The Bonding (2008)

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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The Bonding

by Skipai

The following story is copyrighted to the above author. This story contains gay sexual acts. If you are not of the age to read such or against said actions then please stop now.


The sea gently washed ashore with a wave, moving some seaweed gently across the fine white sands of the beach under the bright white milky glow of the moon on a clear star filled blue night sky that sparkled from time to time as a shooting star passed overhead. The whole are was calm and peaceful, apart from a gentle breeze bringing along with it the salty smells of the sea.

A sturdy beach house was built on the sand, made out of pinewood, freshly cut as it gave off its sweet smell. In front of the hut was a large wide front porch with a ramp that led down to where the sand lay. Around the corners of the porch where four pillars, each at the top lit with a naked flame that danced gently with the wind, billowing out white pale smoke into the night sky, giving the front a warm yellow glow.

In the centre, lay a mattress covered with a soft red silk sheet. At one end lay a pile of soft round pillows, covered in the same red silk coverings and finally at the bottom, all folded up nicely lay a thin duvet.

Coming out of the hut, a large orca stretched as he looked about with a smile on his face before nodding back inside of the hut again. "I think it's time, love. Is it ready?" Poaoha was a fine orca for his age, he had well built muscles from all the swimming and surfing that he had done throughout his life. With jet black skin all over his sides and back, the only white parts came from the front of his chest and belly areas. There were some other parts where his palms had white skin and the rest was covered in the jet black. His soles were white as well as a small portion of his tail that ran all the way around over his slit.

Poaoha turned his head back into the hut again he placed a webbed paw onto the doorframe and coughed. "Come on, how long does it take to get that stuff ready, we only have tonight to do this?"

"It won't be a minute, can't rush this stuff, you know. It'll go all wrong in the texture. You can make yourself useful though." There was a pause as Poaoha headed into the hut again to see a male dolphin standing there over a stove, stirring a wooden spoon inside a pot gently. Using a free hand, Iniaepa smiled with an open beak. "Go put those down beside the mattress and light the candles, don't want this stuff to go hard again."

Poaoha didn't move at first, he was looking at Iniaepa with a smile on his face; the dolphin was everything that he had asked for and more. Slim, lean stood the dolphin, all light blue-ish grey skin that shone like a marble wall. With a thick tail that stood up slightly with a curve and those blue eyes that gave such relief to the orca's heart. Watching Iniaepa stir the pot slowly, he marvelled at the slow way that he was stirring and coughed coming out of his thoughts. "Oh right, sorry."

Iniaepa stopped stirring and chuckled. "What for?" Poaoha blushed slightly making his whole white skin turn a pale pink colour. "Nothing, just can't believe that tonight's actually come."

Bobbing his head slightly, Iniaepa gave a happy squeak back. "I know all this planning and hard work. It is worth it, isn't it?" The dolphin's hand slowly stirred the contents of the pot again.

Turning around, Poaoha walked over to where Iniaepa stood and wrapped his arms around the waist and nuzzled the back of the dolphin's head. "Yes, yes it is worth it you silly fish you." He pulled away as he backed off with Iniaepa waving a wooden spoon. "Say that again and you get this in your mouth, sharky."

Grinning toothily, Poaoha opened his mouth and replied back. "Fish." He blinked as he felt the chocolate covered spoon rest on his tongue and closed his mouth over it. "Mmmm." He slowly lifted up a hand and pulled it out. "Yep, think it's ready." Handing back the spoon into the dolphin's hand, he lent forwards gently and planted a kiss on the snout before turning around. "I best get these out, it's time."

Leaving Iniaepa inside of the hut, Poaoha slowly padded back out into the cool night air as he gave a soft sniff of the sweet scented oils burning from the lamps around the porch. Coming to the edge of the mattress he slowly kneels down onto one knee as he places down a metal candle holder onto the floor and carefully picks up the match to light it. He turned his head around as he called out. "Okay, bring it out."

Walking outside with a small white ceramic bowl, Iniaepa nodded his head as he gently reached out with his hand to hand over the bowl as he felt the orca take it from him. While waiting for Poaoha to place the bowl on top of the rim above the candle he walked over to the edge of the porch and placed his hands onto the wooden railing, looking out to sea.

Smiling, Iniaepa felt calm around him as he gently took in the scented smells coming from the torches, the soothing sounds from the waves as he looked up to where the large full moon shone its pale blue light down around everything. Feeling something on his shoulder, the dolphin jumped slightly as he heard Poaoha's voice. "Come, it is now time, my love."

The orca slowly moved his webbed smooth fingers down the right arm of the dolphin before wrapping them around the other fingers and gently led back towards the mattress. Iniaepa smiled as he slowly sat down on the edge and watched as Poaoha gently sat down beside him. Nuzzling the side of the dolphin's beak, the orca churred. "So who wants to start?"

Shaking his head, Iniaepa gave the orca a lick on the cheek. "No, I should, it was I who asked you out in the first place." He slowly shifted away as he watched the orca lie down onto his back, propping his head up on the pillows.

Poaoha watched as Iniaepa got up and knelt down again on the mattress before looking up to where the moon was shining below and gave a high pitched squeak before he spoke. "Oh, great Omoth. Watcher and protector of the seas, the tide. I call upon you tonight as a witness of our love together." Slowly, the dolphin reached over and dipped one of his fingers into the warm gooey chocolate.

Lifting it upwards, Iniaepa spoke again as he slowly began to draw on the orca's chest the sign of infinity. "Poaoha, my love for you is for always as my heart is yours, my life is yours and my soul is yours to share." With a gentle look on the dolphins face, he slowly placed his finger back into the bowl of chocolate again and began to draw a fish on the belly. "May you eat as healthy forever with the food that I will provide."

Watching Poaoha lying there peacefully with a smile on his face, the dolphin continued to do his part of the ceremony. Slowly he placed his finger on top of the head of the orca and drew a star. "You are the right one for me, you're mind makes my own come to life." Slowly he lifted his hand away and dipped it into the bowl one more time before he slowly lowered it down to draw a circle around the slit area, then a line down the middle before another circle around the anus ring muscle and finally another line down the tail until the chocolate ran out.

Stepping up, Iniaepa stood there as he watched Poaoha slowly rise up from lying down and he smiled. Carefully he lifted the bowl out of its place above the candle and held it within his large hand. Dipping his finger in he slowly began to draw the moon on the dolphin's head. "Iniaepa, you show such kindness and strength in choosing me that I willingly accept to be together."

Iniaepa kept very still as he felt the orca's finger begin to draw on his chest, keeping his breath in, he waited as he felt the warm gooey chocolate against his cool skin before he let go with a small gasp as he heard the orca talk again. "Your heart belongs to me as well as my heart belongs to you forever."

Slowly, the thick black orca finger dipped into the chocolate again as he drew water shaped on the dolphin's belly. "I will always help to keep you alive, through thick and thin, no matter what the danger." Poaoha lowered down and started to draw the circle around the dolphin's slit, doing the same line down before doing a smaller circle again and a line down the underside of the tail until the chocolate ran out.

Iniaepa looked down at Poaoha and gave a happy squeak which was followed by the orca as he slowly got up to look at the dolphin in the eyes. Stepping back, he watched as Iniaepa held up his webbed hands and poured half of what remained in the bowl. He smiled and using what was left, he poured it into his own.

Slowly both of them began to rub their hands until they were covered lightly in the warm chocolate as Poaoha leant forwards to give Iniaepa a gentle kiss on the beak as he spoke softly. "Take one of my hands; it's time for the next stage." The orca dropped the bowl to the floor with a clatter, its use now passed, as it rolled to the side and away from them both.

The dolphin nodded his head as he lifted his left hand up and slowly took hold of the orca's right hand and they clasped their fingers tightly together. Slowly they began to walk away down the ramp towards the beach where their feet began to sink down into the cool sand as they began to make their way towards the sea.

Halfway there they began to look up slowly towards where the moon was, Omoth continued to shine down as another shooting star streaked across the night sky. Seeing the shooting star, both clench their hand together against the other as both spoke out at once. "Oh Omoth, giver of life, provider of love. We will now give our life to the sea, let it take what we're about to give and send it to others so that they can find love as well no matter where they are."

Slowly they both began to walk into the sea, feeling the cold salty sea water rise up from around their ankle until they were knee deep as the sea rose and fell around them. Both turned around to face each other as they held up their free hands and gently they locked their fingers together, both locked with each other not willing to let go now.

Orca and dolphin looked deeply into each other eyes as they began to hum, their bodies shaking slightly as the noise continued to rise in pitch all around them until it was a ultrasonic blast that vibrated throughout both of their bodies. Both stopped at the same time and then slowly they began to nuzzle each other beaks.

Poaoha opened his beak as he gently gave the tip of Iniaepa's beak a nipple with his teeth. He slowly pulled away as he felt a kiss by the dolphin and squeaked gently before giving a kiss back. Orca and dolphin skin pressing together as their tongues began to rub against each other before slowly they began to move closer together.

Slowly their chests pressed against each other, symbol to symbol as they continued to nuzzle, pet and kiss each other's beaks while the sea rolled about around them. Each of their slits was starting to change colour around to a pinkish tint. Without even moving their hands from each other, their love, their arousal continued to grow as thick pink flesh began to show as their slits started to part from each other as the opening widened.

Slowly both prehensile cocks began to slink out of their slits, brightly red as their bellies began to change to a deep pink. Slowly they turned around, twisting and turning until the tips touched and began to slowly rub against each other.

Pulling away Poaoha nuzzled gently as he spoke. "I love you." He felt his cock moving against the dolphin's, stroking it as he gave a shudder, his hands still clasping tightly with his lover's. Iniaepa spoke back gently as he felt his cock twist around the orca member as he gave it a squeeze, feeling his own member leak pre into the salty sea water lapping up and down their legs around them. "As I love you." The dolphin giving another kiss on the orca's beak while both of their moving cocks rubbed, stroked and squeezed each other.

Both looked into each other eyes before they could feel their slits swollen as much as they could ever be, their cocks slipping and sliding over each other as they pressed their tips towards the sea before pressing their bodies up against each other as both came to a climax at the same time. Both orca and dolphin semen spurted into the water below. With a happy loud squeak each, they felt their bodies shudder with each passing spurt, their heads held up high, looking directly into the moon.

Slowly, their climax began to wane as did their grip on each other hands. Both had their beaks open, taking deep breaths in as they turned around to look at the moon and both bowed their heads down. Both spoke at once. "Omoth, you have witnessed our love for each other, we have given new hope for another couple. Peace be with you." They turned to face each other again and jumped to grasp each other in a hug, kissing and nuzzling around the beak and head.

Iniaepa was happy as he ran his hands up and down the orca's sides, then around the back to give the fin a rub with his fingers. "My love." Poaoha smiled as he gave the dolphin a rub on his back. "Let's get cleaned up." Slowly they both made their way to go deeper into the sea until the water was lapping around their mid-section and carefully both of them began to wash away the chocolate from their bodies.

They both cleaned everywhere apart from their heads which they left alone. Taking turns, they both licked away the chocolate sign slowly with their tongues, enjoying the feeling of the water around their bodies as they stopped, looked at each other in the eyes and pressed the end of their beaks together. Iniaepa gave a soft squeak. "Now what?" Poaoha replied back gently. "Now? We start our first courtship and begin life as a couple." The orca turned his head to where the beach lay and the mattress surrounded by the still burning flames on top of the poles.

Slowly taking the dolphin's hand, Poaoha began to lead Iniaepa back towards land while still being watched by the moon in the night sky and the waves slowly moving their semen away until it vanished. Only the damp footsteps left a mark on the pure white sand as two dark forms embraced each other in the torch lit light and slowly they began to lower themselves in each others embrace.