The forgotten door

Story by kaeil on SoFurry

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(This is another short story I thought of. I have one last part I would like to write to cover the ending of Daniel and Gregg. But I'm a little satiated right now to write that part. ;) )

"Dan," I shouted over the sound of wind bearing through the fall leaves that sounded with a near deafening thunder and hiss. "Come here, I think I found it."

Daniel was a built up man in his mid twenties with dark black hair hidden under layers of waterproof coats and flannel pull-overs, much like myself. His coarse leather boots tied up to his ankles to keep the stream water out in this back woods hunt crunched through dead grasses and undergrowth as he climbed the ravine.

"Yeah? Yeah," he asked breathlessly excited arriving at the summit where I stood kneeling down by a stone ledge jutting out along the back side of this hill which unnaturally appeared flat like a small roof. From above the rumored entrance could not be confirmed, but a little rope and some more effort, and the cave would be found.

"Gregg, I hope this is it. We have a four hour trail to get back to the camp site, and I would love to go back late with good news."

I smiled shaking some acquired burrs from my arms, then pushed back my blonde hair, "I don't like being in Czec longer than I have to. I swear we are going to hit some old landmines here, but it seems right."

My partner laughed lightly in an exhausted exhale, "Nazi gold. If I didn't want to see the country, I would have never agreed. You have to be nuts to believe this stuff, but I've been your friend since high school, so it's an obligation now."

"Hey now," I protested light heatedly offended opening up my heavy cotton coat to grab at an energy bar, "this is all good information. It's real I tell you." Unwrapping the food I took in the fake chocolate amalgam of who knows what, ignoring the bland taste, to satiate my stomach. "Would I lead you astray for your vacation?"

Laughing, Dan responded sardonic, "you couldn't seek out treasure in the Caribbeans, could you?" He reached forward and stole my extra food then downed the contents faster than I was and handed me a canteen of alcohol touched water, "drink?"

"Ya fuck," I protested the theft with jest and reluctantly took the drink as compensation, "You should have brought your own."

"Huh? That was gone 2 hours ago. If we had helicopter like I suggested Gregg, it would have lasted longer."

"Yeah, that money's just sitting in my bank account. I must have been drunk when we set off on foot," I remarked, reminded of the shoestring budget of this treasure hunting vacation.

He shrugged, "they offer payment plans I hear."

"No they don't," I took another drink and handed the water back to Daniel and grabbed some rope from my pack to lash it around a thick tree nearby to repel down the small cliff ridge safely.

He finished off the contents and put the container back in his pack to look over the twenty foot drop before us, "you sure?"

"No," I offered honestly and clipped my belt onto the rope peering over with him. Below there was a small trail, deer likely, and a gravel slope that lead up to the cliff. Beyond that, another branch of the river we were exploring since we arrived 4 days ago. "Watch the rope, I'll go down now."

I pulled some rope from the clamp and carefully backed off the edge using my feet to keep from spinning about. It was little effort to slip down the rope and end up at the base of the cliff face made of veined marble. I set my feet along the base, now noticing a narrow path leading along the base. It was packed down like an ATV path, but no where near as wide. Perhaps 2 feet at best, but it was passable.

"Looks good down here," I shouted up to my partner, "Come on down, but you might as well leave your pack. I think this will be our stopping point for the day, and there is nothing in it anyways." I wanted to round the corner to the outcrop I found, but I figured exploring can wait till Dan is safely with me, just in case.

"Good," I could hear the gratitude in his voice, then a minute later, he was down by my side.

Brushing off a little dirt and dust, the two of us followed along the small path about a dozen feet, then saw the goal. Finally. After so much research and work, we were here. A supposed stash forged by war criminals. A smooth stone edge of aged white stood vertically along the cliff, a column marking the entrance I have been searching for. "Yes." I announced in pure revelation.

"Oh ho, you were right," he added, "I never doubted you, you know."

I didn't bother to speak further, there was nothing that could be said, needed to be said. Only with my eyes would I be able to let out this pent up anticipation. I hurried forward and reached the column, and just as expected, a cave entrance. I smiled back at my long time friend speechlessly.

He understood and let the moment remain as such.

I peered into the cave with only the light from the cloudy sky revealing anything. It was a natural cave, to be certain, the trail we were on lead to it alone. Within, stone protruded into the passage, but marks where it had been broken back by pick and small explosives were evident. There were no foot prints to be spotted in the mud and gravel floor, so at least if it hadn't been robbed soon after it was filled, then no one has touched it since.

I marveled at the simple stone and noticed some markings on it. Weathered, they were illegible, but something was once carved on the face of the columns that bordered the entrance. Irrelevant, I thought. "There are no signs of a door once sealing this. That is a bad sign. That means they may not have put anything here at all," I noted remorsefully.

Daniel placed a hand on my shoulder, "We have time, they couldn't have stowed it in far. Lets go check it out anyways. Save us a return trip."

I checked my watch and noted the time, 2pm. Considering the time of year, it would be pretty dark when we got back to the camp, but this might only take a minute, "you are right." Taking a step inside to give my friend a little more space on the path, I dug into my pack and brought out a flashlight to reveal the interior better.

The natural stone took a turn not far in, and I noticed some mushrooms growing sporadically in some of the cracks. Bright green dots on black heads, nothing I have seen before. And as far as I knew, they weren't edible; though after 2 hours into the hike back, I might reconsider that chance.

"Seems safe," I remarked and started in, shining the light around to keep from walking into stone. I peered around the corner and saw that the cave became larger and looked more worked by humans. Some of the floor had concrete, well it looked like concrete, poured into the cracks to give a surer footing. "Hey, good news, I," suddenly this overpowering scent came into my nose and I forced out a sneeze, then another. "Ugh. Musty."

Dan, came in behind me, "I don't sme..." his words were cut off when the smell caught him as well and he took to a series of sneezes that winded him.

"You must be more allergic," I commented between a pair of sneezes, and motioned to the exit, now breathing through my mouth which helped immensely. "Why don't you wait outside?"

He shook his head and grinned speaking labored, "and let you have all the fun?" He coughed and quickly put his collar up to breath through it. "It smells," Daniel spoke muffled through his jacket, "I don't know like what. Like pepper and butter?" he choked back a cough and took several deep breaths though his cloth filtered mouth.

"Yeah, I guess," I agreed without arguing then considered the situation. I looked at the small mushroom, "This must be it?" I reached towards one of the black mushrooms and picked it from the crevice it called home and brought it too my nose. A short careful breath revealed this was the cause, "We should be fine once past these." I stuffed the mushroom in my jacket pocket, then started forward further into the cave hold.

The two of us made way a couple dozen feet, then came to another turn. I shined my light down the path, commenting begrudgingly amused, "This goes to China, doesn't it?" The passage became more structure like. Along the walls, stone columns were starting to show randomly along the walls, and the floor and ceiling were starting to show signs of being worked into tile like patterns. "wow."

He stood behind me, "I see the interior decorator did actually do some work. This has to be something important, even if it is empty."

I nodded and began scratching the palm of my hand reflexively. The itching only intensified the more I tried to alleviate the annoyance. "Damn it. Those things are like poison ivy."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. You grabbed one huh? Maybe there is a water pool ahead. I could use a drink myself," Dan commented and urged me forward.

"Well it is a cave... To some extent." Setting forward flashlight in hand, we walked towards the end of the passage. It was a much further distance than expected. Maybe 100 feet in all and slowly heading lower. Each step we started to notice the workmanship improved more and more. And each step the irritation in my hand started to spread further. It was now up to my shoulder.

"Gah," I cried and pulled off my jacket to scratch at the skin of my arm that felt like it were being assaulted by invisible insects. "Geez, this stuff spreads fast!"

My partner coughed before he could comment, laughing, "we're going to need to amputate! I'll get the nail file."

"Ha ha," I replied not at all amused but continued forward regardless, "it can't be much further. Lets just move along and find the end before I consider a reply beating to your medical advice."

There at the end of the hallway, and it now very much resembled one, we found a tall wooden door. The planks, reaching from the ceiling to the floor, aged and spotted with moisture damage, still held up well after all this time. Rust orange metal braces held the wood tightly so that no ray of my flashlight could reveal what was on the other side without opening the lock and latch.

Daniel behind me suddenly drew off his jacket, "God, it's hot in here."

"Is it," I asked obliviously, "seems fine to me." I scratched at my neck and down my arm, "I wanna open this up and see the empty room. I don't think we should go any further."

There were carvings on the door, unintelligible. They didn't even look like letters I know. 'But this is Czechoslovakia, they have 3 different languages, and then there were the gypsies who sometimes used olde writings long since forgotten,' I contemplated while trying the handle by depressing the metal lever. It was warm to the touch, as if a fire were on the other side. 'Strange.' But it unlatched the door and soon I was pulling at the weight on hinges that hadn't been used in perhaps 70 years. Or so I hoped.

I looked in with my light shinning inside, and reflected back were walls of well polished stone. The floor and ceiling were immaculately detailed with simple patterns, but the perfection of the shapes gave it a machined look that begged for me to go inside. "One second," I advised as I noticed a stone box-like carving of some kind that was separate of the walls.

It stood off to the side of the large high ceilinged room roughly 5 feet from the wall. I walked inside the nearly vacant vault to inspect what lone item of the second world war had survived vandals all this time.

"Hey, hold up a sec," my partner announced and was taking his pull over off hurriedly. I look back at him undressing down to a green t-shirt, the jacket and pullover set by the opened door. Dan's face was beaded with sweat and flushed red as if he were running a marathon.

"Are you all right," I asked very worried now.

"Yes... No," he answered a little unsettled, "I'm burning up here. I think we have to turn around now and get me to a doctor. Or at least out of this tomb."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," I looked at the carving one last time before walking out and noticed something familiar. "Hey, Dan. That's a sink of some sort. Lets get some water and head back."

Daniel squinted to see the features I noticed. A hand pump was gracefully carved into the side of the block facing the wall so it wasn't immediately obvious, below it was a bowl to catch water. "So it is! Yeah, let me at it."

I felt the itch in my skin spreading further and further cross my body. Now my chest crawled and nothing I could do would give my nerves reprieve. Tossing my jacket aside I reached under my heavy shirt and began to pull it off, hoping that if the cool air were the only thing touching it, the misery would abate somewhat.

"Gregg, the pool isn't big enough for a dip," Dan joked as he passed me to take a hand at the water handle to draw up some water. It took a little doing, but eventually clear water surged out of the cleverly made spout that without close inspection, looked simply like a square pattern dug very deeply into the block.

The sound of the water drew my ears and I came over to get some as well after Daniel had finished. I watched him bent over on his hands and knees before the bowl cupping the water and bringing it to his face as if this is the first liquid he had seen in weeks. He drank it all quickly and hurriedly, seeming never to get enough.

I was going to continue pumping the liquid out for him, but a little common sense came forward, "Give it a moment to settle in your stomach, Dan. There seems to be enough to go around."

Dan nodded and moved back from the carved well to lean his back to the wall, "Yeah, all right. But don't take long."

The stone handle was cool in my hands and I refilled the bowl below the outlet quickly, taking none, but slapping handfuls against my skin, the irritation only got worse as the water seeped into my skin.

"Gregg? When did you get so much hair on your back, you ape."

I looked at him and notice that his skin was getting to be a very dark shade of red that looked very unhealthy, but I couldn't bring up my worry. He could react very badly. I jokingly replied, "What hair? I waxed it this morning." My hand reached to feel where he was talking about, and there was a lot of hair. A lot more than there should be, which used to be none. I hide my alarmed face from my partner and fill the stone bowl for him to drink more from. "This isn't helping me."

He lurched up towards the water from his seated position, "I feel a little better, but.. It's just." Dan's movement stopped and there was a long pause. "Gregg, my heart is racing. I don't know what it is, but we have to get going. Now."

Nodding, I start for the doorway back to the woods, picking up my jacket and shirt along the way. As I consider whether putting them back on will do more harm than good till the bite of the fall winds strike me, I hear Dan breathing heavy.

My eyes and the flashlight peer in his direction, "You... ok?" My eyes widen as I see him with his pants opened and his hand stroking his erect dick. It is just as brightly red as the rest of his sweat dotted skin. "Dan!" I protest the vulgar act.

He doesn't listen, his fingers continue to run the thick length with a face that looks to be fighting himself. Breathless words slowly come in a whisper overcome with urgency, "I... Need... To... I... Can't... Help... It..."

I watch transfixed. I have never been interested in men. I don't find them attractive in any means, but I had to watch. I tried to turn my back, but none of my muscles would respond. I stood there and took in his attentions. "Dan. Stop," I mouthed inaudibly.

I could see it in his eyes that reflected back in an unnatural yellowish glittering. He was, could, only focus on this task. Nothing else. His fingers gripped the now bright skin fiercely and pulled at the length slowly, methodically. Each stroke of his hand brought weakness to the rest of his body. And I stood and watched, horrified.

His panting grew louder now. His hand attending to his primeval desire brought him to his knees. He arched his back over and placed his free hand on the floor to hold himself from laying down, still stroking his large bright red cock almost violently. And I watched, drawn to this act, unable to look away.

The skin of my legs now burned like nothing else, worse than the rest of my body, and I was slowly loosing full comprehension of the setting because of this. I took a step forward, then another. Leading me closer to my friend of many years who was lost in sickness and needed my help.

This feeling coming over me to comfort him, grew to a point I could not resist any more. Emotions of sadness and painful regret surged in my mind and in my stomach. I needed to hold him and stop him. Bring him to his senses, I needed to close this small gap between us.

His stroking hand now was accompanied by a thrusting of his hips in contradiction to bring him closer and closer to climax. I was barely 2 feet away when his head arched back, looking more angled and longer. I thought nothing of it because I felt I needed to be with him no matter what.

Daniel's eyes came from the floor and stared at me with a single desire that would have to be met. He took in my body nearing his, and release came to him. Calling out in a exhale that almost sounded like a howl. The seed of his sack struck out and onto the floor with force, almost splashing on the impossibly clean engraved grooves of the stone floor.

I saw how he was suffering because of my desire to be rich. It was my fault he was like this. I was to blame and no one else. "I'm sorry, Dan," I whispered as my hand rested on his back and felt the warmth of his red skin. But it wasn't smooth, there was a very fine layer of hair. My fingers, that itched so badly I would have cut them off to stop it at this point, calmed and relaxed as I felt his soft warm skin. The reprieve from the maddening itch brought down any reservations I had about trying to restrain him.

I saw my arm, it was dark, almost black with fine hairs that stood out all over my arm. I looked at the other, worried this was happening all over my body, and saw it too was nearly covered. Barely any of my skin could be seen now. I cried out softly, unable to scream like I wished, "no."

"Yes," My partner breathed in a voice that carried a low pleased rumbling marking how much this simple touch had lessened his fever.

I wanted to run away and never look back, but this moment felt so good, I weakened to the feelings and kneeled down beside him, stretching my arm across his back then rested my head on his shoulder to bask in the feelings. Calm and pleasure rushed through me like nothing before. So much stronger than any woman who I have been with my head went light with just our touch.

The shadows from the flashlight now set on the floor besides us gave the room and our bodies an otherworldly feel. Daniel moved slightly and turned to face me, his large arms slipped on each side of my bare chest, purposely to close every little space between us. And I let him, gratefully so.

The itching of my body relaxed some as his arm's soft short haired fur pressed against me. I could feel his warmth all over me in his strong grip, and I took it in hungrily. Moving slightly, I reached down and began to slide his shirt upwards across his soft heated muscles. "I shouldn't be doing this. This shouldn't be happening," I begged for some sense and reason.

But my friend was only encouraging me on. Our touch was the only way to push away the pain of the sickness we contracted, and he was only interested in removing every obstacle to this release. I as well, wanted this far too much. He pulled away from me long enough to let his arms slip from the shirt I was removing, then quickly forced his bare wide chest against my own. I was stunned by the elation of his presence. My mind clouded almost to the point I could barely comprehend there was anything but the two of us here. The work I had piling up at this very moment, my girlfriend, my family, they all seemed so distant and unimportant compared to basking in this moment.

I looked at my friends face for a long moment. His eyes shimmering in yellow upon such a long angled face. His nose stretched so very long and broad against his red furred cheeks. Daniel's hair seemed so much shorter and slowly loosing it's dark color to more closely match the rest of his body, "I am so sorry for what I have done." My tongue stretched forward, it was long and thin and lower. No, it wasn't lower, my mouth was longer, held against my chest. But I didn't care about any of this. "I caused this all, I deserve this, but you don't." I ran it against the side of his face, tasting his strong pleasant coat while my hands clung to the hair on his back. Not it wasn't hair, it was fur. Longer, thicker, I could slip my fingers within its depths completely now.

Daniel stretched his head upwards so that I could continue attending to his body with my tongue. I hesitated for a moment. I shouldn't be doing this, but I can think of anything else to make him better or happier. It was my duty to ease his suffering. I pressed my muzzle to the side of his neck and bit him gently to let him know I would do anything for him. It was the only thing my mind would focus on now.

I lapped at his neck and breathed softly against his body nipping the fur to accentuate my desires for his pleasure. Daniel in turn moaned softly in a growl, "That's perfect, Gregg," his hands dug into my back and I could feel his nails rake against my black coat and skin. The playful digs sent sparks of energy through my spine and my body reacted happily.

I stretched my back in an arc of adulation for him, my mouth left his neck and quickly made way to his chest. After pushing his auburn fur aside with my nose, I licked and carefully tugged at his nipples with my sharp teeth to imitate the feeling he gave me. It had to have worked well, for his clawed hands reached behind me and attempted to slip inside my pants. He was having little success from his position, and I was ashamed of myself for denying him.

Bringing a hand from clutching his body, I drew it along his arm, relishing the touch of his fur against my hands. They are clawed too. I eye them for only a moment, and I can see they have narrowed and my nails are a dark black, arched like an animals. I want to examine them, see what is becoming of me for a moment, but knowing that something better awaited me, my curiosity abated, and I reached to my buckle through long thick fur and pulled it tight to my body to loose the pin.

My stomach has shrunk? I run my hand against it only a moment before realizing that I don't care at all. "I want you to be happy," I think aloud, what happens to me is unimportant. Reaching for the button to undo my pants and allow my partner to have anything he wishes, I find my fingers can't take it apart, fumbling for a moment.

Daniel has little patience and reaches under me grasping the lip of my pants with his powerful hands and tugs at the material. The button snaps apart almost effortlessly. I try to pull the fly down so he had no further obstacles, but he instead growls and continues pulling at the cotton fabric till they tear open. The sound of him gaining access to more of my body feels wonderful and I return my attention to his body.

Taking a clawed paw, I bring my head lower and deal with his own jeans, pulling them off his large muscled hind far too slowly. The man towering above me leans forward, forcing my head into his crotch. His paws push down my pants and grasp my ass, raking and gripping my fur.

I feel his teeth latch onto my back and sink into my skin. The pain throbs, but it feels so very good. Poignant and sharp, then eddying like a bittersweet memory. Sighing with his violent massage, I can smell the semen that lightly dots the tip of his cock. It's huge and sticks out red and slick before me. My nose brushes against the skin of to smell nothing but his member, it makes my heart race with boundless anticipation. Daniel's red fur grew white and short here. Gladly thinking, 'nothing opposes me serving my friend completely,' I rub off some of the strange fluid onto every portion of my muzzle.

'He'll be happy if I take him,' I think proudly and let my tongue lash out and caress his cock. The touch is hot and tastes better than anything I could ask for. So hungry, my stomach churns in need so I let it have more.

He got bored with kneading my ass roughly with clawed paws that surely left scratches under my coat. Daniel's hands started to reach under my body and find my dick. I hadn't even considered my own pleasure in this, but my friend has not, and gratefully my cock was flushed and hard for him. I could feel the rough pads brush across my sensitive skin, and I arched my back as far as it could bend with the elative caress.

'He must cum,' my tongue lapped his dick viciously and forcibly almost matching his own eagerness. My hands gripped at the back of his legs and stroked and dug into his large muscles to show him how pleased I was even if my desirous panting were not blatantly obvious.

My abdomen tightened and convulsed, trying to get every bit of energy from him to put it back into the tonguing, but it wasn't enough just to attend to him and his needs. I had to earn his forgiveness. I opened my mouth wide and lifted the length with my tongue to slide it into my mouth. I thought I would choke, but my throat only wanted more to swallow. I run it completely till my nose pressed hard into his pelvis and there was no more length to take in.

The long guttural groan that came from Daniel as teeth glanced its length and the whole of his member was engulfed in the heat of my saliva, sent me over my limits and my seed pooled and pushed out from its sack to run the length of my cock. I could feel the surges strike the underside of my body and seep into my fur. I thrust feverishly with his hand to extract every bit of the cum, my tongue rubbing synchronized at the underside of his cock.

I pulled back regretfully but knowing it would bring pleasure to him, the dick almost slipped out of my muzzle's cage. "I will do anything for you," I promise through the taste and presence of his manhood, then I thrust my mouth back over the length and heard another moan of pleasure from my partner.

Tongue undulating and the ridges of my mouth roughly encase his pleasure. Each fierce run of my muzzle bring my man to convulsive mimicry. It is the greatest compliment when someone can not control themselves because of the pleasure you bring and I strived harder and more determined because of it.

Salty liquid seeps from his tip and it spreads across my tongue wantonly. My hand grips his ass and pull him into me over and over. I take the other and cup them under his sack stroking the small portion of his cock that I can not engulf with my passion.

I hear him above me, His chest brushing against my head and back, his one hand groping my cock and sack, urging it to renew its contents. I feel something new, this pleasure from something I have never known before. Daniel's other hand attends my ass and a tail? I exhale driven through my mouth busy as his hand grabs it and lets long dark fur slide through it.

I reciprocate the affection in him as well and find his long auburn tail wagging back and forth just above my probing hands. I stroke it mimicing him, and it brings my... man? Yes, he is my man, and my man alone. Daniel howl's in a loud brash cry. He empties his lungs as he does his seed once penned in the fur hidden balls. It semen strides outward with as much fervor as I had placed in bringing it out by my tongue.

It is too late to take a breath and I have to hope most of Daniel's cum came out with his first orgasm. The contents strike the back of my throat, and I nearly choke on the substance, a hot musky taste that could not be confused with anything else. The scent strikes my sensitive nose as well, and my eyes close unable to concentrate. Mired in ecstasy.

I can't imagine how I lived without this taste. Without the taste of my man. I swallow what I can of the sticky hot substance basking in bringing my love, yes, my love, to climax. It is all I want. I know this now.

Daniel thrusts one final time and I force the last of his seed down my throat. He pulls back only slightly, but it is enough and I gasp for breath, letting my hands slip to the floor. Cum drips from my muzzle onto the floor and it gravitates to the grooves, almost magically. I take no further notice of the lost drops. I can get more. Grinning with eyes narrowed I look over my partner and friend, and lover.

His legs are bend like a canine, but it's his face I understand; smiling down on me with a lolling tongue, The angled and pronounced cheeks show him to be very much a wolf with red fur carrying thin white streaks that ended at a white stomach.

'I must look like that as well,' I accepted easily. He was beautiful, handsome, perfect. A bold face set atop his pronounced chest and muscles. Sinuous arms bordered his angular frame with large biceps that reached down cupping my long black muzzle lovingly, grateful. I could feel the hot pads in his palms and my heart melted at the affection. His toothy grin revealed an unsatiated desire I would find a way to fulfill.

I reach forward and lick the tip of his cock that is flaccid but quickly reemerging, Suckling gently a little drop that formed, and any more that might be left for me. I promise to him with all my heart, 'He has forgiven me, but I will serve him until I am no longer wanted. That is all I could ever ask for. This is my future and I wish nothing more.'