Carnival Hearts Interlude - Annie and Cecilia

Story by Drake007 on SoFurry

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#2 of Carnival Hearts

After the kids head back to school, Annie and Cecilia take a moment to process the removal of their former abusers by the dark fey court, finding comfort and love in each other's arms.

The portal blinked shut behind the kids as they went back to school for the rest of the day, leaving Annie and Cecilia alone there in the living room. The wolf let out a heavy sigh as she turned to look at her dear friend once more, her gaze tired as she was letting the weight of the years of pain leave her shoulders. She made her way back over to Cecilia, sitting down on the floor next to the lynx, just wrapping one arm around her and leaning in against her. At that moment, she needed the closeness and the contact more than she needed any conversation.

Cecilia purred softly and rested her head on Annie's shoulder, nuzzling into it gently. Annie's tail wagged slowly as she just wrapped both arms around the sweet feline. They'd grown up together... they'd always been thick as thieves. Maids of honor at each other's weddings. Hell, as teenagers, they'd even done that silly thing of practicing kissing with the other. They'd rather enjoyed that, at that. It was rather a pity that they had grown up in a town and at a time where same-sex relationships were neither well known nor well tolerated. It would have saved them a lot of pain in their lives, but they did have their children, who they loved dearly.

But they were just... processing the new status quo now. Thomas and Eric were gone... and they weren't coming back any time soon. But they still had each other, and things were changing. Hell, they'd both seen how same-sex couples had become more and more prominent within the greater world, and they had both thought... and then given up against the weight of expectations that they were under.

But now... Annie was the first to speak, though she took a long, deep breath before she did. Her hand tightened for a moment on Cecilia's shoulder, "Cec... I know that we... we both took our own paths in our lives... but... we're at a turning point, now... and we both know it," she said, breathing deeply as she did her best to calm herself, even as her heart was racing relentlessly in her chest.

Cecilia looked down at the floor for a moment, whimpering softly before she wrapped her arms around Annie, pressing in against her and breathing deeply. "I... I don't... I... I hardly know what to say... I... look, things are going to be... changing around here, right?"

She looked up at Annie, her eyes soft and gentle as they seemed to waver a little, "I... want the changes... to mean that we get to be together now," she said, her voice sweet and gentle before she leaned in to nuzzle up under Annie's chin, kissing softly at her throat.

Annie's heart exploded in her chest as she held her friend close to herself, nuzzling into the top of the Lynx's head as her tail started to go a mile a minute behind her, wagging like mad. She just held Cecilia for a long moment before she eased her hug just enough so that she could kiss her full on the lips.

Cecilia made such an amazingly sweet noise as she returned the kiss, pawing softly at Annie. It was like a drowned woman coming up for her first breath of air, pressing closer to Annie. When she broke the kiss, she was panting quite heavily, "I... ahh.. missed kissing you... ever since high school..." she said with a hot blush, looking sweetly into the wolf's eyes.

Annie was just lost in Cecilia's eyes for a long moment before she laughed softly and gave Cecilia's lips a soft lick, "Mmm... and Tom's lips never tasted as sweet as yours did... I'm going to love being able to kiss you all of the time... it's going to be... days... if not weeks before I'll be able to stop kissing you dozens of times a day."

"Mmm... promises, promises..." she murmured as she leaned in and nuzzled at Annie's throat, lapping softly at it as her hands slid down to rest on Annie's hips, stroking them softly.

Annie was quite happy to take the lead, raking her fingers through Cecilia's hair. On an impulse, she clenched her fingers, gripping her kitten's hair firmly, giving it a soft tug. The moan that came from Cecilia's lips was... electric, triggering several things to start happening in Annie's brain.

She tugged on Cecilia's hair, making her head tilt to one side, an action that drew no resistance from the lynx... and the purr that she let out as Annie's muzzle nuzzled slowly down along the side of her neck as just further confirmation that she was doing the right thing. She began to lap at the side of her neck, long and slow licks with her broad tongue before she opened her mouth and took the side of Cecilia's neck in her powerful teeth.

The resulting long, drawn-out mewl of hunger and need was just more than Annie could take. She gripped Cecilia firmly with her teeth as her hands moved to start unfastening the buttons of her love's shirt, moving with a degree of practice, but also... the frantic need of a teenager on the eve of losing their virginity. Not all of the buttons survived, but soon enough, she had Cecilia's shirt open, pulling it off of her shoulders and tossing it off to one side.

Her arms then wrapped around Cecilia's body, her fingers deftly started to unfasten her bra, proving much more successful with it than the shirt, which it joined moments later. She released Cecilia's neck and pressed her back down against the floor, gazing down at her kitten and running her hands over her body and breasts. She couldn't help but laugh a little as she cupped and fondled Cecilia's breasts, grinning lopsidedly. "Do you remember when we were kids... and we'd always compare our tits?"

Cecilia blushed horribly as her double-D breasts were played with like that, moaning prettily for Annie. "Y...yeah... and you were always so annoyed that yours weren't as big as mine..." she said, reaching up to start unfastening Annie's shirt as well, revealing the wolf's C-cup breasts.

Annie laughed and grinned as she took her hands from Cecilia's breasts for a moment to unfasten her own bra, shrugging it and her shirt off before she leaned down to kiss her mate full on the lips once more. When she broke the kiss, she looked lovingly into Cecilia's eyes, "Mmm... true... but I came to terms with that a long time ago... and right now... all I can think about is tasting you..."

A growl rumbled in her chest as she pulled away from her love so that she could move down along her body, her fingers working to quickly get the lynx's pants off, tossing them to one side. Cecilia, apparently, hadn't been wearing underwear at all this whole time. She blushed up at Annie, whimpering sweetly, "Eric... never let me wear underwear at home..." "Mmm... not a bad idea, but he really was quite horrible in how he handled it..." she said as she moved her head down to nuzzle into Cecilia's thighs, licking softly at them as she was just breathing in her mate's scent. It was even more intoxicating than she had ever imagined it would be... just as the sounds of passion that the lynx was making were.

Her mouth moved up to press against Cecilia's pussy, licking slowly... reverently at it. All of her senses were alive as she tasted Cecilia for the first time. Oh, the fantasies she'd had over the years... the dreams that had helped her through her time with Thomas... right here... right now... they all paled in comparison to reality.

Her tongue worked tenderly over Cecilia's nether lips... but there was still a very intense hunger in the wolfess' tongue. It needed to explore every inch of her love's pussy... needed to drink in every last drop of her love's pleasure... needed to delve into the depths of her love's pussy to bring her to climax again and again. In that goal, her tongue found Cecilia's entrance and pressed slowly inside.

Cecilia cried out loudly at the sudden invasion of her passage by the broad, canine tongue as it ran over her inner walls. It pressed deeper and deeper into her body. Annie's mouth opened wide, closing around Cecilia's mound as her tongue worked its way deeper and deeper into her pussy, unable to get enough of her kitten's taste.

And for Cecilia's part, the feel of her love's mouth around her mound like that, the teeth pressing against her body... but knowing to her very depths that they would never be used to hurt her... the feel of the tongue delving as deep as it could into her passage... the love and care that she was being shown... they were all triggering something deep inside of her that she would have to come to terms with at some point, but right at this moment, the more immediate thing that they were triggering was an earth-shattering orgasm that coursed throughout the feline's body. Her hands reached out, clutching at the carpet as her body arched up off of the ground while her walls spasmed around Annie's tongue, her juices flooding her wolf's mouth.

Annie was, largely, caught off guard by the suddenness of Cecilia's orgasm, but she did her best to adapt quickly, drinking down the juices while her tongue continued to writhe inside of her passage, despite the clenching and gripping of her walls.

It was a long moment before Cecilia relaxed enough for Annie to properly pull her tongue back out again, unclenching her jaws from her kitten's mound before she sat up. She rose up on her knees, rubbing her jaw as she laughed softly, "Mmm... that was amazing... but now I think it is your turn..." she said as she brought her hands down to unfasten her pants, pushing them down off of her hips... but as she did, Cecilia mewed in confusion.

Annie's panties looked wrong. Like... they were still very clearly female underwear, but they were... tented? She reached out her paw, touching at the taught fabric, brushing her fingers softly over... something that caused Annie to gasp very sharply, her eyes going out of focus as she paused in what she was doing. "Ah-ha! Ahh... wh... what was..." she said, looking down at herself.

The thing that was causing Cecilia such confusion was causing Annie even more confusion in its own right, the wolf's mouth moving a little as her hands moved from removing her pants to pulling off the frankly uncomfortable fabric of her underwear. The sight that was revealed as she did that took both of their breaths away. A thick, hard, red cock was standing proud between Annie's legs, pointed and tapered to resemble a canine cock, complete with the swell of a knot at its base.

The two women needed a moment to process its presence, neither of them having any point of reference for this, not least of which Annie's lack of a point of reference for having a penis... or how it felt. Still, as her brain was processing matters, she brought one of her hands down to reach under her balls. She let out a kind of sound of relief as she touched down there, her mind starting to clear a little with the understanding that everything that she knew about pleasure hadn't become irrelevant in an instant. That was something, at least.

Cecilia, for her part, was taking a far more practical approach to her mate's cock, wrapping her fingers around it to stroke its length slowly, just basking in the feel of it... its weight in her hand. It was certainly larger than Eric's had been, and something about its canine shape made it just feel... even more natural in her grasp. Her mind seemed to settle onto a decision, and she leaned in, opened her mouth, and started to lick at the head of Annie's cock.

Annie moaned loudly for her kitten, her hand moving down to hold Cecilia's head, keeping it close to herself as she started to rock her hips into the lynx's mouth. Say what you want about Eric, but he had certainly seen to it that his wife learned how to suck cock very well. Though, his methods were often cruel, relying more on negative reinforcement when it came to errors or deficiencies. It had taken some getting used to, especially since his cock hadn't been the most pleasant to suckle, but Annie's cock tasted amazing, and the smooth surface of it felt so wonderful in her mouth. She would have no qualms with having her lips wrapped around this dick quite frequently.

Annie really didn't stand much of a chance as Cecilia was suckling so intently on her cock, and it wasn't long at all before she tightened her grip on Cecilia's head and howled in pleasure as she came, filling her mouth to the very brim, completely flooding it with hot, rich cum. This was one point where Cecilia struggled a bit. For all of his aggression and dominance, he'd never really cum that much at once, and this was a whole new ballgame for the lynx, not helped by the new shape of her mouth. Still, she managed to keep... most of the cum in her mouth and swallow it, the rest of it pouring out over her heavy breasts.

When Annie pulled back, and the two of them got a good look at the mess that she'd made of Cecilia, they both just had to laugh. Laughter during sex... something that was well and truly new to both of them. And yet, they could barely wrap their heads around how they had lived without it up until now.

Annie smiled and reached down, scooping up a dollop of the cum on her love's breasts before she brought it up to Cecilia's mouth, pressing her fingers into the Lynx's muzzle. Cecilia moaned sweetly and suckled softly on Annie's fingers, her eyes closed and her ears folded back in such sweet submission.

Annie was trying to wrap her head around the emotions that the action was triggering for her, and she just softly started to pump her fingers back and forth inside of Cecilia's mouth, letting her suckle on them like they were a cock. "That's my good girl..." she murmured, causing Cecilia to purr louder. Annie's brain was telling her that Cec was responding just right and that she should go for it.

She drew her fingers out of Cecilia's mouth and gently took her chin in her hand, turning her head up to look into Annie's eyes. "You... you like me being the one in control, don't you, sweetheart?"

Cecilia blushed sweetly and nodded her head gently, licking at Annie's hand softly, "I don't know why... but it feels right... I hated how much control Eric took... it burned in my heart every second of every day... but he just... took it... I never gave it to him... with you... I give it to you... freely..." she whimpered softly to Annie.

The wolf leaned down, kissing Cecilia full on the lips, long and passionately. She didn't shy away from the cum on her love's lips. Her pet's? She wasn't sure where that word had come from in her head, but it resonated with her. Cecilia... her pet. That felt right. She cooed softly to her pet, pressing close to her for a moment before she pushed her down against the floor, deftly wiggling the rest of the way out of her pants.

"Now, pet... let's have some real fun..." she said with a laugh as she grabbed hold of Cecilia's legs and pulled them up on either side of herself, pulling Cecilia's hips up off of the carpet, grinding her cock against the Lynx's dripping wet pussy. Even this just felt... amazing, and she couldn't get enough of it. Soon enough, though, she knew that she needed more than this, and she drew her hips back, pressing the tip of her cock to Cecilia's entrance before she drove herself forward hard, plunging deep into her pet's cunt.

Cecilia mewled loudly as Annie's cock plunged deep into her hungry passage. Despite everything that she'd been through, her walls were still lovely and tight, thanks to the exercises that she'd been forced to do by Eric. Annie had that much to thank him for, at least... though she wasn't about to thank him for anything. More than anything, she was thanking God for how wonderful her pet's pussy felt as she started to pump her hips back and forth, hammering into Cecilia with a will.

The lynx yowled in bliss, wrapping her arms around Annie's shoulders and her legs around her waist, clinging to her mistress, her brain lacking the mental clarity to question that word's place in her mind. Annie was her mistress, and she loved her so very much. And she loved how Annie's cock felt as it drove into her body, stretching her so amazingly well, hitting all of the right spots inside of her cunt. Her little claws even extended to dig into Annie's shoulders as she was mated.

Annie clung tightly to her, her paws gripping Cecilia's hips tightly as she dug her feet into the carpet, hammering into her with every ounce of strength she had... and she could feel how much Cecilia was eating up every second of it. That knowledge only spurred her on harder and harder.

They were both panting hard, experiencing pleasure like they'd never known before. Annie's knot was starting to swell a little, drawing gasps from Cecilia with each time it was forced into and pulled back out of her passage. The Lynx's eyes were nearly rolling back in her head as her entire body was starting to overload, her walls gripping Annie tighter and tighter with each passing moment.

And then, it all exploded... Cecilia threw her head back in a full-throated, feline yowl of pleasure as she came, her walls clamping down hard on Annie's cock. To her credit, Annie managed one or two more thrusts before she slammed herself in up to the hilt, burying her knot deep inside her pet's passage as she started to cum. The knot swelled suddenly as she did, trapping the two of them together and sending Cecilia into another cascading series of orgasms. She'd never felt so full before in her life... both from the cock trapped within her, and the cum rushing deep inside her body.

It was quite some time before either of their brains pieced themselves back together. Cecilia was the first to come around, even if she was largely running on instinct at the moment. She purred deeply to Annie, nuzzling deep into her throat and lapping at her. She mewled sweetly as her hands caressed along her back and sides, "Mmm... mistress..." she murmured, that word having lodged itself deep inside her mind.

The word seemed to pull Annie back to reality, a bit more clear-headed than her pet as she nuzzled into the top of Cecilia's head, grooming her tenderly as she murmured, "My pet..." Her voice was full of love as they lay there together, though when she tried to move, she found that she couldn't pull away from her pet... though the attempt drew a cry of pleasure from the lynx.

She looked down at herself, seeing how her shaft was swelled. She was confused for a good moment, but then she remembered what she'd learned about dogs, and how the male's cock had a knot at the base of it, which would lock him and the female together following mating. She blushed softly, turning her face up to look into Cecilia's eyes. "I... think we're tied... it's going to be a minute..." she said with a little laugh.

Cecilia sighed softly, just curling in to tuck her head against Annie's chest as she murmured, "I'm alright with that..." She was so sweet and adorable, purring away there nestled in against her mistress. Annie wrapped her arms around the smaller Cecilia before she rolled onto her back, letting her pet lay on top of her while they breathed and rested.

It wasn't... unbearably long before Annie's knot began to shrink back down again, but they just... weren't in a hurry to disengage from one another. This was how things should be. How things should have been all along. And this was how things would be from now on. The two of them together as mates. As mistress and pet.