Extra Wide Receiver [COM]

Story by Darknevoir on SoFurry

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#19 of Commissions

Alright, back to your regularly scheduled commissions! This one's for YorkTheOrca who wanted his character Juno to get the help that he needs in his class, not realizing just how much it'll aid him out on the football field as well~

4048 words

Chris - Darknevoir

Juno and commissioner - YorkTheOrcaORIGINAL POST

Juno sighed as he tentatively stepped into the hallway that led to the faculty offices. His hands fumbled with the binder that he brought along with him, containing everything he'd learned in class up until that point. He felt foolish - not once in all his years of schooling did he need outside help with his studies, yet now, when he needed to be on top of his game the most, he's having trouble.

The black-and-white orca was a football player for the school - a defenseman, to be exact. He'd gotten a hefty scholarship to attend this college in particular, so he accepted enthusiastically. Even if he didn't really discuss it much with other people, it was really obvious that he played that sport in particular if one were to look at him.

Juno was jacked, absolutely built like he could mow down anyone on the field, which he did with aplomb. The combination of his protruding chest and his mountainous back gave him the appearance of someone who lived in the gym full time, which would be highly inaccurate if one knew his academic schedule. His arms themselves were strong enough to keep multiple attackers off his teammates without difficulty, while his legs - actually wider than some people's waists - kept him planted to the spot so as to not be pushed over. The only problem now was that his skills on the field couldn't help him in the classroom.

He shuffled through the science wing, reading the names of all the professors in his head in an attempt to pick out the one that he was looking for. Truth be told he forgot where exactly the room was located, so he had to go through all of them until he found the one that he wanted.

Finally, Juno spied the sign for the chemistry department. The whale felt the tension in his shoulders relax upon seeing the placard on the wall. Following the hallway around the corner - his braided, white ponytail whipping around as he did so - he scanned the names on the signboard until, eventually, he located the name of his biochemistry professor. "Oh thank fuck, I found him."

Two quick raps on the closed door was all he was able to give before he heard a voice from the other side cheerfully call him in. He turned the handle to open the door, gulping as he did so. Steeling his nerves, Juno pushed the door open and was greeted with a room that was oddly half-office and half-lab. He figured that this is where his professor worked on the most personal of projects, whatever they may be.

Speaking of which, his teacher was quite the looker himself. While not anywhere near as big as the orca, the gray-and-white-furred wolf was pretty handsome in his own right. It was obvious that the good doctor didn't spend his time in the gym, yet that didn't stop him from looking downright toned if given the right clothes to wear. He'd certainly gotten the whale's attention before, especially on the first day of the semester!

Juno shut the door behind him, still a bit nervous about the whole thing. "Hey, I, um... had something I wanted to go over."

The wolf, hunched down over the counter and reviewing some of his notes, turned his head to look at the student, his long tuft of hair the left side of his glasses. "Oh, Juno. What a surprise! What can I help you with?" The canine warmly smiled, his left eye hidden behind his hair.

"O-Oh, sir, I-" Juno stammered, but was interrupted.

"Please, it's after hours." The professor chuckled, placing his hand on his student's broad shoulder. "'Chris' is fine here."

Juno felt his face burn a slight red at how cordial his teacher was. "O-Okay, I'll remember that."

"Good." Chris nodded. "Now, what seems to be the problem?"

In an instant, Juno's eyes bulged out wide, realizing that he'd come here for a specific reason. "Right!" He fumbled his binder until he got a good grasp on it and placed it down on the countertop, though he stopped and sighed dejectedly. "Man, I'm struggling. My scholarship says that I need to keep my grades up - which I have been doing so far - but this class is just kicking my ass for some reason."

"Ah, don't worry about it." Chris dismissed the concern with a wave of his hand. "It's still early enough in the semester to make up your mark."

Juno rubbed the back of his bull neck. "Yeah, I know that. I just still want to understand this stuff, you know?"

"That's good! I like to hear that." Chris beamed, happy that someone was taking his course seriously. "So, what do you have for me?"

Juno flipped his attention back to his binder. It took a second to find the relevant material. "Okay, I haven't taken any chemistry before this, so I'm having problems understanding the whole 'molecular bonding' thing." He pointed at his notes, a bit embarrassed by how scrawled they looked upon a second viewing. "It's just kinda flying over my head."

"Gotcha." Chris rested his mouth on his clasped-together hands, thinking of how best to explain this to the brawny whale. "I will say that this material isn't all that tricky to comprehend. The most important thing to comprehend is which elements can donate an electron and which can receive one." His gaze flicked over to meet the student's. "Do you understand what a 'donor' and 'receiver' are?"

Trying to collect his thoughts, Juno looked away momentarily before meeting his professor eye-to-eye again. "Uh, yeah, I think I have that down. What I don't get is why some molecules form over others when elements are thrown together."

"Oh, It all has to do with chemical attraction. If both a donor and receiver element form a strong bond when paired together, then they'll connect to each other over every other element present." It was only then that a particular idea ran through Chris' head. It might've been only a month since starting the semester, but he had a hunch that the orca might actually be into him. His student hadn't been all that subtle about it, which is what clued him in right away. If the aspiring defenseman really was captivated with him, why not give the whale a demonstration that he'd never forget? "Perhaps you need a visual aid."

Juno couldn't believe how well this was going! For the first time in this class he felt like he had a shot of grasping the material, though it sort of made him want to kick himself for even waiting this long to get help. Those thoughts all got shoved to the back of his mind when he saw the athletic wolf begin to strip out of his attire - it was a daydream that he'd had plenty of times in the past, only he didn't think that it would ever play out in the real world. "Uh, professor?!"

Chris gave the student a playful, almost impish, grin as he successfully shucked his T-shirt off. "Oh come on, Juno, I've seen you staring at me before." His laugh boomed across the room. "You're not slick."

All the colour in Juno's face drained when he heard those words. He was utterly mortified that his secret was blown wide open, but at the same time he realized that the canine legitimately had no issue with it. "Why are you doing this?"

"Well," Chris slid his hands around the elastic waistband of his pants and shucked them off, leaving him clad solely in his glasses and a forest green speedo, "I see people like you have difficulty with the content, so I figured that this might help you better understand it." He could see that the whale was definitely interested in his physique. He wasn't anywhere near the level of muscularity that a football player would be, but he was certainly bigger than a runner. It might make one think that he actually did spend time in a gym.

The sight assuredly enraptured Juno, his prodigious horsecock slithering to life down one of the pant legs of his sweats. The only problem was that it raised further questions in his mind. "Wait, why are you doing this for me then?"

"Because you're at least trying." Chris stated matter-of-factly. "Too many people just put in minimal effort and skate by so that they can move onto the next course. I'm more than thrilled to see you struggling and failing than not caring at all." With that, he moved over to a glass-doored cabinet and plucked one of the vials from its resting spot, his packaged package swinging in the air.

None of this was making sense to Juno, who was just standing there with the hardest boner he'd had in a good, long while. "What's that for?"

The question prompted a mischievous smirk to contort Chris' face. "Oh, I think you're gonna love this." He effortlessly popped the rubber stopper out of the top of the tube, brought it to his lips, and emptied the contents into his mouth. He sighed contentedly after ingesting the liquid, placing the vial on the countertop when he was done.

"Love? What am I gonna love?" Juno's breathing quickened in pace, blood pumping through his system even though there were so many unknowns in this scenario.

Chris wryly grinned. "I've heard about your interests from other professors when I fooled around with them last week."

Juno's eyes grew as wide as saucers when he heard that. "Wait, you guys fuck each other?!"

Chris could only laugh at the surprised nature of the black-and-white whale as he stepped closer to the football player. "Of course! It's not like we were going to tell the students about it, we don't want you guys knowing." Chris narrowed his eyes at the orca. "That bit of information stays between us, understand?"

"Absolutely." Juno's attention was firmly on the older wolf in front of him, his heart beating a mile a minute.

Suddenly, Chris' arm abruptly twitched, startling him. "Oh, faster than I anticipated!" He saw that the student's eyes were staring right at his arm, but he knew that the beefcake couldn't guess what would be happening next. As if on cue, his arm swiftly beefed up as if drawing energy from thin air, sinewy brawn piling onto his limb rapidly. He chuckled when he saw the whale's jaw drop, giving a flex to the gawking student. "Ah, how I missed this."

"You missed this? You meant you've done this before?!" Juno was utterly confused by his professor's words.

Chris could only let out a lighthearted chuckle at the orca's amazement. "Oh yeah, dozens of times! It's how I'm able to look the way that I do without stepping foot in a gym." The growth spread across his chest, plumping out those pectorals with hundreds of pounds of dense musculature, before making his other arm match the first. "Quite a few of my colleagues have also partaken in these sera. Your calculus prof is especially into it."

"The mole?!" Juno began to feel like he was dreaming, but this was all very real and actually happening. "He doesn't seem like he's interested in anything."

"That man knows how to fuck." Chris' stature widened in sync with the rest of his upper body, his traps rising up to tickle his ears. Predictably to him, but completely unheard of to his student, his abs were the next target to be developed, doming out into a tortoise shell of a gut. It looked far rounder than what one might find on a professional bodybuilder, but it was entirely packed with bulk.

For the first time in a long time, Juno was feeling rather small. He was at the peak of what he thought was physical perfection, but here was his nerdy teacher completely outclassing him totally effortlessly. Preseed began to ooze from the tip of his cock not only because of the hefty visage of the wolf, but also due to the masculine scent wafting from the professor's increasingly hairy torso.

Chris sighed happily as the fluffy treasure trail that he'd gotten so accustomed to sprouted down his front, from his deep pec crevice to the base of his dick. It heralded the expansion of his lower half, starting with his quadriceps. Each group of four muscles swelled up in an instant, beginning to push against each other and taking up most, if not all, of the space between his legs. His calves followed suit, bulging out into the perfect teardrop shape that bodybuilders everywhere dreamt of having. Finally, there was his ass, which ballooned outward into twin dimpled cheeks of globular muscle. Like he'd said so many times before in class, one cannot be considered strong at something if they don't have a solid foundation.

Juno's face was stark white like he'd just seen a ghost. He'd spent many nights dreaming of this exact possibility, and right now he couldn't be more excited. His flared prick throbbed at the sight of the colossal canine, wishing that that could've been him.

Chris gave off a wry grin, almost devilish in nature. "I can see that you approve."

Juno gulped, now grasping how much the situation had flipped on its head. On one hand his biggest sexual fantasy was coming true, but on the other he still needed help with his studies. "Um, so how does this help me exactly?" He couldn't prevent the stain from his pre showing through his sweatpants.

"Oh, that's easy." Chris chortled. "Two elements can only form a bond when there's a strong enough attraction between them. I'll demonstrate." With great ease, he grabbed a hold of the massive defenceman and hoisted him in the air, pressing the whale against his thick body. He pushed the student's lips against his own, making the both of them melt in a loving embrace that the two were passionately forcing themselves into. As much as the pair of them wanted to continue, there was a method to the professor's madness, and he had to end the make-out session. "Tell me, are you attracted to me?"

"God, yes!" Juno huffed, his chub now tenting his sweats, nearly ripping them off entirely.

"Good." Chris cooed. He smirked at the orca - who didn't know the reason why - before putting the burly student back on the ground. All of a sudden there was a creak of fabric, which was what he was waiting for.

Juno watched in awe as the speedo that normally enclosed his professor's junk without difficulty now struggled to contain the burgeoning fuckmeat held within. The pole bloated with every heartbeat until its turgid state sheared right through the undergarment, rendering it into little shreds that fell unceremoniously upon the ground.

"Now," Chris clasped his hands together, "since we've discovered that there's an attraction between us, we now need to establish which role each of us will play. Luckily for you, I have a hefty donation ready to go." He heaved up his monolithic pillar with one hand, the cockflesh throbbing due to the veins snaking down the shaft. "Do you wish to receive it?"

"Yes!" Juno blurted out involuntarily, blushing profusely when he realized.

The football player's eagerness elicited a mirthful chuckle from Chris. "Excellent. Do be warned, though - this is gonna put some meat on your bones."

Juno froze; he basically understood everything up to that point in time, but that in particular didn't make sense no matter what way he thought of it. "W-What do you mean?"

"Oh, the serum that I took has two effects. The first," Chris gestured all along his behemothian body with his free hand, "is obvious. The second is that I can do the same thing to the first person that I fuck."

"Wait, why?" Yet more precum drooled from the tip of Juno's horsecock. The idea of getting even bigger than he was now made him feel weak in the knees.

"Like I said before, the faculty has freaky sex parties." Chris explained with a wave of his hand. "You'd be surprised at how natural this kind of size comes to people. Of course, we wanted a bit more of an exciting way to administer the growth, so I got hard at work crafting a formula to do just that." He snickered. "Trust me, I'm a master of my craft." With his explanation out of the way, he grabbed the whale's hand. "Do you trust me?"

Without even thinking about it, Juno answered. "Yes."

"Good." Chris had to physically restrain himself from just stroking himself to climax at the thought of boning the biggest student that he'd ever had. "Then I'm going to need you to strip and turn around."

With gusto, Juno did just that, disrobing himself in record time and showing off his gorgeous body to the wolf. He was truly a specimen to behold, the star player on his team despite not being in an offensive role. His muscles glistened in the artificial light because of the sweat that dripped down his steamy flesh. His chest heaved with every breath, anticipation raced through his body and caused every single one of his muscles to tense up. He wanted this - he was ready.

Chris lovingly manhandled the student, feeling up the leviathan orca as the football player faced away from him and placed his hands on the wall. He wanted to give the whale the dicking of a lifetime, but he also wanted to make this pleasurable for the both of them. "Believe me when I tell you that I'm extraordinarily potent." He affectionately whispered into his student's ear. "Let's just say that, while you may not play wide receiver on the field, you'll certainly be a wide receiver when I'm through with you."

A glob of hot orca pre was shot at the wall after hearing that, with Juno already groaning in suspenseful expectation of what's about to come. "Please, do that. Make me huge."

Chris kissed up along the whale's comparatively smaller, but still admittedly impressive, traps. "Gladly. He grabbed a hold of the defenceman's pert rear with both hands and parted the muscled cheeks, giving them a firm squeeze in the process. Now with them separated, he was easily able to slide his prodigious pupmaker between them, lubing up the orca's pucker with copious amounts of preseed.

Juno moaned out loud when he felt the glazing that he was getting at his rear entrance. Words got caught in his throat, yet what little vocalizations he managed to throw out perfectly encapsulated his true feelings.

It took a little bit, but Chris eventually felt like he'd lubricated the area enough. Calling upon the hundreds of times that he'd boned guys before, he lined up the tip of his cock with the younger man's hole and plunged in, really getting a feel for how tight the orca's innards were.

The sudden intrusion got Juno to gasp; it was only then that he realized just how big his professor actually was. It took all of his might to keep his limbs from buckling then and there. He grit his teeth as that fat log of canine fuckmeat got stuffed up his anal cavity, but he was thankful that he could take it in its entirety without it hurting. He was the strongest student on campus for a reason.

Now balls deep in the younger man, Chris let go of his held breath and began to pull out, coaxing yet another moan from the needy whale. Once nearly removed, he then sunk his length back in, making his pelvis flush with the defenceman's flexing ass cheeks. He quickly built up a pace, slamming his cock into his lover's tailhole.

Juno grunted as he got pounded like no other time in his life. His ponytail had been inadvertently draped over his pectoral, jumping with every hump that he received. It was very rare that he was the one taking it up the ass, but if he could guarantee that every fuck would be like this then he'd totally do it more often.

Completely in the zone, Chris held the orca's tail in his grasp and pressed it against that black-skinned back. He was relentless in his pistoning, but it was in the most caring manner that he could muster. The way that the student's asshole massaged his fat shaft meant that he wasn't about to last very long, but he was still going to try and hold off for as long as he could. He kept a constant motion going, thrusting as hard as he could into the enthusiastic football player, their balls slapping against each other each time. That was actually his undoing as each contact caused his massive cum tanks to roil even faster, cutting the time of release to pieces. His breathing became staggered as he tried in vain to hold out, but he couldn't anymore. With a mighty cry he let his balls pull up to his crotch, geysering his virile seed into the other man.

The flooding of his bowels caused a chain reaction in Juno, bursting his dam and sending white hot cum pouring out of his cock. He'd love to just stand there and soak in his afterglow, but an unexpected warmth began to spread throughout his body. Like his teacher before him, his arms seized up, only to suddenly bulge out with strength that he'd never possessed before, more than doubling in size. This was the catalyst that made the rest of his body join in on the action.

His traps followed next, thickening with dense muscle until they completely swallowed his neck. His pectorals protruded out nearly a foot further than they did before, once again becoming the largest muscles on his frame. He looked down to see what was going on, only to become aware of how little room his muzzle had to move now. It was shoved right in between his pecs!

In order to allow for more heft to pile onto his body, his shoulders had to widen themselves, growing comparable to the largest of boulders. Wanting to compete, his lats also bulged out, giving him a wingspan that would make birds jealous. One could almost land a plane on them with the amount of surface area that they had. His abs also joined the party, thickening into cobblestones that accentuated the path up his torso. His abdomen wasn't nearly as large as the wolf's was, but it was still incredibly densely packed.

Then there was his lower half, which mimicked the canine's to a T. His quads surged outwards in all directions, now challenging his growing junk for the space between his legs. He snickered, thinking that even redwoods couldn't contest him now. His calves firmed up into bulky, diamond-hard slabs, while his ass cheeks - now achingly empty of the canine's turgid fuckstick - bloated into croissant-shaped globes of beef.

Juno stood there for what felt like no time at all, and yet he'd just put on hundreds of pounds of immaculately stacked muscle like it was nothing. It was amazing! It was everything that he'd ever wanted! It was almost too much for him to handle.

Chris saw the orca's newly embiggened limbs start to buckle, so he quickly shot out a hand to keep him upright. It took a moment for the student to regain his bearings, but once that happened it was like he'd been this big for years. "So, do you understand the material a little better now?"

Juno chuckled as he inspected himself all over, marvelling at the wolf's handiwork. "Surprisingly, I actually do." No doubt he'd have to walk through doorways sideways now, though even then he might have trouble.

"I will require you to come back several more times to make sure that my teaching methods stick. I'm sure you won't mind." Chris draped his arms around his student's wider traps, pulling him in close again.

"Not at all." Juno grinned, feeling like the luckiest man in the world. The pair had to reposition themselves slightly, but they were both able to melt into another kiss. Coming for extra help didn't seem so bad after all.