Carnival Hearts Chapter 3

Story by Drake007 on SoFurry

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#5 of Carnival Hearts

Mal and Stephanie head to school the next morning, only to find that there is a new student at the school... who Mal is intimately familiar with.

Still, Mal and Steph made good use of the rest of that day, though as it got on toward evening, they managed to bring themselves to get dressed and leave the house, though neither of them was entirely happy to have to take on their human guises. The fey forms were just... more natural to them at this point. Still, they begrudgingly understood that they couldn't just go around like that any time they wanted. Not yet, at least. Mal had a few thoughts about that.

They went out to have a nice dinner together, getting more than a few looks as they sat there... like an honest-to-goodness couple in the restaurant. Thankfully, no one bothered them, but they were certainly noticed. After dinner, Mal even took Stephanie to a jewelry store, getting her a very pretty choker that she could wear, which made Steph's heart race as Mal slipped it around her neck. She knew very little about collars in BDSM play, but she was a dog (albeit a wolf), and dogs wore collars that their owners gave them... and this was more than enough to get Steph's mind heading down the right track.

Mal called her mom up to let her know she was spending the night at Stephanie's place, where they spent quite a good bit of the time curled up together in their fey forms, cuddling and streaming movies to watch while they munched away on some junk food they'd grabbed while they were out. Mind you, that wasn't all they got up to, but that was really no surprise, given the sex drive they both now possessed.

The next morning, they managed to bring themselves to get tidied up and head to school, having spent a good bit of the morning brainstorming on places they could sneak off to for a minute during the school day. They were dreading it, though. In a world that had become so rich and vibrant, they could not help but see school as a bleak, depressing nightmare-scape... a prison from whence no true creativity could emerge.

When they got there, though, they couldn't help but stop a moment and stare at the familiar building for a long moment as they approached. There was a shine to the school that they had never seen before as simple humans. What's more, as they entered the school, more than a few of the other kids present were pinging as fellow fey to their new senses. Every last one of them gave a nod of respect to Mal as she wore the top hat and a great-big, welcoming smile to Stephanie.

"I didn't realize there were so many here..." Steph whispered to Mal.

"You've got to think how popular the park is as a place for dares... not to mention kids sneaking off to go fuck. How many of them have been snagged by the fey court, do you think?"

Her eyes went wide, and she nodded her head seriously, "I never thought about that... but it makes sense..."

"We'll talk more later... I've got some questions for Alex... like... how was I able to change you at your house and not in the circus tent? She made it sound like that's how it had to work."

They made their way to their homeroom, feeling a bit more at ease, breathing softly as they found a place to sit. The class got underway at its usual dragging pace, most of the kids barely awake enough to take anything in. The teacher came in a minute or two late, smiling warmly at the room. She'd always been a morning person... which didn't always sit well with the students.

"Good morning, everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. I have some fun and exciting news for you all today!" That alone was greeted by a chorus of groans and grumbles. Her "fun and exciting news" often turned out to be nothing of the sort. "We have a new student today. I want you to give her a warm Mayfaire welcome! So, say hello to Alexandra DeLancie Godwinson!"

Most of the other students were pretty much zoned out of the announcement by that point, but they did give the expected warm round of applause as a young woman, who appeared to be a little younger than Mallory, wearing a cheerful red jacket walked in. Mal and Steph's jaws dropped as they mechanically joined in the round of applause. The newcomer's hair was pixie short, and she was glowing radiantly to the two fey.

After the introductions were complete, Alex was directed to find a place to sit, and... by chance... or by luck, the only open seat in the room was right next to Mal and Stephanie. Mal was just staring a hole in Alex as she came and sat next to the two of them at their table. She returned Mal's look of shock with a bright, cheerful smile as she said, "Hi! I'm Alex. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for letting me sit at your table." She held out her hand to Mal, acting like this was their first time meeting, and not as though she was a fairy who had turned Mal into a fairy and then been fucked to pieces by Mal.

She even complimented Stephanie on her choker as the lesson started, and things just kind of moved along like a normal day at school. Alex, it seemed shared all of their classes, but whenever Mal tried to start a real conversation with Alex, she would deflect away from it, with an air of "Oh, we can talk about that later."

When lunch rolled around, they made their way off to one of the more remote ends of the football field, finding a spot to sit together on the bleachers. Alex sighed and smiled, relaxing a lot from the act of a friendly new student that she'd been putting on. "Alright... so... first things first... what the hell happened?" she asked, gesturing to Stephanie with her head.

Mal laughed and rubbed her head, "I was going to ask you the same thing. I took a walk yesterday and bumped into Steph... who remembers Mallory as her best friend and Mal as someone she had a crush on... and... well, it just hit me what to do, and I kind of... just took complete control of her, took her back to her house, and... well, when we were fucking, I just felt a kind of spark inside her. I wasn't even really thinking that much about it, and I reached down and... kind of made it explode, and she became a fairy, too." Alex was just staring at Mal incredulously, "I mean... the first part makes sense... given the night at the circus... but... the magic isn't strong enough outside of the circus for that." She brought her hands up to rub her temples, her brow furrowed intensely, "This doesn't make any sense... I mean, I know the hat chose you... but honestly... none of us really know why... but... it knew that you were meant to be our leader... and..." her eyes were darting from side to side as she was processing at high speed before they stopped suddenly, bringing her hand up to her mouth, wiping slowly down over her chin.

"It...had to have known all along... I mean... why else would I have turned into a girl this age... I mean, losing the hat... made sense... I didn't keep the park open the way I was supposed to... but I used to be really handsome... was it all... supposed to happen all along?" She was rubbing small circles on her forehead. "You were born around here... I mean, I get it, I'm not from around here... but I'm... you're... no... and..."

Mal and Stephanie were looking at each other in confusion. After a while, Mal reached over, grabbing hold of Alex by the shirt collar, pulling Alex into a long, hard kiss before she let go, letting Alex slump back onto the bleacher seat. "Thank you, Mistress... I needed that." Stephanie looked to Mal, raising her eyebrow pointedly, "Mistress?"

Mal sighed, "I'll explain in a moment... Alex... what the hell is going on?"

Alex coughed and rubbed her head, "Right... I think that you... because you are from the area around here... you're more attuned to this nexus than those of us from outside the area are... and... maybe... and... so you're not as limited as the rest of us are. I feel like the magic is lonely with just those of us it can pull in..." she was lost in thought for a moment, breathing as she tried to sort through her thoughts, "I've been having thoughts all day of how to pull more of the city in... not just waiting for them to come to the park, but how to really get things to spread."

Stephanie's eyes went wide, staring at Mal. "You mean... you want to make more of the town fey?"

Alex was quite shocked by that, her brow furrowing as she tried to process something in her head. "That... oh my fucking Bran... is THAT why I lost the hat?!?"

Mal chuckled and reached over, scritching the back of Alex's neck, "I'm afraid so... I think it was happy that you drew in a bigger audience... but... you kind of didn't adapt when the park closed."

Alex just kind of melted a bit for Mal, letting out a soft purr. Stephanie gave Mal a pointed look, "Okay... so the other thing you were going to explain, now that we've got the magic thing out of the way..."

Mal blushed quite badly, fidgeting in her seat, "Okay. So, on the night that I changed... I kind of... claimed Alex as my pet. It just came to me as we were sitting off to the side there during the celebration that night, and I just... leaned in and kissed her. Then I had her take me somewhere we could have some privacy and... well, I'm sure you can reason things out from there. It's when I came to understand what it meant to be dominant... a mistress. And when you reacted the way you did, I knew that you were supposed to be my pet too."

Alex shook off her daze, smiling sheepishly at Steph, "Among the fey... we're not really what you call... monogamous. It's just not how we're wired. So... it's not all that weird for Mal to have two pets, especially with how powerful of a dominant she is."

Stephanie pouted a bit at that, taking a long breath as she looked back and forth between the other two. "I... look, I can't be super upset like I feel like I should be... Maybe it is because I'm a fey now, and maybe it's because of how much Mistress blows my mind." She was blushing rather well as she said that, just trying to keep herself together.

Mal smiled and leaned over, kissing first Stephanie and then Alex before drawing both of them close to herself. "Look... I love both of you... and if I didn't think we could make this work, I wouldn't have done it. You are both wonderful and sweet, and I think that once you two get to know each other a bit better, you'll be best friends," she said, drawing back from the hug so that she could look the two of them in the face, "Okay?"

The two of them were blushing... so cutely that Mal had to resist the urge to be wicked to them right there on the bleachers. They looked at each other, giving one another a shy little smile. They really couldn't argue with Mal's assessment and confidence. "Yes, Mistress," they said together, right at the same time as the other. Their eyes went wide with surprise and they looked at each other again before bursting into a round of giggles. Mal was just smiling from ear to ear, and she pulled both of them back into a great big hug.

The rest of the day at school went rather uneventfully as much as Mal's eyes were far more active than usual, just taking in as much detail as she could. Truthfully, she was trying to find weak points where she could start her work. And, throughout the day, people congratulated her on the hat she'd found, complimenting her on the bravery that it had taken to go to the circus. Everyone really was treating her like the big dog on campus. Well... most people. There were a few who saw how she was with both Stephanie and Alex and seemed to be bothered by it, but for right now, they just weren't worth Mal's time and energy.

The three of them went to Mal's house after school to chill out for a bit and work on homework, enjoying the dinner that Mal's mom cooked. It was hard to tell whether Mal's mom picked up on anything of the relationship between the three of them, but she didn't say anything or make a fuss... though, she did compliment Steph on how beautiful her necklace was.

After dinner, they headed out of the house. They had originally planned to go to Stephanie's house, but Alex stopped them with a grin and a wiggle of her nose, opening a door in thin air and gesturing grandly through. They all walked through it into the ringmaster's tent. Mal and Alex quickly let their human forms drop, while Stephanie was so caught up in the moment that she was too distracted by all of the amazing things around the room. In the end, she didn't let her fey form out consciously, but instead, it just happened by chance in the middle of her excitement. Even Alex couldn't help but giggle as she saw Steph's tail just wagging a mile a minute before she dashed back over to Mal, beaming up at her with such adorable puppy-dog eyes. One other change that she hadn't noticed was that her choker had changed with the rest of her form, becoming a rather elegant collar, wrapped around her neck, complete with a ring set in the front. Alex grinned as she saw that, seeing the bond that such a shift meant... even as it left her wanting her own collar.

Mal purred deeply to her, raking her fingers through Stephanie's hair before raking them down along the back of her neck. She traced the arc of the collar around to the front before hooking her finger through it and tugging on it. Stephanie's initial reaction was panic, worried that the necklace she still thought it was wouldn't be able to stand up to a tug like that, but as it held and caused her to jerk toward her mistress, something shot through her mind, her eyes refocusing before she relaxed, melting on the spot for Mal.

Alex came to stand next to Steph, purring deeply as she snuggled in against Steph's side, just giving her fellow pet some reassuring contact before she looked up at Mal with a loving gaze as well. Mal's heart could hardly take it, having her two girls there for her like this was just... amazing. She smiled and pulled them into a big, strong hug, Steph and Alex just nestling against each other, understanding to their cores that their mistress loved both of them... and that was all that they needed.

Mal leaned in, kissing each one of them in turn before they looked at each other, wordlessly working through things in their heads before they leaned in and kissed each other as well. It wasn't a simple peck on the lips, either, it was the two of them accepting the other... and indeed welcoming their shared status as pets of Mallory. They understood that they each had a place in her big heart and that neither of them was a threat to the other. The kiss slowly went from loving to something more... intimate, licking at each other's lips as they nestled in together.

Mal was delighted as she watched this, purring loudly to the two of them, even as her hands drifted down along their bodies, one moving to cup each of their backsides, gripping and kneading them slowly as she just couldn't wait to have a delightful moment of bonding with her two loving pets. Or bondage. Or both? Yes, both sounded about right. She brought her head down to kiss each of their heads, nuzzling them softly before she said, "Good girls... now... why don't the two of you undress each other?"

They both blushed so sweetly, looking at each other for just a moment before they moved back from Mal a little way and took deep breaths before they started to follow their mistress' request, their hands gently exploring one another's bodies, getting to know the other's body. Alex was the first to start pulling Steph's shirt up over her head before Stephanie returned the favor. She couldn't help but giggle a little at the fact that Alex wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt, her paws moving to cup and caress her smaller breasts. Alex purred deeply, wrapping her arms around Steph to unfasten her bra, pulling it off slowly so that she could enjoy the feel of her soft, white-furred breasts as well.

They weren't rushing, wordlessly agreeing to put on a nice little show for their mistress. They even leaned in to kiss each other tenderly, licking at one another's lips before Alex started to kiss and nibble down along Steph's body, moving down to her knees in front of the wolf. She nuzzled right in against Steph's crotch through the fabric of her jeans before she took hold of her fly zipper with her teeth, drawing it down. Her fingers unfastened the button and eased Steph's nicely form-fitting pants off of her before she pressed her muzzle up against her mound, nuzzling into it through her panties. She carefully gripped the crotch of them with her teeth, pulling them down slowly and carefully before she returned to Steph's pussy, nuzzling into it and lapping slowly at it, just drinking in her arousal. Ever since her change, Stephanie had been getting aroused more easily, and had been getting wetter than she had as a human when she did... and her pussy tasted like the sweetest nectar. Alex would certainly enjoy loving on her fellow pet quite a lot, with how wonderful she tasted. She was careful not to go so hard that she pushed Steph over the edge... but she wanted to get her going really well before she started to rise, kissing her way back up Steph's body, making sure to give her nipples a loving suckle before she straightened up once more, kissing her full on the lips, sharing Stephanie's own juices with her.

Stephanie moaned so beautifully into the kiss, licking into Alex's mouth before she took her turn descending along the feline's body. She dawdled more at her breasts on the way down, licking over them with her broad, powerful tongue. She took a moment to nuzzle into her into Alex, just as the cat had done to her a moment ago before she brought her hands in, unfastening Alex's pants with her hands since she wasn't quite deft enough with her mouth to duplicate the other fey's trick with her teeth. She kept her face nice and close to her crotch as she did, though... which may or may not have been the best choice when Alex's cock sprang free of her jeans, getting a yelp of surprise from Steph as it did. She gave Mal a pouting look as if to ask if this was just how it would be with all of the fey, getting surprised by females with cocks.

Mal chuckled, licking her lips slowly as she was stroking herself, having pulled her cock out of her pants to play with while she enjoyed the show. Steph let out a little whimper and nosed up under Alex's balls, licking slowly at her mound, moaning so prettily at the taste of her pussy. Alex had to brace herself a little, gasping in surprise at how adept the wolf's tongue was, surprisingly agile for its size and strength, it was easily slipping between her pussylips and running over her inner folds. She'd gone easy on Stephanie a moment ago... but she was quickly coming to realize that Stephanie didn't yet know how to go easy herself. Her mewls and moans of pleasure echoed throughout the room as she clutched at the bedposts for support. She couldn't help herself, though! Alex tasted of the rich, headiness of the wilds, and she really liked that!

Mal watched Steph make a complete mess of the cat for a long moment, coming to Alex's rescue before she was driven over the edge into orgasm, stroking Stephanie's head to draw her attention away from Alex. Steph seemed disappointed to bring her tongue from the cat's mound, but she just couldn't help but nuzzle happily into her mistress' paw. Her brain really was hard wired to be drawn toward that.

"Alright, girls... let's get you two up onto the bed..." she murmured, Alex gratefully dropping back to sit on the mattress while Stephanie crawled up beside her, snuggling in close to the sweet feline, her rump lifted up in presentation to their mistress. She reached down, wrapping her fingers around Alex's cock to stroke it slowly for a moment, making sure that it was good and hard before she pulled Stephanie up over Alex so that she was laying right against her, straddling her hips, letting the black cat's cock nestle against the wolf's dripping wet pussy. Alex let out a little cry as Steph whined sweetly and started rocking her hips a little, running purely on instinct. Now, Mal had been spending a lot of the day looking inward, examining her newfound magic intently to see what she was capable of, and just how to do what she wanted. She remembered back to her change of outfit, and called up a cute little red collar with silver accents, which she wrapped around Alex's neck and buckled in the back, making the smaller feline mewl sweetly since she'd been a little jealous of Steph's collar... but now her mistress had collared her, so things were much better with the world in her mind. What neither sub had expected was for Mal to fasten a clip to each of their collars' rings, trapping their heads close to one another. Stephanie was the next to get a surprise as a ring-gag was suddenly in Mal's hand, being pressed into her mouth and buckled into place, leaving her muzzle trapped open, free to let her tongue loll out.

Alex had enough instinct to know what was about to happen to her that she was not surprised when she gained her own ring gag... or surprised when the gags had straps fastened to the cheek straps so that their mouths would be held close to one another. The tigress clearly had some distinct ideas in mind as she continued to work, calling up restraints. Both girls received silk-lined leather blindfolds, blocking out all light while leaving their other senses to kick into high gear. Alex's hands were pulled over her head, being cuffed together at the wrists and fastened to a rope at the headboard so that she couldn't bring them down, while Stephanie's hands were cuffed at the small of her back, the binding even getting clamped around the base of her tail. Stephanie's ankles were fastened into cuffs fastened to the floor, trapping her securely in place atop Alex while the cat's ankles were cuffed to ropes fastened to the ceiling of the room, spreading her own legs quite nicely open for their mistress.

But the last element caught both girls by surprise as Mal took hold of Alex's cock and pressed it up into Stephanie's pussy, the two of them trapped together there at Mal's mercy. What was worse is that Mal traced a ring around the base of Alex's cock, which formed into a ring that would prevent her from achieving orgasm. The trapped pair could do nothing but cry out in shock as the soft leather tines of a flogger came down across their trapped crotches, such amazing music coming from their bound muzzles as they couldn't help but lean into the kiss they were trapped in, moaning in such beautiful frenzy as the lashes continued, tormenting their pussies and asses alike.

The pair were panting intensely as they could do nothing to escape their mistress' torments, only able to writhe against one another, their breasts and nipples rubbing against the others. After a time, Mal grinned and moved down toward the pair, rubbing the tip of her hard cock against Alex's entrance, driving herself deep inside her kitten's cunt. She very nearly came right on the spot, but she was so deeply in the control of her mistress that she couldn't bring herself to without being commanded to. The only thought in her brain was of the pleasure of Mal and Stephanie's bodies as she was filled by her mistress and surrounded by her fellow pet. Mallory really didn't hold back in taking her pleasure in Alex's pussy, hammering into her with wild abandon, all while her hand came down onto Stephanie's ass again and again.

She rewarded Alex with a lovely, hot load of cum filling her cunt, the sensation without her own release driving her just a little bit crazy, but the real surprise was just about to come. Mal drew herself out of Alex's sex before she simply drove herself into Stephanie's cunt, right alongside Alex's shaft. Neither girl was prepared for that, the two of them screaming out in pleasure at the feel of their mistress' cock, panting hard enough through their noses that it would have been a point of concern had they still been human.

Fey were mercifully more robust, and they lost themselves to the pleasure of the moment as Mal went at it hammer and tongs on the pair of them, Alex unable to help but do her best to thrust harder into Stephanie's body, needing so badly to cum, but simultaneously unable to achieve her own release. The mercy came from their mistress as she was quickly approaching another orgasm of her own.

When she finally drove herself in up to the hilt inside Stephanie, the ring around the base of Alex's cock burst into nothingness, granting her the release she'd been denied this whole time, her cum joining her mistress' seed deep inside the eager bitch's body. Stephanie's body jerked and convulsed as the most powerful orgasm of her life rocked her body. The two pets' minds went properly blank as their orgasms coursed through their bodies like that, causing them both to blackout on the bed for a long moment while Mal finished inside Stephanie's body and began to disentangle the pair from one another.

By the time either of them regained any sense of reality or consciousness, Mal had settled into the bed, with the two girls nestled in against her on either side, with the silk blankets pulled up over the three of them. They blinked their eyes open, but they were entirely too exhausted to really do much of anything in the aftermath of everything that they'd just been through. At best, they were able to make sweet sounds of happiness and lean in to nuzzle and kiss their mistress, who they both loved very dearly. What's more, they had learned the lesson that Mal had been trying to drive home for both of them... they were both very much loved by their mistress, and that neither had any place to be concerned about the other.

And with that understanding established, they were all three of them able to drift off into the blissful embrace of sleep.

Carnival Hearts Chapter 4

In the morning, the three of them were all just snuggled down in Mal's bed, curled up under her sheets back in their human forms. Malcolm's bed had never been big enough for something like this, but it seemed that Mallory had rated a king-sized bed in...

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Carnival Hearts Chapter 2

It was a Sunday, the dare having taken place on Saturday night so that she wouldn't be screwed over for school. The rest of the day went without much of note. Mal certainly spent more time than usual pleasuring herself, but to be fair, she had a new...

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Carnival Hearts Chapter 1

So... I decided to try my hand at NaNoWriMo this year... and I _promise_ that I started off with the intention of not writing smut. However, that lasted for about a week before I just gave in to the dark side and just went for it. Worse,...

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