Ricky & Lola 2

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#2 of Ricky & Lola

Ricky & Lola

2310, January 1st

Dear Director,

The test subjects are still alive after twenty years! This I dont have to tell you means it worked! Even better than we had thought it would! Sorry if I cannot contain my excitement but this is a great success. There has been however some side-effects. They I assure you are more than acceptable. There has been the communication between both the owner and the dog. Another is they are about as smart as us and tend to reach sexual maturity at the correct time, however, some say almost as soon as the telepathy happens their pet felt the urge to have sex. They are also as intelligent as their owner when this occurs. Most of this is more frequent within the second gen. A few other things are death, they either dies a day after their owners or a day later if they were lost. This is quite the phenomenon but is really lucky. The things we intended to fix succeeded, the genetic diseases were absent as were the effects of aging.


Dr. Gerald Jacobi


Six months later at Ricky's therapists

"So Ricky, how are you and Lola doing," He asked.

"We are doing just great. I mean she was there for me after I was dumped, so I am happy to have her," I said.

"Yeah, well thats what she's there for. I feel obligated to let you know something," he said.

"Before you say anything I just want to say we are both going on a camping trip," I said.

"Good, but I need to let you know how she feels about you, it's how every dog thats like her is. She in her mind is your soul mate and vice versa she will love you till the end of her life," he said.

"Do what, I mean I know she likes me but loves me thats a little much," I said, shocked.

"No it isn't. It's perfectly normal for these dogs anyway. They have a really strong bond to their owner, like those really old married couples you can find that have been with each other for years. Well, thats all of our time, I'll see you in a month," he said.

"Yeah see you sir," I said as I stood and left.

I didn't know what was going through my mind at the time I had a lot of issues coursing through my mind. Mostly it was what I should do next. Her first heat was coming soon. Now I've never had a female dog before but the heats are legendary, especially one who gets "blue balled". With any luck it would last only a few days, without it, it could be a couple of weeks. I drove home it was only 10 minutes away and I was looking forward to this weekend, my junior year in collage was at an end. I was celebrating by heading out to a great little camping spot with my dog.

Unfortunately when I got home there was an odd smell. Almost immediately I felt the longing of any kind of object at all to be inside me. Now it wasn't me it was Lola, and her first heat was here. As soon as the door closed she came running out into the front room excitedly putting her paws on me.

"Hello," she said excitedly.

"How are you doing? You looking forward to this weekend," I asked.

Following me to my chair she climbed up next to me and started licking at my face while she replied, "Oh, I'm doing just great! I feel a little odd but other than that I'm just fine, and are you kidding me I've been looking forward to it for weeks!"

Stroking her soft oily fur I said, "Well as soon as you let me gut up I'll let you outside for a quick moment, and then ill finish packing and well head out."

Jumping off of my lap she said excitedly, "Oh boy, come on!"

I got up and opened the back door and she bolted out I walked out with her. I sat at the patio watching her. I got a call from my mom while I was out there. She asked if Lola was in heat. I told he as much and she suggested I bring her out to the farm she has a dog that needs a little help. I told her Lola wouldn't submit to that kind of thing. Then we had a good conversation about different things. Then Lola came back and started rushing me, so I got off the phone and finished packing my duffel bag and loaded the tent cooler and everything else we needed into the car. Then I got her in the car. She sat up in the front seat next to me. Then as I pulled out of the driveway she got down on the floor.

It was a good two hour drive out into the middle of nowhere. My family had a small log cabin out in the middle of nowhere. It was a family tradition to have the first child in this cabin. I was born here, my parents had a doctor come out here and makes sure I was born without incident. Which I was, and then they left after she was able to walk again. So it was my home away from home. But we wouldnt be hanging around here too much. I got unpacked and then we went on a jog down an unmarked trail.

The entire trip was great I gilled us some fish from the local lake. It was a quiet night, she loved the fish, and I had a great time watching her bound around the forest. Played a few games and then we went to bed together. Now I wouldnt usually do that but it gets really cold at night and there is no fireplace in the bedroom. So she got to sleep next to me, not that she dint get on the bed but she never got to cuddle with me. I had to admit her body snuggled up against me felt really good. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I was in a chair and it was bright outside. There was a figure walking towards me it was tall and black. It looked like a woman. Then as she drew closer I could see a small star that was distorted here and there just like Lola's fuck me. I can't believe I was having a dream about her. It isnt right what happened to that hot model that usually showed up. I wish it ended there, but it didn't she came over and started licking my neck after closing the distance between us. I found myself licking her back, and enjoying it. Then I started getting bolder one of my paws slid down her back and up between her legs first it was just rubbing then I slid a finger into her moist vagina. It kept going till she had an orgasm. Thats when things got creepy, I woke up.

My paw buried knuckle deep in her vagina. I was frozen, with mixed emotions, lust, anger, regret and over all arousal. I quickly pulled my paw out of her and ran into the kitchen. I rinsed my paw off but even after it was clean I still felt dirty. Then she walked into the kitchen, I didnt look up I just pointed for her to head out. I didn't hear her paws clicking on the floor and I got angry. I walked over to the door grabbed my jacket and pulled the door shut.

I just didn't want to talk to her right now and by being in the same room I had broken a rule I had for so long up held. I didn't have a female dog for a reason. We had a dog named Lady, and I ended up having sex with her in her first ever heat. It isn't against the law but it still is looked down upon. Especially by me, I was molested by my mom and then I started doing it to dogs. Particularly female dogs, I thought I was rehabilitated. I'm going to call my therapist tomorrow and get her out of my life.

"Ricky," came a voice inside my head.

"What," I replied sternly.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"For what I did it," I said.

"Not on purpose. I was thinking of you taking me and then you in your subconscious started doing what I thought you were doing, and you shouldn't be ashamed because your last girlfriend dumped you because she knew you were a zoophile," she said.

"No I'm not," I said.

"Think about it, you'll find you really are," she said.

I couldn't think my head was spinning. The more I thought about the more it seemed true. It would explain everything that I've done and everything thats happened. Why I accidently did things sexual to dogs. All of my child hood memories seemed to include dogs in them, and it might be the reason that I responded better to dogs.

"You know it's true, don't you," came her voice bringing her out of my vast thoughts.

"Why do you ask, you already know the answer. Look, I just need to be alone for a bit," I said.

"Fine," came her resounding voice.

I wandered around in the forest coming across our family's old hunting spot. I climbed up and fell asleep. Looking over the forest it was just so peaceful there. Being there by myself was peaceful. Alone as I could possibly get not that I'd ever be completely alone. Life has changed so much. I can't imagine how different my life would be if I had admitted it earlier. I woke up and I headed back to the cabin, and got dressed in an orange t-shirt and blue jeans and tied on a red bandana on my head. I then grabbed a red Frisbee and headed outside with Lola. She was a little upset about last night she was still in heat. I had thought about while I was asleep. I am going to make it up to her. Lola deserves better, and I'll show her that tonight with a little romp in the ancestral cabin.

We walked until we got into a clearing and I said, "Go get it girl!"

The natural instinct in her took over and she raced on after it and she said, "You really know how to butter me up!"

We continued on like this all day. We had so much fun I almost forgot my plans for tonight. I planned to take it slowly. We got home and I asked her to take a shower with me. She jumped at the opportunity, so she got in with me. I washed my pelt and hers, her fur was soft compared to mine. It was hard for me to do what I did next but I took the plunge. I slid my paw between her legs and penetrated her soft lips.

She jumped at first but then the leaned into it and started enjoying herself. I knew how bad it was for her she was going through a lot and all she needed me to do was help her through it. That was what I was here for. "Tonight's all about you Lola," I said to her. I worked slowly as to not break her hymen, I was also rubbing her love button to further stimulate her. It took me about half an hour but I got her off it was an orgasm of pure ecstasy.

"You are really good, and that was awesome, I hope that won't be the end of tonight though," she said.

Playfully nipping her on the back of the neck I said, "I have a few more surprises after we get dried off and in front of the fire place."

"Oh, I love the sound of that," she said while she went to fetch a towel.

"I know you do my little basket of love," I said.

"Aww, stop it you are embarrassing me," she said as she entered the bathroom with two towels in her mouth.

I grabbed both of them and started toweling her off until she was almost completely dry. Which didnt take long, and then I dried myself off as best as I could. And then she followed me into the living room and I set up the logs and started a small log fire. We just sat in front of the fire, till we were completely dry.

I held her in my arms in a one sided hug. It didn't matter to me though because I knew she loved me, and that was all that mattered. When we were completely dry I lay flat on my back and told her to stand over my head facing my crotch. Now I had never performed oral on a feral dog but I was hoping it was something like it was for us anthropomorphics. I signaled for her to move up a bit and lay down on my stomach and chest and she did so and I leaned my head up to her moist folds. I took a deep breath and I got hard at just the smell alone. I then slowly licked the outside of vagina and slowly forced her lips open.

She saw my erection and decided to take me while I was taking her. So she flicked her tongue out and started giving me a 'treat'. I redoubled my effort and made her came in my face. I lapped up all of the juices and got right back in there. I stopped only after she had come a full three times more after that. I then told her to get off of my chest and rest for a minute, before we continued on to the main part of tonight.

I was slightly nervous about doing what I was doing but then again I had to do this for her, well not only for her but for our relationship. After she was ready I slowly crawled behind her and positioned myself behind her and I grabbed my shaft which was pretty hard at this point. I them slowly pushed into her delicate folds, until I felt resistance. I looked at her, she turned her head and answered my question with the look of her eyes.

I started to pull out and she was telling more of her displeasure with her whine. I winked and then forced my shaft in past her hymen tearing it as I did so. At first she was shocked and then she felt pain I continued to hold her steady and as the pain subsided I leaned forward and licked the back of her neck. I then continued to force myself in and then slowly pulled back out. She was so warm and tight it was hard to not cum right there. But I held myself steady and continued trust in and out.

About half an hour later I was tired of preventing an orgasm on my end, and she had came about five times since, I then leaned forward and lightly grabbed the scruff of her neck between my teeth. I then started to slam into her and pump in and out and then I slammed my knot into her. I then spurted five ropes of my sticky seed into her wet, soppy pussy. I stayed inside and just held her tightly. Then after I had softened up I pulled out with a lewd slurp.

Panting she said, "That was great. Plus I feel so much better now."

"Well we better get to bed we've got to go back home tomorrow," I said and added after she looked at me with a sad look, "but I'm sure no one will bother us all weekend."

She wagged her tail happily and somewhat sleepily and said, "Oh, boy! sounds fun."

I had great dreams with Lola's form inside her head. I loved the way she looked so attractive to me and I bet she'd never look half as good to anyone besides me. I loved the way she felt it was as realistic as it could get. I had a lot of good dreams that night and then it seemed as if it seemed all too soon.

I woke up and I made a cup of coffee to wake up. I came back and Lola was still asleep. So I walked over and gave her a long passionate lick. I might make heading out like this a common thing, so we can be intimate with each other, and not worry about who might come in at a bad time.

She woke up with a start. When she realized that it was me she calmed down. We talked for a bit I had to get her in the shower because she smelled a lot like me with a lot of my genetic material. So I rinsed her fur out really quickly and then dried her off. She smelled like wild flowers so I wasn't complaining but she was. Said something about wanting to smell like her mate, I didn't get that but then again I wasn't wanting for her as long as she was.

I gathered up the rest of the stuff that we brought with us and headed to the car. I put the stuff in the trunk and laid a blanket down in the back seat for her. She climbed in the back seat and I got in the front seat. She was pretty tired so I let her sleep.

A bout fifteen minutes from home I got a call it was an ex-girlfriend. I didn't answer then a few seconds later I got a text message saying shed be at my house. "Great," I thought an annoying ass bitch that dumped me after she got what she wanted from me. This was going to be just great.

"What's wrong," Lola asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"You cant hide things from me tell me what's wrong,' she said, exasperatedly.

"Well there is an ex trying to communicate with me after she used me to get something," I said.

"Oh, well she sounds like a total bitch, want me to bite her," she asked.

"No its fine, just growl at her. Like you do with every other woman in my life," I said.

"Deal," she replied.

I pulled into the driveway and there she was the wicked witch of the west. I can't believe that I thought that that cat was a fine piece of flesh. I really felt bad about how things ended though. I saw it coming a mile away. I should have ended it before then but I decided not to.

I got out of the car and opened the rear door to let out Lola. I acted like she wasnt there at first then I felt her paw on my shoulder. Looking over my shoulder I looked her in the face and saw a look of hurt in her eyes.

"I am so sorry," she said.

"What do you want Helga, my blood, my life, or maybe my soul," I said.

"I don't want anything. I came here to apologize. I was a real bitch to you. I want a second chance," Helga said.

"Look, I'm all for second chances, but I am kinda in a relationship already," I said.

"I don't believe it. The one guy who couldn't get the courage to ask me out for three months, has a girlfriend," she said exasperated.

"Accept a date from her, show her she doesn't want to be with you," came Lola's voice.

"Hey it might work out she's been kinda bitchy lately, and I dont think she really wants to be with me so, how about we go out just as friends," I asked.

"Really, you're willing to go out with me as a friend," Helga asked.

"Yeah just name the time and place and I'll be there," I said.

"Thanks Ricky you are the greatest," she said and gave me a giant bear hug, Lola didn't like that one bit.

"Don't mention it, I'm sure you are a good person,' I said.

"How about Ray Ray's Tavern tomorrow at eight o'clock," she asked happily.

"Yeah sure I'll be there tomorrow at eight," I said.

I wasn't going to show up late I was going to be there too early. Then around eight I'll leave. I'll let her find that out about me. Then she'll reschedule and I'll accidently forget to go, and then I'll be late.

"Your devious you know that," Lola asked.

"Yeah I can be," I said.

"There's something I've been wanting to say for a while," Lola started.

"Me too though mine hasnt been so long," I said.

"I love you," she said.

"Me too Lola, and I'm finally glad I've come to terms with who I am," I said.

"I'm glad you just came around," she said.

"Oh, ha, ha very funny," I said.

"I know," she said.

We went inside and we cuddled most of the day and we didnt say anything at all because we were connected so closely now. It was so great I never had that in a relationship before.