Kurt: Eve's arrival

Story by razgriz_ghost on SoFurry

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#12 of new folder...

Disclaimer: the characters are mine if the description is damn near that of another's character than its by coincidence and I don't own any products like coke or Sony etc that are mentioned. Also if it is offensive to anyone then get the fuck out right now if not enjoy and if your under 18 if over then also enjoy.


Kurt woke next morning while facing the window -nice view wait a minute why is there someone beside me?- kurt wondered as he turned around to find josh sleeping right next to him. Kurt shook josh "hey dude get up you've got the wrong room." kurt said "huh? What? Ahhh fucking hangover." josh said while slowly getting up "and that's why I don't drink too much." said kurt while looking out the window. "hello MR. Rettinger this is the front desk a miss Frobisher is requesting an audience with you" said the desk attendant "uhh I don't know anyone with that name." kurt said honestly "her first name is Katrina." she said "OH! Uhh john you might want to leave this is gonna get nasty." kurt said knowing what's gonna happen "ok I will talk to her." kurt said as the desk attendant turned the crystal towards Katrina "hey fucker the elders want to know your answer on the proposition." Katrina said " tell them I haven't decided yet." said kurt "now you listen to me you little fuck stick you will give an answer right now because I don't want to see your ugly mug more than I have to so give me your fucking answer." Katrina hissed -meow damn she is hot when angry- kurt thought "you have my answer already so piss off you skank." kurt must have said the magic words because now she was beyond pissed "NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME YOU LITTLE COCKSUCKING MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH ASSWIPE YOU WILL GIVE ME AN ANSWER NOW!" Katrina yelled as kurt saw some people leaving while looking at her. "do you want to fight about it because you already have my answer." said kurt at this Katrina stormed out of the lobby and onto the streets.

"damn kurt you sure do have a way with women. I heard that down the hall." said josh "MR rettinger there is a miss death her to see you." said the desk attendant "ok send her up." said kurt "who is that?" asked josh "you'll see." kurt said "kurt may I ask you something?" asked josh "sure. Shoot." said kurt while taking a drink of jack daniels -what is it is she a kid HA- kurt thought "what are her measurements?" josh asked as kurt spewed a mouthful of jack daniels out the window -THAT wasn't what I expected- "what?" kurt asked while turning around "you heard me. I'm lookin to fuck a girl." said josh "yeah well she will kill you if you try." said kurt just then eve came through he door wearing a black t shirt, black pants and black boots "hi honey." kurt said kissing her "ok I'm going." said josh as he left "god I've missed you." she said before kissing him "um what are you doing?" kurt asked after he realized that she was fondling his groin "what do you think I'm doing." eve replied with a smile as kurt slid a hand up her t shirt and started groping her breasts "ohm ok lets take this to the shower." she said as she led him to the shower.

Kurt and eve got undressed and eve put on a show by bending over to turn the shower on. "ohhh." eve moaned as kurt started to lick her pussy -what is that taste? DAMN it's one of those damned mystery flavors wait it actually tastes like dragon fruit. Damn that's some good shit.- kurt thought as he subconsciously found her g-spot "ohhhh kurt don't stop that's wonderful." eve moaned while using the wall for support. -damn I cant stop this she tastes just so damn good- "oh kurt I'm gonna cum. Kurt? Kurt? KURT?" eve screamed/yelled but kurt didn't hear her "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" eve screamed as she climaxed -damn did she just cum? Oh well I will put it aside she would tell me if she was about cum- kurt thought while he just kept giving her g-spot a fuck load of attention. "KURT GOD DAMNIT." eve yelled as she kicked him in the chest "what?" kurt asked "fuck me I have already came damn." eve panted "ok just get in position." kurt said "what? OH right." said eve as she got onto all 4rs "just be gentle I'm still a ...virgin." said eve as she forced out virgin -damn for someone who can damn near kill me she cant even say virgin without blushing- "ok just do you want me to push in fast or slow?" kurt asked "just do it quick." eve responded and with that kurt took her virginity quickly "damn your tight." kurt said "just shut up." said eve in pain while obviously blushing. "ok you can start." said eve with that kurt started to thrust into her and grabbed her breasts while playing with her hard nipples "oh god kurt that feels good." eve said panting then kurt started to massage one of her breasts while play with the nipple on the other while pumping his shaft into her "ah ah ah ah ah oh fuck I'm getting close kurt please keep it up." panting eve "AHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed when she came while clamping hard on to him "oh fuck." kurt said as he pumped 11 hot thik sticky ropes into her womb.

"are you ok?" asked eve as kurt wrapped his arms around her after they stood up "just don't leave me please." kurt said while crying -what the fuck is with me?- kurt wondered as his body moved on it's own accord "don't worry I will never leave you kurt after all I love you." Said eve reassuringly then kurt looked up and the kissed passionately.

"hello? MR. rettinger?" called the desk attendant "yeah im here" said kurt "there is a johnny wilkes wanting to talk to you." said the attendant "ok put him on." kurt said as the crystal was aimed at him and eve "hey kurt what were you ....OH." john said as kurt realized that he was wearing only a towel and so was eve at this the little kid blushed "ok gimme a sec." said kurt as he took a spare towel and threw it over the crystal so johnny couldn't see them get dressed. After kurt and eve were decent kurt took the towel off "so let me guess you want me to train you right?" kurt asked "YEP" said john "ok then I will meet you at the arena." kurt said "oh umm kurt sir the arena has been reserved for our training as is customary and I think I need a demonstration of a good fight." informed john "ok ok uh honey do you want to do a demonstration of a good fight?" kurt asked "sure I could go a few rounds right now." eve replied as they made their way down to the sword arena.

"ok for this demonstration you will both use wooden swords based on your skills and abilities. On this side we have death bringer from hell gates." said the vixen who took his measurements last chapter "and over here we have kurt rettinger. Now fight." said the vixen and with that eve and kurt charged at each other and when they made contact both swords broke simultaneously "ummm was that supposed to happen?" asked kurt while everyone stared in awe while 3 nimrods stumbled into the arena -oh look it's the 3 stooges- kurt thought "um kurt can we start training I think I've got an idea." said john "hey you son of a bitch get away from my son cause the only person who can train him is me because im the best." said one of the 3 stooges as the others were asleep where they fell "carmon not now." said john "damnit you will call me father like you're supposed to." said carmon "he's your dad?" asked kurt "unfortunately." said john "hi there big tits now why don't come with me and I will show you more of a good time then that pedophilic dumb ass over there." carmon said pointing to kurt "as tempting as that sounds I will have to pass." said eve obviously holding back laughter "aww don't be like that." said carmon as he grabbed her breasts "oh he's dead." whispered kurt to john then carmon gave a squeeze making eve go haywire and started to thrash him "WHOA DOWN GIRL!" kurt yelled as he pulled eve away "GOD DAMNIT HIS ASS IS DEAD IM GONNA RIP HIS GUTS OUT AND STRANGLE HIM WITH THEM!" yelled eve struggling to get loose of kurts grip -oh this aint workin time for plan B- and with that kurt kissed eve as she seemed to freeze and calm down "you ok? Not gonna go on a frenzy now are you?" asked kurt "no" eve clears throat "im fine." "now john what do we do about your dad?" kurt asked "could you help me to take him home?" asked john "sure thing." kurt answered

"gah" kurt said as he returned to his room "why do drunk people smell so bad? Or was it the fact that when death beat the shit out of him he shit himself? What do you think josh?" kurt asked "honestly I don't know." eve replied "oh ok your not fucking right now good." said josh as he entered the room "kurt I have a question. Why is it that you get girlfriend after girlfriend I mean first it's amber then linda now death bringer what gives man what is your secret?" "I don't know. And I know for a fact that it aint for looks cause I aint the most handsome guy on the block." said kurt "then I know what it is. It is pure fucking luck." said josh and at this kurt laughed "I don't know josh but that may be true. But if that's true then I'm pretty fucking lucky." said kurt "hey josh I wanna catch some z's so vamoose." said kurt. At that josh left while he turned off the light. Kurt undressed and slipped under the covers as eve was finishing in the shower after which she didn't bother getting dressed as she to slipped under the covers with her back to kurt's front which he subconsciously put an arm around her and they fell asleep like that.


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