Customized by the Hive 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#3 of Customized by the Hive

Applejack tries to hold back from completely breaking. For now, she succeeds, but something might just break that armor, or someone.

Commissioned by faceless_lord

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Customized by the Hive

Part 3

For faceless_lord

By Draconicon

After her second addiction, Applejack was allowed freedom to wander through the changeling hive as she saw fit. At least, to an extent; she was not allowed to move with her arms free, and she was always accompanied by at least one of the drones, but at least she was able to be away from the arm restraints that had held her for so long. She knew that it wasn't going to last, that her 'freedom' of movement would come to an end eventually, but she was so desperate for the feeling of moving around that she'd take anything that she could get.

Even so, it was hard for her to get used to walking around naked. Even though she had been casually molested by more individuals in the hive than she really could count, she still felt embarrassed around them. She felt like she should have something, even a bit of underwear on, and the feeling of their eyes on her pussy and her cock and her ass and her breasts only made her all the more aware of her forbidden lack.

It was worse when they decided to transform and have clothes on. Sometimes they'd do just that to make it clear that she was the one that was under all of them, that they could do whatever they wanted and she had to just sit there and take it. The feeling was beyond humiliating, and yet...

There was seldom a time where she walked around the hive when her cock wasn't hard and throbbing. Part of that was from the hyper-sensitivity of her feet, admittedly, but she also knew that some of it was from getting stared at all the time. Some part of her, buried deep down, had enjoyed the feeling of being admired, wanted, needed by the various members of the hive, and the changelings were hardly shy about showing what her body did to them. Various cocks and ovipositors alike popped up when she walked by, and she knew that they were entirely down to how sexy she looked in the nude.

They would sometimes order her to stop in place, making her stand still with her arms tied behind her back as they fondled her. Sometimes, they would spend time focusing on her breasts, lifting them and letting them fall. Her prior life of exercise and hard work meant that she had more muscle than some ponies did there, and it meant that her breasts didn't have the same bounce and jiggle that someone like Rarity would have had.


She often thought of that fancy pony when she was in the tunnels, wondering what that fashionista was doing. They'd been going on about going out together for a while, but they had never actually gone further than a single one-night stand when they were leaving filly-hood behind, when they were becoming mares. It had been hot as one could imagine, and she remembered the sweaty night and the embarrassing morning with a small smile.

That, however, didn't mean that it was guaranteed to go anywhere. Most of her friends had been surprised when they heard about it, and when she found out that Rarity had been embarrassed and never spoken about it, she'd stopped bringing it up. Those days were almost forgotten now, but they were the only things that still linked her to the outside world, and the only things that made all the things that the changelings did to her bearable. One day, she hoped, she would see Rarity and the rest of her friends again, and things would get back to normal. She had to hope for that.

Yet, when the days went by and she was constantly tormented by the many different members of the hive, her cock stroked, her balls teased, her ass rubbed and worshiped, even, she knew that the chances of her getting out with any bit of her mind intact were fading more and more. She would soon forget everything, she felt, and it scared her.

She didn't know how wrong, and yet how right, she actually was.

Applejack sat in one of the many different egg-chambers that the hive had, looking down at the mess of eggs that were spread across the floor of the chamber. They were blue-green, as almost everything that the changelings touched were, and they glowed with a deep green light as they grew. She sat on one of them, her bare ass sliding along the slimy thing, and she wondered if she could get away with kicking some of them. It'd be a small revenge for all that had been done to her.

Yet, at the same time, she knew that sort of rebellion would invite punishment. Considering how much she'd gone through just with the 'training' that they were putting on her, she didn't want to find out what would happen if they decided to actively punish her.

So, she sat normally, occasionally kicking her legs out, but always making sure that her heels didn't do more than bump the egg that she sat on. Not even a bruise was left behind, no matter how much she wanted to let loose.

Just a bit longer. Surely, just a little bit longer. Then Rarity and the others will come busting down the doors, find me, and...

Applejack knew that the rescue was little more than a fantasy now. If they hadn't found her in this long, they were never going to find her. Her cock throbbed, interrupting the sense of grief that she felt at being abandoned, and she gritted her teeth at the annoying, throbbing thing. It was always keeping her wanting, needing, making it impossible for her to feel as upset as she felt she should be.

" stupid thing..."

She stood up, walking over to the wall and swinging her hips around. The sudden jolt of rock against cock often made it start sliding back down out of discomfort, but not this time. It just made her throb all the harder, as if her cock was trying to defy her on the matter.


Shaking her head, she slowly slumped down the wall, hissing as her feet slid across the stone floor. The friction was one more pleasure that she didn't want, one more reminder of how easy she was to control. The changelings barely had to flick her feet before she was gasping and moaning, and her cock...well, her cock was begging for orgasm all the time, and if she went too long without one, she'd start to get stupid, foggy-brained, like the lust was becoming a blanket that smothered all of her thoughts.

She hated it. She hated all of it.

She grumbled as she pointed her feet at the eggs, imagining stomping on them again and again. Even that fantasy was denied to her, knowing how she'd feel if she actually did it. She'd managed to stomp on a small, dead egg one time, just a thing that she'd done in a moment of spite, and it had...

Well, the sharp points against her foot from the broken egg-shell had been a moment of pain-pleasure, while the slime that had come out of the egg, like muck against her bare foot, had been a pleasure all its own. Nothing could stop that sensitivity, and she'd broken down in an orgasm from it.

It's not fair.

Sighing, she lowered her head, her chin resting against her chest as she stared down at the ground. She'd survive, somehow. Chrysalis made it very clear that she wanted her and the rest of the ponies in Equestria to bend the knee and give her loyalty, that she wanted them to feed her and the hive. They couldn't do that while dead, so it was just a matter of how much the changeling queen would do to her in the process.

Applejack knew that she was making it worse for herself. Every time that she fought back, she was basically sending a message that she wasn't broken, that Chrysalis needed to up her game. It meant that she was inviting worse and worse treatments, but there was something in her, something too stubborn to just roll over and give in. She had to fight. It was in her nature.

Just like it's in my nature to want things I can't have, heh, she thought with a slight laugh. Just thinking of Rarity again made her want to curl up in a ball, but both her cock and the restraints keeping her arms behind her back kept that from happening. She grumbled, slowly pulling her legs up so that her knees pressed against her breasts. Just hold on. Just keep holding on, and keep hoping.

It was all she could do.

She was slowly slipping down into a depressed state of mind when she heard a different set of footsteps than usual. They were lighter, more airy and careful, like the mare walking around was taking her time to pick the exact spot where she would step every single time. It was different to what she was used to hearing from the changelings. Very different, as a matter of fact.

She opened her eyes as she looked at the little stone hole in the wall, wondering who was coming down the cavern. To her shock, it was someone with a purple mane and white fur, someone that was dressed in a thick blue dress that ran from her neck down to her ankles.

"Darling, there you are," Rarity said.

"Rarity? Oh, Celestia, am I glad to see you."

"Likewise. What happened to you, dear?"

"I got caught. I don't know how, but they brought me here, and...and..."

"Oh, darling, you look a state. Let me help you up."

Rarity's horn glowed, and Applejack found herself being lifted up by her arm restraints and the green goo that had long since hardened over her nipples. It was uncomfortable, but seeing her friend, she wasn't going to question it. Not after this long, and not when she was this desperate.

With her old friend leading her out of the egg chamber, Applejack felt hope for the first time in all too long. She didn't have the energy to ask Rarity where they were going or how her friend had found her, but she had the energy to keep moving. She ran along, her arms behind her back and thrusting her chest forward, and she was beyond grateful that Rarity wasn't saying anything about her cock. That was embarrassing enough just existing; she didn't need any more comments about it.

Slap, slap, slap went her bare feet against the stone floor as they ran along, and she gasped again and again at the pleasure that kept running through her cock. She groaned under her breath, huffing, whimpering, her shaft soon spitting pre-cum from the constant rough impacts along the bottom of her feet. Splurt, splat, hitting the floor and making her run through them, making her mind hazier and hornier.


"What's the matter, dear?" Rarity asked as they came to a brief stop at the edge of the corridor, looking back and forth across an interaction. "You're not usually so huffy."

"It's the...the..."


"What they...did."

"Oh, my...poor thing..."

Rarity's sympathy was as high-class as ever, but she swore that she could still hear that actual compassion under it. It was soothing, in a way, though she would have liked something a little more solid right then. Something like Fluttershy or Twilight trying to make things better rather than the 'poor thing' that she was getting now.

Just as she was thinking that, though, Rarity reached back and grabbed her by the balls. Not hard, but definitely firmly, holding her by the heavy sac she'd taken on. Applejack gasped, arching her back and thrusting her hips forward as she'd been conditioned to do.

"Wha-what the hay?"

"If this is what's distracting you, then we'll just need to take care of it, won't we?" Rarity said in that soft, teasing, always-controlled voice she had. "Is there anyplace empty nearby?"

"But what about getting out of here?"

"Darling, do you think that you can really run with something like this?"


"I didn't think so. Now, where would be the best place?"

"Um...there. Just two caverns down, on the left."

"Splendid. Lead the way."

There was something off about Rarity, but Applejack was desperate enough to get out of here - and Rarity had made a good enough point - that she wasn't going to question her about it right at that point in time. She nodded, taking the lead and running around the corner. Her arms were still pulled tight around her back, and she could feel the way that it thrust her breasts forward, making them more obvious. She knew that it made her butt pop just a bit more, as well, and she blushed as she wondered if Rarity was looking at it.

She's higher-class than that. She'd never look at someone's bum.

And then they were out of the corridor and into another private cavern. She huffed under her breath as she leaned against the wall, and Rarity followed her in. There were no changeling drones to be seen or heard, either.

"Where's the others?" she asked. "Twilight and them?"

"They're leading the changelings on a merry chase so that we can get out. We have time," Rarity said, forestalling the other question. "They've got a massive lead, so we can do this right."

"Right. And that means..."

"That means, dear, that I have to take care of...this..."

There was just enough distaste for her to chuckle. Classic Rarity, really, particularly as the white-furred mare hesitated to take her cock in hand. Applejack leaned back a little bit, resting her shoulders against the rock wall while pushing her hips forward. It put the flare of her cock in easy reach, and Rarity ran her finger along the slick tip.


Applejack gasped at just how sensitive she was, the flare so very sensitive that it was almost painful to the touch. Almost, of course, was the operative word, moreso since she had come to appreciate pain as pleasure. She groaned under her breath, her toes curling against the rock, feeling the sheer hardness under her but not able to stop herself as she bucked her hips forward a bit.

" don't good that feels."

"I'm getting a pretty good idea, darling."

"No, you really ain't."

"Well, I suppose you could be more sensitive than the other men I've seen."


"You sound like you really love this, darling," Rarity said, her slender fingers wrapping tight around the base of the shaft, running from there to the medial ring, and then all the way up to the flared head. "Do you love it that much, hmm?"

"Oh, Celestia, I do..."

"You never sounded like that before."

"Nnngh...never been...this sensitive..."

"Heh, it almost sounds like you don't want to lose this. Do you want to keep it that badly?"

It was such a weird question, but she was finding it harder and harder to think the more that her cock was stroked. She was humping the air, humping Rarity's hand when she could, slipping further down the wall. It was so nice...She moaned further as Rarity stroked with one hand and rubbed a finger along her flare with the other.

"Dear, I asked you a question. Do you think you'd keep it?"


"Oh, just maybe? It looks so good on you."

"Y-you really...think so?"

"Yes. So big, so eager..."

A tight grip behind the flare, there, and it was almost enough to push her over the edge. She moaned out loud at that, bucking forward once, then pulling back.

"Ah...ah...Okay...maybe...if you like it..."

"I do...But what's this?"

Rarity stepped forward, her shoe brushing ever so gently against Applejack's arch. The orange-furred mare moaned at that, arching her back again, biting her lip.

"Mmmph...c-careful. Sensitive...sensitive feet, now."

"Oh, really?" Rarity smiled. "Let me see."

"They're dirty. Ya don't want to -"

"I don't care."

She...doesn't care?

That should have been a warning sign, but the sudden stroke along the length of her shaft, the hard pumping going on, made it hard for her to think. It was so much easier to just go along with what Rarity was saying. She shuffled her legs a bit, slowly lifting one of them, exposing her sole to the other mare. Rarity looked down, but rather than the expression of disgust that Applejack had expected, there was one of...lust? Yes, definitely lust, one that seemed to approve.

Why -

"Nnngh! Ah...ah...ah..."

Rarity's tail had been almost like a whip, slapping around her hip and dragging across Applejack's sole with all the force of a military drill stallion. She gasped, her toes curled at the pain that heated her foot, only for another crack of the tail to come, and then another, and another. Each one made it worse, adding to the burning sensation along the bottom of her sole, and she whimpered, biting her lips, trying not to show any reaction.

Yet, her cock showed it for her. Her cock danced in Rarity's hand, right on the verge of orgasm, getting edged by careful strokes and whipping strikes. She moaned under her breath, her eyes rolling back.

"Oh, I like this version of you, Applejack. Doesn't it feel good? Doesn't it feel better to have a mistress teasing you like this? It's so much better than just grinding brainlessly, isn't it?"


"You want to keep feeling this, don't you?"

"Yes...oh Celestia, yeah, I do..."

"You want to be a good girl..."

"A good mare..."

"Good for me..."

"Good for you..."

She was sliding further and further down, not just in her head, but along the wall, as well. Soon, the mare was on her back on the floor, her eyes rolled back, her cock harder than it had ever been. She stared straight up at her friend, at the purple-haired, white-furred...

Green-eyed unicorn...

What...what the...

"That's it. Just slide down. Slide down and let me teach you where you belong," Rarity said, a sudden flash of green immolating her. Chrysalis stepped out, but Applejack was so far gone that she couldn't protest, particularly as those eyes glowed all the brighter as she stared up at the other woman. "That's it. Just look at me. You were so guarded, so untrusting. But, you'll do anything that dear Rarity tells you to do, won't you?"

That little part of her that had survived thus far would have protested, if it hadn't been completely exhausted by finally seeing a friend and having hope again. Having that hope taken away, losing what little she had left, sent Applejack into a tailspin.

She slid down against the floor, her cock pointing straight up as she nodded. Chrysalis straddled her, her naked body soft and smooth against Applejack's cock. A wet hole waited for her, something that she wished could have been Rarity's, but there was nothing left of her once-lover now. There was just that voice, that voice that was so gentle and so sure of itself, telling her to do something that she hadn't wanted to do, but now had no choice in.

"Submit to the queen, dear," Rarity's voice said as Chrysalis slid down against the head of her cock. "Submit to her, and worship her."


There was no choice but to submit to the warm, wet hole that was already sliding down her cock, something that was warmer than any of the changelings that she had already fucked, and far more muscular and controlled. She could feel it milking the head of her cock even as the flare slid in, and the rest of her shaft was helpless against it. Applejack moaned helplessly, her eyes rolling back in their sockets again, her balls churning already.

"That's it, darling. You know what you are. A little pervert. A pervert so focused on her cock and her feet that you can't get anything done on your own. You need a queen to tell you what to do, a mistress that can order you around, a powerful woman that will help you figure out how to run your life."


"Yes, darling, and that woman is Queen Chrysalis."


Up, down, up, down, the changeling queen went. Each time that she went up, Applejack could feel the tightness around her cock increasing, getting hotter, feeling like her cock was both expanding and tightening at the same time. The wet walls clenched all the harder around her cock, almost like Chrysalis was trying to pull her cock off.

Then the queen would drop, and the sudden heat that ran from the base of her cock to the tip almost made her cum right then and there. Her toes curled again, her mouth opened and hung that way, her eyes popped out of their sockets at the sheer pleasure. Clench, squeeze, clench, squeeze.

The queen leaned back, her fingers sliding between Applejack's toes. She moaned out loud at the feeling, unable to help herself as her feet were squeezed and fondled at the same time that someone was riding her cock. The farm-girl mare was completely helpless against her own lust as Chrysalis kept bouncing up and down, up and down, riding her in time to the teasing words that were pouring from her mouth.

"That's it, girl. Just give in. Give in and enjoy yourself. Give and enjoy your new queen."


"I want you to do this, darling," Rarity whispered in her ear.


"Just do this for me, dear. It will be better."


"Better for you..."


"And then better for me...we'll be together again...forever..."

Thump, thump, thump went that big black ass against her cock, slamming down all the way to the balls before rising again. She could hardly breathe from how much she was loving this, and she could not stop herself from moaning for more. If she'd not been lying on her arms, she would have grabbed Chrysalis and taken charge, but as it was, she had to go along with it.

Up, down, up, down. She moaned, thrusting her hips weakly, only for the queen to squeeze down and stop her.


"Oh, are you getting close?" Chrysalis whispered.

" close..."

"Then cum...cum in me...cum for your queen."

Her queen. A bug-woman of black flesh and eager holes, of hedonistic urges and insatiable natures. She knew that this was a mistake, that this was the wrong thing, but the part of her that could have resisted was long gone. She moaned as she arched her back slowly, lifting her back off the floor, pushing her cock deep.

Chrysalis's tail flicked over her balls, and that was the end of it. Applejack moaned out loud, feeling them rising up, feeling her balls churning, feeling her cock pulsing, feeling something tingling through her feet. The pleasure went everywhere in her body, and she couldn't stop it. Didn't want to stop it. Didn't need to. All she needed was to keep feeling it, and keep getting more.

She came, and came, and came. The squelching squirts went right through her cock, flooding the queen's womb. Her eyes went from the swelling belly to the rising ovipositor, and her mind...

Well, her mind kind of turned off. She knew that something was going to happen, but she didn't know what. All she knew was that she had been submitted to the queen, and now, she was going to get something for it.


Chrysalis slowly stood up, rubbing her belly. It was swollen, alright, swollen and filled with many young. Applejack stared at it dumbly, only to look down at the long, thick, cock-like ovipositor that was slowly pushing free. It was thicker than the average cock, certainly thicker than hers, and it oozed with an unhorse-ly slime. She knew that it was meant to make people egg-filled, but...

"Get on all fours," the queen commanded, and the order was impossible to disobey. She rolled over, her hard cock still poking out from under her, and her balls fell out of the way to expose her pussy again.

As the changeling queen got on her knees behind the mare, Applejack shivered. She could feel the slime running over her rump cheeks, spreading across her asshole and then running down her pussy. It was a thick mess, something that was meant to get her pregnant, something that was going to mark her for the rest of her life.

For me, she heard Rarity's voice say in her head, and she imagined finding Rarity again, swollen with changeling eggs, knowing that she'd bring Rarity down to that level, too. A part of her could not be more sickened by her transformation. The rest...the rest could not wait to bring Rarity down to her level. It was about time that the prudish woman finally got a chance to get dirty.

The head of the ovipositor finally pushed past her pussy lips, and Applejack moaned eagerly at the feeling of it parting her open. She rolled her hips back, lifting her tail up a little more to allow for easier access, and she groaned at the feeling of being spread so far open. She curled her toes happily, pushing back to get more.

"That's it...that's it...give in and become mine..."

"Yours, queen...yours..."

The words came without thinking, and the resin along her body suddenly felt right. Tighter, closer to her, and all the more erotic. As that strange, hard thing kept pounding into her, flooding her with gushes of egg-goo every time that it bottomed out, she could feel her pleasure rising, her stomach expanding as it got ready for the eggs that she would carry. She reached down, rubbing her belly, panting softly, feeling everything so keenly.

The first egg came shortly after, the ovipositor thickening where it slid into her and getting wider. She didn't know what was happening, barely realized that she was getting seeded, but it felt good. The thick part popped into her, making the big thing inside her bigger, making her feel it sliding further, further, further into her until -


It didn't just enter her pussy, but her womb. She gasped at the hot feeling inside of her, the warmth that spread through her middle and along her spine. The way that it ran through her, the way that it consumed her, made it clear that this wasn't going to be the only time it happened. Her body wouldn't let it be the only time.

As the egg settled in her belly, she reached up and felt it making a small bulge against her stomach. The first of many, she knew, the first of at least a handful this time. With each new laying, she'd learn to take more, and she'd give the queen more of the eggs, more of the young that the hive needed.

She would be a broodmother.

She would do it well.

Applejack came out of the trance a different mare than she had gone in. Not completely so, but enough that even she noticed it.

The mare that had been captured by the hive had been a strong-willed woman, someone that would never have submitted to the 'enemy' the way that this one had. Old Applejack would have been cussing out the enemies of Equestria, ready to stand for her friends right until her last breath. The old Applejack would have been bound and ready to fight and stand up for the rights of everyone. She would have been fighting back against the Queen, headbutting her and kicking butt throughout the hive.

There was a part of that Applejack left, but it was an Applejack that was more easily bent. She still wasn't happy about being here, but she accepted it. She had sworn her loyalty to Chrysalis, and when the queen told her to do something, that meant that she was going to do it. Most of the time, she found herself halfway done with it before she'd even realized that she'd started.

That was only the start. She still had her will, her willingness to stand up for people, but more and more, those people were the eggs that she laid and the drones that treated her well. The friends that she had on the surface, the other mares that she had grown up with, were fading, sliding further and further down her priority list. What mattered was getting the hive running right, rather than just the way that the drones wanted to do it.


And there was Rarity.

Of all the friends that she used to have, Rarity was the one that stuck out most in her mind. She remembered the promise that had come during the whole conversion that she had gone through, the promise that she would be able to have Rarity if she sided with the queen. It was the one thing that kept her going now, the one thing that made every little indignity, every little disagreement worth it. She knew that, one way or another, she would be able to bring her special mare down here one day, and then they would be together.

After all, she had been tied to the Element of Honesty, and she couldn't stand the idea of someone lying. Not to themselves, and not to the rest of the world, either, and Rarity had been one hell of a liar after their night together.

She spent her nights in the egg-chambers again, this time less out of a desire to be away from the drones and more from the urge to be somewhere where she could lay quickly if she needed to. Whenever she was pregnant with the new drones, the pregnancy lasted anywhere from twelve hours to seventy-two, and there was no telling when the labor contractions would start. It was a crapshoot every time, so she took to spending more time there than not.

On the plus side, she ended up having her arms released from the various restraints that they made her wear. She assumed that it was because she was always pregnant and always eager for attention, and they were probably right. These days, if she went without orgasm for more than a few hours - unless she was asleep - she started to feel cranky, needy, and altogether too close to helpless for her comfort. She needed the attention of many hands, and the hive was eager to give it to her.

Applejack had changed, and some part of her would have thought that it hadn't been for the better. That part, as far as she was concerned, was wrong. She had managed to survive, and that was the important thing.

One night after her breaking, Chrysalis came to see her in the egg-chamber. Applejack looked up from her squat, where one of the eggs was half-out of her, and she panted as she nodded at the queen.


"Hello. I wanted to talk with you."

"About what?"

"About which of your little group of friends to bring in next."


"Let's go through the list, and then make our decision..."

The End

Summary: Applejack tries to hold back from completely breaking. For now, she succeeds, but something might just break that armor, or someone.

Tags: H/H, Chrysalis, Applejack, Rarity, MLP, My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic, Anthro Pony, Vaginal, Oviposition, Eggs, Egg Laying, Foot Fetish, Nudity, Barefoot, Mind Control, Series,