Are snake really vore proof

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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Are Snake really vore Proof

Kaa and Nala, lion king is own by Disney

Sin is own by me

Warning contains Hypnotising, vore , death ,suggestive digestion

snake vs lion

At top of pride rock

Sin sat down next to Nala purring happily,as Nala licked his fur. Nala was purring as well as she rub agents her one kid mate mane.

" So love you got anything plan today " Nala asked skin looking and the striped fur lion.

" Probably heading to the Jungle to waterfall for a man rest." Sin joked ,to his mate.


Nala laughed pushing Sin to the ground, as she stood above him. Nala then begin to purr nuzzling sin muzzle as they sheared the love for each other.

" Ok Sin ,love I taking the cub on the first hunt. Anything you would like " Nala asked him, as she was purring into his ears.

" Maybe Zebra" Sin asked Nala licking his lips.

" Ok we see ,what can we do,see you latter my love" Nala purred ,as she got off.

An the head to catch the cubs,for the hunt. As sin watch on,looking at her sexily ass.

In the Jungle

As Sin walked threw the Jungle, his belly was rubbing hungry. As he then walked over the pool to drink the refreshing water. As Sin begin to lap up the cold water ,but didn't notice he was being stalked by someone.

Sunderily, Sin had herd a noise,he turned around to find the cause of the sound. But there was no one in sight. As Sin went to take a drink something then sprang in front of him.

Causing Sin to jump back in surprise, as a long sliving snake appear above him.

" Why are you sooooo sscard,it your only friendly Kaa the snake." Kaa hissed in his voice .

As Sin was about to say something , Kaa eyes begin to do the Hypnotising technique on Sin. Which was slowly taking it effect of Sin,as he be came a mindless slave,at prey to Kaa.

" Know my prey , are you listening" Kaa said ,in his hissing tone.

" Yes" Sin said mindless.

" Good ,know realise,and enjoy your ride" Kaa chucked deeply.

Kaa unhinge his jaw ,and was about to place it over Sin face to start voring him. When Sin moved, his head bagging Kaa into the tree ,and falling of Sin and to the ground with a thump.

" That hurt" Kaa whimper rubbing his head with tip of his body.

As he look up thinking ,Sin would still be under his control. But as he looked up, he saw to seed 2 pair of raging silver feline eyes. As Sin rage rain down on Kaa ,as the snake move back in fear.

" Cant you take, a joke" Kaa said chuckling scared,as he try to get away.

Kaa thought he got away but ,felt a paw slamming down on his body. Making him scream in pain.

Sin mange to pick up Kaa in his paw dragging him over to his face..

" So Dude I ,an guess what? I also need a meal" Sin purred evil licking his lips.

As Sin open his jaw showing Kaa were he was going.

" Noooo" Kaa screamed hissing ,trying to get out Sin grip.

But with no luck, as Sin pushed kaa head into his wet mouth sucking on it.

" Muuuuuu , tasty" Sin purred at his snack meal.

Kaa screamed for help in Sin mouth but was muted, as Sin moved his head up and started to gulp the snake to his new home.

Sin purred,as felt Kaa snake body,sliver down ,Sin neck. Making a nice bulged in sin neck,as Kaa went down his body to his stomach.

It wasn't taking long to suck ,Kaa down because of his thin body. Sin purred feeling the rest ,of kaa after 3 large gulps ,Kaa tip dispersed down into Sin mouth and down to it new home.

"Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp" Sin let out a larch belch,rubbing his bigger stomach.

Of know filled Kaa snake body ,as he felt sound of his stomach digesting it snake meal.

" Ahhhh it burn" Kaa hissed in pain , as Sin stomach acid was over the snake , burning and digesting him alive.

Sin purred licking his paw ,looking down at his wiggling stomach.

" I guess Snake are not always pred in vore ,hey kaa" Sin laughed to himself.