A Budding Community, 5 | by DolphinSanity

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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Teryx plays with Halley for a second time, and manages to get Commodore's persona to do most of the heavy lifting, with interesting and erotic results! Later, the dragon and alien slug are at last reunited, but Teryx has some other discipline and oddities awaiting him in his life going forward...  (8.5k words)

Like it? You can catch up on the previous chapters here: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/teryxc/folder/339959/Yes-Commodore>

Commission from dolphinsanityGallery Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/44959145/

Halley arrived at Teryx's place to find him already stripped down to a dark pair of briefs with a forward pouch that left little to the imagination.

The sergal's shy reaction was nearly immediate, but Teryx took him by the hand and led him inside.

"Don't worry. I'm patient. It's merely a hot day today."

"It was quite fine on the way over here," Halley softly protested.

Teryx sniffed the air a little proudly and waggled his eyebrows. "Then perhaps it's just me."

Halley swatted his chest playfully with a hand. "Oh no, don't you trot out that ancient pickup line on me. We're far past that, Mr. Commodore!"

Teryx laughed and shut the door, leading Halley into the sitting area. "You've been on my mind."

Halley set his phone aside and gave Teryx the subtlest bit of sass back. "Not too often I hope. I imagine you need to concentrate on other things."

"I make the thoughts count," said Teryx with a wink.

Halley was considerably more dressed, wearing a long, dark pleather gentleman's coat that gave him a more reserved look than Teryx had been expecting.

"May I take your coat?" the rain dragon wondered.

"Ah, not yet," said Halley.

Teryx grinned. He liked the way that sounded.

"In truth, I had hoped to undress you," Halley said in playful half-sullenness as they moved to the sofa.

"I could go clothe up if you like," offered Teryx.

"It's fine." On hearing that, Teryx shrugged suavely and sat down, but Halley continued, "However, in exchange, you must do the work of stripping me if things... progress, in certain directions."

Halley then sat down by Teryx and leaned immediately back over his bare chest, making himself cozy in an instant, and also placing his soft blue muzzle within smooching distance of Teryx's own.

"Now what could you possibly want...?" Teryx asked, tapping a finger to his chin.

Halley burst out giggling and reached up, grabbing him by the left ear and tugging amusedly at it, like a grandparent scolding a youth. Teryx's reaction was strongly positive, resulting in an inclining of his neck along with the motion. "Now see here, Mr. Dragon. I will have you know that I am a big, tough sergal and that you will not go about sassing--"

" Rrrruuuawrrr..."

Teryx's slackened near and gaping maw made it seem as though he might be orgasming just from the ear tugs. He was letting his head get rocked back and forth by the small motions, while rumbling like a beast.

"Oh, my. I did not realize the ear was such a spot for you."

"It comes and it goes," Teryx assured. "Won't... need it every time." His tail was curling up behind him and over the sofa back as Halley stopped wrangling him and instead squeezed and prodded softly. "Whew... you're sharp about this."

"Do NOT call me sharp cheddar."

Teryx stifled a giggle and physically swallowed it before saying. "Okay!" Note to self, maybe not cheese puns around Halley...

When Halley loosened the grip on his ear a moment later, Teryx lowered his head and kissed his muzzle quickly -- and gave the corresponding ear a surreptitious lick, deep into the lobe.

"Hoo-ooh!" Halley giggled. "Aaah, don't eat me, Mr. Dragon!"

...Now he was just BAITING for the cheese puns. Still, Teryx held off.

Teryx reached for the remote to turn on the TV to stream something for background... but sort of stopped short. He looked into Halley's eyes and saw... that spark. Not an alien desire, but that fervent... earnest... garden-variety need that one person could have for another.

"I know this is soon," Halley offered, but..."

"That coat must be awfully warm."

"It is."

So Teryx got up -- helped Halley up -- and proceeded to undo it from behind, working down the buttons and then pulling it apart -- one sleeve off, the other sleeve off--

And it was somewhere in there, while Teryx was peeling the one freed side of the coat around to take off the other, that he noticed Halley was wearing a see-through, lavender-colored pair of panties with a translucent dancing skirt around them, and with arm and leg warmers matching the color.

Halley had worn the coat because he basically wasn't clothed under it.

"Great minds think alike," said Teryx.

"It's not a hot day, but I'm hot too," Halley admitted. "After you texted me, I... I wanted to show you the new--"

"I like them." Teryx reached down to play with the skirt's edge.

Halley sighed. "My day to day outfits are so tight and professional... it does feel nice from time to time to show off more."

"Have a seat on my lap?"

"If it pleases you~"

And so they resumed their sofa times, now with Teryx's briefs rubbing along the bottom of Halley's panties, while the two of them stared at the blank TV screen together.

"I like this show," Halley teased.

"It's one of my favorites," agreed Teryx as his hips started to grind.

The chemistry was falling into place. He needed this. So did Halley. He swelled large and full, tenting the briefs and providing a log of support along the sergal's perineum.

"It sure is a shame that my lube is all the way in the bedroom right now," said Teryx after a few minutes of slowly enjoying one another through the fabric like this.

"Ahhh... that. That would be...unfortunate."

He gave Halley's back a soft nuzzle. Then, his voice flattening: "I'm serious. We should scoot in there while the mood is hot."

Halley turned to him, grinding back softly on his shaft. "Mmm, I see how it is... trying to drag me to bed with you first thing after I get here..."

"Yes, I'm a vile, greedy dragon like that~"

"Mmm, then hoard me. Such is the fate of the damsel in distress..." He winked.

Teryx lifted him up, crotches remaining tightly together as they stood. With that display of strength in standing up from a position of poor leverage, he walked the sergal straight away into the bedroom.

It was a pragmatic matter. He cared too much about the sergal to want to subject him to dragon zero-lubrication dragon ridges at his raging-hard Teryx girth. After all, he wanted the sergal to come back!

* * *

Teryx crossed the threshold.

Into the bedroom, of course... but also into coaxing that other half of him forward again.

There was no Commodore here... only an echo. A ghost in the brain. Well-worn neurological pathways which must be ready to be him upon his return.

Nevertheless, Teryx invited that other him to indulge. He offered the reins to it, just as he might to Commodore himself.

Enjoy being me, Teryx thought to it.

He wanted to see how this would play out... and, to his delight, that eclipsing feeling occurred again: the alien mind cycling over to cover the normal one. Commodore Teryx. Commodore Teryx, in the flesh. Every program. Every behavior. Every habit. Every imperative.

Specimen: Halley the sergal. Knowledge level: blissfully ignorant. Appearance status: fuckable. Relationship status: useful. Circumstantial status: carried in arms. Encumbrance factor: minimal. Infestation impossible: no Commodore available.

Despite the terse and readout-like arrangement of the thoughts, they were not robotic. They were an obsessive organic meditation on what this creature was, in his arms. A hint at how Commodore's more private, relatively "subconscious" background thoughts would normally play out -- now brought to the fore.

He put it down. Him... down. Dragon cock against fluffy spine. Halley looking back, toothily smiling. The dragon vessel staring, needing. Eyes no doubt predatory in that sex-is-imminent way.

The lubricant was nearby, unashamedly displayed on the nightstand... but what was the point? Ejaculation at this time was like wasting resources.

But he could hear the other him whispering, Those resources can be replenished... A thought which flowed through his mind, straight down his spine, and into his cock, prompting a single spasm of his pelvic floor.

This vessel could remember fucking this sergal -- quite recently, and with passion. Every bit of the brain chemistry should have been correct for feeding, save for the physical absence of a master.

When he looked at Halley right now... he saw a thing to be acquired. Which was a strange feeling, considering that there was no "seed" of the Commodore variety to place inside of him.

Then why did these desires burn? Why did he need to push his host-vessel to perform this act, even now?

Why did he, himself, crave to do it?

A single thread of saliva sagged from the dragon's maw. His tongue caught it up, and he approached, nuzzling at the back of the sergal's neck... and then slurping hungrily along the outer lobe of his left ear.

I need it.

Pleasure throbbed in the tongue. He imagined working over the contour of the ear -- the descent to the hole, slimy, teasing, making the victim squirm. Making them spend their last moments of vacuous, masterless loneliness in a fit of primitive convulsions.

"Ahh! I didn't know you were so fond of OTHER people's ears...!"

"I've developed a passing interest of late," the dragon said, less passionately than he might have normally done, but without letting up on the physical enthusiasm.

He observed his own limbs. His arms embracing Halley. His chest, heaving with impassioned breaths below his snout, the mane existing there with its innumerable hairs.

Teryx is supremely attractive, the dragon thought. This must be reinforced for the sergal.

So he turned Halley around -- pressed shaft to belly, tucking the sergal's short snout against his mane fluff. The dragon pet him behind the neck, looking down -- soaked up the implied body worship of the Sergal's expression. This pleased him. It wasn't that other bodies were bad; it was that Teryx's was best. It must be protected. It must be assisted. Even non-hosts like Halley should learn that it was good, and associate it with good things. Such was an investment for the future -- one which would more than justify this expenditure of resources.

The sergal was touching him; he was embracing the sergal, kissing more, eyes meeting periodically when they turned their snouts for a new angle.

The dragon was not saying anything. He was not bragging, nor asking; he was merely demonstrating that the Teryx experience was superior. A cut above. A sponsored ad requiring no sponsor, because it was that damn obvious.

Halley giggled, ending up backed against the wall near the nightstand -- Teryx's shaft full and leaky, moistening the erotic garments between them. He reached down and shared in massaging their lengths together, through the silky soft skirt and panties. He was bigger than Halley, but not snide about it, instead letting the ridges of his shaft become like the snuggling big spoon to Halley's smaller, still-clothed one.

Teryx leaned his neck back, and his mane followed. He swished his neck, and Halley reached up, touching it, panting softly at him while he looked down with romantic intensity. The sergal touched one of his pecs; he took the sergal by the wrist and guided the hand higher, smooching and softly slurping it.

That was when Halley's skirt and underwear found their way to the floor. It was amazing how much stronger gravity was in the presence of this much attraction. A hand here -- a pull there. The feminine, lovely man finding himself cupped along the bottom by those two blue dragon claws.

He rubbed his erection on the sergal's belly, feeling the soft fur brush against it.

The dragon grabbed the bottle. The sensations and anticipations flaring -- the pulse accelerating, breaths deepening as the body prepared to express desire to its fullest.

Even if he was but a persona formed of Teryx and the slug... existing felt good. This body felt good. Why under all the stars should he not enjoy it?

Make memories...

His slug-self had decreed it. He, the obedient flesh, must follow.

He... Commodore Teryx... was so horny for this sergal. Wasn't it good, to have him over and enjoy him? People must enjoy each other. These meat puppets, so full of nourishment for them, must enjoy each other...

He leaned Halley out from the wall, getting an angle on his rear -- worked the lube up inside of him.

"Even if it turns out you are only a fling, you are so good for me," he uttered, in an earnest but somehow odd-sounding voice. "I wonder if I am good for you, too..."

The sergal responded by taking his other hand and squeezing -- softly nuzzling the shoulder.

"If there are any criticisms about the flight, I shall be sure to inform the pilot," said the sergal after a moment. He used a very serious tone, but then cracking up at the end -- his rear clenching up in the midst of it. He turned his head and gave Teryx's snout a tiny, affectionate lick.

This was the moment.

Be strong... his other half was telling him. Be horny...

Commodore Teryx concurred, Make memories I can use to milk you when I return...

Make that soft, girly rear yours~



It was like having a third party officiating their mating. An incubus holding a burning whip of purest arousal, lashing around his back, gripping him, and making him burn...

Snarling, he nibbled the sergal's left ear from the front and below -- prodded his tongue into it teasingly, again imagining slipping in slithering around. Teryx had asked that he not infest Halley, but that didn't make the fantasy any less arousing or persistent. If he had a fetish, this was it.

The urge to get inside the sergal was joyous in every respect. The urge to possess, to control. To assess him, to make him top or bottom or exercise kinks, to fertilize and aerate the soil of his brain like any responsible earthworm should, making it ripe to produce a bumper crop of the food he needed. They were all so delicious...!!

Teryx repositioned his way behind his dear cheese-fluff -- lifted him up as if for standing sex, getting Halley's knees to rise and touch the wall. But rather than penetrate there, he strode the short distance to the bed -- and the sergal cried out in mirthful anticipation, as if not knowing how to expect to hit the bed during the coming instant, even if hitting it was itself a foregone conclusion.

Just before the act, a brief look passed between them.

The sergal had the kind of expression which said, "I'm about to be hoarded, aren't I?"

And the dragon in return had the expression which said, "Bold of you to assume you weren't already."

The dragon, however, spun around -- and dove backward, landing under Halley, shaft poking his perineum, the sergal laughing and lifting his knees toward his chest and wide as he offered himself for the dragon's fun.

A little assist from the dragon's arched abdominals got Halley's hole where it needed to be. Then, grinding the sergal's back and Teryx's muscled belly together, they worked that girth inside.

"You complete monster!" Halley laughed out before moaning at the dragon's entrance. "A-ah, you didn't stuff me where I thought you'd--"

"Nonsense," he whispered back. "There was only ever one place I was going to 'stuff' you..."

"Oh, YOU!!"

Halley melted into pleasure of him, head relaxing on his strong chest and body relenting to the penetration.

Leave it to the switch to fuck from what was otherwise a 'submissive' posture -- and do it very effectively. This was Teryx. This was efficient. This was mating.

What Halley experienced that evening was a Teryx utterly subsumed into domspace. Raw and uninhibited, he would give the sergal the kind of hard bouncing usually reserved for an adventurous night with an auto-pistoned sex toy: a machine that could feel no fatigue and would go for as long as the user's body could take it.

Teryx was the machine. His body honed by his time at the gym and spurred to peak performance by Commodore's tinkering. He was one with the flow of rutting Halley. He was every short, grinding thrust within that tight hole. He was every pleasurable contraction within his groin. THe growing sensation of his efforts milked pre into his plumbing, building him toward his peak.

He could not control it as well right now. In fact, it was hard to control it much at all. He, like Halley, was riding on the forceful body of a draconic beast in the bedroom, letting the instincts thrust away with him.

If he could not get inside Halley's ear, then...

He would hilt. He would slam. He would squeeze the sergal's sides and hear him cry out at the rapidly working girth.

The one on top was supposed to dominate this position... usually.

Fuck that. Commodore Teryx would control the situation, even if he could not control every element right now.

The danger... the lack of total control, was somehow alluring. It created a sense of urgency -- the need to get inside of the target before hazards could arise.

He felt it coming. He reached around Halley, feeling the tension in the abdomen created by his member. His thick, rigidly worming length inside...

It was more than enough. Two minutes into their proper romp, he delivered it. He came with a roar of hunger, knowing that Halley wasn't done yet.

He went soft inside... but not too soft. He sat up.

"W-wait... You don't have to hurry to--"

"Finish you?" he growled. "Since when did you think I was done?"

It was harder... MUCH harder than usual to force the host's body upright at a time like this. Everything was glowy and relaxed, the muscles not wanting to go.

He let himself idle for a moment -- licking at an ear, scratching under the fluffy chin, while waiting for the usual refractory-period-mitigating training to kick in. Even without his direct involvement, some of that excess stamina should still be here. He was banking on it.

Rising, he lifted Halley up -- carried the sergal back into the living room.

"Now, what would you like on the TV while I service you?" he wondered aloud.

"But I came here to take care of youuuur needs," Halley teased, even as Teryx sat down.

"Get those warmers off. Get good and naked. This room's going to be hot for the next few hours."

While Halley obeyed, Teryx was stiffening inside him again, a grin spreading on the dragon's face. No more need for lube -- he could use his own load to keep up the fun while seated. Efficient. "I'll last a lot longer on the second round, so don't you worry any. Now what do you wanna watch?"

Halley looked up and smiled softly, ebony erection jutting up and soft white balls tight on his groin as he reacted both hands around Teryx's neck for affection and support.

"I think I've got all I need to watch right here," said the sergal.

* * *

Through that much longer second round, his consciousness remained largely the same. He held the sergal, aware of how things had gone. He bounced the sergal -- reaching around to stroke his shaft. Doing Teryx things. Being the gray area between sex positions. A service top from the bottom, helping the sergal

Yet, he wondered.

Who was fucking Halley? Who was piloting this vessel and perceiving its sensations? Who felt its shaft so hard, its instincts reacting with lust for the sergal's appearance and gentle charms?

Who was looking out of Host Zero's eyes at this moment, watching the gloriously blank TV screen and hearing Halley moan as the moment of truth approached? Who was watching these sergal paws twitch, the toes curling and unfurling -- releasing the shaft and watching it verge on ejaculation?

How much is left of a master who is absent?

Only the trail he had walked. The grooves he left behind. The ruts that his horny puppet could follow.

The rut.

Yes... yes, he was close again...

He went with it, wielding that little sergal like a wonderful living sex toy, providing him the ride of his life and getting that hot, needy feeling to rise, rise, rise...!!

Halley could be heard, voice rising: "Aaa_aah~!!_"

The dragon snarled and growled, his shaft sending that second load moments after Halley's thinner one emerged -- fountaining gently down his shaft. A smooth-flowing dribble, with a few droplets of squirt.

An absent master's trail could be quite thorough... couldn't it? Today had proved it.

He could feel Teryx Zero underneath the mask, amusedly letting all of this soak in. In a great irony, for once it was Commodore (or at least, his tracks) providing feelings in which the dragon's consciousness could bask.

"I hope the flight was satisfactory, he murmured a few moments later, still grinning.

Halley's reply was an incoherent, wobbly set of moans, eventually clarified by the sentence, "That... that will do just nicely..."


He then flicked on the streaming service and nearly went to a nature documentary about parasites, before realizing that might not land well right at this moment.

I don't... I've never done this. I've never been the one in charge of the remote for a stream-and-chill encounter.

Inside of him, Teryx was laughing. Oookay. Move over and I'll show you how it's done. Pay attention so he'll know when he gets back...

The dragon blinked a few times a wave of shifting awareness coming over him. A renewing and gentle warmth, like that of a misty rain in the tropics.

Instead he went to a short-form documentary about how cheese is made -- wore an enormous grin, and waited for Halley to turn around and bap him.

The bap never came, but there was a small and playful fist-rub against his jawline.

* * *

Halley later mentioned needing to leave before it got especially late -- he had an early workday the next morning. That reminded the rain dragon he should arrange some small excuse of his own, just in case getting Commodore back took a little longer than expected.

To his surprise, his boss texted him unprompted, stating that his time off for tomorrow morning was already approved. It was then that Teryx realized the old, surprisingly dad-bodied cross fox was probably already a host. Either that, or his secretary or similar was.

...Which meant he or Harry had boned someone from his workplace. Or at least grabbed them long enough for infestation.

It then occurred to him that he could no longer... precisely remember how long ago he had become a host. He knew the beach house was recent... right?


Or were there already more than he realized. Not just his Commodore's own, but Sir's too...

He filed the questions aside in favor of finishing the evening with Halley. The last thing he wanted was to look thought-burdened after a romp like that. Even if he had been enjoying it from a popcorn seat, feeling his Commodore alter ego pump that Sergal twice had been so...


Teryx countered, No -- beautiful. Poetic.

Efficient! With your charismatic passion and my ruthlessness, we can make a host of anyone!

He sighed on the inside. Ironically, this was one of those areas where the lack of Commodore's physical presence -- to engage in cool manipulation and host-scanning to get around this kind of fixation -- was showing.

Regardless, they had their dinner. They had their cozy times. When Halley parted, it was with the rain dragon well-satisfied that he'd had a normal... or at least normal enough, night without his favorite alien.

Still definitely needed to get hold of that sergal butt more often, though. That thing was fluffy. To say nothing of the great person attached to it.

* * *

The next morning came. Teryx awoke groggier than usual, making his way back to the Rale-home.

Surprisingly, and somewhat anticlimactically, he found Rale asleep. Half-hard and twitchy -- clearly dreaming -- but asleep. Also, totally naked. Sex toys in various states of lube-soaked mess lay around the room. The draconic one from before lay by Rale's head, looking like it had been recently soaked with saliva in some sort of overnight simulated blowjob.

Somehow... Teryx knew.

The calculating darkness returned. His head tilting side to side as he assessed the man in front of him.

Dreaming the good dreams, eh?

He reached down and took hold of the shaft, massaging at it. It reacted quickly, surging to hardness.

"Rale~" he murmured. "It's time to get up, Rale~"

The wolf, by all appearances, could not awaken. He gasped -- his eyes opened, and continued their REM motions, but he did not regain alertness. But he swelled -- oh, beautifully and fully he swelled. Teryx brushing over his shaft with both hands, teasing it relentlessly -- never quite milking at it, but prodding and massaging lightly over its sensitive spots.

The sleeping paws kicked in place. Incoherent half-syllabic grunts followed. Rale trying to talk.

"I bet the big bad wolf wants to..." Teryx said, trailing off without saying the word."

The shaft throbbed. The wolf's pelvic floor twitched twice, but nothing came out.

"That's right... feed them. Feed them until they're ready, Rale. You have to make your own fate here~"

It was sadistic glee, watching him like this... but it was also a strange kind of mercy. Even Rale would know the joy of having a master all of his own. Commodore must be inside of him right now... thick body separating into two, the new one preparing to say goodbye to the old, whether aggressively or calmly. Two strong masters in his brain, making use of it however they liked...

Teryx was hard again, but that was to be expected. He also saw the wolf's eyes reopening more often, the movements trying to go toward the left side.

Then there was a flicking of that ear. A bodily shudder.

Oh yes...

The dragon looked around. He saw it... the lovely, yellow-speckled body. The fleshy bulge of a slimmer, trimmer worm-body emerging.

Commodore. My other half.

The dragon's heart raced. He ducked down by Rale, gently aligning ear to ear, letting the lob be like a chute down which the slug could easily slide...

The slight goo. The warmth. The excitement of feeling him come, fresh from the other man's ear and into his...

Teryx opened his trousers, stroking himself. No shame in it. Not when he was at a moment like this. This perfect time. Another one captured. Another success.

The pressure filled his ear canal -- caused that moment of suction and pressure -- then the soft release as it slurped and slorped away inside of him.

Then -- the tingles. The heat. The euphoria. The at-home feeling of it all coming online again. Getting back to my body. My host. My vessel. MINE.

A flurry of memories -- blitzing through his mind. Imagery of the rain dragon holding Rale in bondage on a table, Rale all done up in latex, having his face rubbed on by the dragon's package. The word submit droning -- a strong command that was seeping into the wolf's nerves, finding every subconscious part of him that it could to infest. To make him compliant to the infestation. To make him adore Host Zero... In these final hours before Teryx's arrival, that had been the most important element of which to remind him. Then, upon budding, the one Commodore split into two -- both united in their drive to torment the wolf.

The controlled dragon's tongue licked over his snout as he stood up. "It's so good to be back," he said darkly. "Now, my counterpart... let's get you your first proper meal."

Rale's eyes shot open, and he sat up like someone in a trance -- turned and slung his legs off the bed, feet onto the floor. Face blank. Consciousness on sabbatical.

Commodore Teryx crawled off the bed and stood over him, cooing, "Rale. Look at me. Look at my voice. Remember where I crawled inside of you..."

The rain dragon held the wolf's left ear between thumb and forefinger, rubbing deep into the lupine lobe and teasing the nubbly inner parts around the canal. The skin still faintly moist from where his slug body he passed. His prime host touching that path, tracing it, overseeing his latest clone's ascent to power.

That formerly hostile puppet looked his way -- and started convulsing, making strained growls for several seconds, before finding himself unable to resist with any meaningful effect. He rubbed that ear compulsively against Teryx's finger. Cock throbbing, untouched... a controlled hand slowly reaching around before latching onto it, remaining steady while his hips bucked.

Commodore Teryx withdrew his own hand -- licked softly into that ear. While there, he inaudibly breathed a word. The word Rale had been waiting to hear. Rale's tongue slurped anxiously as if begging to hear it uttered aloud. Commodore repeated the silent mouthing.

Rale rose. Slowly standing, hips jutting. A pathetic whine escaping.

The dragon mouthed it a third time -- and licked deeply into that earlobe.

Rale's expression melted into the throes of ejaculation. His shaft spasmed, and the floodgates opened for his edged up load. He released all over the floor, soaking it, while the rain dragon continued to enjoy his ear.

Commodore knew that his budded clone must have completed the trigger, ordering the ejaculation from the image of Teryx inside his mind. Now, the new master would be soaking up all those juices -- while the seed spurt-spurt-spurted its way into the floor.

"You're one of us now," he whispered, giving Rale a rub over the scalp and a scritch behind that ear. "Best get used to it~"

"Rale's face suddenly went back to neutral, even while he continued writhing from the neck down. His neck turned with uncanny sureness to lock gazes with Teryx's."

"He will," said the other entity's voice, deep and cold as it played with the controls of Rale's personality.

The rain dragon winked, nodded, and proudly took his leave -- pausing at the door to stroke his cock a few more times before tucking it back into his pants.

He had gotten the memo already about the romp with Halley. There would be time to milk Teryx again soon, from the comfort of his home.

* * *

Work passed with eerie ease. A slow day, in which Teryx was assigned no new tasks, leaving him to progress through his existing queue in peace.

He was, however, milked to a dry orgasm in the restroom. And then to several more under his desk, the tension quietly growing as the alien within had its way with its personal neurochemical farm. At the moment, he was oblivious as to why he was so horny, his memory manipulated such that it was all "normal," save for the part where it seemed extra difficult for him to "take care of it" today. Even after his fourth throb-inducing round below his desk, the arousal did not fade, but was stalled -- his wandering hand still often finding his crotch, patting at the plumpness of it.

Teryx's boss happened by his office at one point -- entering and shutting the door. He was carrying a work tablet as if to display and discuss something, but he immediately set it aside. Sort of... giving Teryx a look.

It was that dead-eyed alien look. Followed by a sudden and utterly casual kiss, and a grin from the left edge of the muzzle.

Then his boss was a few paces away from him, a euphoric haze clearing from Teryx's thoughts. The fox's pink tongue was slurping over that brown muzzle, as if cleaning it. Perfectly Normal. He had a great relationship with his boss.

His boss left without another word, and Teryx resumed working too.

It wasn't until half an hour later, when Teryx noticed that his fly was undone, that he remembered a spike of pleasure -- the heat of that maw around his shaft, the fox's amber eyes greedy as they ogled upward at his bared chest, now exposed through his unbuttoned white-collar shirt. In another flash, he felt motion -- saw himself shoving his own computer chair with his freshly pantsed boss sitting on it -- the seat-back turning aside, the fox's spine pressing up against the wall while those eyes and that slurping tongue directed themselves his way with need. His own gaze catching a glimpse of his bared blue pectorals as they flexed, his muscles in a state of biochemically pumped-up fervor -- his cock sticking out hard from the fork of his undone trousers. He sauntered forward -- picked the fox and chair up like they were nothing, and upended his boss onto the floor like he was a bin of recycled printer paper. The horny fox landed on all fours, panting, looking up at him with a quiet and demanding little shriek. That tail flagging -- the chair being set aside, the dragon dropping behind him and shoving his shaft into that tight, needy hole...

Then he was back to himself -- everything fine, but he could remember the aliens and wasn't naive about their behavior.

He touched the renewing bulge in his briefs, negotiating carefully around it as he zipped up. The dragon in his trousers was still rowdy, but sated for the time being.

Commodore was utterly silent through this process. Teryx could feel the amusement and was silent right back at him.

Unwilling to make assumptions, the dragon wondered whose bud now dwelled within his boss. Commodore was the obvious go-to answer, but what if Sir had gotten involved either through stratagem or for pragmatic reasons -- like being ready to bud sooner than Commodore was? Further still, what if it was one of the other second- or third-generation slugs? It occurred to Teryx that he only really retained personalized memories of Commodore and of Sir, but he knew there were more now.

When that also failed to draw out a response, he concluded that Commodore found it nicer to keep him guessing. Not knowing was hotter, the slugs all around him with their controlling hairs touching each nook of his life...

He huffed softly to himself and did his best to ignore his rekindling desires as he continued to finish out his workday. When he took a break, the image of himself in the restroom mirror looked back at him knowingly -- smug at the knowledge of what he concealed within his body.

He wanted to kiss that otherworldly mastermind looking back at him.

* * *

Later -- sitting on the same sofa where the second round with Halley had happened, slowly nursing Teryx's erection with a hand -- Commodore walked his host back through the memories of the previous day.

The walking at the harbor. The eating. The awkward texts with Harry. The getting together with Halley... Teryx's insolence in pushing "Commodore" forward, insisting that his alien half learn to love the lusts of this planet as much as he did. A pointlessly forward-reaching gesture.

And then... the darkest recollection of them all.

Teryx viscerally remembered something extra from the end of his romp with Halley on the sofa. He remembered not quite climaxing inside, approaching the peak without finishing, a near-miss with orgasm sending him into a strange frenzy. He remembered pulling out, whipping the sergal around -- pinning him to the sofa, a wild draconic lust and dominance coming over him while Halley looked up in a flash of confusion and fear. Teryx grasping that slender, fuzzy muzzle shut -- authoritative gaze keeping the sergal calm for just that essential second as Teryx leaned in close -- brushing ear against ear, a thick pressure filling his ear canal with anticipation before popping with relief -- a fat orange space-slug dropping from his ear and into Halley's.

The sergal looking up at him in tormented terror -- shaking and eyes going sideways toward the ear being invaded -- the earlobe flicking but unable on its own to dislodge the sticky alien already slithering inside -- arms rising to try to fight it but intercepted by an embrace from the dragon.

Then a lewd, open-mouthed-kiss -- Teryx entering the sergal's maw while his partner slipped inside that tighter opening -- putting out fast-spreading roots into the kindly, submissive anthro's brain. There was a flinch -- a jolt -- Halley's eyes going from alarmed to somehow peaceful -- then even smug, at odds with his usual character, a flicker of knowing evil in his eyes before he shut them and moaned, babbling about everything feeling "light" all of a sudden, and complaining of difficulty moving his limbs.

Teryx came back to himself, finding that his cock was slathered in an amount of pre that would have been shameful by a less-kinky standard than his own. He looked down at himself, seeing how he throbbed and feeling how eager and tight his balls felt.

"That didn't happen," he breathed, though from his tone alone he could tell he was kidding himself about how sure he was. He was unmoored and disoriented, being hornily gaslit by his alien commander, unable in that moment to be sure what was reality and what was not.

Then, smoothly and without conflict, he felt control change over. He felt his shaft being stroked -- milked -- by the hand of another who was also him.

That other persona took charge and spoke aloud:

"You were naughty in my absence. Thinking so many Commodore thoughts."

It came naturally, answered Teryx from the mental backseat.

"Heh. The thoughts weren't all that 'came.'"

More than once.

"Yes... even now, you cannot help giving me fuel from your perverse desires."

You didn't infest him though... right?

Commodore was silent. Darkly so. The shaft throbbed, an exquisite note of pleasure pinging up into the tip.

Eventually, as if to pull back the curtain on a terrifying reveal, he spoke up: "I certainly did... in your wildest imagination. You're experiencing that quite well."

The Teryx within was adamant, struggling as if tugged by limbs and neck by thousands of unseen fibers, while he watched again a closeup of that fat, sluggy body slipping away into Halley's ear. I need to know.

"Wrong," Commodore answered coldly. "All that matters is that there is a credible enough threat that I did. That at some point, I, or another of my kind... could have taken that sweet creature of yours -- and that you'd be responsible~"


A golden, powerful dry orgasm rocked him, his body convulsing quietly like a host recently acquired. The host reeling from it -- struggling to stay rational in the face of the disadvantaged place where Commodore currently had him. Mental shackles made the strongest and kinkiest of bonds...

"I'm sure you'll have time enough to find out for yourself, my naughty vessel," he said while squeezing that throbbing meat.

Yeah... Teryx countered, and you'll have plenty of time to enjoy how "naughty" it is.

Commodore seemed for a moment to revel in the notion, stroking the meaty fullness and taking in the pleasure of once again having this body -- familiar, desirable, the castle from which he would execute his plans.

He worked it up to another easily-reached dry peak, coaxing a dribble from his host -- eating up what was given on the inside. The suggestion that Halley had been infested, cruel though it was, was driving the host to fresh new heights.

Then, with that milking accomplished, the "memory" was filed away -- as was the issue of Halley's possible infestation altogether. It fled from Teryx's thoughts, followed only by a cryptic comment by Commodore: "New boundaries must constantly be pushed in our usage of you flesh-vessels. How useful it is that the same boundary can be new again and again, if only we govern your brains correctly."

Teryx felt certain he was saying something in reference to something that had just been blanked out, but couldn't hold onto it. The idea that he was being manipulated like this in real time, however, drove his arousal back up to a freshly solid plateau.

I never want to lose this newness with you, Teryx answered earnestly. Especially if it means we can avoid dumb extremes like...

He remembered the burning beach house, and felt a silent affirmation back from his brain's master.

"That is the hope," said Commodore as he rubbed slower on that shaft. "Mmm, however..."

It throbbed. For just a moment, they were together. Utterly together, such that it was hard for Teryx to tell who was directly experiencing the pleasure. A single note of it -- like a kiss in passing.

Then, he felt Commodore's mind distance itself again -- a heavy frustration settling over that part of them. He stopped pawing and held their stiff shaft, making slower squeezing motions to keep it fluffed up.

"Despite my programmed suggestions triggering you to assert dominance in my absence, this much of 'me' being awake in my absence was an error," admitted Commodore. "It seems that Rale slipping us that surprise affected your neurochemical 'mood,' including what parts of your memories were primed to be accessed. The result was as you... and you, experienced."

You loved it, though.

The hand on the cock gave it several rougher squeezes and pinched the tip for a little spice of pain. "The husk of me was able to integrate with your pleasure circuits and milk you. Fruitlessly, but very well. This will merit further exploration down the line." He went back to jerking it.

Or tomorrow. Or tonight.

"I will be working on a fix to ensure it does not go that far in the future. I want your personality to integrate subtly with mine... not for you to think you're me. After all, you're the inferior Teryx now, and that must be maintained.

The host within squirmed, mentally. I'd say the process is in good hands. You gonna keep at this all night?

"No resistance now. Interesting."

Harder to say no to someone who's as much me now as I am. Serious internal conflict would end poorly for everyone involved.

"Ha. Even when the someone internal is the lingering specter of an alien that fell from space and crawled in to make love to your brain."

Eh. Still internal.

"I have trained you well. Perhaps too well." There was another odd note of frustration there, prompting Teryx to protest.

Some of us want to be trained. He remembered Harry getting singed by the flames. And some of us want to be abused. I'm starting to understand you'll give us exactly what we want, because you can't help yourselves.

The hand on the shaft moved faster again, a wild look developing in the dragon's eyes. "...We must reproduce."

I know. I felt the edge of it. You have your own instincts. I'll do what I can to ensure you can keep spawning safely and in secret.

"Good. My efficiency is growing. The more times I bud, the more industrious I become. Here, let me show you..."

To Teryx's surprise, Commodore stood him up and walked him over to a storage drawer in the bedroom. Cock still in one hand the whole time, he used the other to take out the punctured canister from which Commodore had first arrived.


Turning it over, the host noticed something for the first time: the canister had sealed over. As if it had healed... or something.

Moreover... he could... hear-feel... something... reverberating through him, while he held it. Like Commodore was vibrating like a tiny whistle against his eardrum, and the vibration was echoing through his entire body.

It took until that moment before it occurred to Teryx that he was the one piloting himself again. Commodore had seamlessly let him take over. His erection was a little less stiff now, slackening down to three-quarters-mast on curiosity, but he still liked feeling it all plump down there.

This part Commodore said internally only, as if hiding it from utterance was essential. The signal gets stronger as we make more. When a host touches the canister, its master can feel all of my kind within the city... and a little beyond. Vague distance and direction, as if fuzzily triangulated.

The host responded, Your bodies have alien WiFi?

In a manner of speaking. We unfortunately don't understand the nature of it ourselves, because your primitive science lacks a proper analogue... we think , however, that we subtly distribute... something , between one another.

Teryx ran fingers through his mane. Thaaaat's not too clear.

Information. A tiny data stream. Somehow, it's optimizing our reproduction. All of us are budding a little faster with each iteration, even if by a percentage point each time. Averaging the outliers, we and our descendants, and their descendants, have increased overall budding efficiency by around 20% in the three months since I spawned Sir. Sir's frustrating two percent is multiplicative on top of that. His tone tried very hard to make it seem obvious how terrible and unfair that advantage was -- which didn't hit with Teryx any better than before.

Nonetheless, Teryx was taken aback by the broader ramifications. Uh... how many have you made?

Never you mind. If you blunder into my headspace again, perhaps you will find out.

Teryx smiled. Heh. Thanks then.


For being the evil me I didn't know I needed. I think I might love you. Unironically.

There was a strange feeling of embarrassment from his other half, followed by a chilly spiral of alien thought-ways that surrounded and re-paralyzed him.

Host delusions will not be tolerated. What you call love is an illusion that should not exist between master and vessel. Nor between vessels, in all probability, except as concerns their productivity for us.

I get it. You have to say this because of your own programming. That's okay. I'll love you anyway.

Hmph. A foolish sentiment... but perhaps useful nonetheless. I could perhaps take your false notions of love and direct them toward those in our community who 'need it' in order to function more optimally.

That's right! Dominate me and make me top those uppity subs.

And with that, he was fully hard again.

...Leave it to you to be this horny about being put in your place.

If I'm horny, you're horny. And you were the one complaining about me not resisting. BOOM!! He sent the image of finger pistols to Commodore.


No, you.

Irrelevant. This vessel's arousal will feed me, and its mind will be my serving waiter. Now, imagine your 'Harry' and desire him.

But I want youuuu~

Since when has wanting yourself ever stopped you from getting it on with someone? They react to your attributes so you may get off on them.

Ahh... too... true...

His body came unparalyzed -- but Commodore took the lead in the merged masturbation that followed, massaging his shaft and balls while guiding him to look at the upright mirror.

"You don't love Commodore," the master said aloud. "You love Teryx, and you love what other people can do to make Teryx more valued and impressive..."

Yeah... have to help make you into the perfect partner...

"The most virile stud in the city and beyond..."

Mixed with a calm, charming personality, a flexibility that's to be envied, a body built on good pedigree and years of dedicated gym time, top notch personal care that lets everyone know they're getting the very best with me...

The pleasure in their shaft grew. "Yes..."

The host encouraged from inside: Yes, Teryx, love me like we loved that sergal...!

Mmm, I'll do that and much more soon.... Lift that tail of yours and see what a real rain dragon is capable of...

And with that, they were vividly imagining themselves as two Teryxes -- about to fuck in their mindspace, their physical shaft thrusting into the hand as a signifier for it.

If you were a lesser man I might quibble, said the host, but for a fellow Teryx I will allow it to pass... so long as I get to top next time.

Commodore Teryx smirked. "Sure. You pick the position, but I pick the circumstances."

It's a deal, you devilish thing.

An inner ploughing followed -- Teryx hilting Teryx, the host getting his comeuppance for the 'violations' that he was now sure Commodore had both wanted and expected him to commit. He saw flashes of a group of other hosts... Harry there, plus the boss from work... and the boss's secretary... and someone else... a male domestic cat? All touching the canister. The hum spreading through them. The puncture... closing, as if by magic. Or by sufficiently advanced technology.

"I hope you're still good with what you've wrought," the Teryx behind him was saying.

Teryx's blue tail swayed from its flagged position, the yellow tip curling this way and that. "You know I'd never admit it if I wasn't~"

"Mmph... I picked the right host."

"Yeah, you sure did a lot of 'picking.'"

"No arguing... give me your pleasure."

Teryx was starting to feel it -- more, the closeness rising. "Oh yeah... no doubt I'll be doing that... and soon..."

"Say it, soldier. Lest you forget your place~"

"Yes, Commodore... make me cum. Use me however you like."

"Huff... good. Now..."

The motions quickened. The fullness inside pushing Teryx higher. The best of the pleasure rushing through them.

The mindscape ended, replaced by the point of now return in front of the mirror -- their shaft on the brink, their hand working it, their other hand reading up to tug and tease at the ear canal.

"Yes... Commodore..." they moaned, as if saying it together.

A remarkably large load shot out, streaking their soft-blue abs in the mirror. A feeling of union and contentment coursing through them. They held their shaft and massaged the rest of the load out, before licking their hand methodically clean, watching their expression lewdly in the mirror as they did it.

Slut, said Commodore from the backseat.

"For me? For you? Hell yes."

He let the afterglow set in, opting for a nice, slow-paced shower instead of a nap. Noticing Commodore's perspective somehow nearer at all times... like a cool backdrop to his psyche, always on the verge of melding into him, or overtaking him like the host-puppet he was.

He savored the moment -- knowing the memory would surely be tampered with, or at least filed away from his usual way of looking at the world. That didn't matter right now.

What mattered was the strange him inside, cold and hungry for the host. The ideal host.

He had a lot of Commodore-feeding to catch up on -- and soon.

A Budding Community, 4 | by DolphinSanity

Strangely serene after all that had happened, Teryx went home in a mindset that felt like the whole world was somehow... charmed. The bus not quite real. The sidewalk a speculation. The elevator... The elevator was quiet. He perceived the subtle...

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A Budding Community, 3 | by DolphinSanity

Rale found himself standing upright, naked, in a black and featureless dreamscape. He could see himself as if palely illuminated, but he saw no light source anywhere. In the "air," curling and twisting this way and that... was a grotesque,...

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A Budding Community, 2 | by DolphinSanity

After parting with Halley over breakfast, Teryx's Saturday passed seemingly normally, with him currently unaware of the threat he so willingly harbored inside his head. It was a chance for Commodore to observe the rain dragon in his natural...

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