Squad Goals - Ch07

Story by Veronica Foxx on SoFurry

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#7 of Comm - For Dreixes

April gets shipped home in the box that Foo Foo arrived in, but the experience isn't quite as pleasant for her as it was for the rabbit.

**Self Regifting

By: VeronicaFoxx

For: Dreixes**

After that first night and most of the following day spent in the box while Shodan and Charlene gave Foo Foo her welcome home party, April had been looking forward to doing the real thing. She'd been rather appreciative of the attention paid to her once she'd been let out, though not so fond of the laxative flush she'd had to endure to allow proper packing since they'd decided to do it on such short notice. She'd have been happy to spend a week with the gator doing a liquid diet cleanse, but Shodan didn't have that kind of time to wait, which was unfortunate. They'd already be losing out on the squirrel's streaming income while she was shipped; having both of them on unscheduled downtime was completely out of the question. On the plus side, they had a guaranteed audience for when she finally arrived, and more than just their guild. She had to spend two whole days (TWO!) while all the paperwork was processed to have her shipped, and Charlene had bragged about how well her rabbit's recording had sold online. She'd assured April that she had shared the info with Shodan for her contacts, and they'd be sending to the same people. It wasn't like this kind of thing wasn't done, but it was rare enough to find someone willing to have it done that videos were rather rare, which meant coveted, which meant profitable. She kept that in mind while she was in the alligator's care, and it was very good care. Charlene made sure that her catheter bags were empty and her sustenance bags full before she was taken away.

She'd known she was going to be in for a rather rough ride, just from seeing how Foo Foo looked when the bunny had arrived. She was looking forward to a rough ride, and it started off pretty well. She could hear the alligator discussing things with someone, explaining the situation, making sure all the papers were in order, and then came a slight rock and the scrape of metal against wood, probably a dolly being slid under the crate. There were a few rocks, a thunk, a metallic ratcheting sound, and then she was unceremoniously tilted. Her body weight pressed forward against the dildo down her throat, pressure building against her nose and chin. She was glad of the breathing tube down the center of the faux phallus, because her nose was mashed hard enough against the side of the crate to make breathing nearly impossible. The world tilted almost completely horizontal as the ride became bumpy, probably going up the ramp into the truck, then she was thunked back onto her butt in a way that jolted the fake cocks inside her other two holes in a pleasingly painful manner. They hadn't had time to get Shodan's massive clit modeled, but the alligator's shaft was thicker at the base (except when the hyena's knot was swollen), so it stretched her nicely and the very solid core of the dildos kept them from flexing in the slightest. She was scraped around on the truck bed, jostling slightly from side to side against the straps that held her in place. A few more clunks, a bit of rocking, she guessed securing her and/or wedging her in so as to keep her from being "damaged" in shipping. They'd had to take out a rather expensive bit of insurance for the transit, but she'd been very happy to foot that bill herself.

Shrrrrrrr-THOOM! Clank clank. The door of the truck closing and being latched. Then came the very pleasing rumble of the engine starting up, vibrating the bed of the truck in an almost violent manner for several seconds before it settled into a steady idle. April's toes curled and she tried to squirm against the shafts that speared into her, wishing that she could hump at them, ride them, anything but sit there feeling them stirring her insides, but that was half the point of the trip. She was helpless, nothing but live cargo, and she'd arrive so frustrated that she'd likely do any damn thing Shodan wanted just to get off. And that would be fun of its own kind, especially being so sore and pre-battered on arrival, having the pain mixed into the pleasure and driving her to its own kind of explosive peak. Then the truck began to move at a pace that couldn't possibly be safe, jolting her nose against the wall of the crate once more, hard enough to set her sniffling. This was going to be a lot less pleasant trip if she ended up having snot running down her face... Then came the first turn, throwing her hard to the side, the unforgiving cocks keeping her firmly in place despite the inclination of her flesh to move, and she was pretty sure that the straps were going to bruise her outside as much as those rigid poles were going to bruise her insides. A sudden stop had her jerking towards the rear of the crate, enough to strain the strap that held her head in place slightly, which then caused her poor nose to slam against the crate again, and that one really hurt.

Not in an exactly good way. It stung all the way up to her sinuses, a numbness that she knew would develop into something rather worse, and she could feel warmth flowing out down her chin and neck. Oh, yeah, they were getting an insurance claim on this for fucking sure, 'cause a bloody nose was not part of the plan. Fortunately, the driver must have hit some kind of traffic because they were forced to a far more sedate pace for a while, though it sped up when they hit the freeway. The rumble and jostle made the pain in her face tolerable, though she'd love to take a bite out of whoever was driving the truck. Squirrels may be rodents, and therefore prey creatures, but her teeth were plenty long and sharp enough to sink down to the bone on most creatures if she got a good chomp in. Then the truck must have gotten back onto the ground roads because there were more hard turns, and another hard stop that had her mentally cursing the driver's ancestry, descendants, friends, coworkers, and convoluted genetics. She really hoped her nose wasn't broken. That would not be fun. She was very relieved when it slowed once more and then had to suffer through the interminable vibrations as it was moved forward and back and forward and back and finally came to a stop, the engine dying at last. The door was raised, and she heard the clank and scrape of packages being loaded onto dollies, moved out to wherever they were, probably a central shipping location. She was so having Shodan call these fuckers when she got home and give them a piece of her mind. The hyena had an eloquence about her cursing that was rather impressive.

Then came her own turn, and she'd barely been thunked off of the truck before she ended up on her side with an impact that left her squealing and thumping her feet against the bottom of the crate. Then she heard a meaty whack over the ringing in her ears, and raised voices.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Jimmy?" demanded voice one, carrying a weaselly kind of authority to it. "It says fragile, so you use the goddamn straps! Oh, fucking christ, this one's live, too, and I see blood. This is coming out of your check, Jimmy. You're already on probation for those tickets, and you'll be lucky if you don't get fired. Help me get the fucking thing upright..."

April panted heavily, no longer quite so sure this was such a great idea. But. She was gently lifted and set the right way up, and carefully put back on the dolly. She heard the zing and clunk and ratchet as the strap was properly wrapped around the crate, and then she was very gingerly moved deeper into the facility. She was set down, Jimmy was told to fuck off, and there came a few minutes of voice one grumbling, likely reading through the paperwork to see exactly what kind of live cargo she was. Then she heard the creak and groan as the nails were pried out of the crate side and felt the rush of fresh air as the panel was let down. It was chill against her fur, making her shiver, though also a bit refreshing. Despite the air holes, it got a bit stuffy in the crate, though it helped keep in the warmth.

"Alright, red squirrel, check," the voice continued, "female..." April felt a latex-gloved hand wedge itself between her legs and rump, forcing itself in between her tightly bound limbs and body until it could trace over her groin. "Yup, I guess." She was given a few tugs and pushes, testing her packing, she supposed. Even her head was given a slight jerk, and the person let out a grunt at seeing the give that had allowed her nose to be so unkindly mashed several times. "Okay, that's part of the problem..."

She heard steps moving away from her, then a rattling and shuffling of items. She wished that she wasn't blindfolded right about now so that she could know what the hell was about to happen, but that had also been part of the original allure, and also required by the shipping company. She was beginning to guess that it might be so that "live cargo" couldn't identify any of the personnel handling it afterwards...

"Alright, let's get this shit taken care of."

She flinched as something sprayed against the side of her muzzle, an astringent odor making its way through the blood that mostly clogged her nose, then felt a cloth rudely wiping against her and the side of the crate that her face rested against. That took several minutes, and the chill was starting to sink through her fur by that point. She fluffed up to help retain heat, but it was only ever going to do so much. Her head was wrenched back against the strap once more and something was forced into her nostrils. She wondered what it could be until suction pulled the gunk from her nose and the air from her lungs, leaving her gasping through the air tube in the dildo. Then something else was shoved into her nose, followed by a cool spray of liquid that had her jerking and gagging, but it eased the pain down to nothing, for which she was very grateful. And then came a third thing! What was it with these people and her fucking nose? But that was left in, two prongs that pushed into her nostrils and sat between her snout and the crate wall with a bit of give. Oh, a cushion of some sort. Okay, that was really nice. That was going to be very much nicer. Of course it was smooshed down nearly flat when the package handler tightened her head strap with a grunt, putting enough pressure on her cranium that she started getting a headache, but then he loosened it just slightly again, and that was okay. He grumbled some more, and she heard him moving away, going back and forth, the clatter of more equipment.

She was starting to shiver when he returned, and she felt something wrap around her arm, tightening swiftly with a whirr. Pressure cuff. Oh, they were taking vitals, making sure she hadn't been too badly stressed or hurt, probably for the insurance claim that they were certain to know was coming. She felt something tickling at her throat as well, and did her best not to choke. After being with Shodan, she had completely lost what little gag reflex she had, but the little thin something was making her want to cough very badly.

"Okay, blood pressure's good. Core temp could be better, but within standards. Overall appearance... eh, good enough." Rough hands grabbed at her limbs and squeezed them then roamed over her body. She squirmed but there was nothing really invasive or painful. "Okay, nothing broken, at least. Fucking Jimmy... I swear, I'm gonna kick his ass if this comes back on me somehow."

"Hey, Hal, need a hand over here!" came a second voice, a bit more distant and echoing slightly in what was undoubtedly a warehouse. She'd been focused more on what was happening right next to her, but she could hear the clatter and scuff and whirr of people and packages and equipment moving about.

"I'm fucking busy with something, Dan!" voice one, Hal, called back, but she heard the side of the crate being lifted and propped into place. "Fuck, I'm coming, gimme a sec..."

The squirrel let out a muted moan and felt relief wash over her entire body as warm air started pouring into the crate with the sound of an air compressor. The shivers slowed and she relaxed, hoping that the worst was over. It would suck when the nails were put back in, but otherwise things should be fine. She had not realized how loud that was when you were stuck on the inside of a mostly empty, very hollow and echoing crate, but it was part of the price to ride. The excitement, pain, and warmth mixed to make her drowsy, and she felt herself drifting into a doze. She wasn't sure how long it was until she was woken by a sharp smack to the side of the box that had her ears ringing and her heart pounding a mile a minute. She squirmed against the bonds for a second, then remembered where she was and fell still.

"Yeah, Dan, just got one last thing to take care of!" Hal called from right outside her crate. "Don't worry, I'll lock up. You know the boss'll kill me if I don't have all the paperwork ready before this live cargo gets sent out again. See ya tomorrow!"

She heard footsteps outside, distant, a few other noises that she couldn't immediately place, the sound of rolling doors being pulled down, the loud clack of a regular door half-slamming closed. Then she felt the coolness again as the crate side was pulled down. A few bright flashes pushed at the edges of the blindfold, giving her just a glimpse of light, and she guessed that Hal was taking pictures for documentation. Then she felt a touch against her ear, no feel of latex this time, an ungloved hand giving her a very gentle caress, and she flicked her ear to bat at it. The fingers moved to stroke against the back of her head, and she felt her heart speeding up again, her breath beginning to huff through nose and air tube. She tried to pull away, but she was held firmly by the straps, barely able to twitch.

"Now, now, don't' be like that," Hal chuckled. "Not gonna take you out or anything like that, and you are gonna blame allllll this on Jimmy." She heard the clack of something being put atop the crate. "April, is it? That's right. It's allll right here. Got your name, where you're going, pretty much anything and everything I need to come after you if you don't play along. So don't be a bitch."

She was shivering again, for entirely different reasons than cold. This was NOT supposed to be part of the plan, not at all, no no no no. The petting continued, slowly stroking down her back, along her tail, the curve of her rump, shifting to her sides, then along the tops of her breasts before giving her nipples a tweak. It pulled away, and she heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper followed by some soft grunting, a bit of shuffling, and then something pressed itself against the space where her knees were pressed to her stomach. It was wide, blunt, and... slimy. Oh, God, it was his cock, it's his cock, fuck fuck, noooo. And he was pressing it against her, wedging it in. He gave a hard thrust that punched at her stomach, and she sucked her tummy in just to give it room. It slid between her belly and thighs, stroking against her, and she felt her stomach curdle. It took everything she had to keep from vomiting, but she managed it, fear and disgust raging through her mind. But there was nothing she could do about it, not right now, not yet. Maybe not ever... If she did tell Shodan the truth, if she told her big, protective, wonderful hyena about Hal, there was no telling what would happen, either to them or to this horrible freak. Nothing she wanted to contemplate, most assuredly, and definitely bad things all around. She felt the pace of the long, thick shaft increase, heard the flared tip thumping the other side of the crate, felt a heavy sack slapping against her leg, and she very much wished that she had her head free to bite him, chew on him, preferably snap his scraggly little peter right off. He had nothing on Shodan, or even Charlene, despite feeling like he must be an equine of some sort.

Then came a soft grunt, and she felt his cock pulse, felt the semen pushing down it to splatter against the wall of the crate, felt the hot slime leaking down to soak into her fur, and she lost the battle against her bile. It rushed up her throat, burning, but was blocked by the thick dildo shoved into her mouth, and she was forced to swallow it back down again. Her nose was clogged again, hot tears burning her eyes and wetting her cheeks, and she could not stop the trembles that had taken over her entire body. She wished very, very, very hard for it to just be over, be done, so she could be at home with her lovey laughy pup, and cringed so hard that it really hurt her throat when she felt fingers brush her cheek again.

"Don't cry, little thing," Hal said in a sickly soothing tone. "No harm, no foul, right? And remember that it was all Jimmy's fault anyways. If he had done a better job driving, then none of this would've happened, right? Now, gonna get you cleaned up, and everything'll be fine."

She concentrated on just trying to breathe, not caring what else he was doing so long as he wasn't touching her any more, though the hot muck of his cum was still in there with her, still touching her, touching her, and she was starting to lose it, really lose it. A sudden blast of cold water had her rocking in her bonds and screaming and struggling to get free. It focused on where he had touched her, washing away the evidence, making it all go away, and her tears actually turned to ones of relief, glad to have the stink and feel cleansed, despite the fact that it left her shivering harder than ever. When the water stopped, she was soaked and frozen to the bone. The crate side was lifted, the painfully loud strike of hammer against nail filled her ears, and then warm air began gusting into the crate once more, warming and drying her. She thought it was done, but then came a few taps against the side of the crate.

"Remember, April," came Hal's voice through one of the air holes, and his tone was very dangerous, threatening, warning. "It was alllllll Jimmy. Everything was Jimmy's fault."

There was a final hard slap against the side, leaving her deafened for a few minutes. Then there was silence. She was alone, hopefully, please alone, just alone. Despite the wash, she felt dirty, filthy, disgusting. Marked. Ruined. She felt the vomit pushing its way back up again, but it had nowhere to go. She bit down against the hard rod in her mouth until she felt her teeth starting to crack, and just prayed for it all to be done and over with. When it was done, then she could feel things. Right now she just had to hold on. Right now she just had to stay calm. There was nothing to be done about right now. She just had to hold on.

The End