The Found Chapter 3

Story by Drake007 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Lost and Found

Captain Helen finds the two after they've made love, only for Colin to discover just what kind of a pirate crew he's with, while big changes await him.

Colin stared up at the captain, his jaw hanging open as she licked the cum from her finger before leaning down to lap slowly at Star's mound. Some part of his brain thought that his erection would eventually die down, but with everything going on, it didn't seem likely to happen any time soon.

The vixen licked for a while, cleaning her mouse's cunt before she lifted her head again and smiled at Colin. "Mmm... I very much approve... The volume is even quite impressive for a new arrival." She moved over to him and kissed him deeply, licking at his mouth. If anything, he enjoyed the taste of his own cum even more this time, with the way it mixed with Star's juices.

He moaned into the kiss, panting as Helen broke it. "C...Captain... wh..." he started to ask, only to be cut off by her finger on his lips again, which this time drew a soft moan from him as he was unable to help but lick softly at it.

"I'm not just the Captain of this crew, Colin. I'm the Mistress of this crew. Everyone who serves on this ship is my pet... and only those with the right spirit to properly join my crew come to stay with me. I saw that spark in you when we met in the square... and I can tell that I wasn't wrong in the least."

She took her finger from his lips, leaving him panting just a little bit at that. It took him just a moment to put his brain back together well enough to ask, "You... knew?" He wasn't entirely sure how to feel about that, but as Star moved to snuggle against him, he suddenly felt a lot more certain about how he should feel. "But... me? A... pet? I don't even know what that means."

Star answered him, giggling sweetly as she looked up at him from where she was nestled. "It means that Mistress looks after us and loves us... it means that we all love each other. Everyone on the ship here is free to play with each other... but when Mistress wants one of us... we are her's," she said, blushing rather sweetly as Helen smiled and stroked her head, drawing a soft, happy sound from her.

"Star is right. And I might be a little bit... rough, but I'm not cruel," she said with a wicked giggle.

"Rough? I'm not sure I li..." he started to say, only for his train of thought to be cut off as she simply reached over and took hold of his hair right at the back of his head, her fingers finding just the right spot on him. He was left there, completely mentally derailed as he panted quite heavily.

"Mmm... you wouldn't have come here in the first place if rough would have been a problem. That's one of my skills... to see into someone's heart... see what they desire at a level that even they may not be aware of. Things buried deep within their hearts away from even themselves."

He gasped sharply as she released his hair, blinking and staring at her in shock for a long moment before he simply stared down at himself in disbelief. If anything, he'd gotten harder when she'd done that, and he really hadn't thought that was possible. "O...okay... so... rough isn't... a problem..." he stammered out, blushing just that well.

"Mmm... no, it's not... and with how well you're taking to the taste of cum, neither is this," she said, rising to her feet once more and slipping off her coat, setting it neatly over the back of one of the chairs in the room. She sighed, looking so nicely relieved as she unfastened her pants and let her thick, quite hard cock and balls loose, leaving him to stare at them as she slid her pants down over her ass and then down to the cabin floor.

"I... you... ho-mph..." She cut his stammered questions off once more, though it wasn't her fingertip this time that did so. He was blushing unbelievably hard as he found the tip of her cock right there at his lips, the smell just that completely intoxicating to the hare's senses. He took a deep breath of her before he did what he had only a short while ago with her finger... he started to lick at it. The taste of her was unbelievable to him, and it didn't take him long to suck the head of her cock into his mouth, moaning so prettily around it as he closed his eyes and surrendered to the moment.

He didn't care at all that he was a man... that he was otherwise attracted to females. He had his mistress' cock right there in his mouth, and he was as happy as could possibly be. He was moaning so wonderfully around it, and he had nowhere near enough of a brain left to notice as the pitch of his moans started to change.

Star noticed, though, smiling brightly but containing her giggles as she watched Colin's figure start to change. He was still quite nicely toned, but his body was becoming... if anything, more compact. Slenderer around the waist, while his hips and even his chest were starting to fill out. His ass was even becoming nice and round, perfect for a wicked vixen to take hold of whenever she wanted. His chest really was filling out quite a bit, too. It almost started to look like he had a lovely pair of breasts growing on it. Actually, no almost about it. He did have a lovely pair of b-cup breasts taking shape on his chest.

Star was certainly enjoying the show, her hand moving down to start idly playing with herself even as she leaned in and started lapping at Helen's balls, working with her fellow pet to please their mistress. Helen really wasn't even trying to hold back her orgasm, and as (nearly) the last of Colin's changes settled into place, she allowed herself to cum, filling his mouth with her rich, hot seed.

He quickly started to guzzle it down greedily, not letting a single drop of it escape his mouth. When she finished, he even took the care and time to lick her cock clean before he looked up at her with such sweet, loving eyes. "Thank you, mistress," he said, though when he heard his voice, he blinked and looked down at himself, even as he hiccuped incredibly adorably, blushing as he brought one hand up to cover his mouth.

Only 'his' didn't seem quite right anymore. Colin's body was quite decidedly female now, but for his rock hard cock still standing between his legs. He blushed so sweetly as he twisted and turned, looking himself over before looking up at his mistress with his long ears folded back. "Mistress?"

She smiled and stroked his cheek gently. "Mmm... it's like Peter told you... we change to suit our temperaments... and at your core, you are just a complete, sweet little lovey," she said as he nuzzled softly into her hand.

He sighed and breathed as he thought that over, finding... really nothing off about it. That was odd on a certain level, but on the whole, his heart really was accepting it. He smiled and licked gently at his mistress' hand. "So... some of the other girls on the ship... are... are like me?"

Helen couldn't help but laugh at that. "Yes, quite a few, actually. And some who came here as men are now fully female," she said, her eyes flicking to Star. Colin blushed very darkly at that, looking at Star with wide eyes as she gave him a sheepish little smile and nod of the head. "Though... most who've made the change have had one more change than you have..." she said, grinning wickedly as she pressed Colin down onto his back.

"I... what?" He didn't have long to find out what Helen was up to as the vixen quickly moved down, spreading his legs wide apart as she tucked her muzzle up under his balls and started to lap. At first, it felt kind of nice, but strange... but as she licked, he started to pant as the pleasure of the attention quickly started to grow. His head fell back onto the bed, and Star wasn't going to pass up this opportunity. She rose and straddled his head, pressing her pussy down against his lips. It really didn't take him long to follow his instincts on what he should do, his tongue extending to lick hungrily at his bunkmate's pussy while his mistress continued to lick at him.

Star was grinning broadly as she watched, panting sweetly while her hands moved up to play with her own breasts. She might not be able to see what was happening, but she knew full well what Helen was doing. The memory of it happening to her was still fresh. Beneath Helen's tongue, a pussy was starting to form, nestled so nicely under Colin's sack as the vixen savored the change he was going through. She really did love this part of the job, even when her pets retained their manhoods as well. Perhaps especially when they did. It left so many more ways to play with them.

Colin was panting hard into Star's mound, licking at her ravenously... certainly more enthusiasm than skill in the hare's attentions. Still, Star was enjoying it and enjoying watching his pleasure building so intensely, her gaze rapt as she watched what had happened to her happening to another. It may have felt like a small eternity to Colin, but it didn't take long at all for his new mound to take shape, leaving him gasping into Star's sex as his body was quickly pushed to orgasm, leaving him crying out loudly as he bucked and jerked, squirting quite heavily from his new pussy while his cock erupted with yet another load of cum.

Star cried out, cumming as well at the sight before she half slumped and slid off of Colin, leaving him free to lift his head and look down at Helen. When he saw her licking the juices from her face, he blushed quite badly, starting to suspect what had happened... but it was as she rose, bringing her tip in to rub against his new cunt that he knew for certain what had just happened. He bucked his hips against his mistress, whimpering just that sweetly as he watched her take hold of his hips and thrust herself into his pussy for the first time.

He lost it at that point, moaning at the top of his lungs like a true little slut as she claimed him just that completely there in the cabin. Star exchanged a look with Helen, who nodded her head to Star before the mouse moved up over Colin, kissing him deeply as she pressed herself down onto his cock, letting him feel pleasure both as a male and a female at the same instant.

All thought beyond how wonderful this all felt was fleeing his mind, losing himself to the pleasure that he was experiencing. It was amazing... life-changing, even. The feel of his new passage being stretched so wonderfully around his mistress' cock while Star's walls were milking his, he really wasn't going to last long at all.

His head was lolling back, mouth hanging wide open with his tongue out, as much as Star was trying her best to keep his attention and make out with him. There just wasn't enough of him left to be able to do more than accept the pleasure he was being given by these two.

Sure enough, though, he soon began to cum, filling Star and spasming around his mistress, trying to get her to cum inside of him as well. Helen was more than happy to oblige, driving her cock in up to the hilt as she started to cum as well, her knot swelling up within his passage. That sent him into a second round of orgasms, his body shaking violently as he desperately tried to find something to cling to, his mind otherwise going absolutely blank as the orgasms rocked through his body.

It was quite a while before he slumped down, just this side of passing out completely as he panted and tried to catch his breath while he worked to piece together the shattered remains of his brain. Star slowly pulled herself off of his cock before turning around on top of him, pressing her sex to his mouth again as he started to lick her reflexively, moaning at the taste of her and his cum mingling together. Somewhere in his mind, he'd latched onto her as a mate of sorts. A bunkmate, certainly, but more than that.

Helen stayed still with her cock trapped inside of his body by the knot, knowing her new pet's limits, she waited patiently for it to die down before she gently drew herself out of him. Star quickly moved in, starting to clean him up while Helen knelt down as well, the two of them working to care for the new sweetheart of the crew. There was the amazing, frenzied sex to be certain, but there was also love and care... compassion and affection and they were working together to burn that fact into his heart and mind.

When both he and Star were clean, Helen moved up to lay beside him on the bed while Star shifted around, snuggling in against him from the other side. He gave both of his loves a tired smile, nuzzling softly into them, licking their cheeks tenderly as he just took some time to breathe and relax. He might have drifted in and out of wakefulness a few times, but never for long. This new body of his had the stamina to keep up with this, even on his first time.

When he'd largely recovered from it all, he reached out and gently loved on the other two, just as sweet and caring as he could be before he looked to Helen and whispered, "Thank you, Mistress..."

Helen smiled warmly and kissed his forehead softly. "You're welcome, Colin."

The soft furred bunny shivered and nuzzled softly into the vixen, though something felt off. "I... don't think I like that name, anymore. It doesn't seem... me anymore," he said with a cute little pout.

Star smiled and leaned in, nuzzling Colin softly. "You don't have to keep your name from Earth here. You can be who it is in your heart to be. Besides, it isn't like Star is my name from Earth."

Colin thought about that for a moment, tilting his head from side to side. No... her head. She didn't feel male anymore. That's really what felt wrong about the name Colin. She thought for a moment longer before her face lit up with an ah-ha moment. She couldn't help but giggle as she looked to the other two with a great big smile on her face. "Cassie. I like that name."

The Found Chapter 4

After they'd had a moment to clean up, Star helped Cassie to get dressed, picking out a cute little dress for the new bunny. She really didn't feel like a hare anymore, she'd softened too much for that, as much as she knew she still had a good bit of...

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The Found Chapter 2

Colin wasn't thinking very clearly as he followed Helen back to her ship, which was set up on a wooden cradle of sorts in a clearing off to the side from the rest of the town. His mind and heart alike were racing quite quickly. For her part, though,...

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The Found Chapter 1

Colin was beyond amazed to be flying, let alone through space. Peter had taken him back to his apartment and gathered up anything that Colin had cared to keep, which wasn't much, but it was everything that really mattered to him, and it had all fit...

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