In Space, No One Can Hear You Moan

Story by Wutenwolf on SoFurry

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I wrote this for a friend on here, SturmFuchs. He drew my avatar for me, so in return I write a story about his furry and a little... adventure that he has in deep space. Enjoy.

Alarms rang throughout the station, causing Tom to clumsily fall off his bunk. He landed heavily on the floor, falling on his tail in the process. Being rudely awakened, and experiencing some pain in the process, allowed him to gain enough conciousness to see what color alarm was flashing in his small room.


Yellow? Tom thought, Thats, oh shit!

He grabbed his rifle and a few magazines of ammo, stuffing them in his pockets as he rushed down the hallway towards the bio-lab. His heart was racing. The yellow lights that pulsated against his rust-colored fur and dark-blue uniform meant only one thing: viral infection.

Explosions, gunfire, and screams sounded through the space station as Tom neared the bio-lab. For almost six years, he and 49 other soldiers had protected this station from anyone trying to get in, and anything from getting out; mainly the new strand of T-virus that had evolvedalong with the introduction of human/animal hybrids, or "furries" as they were commonly called. And now, after all this time of keeping the virus under control, the time had come to fight.

Tom slowed to a brisk trot as he brought his rifle to his shoulder, sweeping it from side to side, searching for infectees. He didn't have to look long. A mutant sprang out from a room on his right; eyes rolled back into its head, mouth foaming and tongue lolling out as it lunged blindly for him. Tom cursed and sprayed bullets across its neck and chest. The mutant crashed to the ground as Tom leapt over it and continued down the hall. Where the hell was everyone else? He had to locate someone, anyone else. But as he ran further and further into the space station's depths, shooting anything that moaned, gurgled, shuffled, and limped, the truth started to become clear. He was the only one left, no back up was coming, and he was running out of time and ammo.Tom slid into a janitorial closet, ducking into the far end to catch his breath.

Fuck! He cursed at himself, I should've grabbed a transmitter.

Panting heavily, he checked his ammo count. Only a couple dozen rounds left, not enough to make it to the comm room, let alone kill off all the other zombies.

That left only one option.

He looked down at the rifle in his lap. I would rather die than be one of them. But before he could do anything, there was a noise outside the door, and it wasn't a zombie noise.

He looked at the door and growled, shouldering his rifle for what was sure to be the last time, when a voice called out, "Hello? Is someone there? Somene alive at least?"

Tom blinked in suprise. "Wh-who's there?"

"Captain Richley of the U.S. Special Ops team. Identify yourself!"

Tom blinked again, this time in confusion. It was another furry, he could tell by the smell, but it sounded like... a female. He had never heard of a female making it into the Spec. Ops before. "Specialist Tom Stolworthy ma'am."

He heard the door knob turn as the Captain said, "Well get your ass out here Stolworthy, we've got no time to waste. If we aren't on the escape pod in five minutes it'll leave without us." The door was fully opened and all Tom could do was stare at the beautiful timber wolf that was standing in front of him. She was indeed femal, but with the body of a runway model. Or a stripper, Tom thought wickedly.But it didn't make sense for her to be here, then again though, he certainly wasn't complaining. He quickly got to his feet and followed her into the hall that led to the escape pods.

"Did you find anyone else?" He asked, still scanning the corridors in the faint hope that there was someone else who had survived. Silence was his answer, but what she didn't say was loud and clear. he was the last one.

They rounded the last corner, sprinting as fast as they could, Tom could hear the pod's animated voice counting down the final minute. The captain dived inside and turned to see a mutant slobbering almost literally at Tom's shoulder, and blasted in it's skull, spraying flesh, blood, bone, and brain goo all over the young fox as he crashed into the captain.

The pod's doors quickly hissed shut and they were jetisoned out into the black empty void of space.

Tom let out a sigh of relief. Pushing himself up onto all fours, he looked down at the wolf he had fallen on. "Thank you Captain, if it weren't for you..." It was then that he noticed where his hands were. They had landed square on her gorgeous breasts, which were the softest and fullest he had ever felt before. Tom blushed fiercely and scrambled to stand at attention. "My apologies Captain, I didn't... I mean- with the running..." His eyes lowered themselves against his better judgement, to the creature lying at his feet, lying back on her elbows, her shirt falling a bit loose, giving him a good look of her cleavage and the tops of her breasts. He guled loudly and trid to will away his growing erection while the captain slowly pulled herself to her feet. She didn't miss his gaze, nor the growing bulge in his pants. Thoughts began to run through her head; How big was he, Could he handle himself, What did he taste like? But no, first she had to get back the space port, then maybe, just maybe, she'd see how things turned out.

Even though it only took a little over an hour to get to the Spec. Ops space camp, to Tom, it felt like an eternity. He tried to keep his eyes off of Captain Richley, Gods know he tried, but kept assuming various... poses that made his mouth water and his dick pulsate. Such as the one she was currently in, bending over the controls with that beautiful dark gray tail wagging in the air. Back and forth, back and forth. It took every ounce of his self-control to stay on the other side of the side and keep his paws to himself.

As soon as the craft was safely docked, the fox practically ran to the showers, while the captain made a quick, private, call.

"I've got one," She said into her mouthpiece, watching the fox's ass move back and forth as he trotted out of sight. "And he's a keeper. Meet me at my cabin in ten."

The hot water felt like heaven as it ran over Tom's fur, and try as he might, he couldn't keep his paw away from his little foxy buddy for more than a few moments. Giving up the struggle, he leaned back against the wall and began to stroke himself as images of the captain ran through his mind. Underwear, bikini, bare-ass naked, the wolf looked sexy no matter how he imagined her.

His strokes started to become quicker, his breathing became more ragged, he felt himself climbing, climbing, and then...

"Would Specialist Tom Stolworthy please report immediately to Cabin C8. Again, Specialist Tom Stolworthy to Cabin C8"

Tom whimpered as the intercom buzzed throughout the locker room. Couldn't they have waited one more minute?

He grumbled under his breath as he quickly dried and clotherd himself before setting off to find the cabin he had been summoned to. Once he found it, he made sure his uniform was straight before knocking on the door, and then hearing an unexpected voice say, "Come in." It was Captain Richley's cabin? Oh boy. Tom's throat tightened up as he thought of what she could possibly want to call him into her private rooms for. He opened the door and stepped into the room, making sure to close the door behind him. But before he could take two steps inside, he was stopped dead in his tracks. The captain and another wolf, a well-built male, were sitting side by side on the bed, completely naked.

The two wolves grinned at him, then the male turned to the captain. "I see what you mean Sue, he is a good-looking one." His voice was so deep that it sent chills down Tom's spine. The two then stood up, wrapping an arm around the other's waist.

Tom stared at both of the wolves. Sue, the captain, was just as he had imagined her, a beautiful shapely body, covered with dark grey fur. Her D-cup breasts were greatly complimented by her wide hips. As for the male, he was almost as gorgeous as she. He had a body that was just covered with muscles, he positively rippled with power. And as for his cock, which was as hard as a rock, Tom's eyes widened as they came to rest on that part. It was big, about nine inches if Tom had to guess. And even though his wasn't small, about seven inches, he was definitely shocked.

The male wolf licked his lips and grinned. "Like what you see fox?" He went and stood right in front of Tom, who raised his gaze to look up at the wolf, who was a head taller than him.

"What sir?"

The wolf's grin widened."You're more than welcome to keep looking. After all, that's what we're here for."

Tom took a step backwards, "What are you talking about?"

"He doesn't know yet Gary, take it easy on him." Sue stepped forward and pulled the male wolf, Gary apparentely, back, before turning to Tom. "Tom, Gary and myself have decided that since you were the only survivor on your station, you deserve a special treat." She covered the last few steps between the and captured his lips with her own.

Tom was shocked, but the feel and taste of her lips was too intoxicating for him to just ignore. he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him, and kissed her deeply, running his tongue along hers.

Sue laughed softly and pulled away from Tom's embrace, "Now now Specialist. If you're going to do something like that, at least get into the spirit of things."

Tom looked down to see the even though he too, was as hard as Gary, he was still clothed. He quickly rid himself of that problem.

"Wow," Sue's voice was low and sultry, "You're even cuter than I expected." She walked up to him and ran a finger along his cock. "And this looks absolutely... tasty." Tom shivered as he felt her hands on his dick. Her fingers were like silk against him.

Gary then decided to step forward as well. "Tell me fox, have you ever had sex before?"

Tom couldn't speak so he just nodded.

Gary grinned evily. "With a guy?"

Tom snapped out his stupor and put his back to the wall. "What!?"

"That's the deal here little fox. You can have sex with my wife Sue, if you'll have sex with me." He must've seen the look of fright on Tom's face because he chuckled and added, "Don't worry, I won't fuck you. I just want your mouth is all."

Tom thought about it for a sec, he had to admit that Gary was a very good-looking wolf, and he was always up for something new... "Why the hell not?" He said with and equally evil grin.

Gary chuckled and sat on the bed. "Ok then little foxy, let's see what you can do."

Tom looked over at Sue, who only nodded and stood in front of the door. Tom took a deep breath and walked over to kneel in front of Gary. Tom looked at the red wolf-cock right in front of his eyes, a drop of pre-cum had already formed at the tip. Tom took a deep breath and shoved the whole thing right into his mouth.

"Whoa! You don't waste any time do you?" Gary leaned back on his forearms and moaned softly as Tom dipped his head up and down.

Tom's thoughts became cloudy, this was actually, pleasurable for him. He bobbed his head up and down on the juicy cock. It tasted mildly salty, but at the same time sweet.

It was delicious.

He ran his tongue along the underside, along the big throbbing vein, and over the head. Every inch of the delicious creature was being licked and sucked by him, him! And he loved it.

Gary moaned again, louder this time, before he came, in one the most powerful orgasms he had ever had. Not even Sue was this good at sucking cock.

Tom jerked back in suprise as he felt the wolf's cum hit the back of his throat. As he pulled back, the last few squirts caught him on the bridge of his nose.

Sue was impressed. It wasn't often that any other furry but her could make her husband cum that quickly. She slowly walked over and helped Tom to his feet. "Well done little fox." She licked the remaining cum off of his face and kissed his again. "But now it's my turn. Lay down on the bed."

Tom nodded and lay down next to Gary while Sue looked over at her husband, "You ok babe?"

"Yeah, I'll be up in a bit." Gary was panting heavily. Good.

Sue cawled up to where sh ewas right in between Tom's legs on all fours, her tail wagging seductively. "I don't think I want to blow you," she said, "In fact, since you don't like wasting time, let's get right ... down... to... it." With those last three words, she crawled up his body and had positioned herself right above Tom's throbbing dick. And then, with a slowness that was almost painful, she slid herself down onto him.

Tom gasped as he felt himself being engulfed inch by inch in that sweet, wet, hot wolfen pussy. This was so much better than pawing off to an image of her.

She began to grind against him, rubbing her hips against his in a sweet circular motion. Her pussy ruubing against his cock, the feel of her juices running down it, fantastic.

Tom began to buck his hips, driving himself into her. He slammed his cock deep inside her, again and again, pounding his fox-meat into her. He began to pant as sweat rolled down his face and chest, he could feel himself getting ready to cum. He slammed into her one final time, only to have her reach down and pinch the base of his penis. His orgasm immediately stopped.

"What the fuck?!" Tom practically screamed. "What was that for?"

Sue smiled and got off of him. "Because I'm not ready for you to cum yet foxy. You ready Gary?" She asked her mate.

Tom glanced over to see that Gary was sitting up, his cock already hard again. "You bet I am." He quickly got up, flipped Sue onto her stomach, and rammed his cock into her all in one swift motion, causing her to cry out. They lay there for a moment, before Sue looked over at Tom. "Allright Tom, now you fuck Gary."

Tom stared. They wanted what now?

"Come on little foxy," Gary shook his ass at Tom, "It's real easy to do. Just like fucking a chick's ass." He grinned again. "And in some cases, even better."

Tom just sat there for a moment, than realized, he still was majorly horny and still needed to cum.

"Fine." He said and got behind Gary. Tom grabbed his cock and aimed it at Gary's ass. This had better be as good as he says it is. He thought, the slowly inched his dick forward, sliding it into Gary's ass, who moaned as the fox penetrated him.

"Oooh, that's right little foxy."

Tom only growled and began to pull out, only to shove it back in with more force. He was getting really tired of that nickname. He started fucking Garry harder, convinced that even though the wolf probably enjoyed it, he would try to get as much pleasure out of being the dominant male as possible.

Sue moaned loudly as Tom's thrusts into her mate caused him in turn to go even deeper into her than he ever had before. It felt like it was reaching her womb. The fact that she was in a sense getting fucked by two hot males in the same hole was driving her over the edge. "Oh god!" She cried out, "I'm gonna cum! Don't stooooooop!!" She howled as her orgasm ripped through her entire body.

Tom grinned as the most wonderful sound in the world rang out. Deciding now was a good time he began to make short, swift thrusts into Gary's ass, causing him to reach orgasm quicker. He grunted and tied himself to Gary as he came, his seed pouring into the ass before.

With a tight pussy clamping down on his cock and another males hot seed filling up his ass, Gary shivered violentely and let loose his own wolfen-juice into his mate.

All three were wiped out. None of them had ever done so much fucking in one night. And for Tom, he wouldn't mind if it were to happen again soon.