Paternal Intimacy (The Beginning)

Story by AlyxandrDingo on SoFurry

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#2 of Paternal Intimacy

Disclaimer - HELLO!!!! How are you? Hope you're doing fine. Anyway, you are about to read chapter 2 of the Paternal Intimacy series. Hopefully you'll find this chapter a little more exciting than the last one. Also, this chapter contains homosexual sexually explicit material. If this type of subject matter doesn't appeal to you, or you find it offensive, please, walk away slowly. The last thing I want is to upset anybody. Also, a few things have changed since the last chapter. First, the events of this chapter take place prior to the previous chapter. We're going back in time, starting with moments from our main characters childhood. Also, these chapters are told in the third person omniscient rather than the first person perspective. Hopefully that will make for a more interesting and detailed read. So, without further ado, here is, Chapter 2, The Beginning.

So just before you start reading though, because I don't think I made it quite clear, in this chapter, Kane is 11 and in 6th grade. He's still a bit nieve and innocent about everything in the world. Jason is 16 and is a freshman in highschool. I nice non-cocky ignoramous freshman, one of the ones you don't feel the cumpulsive need to murder. (I was never very fond of the freshman class through all four years of my highschool experiance. Every new year, I wanted to annihilate them all. Then they became sophomores and they were tolerable or even kind of cool. There were some freshman that I liked. Jason is one of those nice types, protective like a brother and really really cool, without being a total ass.) I'm not going to specify Rob's age but he's in 30's right now. Bruno is a non anthro husky. The kid that attacks Kane, even though it doesn't mention his name, is a main character (sort of) who's name is Freddie. He's a black labrador (pointing that out in case I forgot to in the text. Anyway, ENJOY!!! Bon appetite.


Kane was sitting in the fourth seat back on the on his bus. He was leaning against the window pane, pretending to be asleep. He purposefully took long slow breathes, knowing that every time he exhaled the window fogged over in the cold. The bus drove along through the snowy roads at an agonizingly slow pace. In the seat near him, other middle school students were busy playing a game of punches. They were also being loud, despite the bus driver frequently asking them to settle down and be quiet. They didn't listen, they never did.

Kane hated the other boys in his grade. They were noisy, loud, and violent and mean. Going to school was a constant struggle for survival for Kane. Walking the halls between classes was filled with torment, his class rooms were pits of hell. He liked to learn and he enjoyed school, but that made him weird, which also made him a target. The other kids always picked on him, constantly. They called him names, shoved him in the hall, and broke his things. He wished he could be in high school with the kids in the back of the bus. The kids in the back of the bus were nicer. They were quieter; not like the kids up front.

Apparently the kids around him weren't okay with letting him 'sleep'. "Hey, faggot, wake up!"

The kid next to him elbowed him in the ribs hard. Kane jumped and yelped in pain. "Come on faggot, play a game of punches." Kane hated punches. It was a stupid game, similar in type to bloody knuckles or mercy. The object of the game was to punch your opponent into submission. The first to say uncle lost. The other boys always forced Kane to play.

"No thanks," Kane muttered and was about to lean back against the window when the boy, a black lab, viciously swung at Kane's head. Thankfully connecting with Kane's left shoulder instead. Kane yelped in pain again and cowered into the corner trying to defend himself as the boy swung again and again at him, waiting for Kane to give up. Kane took the punches for as long as he could stand it. He hated saying uncle. The other boys always laughed at him and called him a wimp. Instead he just sat there and waited for the boy to get tired of punching him, his arms turning a light purple under his orange fur. The pain was immense but he just kept his arms up, tears biting at the corners of his eyes.

He tried blinking the tears away, knowing if the boy saw them he would surely make fun of him more and hit harder. Thankfully the bus rolled to a stop and by turning his head a little he was able to see out the window. It was his stop. Using the only strength he had, Kane tried to push the boy off of him. It wasn't until a strong gray paw reached around the seat and tugged the boy off Kane that he was able to move.

The grey paw holding onto the lab's nape belonged to none other than Jason. Jason was one of the high school students. He was also one of Kane's idols; Kane adored the older wolf. He was strong, he was nice, and he was really protective of Kane, something Kane had thanked him for many, many times. This was just another one of those times.

"Come on Kane, this is our stop." He was so cool, the way he didn't even pay any attention to the fur in his paw, only to Kane. Kane scrambled out of the seat around the scrambling lab, fighting to release the strong grip on his neck. Finally once Kane was on his feet in the isle, Jason released his grip and the lab fell forward into the seat, rolling over the seat when he hit the edge. The other boys all laughed at him, which made Kane feel a little better. Jason put his paw on Kane's shoulder and guided him off the bus, following him as they walked home.

Jason lived on the same road as Kane a few houses down. He always walked Kane to his front door making sure the young fur was okay. Kane looked up to Jason like an older brother. He was also the only other kid on their street so sometimes Jason would come over and play. They did all kinds of things together; they played video games, watched movies, go outside and play ball. Jason would even play imaginary games with Kane. They'd roam the woods like they were lost in the jungle, pretend they were students at Hogwarts, or whatever they felt like. Jason was one of Kane's heroes.

"You've gotta learn to stand up for yourself some day, you know? I can't come sweeping in to save the day forever. Learn to defend yourself; I don't want to see you get hurt." Jason crunched through the snow on the ground, looking back over his shoulder. Kane was following behind him a few feet, kicking up clouds of snow with every step, leaving narrow trenched where his feet were.

"I know I just don't want to hurt anybody. If I fight back, someone, including me, could get hurt. If I just take it, they eventually get bored and go away. Besides, I don't like fighting. It's bad enough when other kids do it; I don't want to get tangled up in that mess." The pair turned into a narrow drive with a fenced in yard. The drive led into a two car garage, which normally housed a large green truck. Jason led Kane through the gate into the yard where Bruno, Kane's dog, trounced around playfully in. Nipping at the cold snowy surface under his paws. Bruno came bounding at the two and leapt up onto Kane. Kane caught the big husky in a hug and gave him a good squeeze before letting him go. The husky, now satisfied his person was home, followed at Kane's heels as Kane and Jason walked up to the front door.

Jason pulled out a key to the house -Kane's Dad trusted Jason enough to give him a key, knowing the boy would never misuse it-and unlocked the door, issuing Kane inside and then following behind him. Bruno stayed outside. Kane tossed his back pack onto the recliner by the door and jumped onto the couch, kicking his shoes off in the process. "Well," Jason started, "I'm gonna go now, see you later."

"Aww. Can't you just hang around for a little while?" Kane sprawled out on the couch, staring at Jason upside down with big wide puppy eyes.

"Sorry kid, not today. I have a big paper I have to write for English. Maybe tomorrow if I'm free." Jason came over and ruffled Kane's head fur, then left. Kane felt lonely when Jason wasn't around. He hopped up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen. He checked the note on the fridge door really quick. It read, Hey Buddy. When you get home, I probably won't be there. Mom came to visit again and we decided to go out for a movie. Maybe if everything goes well she may come home to tuck you in before leaving. Be good, don't do anything stupid. If you need anything just call Jason. He should be coming over later in the evening to make sure you're okay. P.S. I left some pasta in the fridge for you. Nice and spicy, just the way you like it. Have fun kiddo, Love you. Hugs and Kisses.

One of those few kids who actually did eat more than just macaroni and hot dogs, Kane opened with fridge door with a flourish and snatched the container of pasta off the shelf. He reached up in one of the cabinets and pulled out a plate and emptied the pasta onto it, popping it in the microwave. When the microwave beeped, Kane pulled the plate out and grabbed a fork, wolfing the meal down while watching Charmed on TV. He really liked watching Charmed; his favorite character was Phoebe.

After a while of watching TV, he pulled out his homework and started that, finishing it in a few minutes. He wondered what his Mom and Dad were up too and how things were going. It would be kind of nice if his Mom came home to say goodnight to him and tuck him in. He'd understand if she didn't though, it happened a lot. Kane occupied his time doing various things around the house, playing games, drawing, writing, TV. He did anything really just to keep from getting bored. At around eight o' clock, Jason came over to see if Kane was doing alright. After Kane assured Jason that everything was fine, they started baking chicken for dinner. It was just about done when they heard the garage door start opening, followed by the sound of a truck door closing. Kane leaped from the kitchen counter where he had been sitting waiting on the chicken and ran through the hall to the garage door. The door opened revealing a very buff dark orange dingo with short reddish orange hair and a beard. He was a good foot taller than his son, though he had no doubts in his mind that his son would grow up to be just as tall as him. He had broad shoulders and was wearing a tight fitting white wife beater with a red and black checkered flannel jacket over it. He was also wearing his carpenters jeans and work boots. Kane sprang into the buff dingo's arms, easily getting caught and twirled around in a big bear hug.

Kane buried his face in his Dad's chest. While he was there he noticed that his Dad smelled different than normal. Stronger smelling and heavy, but not foul like as if he hadn't showered. No, he smelled more like him, only thicker, with a hint of some kind of flowery scent. Kane didn't think much of it but noted that he liked it.

"Hey there buddy! Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah! Me and Jason are baking chicken! Want some?" The dingo sniffed at the air before commenting.

"Sure, when it's ready. I'm actually starving."

"Hey there Mr. Robert. Where's the misses. Wasn't she supposed to come over too?"

"Hey, what have said about throwing around the mister junk. Its either Rob or Dad. One or the other. Mom couldn't make it," he ruffled Kane's hair in apology, "she said she was sorry."

Kane bounced with curiosity, "So what movie did you go to see?"

"Huh, what?" Rob looked confused for a moment, and then realization dawned on him, "Oh, um... we went to see, uh..." He racked his brain as a slight reddish tinge overtook his ears. "um... We went and saw Lord of the Rings."

"Cool! Was it any good? I bet it was awesome wasn't it?" Jason came over and placed his hand on Kane's shoulder. Kane looked at the older wolf, who returned the gaze.

"How about we just eat and sometime soon we will go to the movies and watch it together. But let's not press your Dad too much; you don't want any spoilers to accidentally ruin it for you though, right? Right. Let's go get the chicken out of the oven now." As they headed over towards the kitchen, Rob gave Jason a thankful pat on the back before heading to his room to go get changed into something a little more comfortable.

Kane and Jason had dished out the chicken onto plates with heaping piles of rice and cheesy broccoli. Kane insisted on the broccoli and cheese; it was his favorite vegetable. They had just sat down at the table when Rob came back downstairs wearing his pajamas, bare-chested with loose boxers. He took the last remaining seat at the table and began eating. They talked about Kane and Jason's school work, and things like that until everyone was finished. Jason said his goodbyes and went home, leaving Kane and Rob home alone.

"So how was school son?" Kane's ears drooped and his smile came crashing down. He knew he could be completely honest with his Dad, so Kane let it all out. He always tried to seem like he was strong in front of Jason because he didn't want the older fur to think less of him, but his Dad would never judge him. He hugged his Dad close and let all his pent up emotions go, he cried. He told his father about how he'd gotten beaten up on the bus and showed him the full bruises across his arms. He told his Dad about how they had laughed at him and called him a faggot again.

"I don't like it when they call me that Dad. It doesn't sound good at all. I don't even know what it means. What is a faggot Dad?" Kane looked up into Rob's blue sympathetic eyes. Rob looked a little uncomfortable as he figured out how to phrase it.

"Faggot is just a really mean word for a person who... likes other people of the same gender. Do you understand me? It's like if a boy likes another boy as more than just a friend. You get me?"

"I think so." Kane bit his lip for a moment. "Daddy, is it wrong for a boy to like another boy in that way?"

Rob took a moment before slowly responding, "No. I don't believe it's wrong. Kane, do you... like other boys in that way?" Rob watched Kane expectantly.

Kane was quick to shoot back, "No! I mean... I don't think so. I never really thought about it."

"Well do you like other girls in that way?"

"Um... not really. I hear all the other boys talking about girls and... other things. I never really felt the same as how they describe it. They're pretty, but I don't really like any of the girls in my class either?" Kane looked at Rob questioningly. "Does that mean I like boys Dad?"

Rob chuckled at the look of panic on his sons face. "Hey, settle down there sport. It doesn't mean anything. Some boys just start liking girls a little later than others. What are you, eleven now? Give it time, it'll happen. And if it doesn't and you find that boys are more to your liking, that's fine too. It doesn't really matter who you like, as long as you find someone that makes you happy." Rob thought for a moment. He chuckled again, "Wow, eleven years old. My little boy is growing up so fast! Soon you'll be as big as me!"

Rob tousled Kane's hair before setting in on him with tickles, eliciting huge bursts of laughter from Kane. They rolled off the couch onto the floor as Rob continued tickling Kane's sides. Kane tackled his father and the two rolled across the floor, stopping with Kane sitting on top of his Dad's slightly pudgy stomach. Kane laughed. Rob leaned up seating Kane in his lap. He gave Kane a little kiss on the nose and the two laughed for a bit.

Kane suddenly got a weird look on his face and he looked down at this Dad's lap. His eyes got really big and his ears turned a beet red. "Um..."

Rob's eyes followed his son's down to his lap and he coughed an apology. During their little bout, Rob's limp cock had poked its way through his fly. Rob set Kane on his feet before tucking his pride back in his boxers and fixing the button in his fly. "Sorry 'bout that kiddo, it happens. We're both men here, no reason to get all embarrassed, right. It's just a penis, we both have one. Now come on, time for bed. Kippup, go get in your pajamas." Kane hopped up the stairs to his room and started getting dressed for bed. Kippup was something Rob said that meant 'come on' or 'get going'. He said it all the time and Kane loved it.

Once Kane was dressed and had brushed his teeth, he climbed into his loft bed and waited for his Dad to come say good night. When Rob poked his head around the corner of the door, he whispered the words and flipped the light switch off. Kane didn't like night lights and preferred his room to be completely dark so the room was plunged into black. Kane got comfortable under his covers and fell asleep.

Rob went back downstairs and let the dog in from the cold. He brushed the snow off the dogs feet drying him off with a quick towel rub. In the summer, Bruno sometimes slept outside in his dog house on really nice days, but in the winter it was just too cold and seemed cruel to Rob. So he slept inside with Rob. The big husky followed Rob upstairs to his room and climbed onto the queen sized bed.

After the dog was comfortable Rob climbed under the covers himself, nestling his legs up next to Bruno for added warmth. Back when he and Rachel lived together, she always made Bruno sleep outside, something he was constantly trying to change, but to no avail. When she left the first thing Rob did was let the dog in. Now they slept together on a regular basis and Rob had grown even fonder of Bruno since. They seemed to understand each other really well and Bruno was Rob's practical best friend. After a while the two drifted off to sleep, and the house was quiet.


So. That was Chapter 2. Hoped you liked it even more than chapter 1. Nothing has happened between our two characters yet, but you have to have set up before you can have sex. Sorry, that's my rule. I only break it sometimes. Anyway. Leave your comments, critiques are very welcome. I'd love to hear any ways you can think to improve my writings. See you in chapter 3!