House of the Scapegoats

Story by Bahehe on SoFurry

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Hi, dear reader!

This text is a one shot BDSM story including fantastic elements and non-consensual content. Can terrible persons work hard to become better? Maybe with a little nudge...

I hope you'll enjoy your read. <3

Any comment or critique is much appreciated.

The Box

The floorboards creak andsmall hooves'taps resonate.

"It is so hot in there, sister Zel!"

"It is indeed, brother Az! Most stuffy!"

"Most uncomfortable!"

They stop in front of the dark wooden box, the only content of this small, long,room save four braziers, and need a moment to open all the heavy padlocks securing it closed. It takes many exchanges of big keys, and trial and errors to find the right ones, before they can raisethe lid.

The creature who istrapped inside whines atthe creaking noiseand tries to uncurl, but a cloven hoof comes pressing on the back ofthehead to force it down.

"No, no, no!No uncramping yet!"

The other visitor's hands push on the elbowsas well,to further trapthat body down, causing a muffled pleading. "No uncramping indeed, we must preserve allyour suffering!"

"Much suffering, yes... you look quite distressed...what do you think, sister Zel?"

"I think it's a beautiful misery, brother Az... but can wenotdo better?"

"Can we? Weareserving a big customer...but,then, we can't keep our friend boxed _much_longer without risks of damages."

"Unlessallowingsome breaks..." She shakes her head. "Terrible waste of misery, out of the question!"

"Most out of the question!"

"Shall we then invite the customer?"

"We shall indeed, sister! His present is ripe!"

They close and lock the box.

"The night isgrowing very cold outside."

"Very cold indeed. Shall we then move the box out, to vary itsmisery?"

"We shall, we shall!"

The** Penitent**

Mitmit carefully puts down her crate, picks one of its milk bottles out, brushes her apron and forces the best fake smile she can on her snout: mammals' big expressions are hard for reptiles, and she's not in the mood at all, but the job is the job. She knocks at the rich mansion's door.

After a wait, a half-asleep bear gentleman opens. His three cubs rushbehind when theynoticewho's at the door.

Mitmit bows, take a big breath... and starts singing and dancing. "Ooooooh,good morning Sir from the dairy guild, we bring yourcalcium for adaily coffee. To make your bonesstrong and your kiddies happy..." The white lizard hops graciously in her choreography, going left and right in front of the door. The bear, obviously annoyed, only waits until the end because his cubs are happily clapping in rhythm. "We're affordable and pretty, and we're glad to say,that our quality is..."

This is when the customer's patience runs out. She was brandishing the milk bottle for the final: he just snatch it and slaps the door shut in her face. "...likeourpatrons,shitty," she improvises for an end.

Abelly cramp makes her gasp and curl down. "Gah..." She hurriedly rummages in her pockets to fetch thebitterdried rootsshe got from the herbalist. They help. A little. The dancing, on the other hand, worsens her egg problem. A lot. The stress from such a debasing job is likely an aggravating factor as well.

She still has ten bottles to deliver,and she's late already. Mister Alister will shout at her again and might lower her meager pay...


The huge bull is agitated: "Alister, that singing milk-girlidea of yours might be your silliest oneso far!"

The weasel keeps toying with his bowler hat,smirking,but doesn't answer. He knows his boss well enough to guess what's coming next.

"But it pays. I have to give you that, it pays: I'm surprised you managed to sell this many subscriptions at thrice the normal price."

"You call it silly, sir, I call it genius."

"Pah. Anyway, why only pure white girls? That quirk is complicating things, is itabsolutely necessary?"

"You don't sell thrice the price to the poor, sir. And to sell to the rich, you need it to be artistic. Milk. White. Sophistication. But when the rich have endorsedthe fashion, wewill be able to send randomlycoloredgirls to the lower plebsfor twice the price."

"Well, I get you.But I hear many people mocking the guild at my club."

"Which means that many people are talking about the guild at your club, sir. Which is good. And it is new, isn't it?"

"Pah. Yes. Yes, I guess it is." He has a huge shrug. "I suppose it doesn't hurt to let you continue that experiment. For now. But then,at least,keep a firm grip on your new girls!"

"Weren't you the one, sir, who complained before about too much of my hands on our girls?"

The bull laughs, he was always a good audience for sexist jokes. And if he dislikessexual harassmentbeing too blatantunder his watch, for the reputation's sake,_any_mean to keep somepressure on the workforce is welcome. Alister is good at this, a subtle reminder that appeases his boss. "Good one. But, still, whip a bit of drive in that lizard... Mimi, was it?Or Titi?"


"Yes, this one: she has no respect for her schedules. Change that, or get rid of her,before the others start thinking we'll toleratesuch sloppiness. Their minutes aremy pennies!"

"I'll sort this out, sir."


Mitmit stands and waits before the door. Alister likes his subordinate visitorstocook in their anxiety before beingallowedin. Even knowing the trick, thisworks well: her tail is all twisted and taps the floor near her feet, and she's fidgeting with her hands together. Her belly is in a lot of pain, and all she wantsis to run home fast, where she'll be able to deliver heregg.

"Come in," orders a dry voice through the door.

She winces, recollects herself, and enters.

The weasel is slouched in his seat, feet on his desk, holding a handful of papers. He always adornshis hat, even indoor, crooked to the side in a way that makes him look like a rogue despite his expensive suit. "Mitmit, Mitmit, Mitmit... what shall we do with you, uh?" He raises one of the sheets. "Monday: late." He tosses it over his shoulder and pulls a second one. "Tuesday: late." And so on, he doesthe entire week, enjoying stretching the humiliating moment. Not taking into account how she waslate by a mere couple of minutes many times: late is late for the bosses, period.Then, he points the floor behind himself: "Gather the papers back, girl. I can't work in a messy office." His tone is reproaching, as if she had been the one tossing them around!

But she's not in a position to question him. "Yes, sir." She trots behind the deskand crouches to pluck her team's weeklyschedule reports.

Alister turns his seat slightly topeek at her bottom. He likes that thick, white, tail that flows so smoothly. He wonders how cold or warm it feels under? His planning of how to best use the situation, however, is disruptedby a diversion: "What's that thing on your tail?"

Realizing what he has beenglancing at, she bolts up and cradles her tail in her arms in a reflex. "W-what?!" Which is whenshe sees a black paper glued on its middle. She blinks with surprise. "I have no idea how this got on me, sir!"

He rolls his eyes. "Of course.Someone touched your tail,and you didn't notice. Sheesh, you are supposed to be pure, pristine, white! It's an important part of the job, just as punctuality is! You cannot achieve that simple thing either? Give me that trash!"He extends a demanding hand and shakes it up. "Hop hop! Fast!"

To her relief, the paper doesn't stick much and is easily peeled off. She obediently surrendersit.

Thereisa text on its underside, neatly handwrittenin golden ink. He readsaloud: "Your merry town enters the House of the Scapegoats. Rejoice! Come in! Get your sins and pains cleansed for free,without effort! Northern gate, by the forest, open when the sun goes down." He turns it around to check if thisis all. It is. "What the hell is this? Some kind of horoscope or ad for a bonesetter? You are superstitious, Mitmit?"

"I am not, sir! This is not mine, I don't know how it got there, really!"

Amused, he drops the paper on his desk. There are more pressing matters. "Let us forget that unforgivable black spot. For now. What is your sorry excuse for being so lazy?"

"I am not lazy, sir! I..." Her yellow eyes escape in embarrassment and her face grows pink. She confesses with a small voice. "I have egg problems."

"Uh? Be more specific."

"I... have been producing many eggs lately. It happens. And the delivery isn't easy. It hurts."

He rolls his eyes. "Then quit fucking like a slut! If you can't have both and must make a choice, then work comes first!"

"I... I don't 'fuck', sir! We have eggs even when we don't! Therearejust no babies inside!"


"Yes. I can't control it, sir. It's... nature. Cycles."

"Well, this is mightily inconvenient."

"You tell me..."

Alister's eyes return to the blackpaper. The sun is setting down and he's getting a great inspiration about a way to follow the girl home and... make her _earn_his forgiveness. He grins wide. "Hey,'get your pains cleaned up,' they said?Wouldn't it be convenient in your situation?"

"But... you don't believe in these fairytales, do you, sir?"

"I'll have you know I'mvery open-minded, girl. You should betoo. And I'm especiallyopen to any chance tohelp your case without having to fire you for medical inaptitude."

She swallows and tenses. Telling him too much was a huge mistake.

"And, after all your lateness, you surely will not complain about a tiny overtime in order to check that opportunity..."He straightens and look ferociously into her eyes. "Will you?"

TheScapegoat** s**

Mitmit is sitting in the backseat of the car, looking anxious and grabbing hard at her tail on her lap. She has all reasons to be nervous, as Alisterispondering abouttaking his opportunity,now thathe has her cornered in a private, closed, spot.

Luckily, the office isn't far from the town's northern gate. When the weasel notices the huge black tents by the forest, he grows curious. He has no reason to hurry, anyway. "Look at that: the circus is in town. It's bigger than I expected, for a traveling fortune teller."

She looks as well. In the twilight, the dark shapes blend with the background into ghostly, ill-defined and eerie, shapes. A few squarish blocks must be wagons,painted black as well. Only the entrance, enlightened by two torches, is bright and well visible. Inviting.

The car parks nearby.They seem to be the only visitors at the moment.


Two drapes open to a cozy inside, all in red, black and gold, with fluffy carpets and beautiful furniture. The carpets' patterns, all in complex sigils and dead tongues'letters, add an ominous undertone.

Beside that entrance, two goats stand in perfect symmetry, each holding one of the torches. Despite their clearly adult proportions, they are no taller than children. All black, with very round snouts and shiny red eyes --with horizontal pupils--,short horns, and exposing rows of small fangs when they smile, they look extremely impish.

Still perfectly symmetrical in their gracious choreography, they bow very low to their visitors.

"Good evening, sufferer!"

"Good evening, penitent!"

"I am brother Az!"

"I am sister Zel!"

And, in chorus: "Welcome to the House of the Scapegoats!"

"Most welcome!"

"We made cookies!"

As Zel motions them in, Az produces a big bowl of pentagramengraved cookies.

Mitmit, uneasy, enters but stays as far as she can from the duo. Alister considers the bowl, unsure.

"We made them ourselves, just for you."

"We did, we did!With only the most pristine ingredients!"

"Most pristine indeed! We can guarantee that all their milk has been_squeezed_with maximum animal cruelty!"

That was... oddly specific. Probably just a coincidence, these two can't even know they are from the dairy guild, and even less about the weasel's character. Recovering fast from his baffling,he picks one with a smirk. "So, are these supposed to be upward or downward pentagrams?"

"The cookie has no will."

"The cookie has no choice."

"The cookie will point where its owner decides."

The visitor shrugs and takes a nibble. "Well... they are pretty good!Anyway, we don't have all night,guys. How doesyour stuff works?"

Instead of answering him, Zel smiles upto the white lizard. "Do not be afraid, sufferer. We will appease your pain."

"We will, we will! You have nothing to fear!"

"We were waiting for you, everything is ready. If you would please follow us..."

The weasel has a dismissive snort. Waiting for them? His ass! Cheapest trick of the book, so easy to say... and that silly girl who buys it! But it's too entertaining to watch her shiver, and he's more and more curious. So he keeps his comments for himself. Well, most comments: "the invitation said itwas free, am I right? Because, just to be crystal clear right in: I'm not going to pay you anything."

"Completely free."

"A selfless gift!"

"We're dedicated to help."

"To cleanse and appease."

"It is our only reward."

He rolls his eyes and can't refrain muttering: "Suckers." He still expects a trick, however, so he'll remain watchful.


They are ledto a new room, inside which five more impish goats are lined up near the back wall. All females, all entirely naked save a lace around their neck from which hangs a small metal plate with a number.

Az brings Alister to a comfortable armrest, kneels beside it, and holds the bowl up above his head where itcaneasily bereached. Naked girls, groveling service,and good cookies? The weasel isenjoyingtheshow, so far!

Zel thus takesthe sceneto guide a more and more blushing lizard near the line. "One of these sisters isyour scapegoat, sufferer."

"W-which one?"

"It is up to youto answer this question.There is no trap, no bad answer: the only rule is it has to be your choice, your criteria. Your whim."

"So I pick one that I like? Or randomly?"

"It is up to youto answer this question. Onyour whim."

She walks along the line. They all look the same to her, and each gives her a welcoming smile when examined. As a practitioner of fake smiles herself, she knows one when she sees one: they look sincere, all happy to be there, a little tensed but more from theexcitement and the suspense of being picked or denied than from anyfear. This makes her more comfortable with the situation, as she doesn't enjoy the bully's role. Still, which one? "May... may I touch them?"

"Of course, of course!"

She sinks fingers into one of the goats' cheek fur, careful with her claws. It's soft and deliciously warm: as a cold-blooded being, she always loved the touch of mammals. She tries a new one, then another. She finds one whois warmer, whofeels perfect. "What... what is your name?"

"I am sister Belz, sufferer, most pleased to meet you."

"Wouldyou be my, uhm, scapegoat, Belz?"

"Oh, yes! It wouldbe my pleasure and honor! Thank you!"

As if on cue, all the remaining line bows low, then silently walks out of the room.

Zel happily nods. "An excellent choice, most appropriate, just perfect!"

Mitmit, unused to lush compliments blushes some more and coilsher tail around her legs.

"Now, I would please need a personal object of yours. The dearest it is to you, the best;do not worry, it will be returnedto you undamaged after the ritual."

"Alright..."After a long hesitation, Mitmit tugs at the collar of her apron to retrieve a hidden chain with a small magnet pendant. "Please take good care of it. It is not expensive, but my mother gave it to me when I went to trymy chance in town. It's a good luck charm." She peeks back shamefullyat the mockingweasel behind. "I am _not_superstitious, but it is still dear to me. Would it do?"

"Most excellent, just perfect! Heart value is way better than coin valuebetweenthese walls." Zel takes one step back. "Please perform the binding exchange."

Belz removes the lace from her neck and ties it around Mitmit's. She has to stretch on the tip of her hooves to reach! The lizard imitates and gives her the lucky charm in return.

Zel and the still kneeling Az close their eyes and half mumble, half whisper some chanting, rhymed, formula in an unknown tongue. Then the former perks up: "The bind is bound!" She reaches an open hand toward the reptile's lower abdomen, withouttouching. As if heating her palm near a fire. "You are hurting, right now, aren't you? Much pain."

The other blinks in surprise. She concealed her predicament the best she could, and it was never mentioned. How did the goat guess? "I... quite..."

"Can you please describe that pain in your own words? We need to understand it from your point of view to best heal it."

Shelets it all out. Actually, being able to talk about her problem with someone friendly is a relief in itself, so once she begins, words flow easily. "It is hot. And heavy. Too big. It's just a normal egg when it eventually gets out, but while I carry it, it feels like a big stone. Or a big metal ball, stretching me inside, making me burn, aching. And sometimes, I get cramps: they are sharp, like a kick. A stab. Sudden and deep, bolting in intimate placesand then spreading. And it's not always that bad, but it can strike anytime, so I'm awaiting in fear for all day. And it gives me troubles at work too! I'm so tired of it! I want it to stop, please!" Her eyes grew wet at the end.

Zel gently picks her hand to caress it. "It will, it will. Sister Belzshallunloadyour burden. She will hurt and fear for you, fromnowon." She bows, and walks to a cupboard in a corner, from whereshe retrieves a few items. The right few items for thisexact situation, and they were the only content in there. "This will be a little lewd and a little impressive. Weneed you to stayaround, for the connection, but wedo not need youto watch if you do not want to."


"Do you trust you can endure without resisting me, sister Belz?"

"I do not, sister Zel. I'm nervous, quite nervous. May I please be allowed the help of some rope, so I remain true to my vows when in harshness?"

"Of course, of course! Please sit."

Mitmit turned her back to the two, while Alister is leaning forward, on the edge of his seat, engulfing cookie after cookie.

The scapegoat sits on the ground and her "sister" uses hemp rope to secure her wrists, then elbows tight together. That shit is turning a lot kinkier than he expected! Not that he'll complain! A few pillows are placed so the bound goat can lieon her back, angled up for best display, without resting too much weight on her bound limbs. Next, her ankles are pulled up until she's fully folded. They get secured behind her neck, and to her horns--which forces her to tilt her head up--. Her mound is helplessly exposed and the weasel's pants start to feel too tight.

"Are you comfortable, sister Belz?"

"Not at all, sister Zel. Most excellent tying up, thank you!"

"You are welcome! Let us then proceed!"

"Let us!"

Zel kneels next toher prisoner, who is now visibly afraid despite her eagercompliance and is breathing shorter and shorter. She grabs the first tools she brought, a huge metal egg and a small pot of some red paste. Some appetizing aroma rises in the air as she takes a moment thoroughly coating the egg.

That's too much for Alister to remain a politely quiet audience. "Hey, what is that stuff, Zel?"

"It is a paste we prepared from the strongest, freshest, peppers we could gather. It will provide the required lubrication so I do not inflict any damages to sister Belz, while also submitting her tocruel agony."

"Wow... hot..."

"It is, it is!"

"Are you really going to... stuff it up?"

"Oh yes. Much deep, very firmly. Now if you would be so kind, could you please remain quiet during the ritual?"

Usually, hedoesn'ttake orders--even politely formulated--from petite females graciously. But given the special circumstances and how badly he wishes to see that, he'll make an exception today. He nods and shuts up.

Mitmit is now holding her snout in both hands in sheer embarrassment.What did she get herself into?

The goat sticks her tongue in concentration and parts the offered mound open with two fingers. Belz draws a big breath as the egg approaches her entrance, big end first. It is squeezed in position, getting stuck snuggly.

The goat's tail shakes frantically. "Ah! Cold!"

"Not for long." Zel presses and twists the egg to rub the "lube" more in and to entice tender muscles to relax. It is not in her intend to make the event sensual, norto go nice and slow: very soon, she pushes firmly. Not _so_firmly that the toy would disappearinsideright away, but it sinks in. Slowly. Millimeter by millimeter. Unescapably, forcing its way deeper and deeper.

Belz's face is growing a hurt expression as both the heat and stretch build up, clenching her toes in the air and sometimes rocking her head--as much as her bonds will allow. It doesn't take much longer before her first distressed whine. "Ih! P-please go slower..."

"No, no, sister Belz. You shallhurt." The thickest part is almost fully in already, stretching the goat to what seems to be her limit. Zel doesn't relent, but as it takes a moment to finish submitting that body through brutestrength, she scoopssome more paste from the pot and applies a freshlayer of it to the inner folds and clit she can now easily reach.

Belz mostly manage to keep silent and to avoid struggling too much in her bonds, but the first tears roll out of her eyes and her muffled noises becomemore oppressed and pleadingby the seconds.

Behind, Mitmit suddenlygasps and reaches down her belly. "T-the burn... It is vanishing!"

"Not vanishing, it is not: it is being transferred.We are making great progress!"

When the thick part passes the poor goat's lips, the egg stabs in a little. She squeals and shakes. It will move more easily from there. Without allowing any rest, Zel keeps pressing until it disappears. Then shoves her fingers as far insideas she can to further lodge it as deep as it will go. The gaping, now glistering, hole receives a new thorough coating with pepper paste before she cleans up her hands with a wet towel.

Finally, she picks a new length of rope that she loops around her victim's hips, then pulls between her legs, so it locks the toy inside without a way to escape.

"How do you feel now, sufferer?"

"So much better, thank you!"

"No more pain or unease, at all?"

"Almost nothing. A little tensionand weight remain, but it's very bearable."

"No, no, no, we do not do 'almost'." She stomps onto the offered belly, leans some weight on,and twists her hoof to feel the hidden egg through the flesh. When it is located, she pumps onto it some, making Belz gargle and gag between two sobs. "How about now?"

"It... it's like if the egg was completely gone! It is amazing!" She's so liberated thatshe mostly manages to ignore the worrying noises in her back.

"Most excellent! We are almost finished!"


"We must also erase anyrisk of sudden cramps, thus also washing away your fears."


"One small moment, please."


Az anticipates Alister's devouring curiosity and preventively answers his question, in a low voice, to preserve Zel's concentration from any interruption."This is called a crank generator. A wonderful modern contraption."

"And what does it generate?"

"Electricity. Are you familiar with it?"

He rocks his head. "Vaguely. I know it's a popular new gadget in the cabinets of curiosities, but no moredetails. What does it do?"

"Oh, it can do a lot of things! But for today..." Az searches a simple way to summarize the essential. "It can flow harsh pain through metal."

Harsh pain? The weasel's excitement increases too much for his pretense of jadedness to be convincing. "Weird magic..."

In the meantime, Zel is finishing applying all her wired crocodile clamps: a line of three on each inner fold of the open mound, one viciously gnawing at the clit and one bitting under the tail, two attached to special metal pads, affixed with special glue on the shivering lower belly, around where the egg is stuck.

Holding the box and its crank in her hands, she stands up. Belz, now biting in a folded band of leather, looks up at her with pleading eyes. "Do you trust us now, sufferer?"


"Thank you! I will need you to do something that is a little scary, but I promise it will go well. I need you to trigger your cramps. I am sure you know of activities thatyou usually try to avoid, do you not?"

Mitmit grasps her hands together. Her cramps are serious business! But, then, the weird goat's ritual is working so far. Infinitely better than anything she attempted before. She won't passher chance to get rid of the pain and fear for good. She takes a bit breath. "I... I do." She looks at the weasel again. This is going to be embarrassing... but screw him and what he thinks;if this works, it's worth it!

The lizard straightens, makes a few gracious sideways step, and starts her dance. With full energy, not holding her leaps. "Ooooooh, good morning M'amfrom the dairy guild, we bring yourcalcium for adaily coffee..." It doesn't take long before her belly clenches in a way that promises intense pain. She doesn't stop.

Zel is watching ravenously. When she notices the first hints of discomfort, she starts cranking her lever vigorously. Belz convulses and shrieks hacked, breathless, high-pitched noises as brutal jolts fire in her most intimate areas. Wired todifferent coils, the clamps don't shoot their lightning pain altogether: it travels and waves, like red hod needlespoking her fiercely.

Mitmit finishes her dance without any cramp. She is torn between incredible relief... and incredible guilt at what suffering the goat behind had to go through for her sake.

Zel comes caressing her hand again and smiles up to her. "Please do not have regrets. You did nothing bad, at all. All of us are willing and eager.Sister Belz is too shaken to say so right now, but she's immensely happy to have been some help! She is! And we can take quite some punishment! We can!"

She's somewhat relieved. And very grateful, although she doesn't dare to turn around to express it, because she doesn't want to see what has been done to the bound goat. "Thank you! Thank you so much! So... so this is it? I'm healed? For real?"

"For real, absolutely! I am going togive you your pendant back, but the bond will last. From now on, every time the suffering will want to return, sister Belz will know. And we will do what is required to haltit. You won't need to return, you won't even need to remember about us: we'll be taking care of your burden.No longer are you a sufferer, dear."


Alister walks back and forth, impatient. "How long will it take?"

"As long as she needs."

"As short as she needs."

"Hmmmf. Do you have a cigarette?"

"No, sorry, I'm afraid we do not."

"We do not indeed."

"Then, do you have... Milk squeezed with maximum cruelty, to help my cookies down?"

"That, we have!"

"We sure have!"

He is soon sipping at a big glass of goat milk, with newfound appreciation now he knows they were probably not joking about the cruelty. "Kinky weirdos..." They brought Mitmit to a private room and provided her with warm towels so she could lay her egg. It's annoying to have to wait, but he still plans to fuck that girl whether she likes it or not... so he guesses it's for the better. After all he doesn't want to poke into the egg and get his cock scratched by the shell. Can this happen? Meh, never mind. How expectantly the two goats keep watching him is getting on his nerves. Alright, let's tease the suckers some. "So, you guys knew that Mitmit would come for your services? You can... like... smellthe pain or something?"

"Oh barely, just barely."

"We almost missed her entirely, we did!"

"Yes, she was so covered underthe stronger darkness of a morebitter sin!"

"Shewas, shewas! Your desire to rape her, penitent,tastes so strong in the air!"

He was enticing them to boast only so he could mock them. Shove his lack of belief for their act into their face. That they bit first came out of nowhere, as a complete surprise, and he loses all composure. "Wha... I... I do-don't..."

"Oh, please, it is useless to conceal who you are here, penitent."

"Very useless indeed: we are scapegoats, we do not judge."

"We do not prevent nor get in the way."

"It is forbidden for us to interfere, in any other way than by taking over the burden."

"Most forbidden! Terribly taboo!"

He blinks and recollectssome self-control. "So, you are telling me that you kn... think I will rape her. But that you won't do anything to stop me nor to convince me otherwise."

"Not a thing."

"Not one! But we do trust that you will find some good in your heart and refrain in the end."

He bursts in laughter. "Oh, my, goodness! You two are so priceless! Helpless and obedient little suckers, aren't you? You like being pushed around!" He snaps his fingers. "Az! Come here."

The goat obeys without a hesitation.

Taking his sweet time, he pours the remaining of his milk all over his face, then tosses the glasson the floor. "There we are. Now, your turn, Zel: I don't want one of my kindhosts to feel left out! Come here and look up. Open your maw wide."

She does.

He suckles on his tongue and collects a big goop of saliva, then spits into her muzzle.She swallows.If they remain perfectly calm, the two flattenedtheir ears from the mistreatment, much to his satisfaction. "There. I'll have you know that I too can 'taste' fuckery in the air. Oh, your act is great! 'Most excellent, indeed!' But you are not fooling me. You have one more little show planned for me, haven't you? You will spank the butt of one of your fellows and shame himabout his terrible behavior,on my behalf, or something like that...and I should be touched. I should shiver and see the wrong in my ways, and by the power of love, magically become a nice boy! And then, this is when you will make your move to get some of my money. Am I right? That's your hustle, kiddos?"

"Almost spot on, penitent!"

"You are very clever, you read so well in our game!"

"Except for the money part."

"Except that indeed. It is truly free, truly."

"Completely free, no trick."

The weasel sneers. "My ass. I'm going to play along, however. Because it amuses me. But don't get your hopeshigh: I assure you that I will only entertain myself at your expense, suckers. You will not get a single penny out of me, and I'm going to do exactly as I please with Mitmit once I am done with you. Is that clear?"

"Most clear!"

"We do agree to your terms, penitent."

"And you will be entertained, wearecertain!"


Alister is not as self-confident as he looks like. In truth, his aggressivity is a way to conceal howmuchthey unsettled him. To regaincontrol. He doesn't like how they know too much, and how little he manages to read them. Running away would have been the clever choice, he's aware of it, but he wants the girl and is too proud to let two tiny goats win. No, he'll play along, discover what their true game is, and he'll beat them at it. He'll crush the suckers.

They brought him to a new room, in the middle of which stands a medium-sized box covered with padlocks and sigils. He walks around and examines it. It stronglysmells goat. "Nice prop. Seven out of ten for the ominous look. So, what's in it? All the misery of the world, ready to be unleashed?"

"Oh, no, no! Only a meagerfraction of it!"

"Despite our best efforts."

"And we will not release it yet!"

"It's your scapegoat, penitent."

He blinks. The scent: it was the sweat of a small goat trapped for... who knows how long?In that thing? Even if they are petite, given the size, the poor critterhas to be curled in a tight ball, all squeezed and cramped, without any wriggling room. "So I don't get to choose mine?"

"No, it doesn't work that way for big customers."

"Because of all the preparing, you see?"

"A lot of love and work, yes! We kept him trapped for you, for five days in a row!"

"No getting out, no solid food, no relief at all!"

"We keep him in the hot room all day, and bring him to the freezing outside for the night!"

He looks at the duo, suspicious. "Nah. I don't buy it. Too much, guys. It's just an empty box and agood story." He kicks the woodto check if it sounds hollow, and gets a muffled whine as a response. "Ah..."

"So, would you like to be cleansed, penitent?"

"Are you ready to get rid of your darkness?"

"No, I am not. I'm not interested at all. I'm perfectly comfortable with my filth and darkness, fuck you."

"A pitty."

"Quite, quite: leaving you all trapped."

"I'm not trapped at all, suckers. Please, spare me the mushy lecture about my poor soul being constricted by my darkness. Boohoo!It only hurts the others around me, and I don't care: that's oneof the perkswhen you're eeeevil."

"Oh, no, no, we meant professionally."

"Indeed, we were thinking of rank and money, that is all!"

He tilts his head. "Say what?"

"The dairy guild is subdivided into various circles. Milk itself, unprocessed, is the lowest of all."

"The lowest, indeed: as it often is, the raw materials are underrated."

"But the more processed theyget, the more prestigious!"

"And financially rewarding!"

"Butter! Yoghourt!"

"And,above all,cheese! Delicious arcane creation of masters of an old tradition!"

"Or rather, in our case, mistresses."

"True, very true... what is her name, already?"

Alister grits his teeth. "Lady Melania... that fat cow..." She's one of the guild's leader.One of the most influential among them. And she's not as tolerant of sexual harassment as his boss, as he found out the hard way. Some damn hoe ratted him out to her, damn female sorority ran in, and now he's stuck forever in the milk circle. Blocked from the promotionshis talent should rightfully earnhim.Without his boss's friendship, he would evenhave been fired!

"See? Your sins _do_hurt you!"

"They do, so harsh!"

"And we can help!"

"Our cleansing is complete. We guarantee full washing of your past offenses!"

"You could start anew, and reach yourfull potential!"

"It's_so_easy too! We will do all the work for you!"

"All we need is for you to choose to be penited."

He forces himself to chuckle, but the doubt is sinking in. "What would I have to do?"

"We will need one drop of your blood. For the binding."

"And that's all. I don't have to promise to becomebetter?"

"No promise."

"Only you shall choose to be better or worse."

"We have no right to force you."

"And I get away with all my past misbehavior, just like that?"

Az caresses the box. "The unfortunate oneinside this box will pay for you."

"He'll pay dearly!"

"And he only."

"I give you a drop of my blood, you do... your stuff, and I'll be reconciled with Lady Melania. No comeuppance whatsoever to this dirtyguy," he points himself, "no tie attached. And I can leave with Mitmit to do whatever I'll decide?"

"Exactly, penitent. These are our terms."

"All our terms, no hidden lines."

"Simple and easy."

"One drop of blood on this sigil and you'll be free," Az pointsa drawing on the box's lid.

Zel produces a long, wavy, knife. "Just be very cautious when pricking your finger with the sacrificial dagger, please."

"Yes, it is very sharp."

"Very sharp. And we only need one drop."

He has a long hesitation, then accepts the dagger. "Youtwoare such suckers. I'm not going to become good, you hear me? I have no good will!Iwill take everythingyou give me, use you,and spit at your face." He pricks his finger with a wince, and extends ittoward the box.

The blood drop falls. Suddenly, he's in completedarkness.

The** Relief**

Mitmit returns to the entrance, appeased and happy. Remembering about the tensed moment earlier, in the car, she loses some of her serenity as she sees Alister. She's not so hurried to leave the House anymore.

The weasel put his hat off, for once, and the smile he gives her lacks its usual mockery. "Ah, Mitmit! I hope the egg delivery went well?"

"Y-yes. Very well after the... the ritual. It was easy. I'm sorry I had you wait, sir. And... and thank you for bringing me here."

"Oh, it was no problem at all. Actually, I used that time for a little cleansing with these two fellows. Very appeasing."

"You... look appeased, yes." She notices how messy Az is, but decides not to question it. She likes the goat, now, but the less she knows abouthisunsettling activities, the better.

"And speaking of waiting: I kept you on overtime for too long already. Time to drive you home. And I'll add a little extra on your pay for today."

"Oh! Oh, no, it's normal... you were right, after all my lateness..."

"No, no, really. I have been very harsh to you, Mitmit. And unfairly so. To think of all the direness you endured, yet still working so hard! And all I did was to add some extra stress over your shoulders. I amdeeplysorry. My sincerest apologies. Of course, nothing I said earlier in the office holds anymore, you have no disciplinary measure to fear anymore. Promised."

"I... Uhm... Thank you?" What happened? Who is that person and what did the goats do to Mister Alister?

"Az, Zel, it has been a pleasure. Goodbye!"

"All pleasure was for us!"

"It was, it was! Very delightful!"

They both bow and, in chorus: "Thank you for your visit!"


During the whole trip to her home, Mitmit fights the silly idea that she's being driven by a doppelganger. Her boss's attitude changed so much and so abruptly. All the menace in the air vanished.

He stretches a few times and sighs in content, another mannerism that she never noticed before, and --after asking if she wouldn't mind-- opens the window to feel the wind in his hair.

He doesn't try anything menacing, and leaves her safe at her home.

She leans against the door and lets herself slide to sit on the floor, holding at her tail. Today was so weird! So stressful! But her pain is gone and her mean boss became nice! This is almost too good to be true! Will it still be true tomorrow?


Next week is lovely. She's neverlate, not once! And she can dance her heart offwithout any discomfort... although, once or twice, she wonders if, somewhere, Belz isn't screaming in pain to grant her this luxury. She tries not to think too much about this detail.

Alister didn't revert to his previous meanness, and life became easier for everyone under him. He's even flexible now, and open to ideas from his underlings: everyone is working hard, not out of terror but by good will.A ton of tiny things that made their days harder but that couldn't be avoided because it was "the standard process" were corrected.They suggested better rhymes for the singing milk-girl song and updated the choreography.

She'sfinallyenjoying the job. Oh, it's still very silly and corny, but it feels fun and quirky more than debasing,now she recovered some agency. Her smile is genuineand herpatrons return it.

The boss's new behavior apparently pleases the higher-ups as well: there are rumors about his pendingpromotion, and that he's placing his pawnsto get his underlings a raise as well. That feels toogood to be true, so she struggles not to hope too much, too early.

Life is good.

The Penance

The stuffy heat and the heavy ram scent kick hard as Alister inhales. All curled in the darkness, he can't achieve a full breath and his body feels... all wrong, somehow he doesn't understand yet. He tries to straightens but solid walls block him. From everywhere around, close. Claustrophobic panic takes him and he tries crying out for help, but he's muzzled and can only moan loudly. The moan is familiar to him...

Struggling and wriggling to try reaching for his muzzle --his arms aren't restrained, but he finds out that the cramped encasement doesn't allow them to raise--, he scrapes the walls with his hooves and horns. H-hooves? Horns? He recognizes the moan for good and understands: the instant his blood dropped on the box, he has been transferred inside. He is the trapped goat! So what about his true body? What is going on?

He is exhausted and beaten up already: the goat probably has been struggling a lot before. He's so cramped up, so hurt everywhere! He can't take it, he needs out! He cries pleadingly but receivesno answer. It dawns him how helpless he is: the thick wood of the box, all the padlocks, his tiny, weak, new body. He has no chance to escape until they allow him out... do they ever plan to?

He starts crying as he hears the muffled voices from outside.

"The night must be freezing, by now."

"Very cold, indeed!"

"Shall we bring the box outside, to vary its misery, sister Zel?"

"We shall, we shall, brother Az!"

"Allow me to help, it will not be that heavy for me," makes his former body.

Soon, the overheating turns into unbearable cold. His frail frametrembles uncontrollably, which awakes all the soreness in his screaming joints and muscles. He hears his car leaving a few minutes later.


Alister lost track of how long he was tortured like this. Time crawls slow in the darkness and silence, he feels as ifhe has been here for months... but it could just as well be a couple of days. Some of the goat's memories leaked into his, he believes, so he lost the count of the hot/cold changes. Actually, maybe he's been in for less than an hour but experiencing the goat's misery?

Beside the obvious, he's exhausted but unable to sleep, thirsty and starving, and he needs to go to the toilet. He has been holding it so far, not too keen on the idea ofwallowingin piss --he can't "go number two"either, due to something invasive shoved under his tail--, but he's worrying that he'll have no choice after a while. The box doesn't reek of urine afterseveral daysof use: hopefully his captors will cater about this need? And feed him?


Metallic noises on the wood. Metal dropped on the floor outside. Alister's heart rises with hope: someone is opening the box's padlocks! He whines eagerly when the lid opens in a creak and allows light to dazzle him.

Of course, he immediately attempts to uncurl!

A hooved foot comes resting on the back of his head, and two hands push under his elbows, halting the attempt and instead packing him more cruelly down.

"No,no,no! No uncramping yet!"

"You didn't finish taking penance for Mister Alister!"

"Far from it, far from it!"

"Hhmmmm! Mmmeeh!" He screams in his muzzle and shakes with all last traces of stamina he can summon. They hold him easily and his strengthabandonshim. He has to surrender and starts crying.

"Today's meal is chocolate flavored. We hope you'll like it."

"We do! You deserve something nice for all your dedicated efforts, brother!"

A hand feels his snout. He hopes he'll get unmuzzled and will have his chance to beg for mercy. To say how sorry he is he was mean to them, to swear he'll be a perfectly good boy from now on, that he'll do anything they want, anything.

Instead, a tube is inserted into one of his nostrils. A liquid gruel is pumped down there and he has to struggle to swallow as he can before drowning. He coughs some of it through his nose before the end.

Next, a bottle is slid under him and he feels his penis's tip guided in.

"There, you can relieve yourself."

"You should, you should: next chance is tomorrow or the day after."

"And we're not cleaning you up if you get messy, we're not."

He empties his bladder. Theyclose the box and reattach the padlocks.


The padlock noises resonate again. Alister is too desperate to attempt uncurling when the lid opens. There's a pause.

"Hop, hop, brother!"

"Rise and shine!"

"Get out of the box, do not be lazy!"

"Do not, do not, duty calls you today!"

They... they are allowing him out? It isn't some cruel prank, is it? He'd love to hop out like a Jack-in-the-box, but his body betrays him after such a long encasement. He's stuck. He's terribly weak. Any wriggling is a huge effort. He's pressing his face on the wood to "crawl" up at an excruciatingly slow pace, terrified that a foot will soon put an end to his chance.

"Should we help him, sister Zel?"

"We certainly should, brother Az."

His horns are grabbed and gentle hands carefully help him to unfold. He grimaces as the motions make him feel like if his muscles will getrippedfromhis bones... but once the rush of pain passes, stretching is absolute bliss! They help him tostand and make a few steps around, so blood resumes a normal floweverywhere. He reaches for his muzzle and fails at unbuckling it.

"You are doing it wrong, brother... allowme..." Az frees his snout.

"Oh pleaseplease! Let me go! I'll be good, I swear! I understood my lesson!"

"Awww, don't be silly, brother! Letting you go with all your misery and without your body? Out of the question!"

"Most out of the question!"

"Come, you reek. We'll give you a nice bath."

"Hold still..." adds Zel, and he almost jumps when she pulls his butt plug out.

The two chuckle.


Alister, fresh, clean and well combed, gradually recovers. He missed his opportunity to escape: the duo easily restrained him while he was still too weak to resist.

He's now bent over some heavy-duty trestle, each wrist and ankle cuffed to one of the legs. The leather cuffs are secure, he tested. He was additionally muzzled again, this time with a contraption that forces him to suckle and drool around a pretty phallic rubber gag.

And they gave him a tiny bowler hat, a good imitation of his usual one but tailored for a goat. With a hole for the horn, so he couldn't get rid even of that if he tried. Beside it, he's entirely naked.

The wait feels endless, then, eventually, someone arrives.

"Please come in, sufferer!"

"Yes, please! We were expecting you, everything is prepared."

He peeks, upside-down, between his legs to see who his captors are bringing.

Shy and uneasy, the white bunny watcheshim offered there, drooling ropes of spit onto the floor. Not his proudest moment. Especially not as he knows her well: Nellie, one of his milk girls. One of themilk girls he abused of. Payback, he guesses, is about to be a bitch.

"What was his name, sufferer?"

"It will never leave these walls. Your secrets are safe with us."

She hesitates, clears her voice, then: "Mister Alister," she almost whispers.

"Good, good! Then this brother here will be your Alister today."

"But no Mister, here."

"No Mister indeed. You are the Madame today, the one in charge."

"The one in control."

"The one who is mean."

She forces herself to look away from the shivering tied up goat. "I... I'm not sure I want to be mean."

"Oh, but it is only an act, sufferer!"

"Indeed, indeed! We are all willing and excited to help, here. You will do nothing bad at all."

"Today, you can be selfish."

"Today, you can be mean."

"Today, you can be playful."

"No consequence."

"No judgment."

"No victim, but an eager one."

"Let it go!"

"No pretense, indulge freely!"

"Reclaim control! Exorcise that memory by taming that predator!"

She inhales, nods, recovers some determination. "A-alright! I can do it! I don't want to wake up crying and trembling anymore! You'd better be as though as Mitmit said you guys were, fake-Alister, because I will not hold myself!" She's gaining confidence as she speaks, managing to fire herself up.



"A-alright, then... So, how does it work? What do I do to him?"

Az opens a cupboard to present her with a selection of toys. "It is up to you to answer this question.Your choice."

"Oh, wow. Wow. Really?How hard must I go?"

"It is up to you to answer this question," repeats Zel. "Your whim."


In a rare occurrence for him, Alister is experiencing sincere regrets for his past acts today. Eyes full of tears, he whines around his cock gag as Nellie yanks his tail up to pour a generous coating of lubricant under it. She stuffs a wet finger in his ring and pumps it back and forth a couple of times. "Not so though anymore, are we? Who is a little slut today, uh? Who is a hoe?"

He gives her his most pathetic whine.

"Oh, no! I'm not stopping just because you whimper. You didn't." She guides the tip of her strapon home and rests some weight on it. "Am I... uhm, doing right? Not too much?"

"You are doing splendidly!"

"It's not too much as long as you are comfortable with it!"

"He's playing his role very convincingly..."

"We are great professionals, without false modesty."

"Quite good at receiving abuse, yes, if I may say so myself!"

She can't help giggling, which releases a lot of her tension. "This is so weird and silly. But... I do feel safer. More in control already." She recovers a serious face. "Relax, girlie, it's not going to hurt, you'll see!"

Alister recognizes that line. The tone of it is a clear warning, but there is no escape for him.

She grabs his hips and rams in, as hard and deep as she can. He shudders and screams around his gag, clamping rhythmically in reflex on the toy, which only hurts more. She begins fucking him, without any buildup nor care, at a stiff pace and strong enough to rock his body and make the trestle's feet drag on the floor.

She gives it all her energy and it doesn't take too long before she's panting and slowing down. She stops and pulls out. He's gaping and red, leaking a lot of lube onto the back of his balls. It was brief but brutal, leaving him in shock.

"I feel so much like a bully, now."

"You are not, not at all!"

"This is what this place is for."

"This is what we are for."

"You will do nothing alike to anyone outside, will you?"

"Of course I would never!" She shakes her head, and recovers her smile. "Just an act. Just for here. I did nothing bad."

"Nothing bad at all."

"At all! How do you feel?"

"B-better. I think. I still need to process that but... Yes, I think I'll want to forget what I did with you three, no offense meant. But I also think that I will manage. And that I will manage to put... that day at rest as well, now. Yes, I feel better. Thank you." She sighs and unbuckles her strapon, that she letsdrop on the floor. She looks at the door. At her two hosts. At Alister, then finally at the cupboard. "S-say... I was only allowed to pick one toy, wasn't I?"

"Nobody said such thing."

"Nobody indeed."

And in chorus. "It is up to you to answer this question."

She walks to it and, with a trembling hand, picks up a flexible cane. "A-alright, then. Just to be sure, then. M-my whim."


It started slow, and then she got into it. She lashed his butt mercilessly until she broke the cane, and had to sit to recover her breath.

Alister is silent: he ran out of voice to cry a long ago. Legs stiff, arms trembling, he can feel each deep welt in his bottom as clearly as if he could see them. The pain is unbearable!

"Wow. Wow. That will be enough." She looks at the ceiling and sigh. "Uhm, would you have a cigarette, maybe?"

"We do not, I'm sorry."

"But we have delicious milk, that we do!"

She chuckles. "That will do." So Az trots out while she continues. "Thank you. I needed that... closure. Say, I... I wasn't the only one he... I mean..." She pauses the time to recollect herself. "I might speak of you to a couple of friends. How long will you stay in town?"

"As long as we are needed. Not an hour more."

"Not an hour less," makes Az, already returning with a big glass of cruelly squeezed milk.


"One out of three, brother."

"Nice progress on your penance!"

"You did very well, yes!"

"Now, back to the box you go! Until next time!"

The Redemption

Alister pulls back his finger and suckles its puncture.As he looks at the drop of blood on the box's sigil, hehas an odd sensation that he can't really explain. Something's wrong.

The two goats smile at him, very pleased.

"So? You don't pull him out of the box for torture?"

Az shakes his head. "Oh, no, it is not needed."

"Not needed at all, we are done already!"

He blinks. "Done already? Seriously? Mitmit gets that crazy show and I, after all the buildup... I just drip one drop of blood on a fucking box and goodbye? That is soanticlimactic!I expected a better show from you two!"

"We are very sorry that you are disappointed."

"So sorry!"

"But we did all we promised!"

"Everything, each promise! No comeuppance!"

"No ties attached!"

"The poor onein the box did all the paying."

"And yet you're cleansed!"

"Freed from your past career limitations!"

He snorts. "Just like that. You are telling me that when I get up tomorrow, I'll get my promotion? Is that it?"

"Exactly, precisely."

"Tomorrow.You are already convoked by the guild's council for the announcement."

"No, no I am not. If I were convoked, _I_would know. I would have a letter right in my pock..." He's tapping his vest's pocket as he speaks, and stops when he feels an unexpected content inside. He pulls it out: an envelope with the council's seal. "I'll be damned..." Feverish, he breaks the seal and reads. This is true. This is really, really true! Advancement, at last! The cow stopped halting him!

He bursts in laughter and grabs Az by his shoulders to lift him from the groundand spin in joy. Which is when he notices the wrong detail that was bothering him since he touched the box.

"Hey... Where did the milk go?"

"The milk?"

"On your face! I spilled half a glasson you, when did you clean up?"

"Oh, that milk! I cleaned up ten days ago, after you left."

He drops him off, flabbergasted. "Ten... wait." He pulls out hisorganizer, to find notes in his writing about ten days he never lived. "W-what... How? I touched the box and pfft? Ten days gone?"

"Sorry, we didn't warn you."

"We thought it was obvious."

"I mean, you cannot expect the guild to change opinion about you instantly."

"The letter to appear in your pocket magically."

"That would make no sense."



He has to sit. Which he does on the box without thinking so he's disoriented. Alright, calm down and think. Ten dayslost, no big deal at all for the promotion. He doesn't get what's going on and is impatient torunaway, to return to his normal world. Oh, and he lost Mitmit, obviously, for today. It's fine, he wan so much! He bursts in a long laughter.

Finally, he stands up. "Well, grand show. Amazingly impressive. You two are donewith me, aren'tyou?"

"Completely done."

"We are. We'll be leaving town this night."

"Good riddance. I don't know what's your big plan, but I can feel my guts, and they are the same as before. I may be 'redeemed' but I'm still as bad of a person as I was before. I want you to know, suckers, I want it to be very clearin your dumb tiny heads: you didn't save me. I'll keep doing what I do, what I like. Heck, I think I'm going to rape Mitmit this week and I'll think about you while making her squeal. What do you think, uh?"

"I think, with all due respect, that this would be stupid."

"Quite a career suicide. Lady Melania begrudgingly allowed you a secondchance, but she will be watching."

"There would be no thirdchance, you'd be finished!"

"Harsh price just to disappoint us, wouldn't it be?"

"It would, it would! I'd say you are stuck in goodness, now."

"Well stuck. Locked and trapped."

He bares his teeth. "Ffffuck!You... Gah! Well,I will never be sincerely good!"

"Good is good enough."

"It was a pleasure to help!"

"Be careful, however! Because when acting good too much, one might accidentally become sincere!"

Both have a long, impish, chuckle.

He storms out and escapesthe House. Damn goats: despite his promotion they managed to get on his nerves.

How could he get that much... and still feel as ifhe lost to them?


"Great work!"

"Most satisfying!"

"Let us free our brother, he needs some rest!"

"And some care after all his harsh efforts to redeem this one!"

"Yes, let us free him and bake him cookies, sister Zel!"

"Let us, let us, brother Az!"


At work, everybody notices that "good Alister" is suddenly gone. But "evil Alister" doesn't really come back either. There's some tension, some menacing undertones, but no more words said. No more acts perpetrated.

And after a few months... he mellows up for good.

The Improvement

It was half a year ago. Alister drives to the northern gate, expecting nothing... but he had to try. He's been too restless for too many nights, so, today, he ignores logic.

And, despite his doubts, his prayers were heard by something: the dark tents are standing again near the forest. "Fffuuuck... You tricky bastards..."

He drives toward the light of the entrance.


"Welcome back, sufferer!"

"Welcome back!"

He walks past thegoatsand look at the, now familiar, inside. So many bizarre things he didn't understand happened to himhere... was it a good idea to return?

They are following him.

Enough thinking, it's useless to play games and pretend around them. "You fuckers were expecting me, weren't you?" he asks without turning to watch them.

"We were, yes."

"We were indeed."

"I bet you even baked cookies." Instead of an answer, Az simply hands himthe bowlwith a smile. He picks one and eats it. "Yum... delicious cruelty. If I weren't afraid to know, I'd ask your recipe."

They chuckle.

He turns back to face them. "Alright, I'm not going to beat the bush. Because of you, assholes, I'm now having regrets. I want them gone."

"We can help, certainly!"

"We will help, definitely!"

"Great, great. So how many days will I lose this time? Just so I'm less startled when we're done."

"Oh, none, sufferer."

"That was the big treatment, for a big penitent."

"You are past this point now."

"You can have the, gentler, normal service."

He relaxes some. He was hoping this. "Like Mitmit, right? I lend you a personal object and get to choose my goat to torment in an ironical way, right?"

"Pretty much, yes!"

"You got the idea, yes!"

He smirks. "Fine!" He picks up his hat and shows it to them. "My object." Then he plants it firmly on Az's head. "My scapegoat. If you are to mess with my head and turn me into a better person, sucker, you're going to pay for it."

"Thank you, sufferer! I am most honored!"

"An excellent choice, very appropriate."

He groans. "Awww, come on, guys. I'm surrendering and admitting my defeat, here. Don't be such jerks! Could you enjoy this a little less? Can't you at least allow me that satisfaction?"

The End.

Go(a)t Milk?

The car is quietsave the soft whistling of "Chirpy",as the two sheepdogladiesin the front are lost in their thoughts:the calico cat in the backseat has been so excited since the trip's beginning that she can't remain silent. She'd make a fine...

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Mob Rugby 4 - The Match is On

**Welcome**** to ****the City** Things escalated quickly. I entered the Seven Daggers' territory timid and anxious, and,a few hours later, here I am,wearing nothing but my feminine collar and bracelets --the "don't break your leg" charm relocated to...

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