Part 3 of Safe Haven and a New Start

Story by SkyelerTheFox on SoFurry

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#3 of Skye and Katie

Skyeler and Katie make some new friends. Things are improving and coming together really well, they are well on their way to their goal in less than a week.

Part 3 of Safe Haven and a New Start.

Skye and Katie spent a long time in the shower, cleaning each other and basking in the fiery afterglow of their recent adventurous lovemaking. Each of them scrubbing the other with sweetness and playing with their fur. They embraced each other before shutting the water off. They toweled themselves off and went out to what was starting to feel like THEIR bedroom in THEIR house. It was wonderful! Katie went to the kitchen and piled the remaining pancakes and bacon onto a plate and devouring it all quickly. She had suddenly found herself absolutely ravenous. It then occurred to her that Skye had expressed that bacon was currently the only solid food his stomach felt welcoming of. She popped over to the doorway and opened her mouth to speak, "Hey honey, I just realized we're out of bacon, so I'm gonna go pick some up and grab a coffee. You gonna be okay here?" then she entered the room and started putting on some clothes in preparation for her journey.

Skye frowned but spoke with a happy tone, "I don't like this... it really sucks.. I mean.. there's clothes on you!! Hehe. Anyways, I'm good babe! Will you pick me up some relaxation tea while you're out? I'm not saying I need some to relax. Believe me... I'm PLENTY relaxed. Hehe. I just like it and I'm craving some for some reason. I'm stoked that it's the tea I'm craving." A wild grin came over his face, partly because he amused himself with his earlier joke, but also because the gears of his mind were cranking away with an inspired idea that materialized in his head. "But other than that, I'm all good!"

She grinned back at him, "Good to hear, sweetie. I'll be back in a little while. If you're a good boy while I'm out, I'll let you eat dessert before dinner. Love you! Katie's eyes glimmered suggestively back at him as she exited the room and out of the house.

As soon as Skye heard Katie's car start, he sprung up and set his plan in motion. He set about making a large batch of pancakes, getting the mix all over himfur, but not even noticing. He had possibly very little time to pull this off. It had been about 25 minutes and he was wrapping up the pancakes piece of the mission. He looked outside, trying to scout his next step out. It was still somewhat stormy out, raining a bit and the thunder was spaced out between booms a bit more infrequently. Still pretty windy. He spotted a couple of promising opportunities outside. He called his sister to gauge how much time he had, "Hey babe, are you on your way home yet..?"

"I am, what's up??"

Skye was thinking very quickly and figured out a way to hopefully delay her. "Umm... well I was wondering if like.. do you think you could get me some new guitar strings..? It's okay if not." He tensed in a stressed excitement. The time between his request and her answer seemed an eternity, he really wanted this to work out.

"Sure thing honey, just any kind or....?"

He gave her the specifications that he needed for his purposes and thanked her. This actually worked out really well! He really needed some anyways. His were old and oxidized with a layer of gunky looking stuff on them. Their tone had lost it's quality, playable but missing that something special. And it actually played even better into what he was bringing into action.

Now he had extra time! Probably at least 25-30 minutes. That was more than enough. He jerked on some nice looking clothes, and being freshly showered, he looked rather presentable. He grabbed one of the stiff paper plates from the cupboard and piled 6 large pancakes on it, covering them with a layer of cling wrap. He took a couple of breaths to center himself and stepped outside. One thing really playing in his favor was that even though he looked somewhere sickly, the vibrancy and energy he had recovered from his time and love with Katie had made him look more alive. Carrying the pile of cakes with him, he went to two houses with an offering, but was turned away. He apologized profusely and wished the people a good day. He came up to the third and last house he had set his sights on. If this failed, he would be defeated.. He timidly knocked on the door which after about ten seconds, was answered by a huge burly male bear. Skye made a huge gulping sound, suddenly incredibly intimidated. "Oh.. uhhmmm.. Hello, sir.. I'm really sorry to bother you.. I'll be quick.. So, I'm recently unemployed..

(this was a little white lie, because he was scared of what the truth would do, and he didn't want to risk that. He decided he would come back later to apologize and share the truth)

And my girlfriend has been a total saint and been super supportive while I look for work again. I'm totally broke and I wanted to do something special for her. I have other things for her at the house, but I noticed your BEAUTIFUL garden! And I came here with these pancakes to maybe trade for some flowers, even a a tiny bundle. I just made them and they're still super warm! Anyways, that's all.. I'm sorry if I interrupted or bothered you..."

He saw the bear, towering over him and seeming to stare at him sternly. Then suddenly the bears face went soft and broke into laughter. His voice was booming, "Hahaha! You're just a big softie, aren'tcha?? We're of the same kind of heart! I know, I know.... Nobody ever expects it. Big old scary bear plays in the garden, plants flowers, and is a soft romantic... pshhh. Well I am, damn it! Let's pick you something really special. Your lady on her way back?"

Skye laughed nervously, but the tension broke quickly and suddenly he felt he was with a friend. He nodded, "Thank you so much! I think I have maybe ten or fifteen minutes, but I wanna get back and see if I can set something really sweet up for her!"

"Cool! We'll have you set up quick! Name's Ryan by the way."

Skye felt kind of embarrassed, "Oh god, I'm sorry, I'm Skyeler. Very nice to meet you!"

"Likewise my man!" Ryan had finished gathering the flowers he had picked, and he had picked and organized them beautifully! He really knew his stuff. "Here you go! Now go on, hurry home. Thanks for the pancakes. And hey, if you ever wanna swing by and visit or something, you're very welcome to. Anyone willing to come out in this weather and ask a terrifying bear for some flowers for the sake of love, is a friend in my book."

Skye was practically bouncing home, waving and turning back to yell, "Thanks again so much! I'll do that. See you around!" He sprinted back to the house to do what he could before Katie got home. His mind was racing, and he formed a general plan. He made her a plate of pancakes, piled them with fruit and other delicious things, placed it on the bed, put orange juice on the nightstand. He lit candles in the room and managed to make some romantic lighting, and then he laid the flowers on the bed next to her food. He was getting restless and fidgety, desperately wanting everything to be done before she got home. He got a piece of paper and wrote out a note. He was kinda in a rush, and wasn't exactly satisfied, but he did his best.

It read: Katie --- Not even a week ago, I had no hope in life. I was lost and had given up. I had nobody that cared about me (that I knew of). You came into my life and showed me that I am cared about and have value. You saved me from myself. And it means more to me than you could ever know.. I have no idea what the hell I did to deserve it or to deserve you.. But I have you, and that's all that matters. I know that this is an unusual situation that we're in, but whatever we're in for, I'll be right there with you, for as long as you'll have me. You're so gorgeous and sweet with such a beautiful soul and I am so unimaginably lucky! I look forward to getting out from inpatient and coming home with you, starting my new clean life that we can share. You also just drive me wild!!! Your body is so perfect to me it just makes me rush, I could just eat you up all day long. Well, I could go on forever about that and how hot we are together, but I need to finish this before you get home. I really wanted this to be a surprise. To show you how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate everything you've done for me. Anyways, I love you Katie, see you soon.

He finished there, then placed it down on the bed. The note was in the middle, the food and the flowers to either side. He went and stood in the living room by the window, watching the rain patter onto the ground, listening for the familiar car sound. He heard it after about four or five minutes, and he his anxiety rose. Deep down he knew that she was going to love what he had done, but he still wanted it to be amazing. He calmed himself down and stood in the bedroom where Katie wouldn't see him as she walked in, where he waited. He heard her car door shut, her keys jingle and then unlock the door, the door open, and then she was putting the groceries away, and when she walked into the room, his brow wrinkled intensely, desperately wishing for her to not turn around.

Katie had put the bacon in the fridge, saw the large pile of pancakes laying out, and curiosity rose within her. Last she knew, Skye still wasn't able to eat something as heavy as pancakes, and here were what looked like at least ten LARGE pancakes. Very intriguing. After that peculiarity, she cocked her head to the side as her attention shifted to the dimmer light coming from the bedroom. This was super weird! She stepped into the room, saw the note on the bed first, which although seeming like it was something sweet, the anxious part of her hit her hard with thoughts that, "Oh my god... did he leave..? Is he gone already and..." she stopped that thought in it's tracks, trying to counter it with more positive thoughts. Only one way to find out, so she picked it up and started reading.

Skye waited until he could guess that she was halfway through, and then walked up behind her and embraced her tightly, giving her a quick kiss on the back and letting her have enough time to finish reading. He heard the package of guitar strings hit the floor, and since she was clearly done reading, he put his muzzle next to her ear, resting on her shoulder and whispered, "I love you Katie."

Katie's breathing shuddered, overwhelmed by emotion. She gripped both of his hands and simply held onto them. She brought one of them up to kiss it, and as she lifted it up, Skye felt a drop hit his hand. She felt him smile against her and in a hushed tone said, "I hope you like it. I had very limited time to put this together." He squeezed her tightly and snuggled his face against her back.

Katie pulled his hands away so that she could turn to face him. Her gorgeous green eyes welled up with tears, and her voice shook as she said, "I love it so much Skye, I love you, I can't believe you did this! Not because I don't think you would, I just wasn't expecting anything like this. I wasn't even gone that long!!!! It's all so beautiful... thank you sweetie.... Thank you so much.. how did you do this? Well, most seems straightforward, but to make so many pancakes, and why? And where did you get those flowers?? They look almost professional! It's all so perfect... I can't even describe it..." She pulled him into her and gave him a breathtaking kiss, which conveyed all the emotions and love she was filled with. Some of those spilled over into him and he teared up during their long, beautiful kiss.

He gently backed out of their muzzle to muzzle connection, his eyes soft and relaxed. A smile touched his face. "well yeah, most was easy and straightforward. I'm pretty proud of myself though! I really wanted to get you flowers, so I checked the neighborhood to see if anyone grew them in their garden, and I saw three houses that did.. I made a ton of pancakes because I wanted to offer them to the people something nice and that's what I had on hand. I called you to check how much time I had, but you were on your way home already, so I asked you to pick up some strings... that I really did need anyways, thank you so much for getting them for me!! Anyways, that bought me some time. I went to two of the houses and they declined, just kinda neutrally, they weren't rude or anything, and I was starting to stress out. I got to the third house and he was this huuuuuge bear named Ryan. Super intimidating... I was kind of scared.. I asked him anyways and explained my situation, and it turns out he's a big ole softie just like me! He picked those and knew which ones go together and stuff, so I didn't have a part in that... but he gave those to me and I gave him the pancakes, we kinda might be friends now.. he wants me to visit sometime.. but then I ran back home and organized all of this and... yeah..! That's how it all came together!"

Katie was astounded. He had done so much so quickly just so she could come home to something so fucking SWEET! Her heart felt like it was exploding with joy and love. She had a few more questions though, "You are such a sweetheart! That was pretty dang smart for how you distracted me hehe. I'm glad you met someone so nice! What did you explain your situation as...? And I'm glad you made a friend, are you going to actually see him..?"

A look of guilt washed over his face, "I told him that I'm recently unemployed and that my girlfriend was being super supportive of me while I've been searching for a job, and that I really wanted to do something special for her... I feel bad for lying to him.. he's such a sweet guy. But I AM going to visit sometime, and I'll tell him the truth about things and apologize. Could I bring you with me..? He will love you!"

She pulled him to her, holding him tightly and stroking the back of his head and neck. "Aww baby... I'm sure he will understand.. nothing to worry about... now, how about I cook us up some more bacon and we can relax to some shows or movies or something.?"

"Sounds perfect babe." They went to the kitchen and Katie cooked bacon while Skye stood behind her, just holding her and alternating between smelling the bacon and sniffing at her. It always gave him a little burst of oxytocin, and he loved it. Once she had served herself a plate and he had his, along with bringing a few nutrition drinks and more water, they slid into bed and enjoyed their meal and shared presence, warm and cozy under the covers. Once they had their fill, they sat there against the headboard with pillows separating the wall from them. Their heads lay against each others and their hands linked together, each of them had a gentle smile on their faces. Skye let go of Katie's hand and placed his arm around her, pulling her closer and enjoying the sitcom they had been watching.

Skye got up to use the bathroom, noticing that Katie picked up the remote to change the TV to something else. After he had relieved himself, he spent a little time washing his face, just because it felt nice and he felt like looking good, then he combed his fur a little bit and smiled at his reflection. He found himself actually feeling okay with his appearance, so much better especially since he had been building some self acceptance and love. He still looked a little rough, but it was okay, just a bit of time would be the remedy for that. Satisfied with himself, he opened the door, starting to share a thought he was having, "Hey babe, I was thinking that maybe tomorrow we c... we uhh.. could.... Could... umm...." He had lost his train of thought and his eyes had opened just about as wide as they could go, and he had stopped in his tracks and was now looking back and forth between Katie and what was on the TV. He looked at her a little longer and she had been looking from the TV to him and was now only looking at him with a questioning grin. He looked at the TV to fully take in the scene and figure things out. What Katie had done when he left the room was put on some porn. It was a wolf and a tiger tag teaming a raccoon girl, the tiger was balls deep in her dripping cunt, and the wolf had his cock in the raccoon girls throat. Skye looked back at Katie, and realized that she was both already naked under the covers and also had her fingers in herself, and they were still there making a very faint wet sound that Skye could barely pick up. She was also biting her lip seductively. She uncovered herself, exposing exactly what was happening. Skye's cock was quickly hard, and he absently slipped his pants off in an instant, exposing himself.

Katie sharply inhaled and let it out as a moan as she stayed biting her lip. She glanced at the sex scene playing on the screen and crawled to the edge of the bed at which point she opened her maw and let her tongue hang out the front, as a sort of invitation for Skye. His bit his own lip and seemingly floated over to her, cock pulsing and already starting to drip with pre. He growled lowly as he was pushed into his primal arousal and instincts, his eyes dilated even further and were nothing more than black marbles with a deeply urgent hunger for the (to him) goddess-like being before him. He stopped right in front of her, and she guided his body to a spot where she would be able to watch the video while she was taking in his delicious cock. When Skyeler realized why she had moved him, he found it so unbelievably hot that his member twitched and actually shot some pre onto her cheek. She let out a sexually charged giggle, wiped it up with her finger and sucked it off, sucking the whole finger into her mouth, her eyes shining up at him with a strong sense of confidence in herself what she was about to do. She gripped his shaft and slid her hand up and down slowly, using his pre as lube and letting the near constant stream collect and coat her hand. Eventually she stopped , made eye contact and slurped up some of the fluid on her hand, making a delighted face and smirking as Skye made it extremely apparent that she was driving him crazy!

Skye occasionally looked to the sex scene, but mostly focused on her. He couldn't believe how uninhibited she had become in such a short time. Had she always been into porn like this, or was this newly unleashed? It didn't matter right now, especially as she once again invited him into her open maw, this time leaning her face toward his dripping member, her eyes glued to the wolf cock in the sexy raccoons throat.. man, that chick made it look so easy! She took it right down. That woman really seemed to enjoy it too, although.... Katie understood that feeling. Katie couldn't help but wonder how good it would feel to be able to fully throat Skye and be able to be comfortable with it, then she could focus entirely on feeling him slide all of his length in. She turned her eyes to the cock in front of her and reached around Skye and pulled him to her face, taking a moment to sniff at him and give herself a little taste of him. This served to flush her entire body with arousal and pleasure chemicals, which cranked her desire for him into an absolute necessity and that would encourage her and enable him to ignore discomfort and take him in further, hopefully doing even better than before.

She lapped up every drop of the pre that had flowed down, and realized that it had reached his tight ballsack, which she bathed with her tongue, completely cleaning it off, but then sucking on it, taking the individual orbs into her mouth, which provoked a moan of surprise and pleasure from the fox in front of her. After this, she needed him too badly, the scene on the TV had teased her far too much, she was jealous of that raccoon, and sick of only watching. She made one fluid motion which involved licking up Skye's member and the instant she reached the tip, her mouth sank down on it, taking a large portion of it down, pretty much to the limit that had been established previously, which caused her to stifle an unexpected gag. His taste and smell did their usual thing of driving her up and up and up, until she couldn't handle it any more, both of her hands gliding down her soft, heated body and she started stimulating her sweet pink slit with both of them, covering much more area and rapidly hitting multiple hot spots simultaneously. In an uncontrollably loud volume, she let out around the cock in her muzzle. "UUUNNNMMMMMFFFFFFFFF!!!!!" She was not cumming, only blissfully overwhelmed.

She slowed down a little bit and remembered the girl on the screen. She looked over and was amazed that it was all still happening! Quite the stamina. But she realized that she had intended to focus on trying to get close to her skill level.

Skye was watching his woman masturbating while she had him in her mouth, when he observed what was happening, he saw her dial back her self stimulation, look at the screen, and then push him down into her throat, which caused him to gasp out and she gagged on him. Like last time, he wanted to avoid that because it looked uncomfortable and didn't want her to do that, especially if she might possibly just be forcing herself to do it only for him. He pulled himself out a little bit, but was blown away and given an explosion of amplified lust when she looked fiercely into his eyes and shook her head, then forcing her head back down, taking him further into her throat than she had the previous time when they were in the shower. She nearly had the whole thing down, but there was a strong gag barrier at this point, but she was able to respect that while fucking her maw and beyond with her lovers rock hard cock. She was loving it so much, it just felt so fucking good! There was saliva and pre in her mouth, dripping down her chin, down her throat, and to top it off, he was deep in her face, getting her even closer to his intoxicating scent."

Skye was in heaven. He had never had this before, except with Katie in the shower, but she was even more passionate and driven in the most intense of ways as she fucked her own muzzle without him doing anything. He was frozen with amazement and pleasure and admiration. He had been moaning nearly a solid nonstop moan during her enthusiastic act upon him. He had an idea to propose which he was fine if she declined, he could never turn this down. "he...heyy... do you... ohmygod! Unnnffff.... I wanna fuck you.... While we... mmmfff.f... while we watch...!"

Her eyes opened and were lit up and answered Skye with her mouth completely full, "uummfffff...eeesssss!!!"

She very slowly let him slide out, giving his cock a quick kiss on the tip and moaning in satisfaction. Unexpectedly, he shoved her backwards onto the bed, and she was laid out with her legs splayed wide open, causing her to freeze in a little shock and surprise, and he was immediately on top of her, with his tip placed directly on her entrance, and he pushed in carefully but as forcefully as he felt comfortable doing. This elicited a loud gasp from her which transformed into an approving moan. He grinned and as he thrusted deeply into her, he reached up and placed his hand delicately on her neck, giving her a look seeking approval. Her eyes widened, having never thought of this before, she nodded with an excited look of anticipation. Excellent! He placed his hand in a good spot and slowly tightened his grip, and while he did this, he gave her a command, "Be a good little slut and put your hands above your head, put them together." She felt chills cascade up her spine as she heard his order for her, then she did as she was told. She was silent except for her wild panting, her tongue flopped out, but her eyes burned and communicated her appreciation and passion for him and the way he showed her that she was his to do with as he pleased.

Skye rushed with arousal when she spoke those words. He pinned her hands above her, started hammering into her. And then slowly tightened his grip around her neck. She moaned/whispered out, "ohhhhhmmyyygoddddyesssss.....fuckmmmeee harderrrrr..." and then her eyes rolled up in ecstasy.

Skyeler was losing himself in the experience, the power, the control, the pleasure, his loved one, the video still going on and adding extra moaning, slapping, and sucking noises to the room. He felt his orgasm starting to build, and he had one last idea now. He let go of her hands and neck, and she was vaguely returned to reality, confused as to why things were stopping, since she knew he hadn't came yet. This was when he pulled out, flipped her on her belly, gripped her by her hips and pulled her supple backside to him, her face now on the bed. He made sure she was able to look directly at the screen, then he mounted her and pinned her head to the bed and started ravenously pounding into her now dripping sex. He gripped her fur and yanked on it, he was no longer thinking through anything, he knew what he wanted and was now simply taking it. She inhaled sharply and let out a loud squeak of insane pleasure, which started to occur with every single thrust that slammed into her. She was going to cum. Soon. And Skyeler's was about to happen. He let out his most dominant growl so far, filled with pleasure and power and lust in seemingly infinite quantity, released her fur from his grip and sank his teeth into her scruff, then knotted her completely, flooding her with his cum, and then her walls clenched down and she actually shouted out in her final shuddering release of pleasure, fading the world almost entirely.

The two lovers collapsed, neither truly in the world, things were hazy and dark, but absolutely spectacular, nothing short of true ecstasy. After recovering for nearly 15 minutes, Katie cut through the mostly silent room, aside from the video still playing, "I did good, baby??" Still enjoying her submissive role, and playing that she was desperate for the approval of her "owner".

Skyeler gave her some playful nips at her scruff, "Fuuuuck me... you were incredible! You're a VERY good girl... mmmm... what got you all charged up?"

He wasn't able to see because he was still tied behind her, but she was beaming with satisfaction and riding an intoxicating rush of confidence. "Ohhh... I was just thinking about the shower and I wanted to practice again because I found out that I really love doing it and wanted to do better, and what you did for me earlier, with the flowers and everything, it just made me so happy and I just love you so much. When we fuck, it's just amazing, just you and me in the moment. It just just feels perfect.."

Skye squeezed her from behind, "Wow! You are absolutely amazing. I feel the same way. I love you so much. Hey, you feel like getting some sleep? I actually was going to ask you if you would like to visit Ryan tomorrow, I just couldn't finish the sentence once I saw what was going on in the room, with you and the video. Heheh. I was thinking we try to get back on a normal sleep schedule, cause ill need to be for getting into the groove at the place, and you can't be up with the owls and having work in the morning."

Katie smiled and replied, "Oh, sure! That's probably a good idea, nice thinking!" Then she playfully let out a soft moan, "I'm sorry I kinda interrupted you, I didn't mean to.. if you need to punish me, I understand.. hehe." "oh, also! I'd love to go meet Ryan tomorrow." She popped herself off of him and felt the fluids running down her thigh, grinning to herself. It was a feeling she had begun to relish. She grabbed the drink that would allow Skyeler to attain some sleep. She handed it to him and watched him slug it down. Afterwards, they crawled up in bed together and curled up for some much needed rest. This time Katie was at Skyeler's back, wrapped around him. She found herself deeply enjoying this position, and almost felt a sudden lust to be dominant over him. Tomorrow.. yes, tomorrow is just fine..

Katie had gotten up first, and hadn't forgotten her feelings from the previous night, and enacted a plan. Skyeler was out hard, and was unrousable, which played in Katie's favor. She moved him around into a position she found appealing, and waited for him to float up out of wherever his sleep had taken him. At last, he stirred and let out a huge yawn, licked his lips and then blinked his bleary eyes to clear his vision. He sniffed and smelled something delightful. When he was better prepared for the world, he opened his eyes fully, and was unprepared for what he saw. His muzzle was only a couple of inches away from Katie's hot slit, and he heard her say, "Oh good, you're up. You know what I want, and I want it NOW."

He was totally stunned, but he reflexively shot his tongue out without any hesitation. He immediately crawled his way up, so that he was right up against her. Katie looked down and watched as he did as he was supposed to, feeling a sense of dominance and rushing on that feeling alone. She closed her legs on his head to hold him in place. He slipped his tongue inside her and she let out a moan, bringing her delicate hands up to her breasts, playing with them while admiring the scene. She indulged in a moment of looking at her body, really noticing how hot she really was, her body was absolutely incredible! She pretended that she was a beautiful goddess and her worshiper was begging to let him please her. She was the one in power this time, and she achieved a massive thrill because of it. "Good boy... very good boy.. now lick my clit and finger me. Now!"

Skyeler moaned against her moist pink tunnel, surprised by her dominant tone and confidence. The way she said it instantly made him feel like this time he was hers to use in any way she wanted. It drove him upwards immediately. He was desperate to please his goddess, which coincidentally was the fantasy that they were separately playing out. He reached up and parted her lips, slipping his tongue in and brushing up against her clit and slipping in two fingers. He alternated between lapping at her sweet taste and stimulating all the right spots in her. She had bit her lip and was moaning loudly, gripping the fur on his head tightly, and opened her legs. She would grip tightly and release, and gently play with his cute little ears. "You're doing a good job.... But..." She aggressively grabbed his head and pulled him into her, holding him in place. "Much better, now tell me you love it."

In return, she got a muffled, "aaahh....uuuhvvv...iittttttt..."

She pulled his head back and held him there asking, "What was that? I didn't hear you."

Skye lay there panting with excitement, "I said I LOVE it!"

"And what's that..? Tell me what you love."

"Mmmfff.... I love your sweet cunt..."

"Mmmm, good. What do you love about it?"

"I love how delicious you are, I love when your wetness gets all over my face and I get your scent overloading my nose I love having my tongue in you, it feels so good, I love how your clit feels on my tongue, and the way you squeeze down on my tongue, I love your legs squeezing my head, your hands yanking on my fur, and pulling me into you so hard and I love making you cum!"

Katie shivered with excited arousal, feeling a heat flood her loins, "Mmmffff.... Well, do you want it? Beg for it.. Be a good sex slave and tell me how bad you want it, or else you don't get any more."

"I want it! I need it now! Please.... I'll do anything you want... I'm yours, please use me.. I'm your little slut and I can't handle not having my face in your hot, delicious cunt... I need my face wet, I need your scent, I need your hands in my fur, yanking and pulling me into the place that you desire me to be in.... Please let me eat... I'm begging you... I'm starving for it...." He actually looked like he was starving and desperate to return to where he had been.

Katie had electric tingle explode through her body, becoming extremely hot, barely restraining herself from instantly allowing him back. "Oh, now that's my good little fucking slut. Hmmm.... Well... I suppose that was good enough.. very well, you may return to worshipping me." She pulled him back into her and grinded against his face, making sure he got what he desired, marking nearly his entire face in her wetness and scent. During this, she observed him lifting his back end up and start stroking his member, moaning into her. She pulled him away, and exclaimed, "No! Bad! You did not ask permission, and I am not allowing it. You will save that for later. Do you hear me?"

Skye immediately stopped, lowered his rear end again, and said, "I hear you! Please forgive me, goddess.. I beg of you to allow me to continue!! I will do better..."

She swelled with a feeling of power and confidence, lust and arousal. "Very well, you may finish me off, but do NOT lay a hand on your cock again, that is MINE and you must ask to touch what is mine." She was riding a major high at this point, and she was rapidly approaching a point where she could easily be moved to orgasm. She shoved his face back in again.

Skye enthusiastically and desperately lapped away at her, slipping his tongue in and out, he stopped and started contacting her clit, while sliding fingers into her. He gripped her thighs, digging his nails in, helping to pull his face harder against her bucking hips. He felt her legs being to quake. Happy that he was on his way, he made very loud satisfied moaning, to let her absolutely know that he was losing his mind for her and loving that he was allowed by her to be buried in her wet slit.

Katie heard all of this, shaking harder and harder as her sexy little slut boy did every single thing he could to please her. She felt so amazing, such a rapidly rising pleasure sensation. She started to whimper, which encouraged Skyeler to start pushing every single button of hers that he knew were her triggers, and he hit them all so quickly, with such agility and dexterity that she was overwhelmed with full body rolling waves and she screamed and pulled his face into her as her legs spasmed. As this happened, Skye felt something spray him in the face, which he instinctively lapped up and tasted, letting it sit in his mouth, reveling in his sisters immense, loud orgasm.

Skye stayed in place, enjoying the view of where he was at, from her thighs to her sweet warmth, over her belly to her heaving chest and the gorgeous mountains on top of it, seeing her muzzle facing upwards and panting with her tongue flopped out of the side, occasionally licking her lips. He was completely in bliss simply taking in the sight, watching how good she felt. He eventually climbed over her, laying his head on her chest to wait until she came around again. When she did, he kissed her, slipping his tongue in her mouth, then said, "Thank you, my goddess. I'm glad you found me worthy. Mmmm..."

She smiled dazily, "You're welcome baby. You're fantastic!"

Skye burst out with, "Oh! You squirted on meee. Did you know you did that?"

"Uhh... I did..? I had no idea! Was it good.?"

"Ughhh... it was SO. FUCKING. HOT!!!! Such an amazing surprise. You should have tasted it when I kissed you. Hehe."

"Oh babe, I'm hardly even here. Heheh. I'll need a bit, just cuddle me, okay? I need some sweetness from my man."

Skye did exactly that. They lay there for for about 20 minutes, and then he grabbed them both some breakfast and brought it back to the bed so they could eat together. Such a sweet, loving scene. Then Katie gave Skyeler his daily dose, and they took a shower together. It was just a long shower, under the hot water with large amounts of affectionate contact. They spent a good 35-40 minutes just enjoying the peace and sensations. Post shower, they got dressed and ready for the day, planning for their visit to Ryan's house later. Once ready, they stepped outside, and they held hands on the walk there, a little bit risky, but it was suuuch a small walk and they really felt a need to display their affection in public.

They got to the house and Skye knocked on the door. They heard some thumping footsteps, heard the sudden click of the lock, and the door opened with Ryan standing in the doorway. He threw his arms out and bellowed, "Skyeler, my dude! Good to see you! Who's this? The girlfriend I'm sure. I'm Ryan, good to meet you. You've got yourself one hell of a man."

"Very nice to meet you Ryan! I'm Katie. Oh, don't I know it!" She nudged Skye playfully.

Ryan grinned, joyful to have such wonderful seeming guests, "Well come on in! Let me show you around, do you want anything to eat?"

Skye held Katie's hand and walked inside. It was beautiful, paintings hanging and sculptures placed everywhere, and plants were placed in a visually appealing manner. "Wow! Great place! Really cool. We just ate, so I think we're okay, right babe?" Katie replied, "Yeah, I think I'm good, thank you though. This is gorgeous art! Where did you get it?"

Ryan flashed an excited smile, "Oh thanks! It's nice, isn't it?? My wife is an artist, she's made probably a little bit over half of everything you see. She's so great, I'll go get her real quick. You're gonna love each other!" Then he sped off to his wife.

Skye squeezed Katie's hand and leaned over to her to whisper, "Hey, I think I'm gonna talk to Ryan about the other day, so... I dunno... Would you maybe wanna go like... check out his wife's studio or something..? So I can get some private time..? You're both artists, so you'll get along just fine!"

Katie squeeze his hand back and kissed him on the cheek, "Of course sweetie, and don't worry. I'm pretty good with seeing what kind of people someone is, and Ryan seems genuine and caring and understanding. It will be alright. Okay baby?"

He replied, "Thank you. I know he is, it's just hard. I'll be okay though." He kissed her right before Ryan and his wife rounded the corner.

"Hey you two, this is Emily, my wife!" Emily was a large black wolf, with piercing red eyes, and with splotches of colored and white paint on her fur due to her coming straight from the studio. She beamed with a beautiful, light smile. She seemed to have a glow about her, just one of those kind of people. "Hey guys! Very nice to meet you!"

"Hey! I'm Skye! Nice to meet you!"

"Hello, I'm Katie! It's a pleasure! Sorry to be so forward, but I love art so much! Could I see your art room??"

Emily replied with immense enthusiasm, "Hell yeah! This way!!" And she led Katie off in that direction.

Skyeler was anxious and had been trying to formulate a plan, and jumped at a slight opportunity really quickly. "Hey Ryan, I'm actually pretty thirsty. Do you have anything to drink?"

The bear nodded and slightly laughed, "Oh I'm sure I've got some form of liquid around the house, let's see!"

Skye admired Ryan's incredibly positive and enthusiastic energy. They got to the kitchen and after looking around at the options, he picked a lemon lime soda, cracked it open and took a long refreshing sip. Then he looked down and spoke almost softly, "Hey Ryan, can I talk to you about something...?"

Skye's massive new friend had a deep look of concern, "Sure thing, man.... What's up..?"

The small fox sighed and seemed to deflate a little bit, "The other day, when I came over and we met and stuff... I wasn't entirely honest with you.. I lied when I told you I was recently unemployed.. I know it's small, but I feel really bad about it.. I feel like I can share with you, you're really awesome and I feel really comfortable with you... the truth is... I'm an addict.. recently, I ended up in the hospital after being out there for a while, and someone I've known for a long time picked me up and took me in and has been helping me on my journey to getting sober.. my girlfriend Katie. We actually just started dating... we fell in love hard and fast since I've been at her place..I know this is a lot, but I really wanted to clear that up, and I guess unload a lot for you to process.. heh.. Anyways, I'm so sorry..."

There was a solid silence that hung in the air. Skye waited anxiously as every second ticked by. Eventually, Ryan spoke up. He slowly walked over to Skye and hugged him, picking him up off the ground before placing him back down. He ruffled Skye's hair and quietly said, "Hey, it's okay dude.. I actually kinda figured it was something along those lines." He leaned against the counter and placed his arm around the fox's shoulder. "I'm actually clean myself. I've been there. You seemed good, I think things were starting to feel better about life and it gave you a certain glow that countered the skinny appearance and dark eyes. You had the love in your eyes though, and that's all I needed to see.. and I saw your pupils, pretty big my dude. In fact, I believe you have something in your system right now?"

Skyeler looked to the ground, feeling some sense of guilt and shame, "Yeah.. I'm sorry for being here like this. Katie got it to clear me out quicker and get me past the withdrawals. It's working really well actually. But yeah.."

Ryan took a long look at him and then gave him a soft punch on the arm, "Dude, just chill! We're cool! You sound like you probably have a plan in place, an you got a good head on your shoulders and Katie seems like all the support anyone could ask for! And now you have me. I'm here for you too. Day or night, if anything is going wrong, I got your back!"

Skye responded with a bright smile, "Thanks! I really appreciate it! You are the coolest person I've ever met!"

Ryan bellowed out loud laughter, "Ah thanks my man! You're pretty damn cool too. And hey, sorry if this is way too personal, and you don't have to say, but I can smell something strong on you, I smelled it on Katie too. I have the nose of like a shark or something. Was she fucking your face before you came over??"

Skye's eyes opened wide and he choked out a surprised gasp, but he nodded emphatically, due to temporary loss of ability to speak.

The bear laughed again, "HA! I knew it, you dog! Sorry again, but I couldn't help but ask. And just as a heads up, Emily has a similar nose for things. I guarantee she smelled it, and being the free spirit she is, she's probably hitting on Katie or trying to organize something. Please let me know if I should apologize to her later because Emily made her uncomfortable. Or feel free to join whatever she wants to make happen. Haha! We're open, but do not feel pressured or anything."

Skye was shocked and choked on his soda a little bit. Once he cleared his windpipe, he managed to get out, "Holy fuck dude, that's a lot to take in. That's something I'll have to talk to Katie about... I mean..... she's absolutely fucking WILD in bed and has been getting kinkier quickly, so I honestly don't know how she'll take it at this point. I think whatever she's into works for me. So maybe we will join for something at some point, heh." He had developed a massive grin talking about how Katie was in bed.

Ryan reflected that, "Well I'm sure we'll know shortly. Haha." Then he cleared his throat heartily, "So have you been close to your sister for a long time..?"

Skye wasn't even able to register what words had hit his ears for several seconds, before they finally were processed and translated in his mind. He stuttered out, "Oh umm.. wait... my sister? I didn't say anything about a sister ... how did you know.... I.. had... have.. a.. sis... umm... umm......." His eyes had grown wide open and he had started to lightly hyperventilate.

Ryan looked at the freaked out fox and spoke soothingly, "Whoaaaa... hey Skye, it's okay. It's all okay. Breathe, breathe!" He started to pet Skyeler to help calm him down. "My nose isn't the only sense that's keen, I'm good with my eyes and just notice a lot of stuff. I noticed the resemblance, I doubt many people would ever be able to see it, I did though. Look, you guys share a beautiful love, and that's all I need to see. As long as you don't make any pups of your own, I'm in full support. You're a really cute couple and are great people! So don't worry, you're safe here with us. When you're here, you can be you totally 100 percent!" He ended this with a warm, fuzzy bear hug without lifting Skye off the ground.

Skye was speechless for a long time. He was wholly unprepared for all of this. But as he processed his friends words, he started breathing normally. He regained his senses and opened his mouth, "I don't know was to say dude... you're a beautiful person! Thank you so much for everything!"

Ryan replied, "You're welcome! I hope you feel comfortable here. Now, let's get to know each other. What do you like to do?"

The two stood in the kitchen swappin tales of their crazy times, the things they enjoy, Skye had his music, long walks, and hard sex with Katie, Ryan had his botany and gardening, a little bit of bass guitar, and his sexual adventures with Emily and the partners they've had. They both enjoyed the simple things in life. The conversation flowed easily and without effort, almost like they had been friends already. Eventually they heard a door open and footsteps thumping down the hallway.

Emily spoke first, "What the hell guys? You just stayed in the kitchen the whole time? What do you have to say for yourselves? Leaving us all on our own, rude!" She had laugh lines stretched out from her current smile and her life filled with laughter.

Ryan joked in response, "Sorry babe, Skye needed a drink and we tore the place apart and couldn't find anything anywhere. Turns out, someone had put it in the FRIDGE of all places! Took us forever!" he followed this with his characteristic booming laugh.

"Ugh... useless! Hehehe. Well I hope you had fun. Katie and I did! You can really put paint to canvas! You need to come back again soon and maybe we can... collaborate... or something!"

Skye eyed Emily sneaking a peek at Katie's ass when she wasn't looking. She was a huuuungry wolf from what he could see, and what Ryan had told him.

Katie stated, "I agree! That sounds really fun! Maybe tomorrow or something? Skye is going away for a while in 4-6 days, so I think we'll be here often for the rest of that time! Definitely. Babe, I think I'm feeling like heading home, does that sound good?"

Skye looked at Ryan, who gave him a knowing wink and nod, conveying something along the lines of 'Go get her, buddy!' Then he said, "Sounds good sweetie. Hey, it's been nice visiting and getting to know you, and thanks for having us over. Maybe we'll have you over sometime too, we're basically neighbors!" he then grabbed Katie's hand and they walked to the door. He checked behind him to wave to Ryan, did so, and then saw Emily shoot him an air kiss and a wink. He heard Emily behind him, "I hope we can.... Meet, next time! Would have been nice this time, but you owe me now!"

Katie and Skye really enjoyed the short walk home, having just actually made a couple of the coolest friends anyone could ever ask for. They stepped through the door, and sighed contentedly. Discussing his and Ryan's sex life with their partners had gotten him riled up. He immediately took off his hoodie and shirt, and came up behind Katie, wrapping his arms around her middle and giving gentle bites to her neck, which received a surprised but welcoming gasp. "How was your time with Emily?"

Katie replied, "Oh! It was good! She's an amazing artist and has all the colors of like everything and all the supplies! It's like art heaven! She let me paint a bit, and I actually started something, I just need to go back and spend some time to finish it. I really like her. I umm... think she likes me too!"

Skye heard her pause and felt like Ryan's prediction was right. "What do you mean..? She clearly loved you! She seemed to have really enjoyed your company."

Katie had trouble organizing her thoughts and ideas, "Umm.. well i.. hmm.. what I mean is, she almost... seemed like she.. umm... wanted me..? Like maybe attracted to me? She was watching right over my shoulder as I was painting, which was cool, but I kept hearing her sniffing me I think, and she was really close the whole time... she was really friendly and great company, but there was that too.. maybe I'm wrong though.."

Skye half smile, uncertain as to how she would react to the new information she was about to receive. "Oh, well I can say for sure, she's into you babe. Ryan and I had our talk, and everything is totally cool between us, he's super supportive of me, and it eventually turned into sexual stuff, and they're kinda open and he figured she would like you like that. Says she's a pretty horny free spirit, even said she might try to hook up or organize something between us, she even winked and air kissed at me when we were leaving. Soooo.... Surprise! Hehe. She probably smelled you from earlier. Apparently they both have super noses. Ryan could smell it on you and he even called out my face being drenched in your scent. Hehe. So I think you were driving her crazy with all that going on." He gave her a hard bite on the scruff.

"Mmmffff.. well, that makes sense! Good to know I'm not crazy! I'm glad things got straightened out between you two. Well I feel bad for strolling in there and getting her motor running.. although I'm sure Ryan has no problem helping her out! Probably worked out great for him. Umm..... hey... so, for us, really want for us to end up settled down and being the only one for each other, and I am perfectly happy with that, forever and ever baby! But hearing this... I kinda might... be into something.. y'know... with her.. or them... you know you're my one and only love, there's nothing that can or will EVER change that. I was just thinking, we could maybe at least try a little bit..?"

Skye grinned behind her, "I told Ryan that I'm good with whatever you want. If you wanna stay just us, that's perfect for me. But if you wanna do this, I'm with you. I wouldn't mind trying something out. Seems like we both have similar experience, and we've been exploring at about the same rate with each other. And if you're into this, I am too! Umm.. do you have something particular in mind to start with..?"

Katie started feeling hot and became wet, "Umm.. well, probably something easy to test the waters with.. i.. umm... would you be okay with... maybe me and Emily and you together? We could share you, and she could maybe eat me out while I shove your cock in my throat..?"

Skye began stiffening swiftly, "God damn baby, yessss I'm okay with that. When would you think you wanna do that..? Cause I kinda have an idea."

Katie gave him an intrigued look, "Well.... I mean, it seems that both of us are ready to go right now, so... now??"

Skye grinded against her rump, demonstrating how ready he was, "Mmm, okay. So I'm reaaaalllly hoping you have her phone number, because that's how this will work. I'm thinking, you text her to come over to help out with something, leave the front door unlocked, close the bedroom door most of the way, and then when she comes in, you have me in your mouth, and we angle ourselves so that you can look her in the eyes. If we aren't seductive enough with that, I don't know what else we could ever do.. hehe."

Katie grinded back against him, "Mmmm, you're a fucking genius! Let me do that real quick. Get your pants off." She texted Emily and removed her clothes, getting them both into position. She knelt down in front of Skye and started licking his shaft. Emily had said she would be about 5 minutes, so Katie had time to work her way to easing his cock into her throat. Skye decided to add just one more touch to the setting by turning on the porn video they had been watching and starting it over.

Time was moving along nicely, and the two of them were really enjoying themselves. Katie had Skye most of the way to where she had been before, when they both heard the front door open, at which point Katie started to finger herself with her two middle fingers, just for an added measure for their show for Emily. They heard steps pad their way to the door. They each had their eyes glued to the doorway. Emily opened the door and got out, "Hey Katie, I got your... uhh....mmmmfff....."

She had walked in and the first image was with Katie having Skye pretty much all the way down her throat, with her fingers in her cunt, Skye had his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth, panting, and they were both looking directly at her. Then she heard sexual sounds off to the side and quickly jerked her head to look at the source of the sound, which was playing somewhat loudly, and she saw what was on. Man.... They had really gone all out, just to get her. They really didn't need to do all this to get to fuck her, she was actually still hot from earlier, and had actually gotten wet while taking in the young vixens scent. Her eyes were wide open and she didn't know what to do, until Katie gestured her over to her, and to take her clothes off. Which she did. When Emily got over to Katie, Katie slopped Skye out of her muzzle, and gestured to Emily. "Mmmfff... suck my boyfriends cock..."

Emily looked at her wide-eyed, speechless, tried to say something, but nothing came out, maybe later. For now, she had this young hard cock for her to take. She took a couple of licks, finding that his pre cum tasted really good, then she sank her maw down on it. She moaned loudly around it. This whole scenario was so unexpected and over the top in just the perfect way.

Katie grabbed Emily by the scruff with one hand and started pushing her down to take the cock deeper in her mouth. She offered very little resistance, which drove Katie crazy, it was so hot! "Such a good girl.. such a sexy wolf, taking my mates cock in her throat.. I think you deserve a treat." She smacked Emily on the ass, then reached down and started feeling Emily up. She had never touched another woman before. It was foreign, but feeling the she wolfs wet slit made her incredibly horny, as she watched the new girl swallowing around her man's hard member, his head leaned way back and bucking his hips to thrust deeper.

Emily had been on her knees and sitting on her feet, but Katie was filled with a new urge and forced Emily's ass up, so that she was on her hands and knees, and Katie placed her face extremely close to Emily's rump, sniffing her scent in deeply, then giving her a couple of test licks, which lit a brand new fire within her. She involuntarily shoved her face into the wolf pussy and started swirling her tongue around, getting the lay of the land so to speak. The wolf had begun to moan loudly around the organ filling her mouth. This was beyond fantasy for Skye, getting blown by a gorgeous wolf who had been invited by by his mate, who was currently face deep in the wolf cunt, with a tag team porn video playing off to the side. Fuckkkk. This is not how he expected the day to go, not that there are ANY complaints! He was hearing licking and slurping and moaning from all directions and it was pushing him upwards pretty quickly, and he started bucking his hips a little more vigorously. He announced, "Mmmfff... I'm gonna cum soon, and I wanna cum on both of you. So get over here Katie." He carefully stood up, so that he never exited Emily's expert maw. Katie had crawled over and knelt down in front of him, starting to slick her finger over her clit, desiring Skye to unleash his load on both of them, hopefully to catch it on her face, another first. Skye looked Katie in the eyes and said, "Finish me, my little slave." Her eyes lit up eagerly and pulled Emily off by her scruff. She took him in and started enthusiastically sucking him, tasting the mixture of pre and Emily's saliva. Skye couldn't handle it, so he used Katie's head as he lost himself completely and was thrusting himself all the way in, making tears come to her eyes, and yet, she still loved it... it made her even wetter. She looked up as he was wracked in pleasure and fucking her mouth as hard as he could. Then Katie felt a rope of cum shoot in her mouth that he had failed to pull out in time, but the rest exploded in long arcs and mostly hit their targets, as usual, he let out an immense growl. He collapsed, sitting on the bed, panting incredibly fast. That had been a powerful one.

Emily looked at Katie, and had finally started to feel in familiar territory, she had been through circumstances like this plenty of times, but being caught off guard with such a sexually charged ambush by such a sexy young couple that didn't seem like they had this in them, it had thrown her wayyyyy off her game. So, feeling back on solid ground, she took more control, licking the cum off of Katie's face, holding it in her mouth, and then shoving her tongue in Katie's muzzle. The fox/raccoon was caught off guard, and now Emily had the dominance. She forced Katie to the ground. "It's your turn to be a good girl now." She flashed an intense hungry look, then crawled over and sat on Katie's face. Katie, no stranger to the submissive role, did exactly as she was expected to, she started eating the wolf out, tongueing the clit and causing the canine to squirm on top of her.

During this, Skye had regained his breath and had seen the scene in front of him, and saw his mates bottom half untended to. He licked his lips and dropped down to her, placing his face in the progressively more familiar territory, and dove in. Katie had been unaware this was going to happen, and gasped, which intrigued Emily, who turned around and saw the male fox face first into the woman she was currently sitting on, and Skye had grabbed Katie's hands and put them on the back of his head, so she could put him to use. Emily smirked, "God damn.... You've got yourself one hell of a man! And Skye.... You get this tongue all the time??? How jealous you're making me!" She squirmed and squeezed her legs around Katie's head, indicating she was climbing towards orgasm. Katie had been doing her usual grinding against Skye's face, but pulled her hands up to add additional stimulation to Emily's near dripping cunt. She was nimble with her fingers and heavily focused on the wolfs clit, which had her rocking her hips and jerking in pleasure. It was not long after that she felt Emily start to tense and shudder, and then hit her breaking point. She was shaking and moaning lightly growling, and then Katie was sprayed by her squirting orgasm, and drenched. Katie was unable to react to this, as she was soon after propelled into her own orgasm, squirming and moaning up into Emily, while clenching her legs tightly to her brothers head. After several minutes, they were all able to move a little bit, but after about 5 minutes they all crawled up into the bed, Emily in the middle.

It was silent for quite a while, when Emily broke it. "This was the best meet and greet I've ever had with any of my neighbors EVER! You two are wild! You guys caught me completely off guard when I walked in and saw you throating Skye. I literally lost all my sense of direction and couldn't even think! Sorry, I'm so excited and blown away! Where do you store all that cum?? Seriously, that doesn't seem right hehe. You taste really good too. Katie here is a lucky, LUCKY girl. I'm available for either or both of you any time you want hehe."

Katie reached over Emily, who was on her back in the middle, grabbed Skye's hand and pulled it in a way that told him to snuggle up to Emily, and he felt her do the same. They were able to look into each others eyes and share their tender looks of love and satisfaction, still holding hands. Skye spoke up, "Mmmm, it was fucking hot, wasn't it?? Good to know. I'm pretty certain we will be meeting again soon!" Katie agreed, "You're damn right. You are a tasty piece of wolf!"

Emily inhaled sharply, "Mmfff.. you better keep that talk down or else you'll be taking care of me. You two are so damn cute. Snuggling here with me, and look at you, so in love with each other. It warms me so much. Anyways... I'm kinda freaky, and if you ever wanna try anything, I'm game! I have toys and all sorts of stuff! Mmm.... Well.... I think I'm gonna head home, get Mr Skye's cum off of me, and then I think I'm gonna fuck my man! I'd love to lay here with you two, but I have a feeling that some alone time would do you good. Thanks for cuddling with me, it's so sweet and having both of you was just delightful! Thanks for the good time sweethearts, call me!" with that, the wolf hopped up, threw her clothes on, blew the lovers a kiss, and left.

Skye looked at Katie and blurted out, "I think she likes us!! Hehe. How are you doing honey?"

Katie replied, "I think so too! I think we did good, that was a brilliant plan! She was so shocked she couldn't even say anything. I gotta say, it felt super weird at first to watch her blowing you, and kinda still feel that way, but it was really hot too, and she was so good at it!!!! She's really sexy. Thanks for trying her out with me. She squirted on my face too, see??"

Skye pulled her to him and checked out her face, which was drenched, and he sniffed her, taking the new girl's scent, then he lapped at her face, cleaning tasting. "Oh, she sure did, didn't she..? Well with her cum on your face, and mine too, it's kinda like we both own you. You're marked baby! Hehe. She tastes pretty good though. You're welcome, and thank you! So you had a good time? I'm just making sure hehe."

Katie smiled gently, "It is kinda like that, isn't it? My man always has the full ownership of me though. She can for a little bit. Hehe. Yes, I had fun! Not something I think I'll be into all the time, but I am going to have her again!"

Skye smiled with a flash of anxiety, "Hey.. umm. I need to say something.. I need to get it out.. umm... they.. they know about us.."

He heard Katie's voice, "Umm, I would think so! They think we're just the cutest couple! And we just shared one of them. You're silly. What do you mean? Hehe."

Skye's eyes flashed, "They know, about US. You know... how we're, who we are to each other.." Then he saw he get slammed by anxiety and a sense of possibly shame. "I'm sorry! I should have started differently. They're okay with us! They don't judge us, they love us and like you said, we're such a cute couple! I didn't mean to scare you. Also, we just fucked Emily, silly. You think she would've come over and let herself get taken by the both of us otherwise? I just really needed to get it off my chest, because it was kinda stressing me out, just because I don't want secrets between us. It's all okay though, sweetie."

Katie exhaled a sigh of incredible relief, "Oh thank god! Don't do that again! I nearly died! Very rude, mister. You're gonna be paying for that. Hehe. Thank you for sharing that with me. It means a lot that you are starting things off so honestly. I love you Skye." She stroked his face lovingly.

Relieved and content he replied, "I love you too Katie. More than anything. Oh!!! Guess what! Ryan is like me! He's been through the same stuff, and he's still clean today! God they're so amazing! They're so sweet and happy and.. well sexy too. I'm glad we have friends like them. We're pretty lucky. I sure know that I am, to have such incredible friends and to have found my mate so early on. I have everything I need."

Katie burned with love and passion and pressed her mouth to his in a long, slow kiss. "It always makes me so happy to hear you be so hopeful and optimistic. We are both pretty lucky. You've got so much ahead of you and we're all here for you." She laid her head on his chest, and they just laid there in deep satisfaction.

About hal an hour later, Skye's phone went off, and when he read the message, he chuckled heartily. "Hey babe, check this out, it's from Ryan. 'Hey my dude, just checking to make sure I don't need to apologize to Katie in case my wife made her uncomfortable. Also, thanks for playing with Emily, whatever you guys did, she came back over and jumped on me. Probably the hottest we've had in a while. Hope you enjoyed meeting her. ;)' Look at that! We gave Ryan a little something too! Hehe."

Katie grinned wildly, "Mmm good for him! We're pretty good friends to them aren't we? Now... why don't we go clean up, and then I'd really love to hear you play something. Sound good?"

Skye knew that it wasn't just a shower she was after. She had something in her eyes than Skye was trying to figure out which direction this was going. "Shower sounds good!" Then he kissed her with a teasing amount of fiery passion. He sniffed at her and smelled his scent mixed with that of Emily's, and felt an extreme energy rush come over him.

Katie saw something change in him after he took in the scents embedded in her fur and internally grinned. "Alright, come on mister." Then led him in.

Once inside and under the water, Skye held her close and then looked suspiciously at his woman, "What's gotten into you, hmm? Something on your mind..? Hehe."

She shifted on her feet, giving him a playfully coy look, with the addition of doe eyes, "What ever do you mean, my dear..? Can't a woman watch a sexy wolf throat her man's entire cock making her envious of the wolf and let the wolf sit on her face and cum on it and have her boyfriend cum on both of our faces, and in the end just want a simple shower without needing to try to compete with the wolf...? Because I don't, hehehehe. I suppose I haven't been that sly, huh?"

Skye let out an involuntary groan of arousal. Her words cut right down to his animal core. She always knew exactly what to say to light him up. "Mmmmffff... God damn.. well I WOULD say that it's not even a competition, but but you seem like you really want to compete, and I'll never stand in the way of you achieving your goals." He winked and reached down to squeeze her supple ass. "Buuuuttttt..... you're gonna really have to work for it.. show me that you really want to be the best.. the wolf girl got it easy, she just got to walk in and take it, no challenge, she was an expert with her throat, but she didn't have to show if or how badly she wanted it. But showing that gets you a loooooot of extra points. Hehe. Anyways, I'll just shower myself off while you decide." He turned around and started rinsing himself, acting totally unaware and like all he was doing was showering, though he scrubbed the area of his cock and balls in anticipation of what was certainly about to happen, and to tease Katie, who noticed with great interest.

She exclaimed, "I AM up to the challenge! Please let me show you.. I'll do whatever you want... just let me compete with that slutty wolf with her great sucking skills.. I can beat her!" Her eyes were scorching with desire and hope. She knew he would allow her, but she had already slipped into the role.

Skye was so easily turned on by Katie, and was hard nearly instantly once she started begging. "Hmmm... well, alright, you know what I want you to do. Get down on your knees. Now." As she did so, he grinned. He saw her eyeing his member, seeming like she was trying especially hard to hold herself back. "Oh, can I help you with something..? You look like you want something."

She bit her lip hard, switching between looking her man in the eyes, in the electric blue rings to his soul, seeing his raging lust for her, which made her feel incredibly sexy. The other part of the time flicking back to what she was currently forbidden from doing anything other than look at. She kept flopping her tongue out and miming her slowly licking it. "I do.. mmm... I just.. I want to prove myself to you. I can do it, and I need it.!"

He stared down at her, seeming to contemplate, though he already knew what he was doing, he was drawing out the suspense. He let time draw out, for over ten seconds, which caused Katie to start to say something, which is what Skyeler had planned on, "Aaahhhsssshhhhh!!!! You are not to speak yet. You sit there, and don't move." She impatiently huffed, but sat there, as he teased her, sliding his tip on her tongue and dripping out a layer of pre on her tongue. She vocalized impatience and moaned, still staying still. Watching Skye for a possible command for her to let herself free.

He didn't yet, instead, he said, "Very good! You may swallow that or do whatever you wish with it. Now... hmm... tell me how bad you want it, and why. Thennnnnn I'll see if it's good enough for you to get your chance. Okay?"

Katie too delight in her tiny reward, retracting her tongue, swirling around her mouth, and swallowing with immense pleasure. "Mmm, thank you! It's so good! You're so generous. Now.... I want it so badly! It's driving me insane... it's taking everything I've got to hold myself back.. I want it because I love it. I love when it fills my mouth perfectly, and when it pokes into my throat, making my man happy and feeling you twitch in my mouth, and how much pre you make, it stays in my mouth and tastes SO good. It drives me crazy... I love when you dominate me and use my face for your pleasure, it makes me wet just thinking about it," She started squirming, "I also love taking the power for myself and taking your cock while you just stay still, and I fuck my face with it... mmmfffff.. I love talking with your dick in my mouth.. I love your cum too. You came a little in my mouth earlier, you know, right before you came on me and our plaything, and that with watching her take you all the way in, and me getting to push her down on you, I loved it, but I kinda need to in my mouth now... it was amazing, but such a tease earlier... I told you you have to finish whatever you start, and I'd like to hope this qualifies.. I want to do just as good as her too... please!!! I'm begging you.... You can cum in my throat, or on my face, or use that sexy little trick and fill my face..."

Skye was a little surprised, not expected that much detail and desire, her head was bowed in submission, which was also to avoid looking at the object of her fiery desire. "Damn... Mmmm, you're such a good girl.. You're allowed in the competition.. you may start when you wish." He watched as she looked up with a starving gaze, and even though she wanted it all right now, she slowly built her way up. Planning to work and tease him. She gripped him and slithered her tongue all over his member, making eye contact the whole time. She pressed her face up against it and showed her affection for him. Then she started stroking him, and licked his orbs, slowly taking them in her mouth and swirling her tongue around them. She saw his eyes go halfway closed and hit bit his lip with a moan, "Oh, you're such a good girl...."

She smirked at him, slid her tongue up back to his cock and suckled on his tip, hearing a loud groan. One hand stayed on his shaft, and the other dropped to her slit, dipping a single finger in when she heard, "No! You don't do that, you didn't ask. You know that's mine, you don't touch what's mine without permission." He saw her roll her eyes with amusement because he had just done to her what she had done to him earlier, the tables were flipped. "Careful there, mind the attitude!" this was said with an almost laugh. It was funny to both of them.

She slipped her lips off of his cock and said, "So sorry master, please let me continue..?"

He smiled, "Of course, you lost a couple of points, but I think you can make them up!"

She was getting overwhelmed and losing her ability to restrain herself, and to also regain some of the lost "points", she grabbed his hands and enthusiastically placed them on her head, showing she was ready to go and finishing around his cock with, "...uckkk... yyyy....accceeee"

That drove him instantly from really loving it, to over the top lust. His hands automatically gripped her fur tightly, and slowly worked back into her throat, which since they had some practice not long ago at all, she was already fairly warmed up to it. She was gagging on occasion but very infrequently. It didn't take much, before he was able to slowly work his way all the way down, which drew his eyes wide open, and he saw Katie's same surprise that he was showing, and he groaned loudly. She encouraged him to fuck her maw faster and faster, letting out a moan/yell of pleasure around him. Her ability to take it with nearly pure enjoyment and little discomfort had him raging with sexual need. He started pumping harder and faster and felt himself approaching the limit, so he said, "Mouth... trick... soon..." he saw her hear this, then felt her reach up and fondle his balls, which rapidly shot him over the edge unexpectedly quickly. So much so that he almost wasn't able to catch himself in time. He unleashed a deafening almost roar, and gripped Katie's muzzle, holding it shut around him as he once again filled her maw with his cum, forcing her to swallow a large amount and keep the rest in her mouth. She received it and softly and satisfied moaned and continued to suck on him, enjoying the feeling of having his cock and cum held in her muzzle. She let it stay there until he became soft and fell out. She looked him in the eyes, swallowed in multiple steps to draw out the image that he was seeing, opened her mouth to show that she had finished her treat. She followed with, "I did good, baby? Did I beat that slutty wolf..? Comeeee onnnnnn..."

He looked at her, trying to look analytical critical, and like he was weighing things seriously. He actually was comparing the two, because Katie truly wanted a comparison, maybe not expecting to be called "the best" or anything, but she did like to think that she was comparable to Emily. He smiled beamingly at her, "That was fucking incredible! Emily is great! Really, I mean you saw. But you took it down so well, almost like her. But! You loooove my cock and you're so much more into mine than she was. So there's that. I can't believe I was able to fully fuck your face! Oh my god! I'm awarding you first place. I mean, I'm open to another competition, but at least in this round, you win baby! Hehe. I love you. "

She smiled ear to ear, "I knew I could beat her! Hehe. Next time we're letting her know there's a competition happening. I think that will be better and more fair. I am damn good though, aren't I? I wouldn't exactly mind setting up a.. umm.. play date! Tomorrow..? If she's available."

Skye laughed lovingly, "Awhhh... You love your new toyfriend, don't you? You're adorable! I'm up for it. You think you're gonna want anything else..? Sounds like she's got like a duffel bag of toys and stuff hidden somewhere... maybe not hidden though, she's pretty fuckin wild haha! But it's just a reminder in case you forgot about that. Hehe."

She sighed thoughtfully, "Shut uppppp! Although... I do kind of love my toyfriend.. very nice! Did you just make that up? Hehe. Mmm... maybe. I'll give it some thought. Maybe she'll bring the whole damn bag over and we can lay everything out and decide. Hahaha!"

"I knew it! Baha! I DID make that up. I wouldn't exactly mind seeing what all she has hehe. Hey, let's get get washed up, I need some food and I think I'm gonna play some music. You wanna watch..? I've almost never played for anyone, just mostly in private. I'd love it if you would listen and watch. And then in a bit.... How about I take you any way you want. If you're interested, of course."

Visibly excited, and still riding high from her newfound confidence and her energy from being fucked, "Yes please! To all of it! I'm really happy. I love you Skye!"

They sensually scrubbed each other and then spent a long time under the stream just embracing each other, appreciating the moments like these that they had left for the next few days.

That's the end of Part 3. I really hope you're enjoying these. I'm loving writing them. Thanks for reading!