IT: Infant Tech | Chapter 2 [Comm]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#2 of IT: Infant Tech [Comm]

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Being the new hire at work can be a unpleasant experience,

but being the new hire that wears diapers to the office?

Even more nerve-wracking!

Check in with Bolt and read all about how the husky finds that

he might not be the only padding enthusiast at his most recent job.Contains: Diapers, Bondage, NSFW, Wetting, Messing, Daddy, Paci-GagRating: 18+

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Commission for: whitest0rm

Thumbnail design and story by: HoratioHusky

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If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, click here for information.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and previews of my writing!

Chapter 2: Suspended


Although it could not have been more than a quarter of an hour, it felt much longer to Bolt. His sense of panic had still not abated, even when they pulled into what looked to be quite a comfortable looking suburb causing Cinder to begin to drive in a much more leisurely fashion. Soon enough, he had pulled in a driveway connected to a two-story house.

"You remembered how to get to my place without a GPS, I see."

The tiger commented. Judging from the slight hesitance in Cinder's response, this caused him some amount of discomfort.

"Well... It's practically a straight shot from work anyway."

Bolt looked to Yuri, whose face was turned to face Cinder head on. The tiger smirked, but decided not to push the subject. Getting out of the car, Bolt watched with a sense of trepidation forming in his gut as the tiger opened the car door next to the husky.

Yuri leaned in, his facing filling the oversized pup's view as he spoke softly in an intimidating growl.

"Now then, you have two choices. Cooperate, and you might just get some enjoyment out of this, or struggle, and I'll make it a publicly humiliating ordeal, get it?"

Bolt gulped. Hastily, he nodded his head several times to indicate that he had understood, the pacifier ring flopping up and down comically and emitting a soft clicking sound as he did so. The tiger smiled, appearing both pleased and amused by the impression he was pressing upon the husky.

As Cinder made his way into the house, the tiger placed a singular paw pad on the front of the screen that served as the harness focal point. A small green light flashed on the screen, and all five of the buckles detached simultaneously.

Now was the opportunity to escape, but despite this, Bolt hesitated. He had been forcibly taken against his will by the two, but had not been harmed. Additionally, instead of being disgusted and taken aback by his choice of underwear, oddly enough they appeared to be celebrating it.

He knew that the tiger would likely overpower him if he did try to wriggle free, but at least that would stand testament to his dignity. Feeling his stomach twisting in knots inside of him, he was surprised to find that he did not resist in the slightest when the tiger undid his wrist and ankle restraints and gently scooped him out of the carseat.

"There we go, heavy little guy aren't we?"

Yuri stated, despite carrying him with apparent ease. One massive tiger paw rested possessively underneath the husky's diapered, furry bottom furthered the sensation of being under the tiger's control. The muscular frame of the big cat intimidated him as much as it gave him an odd sense of assurance. Another paw was placed on his upper back, which patted it gently as the tiger rumbled into his ear after shutting the car door.

"Wise choice, there's a good little puppy."

Blushing profusely, the husky glanced back and forth down the street of the slice of suburbia that he had been brought to. To his immense sense of relief, it appeared that no fur was around to witness what was happening to him.

Still facing backwards, he was brought inside and watched as the door was shut behind him. As he heard the lock click into place, an uneasy sensation came over his stomach as he felt his heart drop to his knees.

"Cinder, why don't we make our guest a bit more comfortable while we prepare lunch, hmm?"

Bolt still clung to the tiger, his feelings of apprehension now manifesting into a visible sweat on his brow as he listened to the tiger's cryptic request.

He could hear the smile on Cinder's muzzle as the desert cat responded, sounding very pleased with himself.

"I think that's a splendid idea, why don't we add him to the decor?"

The husky's legs were quivering, the tiger could feel the tense manner with which the husky was now clinging to him. He smiled, satisfied that his charge appeared to be equally excited as he was terrified. Something about instilling a mixture of turbulent emotions into the hearts of his subordinates made the tiger feel invigorated with predatory energy. The malicious grin still plastered across his muzzle, he stepped further inside of the home headed towards an unknown direction.

Bolt tried twisting his head around to see, desperate to know what was going to happen next but was corrected as Yuri's paw was removed from his back and placed on the back of his head stopping him.

The canine whimpered softly into the pacifier still firmly lodged in his muzzle, beginning to suckle on it reflexively for comfort. It took a moment for him to realize what he had started doing, gaining comfort from his dummy like an actual puppy, before the color once more flushed his cheeks.

Thus he was moved forward, his legs looped holes in fabric while appearing to be the spitting image of embarrassment. He looked down, then glanced up nervously to see that he was being fitted into some kind of onesie that was attached to the ceiling above him in the middle of a doorway.

A second later he understood.

They're putting me in a baby bouncer!

Looking around, feeling a slight sense of panic wash over him, he was able to catch a glimpse of a comfortable looking living room to his right and a closed door on the left side of the hallway he was facing.

As his legs were looped through, he felt a pair of hands firmly grab his paws and lead them up and above his head. Cuffs, similar to those he had been restrained by in the car, were attached high above his head to the straps of the bouncer. Helpless, he could only watch as his paws were guided through and securely restrained into place rendering them useless.

He looked down to see Yuri buckling the bouncer straps into place, securing him in the contraption with buckles at his crotch, waist, and chest. His legs lashed out frantically, instinctively trying to get a pawhold on the ground but those too were wrenched from his grasp.

Cinder's nimble paws had snagged them out of the air, holding him by the ankles; another pair of cuffs were brought over his paws and fastened snugly around his ankles. This forced the entirety of his weight to be focused on his padded bottom, as his arms were suspended above him and his ankles now hug a few inches from his padded rear making it look like he was kneeling in midair.

He struggled pathetically, attempting to pull at his restraints only to find that he was completely incapacitated. His gaze met with Yuri's, who stepped back to take in the scene before him, his hands on his hips.

"That's much better, I always thought we should invite more guests to hang out."

The last two words were strongly accented, as if the punchline of a particularly grueling pun. Behind him, Bolt heard the caracal groan audibly.

"You say that every time Yuri..."

He said dryly, although his tone of voice betrayed the fact that he was nevertheless amused by the dry pun.

"Hmm, do you think we should check if our guest is truly comfortable, Yuri?"

The tiger looked up from his appraising gaze, making eye contact with the cat and giving him a knowing smile.

"Yes, my dear friend. I think that's a splendid idea. Just to make sure."

Suddenly, Bolt could feel the warm breath of the caracal alighting upon the fur on the back of his neck. His fur tingled, standing slightly on end in response to the sudden proximity of the orange furred cat as he felt arms wrapped around his midsection.

His right ear flicked, the hot breath becoming more distinct as he felt small pin pricks of mild pain register on his ear. Bolt gasped into his pacifier, his gaze leading up to the tiger who had also stepped close and placed a large paw underneath his chin, bringing his head up to gaze up into the tiger's golden eyes.

Yuri's other paw reached around, and began to gently pat the husky's thickly diapered bottom reassuringly. As Cinder began to squeeze and massage the padded front of the husky's padding, eliciting an excited reaction from his member Yuri began to gently scratch him underneath the chin.

The overwhelming amount of physical affection he was experiencing almost short-circuited the poor husky's brain. His tail began to wag madly, an uncontrollable sign that he was deeply pleasured by the attention being paid to his body.

The pacifier bobbed back and forth in his muzzle as he began to suckle on it in earnest, his heart pounding in his chest as his stomach continued to twist inside of him. He felt himself growing harder, unable to stop himself; he let out a loud whine of pleasure and desperation as the weight placed on his padding made the confines inside of his diapered front even more resistant against his growing erection.

He began to pant, his right leg twitching in what would have been a series of gentle kicks had it not been suspended underneath his round bottom. Yuri half-grinned at him, a low growl emanating from deep in his chest as the great cat began to purr softly. It came out in his voice as he spoke, giving him a slight vibrato that only further accented the raw power that emanated from the noble beast.

"There we go, just a little puppy yearning for attention, right? Wanting nothing more than to have all the attention possible brought to the front of his puppy padding. You're just a huffy little strapped up puppy, isn't that right?"

Bolt was now exerting significant effort to keep himself under control. The bombardment of sensations that the two were indulging him with made him feel desperate for release and utterly at their mercy.

The gentle, possessive patting of his bottom, the arms wrapped around him ending in a gentle massage just a mere inch away from his throbbing member, the powerful gaze of the tiger combined with the scritching underneath the chin, and the feeling of helplessness and vulnerability that came from having his ear bitten were all a little bit too much for the husky.

The dog panted. Breathing in and out and closing one of his eyes in the effort to remain in control, but he could not.

Just as he thought he was going to burst, the patting on his bottom stopped and the tiger snapped his fingers.

As soon as it began, it ceased. The patting, the groping, the massaging, the scratching, and the biting all stopped at once.

The lack of closure and interruption to the overwhelming amount of affection was abrupt and unpleasant. Bolt whimpered loudly, wriggling and straining against his restraints in what appeared to be a small temper tantrum as he felt the maddening combination of pleasant sensations suddenly torn from him like a rotten tooth pulled out with a pair of rusty pliers.

It was almost as maddening as the experience itself.

Yuri paid him no mind. In fact, he practically ignored him as he looked over his head to speak with Cinder.

"I'm feeling like chicken this afternoon, maybe with pasta?"

Behind him, unseen by the husky, Cinder nodded and turned tail to head into the kitchen.

"I handle the meat, you get the pasta going?"

He asked, matter-a-factly as the sound of cupboards opening and post clanging reverberated behind the suspended husky.

"Sounds like a plan."

The tiger replied, nimbly stepping around the husky and continuing to act as if he was only a piece of inanimate furniture to be circumnavigated.

Bolt was feeling practically furious. He had been edged to the point of what might have been one of the best climaxes he had ever experienced only to be emphatically denied an end to his pleasuring.

He bowed his head, ears flattening against his skull as his tail came between his legs in an express of complete defeat.

Gently, he bounced up and down unable to even get a good rhythm going as his suspended ankles prevented him from even gently brushing against the floor beneath him.

The previous indulgence that his crotch had had now gone, leaving behind only the possibility of pathetically bucking his hips to derive any small amount of resistance he could manage.

He twisted, trying to crane his neck to see into the kitchen behind him but was unable to catch even a glimpse. Sighing into his pacifier, he suckled on it in earnest feeling so desperate for assurance that he now even began to feel grateful for the gag preventing him from being able to speak.

Behind him, the two cats continued to behave as if he was not there at all. That was not entirely true, however. Although they made sure to not speak a word of acknowledgement that they had a full grown husky suspended into an adult baby bouncer wearing highly visible padding in their kitchen door, they continuously glanced and took moments to simply stare and admire their charge.

Several times they exchanged knowing glances, their suspicions having been confirmed. Not only did the husky like to wear diapers. Bolt was thoroughly turned on by the attention they gave them.

Soon enough, the kitchen was filled with a series of delicious smells causing the husky's mouth to water around his pacifier.

His stomach growled audibly, forcing Cinder to have to stifle a giggle which elicited a warning glance from the tiger so that the caracal would not break the spell. Thankfully, Bolt was unable to hear it and continued to undergo the strange sensation of feeling like an object unworthy of recognition or attention.

He had never felt so subordinate to anyone before in his entire life.

IT: Infant Tech | Chapter 3 [Comm]

### Chapter 3: Lunch Break ![JL6ddaMSDKJLfYv_dZTZR6K_J03XmjPvPb89fefC]( ...

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B.A.B. Co. | Chapter 1 [Comm]

B.A.B. Co. By Horatio Husky Commissioned by Ace' Lope ### 1. The Ad If Ace listened hard enough, he could just make out the whirring noises of the machinery a few floors down. These sounds came from the production of diapers...

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IT: Infant Tech | Chapter 1 [Comm]

## IT: Infant Tech By Horatio Husky Commissioned by Bolt ### Chapter 1: The...

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