Evil Rises- Chapter Nine

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#10 of Evil Rises

Chapter Nine



Furry Sith Lord

Tyger, Lyon, and Hooper!" Phil yelled in the living area of our dorm room. "Front and center guys!" I wondered what he wanted because we were all busy unpacking. I guessed he was going to tell uis that his transfer did not come through because when we arrived he was busy unpacking in his room. Maybe he wanted to apologize for getting our hopes up. Not that I was upset because as much as I loved Ben, I still wanted to spend his last semester with us.

We entered and sat on the couch as I saw the look Hooper had on his face and it made me think of when Lyon gets ready to tear up and cry. I suddenly felt a rock sinking in my tummy.

"Hey guys," Phil started and Tears dripped down Hooper's face. "Come on guy, It's not forever." He said, trying to reassure Hooper. "I got approval about a week ago and didn't want to spoil the surprise, but Benyamin and I are switching rooms."

"Wait, did you do this because you wanted it or because you thought that we wanted this?" I asked with my voice having a bit of an edge to it.

"Both actually, you see a buddy of mine lost his roommate and was getting a new kid. It turns out that Ben was the roommate of the new kid's brother. Soooo, I figure if Ben and I switch then I can switch with that kid so he's rooming with his brother and I get to be with my buddy. Don't get me wrong you guys are my brothers and I love you three to death but this is a golden opportunity for a win win here and I'm taking it. I hope you can understand." Phil said and we reluctantly agreed. Hooper had been crying softly and he went over and shook paws with Phil but Phil reached out with his long arms and grabbed him and hugged him.

"Hey guys," Ben said bashfully as he pulled in his stuff. I reluctantly went over and helped him while Phil silently left. None of us really wanted to hear a goodbye so although it would have been nice to hear one it felt appropriate when I mused about it later.

Hooper went to sulk in his room while Lyon joined us as we helped Ben unpack. It was starting to feel like summer all over again although Hooper wasn't too happy about the new roommate and we had to help the two warm up to each other. Ben was trying to make friends but Hooper was too busy sulking so we had to step in and try to get Ben on his goodside. It took about a week but luckily Ben was patient when he realized that Hooper was very close to Phil, closer than my brother and myself were. He was soon back tro his old self and Ben learned he had to make due with Hooper walking in his boxers and randomly farting as he passed us by.

Uncle Jon was back to his usual role as our guidance counselor so we were forced to call him Mr. Jon again. Not that it really mattered to us but I hated getting used to calling him one thing then having to change it to something else as a professional courtesy. I understood the reasoning behind it but the feline laziness of my species was not amused.

Since we missed most of last semester as we helped our father bring down The White Citadel, Uncle Jon had again tutored us strenuously so we could pass our finals. We had once again impressed the school and we were bumped up to being freshmen in high school. However we were younger than the regular freshmen and that posed a problem, at least for me. Lyon being a football player was congratulated while I started getting picked on.

At first I just let it go as hazing the new kid and I'd be accepted but after a week and no one relented I realized it was time to stand up for myself. I would use my intellect that my father had helped me develop and turn the tricks back on the bullies. If species thought that a simple deer, like my father, was scary when he used his intellect to its full potential, then guess what they'd think when a tiger used the same intellect.

I stood with my back against a wall as two of the guys that have been picking on me approached. One was a jackal named Spencer and the other was a zebra named Lenny.

"Lookie who we have here, hey rich boy... gonna cry like a bitch again for us today?!" Spencer mocked me and I never cried like a bitch to him other than asking him to leave me alone, which made him bully me more.

Today I was waiting for them to show up so I could extract my plans for them. Right on que I saw two of Lyon's teammates walking by unaware of what was going on as they talked to each other. Luckily I knew how to get attention out of the other students and decided to put my acting skills to the test.

"Aaahhhh my balls!!!!!!!!" I screamed as loudly as I could as I fell to the ground coughing and writhing in fake pain. Spencer and Lenny looked at each other then back at me in confusion. I heard others laughing that were passing by and I saw that Lyon's teammates were also watching as they chuckled.

One was a bull and the other was a gazelle and both served on Lyon's team. I had seen that they were very friendly with my brother and once I knew they would walk this way after class, I knew to lure Spencer and Lenny here. Rob was the bull and Jessie was the gazelle.

"I don't care what you say about the JV team, they are not a bunch of pussies!" I screamed and I saw Rob drop his shoes as he heard me.

"What did you say?" Jessie asked as they approached us. They instantly recognized me as Lyon's brother and Rob nodded to me.

"Woah, woah, woah, nothing guy," Lenny tried pleading.

"They said the JV team is a bunch of pussies and they kicked my nuts when I told them to shut up." I lied and looked evilly at the two bullies after making sure Rob and Jessie couldn't see me.

"Oh really," Rob snorted angrily.

"I don't care what they say! My brother does his fair share on the team but he's not carrying it. Lyon always talks about how great you guys are, so their full of shit." I replied although by the looks on their faces as Rob pressed them against the wall now I think it was their boxers that were full of shit.

"Wait we never said," Spencer tried to say but another angry snort from Rob silenced them.

"Oh, is there a Robert and Jess on the team? Lenny was saying that a Robert and Jess were players and they date each other which is why their breaths stink of dick all the time.... Wait a minute, Robert and Jess? You don't mean these guys do you?" I asked Spencer and Lenny as they began to panic and ducked and dodged to run away with Rob and Jessie in hot pursuit. Boys dating boys is no big deal but it was the insult that their breaths smelled like dick that really pissed them off. Hell I wasn't even sure that they weren't dating but it had the desired effect I wanted.

There I stood with a grin on my face and a new reputation as being someone not to mess with. Spencer and Lenny were found later stripped down to their fur and the word 'losers' were shaved into their fur as they were tried to some flag poles. They were asked by school officials to report who did it to them but they kept silent. They were beaten up pretty badly and were swollen for about a month. They never bothered me again and Rob and Jessie took a liking to me that I stuck up for the whole team and not just my brother.

Lyon had a few words with me and none of them were pleasant once he found out what happened. He decided to keep my secret but I was now indebted to him but it was something I was willing to do because he was my brother after all and we had each other's backs no matter what.

"Watch an all new episode of Life With H.A. coming this Saturday on FBC." The announcer said as the commercial on television ended. The Furry Broadcasting Channel had started a new series of a family of Meerkats that had adopted a hairless ape, named H.A. and the comical adventures they get into.

It was just a half hour of slapstick comedy where the family had found a lost hairless ape in the forest as the family was on vacation. H.A. had to adjust to modern civilization because he was too primitive to fit in well in modern society. As he tried to blend in, mostly by wearing an ugly looking disguise, he would get into funny situations.

Bear was busy talking on the phone to his agent as he sat in a tub of ice water. He wore his boxers that were decorated with head shots of him holding Soda Coke products.

"I'm telling you it'll be big, baby. Really big!" His agent said.

"I dunno, I mean a movie?! I've never done acting like that before. Who'd want to see me start in a flick?" Bear asked.

"Your last commercial went off the charts, baby. Now's the time to strike while the iron is hot." Bear sat up and the sound of water and ice cubes falling off him was heard.

"So what's the movie called again?" Bear asked.

"North of The North. A polar bear has his family cubnapped and he must travel farther north than he ever has in order to rescue them. He's a former operative so the bad guys picked the wrong bear to mess with. The main catch phrase will be "I will find you!" When you're talking to your family and the bad guys. Rye Ren, the actor that starred in Dead Pools has definitely signed on to star in it. I'm guessing he might be the bad guy." The agent replied.

"I'll find you, no... I WILL find you... I will find YOU!!!" Bear said as he practised the line. He heard a soft chuckle from his agent.

"Soda Coke won't pay the bills forever, you gotta branch out unless you want your career to become extinct."

"OK... tell them I'll do it as long as it doesn't interfere with my sponsor ads." Bear finally replied.

"You got it and hey, you're making the right choice." The agent replied then he abruptly hung up. Bear climbed out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist then entered the living room of his small cramped apartment. It was the best he could afford based on the limited wages from his commercials.

He was about to turn off the television when one of his commercials started playing. He was sitting in what was supposed to be the arctic. He was sitting on a beach chair and he had a sun shield to reflect the sun's light on his face. It looked like he was in the middle of a blizzard.

"Ahhh." he said as he suddenly reached for a bottle of soda labeled Soda Coke that was half buried in the snow next to his seat. The screen changed to the company logo as it panned out.

"Garbage," Bear remarked as it concluded. The finished product of the ad takes thirty seconds but what a pain to shoot it. He had to spend 8 hours as the director argued over every little detail with the staff and he had to sit under hot lights. Sure it looked like the arctic in the scene but it was more like the tropics pretending to be the arctic. The thing he hated about acting was being under the hot lights.

A sudden knock on his door got his attention and he went to answer, still wearing the towel. A mail clerk from the studio handed him a package and had him sign before rushing off. Bear was surprised the guy just completely ignored how he was dressed as he was expecting a comment or at least being asked for an autograph for his kids. He had that a lot, asked for autographs from the Soda Coke bear. He started carrying head shots of him holding a bottle of soda and he stood at an arctic background to make it look like he was doing one of the commercials.

The script of North of The North was inside and a note was written on the cover from his agent.

"Thanks for doing this, baby." it said and he went and sat reading over the script. How'd he get it here so fast when they just spoke a minute ago? He wondered unless he knew he'd agree and sent it in advance. Was he that predictable? He wondered to himself.

"What's wrong?" Leggo asked as he crept up on Lou, as he watched the news, and wrapped his arms around him and then kissed his neck.

"Have you been following the news?" Lou asked as he struggled to keep his focus.

"Not really,"

"Stop for a second! This is important." Lou scolded and Leggo stopped and released Lou. "Remember that news story about the rare hairless ape that was captured?"

"Yeah, vaguely. Wasn't one of The White Citadel guys involved in capturing it?"

"Right it was that white wolf that you hated so much. BH or whatever his name is. Anyway I read an article that he was joining a team of researchers going out to find the shrewdness of the hairless apes."

"The what? Shrewdness? As in they are very smart or is that a name for a clan or something?" Leggo asked.

"Among primates, they call a group of them a 'shrewdness' for some reason. As far as we know they seem to be primates... so their clan, if you will, has been called a shrewdness. Anyway a research team was using the one they captured to lead them to the others.

Dr. Avram, a fellow primate scientist, believes he could establish communication with the hairless apes. The thing that worries me is that it's been over a week and nothing new has been reported."

"So?" Leggo replied and he grabbed Lou's hoof and began to rub his face against it.

"I just have a bad feeling, that's all... What are you doing?!" Lou said as he pulled his hoof away.

"I just want some attention... and I need an alibi."


"Well... I was drinking out of the toilet," Leggo started.

"Oh for fuck's sake... and acting like a puppy as usual it seems." Lou griped.

"Anyway, the maid caught me and... I need a place to hide right now." Leggo smiled weakly.

"WHERE IS HE?!?!!" The maid screamed as ashe burst into the living room. Leggo jumped to hide behind the sofa then he stuck his head up to look at the maid as she stood there with her fists planted on her hips.

"Is there a problem?" Lou asked after he sighed.

"I caught that fool of a wolf drinking outta the toilet and getting water all over the place!" The maid shouted and Leggo hid his face bashfully.

"That seems... probably but unlikely." Lou replied and she turned her gaze to look at him. Her eyes had the look that could melt ice instantly and see through him to his soul, if one exists.


"He's been here with me as we've been... watching television. I finally wrestled the remote away from him." Lou said, looking indignant. She eyed him then turned her gaze back on Leggo as he was still hiding behind the couch with his ears sticking up revealing his location.

She stomped over and grabbed him by one of his ears and pulled him out of his hiding spot.

"Ow ow ow ow ow," Leggo whined.

"And just who was drinking out of my toilets and making a mess?" She demanded.

"Maybe... Mel? He did ask to use our bathroom." Leggo lied as he tried smiling innocently.

"Why would he come all the way over here to use our toilets?" She said angrily. Lou sat and crossed his legs as he too waited to hear the explanation.

"Long story short he was returning my pants I forgot them at work." Leggo said.

"What?!" Lou replied.

"Again?!" she responded and Lou turned to look at her.

"Wait a minute, he's come home not wearing any pants? And on multiple occasions it seems?" Lou asked incredulously.

"Well when I go to the bathroom I don't want to dirty them so I take them off... and sometimes forget to put them back on if it gets busy." Leggo replied and Lou stared at him.

"Oh my hooves, I can't believe I'm hearing this."

"Why do you think I'm always calling him a dumb wolf? This is just the trip of the iceberg of the stuff I have to put up with him." The maid replied.

"I'll see to it that they are BOTH properly punished." Lou replied and he turned to Leggo and pointed towards their bedroom. The wolf lowered his ears as he sulked walking towards the bedroom. Lou was going to play Dom tonight and Leggo didn't expect to have too much fun, maybe just a little and he did owe Lou for bailing him out.

"Carrots and Turnips, it must be nice to have loads of money," Dash said as he bounced into our dorm room. He had a DVD in his paw and was busy putting it into a player on the television.

"What'd you mean?" Lyon asked.

"Well your father paid big bucks on this and even donated a new jumbotron so this video of us dancing could be played. I mean he hired a rapper at a studio to do the music and watch this! The video is tight yo." Dash said and played the video.

"Moving around at the speed of sound," The music played and a shot of Dash running but special effects were added to make it appear as if he was running faster than he actually was.

"Stay off the field or we'll knock you to the ground," Lyon was in full football attire and he took a stance looking down then he lifted his head and his eyes were glowing a shining white.

"Watch out baby, cuz you know our name," Dash and Lyon ran side by side and slapped paws.

"We're The White Disaster, The White Disaster... yo, yo, yo." The scene changed to Dash and Lyon dancing the new routine that had been created for them. The words 'White Disaster' flashed briefly on the screen then the video ended. It was a quick 10 second bit but it would be sure to get everyone's attention.

"Wow," I replied stunned.

"And he bought a new jumbotron?" Lyon asked.

"Yeah, he wanted to be sure the school let you play this... it was part of the arrangement I heard. I mean I could never do anything like this in a million years but your father pulls out his cash and bam! It gets done!"

"Father loves Lyon and wanted his gift to be something special so he went a little extravagant but he isn't normally like this and you know he doesn't spoil us." I complained at how Dash was making it sound like we were spoiled rich kids. There was nothing farther than the truth, because even though we were wealthy our parents made us earn our keep.

"So what did you get? Yo." Dash asked me.

"Me? I've been wanting to keep it a secret but he bought me tickets." I replied bashfully.

"Tickets? To what?" Dash asked.

"You really want me to ruin it for everyone?" I asked.

"What do you mean everyone?" Lyon asked. I sighed deeply then took a deep breath and answered.

"Father bought tickets to a national comic con event. He bought a ticket for Lyon, Ben, you Dash, dad, and myself. He figured we'd want dad to take us so he's staying home... alone... by himself." I replied and I saw Lyon looked at me in the same manner as I was feeling about that.

"We're going to the National Power Fur Rangers conference and he got special access to the after event party with a meet and greet with the rangers and other special benefits. He booked an expensive hotel so we'll be hanging out in style.

The event takes place after this semester so once this semester is over we'll spend the holidays with The Power Fur Rangers!"

"Wow, dude really?! See that's what I'm talking about, your father knows how to hook it up!" Dash replied and he started dancing the routine. I lowered my gaze and saw Lyon meet me.

"Why so down?" Lyon asked me.

"Father's not coming... He must think I really hate him or something." I said and my brother nodded in agreement.

"Did you talk to him about it?"

"You bet I did and he just blew me off saying that I'd have a more enjoyable time if he wasn't there."

"So that's it?" My brother asked and I shook my head.

"No, not by a long shot. I'm going to talk to Uncle Jon but I want to get a job and buy father a ticket. I figure if I buy him one he'll have to go and he'll realize how much I love him." I replied.

"Can I help? I want in too." Lyon asked and I nodded then kissed his head.

"It'd mean a lot if we were both in on it." I replied.

"Hold up, hold up, hold up, your father spent a bundle on me and there is no way I'm not going to show my appreciation too, ya know." Dash replied.

"Then we're all in this together!" I said and I held out my paw.

"All in this together." Lyon said as he put his paw on top of mine.

"We're Allll in thisss to-geth-thaaaar!!!!!" Dash said as he sung the words from the High School Metal Musical as he put his paw on top of the piled.

"What about Ben?" Lyon asked.

"Well... let's just worry about us right now and I'll talk to Bedn about it later." I replied then I gestured and all three of us raised our paws separating and cheering our new found bond.

Father may think that we hate him but he was about to learn the hard way about how much he means to us... whether he wanted to or not!

To Be Continued...