comodity part 1

Story by DumaCountryTiger on SoFurry

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The sharp shrieking of his bedside alarm clock wakes Duma Alexander up. He is an atypical lethargic white tiger, when in bed anyway, striped like any other Tigris but with a healthy head of brown hair. Lazily swinging his paw in the direction of the noise he hits the alarm's snooze switch and then curls up wrapping the bed sheet around himself. This does not stop another shrieking sound from rousing the poor feline prompting him for eviction from the warm sheets.

"DUMA! Get up or you'll be late!"

Responding to his mother's calls, Duma climbs out and throws the bed sheets off of himself. He stretches himself out before both of his paws make contact with the ground and he hefts himself up; ready to take on another day.

On his feet now Duma takes a few steps forward and stumbles on something. Looking down he sees his jeans and shirt he had taken off before climbing into bed last night. He kicks them out of the way and heads out his room and for the bathroom whilst still in his boxers.

He leaves the door open behind him as he shuffles up to the sink and splashes water over his face. Looking up into the mirror he blinks his blue eyes and watches as water drops form his whiskers and chin. Duma then continues to wash and groom himself before returning to his room and putting on some fresh clothes.

Bounding down the stairs, Duma almost prances around breakfast table with a spring in his step. His mother looks over him and sees that he is wearing the freshly ironed jeans and T-shirt she had put in his drawers the day before. After saying good morning he settles down in his chair and starts tearing into the bacon and eggs breakfast.

"Are you alright dear?" Carol, his mother's name, asks curious about his raised spirits.

"Oh I'm just fine mom, it's just that well. Today is when we get our scores from last month's tests and then the teachers just let us do anything we want."

"Ah, well that's nice honey. Are you going to be doing anything productive then?"

Duma laughs but winds up making a mess with the orange juice he was drinking from. He grabs a paper towel and starts wiping the mess off the table whilst his mother passively scowls at him.

"Of course not mom, I just want to hang out and chill with my friends you know? I think I've been productive enough all through this school year don't you?"

"I suppose, but you know I only want you to do well. You need to be prepared and have the right start in life to survive out there."

Duma sighs but still nods agreeing with his mother before wolfing down the last of his meal. Pushing the empty plate into the centre of the table the young tiger leaps out of his seat and grabs his backpack before kissing his mother on the cheek.

"Have a nice day mom."

Carol chuckles whilst her whiskers wriggle with the kiss. Wrapping her tail around her son she pulls him back and to give him a kiss on the cheek back, wishing him a nice day as well.

Heading outside Duma notices that although the morning sun has arisen, the light is subdued by an overcast of rainclouds. It is not the cheeriest of mornings but the tiger still has high spirits; in fact he likes not having to be blinded by any glaring sunlight. So he now sets off on his usual path winding between the houses through a few alleyways until he is approaching the main road that leads to his school.

Suddenly a screeching vehicle comes to a stop at the head of the alleyway Duma is in. A black van blocks his exit; the windows are tinted so nobody can see inside. Before the feline can decide what to do about it the doors slide open ending with a slam and two burly looking canids climb out.

The situation is made all the more alarming as the two large men start running up to Duma, he panics and drops his bag. Spinning around his cat reflexes put into use now he starts to run be one of the men has already grabbed his tail. Yanked back Duma falls, lands on his back and is then spun over. He opens his mouth and takes a deep breath to scream, it is stopped by something round and soft crammed between his teeth.

Helpless and completely under his assaulters power, the tiger has his paws quickly tied up before the second man lifts him up. Duma is carried back to the van and dropped down in one corner like a slab of meat; the metal floor is hard and cold.

Then the doors are shut and everything goes dark...


Duma's senses slowly return to him one by one. First he feels the cold hard surface beneath and behind him, it vibrates a little too. Second he hears a thrumming sound and a slight reverb to all of the ambient noises around him. Third the tiger becomes aware of the cool but definitely pungent smell in the air. However that is where his active senses stop since the cat is wearing a blindfold or something similar cutting off his sight.

He takes in sharp breaths and shuffles his paws around, movement returning to them but he quickly realises that he is still tied up. In fact Duma realises that his bonds are now firmer before when he was abducted, clearly whoever put him here intended for him to be kept in one place for some time. It is at this point that the big cat figures out where he is: some sort of cold storage, probably for meat, which explains the smell.

"Ugh, is anyone there?"

A voice right next to Duma makes him freeze. Someone else is with him and apparently whoever they are is probably a victim of the kidnappers too. Flicking his tail from one side to the next Duma is able to recognise when it hits something large but soft a few feet to the right of him.

"Hey, I think we were both blindfolded. Who are you friend?"

A long series of moaning and grunts follow Duma's question as whomever his inmate is groggily wakes up and fights against his bindings. Then the other prisoner starts shuffling louder and screams out for help.


"Will you please calm down?" Duma growls and thwacks his tail against the other person.

"S-Sorry, wait, who is there? Can you untie me?"

"No, I'm tied up too. If we work together though maybe we can get out of here. What's your name?"

"M-My name is Shabiru. J-Just how a-are you going to get out of here?"

"My name is Duma and I said we. I'm not going to leave you behind and, well I don't know how we escape yet. But I do know a thing or two about knots, if I can work it just right I might get my paws free."

Explaining his makeshift idea and with Shabiru now calmed down a little Duma gets to work. He recognises a weakness in one of the two knots use to tie up his paws by feel alone. Using both forearms asynchronously he starts to weaken the binding as a tiny fraction of rope slips each time. Rather quickly though Shabiru starts whimpering next to him, and it quickly becomes distracting for the big cat.

"What, what are you doing?"


But the whimpering continues now with a little sniffling thrown in; Duma sighs to himself.

"Come on, why are you crying? Because that is not going to help us get out of here."

"It... it's just that I didn't even say goodbye to my family; not to my mom, my dad, or even my baby brother. And... AND NOW I'M GONNA DIE!"

The crying now comes into full swing, the sobbing and snorting sounds echoing through the cold room and Duma cringes. If they were going to get the best chances for escaping they needed to remain as a quiet and cool headed as possible. Shabiru's constant weeping and wailing at this early stage of an escape is both a risk and sad.

"Listen buddy, I have family back home too. I know how you feel and I'm sorry but right now we both have to be stronger than this. Do you understand?"

"M-Maybe I do..." Shabiru stops crying but still sniffles a little.

"Okay then, now try to wriggle a paw free if you can. Otherwise just try not to attract anyone outside."

Both prisoners try to work on the ropes now, an occasional whimpering still coming from the second captive. It takes almost a full half hour before any progress is made but eventually Duma can feel his ropes start to weaken. He tells Shabiru that it is about to break; to which he demands to be freed afterwards too.

With deft snapping sound the rope comes free and the tiger quickly goes to work undoing the other restraints. Of course he also takes the blindfold off but the room is too dark for him to see much. So the big cat fumbles around with the rope around his feet paws trying to loosen the knot using touch alone. However something else suddenly interrupts this daring escape attempt: they have visitors.

The door opens with a loud metallic bang; as it hits the wall and the lights are turned on. Bright fluorescent lighting momentarily blinds Duma and he shields his face. As his vision slowly adjusts to the new luminosity, Duma looks around now. The room is exactly what he thought it was: a meat locker. He then notices his new friend still tied and on the floor; and notes that he is a cheetah with crimson fur and black spots.

But now there is something else taking Duma's attention. In the doorway stands a red fox; he is of average height and has brown eyes with black hair and orange fur. The fox wears a brown leather jacket over a designer shirt; beneath that he has a simple pair of black trousers on.

"I see you managed to free yourself tiger. A lot more resourceful than some of our other acquisitions."

The feline cannot believe just what he sees, a simple fox almost a head shorter than himself. Was this really his fearsome captor? But of course there were others and the vulpine did suggest plural. So this guy probably hired the others and now there is no sign of them. Perhaps it is the adrenaline but Duma feels bold enough to say something rather stupid now.

"Who the fuck do you think you are then? You're just some little prick who hires thugs to take what you want. Pathetic..."

Laughter echoes in the cold room and two burly men follow the fox inside; one a doberman and the other a wolf. After taking a moment to enjoy this defiance the vulpine stops laughing. Secure with his boys by his side now he continues to explain to Duma the situation.

"Welcome to the rest of your life Duma Alexander. My name is Seymour and I am a specialist slaver. You see my young feline friend; you are a commodity to us but only when you obey. Now."

The two thugs quickly step forward, moving faster than their apparent bulk suggests. Duma is caught completely off guard as the imposing doberman knocks him down with ease. At this point Shabiru pipes up screaming and thrashing about in his bonds; the wolf takes care of him by smacking him across the face and then takes his blindfold off too. It is not long before both big cats are stood on their paws and forced to face the wall, striped down to their undies and on display for the fox. Duma is now sporting a slightly bruised mouth and a pair of sturdy handcuffs keeping his paws behind his back. With his unruly assets now under careful control Seymour steps up to them whilst slyly looking at both young males.

"So Duma, I feel like we have opened up well. Would you now like to know what kind of commodity you are? Apart from slaves of course."

Somehow keep a shred of defiance even whilst the cheetah next to him whimpers, Duma defiantly tells the fox to fuck off. But the situation is already far beyond mere words and Seymour helps himself gingerly by smacking and gripping the white tiger's butt.

"Sex. Our best selling products are slaves for sex. They need to be young and subservient though. You both already server the first criteria, but I am afraid little Duma that you need to work on the second."

Seymour laughs as the tiger continues to snarl and struggle against the overpowering grip of the doberman keeping him down. But the fox likes a personal touch with the first initiation and Duma has indeed stirred something most personal inside the slaver. Telling the doberman he has everything under control, Seymour begins to handle Duma with surprising ease coming from experience.

"D-Do you expect me to be quiet?"

The fox only laughs again as he holds Dumas face against the wall. He slips down the tiger's underwear and then unbuckles his own trousers letting them drop to his paws. Duma shivers and tries to look back and what he sees frightens him just a little too well. Nestled in the soft creamy fur of the vulpine's crotch is a sheath and set of testicles that are unholy in their size. Poor Duma watches as Seymour's malehood pokes out; engorging itself on blood the shaft keeps growing and growing. Ultimately the fox's penis comes to a whole thirteen inches in length and almost three inches in girth by diameter. Of course Duma does not know these exact figures, he just sees one hell of a cock throbbing behind him.

"Jesus Christ!"

"Yes exactly." Seymour smiles a wicked grin. "I don't expect you to be quiet at all my stripy little toy. Now what was that comment you made about me being a little prick?"

Nearly immediately the white tiger begins pleading to be released, excuses and apologies fall on deaf ears though. To demonstrate the way things are again Seymour forces Duma's face into the wall making him dizzy and his nose start to bleed.

"You are here for a reason little pussy. Now lets see if you are suitable for your new life."

The tiger's protests are cut off as his voice shifts to a painful screech. His violation at the hands of his captor has now begun. With no lubrication save for the juices that were dribbling off the vulpine's pointed cock he has entered the feline. Duma's stripy cheeks are spread out wide as the thick pulsing meat violates his virgin hole. Pain and agony shoot up his spine and hammer into the big cat's head sending his brain cartwheeling into a series of sensations.

Shabiru watches in silent horror, staring at that red rod moving in and out of his friend's rear mechanically like a piston. The fox loves this and bites into the tiger's shoulder marking the skin underneath that fur. His boys watch with smiles on their faces and bulges down their pants. Duma just screams into the wall, still adjusting to the colossal organ pounding away into his tailhole.

But it has only just begun and the well-endowed Seymour picks up the pace. Each time he thrusts inside Duma can feel the blood being pushed out of his internal walls, and the feel of that big fat fox knot pressing against his tight entrance. He screams, begs for it to stop but the fox does not listen and the raping continues with escaping juices now running down the back of the tiger's legs.

Big heavy balls loaded with creamy hot seed slap against the tiger's tender cheeks as he roars into the cold wall face. Nothing can halt this onslaught to his rear, but somehow Duma starts to find something almost pleasurable in the act. Maybe it is those erogenous zones of the prostrate he had been told about but the cat swears he starts to enjoy it. This becomes evident in the white tiger's own inferior but still quite substantial eight-inch member pushing out of its sheath.

Seymour notices this.

"What is this kitty?" He grabs Duma's dick in one paw whilst holding his tail up with the other. "Does the pussycat like his new game?"

He tries to fight it, this sensation building in his loins; but ultimately the tiger gives in. With a long smooth purr and his cheeks squeezing that fat knot knocking at his door, Duma gives the fox his answer. Seymour is positively delighted and he moves his paws to hold the big cat by either side of his hips, anchors his claws in for extra grip and leans in to whisper to the tiger.

"Time to see just how much you can take then boy."

Nothing in all of Duma's eighteen years could have prepared him for this experience. The monstrously gifted vulpine goes all out on the poor feline's ass. Squeezing as many inches into that tight as he can, Seymour pounds away as hard as he can. Duma takes it all like a good submissive kitty even as his own erection dribbles and spits all over itself making a fairly sticky mess on his chest and stomach fur.

The others present watch in amazement and now even Shabiru sports a swollen sheath. Seymour just continues pounding away at that tight butt, panting and sweating hard now whilst he grips onto Duma's sides. He pulls that juicy rump against him even as he thrusts forward with all of his might; and each time he does this the cat can feel the fox's knot trying to squeeze in.



Tears stream from Duma's eyes as he scrunches them up and tries not to whimper from the aching pain washing over from his abused tailhole. Instead the tiger focuses on the sexual thrills as his inner walls are teased and stretched out by that huge beast. As he does so it does not take long for his loins to reach their threshold.

With ropes of hot steaming tiger semen splashing over the wall, Seymour enjoys riding out Duma's orgasm. Feeling the tiger tighten up and his own loins beg for release, the fox forces himself one last time. Duma cries out, roaring moaning and whimpering all at the same time until finally.



Seymour lets loose with the vulpine version of a canine's howl, his knot now thoroughly lodged inside the tiger's tight hole. Hot creamy cum floods Duma's insides, crashing against his internal walls. He can feel the thick juices slide down his insides, but the pressure keeps building as the vulpine's nuts continue to unload themselves into him at a tremendous rate.

"Oh gods! G-Get it out now!"

Selfishly horny though Seymour is, he realises that this is probably too much for the ex-virgin white tiger. So he tells Duma to brace himself and with his thumbs stretching out that tight hole as far as it will go: the knot is yanked free. It is a little painful for both males, but it is preferable to the cat throwing up semen and becoming unable to serve the next part of his inauguration.

White creamy fluids splash out of Duma's gaping hole and Seymour growls with his massive member in paw, directing it to shoot its final few wads over the tiger's back. The doberman and the wolf applaud their leader on breeding the tiger as Duma falls to his knees physically exhausted. Shabiru just stays still, wide-eyed and quiet.

The fox cleans himself off and puts his clothes back on. He then tells the doberman thug to grab Duma and bring him along. As Seymour leads them with one thug per slave, he starts to talk about their true purpose.

"That was lots of fun, but now you two have to see your real owner. I think he will like to break in the cheetah all by himself."

Shabiru shudders, but Duma is still catching his breath and trying not to stumble across the floor. Both felines are forced to follow as the vulpine leads them out of the locker and into their new life.

To be concluded in part two...