Evil Rises- Chapter Six

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#6 of Evil Rises

Chapter Six



Furry Sith Lord

"Dr. Avram Primate-C being assisted by Bloodhound Lupis-W." The doctor said as BH was recording the event on camera. "We are here with test subject 0001A and are again attempting communication. Hueman Homidae-H which I have given him the temporary last name while the biologists handling his case are still in the process of confirming whether he has any real relationship to primates or if he is a new species altogether." he said then they entered a room and Hueman ran and tried to hide himself against the corner covering his face with his hands.

Hueman wore only a pull up diaper because they had not yet been able to toilet train him. BH had suggested they add a small tree he could use and it worked when he was alone but when others were around he would hold himself until he couldn't any longer then mess himself.

The pull up seemed the less invasive way to both keep him covered and helped control his accidents. Pull ups were designed for older cubs that still had trouble using the toilet but were not looking like diapers to embarrass the cub. They looked like briefs but were padded to absorb moisture.

He knew to easily slide them on and off when he watered a tree but defecating was the tricky part. He would mess them whether he was alone or not and when caregives came to wipe him he would throw a fit. Getting him to change pulls up wasn't a problem but it was a concern that his lack of wiping himself after making the mess would lead to rashes and sores.

Orders had been given in the common language by having Dr. Avram, his controller, pressed his thumb to the clasp. Hueman was forced to obey but the problem was that he had no idea which rules he was supposed to be obeying. This tended to cause him to throw more fits and made dealing with him very problematic.

The only other trick they had tried was that the collar would help him remember a word once he learned it in the common language. This way they could help reinforce the learning and open slightly better lines of communication. This was a slow process as he didn't understand everything they said. Many times he would throw a fit as he became frustrated and BH seemed to be the only one to calm him. He saw BH as a pet and having him close would give him a sense of home which helped him relax a little.

Dr. Avram recorded every event to use as learning aids in case others were called in. The process of teaching was slow but both of them working together had better chances of teaching him then one of them alone.

"We have been making valuable progress in our research so far and thought we might try a few new methods to try and reach the boy. Unfortunately Bloodhound is the main catalyst that helps in reaching him while any other attempts have been rejected." Dr. Avram explained to the camera. "Today we will be attempting to try further toilet training. Bloodhound has agreed to assist.

OK BH do you remember the word in his language?"

"You said it was...Pee?" BH asked as he tried to remember.

"Yes exactly! Let me take the camera." Dr. Avram said.

"This is so humiliating, must it be recorded?"

"I apologize but we must record the attempt in case we need to look back on it to see if any progress has been made. I capture from behind so you can keep your dignity and only when he properly does it will I move to the front to record it. Think of this exercise as if you were teaching your cubs how to use a potty." Dr. Avram moved behind them still recording and BH went over and took the boy's hand and led him to the toilet.

"Pee," he said to the boy then he uncovered his member and pissed in the toilet for Hueman to see. After he was done he wiped himself and pulled his pants back on. BH then pointed at him and repeated the word.

Hueman uncovered himself and began to pee against the toilet but none of it went inside the bowl. BH sighed put patted his head at the attempt.

"Nice try kid," he said but he doubted he understood the meaning.

"Woof Woof," Hueman said and Dr. Avram interrupted.

"No, make him call you by your correct name!" The doctor ordered. BH saw the boy flinch at the word and was ready to curl up into a ball.

"It's fine, it's how he knows me." BH replied.

"He thinks you're a dog and he's making barking sounds at you. He needs to know you are not his pet."

"One step at a time doctor, I don't want to overload him and he has another meltdown." BH replied.

"As you wish," Dr. Avram said grudgingly.

"Let's move on to some words he knows and give him water to drink. That way we can try again in an hour. When my mom trained us she made us go to the bathroom every hour until we got it right then she rewarded us."

"We can't afford to baby him too much."

"You seem in a sour mood today, what's up?" BH asked as he skeptically looked at the doctor.

"To be honest I'm hoping to show some progress because of the media coverage there is numerous riots and species calling for him to be put to sleep... as in put to sleep permanently. I'm hoping it we can show some progress we might be able to change a few minds and get them to see him as something other than a dumb animal." Dr. Avram stated.

"I get it but if you push him too hard you'll make him break. He is a cub or whatever his species calls a child after all." BH countered.

"You're probably right but if they could see the progress we've made..."

"It won't matter! Small minded species will hate no matter what the truth is. We need to just keep moving forward and try to reach the ones that are not bigoted, even if that makes us unpopular. You can't please everyone." BH interrupted.

A couple of months passed and as summer was nearing the end Lou's antlers had grown back in and his boys were getting ready to return to Bearly Academy. Tyger and his father were still competing versus each other and the rest ignored them. Ben had been spending more time with Leggo and Lyon and his sports knowledge had him blending in with them. This was ideal for him so he could stay out of the competition between his boyfriend and father.

He was so welcomed that both their father and dad made him feel like they were his parents as well. He was grateful that they welcomed him in and the shyness he once had and his fears they would throw him out if he said anything had long since vanished. His only complaint was that if Lou and Leggo adopted him then he couldn't date Tyger anymore.

Hueman had finally learned to fluently speak the common language and the progress BH and Dr. Avram had accomplished had accelerated. The boy had taken on a new confidence and he was absorbing new ideas like a sponge absorbs water.

His relationship with BH was now strained though because he had learned quite a bit of the common language and BH had said how much he wanted to kill and torture the boy. BH had no idea that Hueman could now understand him but it was too late and when the boy told him off BH could now hear the disgust the boy had for him.

This carried over to the doctor but the fear of being punished had made the boy remain civil towards them. He was also wearing a full set of clothes and the diapers had been gotten rid of. He started to favor boxers because the briefs reminded him of the diapers they made him wear and the fear they had once inflicted on him. Though technically he would much rather not wear any underwear at all, they made him and he obeyed rather than having them punish him.

The news had run out of stories to run on Hueman and other than the conspiracy theorists that would mention the boy being part of a government plot, he was relatively forgotten. The news had moved on to a new scandal in Hollywood and species had focused on that rather than the rare white skinned hairless ape.

"Good morning Hueman," BH said pleasantly as he entered the room they kept the boy locked in.

"Good morning master," Hueman replied with pure hatred dripping off his lips.

"Master?! Where did you learn that word?" BH was surprised the boy knew of it.

"The box... the television. They had slaves in these things," he touched his collar. "And they called the ones in power 'master."

"Ah, well I am not your master. You don't remember because you were very upset but it was Doctor Avram that put that on you. The doctor is your master and I assist him... help him." BH explained. Hueman showed no signs of patience as he was being spoken to.

"You've been very mad at me a lot lately. Why?"

"I heard you say you hurt me and other me's. You think I no know what you spoke but I know the words used."

"I see. When you and your 'people'... people is word for others like you... other you's. The word is people or species. You and your species hurt me. I very mad at how you treat me. Not nice like Doctor Avram treats you. I was mad. I'm sorry... I hope we can be friends." BH lied hoping the boy would believe him. Hueman seemed indifferent but before BH could say anymore Dr. Avram entered the room.

"Good morning Hueman." he said and the boy bowed himself.

"Good morning master."

"Oh... it seems you learned a new word. Well I have news... for the both of you." He said and BH leaned against the wall as the doctor made Hueman stand on his feet and look at him. "I'm planning on taking you back to your home. To see the others that look like you. Now please repeat that back to me in the language of your people so I know that you understand me." Dr. Avram ordered.

"You want me to lead you to my village where my people live." Hueman replied perfectly and Dr. Avram understood him. They had been teaching each other in their own languages so that when this time came the doctor would be able to communicate with Hueman's people.

"Very good. Unfortunately BH will not be joining us because the money....the things I need will not let him come. I know you are mad at him but do you understand? You won't see BH ever again."

"No more see?" Hueman said as his eyes had a look of sadness that surprised BH. He was sure the boy hated him but the reaction of never seeing each other again should have made the boy happy yet it didn't.

"Why don't I give you two a minute." Dr. Avram said as he rose and quietly left the room.

"No, no go Woof Woof.... BH master!" Hueman said and he slightly corrected himself. BH extended his arms and the boy rushed into them and he hugged the lad. He was surprised that he had no hesitation in doing so considering how much he had hated him. He guessed the kid was growing on him.

"It's OK Hueman," he said but he felt himself getting choked up and he couldn't finish.

"Gawd gave BH to me as protector. We both white colored." The boy said as he slipped back into his hairless ape language. BH knew a little but no way near as much as the doctor knew. There were a couple of words he didn't understand.

"What Gawd mean?" BH asked, still not sure what it meant.

"He Great Alpha. He master like Doctor and BH, but greater."

"Ah OK I understand." BH said as he was beginning to understand that the kid was drawn to him because they were similar in ways. The kid had experienced what it was like to have white fur and have everyone treat you differently.

"You... no mad at Woof Woof for kill sick boy?" BH struggled to pick the right words.

"You kill Joshua?" Hueman asked and BH reluctantly nodded.

"He sick, very sick. Me make him peace. No sick no more." BH said and he switched back to the common tongue because the boy was looking at him confused. He hated lying to him but he was afraid he might have another tantrum if he was honest.

Since they had been able to break down the language barriers the boy had been doing better and he wasn't getting as upset as he used to. Unfortunately he was still young and even though his species viewed him as almost being a man his mind was still cub-like and needed guidance.

"I be back." BH replied and he separated from the boy and went into the hall to join Dr. Avram. He had been watching them through a two way mirror. Dr. Avram watched as the boy crawled over to the room's corner and curled up into a ball as he laid on the floor.

"It's been weeks since he last did this," Dr. Avram told BH as they both watched Hueman through the glass.

"He's more attached than I thought."

"That presents a problem for us. I know you've wanted to go out on your own and leave us behind but I fear I may need you now more than ever." Dr. Avram said.

"I wouldn't trust his species. They are very peculiar and prone to violence. You show up alone and they'll take you as a prisoner, even make you into a pet or... their next meal." BH cautioned.

"If we go in like an army they will attack thinking we're invaders. I believe if I go in alone I have a better chance of talking to them. Hueman also seems to be their prophet and they will listen to him."

"He may have them force you to free him. Then what?! Have him tell them stories of the evil species that made him a slave?"

"That's exactly why I need you! You have a strong connection to the boy, you can help guide him and be the mediator to a once extinct species."

"Are you really sure we're not headed for disaster?"

"Trust me, I'm the doctor!" he replied.

"The doctor? Doctor Who?! Who are you that a bunch of once thought to be extinct hairless apes should listen to?" BH asked skeptically.

"There is no denying that our worlds will collide, one way or another! At least this way we have a chance to avoid another Great War."

"But you're trying to civilize them! Think about it. Right now they are weak and not even a threat to us, but educate them and they can build weapons that could cause another mass extinction. Perhaps leaving them alone is the best and let nature take its course. After all, they might not be able to survive in such a hostile environment without any fur to protect them."

"You sound like those nut jobs that believe that the cub's book is a prophecy. It's all nonsense and I knew that even before it was revealed that the text had been altered. It's just sad to see that our civilized species are still behaving like primitives."

"I think your curiosity is getting the better of you doctor," BH warned.

"You know there are still modern species that live in tribalistic lifestyles despite the fact they know how the modern world lives. I saw a documentary about a group of deer that still run around the forest in loincloths and use primitive weapons and tools to survive. They were exposed to our culture and they rejected it." Dr. Avram countered.

"But they aren't crazy enough to try and attack modern civilization. We tolerate each other and have a somewhat limited understanding. These creatures, we just barely figured out how to talk to them. You're making a big mistake to just rush in, believe me, I know. I mean you heard what the kid said! He still believes in that Gawd thing of theirs" BH countered.

"I understand what you are saying though I disagree."

"We gave up such primitive ideas ages ago and we've lived happier healthier lives because of it. Their Gawd belief retards their progress and is very dangerous. They'll go to war because they think their Great Alpha commands it but won't care about the effects it has on the environment and their lives in general. The way I see it they are dancing on a knife';s edge and the slightest wind will push them to their doom."

"That is exactly why they need education! They need to learn to give up that poison so they can better themselves." Dr. Avram countered.

"I hope you're right, doctor, I hope you're right."

"Thank you for seeing us Doctor, I'm sure you can understand that we have... hesitations about you trying to find the hairless ape shrewdness." An old lion said as Dr. Avram sat in front of the C.I.Z.A. board of directors. It was this same board that Merrik had once stood before when he was trying to recover their funding.

Since he and the rest of the White Fur Division had gone missing, C.I.Z.A. had been unable to rebuild them. Especially since the public outcry to accept rare white fur species as being equal yet distinct.

"I don't mean to be pissing up a tree here, doctor, but surely you nof all species must realize how dangerous they are." Ol' Ben the old coyote said and he tossed his reading glasses on the table to get a good view of the doctor.

"Thank you for having me here, gentlemen and lady. I wish to inform you that due to my research I have found means to fully communicate with the hairless apes. My hopes are to find them and learn as much as I can about them. Specifically their numbers." Dr. Avram stated.

"Why does that interest you? Are you expecting them to invade us?" The old otter replied.

"I'm more interested in dissection to help further our understanding on how they work. I've wanted to study the boy we currently have but since he is the only one we have I am limited in the tests I can safely perform on him."

"The problem is that their species was the catalyst to starting the Great War. To dig up their past may cause panic among the populace." The old female deer said. The others agreed with her and they all turned their focus back on the doctor.

"Personally, I care nothing about that. They are another species and one that I wish to study. We thought they had become extinct yet somehow evolution has given them a second chance. I want to study 'why' and 'how' that's possible.

My so-called assistant has been a thorn in my side but the boy is strongly attached to him and none of my current research would be possible if not for his... limited help. Yet my every attempt to get rid of him and put me in the position that I need to go begging him to return.

That boy, as far as we know, is the only rare white skinned one of them. They treat him as an alpha, if the wolf is to be believed. In order to even get close I've had to befriend the child and put up with everything he pulls.

See species see me as the friendly scientist but what they don't realize is that I'm a War Doctor! I can find a way to bring extinct species back to life and those pitiful hairless apes are the key!"

"Well boy that research is paramount to our survival but there are a few things that need be addressed." Ol' Ben commented.

"Such as?"

"We feel it's better if the public doesn't know about your expedition. There has been enough damage when it was made public of their existence." The old otter said.

"Not that anyone's blaming you but we need to keep things... peaceful, understand?" Ol' Ben said.

"I understand completely." Dr. Avram replied.

"There are certain parties that we do not want involved that may hinder your research worse than the wolf has." An old Billy Goat ironically named Billy said. It was long thought he had given himself a pseudonym hoping to protect his true identity.

"We had an agent brought to us an active website to a certain 'secret society' that normally we wouldn't give a shit about. We were forced to not ignore it when we found several key players in the mainstream media with orders to destabilize our society." Ol' Ben said.

"That very same agent went mysteriously missing after revealing the site and his entire department with him. Something like this we cannot ignore. One of their top members is that Furtube guy Alex Johns. His voice was one of the loudest when that test subject of yours was told to the media. That site has gone quiet but we can't take any chances because it could be a blind bluff on their part." Ol' Ben said.

"Alex Johns? Is he that frog that says the government is experimenting on frogs to make boys like boys? He said it was a plot to make certain frogs extinct?" Dr. Avram asked.

"Yes that's him and he's also the one that says that a certain mass shooting never took place but was a chemical experiment to make species believe it happened through hypnosis." The old lion stated.

"He's one of their top agents?" Dr. Avram asked incredulously.

"He denies involvement and often speaks out against them but we found orders given to him to do just that to hide their existence by making species think they're fake. Again we've been forced to see them as a real threat. We've been keeping their morfe public members under investigation but there were several names of unknown species listed. We've been unable to find them and that also worries us." The female deer stated.

"You can trust me because I want nothing to hinder my investigations into these hairless apes." Dr. Avran said.

"Good, then we see no problem funding your journey. If by chance that white wolf that follows you turns up disappearing then we realize it would be no fault of your own that they killed him. Do we understand each other?" The old lion asked.

"Perfectly," Dr. Avram said smiling. He loved it when a plan came together.

To Be Continued...