Sweetest Revenge

Story by Kikon on SoFurry

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Boring Stuff: All characters here are copyrighted to their players... Kazo + Ian Copyrighted to Xio Nightshard (<3 Him!) and Jolan is Copyrighted to me! Yay! Oh, This Story has some Rape, Violence, and Revolves around Gay Anthro Sex. Don't like that? Haha your already reading it! ^_^ Kidding. Feel free to leave if these offend you in any way...

Kazo sighed, his spikes drooping a bit... He couldn't beleive he'd finally come out... What would the rest of the Football team think...? He grabbed his towel, wrapping it around his lithe, exposed form.

Kazo shook his head, trying to focus... He turned to walk to the showers when he slammed into the massive red wall of muscle...

Kazo yelped as he fell onto his rear, looking up at the Red Wolf "I-Ian!" Ian, the star of the football team, stood infront of Kazo wearing nothing but his bulging jockstrap... The worst thing was the look on his face...

Ian's voice was barely more than a growl... "I hear you like things like this..."

Ian grabbed Kazo by his neck, lifting him to his feet and letting go. Kazo gulped, afraid to answer.

That only seemed to increase the growl in his tone "Well... Lets see how much you like the best"

It seemed like no more than a second before Ian had spun Kazo around and grabbed his arms. The red wolf ripped the towel away, pressing his large package against the scaled rump... Kazo whined...

The canine pulled the jockstrap down, pressing the swelling sheath between the Iguana's cheeks... "What? Don't like it? Afraid I'll hurt you...?" Ian taunted, smirking as he held the Iguana's arms. He pushed him forward, bending the sweet reptilian body over to give better access to his ass as his cock grew firmer.

Kazo's eyes grew as he first felt the thickness of the hardening member... "I-Ian... Please don't... I promise... I won't do anything..."

Ian smirked, his wolfen pride growing harder as he rubbed against the Iguana, careful not to cut himself... Soon, the full Seventeen inches of mammoth canine rod was positioned between the cheeks of the Iguana...

Kazo whimpered, looking down... He was hard too... Please... Someone stop this...

Ian growled, holding Kazo's wrists as he adjusted himself properly... He didn't wait for anything... He slammed his hips hard. The cock hit resistance, but the power behind it and the sheer girth pushed past it all. Ian's free paw grabbed Kazo's muzzle to hold back the scream...

Kazo's eyes filled with tears as Ian continued... He knew that even if he used his tail... or got his arms free... He couldn't stop the Jock... He locked himself away, let the wolf have his body for now.

Ian grunted, slamming in hard... He looked down, grinning at the sight of his cock pushing in and out of the virgin faggot... This would show the fucking queer for being on his team...

Ian leaned forward, biting down into Kazo's neck, drawing a bit of blood. He kept fucking, groaning softly as he felt his climax build.

Kazo pleaded one last time, tears streaming down his eyes... "Ian... stop... Please..." but his pleas were drowned out by the howl that echoed around the Iguana's neck as Ian humped hard, pushing his cock in with near-bone jarring force... Kazo gasped as Ian's howl turned into a moan, the thickness of the wolf's seed spilling into him...

As soon as he was done pumping the Iguana full, Ian pulled out and let him fall to the ground...

Ian smiled cockily. "Your just lucky I stayed late to do this... otherwise the rest of the team would've joined in after I finished..."

Kazo whimpered, scrambling to grab his clothes... He dressed and ran out of the locker room in tears...

Ian smiled, stretching as he looked around. He failed to notice the Mewtwo anthro that slipped behind him...

The mewtwo growled, his voice nearly as intimidating as Ian's, "You... Bastard... How could you do that to him..."

Ian turned around, looking into the eyes of the Mewtwo. He was about as tall as the pokemorph, and about the same build. "The faggot Deserved it"

If the mewtwo had fur, it would've bristled right then... He stepped forward, looking Ian in the eyes "I'm a 'Faggot', as you put it... You want to try doing that to me?"

Ian huffed, turning around. "He was different. He was on my team. He watched us all strip"

The Mewtwo stepped forward again, now pressed right againsts Ian's back... This was when he realized that the Mewtwo was Naked... and hard...

Ian tried to turn around, but the Mewtwo's tail wrapped around his waist and held him... "I'm much bigger than you Wolf... And I can't think of a better way to repay you for what you did to my friend..."

Ian growled, trying to claw at the Mewtwo. When he did that, the Mewtwo grabbed his paws the same as he had held Kazo's...

The mewtwo leaned forward, nipping Ian's neck softly... "My name's Jolan..."

With that, Ian felt himself being lifted off the ground by the tail and the Mewtwo's free paw. He fought the grip, growling angrily. "I'm not some faggot and I won't be part of your sick fantasy!"

Jolan just smirked, Ian now high enough off the ground to feel the tip of his cock... "Just thick... Soon, all Twenty one inches of this will be buried inside you... I hope it doesn't rip you apart..." Jolan pushed up, the tip of his cock pressing against the unlubed hole...

Ian yelped slightly, tail trying to force it out of the way. "S-Stop! You can't do this to me!"

"You want me to put you down..."

"Yes! Let me down now damnit!"

"Okay... whatever you want..." The mewtwo loosened his grip, which let the Wolf drop... right into his cock. Three inches buried itself in his ass from that drop before the mewtwo held his grip again. Ian bit his lip, eyes closing...

"Let me go now! You can't do this..."

"But you can...?" Jolan was pissed...so this time, he just released the wolf completely... The other eighteen inches slipped into the wolf simply by the force of gravity... Ian howled in pain

Jolan ignored it, panting as he wrapped his tail around Ian's waist and reached around to fondle his still hard cock.

Ian struggled to keep the the Mewtwo from touching him, but was reduced to nothing but a small whimper of protest at the feeling "Wh-What are you doing...?"

"I'm not as horrible as you... You'll get your release, same as me..." Jolan lifted Ian up slowly, purring as all but his thick cocktip was pulled out... Ian actually whimpered more now, part of him missing the feeling of the mewtwo inside him...

Ian lost himself in what happened next... He didn't know why, but when the mewtwo started lowering him down, he clenched to try and fight, but also tried to push himself further onto the cock... The thickness was incredible... The size... It was amazing...

Jolan smiled, releasing Ian's paws as he moved to devote both hands to the throbbing wolfmeat, stroking slowly as his tail kept Ian going up and down his own. Ian just whined, his paws gripping the mewtwo...

Jolan tensed, worried that it may have been a bad plan to do that... but Ian used the leverage on the mewtwo to force himself onto the cock faster, groaning in pleasure... His groans built to moans as he felt another climax developing...

"Please... You can't... tell anyone... about this..." Ian pleaded softly, panting heavily as he tried to hold back the howl... But he couldn't... Another wolf howl echoed through the empty locker room, revibrating out into the halls...

The clenching was too much... His ass had turned into nothing more than a vice when Ian released... Jolan slammed in hard, eliciting a yelp from the wolf as he released, thick mewtwo seed pumping out and into the warm confines of the Wolf's ass...

Jolan held himself there, panting heavily, buried hilt-deep in a straight, jackass jock... He closed his eyes and tried to figure out what it was he had done... He'd have to change schools again... He felt the wolf shift on his member, but he ignored it as nothing more than squirming... then he felt a slightly rough, warm tongue run up his neck... He opened his eyes to find that the shifting had been Ian position himself to lick the Mewtwo's neck...

"D...Do it again... Please...?" the wolf asked softly, whining...

Jolan blinked, eyes wide... "But... You..."

"Please... Do it again..."

Jolan smiled, wrapping his arms around the wolf... he slowly pulled out, smiling more... "Of course... But this time I'll show you... how incredible it can be... instead of how painful..."

Ian blushed, wondering what was wrong with him... He hoped Jolan wouldn't tell a soul... This would ruin him...


This was based off a roleplay Jesse and I did a loooong time ago ^_^ Its not exact, and may be off on a few points of the plot, but I got the stuff that happened right... If'n ya liked it, Email me and tell me! (Email is [email protected])