The Golden Aviary [CM]

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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#20 of Short Story Commissions

Hestia had lived an ordinary life as an anthro as any other, but after a venture down a dark alley, she is knocked out and wakes up in an unfamiliar alleyway up in the Northern Lands locked inside a Golden Birdcage! Tied up and helpless, she finds herself being sold as an object to a mysterious and wealthy anthro, left to either find a way to escape or be sold as a mere object for whatever he desired.

This is a commission for Ruugar4's! Thank you so much for your awesome commission and I had so much fun writing it! I hope you enjoy it and I can't wait to write for you again!

Link to Ruugar4's FA:

I hope you all enjoy this 'chilling' tale and let me know what you think in the comments below! Your thoughts and feedback truly makes my day and I'm honored for each and every one of you reading! You're awesome!

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A soft groan escaped Hestia's lips as her mind began drifting back into her body, drawing out from her thoughtless sleep, realizing from the chill against her feathers that something felt... off, despite her being unable to remember what for the moment as she fluttered open her eyes. She only now realized how weightless she felt, a tightness in her limbs, seeming to cry out to her, tied up in an unfamiliar position. She could smell the scent of cigarettes and the stink of trash from nearby, the sound of voices filling her ears as she tried to make sense of what was happening. It was only as her hearing returned to her that she made out a faint grunt from nearby, a murmur of disapproval seemingly aimed in her direction. 'What... what's going on? Where am I?'

She then awoke with a loud gasp as a frigid splash of water against her face coated her once dry feathers, letting out a sputter as she jolted out of her sleep, eyes widening as her fight-or-flight responses kicked in. She could feel herself swaying slightly from the restraints holding her body firm as she gazed in confusion at a mysterious large brown bear before her, her limbs straining as she swung slightly above the metal floor below her. The anthro before her was much larger than she expected, a similarly thick cigarette in his mouth to complement his size, his black eyes glaring at her as he let out a huff before placing his now-empty cup of water down on the table beside him. It was only now that she began to make out the gold bars all around her, craning her neck up to try and make sense of what was happening. It was only when she noticed the strong ropes attached to the roof of her prison that she let out a chirp of fear, the bindings connecting her body to the ceiling of the golden birdcage, the shibari style restraints keeping her tightly aloft in her little room as she was displayed publicly before the customers walking through the area before her.

She could feel the cold air from the dark street sweeping through her light pink fur, a chill covering her naked form as she looked over the ropes, holding her breasts at their bases, squeezing them out as if asking for someone to touch them. Hestia let out a growl in reaction, narrowing her eyes at the bear who she presumed had tied her up and stripped her like this, feeling the tightness of a small band of ropes snapping her maw shut forcefully despite how much she wanted to cuss at him. Instead, with a flaring fire of rage within, she decided it would be best to try and figure out where she was while she was stuck like this, glancing around at her surroundings.

She blinked in confusion at the sight of the dark alleyway she was in, rugged-looking anthros from all shapes and species browsing the many small shops filling the street, selling what looked like to be trinkets, food, and even slaves, tied up in chains. It was only then that, set in her own cage, her eyes widened, letting out a low hum as she felt the creeping sensation of horror up the back of her spine, 'No... No, this can't be real. How the fuck did I end up here?' She could feel her heart starting to race as she began to struggle, trying to free herself by pushing with all her might against the ropes, only to no avail as her once-powerful limbs were forced to their sides by the restraints.

The brown bear chuckled at her noises and struggles as she came back to reality, pulling out his cigarette with his paw before leaning down in front of the cage and blowing a ring-shaped plume of smoke right into her face, causing her to let out a cough as she was forced to breathe it in. He chuckled down at her growling, admiring her determination, "Looks like we got a fighter, huh? I'm sure someone'll pay a pretty price for a feisty little birdy like you.~" He knocked on the bars with the back of his hands with a grunt before standing straight once more, calling out to the anthros walking on by with his rough voice.

'What the fuck is going on here?' She knew there was no way this was legal, and from the unfamiliar look of the buildings around them, she couldn't help but feel she must have been knocked out for quite some time and transported to a far-off city in the Northern Lands. It was the only probable idea since the northern cities always had that chilling breeze covering the town, even in the summer like it was now. Trying to make sense of where she was, she took in the dimly lit alley, barely large enough for a wagon to pass between all the shops. The moon high above cast a faint white glow upon the yellow lanterns resting on the edges of the countertops of each vendor's table, giving an almost haunting glow to the forbidden shops. The amber flicker of light from the lights set forth an ominous glow over the faces of the perverted animals gazing over the counters, realizing now from the meat hanging from hooks at another shop and the cries of innocent animals chained up to walls that this wasn't any ordinary market. 'It's... I'm at the Black Market... Hell no, how the fuck did I get here?!'

Still swinging back and forth from her movements, her heart began racing within her chest, trying to remain calm despite the horrible exposed feeling covering her face in humiliation, a somewhat arousing thought rising in the back of her mind while she tried to come up with an escape plan. 'This is fucked up... I'm not giving up. I can find a way out of this...' Remaining strong, she continued searching the cage from her constricted position, trying to find the latch to open it and perhaps something sharp to cut herself out with, even though she wasn't sure how she'd use it if she couldn't move her limbs. In response to her movements, the bear simply let out a grunt of amusement, puffing out another ring of smoke out into the small street before him as he spoke up.

"Settle down, plaything. You'll want to look pretty for whoever decides to buy you. After all, who could pass up a beautiful treasure such as you?" He smiled back at her deviously, shamelessly gazing lustfully at her breasts hanging below her, taking pleasure in how she let out a muffled yell of anger at him from her muzzled state before returning to his work, calling out to passerbyers. Just as he called out, an anthro tiger approached the bear's station, chatting with him while looking over the griffin in curiosity. He smiled and asked just loud enough for Hestia to hear, "Well, before I make any decision, I'd like to test her out. Mind if I check how durable she is?~" The vendor let out an amused laugh and nodded, pulling out a key from his pocket with a shuffle of his paws before walking over. She watched with a spike of fear as he unlocked the latch on the top of the door before swinging it open casually for the buyer.

The tiger let out a pleased grunt of his own, eyeing her up and down. He brought his paw to his whiskers, twirling a digit around them in enjoyment at the sight of such a beautiful female naked before him, speaking in a low tone, "Well, aren't you a beauty? I wonder how much you'll squirm when I take you home.~" But just as he began to reach out his hand to touch her, she let out the fiercest yell and growl that she could muster, rocking her body with a spasm of her muscles, glaring daggers at the perverse buyer as she bared her teeth at him as much as she could from within her straps. He let out a gasp at the sudden outburst from the slave, taking a step back as he looked her over with a now uncertain gaze.

To her relief, he backed away, seeming to let out a displeased groan of his own as he looked over her. The bear noticed his hesitation, nodding to the griffin with a laugh, "Don't worry, she's all bark, no bite. Besides, she's tied up anyway, so she can't hurt you." Growing more confident, he gave the bear a calculated look before walking back up to her. She could smell his nasty unwashed body odor filling her nose as she let out a choked cough before a soft moan escaped her beak as the eager tiger suddenly groped her right breast with his paw. She regained her composure a second later, focusing her attention on scaring him off, trying to swing into him with force, but the tiger held her firm before him, simply squeezing and rubbing her exposed cleavage, seeming to take enjoyment as her growl would occasionally turn into a held-back moan. She could feel a hot rush of something rising within her, but she ignored it and simply watched him as she tried to keep her dignity, swearing to kill that horrible bear who put her in here and sat there watching it all happen.

After only a few moments, silently thanking he didn't venture between her legs, he stepped back and informed the vendor that he wanted a less resistant toy instead. 'Good... maybe if I keep resisting someone won't buy me. Just keep fighting...'

The next few hours went by about the same, with some customers approaching and checking her out only to back off and mutter words of disapproval at her resilience. After a while, she began to feel a flutter of hope rising in her chest, assuming that maybe she'd be freed if no one wanted her, but it was only when the bear finally began to grow impatient at her resilence that he placed his cigarette onto the counter with a thud before turning to her. Without warning, he gripped the underside of her snout with an iron grip, forcing her to look into his endless black eyes as she let out a soft whimper from his sudden forcefulness, the helpless feeling only continuing to grow in the back of her mind, "You little shit. You better realize that, if you aren't bought within the next few days, you aren't going home. I know a restaurant downtown that would gladly take in some rare griffin meat to add to the menu." He held her for a few more moments, making sure she got the memo before letting her go, leaving her to swing back and forth as he began locking her cage up once more. "You are worthless and pathetic! You will either be bought or sold as food. You make your choice, or I'll make it for you."

As the realization of it all set in, the fact there was nothing she could really do to escape, she began to feel tears forming in the corners of her eyes along with the stinging, foul stench of trash lingering in the air, biting back the words she couldn't say. 'Fuck... what do I do?' She gazed blankly at the cold steel floor below, her heart settling into a deep pit in her chest, shivering in the cold as she felt a wave of humiliation and despair wash over her. She thought back to her job at the local Inn, where she'd welcome travelers to stay the night upstairs. She remembered going out to drink the night before and walking down an alleyway for a shortcut on the way home... she could only assume that was where she'd been knocked out. Now, no matter how much she wanted to believe it was all fake, the straining from her limbs holding her aloft and the chill of the wind against her tied-up body forced her to accept that it was all real.

She softly began to cry, holding back any whimpers as she tried to remain strong, but just as she watched a tear fall down the bridge of her muzzle and pool at the rope around the center of it, she caught sight of another animal walking towards her. Through blurry eyes, she was able to make out a cloaked figure, a large hood covering his face from view. She tried to steady her breath as he stopped before the cage and looked her over, listening as he let out a hum of his own. The bear spoke up as he watched the customer take interest in his merchandise, noticing his intrigue, "Ah, I see you've got quite the eye for the ladies. You lookin' to-"

"Quiet. Let me focus for a moment." The dark-colored wolf waved a hand to the vendor, dismissing his words, causing him to snort in disapproval before slumping back against the wall once more, puffing his stick as he gave the wolf a curious look. It was only then that Hestia was able to make out the glowing gaze from underneath his cloak, his ice-blue eyes giving off a soft glow, scanning over her form, finding herself unable to make out his expression in the gloomy alley. She growled back at him after gathering herself once more, glaring in defiance. But just as she did this, his eyes seemed to brighten for a moment, a thick wave of cold quickly rushing over her form, like a blanket of ice trailing through her fur and feathers. She let out a muffled yelp at the unexpected magic, instinctively looked away from his gaze, finding herself in the presence of something much more powerful than any ordinary wolf.

'No... You can do this. You aren't something to be bought.' Still, even with the sudden coldness rushing in her veins, she forced herself to glare back, ignoring the uncertainty in her mind as she stared back with her amber eyes, giving him a challenging gaze. He tilted his head as she surprisingly fought back his magic and stared directly back at him, unrelenting to his powers. It was only then that a soft smile grew across the end of his muzzle from beneath the hood of his cloak, his masculine voice, both elegant and commanding, talking aloud in thought, "Really? Intriguing. Just what I was hoping for."

'What... what was that? Did he... cast some kind of spell on me? If so, that means he has to be... a Winter Wolf?' She had remembered back in school learning of the royal lineage of Winter Wolves who ruled over the Northern Lands, blessed with magical powers by the snow-covered mountain overlooking the kingdom, but she would have never expected such a high noble such as this wolf before her to venture into such a dangerous place like this. She gazed over the cloak he wore with a newfound curiosity of her own, the black fabric covered in snowy spirals, admiring the blue trim along the edges, complementing the fabric he wore as well as the color of his eyes. 'It looks like his clothes were made specifically for him... I think I remember the King and Queen of the Northern Lands, but not him... Who is he?' She felt one of her tears drip down from the bottom of her muzzle as she focused on the man before her, noticing the wolf pull out a large bag of coins from his black jeans.

"Here, I assume this will suffice?" He narrowed his eyes at the bear, setting it onto the desk with a loud jingle. The beast immediately paused at the sight of such an amount of money, spitting out his cigar onto the ground with a grunt before standing straight. He gave the wolf a suspicious glance before looking around the street for something. Placing a hand on the desk, he let out a soft growl, perhaps taking notice of the odd behavior and clothing of such a wolf, "Wait a minute... Are you-"

"Shut it. I'm not trying to cause a ruckus. Do you want the money or not? I can assure you that you won't find anyone willing to pay as much as I." The dark figure lifted the bag, holding it before the vendor, displaying just how much the leather was straining from the sheer weight of cash. The bear gazed at it with a look of lust, baring his fangs for a moment as he glanced back at Hestia. He paused, scratching his chin before eventually pulling out the key from his pocket along with a piece of parchment from a drawer beneath the counter.

He then placed them on the desk, lowering his voice so only he and the griffin could make out his words, "Fine, you can take it. Just sign here." He then looked behind him at the anthros throwing curious glances at the expensively clothed wolf, his blue tail poking out from under his cloak, slowly swaying and yet keeping above the dirty street to keep his fur clean. The bear then continued, watching as the royal anthro read the words carefully on the paper, "I'd be careful if I were you. It won't take long for people to know who you are, and I'm pretty sure they'd be happy to capture you as well."

"Oh really? Then tell me... Why aren't you trying to do the same? Hmm?" The wolf let out an amused chuckle, watching as the bear simply rumbled back in annoyance at the buyer's words. "Oh, that's right! You're afraid of me, aren't you?"

The bear snorted angrily, baring his teeth, "Listen here, you little brat. You can either take the damn girl or you can fuck right off."

"I'd be careful what you say, big guy. Wouldn't want to hurt yourself, would you? I mean, I could always freeze that maw of yours shut if you prefer.~" He teased, letting out a dominant growl of his own, causing the bear to take a step back as he let out a shiver of his own, shaking his head.

"Just... take her. Get out of here already..."

"Happily. Now, let's get this signed and I'll be off." She felt the chill leave her once more, soon to be replaced by the somewhat warmer breeze of the cold alley still biting at her hard nipples. She could only wait as the stranger marked his signature with the quill in the ink before grabbing the key walking up to her cage. His eyes bore into hers once more, a dark rumble emanating from within him as he reached out his hand to her and finished, "Now, let yourself sleep. You are property of the Blue Moth now. Give in to the cold and become mine.~"

She could feel the fear rising in her body, trying to swing inside the cage in a final attempt to somehow free herself, but even as she let a whimper escape her muzzle in her futile wiggles, the freezing air crashed into her once more, focusing into her mind to render her useless. It felt almost like a brain freeze yet so much worse, causing her to become dizzy and numb as her body felt like it was icing over. Unable to find her limbs responding, she was left to slowly drift into a light slumber, listening to his words as he put her into a mindless stasis, "Soon, you will be home. Dream a blissful dream, and let your worries go."


Just like she had passed out, it all came back to her with a numbing chill passing through her bones, her head aching as she drifted back to consciousness. She could hear ringing in her ears, a throbbing in her skull before it began to slowly wear off as she blinked open her sleepy eyes. She could hear the sound of trickling water nearby, the chirping of birds around her along with the smell of fragrant flowers reaching her nostrils. Her mind began swirling with the different scents, completely confused as to why everything was now so different from the place she'd recently been sold at. 'Did... did they move me again?' She could barely form her thoughts, still quite dazed from it all, but as her vision cleared, she instantly was taken back from the sight before her.

The room around her was covered in lush greenery, jungle-like fauna sprouting from the ground, the large dark-green leaves from the plants and trees covering the floor in a cool shade. A small hole for sunlight had been formed in the center of the canopy above, shining down bright rays onto her golden cage in the center of the garden. Looking up, she noticed a glass dome covering the terrarium, assuming this was a greenery of some sort with her as the centerpiece. She noticed some specific and odd-looking flowers growing from the branches of the trees, Jade Vines sprouting front the ends in colors of ice blue, dark purple, and light pink. In any usual circumstance, it would be a mesmerizing sight to see, but being tied up as she was with her aching muscles holding her aloft against her will, she found herself both confused and terrified at why she'd been put here of all places. She noticed green vines now draped around the bars of her cage as if she was part of the scenery, only now noticing that her prison was placed upon a raised stone platform, a small set of stairs before the door to her prison laying below her. The water she had heard before was pouring from the sides of the stone around the base of her cage, small holes spilling forth the liquid into a ring of water below before cycling back through.

'No... Is he... Am I...'

Before she could finish her thoughts, the sound of footsteps approaching reached her ears, forcing her to watch as she hung from the ropes. Coming forth from the black marble door was the wolf from the Black Market, this time without his cloak and in fact, completely naked. Her eyes widened in shock, taking in the black swirls along his dark blue-furred form before gazing down at his member and balls hanging between his hinds. His glowing blue member pressed out from his sheath at the sight of her, slowly growing as a smile formed over his face, "There we are. The girls awaken! Just in time to be used. I was afraid I'd have to use you while you slept, but thankfully I won't have to. I do enjoy my new toys whining as I use them.~" His chest was toned with ample muscles covering his form, his steps confident as he didn't hesitate to walk up the small staircase in front of her pedestal before using the key in his paw to undo the latch, swinging the door open, and standing before his prize.

As he stood before her, she couldn't help but notice the large knot forming as it grew from within his sheath, his member growing to full length, bobbing in excitement at the sight of such a resistant toy. She growled at him, still muzzled to prevent her from talking, unable to fight back with anything despite how close he was. He chuckled, cupping her snout softly as he looked over her face. He let out a few soft hums, trailing his paw through the black fur trailing down her neck before tracing it down her pink shoulders down to her beige chest. She let out a whimper as he quickly gripped her breasts, the two plump pillows pressing into the palms of his hands as she felt a hot wave flash over herself from her bosom. She could feel him squeeze them, teasing them with his paw as he circled over her nipples before leaning down and sucking softly on one.

She let out a loud moan as the sudden warm breath of the canine quickly turned cold, his tongue turning into an icicle as the length wrapped around that sensitive nub, pulling softly and giving a light nip. She let out a huff, her heart racing as his familiar and horrifying chill was sent through her breasts and down to her nethers, that cold maw suckling on her tit relentlessly. The other was then met with another freezing touch, glancing down at his paw now covered in a thin sheet of ice, rubbing over her nipple and cleavage. She felt her body tense at the bitter cold, tears welling in her eyes once more at being humiliated and raped like this, trying to muster a growl and yet finding herself unable as his powers began to show her how useless and helpless she was to stop him.

After getting her nips hard and finding her growls tempering down, he eventually trailed his cold paws over the black stripes on her back, brushing over her hips while he circled around the cage to her backside. He then spoke up, gripping her furred and striped tail as she tried to recover, "Now, don't fight me. If you do, I promise I can make this much more painful for you." Without another word, he quickly brought his muzzle to her ass, her tail already strapped above her back for ease of use, causing the griffin to let out a muffled yelp as the freezing wet tongue delved into her tailhole, her pussy now alight with passion despite how horrible the situation was. She blinked as another tear rolled down onto the strap of her muzzle, biting down in her maw as she ground her teeth together, trying to ignore the lust that had been flaring in the back of her mind. She had felt it back at the Black Market, but it was only now that he was preparing to use her that she felt herself wanting to give in. 'No... He's fucking raping me! Why can't I stop him?!'

Just as she let out another whimper, he moved to her pussy, pulling out that slick appendage from her tailhole before shoving it into her cunt, rubbing the iced tongue against her warm walls. Such a change in temperature caused her body to rock in shock for a moment, another wave of bliss coursing through her body as she let out a heavy breath. He noticed her reactions, growling softly before rubbing the ring of her ass with an icy digit as he lubed her up with his own saliva. She could feel him searching for her G-Spot, earning him a loud moan as he rubbed against it. Even as the horrible nature of it all kept trying to remind her to fight back, she found something within herself starting to change, the lustful part of her brain urging her to give it control. It was tempting and while she hadn't wanted to think about it, it was only now she began to focus on the section of her brain she'd shut away, realizing how much of a dark fantasy this really was.

She remembered how her nether regions had yearned for the touch of the males who groped her breasts back at the market, tied up and on display before them as a mere sex toy for their amusement. She couldn't lie to herself that she certainly found the situation arousing, but this wasn't some sort of story or fantasy in her mind she could masturbate to. This... this was real, and whether she liked it or not she wasn't getting out of this. At the same time though, she couldn't just give in to her desires. But now, with her new owner of sorts licking her vagina, hanging in the center of a floral garden inside a golden birdcage like some object, she couldn't help but clench her walls over his tongue, a feminine whimper escaping her lips as the desires within began seeping forth from her mind and into her body. She tried to ignore how erotic it was to be in a real-life situation like this, not much unlike the sex scenes she'd imagined before in the past. 'It's okay. It's okay that I like this... I can enjoy this as long as I don't give in. I can't help it anyways.' She knew she was bargaining with herself, but as the oral grew deeper and colder, she couldn't help but give in to her thoughts as he held her hips against his face and added his own saliva to lube her.

He let out a loud slurp as he withdrew his appendage once more before reaching up with his paws to tweak the ropes holding her. She let out a surprised yelp as his icy tongue pulled out without warning, a chill washing over her fur before she was lowered in her cage. She huffed out as she realized why he was changing the height of her body, feeling those freezing paws wrapping around her waist once more as he inevitably lined himself up with her vent. She couldn't see him very well as she was restrained but nonetheless attempted to glance over her pinned wings, getting a slight glimpse of him. She felt the feathers on her cheeks warm up at the sight of his hand stroking up and down over his cock, covering his member in her fem-juices as he growled out softly, "Don't worry, I think you'll come to find you'll enjoy this. After all, I've found the most resilient females are the sluttiest of them all.~"

She hadn't considered the idea that the once warm-looking shaft could change temperature as well, but after that tapered tip pressed between her heated folds, she instantly felt a spike of ice trail through her veins, causing her muscles to tense as a pent-up moan pushed past her beak. She let out a submissive chirp as the blue wolf growled behind her neck, pushing himself further inside the bound female, those hot walls gripping and ushering him further, constricting tightly as if to show how horny she really was despite how much she tried to deny herself before him. With her rear covered in what felt like a blanket of snow, the loud chirping of a small bird caught her attention, the water below her pouring into the pool with a soft splish. The calming nature around them seemed to echo subconsciously to the griffin that this was good and natural, lulling her into a sense of security, pressing back slightly against his crotch as she was driven by her own primal instincts to submit. He chuckled as she quickened his descent within, hilting into her with only his large knot grinding against her lubed-up lips. He leaned over and gave her ear a soft nip, huffing at the sharpness of his teeth and the warmth of his breath, her body in shock from the difference in temperatures he kept trying to put her body into.

After resting inside her for a moment, they began to dance, the male withdrawing for a moment so that only his tip rested inside those warm walls before plunging back in, the two opposing temperatures dueling with one another in a way that seemed to create a rubbing sensation of bliss with the strength of a bolt of lightning shooting from her vagina up through her chest and into her brain. She felt her fur standing on end and tried to press out on the ropes as if to remind herself that, no matter what she wanted, there was no way out of being fucked by him, tied up and useless as she was. 'I'm just a sex toy for him... Why do I like this?' She could feel her fluid coating his member, hearing the soft plaps as his hips kissed her rear, suddenly feeling a tight tug on the restraints that held her as he pulled her backward with the ropes onto his cock, trying to fit his knot inside.

She whimpered at the feeling of such a large set of orbs trying to force themselves within, already on edge from the feeling of his slick member pressing into her G-Spot with every thrust, cresting against her cervix as the male reminded her wordlessly that she would be filled with his fertile semen before he was done with her. She hadn't ever laid eggs before and, in fact, she'd never even been bred by a male in her life. Sure, she had been of age for years, but she found herself using toys more often than not to try and get some experience for when she did find the griffin she'd fall in love with. But it seemed now she didn't have a choice, and in all honesty, it felt so much better than she'd ever thought it could. He moved his shaft at his own pace without her having to do anything, feeling his paws over her hips and his breath against her neck. It felt so overwhelming and yet so right, and the feeling of how perverted and wrong this was... for some reason it only seemed to brighten the flame between the two as that ultimate act of dominance put her into a state of submission she'd never experienced before.

She gazed mindlessly at the bars and flora around her, losing herself to the bliss as he began to ram into her faster and stronger, swaying her back and forth in her shibari bindings, letting out grunts and pants as he found himself growing closer to orgasm. It was only then that something incredible suddenly shifted inside her, the once cold member starting to change temperature again But this time, it shifted through hot and cold waves, starting from the base to his tip as a warm heat would course through it in a spiral pattern before the chill of ice would once more quell the warmth in a powerful surge afterward. These constant and relentless pulses seemed to cause her orgasm to rise faster than she ever experienced, sharp rhythmic jolts of sugar causing each feather on her body to go into sensory overload. He seemed to know how much it would affect her, perhaps having done this to many others before at the peak of arousal, running his paws through her back fur and over her stomach as he plapped against her.

She felt her orgasm nearing its limits, like water threatening to overflow, drowning every other thought in her head away, blurring them as she was sacrificed before the male as the reciprocation for his seed. She clenched the talons on her feet, biting her beak down as she closed her eyes and attempted to arch her back. She let out a loud feminine cry as the blue wolf gave a hard hammer into her form, the final push crashing into her cunny as his enlarged knot finally began squeezing inside! Of course, she had never taken a knot as big as him before, forcing him to continue to grind against her at that last push, causing those orbs to rub against her clit in the process. Feeling her nub pressed so roughly against made her squeal out in ecstasy, a somewhat painful strike of pain coursing through her stretched lips as a loud PLOP suddenly echoed around the greenery, signaling the entry of the base of the male's shaft filling up her cunt.

It was then that the torrent of hot cum shot past her cervix and directly into her womb, feeling the warm liquid spraying against the back wall of her insides as the sheer force of his orgasm caused her to reach her peak. She eagerly thrust back at him as much as she could, grinding the base of his member against her clit as she squirted her fem-juices over their crotches. She didn't bother to hold back the whoreful moaning as the warm waves of ecstasy rocked her form, all originating between her legs where she was filled completely by the large meaty member. She felt her pussy clenching and stroking every single inch of him, including his knot, forcing every drip of his fertile seed into her body. He happily obliged, letting out a loud howl of his own as he arched his head up in bliss, dry humping her rear while inside as each spurt of his load filled the heated female up to the brim. She could feel the cum trying to leak out at the base of her vagina when she began reaching her limit, but it seemed he had sealed such a tight lock inside her with the size of his knot that she was forced to remain tied to him as the two rode out their lust.

It was only after he rested against her and the ropes for a few minutes that he spoke up, giving her back a soft rub, "Good girl. Also, I suppose you should know the name of your captor." He gave another large huff, steadying his breathing as he placed an ice-cold paw against the back of her furred neck, "The name's Frost, and you're my property now. I promise you that, despite your lack of choice in the matter, you'll find yourself enjoying your new home after a while. I treat my property with the utmost care and I'm sure you'll enjoy being nothing but an object, sex toy, and a pet for me, won't you?~" He whispered the last few words into her ear with another waft of his breath, the once warm exhale now like a winter breeze as she shivered at his words.

She hesitated for a moment, then let out a soft huff, trying to hold back her submission as she remembered how wrong this was. Still, she admitted to herself how hot the situation she was in was, but she was sure she could find a way out eventually. After all, they'd have to feed her and let her use the bathroom right? There had to be a way she could escape then if they let her out of her ropes. He chuckled at her silence, pulling out of her vent with a rough tug, watching as a trail of cum overflowed and dripped down over her feathered thighs, covering her beautiful rear in his virile cum, "I find it cute that you still attempt to hold back your true desires. Still, I would be disappointed if you gave in that easily I suppose. Do know I will be keeping you here for as long as I wish and that, as my toy, you better obey me or I will punish you however I see fit. Is that understood, birdy?" He walked to her side, cleaning off his member with the side of her feathered thigh before cupping her muzzle with the other, looking into her eyes with his chilling gaze once more.

"Y-yes, Frost." She stuttered out, giving an attempted angry glare which ended up looking a lot less threatening due to her exhaustion.

"It's Master to you, pet. Now, let's get you cleaned up before I leave you." He then left and returned with a blue towel, wiping over her cum-stained rear to try and dry his possession before raising her higher in her cage and locking her inside once more. He gave an approving huff, stroking his exposed member at the sight of his toy before walking off and closing the black door to the greenery behind him, leaving her alone to her own thoughts.


The next few days certainly took some getting used to, being fed from her tied-up position as well as having to use the restroom outside in the garden when she was let out of her bindings. It was humiliating to not be able to use the toilet, but in a way it made her wonder if she could escape or somehow break out of the glass above since she was left alone in the greenery for that time. Sadly the wolf had thought about this, quickly affixing her wings with leather bags as she was untied, locking them down against her sides with a key at the base to keep her flightless. He would leave her bound in these while she was out in the garden for an hour every day, giving her time to let her sore muscles rest before bringing her back into the cage, taking off her wing mitts, and tying her up once more into the shibari bindings that held her aloft as his prized possession in the center of the garden. She had tried to look for a way out during the last day or so besides the possible breakable roof, but no matter where she looked, the only exit was the door, and he kept that locked at all times. Perhaps if she could climb to the top of a tree and slam something into the glass dome to escape?

As time went on, she began to find herself lost in her pleasures, moaning as the blue wolf eventually affixed a chastity belt around her thighs to prevent her from getting off in her alone time in the garden to keep her horny and excited for their next breeding session. Of course, this only made her arousal grow, her legs shivering as she tried to walk around, making her question why she even wanted to leave. After all, she couldn't help but think about when he'd fuck her next to quench her heat, and the idea of never being bred by him again began to instill fear inside her. What if she left and never got out of her chastity cause he never gave her the key? 'No, this is okay... I like being his toy... I want to feel him again.' And it was then, as the weeks went by that her thoughts of escaping began to dwindle into a mere whisper in her mind as the next breeding session began to become the only thing that mattered to her.

Once Hestia had settled into her position as his toy and object, he one day showed her off to his friends, the rich anthros entering the terrarium and looking over her with admiration. One had spoken up at how he managed to capture such a beautiful creature, but he merely told them she chose this. That she enjoyed being nothing but an object for people to look at. They smiled at this, walking around her raised pedestal, gazing at her exposed vagina and breasts. She could feel herself becoming aroused from their gazes, huffing through the muzzle Frost had put her in to keep her silent, remembering him telling her that objects weren't supposed to talk. So, she simply lay there in the air, unable to stop them from ravaging her with their eyes, a simple beautiful thing to look at before forgetting it and moving on. The once proud and resilient griffin broken into a heated mess, only able to think about cock and sex, squirming before others and beginning to be bred as a slutty griffin she'd always wanted to be. Nameless and worthless, a simple pretty object within a golden cage.