Easter Ritual (2004)

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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Easter Ritual

by Skipai

The following story is copyrighted to the author above. This story contains sexual acts. If you are not of the age to read such or are against such then please stop now.


Authors Note : Ever wondered about those chocolate bunnies you get during Easter? Well, this is how this was brought about, it happened such a long time ago that the tale had changed when it was passed from mouth to mouth. However, for the records it was time to set the record straight. This is what really happened......


Huge blue smoke billowed up into the dark night air, the stars shining brightly under the full moon. A raging fire leapt and danced into the air in the middle of a clearing, to the left of the fire, away from the heat was a stone table, empty and bare. A lot of rabbits, white furred were dancing around the flames, most of them had their faces and bodies dyed in coloured inks. Each one was chanting to the sound of the drum, that kept on getting faster and faster.

Suddenly the drum beating stopped and the whole group of rabbits dancing about the fire, went still and turned their heads to where the stone table was. A large white buck came out from the shadows and looked around for a moment. Clearing his voice he spoke as he held onto his wooden shaft. "You know why we are here today. We are here to appease our gods to celebrate life in the new season."

A whole chorus roared in reply. "We're here to celebrate life! Life that our gods have given us!"

The old buck smiled and nodded his head before turning around. "Then bring this season's volunteer to us, step forward, oh brave one."

Coming out from the shadows, was a young adult male rabbit who had passed the age of adulthood. Blinking his eyes, he looked about at his fellow tribe members and smiled. The old buck came forward and placed his paw on top of the rabbit's head. "Fearil, you have passed into the darkness and our ready to be initiated into adulthood. You are this years Easter bunny for our tribe."

Fearil nodded his head, he knew he had passed into adulthood a month ago but wasn't allowed to have the same rights as an adult until he passed this ceremony. Tonight was his turn and he replied back. "I am ready."

The old buck turned around and cried out. "Then let it be known that Fearil here is ready for the ceremony." He looked about at the others. "Please sit down and enjoy, but remember, no moving until the said ceremony is over." He waved his stick in the air above his head. "Those who are already mated please go to the left side. Those who are not, please go to the right side."

Slowly the rabbits began to separate into two groups, the fire roaring between them and allowing the stone table to be basked in its glory. Turning around to face Fearil he opened his arms with the stick held in his right paw. "Then step forward, brave one. Your fate awaits you!"

As Fearil stepped forward with his first step, the sound of the drum rang out into the night air. Following each of his steps, the drum rang out into the night air, echoing into the distance. Fearil placed his hand onto the cool slab of stone and began to climb on top of it.

The whole group watched as Fearil stood up on top of the table with his arms and legs wide, displaying his full nudity to the whole group, turning around slowly to show off his firm buttock, the small fluffy white tail, the strong powerful legs and large foot paws. He had no markings on him at all with his whole body fur pure white. Turning back to face the rest of the clan again he smiled and knelt down. Slowly his head turned to face the group that had already been mated and he called out.

"Tonight I join you for this is what I had always wanted." Slowly he turned to the other group and smiled. "Fate will choose who will be sharing their lives with me." Moving his head to the old rabbit again he nodded his head and began to lie down onto his back, staring out to the stars above. With the bright moon shining down onto him, making his fur shine.

Moving up to the slab, the old rabbit looked down at the naked rabbit and placed his stick to the side. Moving around to where the head was, he placed his thin paw fingers onto the head of the younger buck and closed his eyes. Chanting a few unheard words, the fingers moved across the young rabbits head, feeling over the closed eyes, the temple, the nose and whiskers. Probing inside of the rabbits mouth gently, before moving up to where the long soft ears where.

Fearil stayed perfectly still as he felt the paws move over his head and neck, his whiskers twitched as he felt the warm paw pads running over his cheek fur gently then pressed against his cheeks before calling out. "This young rabbit is ready, Fearil born of this season many moons ago wishes to claim his adulthood. Does anyone hear have any reason why this young buck should not claim his right?"

The old buck looked about with his wearily eyes and saw no one move. Slowly he looked up to the sky and saw that the moon had not moved behind a cloud to show it's displeasure of such a statement and he smiled. Lowering his head down he looked at the young buck and whispered. "The gods are pleased. Tonight you are to be mated under our customs." Moving his head up again, he let go of Fearil's head and cried out with his arms outstretched. "Then let it be known that the ceremony of Fearil's is to continue in our records." The sound of the drums rang out into the night air.

The old buck moved to the side as the drums continued to boom away, his right paw leant over and ran all the way along the fine chest of the younger buck and smiled to himself as he continued to talk. "Fearil is on his way to becoming a recognised adult. His age has long since reached that, but he has yet to go through the rituals of mate ship to make his adulthood complete." As he continued to talk, the old rabbit's paw slipped over the lower belly of the rabbit lying on the stone slab and carefully ran his thin fingers over the soft fur of the sheath.

Fearil shuddered slightly, his eyes still closed over as he felt for the first time someone touching his sheath. Letting out a small gasp, the old buck smiled. Slowly he cupped the ball sac in his paw and gently rolled the balls about inside, feeling them firm and soft, full of Fearil's seed. Letting go, he padded back to where Fearil's head was and stood there for a moment, in silence. The drums stopped beating and he spoke. "As I am the oldest here in this clan, it is my right and duty to mark his start in his new life." Looking up to the night sky and the full moon, he called out. "Here Fearil will get wisdom, luck and love from his chief."

Fearil lay there, perfectly still, his paws resting on the cold slab of stone beside his body as he sniffed the air and smelled the musky scent of the old rabbit who had dropped his arms and took hold of his hanging rabbit cock, pre dripping from it's head and fell onto Fearil's temple. Each drop glistened in the moonlight, which was a good sign to the old rabbit, as his white fingers caressed his throbbing red cock and slowly he began to stroke his length up and down. Slowly inch by inch he lets his hips forwards until his thighs were resting on the edge of the stone slab and groaned.

The rest of the group watched as the first drum beat sounded in the air, beating in tune to the old rabbits stroking. Most of them squirmed slightly as they felt their arousal forming up, the females licked their lips slightly, the males were showing off their impressive hard throbbing red cocks, but yet they did not move as they were not allowed to relieve themselves at this time. All but two rabbits didn't get excited and continued to not watch the old rabbit pawing off, but continued to stare at the young rabbit lying there on the slab, their faces in complete concentration.

The old rabbit continued to stroke at his member, pre cum dripping down onto the white forehead of Fearil, rolling down the sides, some flowing onto one of the rabbits ears. With the sound of the drum, the stench of a lot of excited rabbits filled the air with the smoke from the fire, the old rabbit quickened his pace. The sound of the drums continued to match his speed until it was just a continuous noise.

Then suddenly the old rabbit lifted his head up and the sound of the drums grew louder and louder until the old rabbit cried out in pleasure as the first thick ropes of his seed sprang out to drop over the lower body of Fearil, moving along in a line up along his chest, neck and over his mouth, nose and head before spurting out again to repeat the process. Fearil slowly fell into a trance, his eyes continued to remain closed, breathing softly as more warm rabbit cum splattered against his body. Eventually the old rabbit puffed and taking hold of Fearil's head, wrapped it around his cock and cleaned it.

Once finished, the old rabbit turned around and spoke out. "He has taken the first step." The sound of the drums rang out five times into the night air as he turned to face the virgins and spoke out. "Those of you who did not get excited, please stand up now."

A buck named Kroi and a doe named Fae stood up. The buck's cock was limp, hanging there and had not moved an inch. The female was calm and her pussy was still dry and hadn't shown it's bright pink lips of excitement. The old buck smiled and motioned for the two to come near. Speaking out to the rest of the group he opened his arms and pointed one to the moon. "You had not been chosen for tonight, therefore you cannot stay to watch the remaining rituals take place. Therefore I must ask you to leave. Go to your homes and sleep. Do not anger the gods and mate, even with your own paw. Maybe tomorrow you will be chosen by the gods above. Leave now."

The sound of the drums rang out slowly as the crowd got up and solemnly walked away into the darkness, leaving the two rabbits standing near to the old rabbit and the other group that watched intently who were already mated. Turning to face them, he called out. "Do you agree in what the gods have chosen with this buck." Placing his paw on the buck's shoulder. "And this doe." He placed his other paw onto the shoulder of the doe. "These two will be mated to Fearil, the dominant partner in this three way relationship. Fae will carry Fearil's offspring while Kroi here will keep Fearil happy while his doe is carrying and tending to her offspring that she will carry from now on."

The whole crowd nodded their heads and spoke out at once. "We agree to our god. They are wise and chosen well." The drums rang out again and the old rabbit nodded his head. Turning around he spoke out to Fearil. "Then rise, Fearil. Rise and go bathe yourself in the ritual bath. Your time has come, the gods have fore spoken. It is time for you to mate with your chosen ones."

Fearil sat up, his eyes still closed as the rabbit cum rolled down his face, dripping off his whiskers and turned around, placing both foot paws onto the ground. Standing up, he got up and walked towards the fire. Two large hares moved to place a large bowl near to the flames and stood there waiting for Fearil go reach them. Slowly he passed the old buck and the two virgin rabbits, moving alongside the group sitting down on the ground.

Reaching the two large hares, Fearil stopped where he was and lifted his arms to the side. Moving silently as the drums rolled out across the night sky, the two large rabbits lifted Fearil up above their heads. The heat from the fire began to dry out the rabbit cum that had splattered onto the rabbit before and slowly they lowered the young rabbit down into the pot, filled up with melted chocolate. Carefully they continued to lower the rabbit down as the chocolate passed along his legs, over his furry sac and sheath. Carefully it moved up along his belly and chest as the rabbit continued to sink into the deep pot until they pushed the rabbit completely under, his ears disappearing under the dark brown liquid.

As this was happening, the old rabbit smiled and took the paw of the doe and walked with her to the stone slab. Helping her up, he made he lie down onto her back and smiled down at her. "The gods are happy with you, my dear. For tonight you will begin to bear children and become one of the sacred to carry life." Moving his head to the two large hares, he nodded slowly.

Fearil was lifted out of the pot of chocolate, dripping from head to toe in the brown sloppy mess. Carefully the two large hares carried the buck over to the stone slab and carefully they lowered him down on top of the doe, chocolate dripping down from his body onto hers, streams of brown liquid rolled over her face, her subtle nipples, the fine thin lower body. Fearil came out of his trance and opened his eyes to look down at the blue eyed down. Slowly he felt a stirring coming down from below as Fae reached up and ran a paw through his soaked cheek fur and lent up to kiss him on the muzzle gently.

The old rabbit walked away back to the other buck and stood behind him. Slipping his arms around the young bucks sides, the old buck began to caress at the chest, his slim paws ran over each and every outline, rubbing the nipples and lowered his head to one side and whispered into his ear. "As for you, you're job is to always please him, keep his sexual appetite down so he doesn't damage the new children."

Kroi nodded his head as he leant back into the old rabbit, watching as Fearil's cock slipped out of it's sheath, bright red and throbbing with precum, chocolate dripping down onto the member and rolling off at the sides. "I understand." He said back softly. "He is my mate. I am there to do his bidding." The old rabbit smiled and gave the young adult buck a kiss on the cheek.

"It will nearly be your time to act. Do not be afraid, the gods have chosen you for this task." As he speaks softly into the ear of the buck the rest of the crowd watch intently to what is happening, the drums rolling about across the night sky, the bright moon shining down while the crackling of fire fills the air with it's smoke. Moving his paws downward, the old rabbit ran his fingers over the hips and smiled softly, until he cupped Kroi's balls in one hand and there he stayed and watched, whispering into Kroi's ear again. "Now watch as your master enters his mate."

Fae, tensed up slightly as she licked at the chocolate around Fearil's face, her need rising as her virginal sparkled wetly and hot, showing off her bright pink lips. Slowly, Fearil lowered his body, aiming his large throbbing red cock to slip against the opening of the doe and with a moan from both of them, he felt his member begin to slip inside the folds and shuddered. Fae tensed up as she felt her virginity slip away, closing her eyes for a moment as the moment came and felt the cock slipping further inside her, opening her up as she felt herself being stretched with such a hot member. Slowly bit by bit, the buck slipped his entire length all the way down until he felt her breasts pushing against his chest.

Fae shuddered as she felt the thick member rub against her clitoris and tensed up, making the buck moan in pleasure as he pulled out slowly and then began to fuck her slowly, his hips moving forwards and backwards, each time his hips went forwards, the drums would sound.

The old rabbit smiled as he kept hold of Kroi in his arms and smiled. "See, the mating ritual has begun." His other paw had traced along the side of the bucks hips and carefully mad to caress at the buck's sheath, the fingers slowly tracing over the edge, making the buck thrust slightly, the precum shimmering as his cock began to slide out effortlessly. Moving his paw upwards against the grain of the sheath fur, the paw finally found the throbbing red cock and wrapped his fingers around it. "It is time for you to learn the ways of the male." He said softly, gripping the cock with his paw and slowly pushed the buck downwards slightly.

Kroi moved his body forwards and felt the old rabbit move his paw from the ball sac and went to caress the back of the buck's firm buttock. Slowly and with care, he took his own hardening cock again and placed it against the tail hole and pushed slowly in. Kroi tensed up, clenching his teeth as he felt the member slip inside of him, spreading his tail hole muscles until he was fully impaled by the older rabbit. Pulling Kroi back up to standing again, the old rabbit whispered into his ear. "You have to learn what it feels like before you can take him as he fucks her time and time again." The old rabbit began to thrust his hips into the younger adult as his paw stroked at the throbbing cock. Kroi's eyes continued to watch the chocolate soaked rabbit moving his hips up and down into the doe's sex.

All around the whole area smelled of sex, the bucks were getting even more horny, the females were licking their lips, waiting for the time that they do would be able to quench their own arousers as they continued to watch the first mating of Fae and Fearil or they were watching the old rabbit prepare Kroi for his role, they knew that they be able to release their tension soon and their arousal grew with each passing second.

Fae shuddered as she felt the buck hump her hard and fast now, his need increasing with each passing second. With an overwhelming sensation racing through her entire body, Fae climaxed, her sex clamping down onto the bucks penis. Milking it for everything that it could give it. Fearil shuddered and couldn't take anymore as he thrusted deep inside and felt his climax spurt his sperm deep into the doe with thick white ropes. Both had their eyes closed and showed clench teeth as they both came for the very first time in their lives.

Kroi shuddered and arched his hips forwards, feeling the old buck behind him spurt his own sperm deep into the buck that he was thrusting into. With a thickening of his member, Kroi gritted his teeth and spurted out his cum into the night air. Panting heavily, the old rabbit continued to milk the adult rabbit until he was well spent and slowly pulled out, leaving thick cum streaks hanging in the night air as he does so. "Go." He said. "Go and do what you are meant to do."

Kroi shuddered as he felt the old rabbit pull out his thick cock and nodded. Walking forwards, the feel of the cum dripping down his ball sac and legs felt cold in the night air. Fearil had begun again to hump into Fae's sex for the second time, his need coming back to send more of his sperm deep inside her. The smell of their sex excited Kroi as he padded past the slab to get to where he would see Fearil's behind, moving backwards and forwards, pushing his member into the doe.

Pulling himself up onto the slab, Kroi took hold of Fearil's behind with his paws and moved into position, the other buck had risen his tail up to show off his pink tail hole, the ball sac swinging backwards and forwards as he continued to mate with his doe. Licking his lips, Kroi took hold off his throbbing hard cock, slick from his own cum and moved forwards until the tip of the head pressed against the other rabbits tail hole.

The old rabbit walked to the slab and picked up his staff again and nodded to Kroi who pushed forwards, his cock beginning to spread open the tail hole muscles, making Fearil squirm and tense up. Slowly but surely in between keeping up with Fearil's thrusts, the other male slowly began to penetrate deeper and deeper into the rear. The old rabbit walked around to the other side of the table and looked at the excited group and smiled, he knew that they wanted to do what had been going on for a while and since it was so close for them to do so, he could smell their excitement. He could smell the sex going on behind him and it kept his cock from going down.

Fea shuddered again as she climaxed for the second time, her sex clamping down onto Fearil's cock who continued to thrust into the squeezing tunnel of muscle. Kroi pushed his entire length deep into the buck and began to thrust in and out of the tight anus, gripping onto the chocolate covered backside as both bucks thrusted backwards and forwards, the doe lolling her head back as she climaxed again for the third time, sending Fearil over the edge as he came again, eyes closed and teeth bared. He thrusted deeply as he filled her up again with his seed.

Kroi shuddered to the new sensation as Fearil's rear clenched down tightly against his member and he climaxed, filling up the intestine walls with his own cum, spurting out as it pushed itself to go deeper into Fearil. The crowd looked and watched, the ceremony had been completed as all eyes turned to the old rabbit who smiled but didn't move.

He watched all of them squirm and grinned wider. Holding up the staff about his head in both paws, he called out. "They have mated under the eyes of our gods, they are no mated, and you have all witnessed it yourself." The three rabbits continued to mate again behind the old rabbit. "The time has passed for you to stay still. Love your partners, rejoice in your love and companionship." He looked to the sky and the full moon. "Show your gods how grateful you are until they go down and get replaced by the sun."

The sound of the drums continued throughout the night, every rabbit continued to mate or have sex in whatever way they felt like doing at the time, some of the females were heavy with new children soon to be born and the males mated each other, some of the females friends fingered each other as they watched in the firelight. The old rabbit, finished for the night, padded away into the darkness......


That is the tale of the Easter bunny and how it all started. Remember this tale when you are given a chocolate bunny during Easter and remember the ritual that this race did each and every year under the full moon. Treasure your chocolate bunny and consume it in remembrance on their ways.