like he's having another nightmare. quietly she cracks open the door, sure enough his ears are straight back and he bears a look of fear and pain. silently she stalks over to his bedside, setting her mug on his nightstand, carefully easing her weight onto his bed.

He whimpers again and pangs of guilt flutter in her breast. as she knows full well, his nightmares are partially her fault.

running her fingers through his hair, she begins to softly hum a lullaby, her voice seems to calm him, his face relaxes and he turns his head, his nose twitching as he sniffs in her direction. Shifting onto his side he grasps her night gown, another flicker of pain crossing his face. more painful whimpers. perhaps if she...

shifting slightly, she shimmies downward, laying beside him. perhaps some might say this was wrong, after all Dillion is 24, but to her, he would always be her pup.

lying on her back she continues humming, as his face calms he shifts closer to her, wrapping his arm around her and pressing his snout under her chin. surprised she goes to pull away. this most certainly is wrong....but it's not like anyone will see them, and he's all warm and snuggly....ah fuck it, she'll stay. wrapping her arm around him she snuggles into him, still humming. she places her snout between his ears, he smells nice....

Raven's eyes flicker open as she feels someone shift beside her.

who was in her bed! who wa-.

she pauses as she remembers. she must have fallen asleep. well, at least she got some sleep. Thank the Machine, it's still dark and none of the staff had found her. she shudders at the thought of trying to explain why she was here. in her son's bed. sleeping next to him.

Dillion shifts rolling onto his back, letting Raven go. She should probably get back to her own room before the staff arrive, but as she turns to get up something catches her eye and her heart begins to pound and her blood runs cold as her face burns.

apparently as she had lain with him he had....grown. as small tent forming over his groin as his morning wood grew to full mast.

OK she really should leave, but something rooted her to the spot. perhaps it was the Wine impairing her judgement, or perhaps a wired mind.

But the most likely explanation was her years of Exile. Too long had she spent stuck in that frozen hell hole, Too long had she been away from another person, another male, and now as she stood, staring at her son's tented covers, his musk covering her and permeating the room, she couldn't move.

Every fiber of her being screamed at her to leave, told her this was wrong. but, slowly, her mind shuffled through memories, times he had walked in on her getting dressed, the time she had caught him spying on her as she showered. the many times she had awoken to find herself inexplicably wet or missing her panties.

Perhaps.....Dillion.....liked her as well?

As wrong as she knew this was. his musk flooded mind and her tense body moved on its own. she....she had to see it.

Slowly she crept to the end of his bed, carefully lifting the covers as she crawled underneath, his scent was almost overpowering as she stuck her head under the blanket. the salty slightly musty smell flooded her mind as she wiggled up between his legs, closing her eyes.

she relished the smell. the smell of a wolf, the smell of a male. her eyes flutter open and her heats skips a beat. she had seen his member before, she_was_ his mother. but not recently and never had she looked at it as she was now. his reddish-pink member stood at 6-7 inches, a knot almost thicker than her wrist at its base, his tapering shaft twitching in time with his heart beat. his sack, coated in fine black furand a small line of fluff running down the middle and around the base of his sheath, hung heavily beneath. Could just her scent have really made him this hard, or was he dreaming about someone else.

"OK Raven. you've seen it. you've sated your curiosity, its time to leave." she scolds herself. she tries to pull back, but....that scent. she needed more.

Moving forward she lets her tongue roll out of her muzzle as she begins to pant, burying her nose into the fluffy fur at the base of his knot she takes a deep breath.

all thoughts of what she was doing vanish from her mind. she didn't care who the package she now buried her nose in belonged to, all she now knew was the scent of aroused male. the scent of lust.

she grinds the side of her muzzle against his shaft, savoring the feeling of his warm, hard flesh. Her fingers run gingerly over his sack, feeling the soft fur and large orbs shift in her hand. His scent was delicious. he felt beyond good. she had to taste him. she HAD to feel him. she pauses for just a moment as she pulls her nose from his fluff, his tip millimeters away from her tongue, as a small part of her mind shakes off the haze of his musk.

was she really going to do this? was she really so touch starved that she would do this to her son? she can't even answer as, with a single twitch his cock presses against her tongue.

His salty taste floods her mind. she drags her tongue up the underside of his cock, lapping the single bead of precum from his tip, she laps at his member, dragging her tongue over the tip. grinding her snout against it, she needed to taste more.

burying her nose into his fluffy nuts again she props herself up on one arm and stares down at his member, now twitching faster. she rests his tip against her lips before she slowly takes the throbbing shaft into her mouth... deeper and deeper until his tip almost presses against the back of her throat and her nose came to rest on his knot. Raven suppresses the urge to gag as his thick shaft chokes her and she basks in his taste. his warmth.

Gasping, she pulls off his member. Oh, how she had missed the taste of a male. licking her lips she takes his shaft into her mouth again, all the way to his knot. gradually she works into a rhythm. Bobbing in long smooth motions, from tip to knot, she tastes every inch of his member, coating it in her saliva.

Then Dillion moans. he shifts and she freezes, her ears pricked and eyes wide, her mind suddenly clear of its musk induced fog as near panic set in.

Had she woken him up?!

Pulling his member from her mouth and her head from under the covers, she kneels at the foot of his bed, staring at him, no sign he's awake but....her heart is pounding. what would he say if he woke up, would he hate her? would he yell? or..... would he want more? her mind fights with itself as he shifts again, soon settling back into a comfortable position.

From her position on the floor she fights with herself, she should leave. she should NOT be doing this with Dillion. she shoul- She pauses for a moment as she feels something move the fur on her inner thigh. Almost fearfully she moves her hand downward, running a finger over her pantie clad muff.

She. Was. _Soaked. _her panties almost dripped with her arousal and small rivulets of her juices had begun forming and running down her thighs.

Ok. she needed this.


Pulling off her soaked panties and casting them aside, she crawles back under the covers, once again coming snout to tip with Dillion's cock. slowly she ran her tongue along the sides and over his tip before once again taking his mast into her mouth, for a moment she lets her nose rest against his knot feeling his member throb against her tongue. slowly she begins to move her head. as she begins her hand returns to fondling his balls while the other slowly glides down her stomach, her fingers coming to rest against her dripping folds. grinding her fingers against her clit, she teases her folds, running the pad of her finger along her slit, slowly she spreads herself, moaning around his member as her soaked flower is bared to the cool air. pressing a finger between he folds she prods at her entrance, teasing herself, before pressing it inside. she presses her finger up to the second knuckle, grinding her pad over her walls until she's pressing against a very sensitive spot sending bolts of pleasure through her core. She bobs her head taking his member as she teases her folds, but its not enough.

she can't wait anymore.

Pulling herself off his spit coated dick she gently tugs the covers down the sleeping wolf's torso. shivering as his member springs free. Carefully climbing the bed, Raven pulls her nightgown off, her large breasts flopping free as she positions her sopping vent above her Son's erection. her breath catches in her throat as she hovers over the young wolf. if she did this....it might change things forever, But as his searing tip nudges against her lips, she couldn't care less.

Carefully she rolls her hips, running the underside along her folds, barely pressing it past her labia, his head lightly tapping against her clit with each roll. small rivulets of her arousal flow down his member. fear and excitement battling within her.

its right there, it's touching me. HE'S touching me, you shouldn't be doing this. it's not even inside and its already almost unbearable. how longs it been? he's so hard, and it's because of me. god I'm soaked. what if hes a virgin? do you want to steal that?!

Her mind shouts that last though with such malice it almost scares her. but with a quick glance down at her naked son, both she, and what ever shoulder angel that is trying to stop her, agree, with his handsome wolven features, lithe and toned physic, beautiful purple eyes and a cock like this. There is no chance in hell.

With her shoulder angel seemingly placated, she lines him up, grabbing his slick member and pressing his searing tip between her folds, pressing against her entrance.

"Sorry Dillion, sorry..." slowly she sinks downward, barely able to take half an inch of him as his hot shaft painfully stretches her slick lips, Her entrance not used to anything bigger than her fingers after all these years.

Raising herself slightly she presses down again, her walls clench around him as he presses slightly farther into her with each motion, smoothly spreading her. Raising and lower herself each time she sinks inch after agonizing inch into her, her lips aching as they are spread wide for the first time in ages. she stops only when his knot rests against her entrance.

She'd done it, he was inside her, he's so warm, she hasn't felt this full in ages. Her mind would have continued but her body was in control now, she grinds his knot against her lips, painfully spreading herself wider as she presses down against it. not yet.

slowly she raises herself, her walls grasping at the intruding flesh dragging against it as if to keep it from leaving, she suppresses a moan as she pulls him from her, till only his tip remains, before sliding back down. gasping as he once again fills her, each motion of his twitching member making her moan or squirm. pulling him from her, she fights the urge to slam herself onto him, continuing at the agonizingly slow pace, she wants more. aching to go faster but unable to risk waking him. just go slow and-

"wha-who...?" bolts of fear shoot through her as Dillion's eyes flutter open, without thinking, a bolt of purple flies from Ravens palm, striking Dillion's brow, his eyes lose focus and flutter closed as he slumps back into his pillow. It...worked? she could see it, the spell binding him to sleep, but, she was almost sure it wouldn't have. had she really just done that? used a sleep spell on order to keep...molesting him? a twitch from within her quells all thoughts, save for one.

well now that he can't wake up....

she drives herself downward, spearing herself on his member, slowly she builds a steady and forceful rhythm, driving him inside her, slamming her lips against his swelling knot. pressing her fingers into the soft flesh of her breast she squeezes her bouncing mounds, toying with her nipples as she rides him . each thrust causing her to gasp. Looking down, her eyes tracing the soft curve of her stomach, she watches as with each downward thrust the faint outline of his member within her becomes visible. By the Gears. why is that hot?

Slowing her pace slightly she watches as it rises and falls in time to her thrusts, grinding his tip against her most sensitive areas, she was close and this was pushing her closer. tearing her eyes away she looks at Dillion, his face a mix of peace and pleasure. she almost wished he was awake, wished to see a loving expression. perhaps another time? a masquerade, perhaps, lure him away while disguised, do it then? are you really planning to do this again? her shoulder angel had a point, but the though was so enticing. her dressed in a black silk gown, a mask of nightshade and clippings of a shades cloak. hiding in a closet, her dress pulled up and aside as he bent her over and-and-and-

he dream is cut off as her whole body clenches, sliding down and grinding against his knot, wave after wave of pleasure rushing though her as she clenches around his member. a half moan half howl escapes her lips and she presses down, unable to force herself to take his knot, but her moan turns to a scream of pleasure and pain as strong hands grab her hips and press her downward. for a brief moment her lips are unable to stretch around his knot, but as her climax ebbs away they spread around it, sucking him inside as it swells and forcing his tip against her womb, forcing her into another as searing warmth spreads inside her.

she howls to the uncaring heavens as she feels pleasure she hadn't felt in years, each wave spurred on by twitches and pulses from the burning heat flowing into her. slowly it subsides small waves causing her breath to hitch as she lowers her head, and she freezes.

Horror floods through her as she meets her sons purple eyes.

"Di-DIllion...I..." she goes to speak but a soft smile from him stops her, slowly he sits up running his hands up along her hips and sides, her breath hitching as small tingles of pleasure spark from his touch, and around her back until he's hugging her and his snout is resting under hers.

"Shush mother." his deep steady voice rumbles though her "you needn't apologize." a wave of emotions flow through her, surprise at how calm he is, hatred of herself for what she did and at him for not being mad, happiness that he's not mad, and a pleasurable full feeling radiating from her nethers.

"no. Dillion this is wrong, it-we-I..." she trails off, trying to find words to describe how she felt, about what she had done, she had...well she had raped him, only now as her mind cleared of its lusty fog did she realize it, and tears swelled behind her eyes. "i couldn't stop myself, i should have, i knew i shouldn't but i did and-and- i'm sorry, im a terri-" her sentence is cut short as he presses a finger to her snout, silencing her.

"No mother. No." removing his finger he leans back and locks eyes with her. "No mom, you are a silly old wolf not used to being here, so you couldn't sleep. so you made yourself a drink and in the process picked from the wrong Jasmine plant." Raven's eyes go wide and she looks over at the cup. had she really picked from Cupid. " and in your aphrodisiac induced haze, forgot you made your son immune to your magic." he gives her a pointed look before snuggling into the crook of her neck again. "and in the end, accidentally recreated a wet dream of his." he says giving her a fiendish smile.

At a loss for words Raven said the only though that was rattling around in her head."you dreamed of this? you wanted this?" a slow sort of rage built inside her, her tears of guilt now turning to tears of rage. had she not raised him better?! "Do you know how wrong that is?!" she almost shouts, she is only met by a look of indifference and skepticism

" mother if you want to begin a talk about "wrong" i need only remind you of that past week and we'll be far beyond...this" he states gesturing to where they remain tied.

He was right. Public executions were....worse.

"I...suppose you are right. it was a little much." he chuckles at her words, still hugging her. "perhaps just a bit." drawing back he traces his hands around her waist running them along her thighs, his claws gently dragging though her fur, up along her stomach to cup her large breasts.

"but tell me mother, do you truly regret this, or is it merely your fear of what others would think." his grin becomes predatory as he brings his head to her chest, running his thick flat tongue over a nipple, making her shiver. clamping his mouth around one nipple he squeezes the other, kneading the soft flesh between his fingers. Again, he was right. he meant the world to her, she didn't care how "wrong" this was, she only feared what others might say. She lays her cheek in between his ear, snuggling him as he toys with her ample chest.

"No. I-I love this Dillion, i do, but what if we are caught? what if the workers find us? what then?" Pulling back he stares at her for just a moment, his expression unreadable. before coming nose to nose with her. "what if they do?" he whispers "you or i could easily erase their minds, or kill them..." trailing off he rubs his muzzle against the side of hers "or we could just be careful, besides the servants are contract bound to not disclose sensitive material they see here, and id say this is....quite sensitive." once again nose to nose, his eyes half closed and coming closer her heart almost skips a beat. was he about to-. almost reflexively she parts her lips and presses into his kiss, lips meeting as she grabs his face, pulling him closer to her. time seems to fade as they kiss, lost in the heat of one another s, the feel of the others body and the intimate connection between them. it feel like forever before Raven pulls away, tears springing to her eyes as she hugs her pup close. she loved him, both in all the ways a mother should and most certainly in all the ways a mother should not.

"we'll be careful. they can't know though, alright?" her voice barely above a whisper. "i love you."

"i love you too."