Under Prey

Story by Sleth on SoFurry

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A single hyena hunter, exiled from his kind and land, is forced to wander into zebra territory to survive. When he meets a particularly large zebra running a farm, he's forced to dance to the zebra's tune to stay alive, and that's much harder than he thought.

Hey folk! New story time! This one was kind of sort of a... 'special' out-of-place commission at higher rates, so to speak. It's been long in the making, way too long in fact, but I'm happy about how it turned out! More importantly, I believe that FA: samt517 , who was the commissioner, was happy too! He's always wonderful to work with, so if you like this story, thank him as well, not just me! ;)Disclaimers:

  • As stated, this story was a commission written for FA: samt517 !

  • This story has some heavier themes of non-consensual abuse, so make sure to check the tags before reading to see if it is your thing and read at your own risk!

You can get the PDF VERSION here!

This story was posted on my Patreon a few weeks earlier! If you like this and would like to see more earlier, as well as get other perks, consider taking a look and supporting me!

Each step the hyena took felt heavy. His whole body felt heavy even though that couldn't be farther from the truth. The lean and rather small spotted hyena knew he was thinner than he had ever been and, while he still had some meat in his fit form, at the rate things were going that wasn't going to last much longer either.

His stomach grumbled in constant complaint. The hunger he felt was bordering on being painful. His weakened body was telling him that it needed sustenance, but what could he do?

With the hot sun shining over his head, the flat, dry lands offered no bounty. Gahaji had nothing but the walking stick he was so heavily leaning on with every step and the now ragged combination of simple shirt and pants he was wearing. The hyena's tongue hung low, lolling from his muzzle as he panted and his legs hurt from all the walking. He couldn't stop, though. Not there, in the open, where he would be so easy to find.

Cursed be his luck. Cursed be his fate. Gahaji looked back and, though he could see little more than the land stretching all the way to the horizon, he knew that the hyena territory's border had been crossed a long time ago. The young male sighed with discontent.

Why did he have to go and get himself banished? A young, promising male hyena at the prime of his age like himself. Banished! How dare they discard him like that? Bastards...

Now that his kin no longer wanted him around, he was doomed to wander alone and find somewhere else to be. That meant, however, that if he was found again in hyena territory... they'd kill him on sight. And Gahaji knew firsthand how keen their hunters were. The hyena territory where he had grown was off-limits now, and that only left...

As the hyena's eyes shifted to look forward instead, he sighed again.

Zebras were prey. The bands of hyena he grew up with used to hunt wandering zebras every now and then, but for the most part, the hyenas and the zebras had a peaceful accord. As long as neither crossed into each other's territories, they'd leave each other alone. Gahaji remembered mocking the stupidity of zebras that got caught in hyena territory, yet now...

Now there he was. In zebra territory and with no other choice.

"It's fine," he muttered to himself, if anything to keep himself sane. "They're dumb prey animals. I'll be fine as long as they don't catch me..."

Indeed he would. It had already been five days that Gahaji had been roaming Zebra territory and, while he spotted a few simple settlements, he just kept his distance from them. So far he had eluded any zebras by a large margin. After all, his trained nose and alright hunting skills gave him an edge.

Unfortunately, the zebra territory didn't seem to have much outside of their settlements. Gahaji had struggled to even find running water in these plain, dry lands. Wild animals were scarce and food was hard to come by. The hyena had barely eaten anything the previous day and now the hunger was starting to take its toll.

All Gahaji could do was keep walking.

The sun shifted in the skies, moving from its afternoon blaze towards a more reddish hue as it prepared to set beyond the far mountains. Gahaji was afraid he'd spend another night without shelter when, far in the distance, he finally spotted something.

A building!

Unlike the other settlements he'd seen, this one wasn't a gathering of buildings hidden behind a wooden wall. This one was one... no, two lone buildings in the middle of nowhere. No walls, no protection, nothing. Gahaji's ears perked up looking at it from the distance. If it housed zebras, even if it were a handful of them, he couldn't hope to take them on, of course. In his weakened state, Gahaji wasn't even entirely sure he would be able to outrun a zebra, but the rumbling in his stomach told him that he couldn't afford to play it safe. Not anymore. He would have to try it.

The young hyena kept himself low as he approached. He spotted a crude thing that could be a road leading in the other direction from the buildings, but if that road led somewhere, it was nowhere nearby, for the horizon was still empty of anything but the occasional vegetation. The closer he got to the buildings, the clearer their shapes became, and thus so did their purpose. Gahaji's muzzle opened a small smile at the change in his luck.

It was obviously a farm of some sort!

From the distance, the hyena hadn't been able to make out the shape of the actually quite large fields that stood near the farm, but as he got closer he could see rows and rows of plants growing. The buildings were still made of simple wood, but one of them had a more housely shape while the other resembled a barn. Hyenas like him didn't have a habit of farming much, but he'd heard that zebras, prey species as they were, were keen on doing it way more. Perfect!

Gahaji kept low, circling around the farm and keeping his eyes open. He saw no sign of anyone in the surroundings, but he didn't dare approach the buildings to look for however many zebras might inhabit that place. His interest was elsewhere. Circling the farm from outside, Gahaji entered the fields and prayed that whatever they were growing was grown enough for him to eat.

Again the fact that his luck had changed proved itself. As the hyena crouched down to pull one of the low plants from the ground, a pretty much fully grown carrot appeared. Gahaji had never been so happy to see a vegetable in his life.

The hyena devoured it! The feeling of his gnawing hunger being sated was heavenly. He moved on to the next one, pulling it out and eating it, then the next one, and the next one. The sweet, sweet sustenance was such a relief! No carrot had ever tasted as good as the handful he pulled out to eat.

When he had sated his initial hunger, Gahaji started pulling some more of them to gather while he ate. He would take as many as he could carry! Not all of the carrots were properly grown, but the ones that weren't were just left by the earth and he instead pulled out some more. There were so many! The young hunter was so busy trying to find the grown carrots that the whiff of musk that his sensitive nose caught came in too late.

The moment he sniffed it, Gahaji stopped, but before his ears could even perk up for it, the weight of a heavy, dense net falling over his back threw him down face-first onto the ground.

His first instinct was to growl. With the net weighing him down, Gahaji struggled, trying to pull himself up. The presence of metal weights around the edges of the net weighing it down further was quickly perceived when the hunter's efforts to push it away were proven way more difficult than he expected.

Gahaji saw a large shadow approach him on the ground. When the hyena turned his head with urgency to see, all he saw was the silhouette of an immense beast, white with black stripes, towering over him with a club raised above its head. Before Gahaji could get a proper look at the giant, that very club came down, pain radiated from his head and the whole world went black.


Consciousness returned slowly. When the thin hyena opened his eyes, he blinked a few times. Though he could see wood before him, he just stared at it for a few seconds as his rousing mind started to work again. His head hurt, specifically in one place, and Gahaji grunted from the throbbing he started feeling on it. The hyena wanted to bring a hand up to feel it. In fact, his arms were in a very uncomfortable position. He was lying over them. When he tried to bring it up, though, he couldn't...

A sense of urgency washed over him. Gahaji's mind started working faster, his eyes widening, adrenaline shooting through his body. His immediate reaction was to sit up from his lying position, but when he tried to do that the rope he hadn't noticed wrapped around his neck pulled him back down to his back roughly, bringing up a whimper from the small hyena. With his heart beating fast, Gahaji finally took the time to examine his surroundings.

He was in a room inside a building. Everything was made of plain yet crude wood. The room was large, at least to his standards, and the crude bed he found himself laying on- no, tied up to, was huge! Gahaji shifted with discomfort. His wrists had been tied up together behind his back and, aside from that, the rope connecting his neck to the bed's headboard was quite taut, barely giving him enough room to do much. The hyena managed to squirm and drag himself up towards the headboard to manage to actually sit up against it, but that only made him realize how big the bed actually was. It stretched down far beyond where his legs could reach.

A wooden room, him tied up, a large bed...

Memories of what had happened came back to Gahaji. He realized he was still hungry, still weakened, and as he sniffed the air, his suspicions were quickly confirmed.

"Oh fuck..." he mumbled. "No no no no no..."

The sound of heavy steps approaching the room made the hyena's ears perk up and his eyes turned towards the door. Gahaji immediately pulled at the rope binding his wrists together. He had to get away! It was then that the door opened, however, and the hyena's perked-up ears slowly folded back all the way until they were straight-up glued to his head.

Gahaji had seen some zebras in his lifetime, but never a living, healthy, full-sized one like the zebra standing right in front of him. The small hyena, sitting on the bed, had to look up to make eye contact with the towering beast that stood by the door. He was large. Well-defined muscles could be seen under the zebra's short fur under his unmistakable black and white striped pattern. Though the zebra was wearing pants much like himself (although in much better condition), he wore no shirt, which left his broad chest exposed to make him look all the more intimidating to the small hyena.

To think those were prey animals! Gahaji knew, just like any hyena, that he couldn't take a zebra on by himself, but that was why hyenas hunted together. Now, though...

"I see yer awake," the zebra spoke. His voice was rough and deep as well, matching what Gahaji would imagine someone of that size would sound like. Though the two enemies were in each other's presence, the zebra didn't look or sound worried in the least. It made sense since he was all tied up and helpless after all...

The hyena opened his muzzle to say something, but he realized he didn't know what to say. The zebra took a step forward, the wood underneath creaking under his weight, and when he did Gahaji retreated, crawling back over the bed away from him as far as the rope around his neck allowed him. That made the zebra stop again and look at him.

A smile opened over the zebra's long snout. "You scared of me, little hyena?"

That made Gahaji frown. He looked away.

"No..." he denied it, even though his heart was racing inside his chest.

"Right," the zebra snorted. "Imagine my surprise when I think som' dirty pests were fumblin' about my fields and when I go over an' check, it's a hecking hyena roamin' about, ruinin' me vegetables, makin' a mess."

Gahaji lowered his ears. He should've been more careful...

"A thin, lone hyena, wanderin' and lost deep into zebra territory..."

The hyena glanced up at the zebra's eyes and saw the accusation in them. The zebra might live alone, but he clearly knew of their treaty.

"Ye know what that means, boy?"

The hyena's ears remained lowered and he didn't dare answer.

"It means I could kill ye, right here and now. Gut ye, bash that dumb skull o' yours in, anythin'. It'd be within my rights. Yer trespassing. Heck if I don't know that your band an' lot would do that to me in a heartbeat if I were sittin' where ye are."

Gahaji's eyes widened. He looked up at the zebra with desperate eyes but found the big zebra's face unreadable. He was staring back at him, eyes looking as if they were looking through Gahaji or something, but the hyena could tell that he was serious. That zebra could, would be willing to kill him if he said the wrong thing. What should he say, though?

The young hyena was in no position to think or strategize. He said the first thing that popped up in his mind.

"Don't kill me!" It came out sounding way more like a plead than Gahaji's pride wanted it to. "I was just lost!"

The zebra lifted an eyebrow. Gahaji watched him intensely but still couldn't make out his intentions. Finally, the big mammal sighed and leaned against the wall, folding his arms.

"If I take ye back to the nearest settlement, the zebras there will just kill ye in a fancier way for invading our territory..." the zebra started again. This time it felt like he was almost talking to himself rather than Gahaji, though. "It's heckin' far away, though. Not gonna trek all the way down ther out of season just to drop off some lil' helpless pup. S'ppose I could just drag ye back close to the hyena border and throw you off in there with a..."

"No!" Gahaji said right away. That drew the zebra's eyes to him again. The hyena lowered his head. "Please! I can't go back. They'll uh... they'll... kill me..."

The zebra's eyebrow went up again. "Really? Yer own kind?"

Gahaji nodded with his eyes down at the floor.

"Got yerself banished then, eh? Tsc tsc. No wonder yer scurrying around in zebra territory lookin' like you've been eatin' nothing but twigs or somethin'."

The hyena frowned. His stomach never stopped complaining about the hunger he still felt, but the direness of his situation distracted him from it. The mention of food made him remember it.

"Well well well. That's a downright fucked up situation ye found yerself into, pup. What in all the hells am I supposed to do with ye? Give ye to the zebras? Dead. Give ye to the hyenas? Dead. If I just release ye and let ya wander, trust me when I say it, ye'll be dead within the week and it won't be pretty. There's a big fat whole of nothin' for miles and miles in every direction aside from the road to the northern settlement."

Gahaji's heart sank. He sort of knew that. The drylands were unforgivable to stragglers, every hunter born there knew that, but what choice did he have? He looked up at the zebra. Not even he knew where to go. The zebra's eyes were on him, studying him or something, and Gahaji saw as they trailed down towards his body. Gahaji looked away. The zebra was looking at him in a way that felt a little too familiar to him. It kind of felt like the look a predator would give its prey.

"Hmmmm..." The zebra brought a hand up to his chin. He stepped closer, which prompted Gahaji to wince away even further, but without any ceremony, the zebra simply took hold of his ankle and lifted it up.

"H-hey! What're you doing?!" Gahaji growled. Given the rope keeping his wrists bound and neck attached to the bed, all he could do was squirm around a little as the zebra effortlessly lifted his leg up until Gahaji was up in the air held by it. The big and muscular zebra seemed like he wasn't even feeling his weight.

The zebra turned him around while Gahaji growled and squirmed. All the zebra did was look at him from all sides as if inspecting him. As if inspecting a piece of meat! Then, all of a sudden, he let go of his leg and the hyena dropped awkwardly on the bed again.

"Not bad. A lil' thin, but that can be fixed soon enough."

Gahaji squirmed back to a sitting position and growled up at the zebra. "What do you mean?! What was that about?!"

The zebra just ignored his questions. "You ever worked a farm, pup?"

Gahaji frowned. "Work a farm? No..."

The zebra shook his head. "S'ppose ye could learn that easy enough too..."

"Learn...?" Gahaji asked, his expression showing how confused he was. The zebra looked down at him with a stern expression.

"It's simple enough. Even though ye ruined some of me vegetables, I ain't too inclined to make a mess by killing ye. I could just let ye loose, but we both know how that's gonna end."

The hyena lowered his head.

"I ain't just about to help some hyena for nuthin' though. Yer kind kills my kind, ya know? But..."

There was a pause there as if the zebra himself was hesitating for a moment. Gahaji's ears perked up and he looked up at the towering mammal.

"The farm is a fuckin' lot of work. Heavy stuff, even for a big one like meself. I ain't gettin' any younger though, ya know? It ain't untrue that I could use someone to do the hard work for me."

Gahaji's eyes widened a little bit in surprise. "You want me... to work on your farm?"

A hyena working on a zebra's vegetable farm. It sounded preposterous! Gahaji's face turned a bit red just imagining himself doing such a thing. If other hyenas ever heard of such a thing they'd mock his name for eternity.

The zebra, however, nodded. "Sorta. It's simple. Ye work for me, do every little thing I tell ye to do, and I let ye stay here. Hidden from me brothers, roof over yer head and food in yer belly."

Gahaji growled at the thought alone.

"Me? Work for a zebra?! But I'm a h-"

"Ye don't want it?" the zebra interrupted him. "Fine by me. I'll just throw yer out and let the hot days or the cold nights handle ye for me and everything will be nice an' fuckin' dandy on my side."

The zebra grabbed him by the scruff and quickly undid the rope keeping him tied to the bed. Then, still with little to no effort, he pretty much carried Gahaji hanging from his scruff out of the room and, as he still squirmed with his hands bound, out of the house. Gahaji had always known he was fated to die out there and when the hot sun shone upon his eyes again, he felt more sure than ever that he would.


The zebra stopped in his tracks.

"I can do it..." Gahaji grumbled.

"What's that, pup? Speak up." The zebra lifted him up so that they could look at each other eye to eye. Gahaji felt like a small pup being carried and held by the scruff like that, but that only added to the humiliating feeling of inferiority he was hating to have towards the large zebra.

"I can work on the farm... for food and shelter..." Gahaji said a bit louder.

The zebra didn't smile. He just kept staring at him.

"Let me make this clear, pup," the zebra started, speaking right to his face. "This ain't just some work proposal. I ain't lookin' for some farmhand. If I were, I'd find a young zebra twice yer size and get twice the value that I'll be gettin' from ye."

The zebra let go of his scruff, which had Gahaji yelping as he suddenly dropped down and fell sitting on the ground with a grunt. The zebra crouched down to keep staring at him eye to eye.

"I'm offering ye this because I'm feelin' just mighty generous and just a lil' bit sorry for ya. I'm gonna be bein' generous letting ye sleep around here, I'll be generous giving ye some of me own food, and I'll be generous not bringin' up to my folks that there's a helpless little hyena here just waitin' to be skinned."

Gahaji found himself sinking down towards the ground. As a hunter, it was unbecoming of him to show fear, especially of a prey species like a zebra, but the way his eyes looked at him, the tone in his voice... it left little doubt that the zebra would, in fact, get rid of him in a heartbeat. And it would be easy for him to do it, too...

"Now, that's a downright fuckin' mountain of generosity right there, don't ye agree, pup?"

Gahaji hesitated for a moment, but when the zebra's eyes narrowed with clear impatience, the hyena quickly nodded in agreement.

"And then, as thanks for my immense kindness and to stay in my good side, which believe me, ye very much want to stay on, yer gonna put those twig-arms and legs of ye and everything else I say to work for me. As repayment for all this fuckin' mighty generosity that I'm showin'."

Gahaji nodded again with his ears still flat.

"I say the word, ye do it, and ye do it smilin'. Waggin' that tail of yers or whatever the fuck you folk do to show yer happy and content. That's 'cuz if I see a single fuckin' teeth bared my way, hear a single growl, or even fuckin' dream at night that yer thinkin' about sinking some of those little fangs on me after how fuckin' nice I'm being to ye..."

The zebra's hand flew towards his neck. It was faster than Gahaji thought possible. So fast that, even if his hands weren't still tied behind his back, the hyena wouldn't have been able to stop it. As it was, however, when the zebra's large hand gripped his neck and squeezed it, all Gahaji could do was squirm, gasp and lower his ears as he tried to breathe in and failed.

"If ye turn on me, pup, an' make me regret bein' so mighty darn generous to a hyena of all things... I'm gonna make ye regret it back a fuckin' thousand times worse. We understand each other?"

The zebra spoke slowly. A bit too slowly and Gahaji was sure it was on purpose. He couldn't breathe the whole time! As he kept gasping for breath, all he could do was look up at the zebra with pleading eyes and nod fast. Finger by finger, the zebra loosened his grip on his neck with a smile, finally letting him gasp for sweet air again.

"Good. Glad we can understand each other so nicely an' all."

The zebra stood up, wiping his hands and turning around while Gahaji gasped on the ground to catch up with his breathing. His neck felt a little bruised from how hard the zebra had gripped it. Those muscles on the oversized mammal were definitely not just for show. Any hope the hyena had that he might be able to take him out alone eventually died out there and then as he looked up at the large male going back into the house.

"Pick yerself up and follow me. I got a feelin' that yer terrible at farm stuff, bein' a fucking hyena and all, so you've got a lot to learn if you wanna hope to keep yer end of the deal."

Gahaji gasped a few more times, taking a few deep breaths, and lowered his ears. Then, the hyena struggled to get up without the use of his hands so that he could quickly follow the zebra back into the house. As he hurried to follow the larger male's large steps, he wondered just what in all the hells had he gotten himself into...


As the day went on, the hyena found that working on a farm was much harder than he ever thought it'd be. Back in the day, he and the other hyenas used to make fun of zebras for just eating stuff that grew on the ground rather than having to go out and do any actual hunting. Now? Gahaji could see why the hell that tall zebra had so much damn muscle.

The zebra had shown him around to the well and the small shack he kept as a tool shed. There, he had made Gahaji carry pretty much all of his tools out so that he could show the hyena how they worked and what each of them was for.

'Showing' in that case, of course, meant making Gahaji pick up each and every one of them and toil at the soil with them near the fields. The earth in that damn place was hardened and rocky, so by the time Gahaji was done 'softening it up', he was already panting and sweating. The zebra didn't let him rest, though. Digging was much harder than the hyena thought as well.

The zebra went through every tool. At one point, the large male finally left him alone to go to the house, only to return with a small openable wooden chair that he set down next to Gahaji so that he could sit down while he continued to bark orders at the hyena.

The hard work and constant teaching went on and on like that. The hot sun on the skies slowly moved above them.

"Name's Masud, by the way," the zebra said from behind the hyena. They were now carrying buckets of water from the well to the field. Or, more accurately, Gahaji was carrying the buckets of water. The zebra kept a stern stare over him as he walked with him and made him work, judging his every move. Gahaji had his tongue out and arms straining to carry two full buckets of water across the farm at a time.

"Ye don't have to call me that way, though. I think I'd be happy if ye called me... hmm... how's about, 'sir'? It's hella nice an' respectful, that is."

Gahaji glanced back at the hyena with his ears lowering themselves in a small blush. The zebra, or Masud, was smiling down at him, but did seem to be waiting for a confirmation.

"Alright..." the hyena grumbled. His arms were hurting from the weight of the buckets. It was his fourth run! At least they were almost there...

"What was that, pup?"

Gahaji held back a growl of dissatisfaction. "Alright, sir..." he repeated.

The big zebra's tail swished back and forth in what Gahaji guessed was amusement. If his tail wasn't enough indication, his pleased smile sure was. They finally made it back to the field, at which point Gahaji groaned as he dropped both buckets full of water next to the six others and let himself fall down sitting to rest for a moment.

The zebra gave him a minute of respite. Enough for him to pull out his little chair and set it back down. The large zebra barely fit on it, his large shirtless self sitting back against the small backrest and looking like it was straining the little wooden chair so hard it could break any moment. It didn't, though, despite how old and worn it looked.

Gahaji remained sitting on the ground catching his breath. His arms still ached, but reaching into one of the buckets, he splashed some of the nice, cold water against his muzzle and fur to cool off. That felt damn nice.

"Ye hot, pup?" the zebra asked. Gahaji looked at him. Ever since they started working, the zebra was shirtless, leaving that broad, striped chest on full display. His simple brown pants were loose against his big legs, but they too had tears here or there, looking ragged and worn at best.

Gahaji, on the other hand, had the simple shirt and pants that were all he had pretty much sticking to his body from how hot he was. What a stupid question that was! The scorching sun was blaring over their heads and the zebra had just made him carry eight heavy buckets across the farm.

"Hard not to be," the hyena grumbled. A small display of his dissatisfaction while at the same time not insulting the hyena in the ways he kind of wanted to.

"Well then, don' be fuckin' dumb. Lose the shirt. What're ye tryin' to hide with it on yer back?"

Gahaji looked up at the zebra. He had a point. The hyena thought about it for a moment, then pulled his shirt out and set it aside as well. The very mild breeze brushing against his fur was a small relief indeed.

"Tsc! Ye look like a fuckin' twig," the zebra commented.

Gahaji felt some heat coming up to his face again. He couldn't even argue against it. The hyena did have some muscles, but it was defined. His form was still lean and standing there next to the large zebra only made him feel small all over again. It didn't help that the zebra's eyes were not subtle about checking him out, either. Masud's eyes just stared at his bare chest with the eyes... with the eyes of a predator looking at prey. That was the best thing Gahaji could use to describe it. The hyena was considering putting his shirt back on and dealing with the heat before the zebra spoke up again.

"Ye know what, pup? If ye so damn hot, why don't ye lose the pants as well?"

Gahaji's eyes darted up to the zebra. "What?"

"Yeah. Ain't nobody 'round these parts anyway and, if someone did come by and see you, ye'd be doomed anyway. 'Em seein' yer bare ass would be the least of yer problems."

Gahaji narrowed his eyes towards the zebra. "But you're here!"

"So?" Masud smirked, "I'm the one tellin' ye to do it, so if I were you, I'd just fuckin' do it, pup."

The hyena looked down. His pants weren't much, but did the zebra expect him to walk around completely naked? The mere thought of it made his face grow red all over again!

"I can't walk around doing all of this witho-"

"Hey!" the zebra said with a hush, interrupting him by raising a hand up in the air. Gahaji stopped talking, then his ears instinctively lowered again as he saw the zebra's gaze turn more stern.

"Ye gonna talk back, pup?" The zebra spoke slowly. "On yer first day? Really? If you make me get up from this chair, ye know what I'm gonna do?"

Gahaji's ears glued themselves to his head. "...what?"

"I'm gonna rip those pants off yer body anyway, make yer eat the rags as yer last meal here, and then throw ye outta my farm and have fun at the thought of ye slowly roasting in the hot sun over the next few days as ye create a true banquet for the carrion birds."

The descriptive threat made the hyena swallow hard. He lowered his eyes, frowning and still blushing hard, but didn't answer.

"So," the zebra continued. "What ye wanna do is say 'yes sir', stand up, drop the pants as I said, and give 'em to me here in my hand."

Masud extended his hand towards the hyena and stared him down as he waited.

Gahaji hesitated for a moment. In his mind, he went through his options, but he realized that, indeed, he did not actually have a choice. The hyena slowly stood up with a grumble, grabbed the waistband of his pants... and pulled them down.

The gentle breeze brushing against his sheath and hanging balls did not feel as good. Gahaji found himself feeling more vulnerable than ever, but he still forced himself to step out of his pants and, when he looked at the zebra, he still had his hand extended towards him, waiting.

With a grumble, the hyena grabbed his pants and hesitantly gave it to the zebra, who in turn bundled it up in a ball and kept it by his side with a smile.

"Good boy. Now quit coverin' yerself. What're ye, some blushy lil' girl? Own up to yer junk."

The zebra's crude words did not help in the least. Gahaji took a deep breath, ignored the heat in his face... and let his paws rest by his side. Standing there, fully naked for the zebra's amusement, Gahaji found himself feeling even smaller. It didn't help, of course, that the zebra wasn't even a little subtle about staring at his sheath no matter how visibly uncomfortable the hyena was.

"Good. Ain't that better for the heat? Now yer gonna use the water to fill up the waterin' can and start workin' on keeping those crops healthy. These buckets should do for about... a quarter of the field? So when yer empty, ya just go grab more."

Gahaji looked at the water, then at the fields, and let his shoulders slump just thinking about all the hard work that alone would be. He looked at Masud who, in turn, sat back against his chair.

"And what about you?" the hyena asked as the zebra let out a relaxing chair. He didn't look like he was going to get up...

"What 'bout me?"

Gahaji's eyes narrowed. "Aren't you going to help?"

"I'll be overseein' everythin' to make sure ye don't screw up. Or get lazy on me," the zebra responded with a chuckle.

Gahaji's frown deepened even further. "But it's a lot of water to c-"

"Zip." The zebra shut him up by putting his hand up again and interrupting him. Then he slowly lift his head to look at the hyena in the eye. "Is that complainin' that I'm hearin'? Still haven't decided if I'm keepin' ye at all..."

The hyena felt a rush of anger and an urge to growl, but he suppressed it. He thought about many things he wanted to say, but the thought of being thrown out to certain death was something he couldn't afford to happen, so ultimately, Gahaji just turned his back to the zebra and crouched down to start working with the water.

"Fine..." he grumbled as he lifted up the heavy water bucket to fill up the watering can.

"Fine what?"

With his back towards the zebra, Gahaji grit his teeth and rolled his eyes. "Fine, sir."

"That's better."

The zebra sat back and sighed again while Gahaji struggled to lift the heavy water bucket and topple it. He spilled some of the water, earning a snort from the zebra, but he managed to fill the damn thing up. When he picked it up, it felt quite heavy as well. The much bigger zebra certainly had a much easier time doing all of that. If only he actually got up to do the work. As Gahaji hauled the large watering can up with both his hands, he stopped to look at Masud lying there.

The zebra had his head leaning against the back of his chair looking up towards the sky. He looked like an idle animal enjoying his time in the sun. Gahaji's frown only deepened.

"Can I at least get my pants back if I'm gonna have to do all of this?"


The zebra didn't even move. That was the only reply the hyena got. With a low growl, Gahaji turned away and moved to start working on watering those damned, stupid fields.


It took him hours to go over the whole field. Of course, it didn't help that the zebra did not get up from his chair to help him at all the whole time. At one point, Gahaji was pretty sure the oversized mammal was napping, but when he got close to check the zebra startled him with a sudden crude comment regarding his naked state that had him fuming.

After that, the hyena decided that staying away from the zebra and just doing his job was better. Still, his job required several runs to the well to get more water and the fields were big enough so that the hyena felt like he had walked more on that day than on his sad days wandering alone in the heat.

By the end of it, his fur was dirty and matted with mud all over. Gahaji found himself panting and, though he thankfully had access to a lot of water to sate his thirst, the grumbling of his stomach was another thing entirely. After he finally finished watering the last row of the field, he went back to the zebra and just let himself collapse on the ground for a while.

By then he was so tired that he barely cared anymore that he was forced to do it all stark naked. Whenever he looked at the zebra, however, he could swear he caught him looking at his privates with those sneering eyes of him. Though Gahaji was supposed to be the superior predator, he found himself blushing every time like a flustered pup.

Dusk was upon them then and, thankfully, at least the zebra was decent enough to compliment his work. Even though 'good enough' was barely an actual compliment, Gahaji still felt proud of himself over it, as silly as that sounded to himself.

The zebra made Gahaji wash near the well, but by the time he was done, the damned bastard did not give him his clothes back. His reasoning was that 'it was still hot', but though Gahaji wanted to complain, he wasn't even sure about what Masud had done to his clothes in the first place. After a few more warnings not to talk back, the grumbling hyena just resigned to staying naked.

After all, his meal was at stake.

Inside the house, the zebra at least made good on his promise and treated him to dinner alongside himself. Vegetables were definitely not the hyena's choice of food, but he was so hungry that he devoured the cooked veggies with gusto. It had been forever since he had been able to properly fill his belly without worry!

Though his whole body was still sore from the hard work of the day, Gahaji actually felt like it had been kinda worth it. That is, until nightfall. The zebra told him that he would have to sleep tied up since, after all, he was not trustworthy. Gahaji spoke against it, of course, but in the end he still found himself lying on a pile of hay inside the barn with rope around his wrists, ankles and neck. It wasn't a very comfortable way of sleeping, but the tired hyena slept like a rock anyway.


The next days were a repeat of the first. He was woken up extremely early, and even though he was still kind of sore, the zebra put him to work straight away. Apparently growing vegetables was much harder than Gahaji and the other hyena hunters ever thought it'd be. The stupid fields needed a thousand different types of care so that the plants could 'stay healthy', and most of the work to make it so fell to him.

The zebra did help sometimes, but after a while, he had a habit of just opening up his chair and sitting down to 'rest his feet' and if Gahaji spoke against it, all the zebra would do was remind him that he was there to work in the first place.

The more he got to know Masud, the more 'intimate' the zebra started getting with him as well. Gahaji didn't know what the zebra had done with his clothes, but he hadn't caught a whiff of them since that first day when he was told to remove them. The hyena had been left naked all the time and, with him being always completely exposed, well...

He could swear he caught Masud looking every now and then. He'd look at the zebra and the bastard would be shamelessly eyeing his chest. His sheath. Or, more often, his rear. All the hyena could do when that happened was curl his tail and find an excuse to get away for a while. That helped with the looks, but not with the touching.

The first time the large zebra had slapped his ass had been because he was slacking. That alone had startled him, but apparently, Masud got a taste for it. Every now and then he would walk past the zebra and get a playful slap to his rear or a grope on his shoulder. It was always playful, it always came with some off-hand comment, but for Gahaji...

Every time it happened, he found his face and ears growing hot. Maybe it was because he was being forced to parade around naked while the zebra had proper clothes on? Or maybe it was just that every time the zebra was close to him he felt so... small. Why did they have to be so big?! Masud's hand coming to squeeze his shoulder, even in a playful manner, made Gahaji painfully aware of the difference in size and strength between them. How could such large, strong animals be prey? If only they would actually grow some balls and start eating some meat, they could probably be great predators as well...

"No!" Gahaji thought. Those were exactly the kinds of thoughts he didn't want to have. He was a hunter, a predator, and he was only working at that farm under the zebra temporarily because he had nowhere else to go. Eventually, he would leave, surely, and things would be back to normal. Somehow... Someday.

But until that day came, he had to endure the zebra's attitude, and with each day it seemed to get worse. At first, it was just the oggling, then came the touching, and after a while, the zebra started having fun just downright messing with him.

The worst of them all was an occasion when Gahaji was, as always, working the fields, and walked by the chair Masud was lounging on. The zebra downright grabbed his tail to stop him.

"Hey, pup," the zebra called out. "You hyena lot have damn good noses, ain't ya?"

Gahaji, forced to stop, nodded in agreement. The zebra smirked.

"Then c'me here."

Masud pulled him close to him by the tail, forcing the hyena to take a few stumbling steps towards him. Then, the zebra lifted one of his arms and pointed at his armpit.

"Think I need a bath yet or can I last 'nother day or two? Give it a whiff an' tell me." The zebra smirked as he requested it, but Gahaji did not find it funny.


"Yeah, c'mon. Don' make me have to tell ye twice, pup. C'me here."

Before Gahaji could protest any further, the zebra simply grabbed him by the neck with his oversized hand and pulled him close. Gahaji tried to fight it, before he knew it, his nose was pressed against the wetness of the zebra's armpit. Gahaji frowned with a grunt, but the zebra kept him there, forcing his nose and even rubbing it against the underside of his arm.

For a moment, the hyena tried to hold his breath, but before long he had to breathe in and the sheer strength of the musk right against his sensitive nose was downright disorienting. The zebra let go of him suddenly which meant that, as Gahaji was vehemently trying to pull back, he fell back sitting on his ass on the ground. The first thing he did, though, was use his hands to clean off the smell and the sweat from his snout with the back of his arms, but the smell was ingrained in there.

"Hmmm... ye threw a fit, but then again, ye always do. Think I can hold out for another day. I'll have ye sniff again tomorrow to check."

The hyena threw a deadly glare up at the zebra, but a cautionary look from Masud forced him to lower his ears and stopped him from saying all the things he wanted to say about that experience. In the end, Gahaji was forced to just huff and stomp away towards his work while the zebra chuckled behind him.

The next day, he was indeed forced to 'check' the zebra's scent again, though. And the next, and the next...

The days went by like that for Gahaji, until the night of his sixth day on the farm. The sun had already set and, since the previous day, Gahaji had been invited into the zebra's house for their evening meal. The two of them ate a mix of tasteless vegetables grown on the farm and prepared by Masud. After their dinner, Gahaji already knew how things usually went.

The zebra would move on to his living room. It was a small, cozy-looking room with a nicer-looking chair facing towards a homemade brazier. Masud would always take the time to light up the fire to warm up the room against the large temperature drop of the outside and then relax there.

The fire was lit as always, but something was different that night, though. The zebra had a small handmade flask with him of which he took a sip every now and then. Gahaji didn't need to wonder what was in it for long. His nose was good enough to catch the scent of strong booze, if not from the flask, then from the zebra's breath when he approached him.

Gahaji sighed and extended his arms forward, presenting his wrists while looking away. The zebra smiled at that and snorted. The snort itself made the hyena's ears fall back as he blushed just a little.

"Good boy," the zebra cooed, much to his distaste. His arms were grabbed and, indeed, the same rope was tied tight around his wrists. It was stupid, really! Gahaji understood that the zebra didn't fully trust him, but as he himself had pointed out on the first day, there was no sense in leaving his hands tied during the night! He could chew through the ropes given enough time if he really wanted to anyway!

When he had pointed that out at the zebra, however, Masud had slapped the back of his head and warned him that if he ever woke up and saw his hands untied he would be kicked out immediately. As always, the stubborn old zebra left no room for argument, so the hyena was forced to just grumble with distaste as his wrists were pressed together in front of him.

After getting tied up, Gahaji knew that he would be led out of the house and kicked out, left to sleep at the pile of hay that had been made for him at the barn. This time, however, instead of grabbing him by the shoulder, the zebra just stood there. Staring at him.

"Ya know what, pup?" the zebra started. "How'd ye like to maybe sleep inside the house tonight? Near the fire, where it's damn nice an' warm rather than curlin' yerself out there in the hay like a feral?"

Gahaji's ears perked up. Masud had said that, if he earned his trust, he could sleep inside the house eventually, but when he had said that his tone had implied that it was a distant possibility. The warmth of the low fire in the middle of the room was already feeling nice against his bare, short fur. He nodded with vehemence.

"Thank you, thank you! I appreciate that a lot! I promise I won't make noise or bother you in any way!" the hyena said with his tail indeed wagging. The large zebra, on the other hand, just smirked and took another big swig of his flask.

"Oh, ye'll be makin' some noises though..."

Gahaji's head leaned to the side in confusion. "What?"

"Nevermind that for now," the zebra just said, waving a hand to dismiss the comment. He moved to sit down on the cushioned chair near the fire and the old chair creaked under the big, muscular zebra's weight. With a grunt, Masud shifted back and forth, making himself comfortable before drinking from the flask again.

"It ain't gonna be that simple," the zebra then continued, "yer gonna have to prove to me that yer well-behaved. If ye can't, then it's off to the fuckin' barn with ye and I won't want to hear about ye sleepin' in here anymore ever again."

Gahaji's ears folded back. "But I've been working hard on the farm every d-!"

"Shush," the zebra interrupted him. "I don' care. I make the fuckin' rules and ye obey, remember? Ye prove t' me that ye can behave proper and ye can sleep in here tonight. Prolly other nights as well. Ye don't, I kick yer fuckin' ass out of my house. Maybe from the whole farm. Got no use for som' hyena pup that won't do what I say. Got it?"

Gahaji could tell that the zebra was drunk to an extent, but even if he was, his deadly stare still made it obvious that he was being serious. Dead serious. The hyena's ears folded back and he was forced to just lower his ears and nod. Sometimes he thought the zebra almost liked him, but sometimes he swore he could tell Masud doubted his decision to hide a hyena in his farm and Gahaji thought he might just be looking for a reason to kick him out. Maybe this was one of those occasions...

"Good boy," the zebra just grumbled with little satisfaction. "Now, ye can start by comin' here."

The zebra motioned for him to get closer. Gahaji didn't understand, but he got up and approached the big zebra in his chair. When he did, Masud took his sweet time looking him over. Up to the point where the hyena started getting uncomfortable, especially given the fact that he was still completely naked.

The zebra's large hand came to his arm to feel it. He grabbed at Gahaji's wrist at first, then slid that paw up alongside his arm. The hyena's first instinct was to pull back, but with his hands tied together in front of him and the zebra holding his arm, he couldn't, so he just let Masud feel him up.

"Fuckin' thin as a twig. Few more months workin' on the farm and ye should build some proper muscle. Get some weight. Look fuckin' decent. For now, guess I ought to just make use of what I got."

It didn't escape Gahaji how the zebra's eyes trailed down to his sheath several times. He couldn't tell what the drunk zebra's eyes held, though. Amusement? Curiosity? Interest...? Thankfully, Masud let go of him soon enough with a grunt of distaste. Then the zebra pointed down at the floor in front of his chair.

"Get down," he ordered.

Gahaji just stood there, confused. "What?"

"Get fuckin' down. On all fours. Right fuckin' there!"

The hyena was still confused. "But why would I-"

"Get. Down."

The level of threat and impatience in the zebra's voice was enough to make Gahaji's tail curl between his legs. Still confused, he moved to the front of the zebra's chair and knelt down, then got down on all fours...

"No, not like that! Turn yerself sideways. Look at the fuckin' fire or somethin'!"

With some level of relief, Gahaji turned to the side, facing away from the zebra's chair but still not understanding what was going on.

"I don't understand why do I hav- UGH!"

The hyena's question was interrupted by his own sudden grunt. As he stood there on all fours right in front of the zebra's chair, the last thing he expected was the weight of the zebra's legs suddenly coming down upon his back in a loud thump. Masud had definitely not been gentle. He simply dropped his large legs upon the much smaller hyena's back and let Gahaji support it. It almost made the hyena fall over on his face before he could strengthen up his knees and tied-up arms to support it.

"Fuck. That's much, much better." The zebra let out a pleasurable sigh. He casually brought his flask up to his muzzle to drink some more.

Even though, thankfully, the chair was supporting the bulk of the zebra's weight, his legs and large feet were enough to put down considerable weight on Gahaji's back. Nothing he couldn't handle, but it was definitely past the point of comfortable for him as he had to support it with his own arms and legs. Looking at the zebra, he didn't seem to be minding him or to be in any hurry to take his feet off from his back. Gahaji had to hold back a growl...

"What are you doing?!" the hyena asked with indignation.

That got the zebra to look down at him. "What'd ye think I'm doin'? I'm fuckin' restin' me feet."

As if to accentuate his point, Masud placed one foot over the other, adding to the weight at the middle of the hyena's back and making him grunt again while the zebra just let out a pleasurable sigh.

This time, Gahaji couldn't hold back his growl. "You can't just use me as a f-"

"Can't fuckin' I?" the zebra interrupted him, his voice louder than before. When Gahaji glanced up at the zebra, his ears folded back instinctively as he saw an angry glare staring back at him. "Can't I? Ye wanna tell me what else I can't do on my farm, pup?"

Gahaji hesitated before responding. Those big legs were heavy, though! "But I'm-" he started, but the zebra quickly cut him off again.

"No. What did I just say? Ye talk back, ye disobey? Yer fuckin' out. I won't think twice, I won't lose a fuckin' wink of sleep just cuz yer thrown out there to die in the fields just like yer kind wouldn't lose a wink o' sleep over killin' me. I'm bein' fuckin' GENEROUS here and yer talking back?!"

The zebra's voice did have a little bit of a drunken slur, but as he continued, his voice kept getting louder and, by the end of it, he was pretty much yelling. Gahaji could do little but lower his head. He knew he was pushing the zebra. Who was to say he wouldn't do something impulsive like kicking him out while drunk? Gahaji was left with little choice.

"I'm s-"

"NO!" the zebra kept cutting him out. "I don' care, pup. That was yer first mistake. If I were you, I'd be very careful 'bout what the fuck I say next, IF ye really wanna say anythin' at all. I don' remember askin' for a chattin' partner here."

Gahaji's ears remained glued down to his head. He opened his maw to apologize, but thought better of it, closed it, and just... nodded. That seemed to calm the zebra down enough. Masud scoffed at him and brought his flask up to his muzzle to take another swig.

"That's what I fuckin' thought."

With the big zebra calmed down, Gahaji sighed in relief. That, however, meant he had to keep kneeling there on all fours with the zebra's large legs and feet resting over his back. With his hands tied together in front of him as they were, he couldn't even reposition his arms for a better angle. The hyena was forced to bear the weight with his arms and back. Thankfully, it wasn't that heavy, but it was definitely heavy enough to be uncomfortable, especially after a while...

The hyena tried not to think about it. Not to think about the weight and especially not about how he was there, on all fours, serving as a footstool to a prey animal while naked. What would his ex-fellow hunters say if they saw him like that? A wave of redness came over his face as he thought about that, but he pushed those thoughts away as well. They didn't know how hard it was to survive out there! He did what he had to do, even if it meant-

Gahaji's ears suddenly perked up. He caught a whiff of a scent and, when he instinctively sniffed the air again, he was sure of it. A heavier musk in the air, strong and potent, made the hyena turn his muzzle to its source right away, which was the zebra, and then he saw...

"What are you doing?!" Gahaji asked without even thinking.

The large zebra looked at him idly. Worst yet, even as he did, he did not stop doing what he was doing. Masud's loose pants were unlaced and open and, from it, the zebra had pulled out the largest member Gahaji had ever seen. His cock's format was strange to the hyena. It was clearly still hardening as the zebra's fingers stroked it openly, but it was thick, long and with a larger ring at the center. Not only that, but the zebra's very imposing member was pure black. A spire of imposing, musky and rising zebra meat that Masud continued to openly stroke.

"What's wrong, pup?" Masud asked with a hint of annoyance in his eyes as if the hyena's question was unfounded. He must've seen how Gahaji wrinkled his nose over the permeating smell, because he smirked and gave his cock a showing stroke. "Ye like what yer nose is picking up?"

Gahaji was about to growl to share his outrage, but another warning glare from the zebra stopped him. He knew he couldn't complain, even if the big zebra was freaking openly jerking off right by his side. All the hyena did was bite his lip, suppress a growl and turn his face and nose away from it. Not that it helped much, though. The zebra's masculine, potent smell filled up the room in a way that Gahaji knew he'd probably still be smelling it even after the damned zebra left for his room.

Masud, on the other hand, just chuckled at his reaction. The wet sounds of his hand beating up his meat didn't stop. If anything, they only sped up, and as much as Gahaji tried not to look, he couldn't avoid glancing towards it every now and then. If he thought the zebra's size was impressive before, now that his cock was fully hard and pointing upwards between his legs, Gahaji was downright impressed at how even Masud's large hand enveloping it had to move up and down to keep up with its length.

It was all crude, to say the least. Every now and then, Masud would just downright spit on his palm to lube it up and continue his lewd act. The hyena opted not to look at it. The zebra was clearly not intending to stop anytime soon and, even worse, Masud's eyes fell down upon him, and the drunken zebra kept an uncomfortable stare at the hyena's direction as he continued to jerk himself off. All Gahaji could do was lower his ears, bear the weight of his legs and try not to think about what was happening. That was, of course, exceedingly hard given that the powerful smell of the zebra's musk. For a hunter like Gahaji, it was impossible not to smell it.

It went on for a while. Gahaji couldn't tell for how long he stared at the fire while smelling the zebra's act, serving as support for his heavy legs and listening to the squelching sounds. It was far too long in his opinion before, but at one point, the squelching sounds stopped.

"Ye know what..." the zebra said, making Gahaji finally look his way. His erection was there, proud and imposing between his legs. It twitched and throbbed in its equine glory. Masud had stopped to take another drink from his flask, though, and after he did, his eyes settled on the hyena again. "Yer lookin' mighty lonely there under me feet. Maybe ye'd like to... help me out a lil', pup? That'd make me hella happy if ye were to be so kind..."

The zebra smirked at him. His hand went down to grab at his erect cock and lean the large pole slightly towards the hyena as if offering. Gahaji looked up at him and had to suppress a growl. It was one thing to be there on all fours supporting his legs, but it was another entirely to be asked to jerk a zebra off! He wanted to make his outrage clear, but knowing he was playing a dangerous game, the hyena bit his lip and toned down his reply considerably.

"...No thanks," he just replied dryly while turning his head away.

"I see..." The zebra sounded disappointed. "Maybe yer all grumpy cuz yer not enjoying yerself like I am."

"You think so?" Gahaji growled back with sarcasm dripping from his voice. Much to his relief, he felt the zebra pulling his feet out from his back. Having their weight gone made Gahaji sigh as the effort to keep up with them was no longer needed. About fucking time. Gahaji stayed on all fours where he was still afraid to anger the zebra, but at least he got to shift in place a bit to stretch his limbs.

"I do think so," the zebra said, standing up from his chair. Gahaji dared hope he would finally leave him alone, but Masud just kept talking. "In fact, I've been wantin' to see ye enjoy yerself for a while now."

Gahaji's ears perked up. He looked at the zebra with an inquisitive expression, but as he turned his head, it was just in time to see the mammal's large rear approaching his back. That split second of reaction was probably what saved Gahaji from collapsing right away when, all of a sudden, the oversized zebra sat down right on his back.

Gahaji had thought his feet were heavy, but the weight of his whole body? The hyena huffed as an immense weight came down upon his back and his limbs and muscles tensed up. A large amount of effort was suddenly required form Gahaji to just stay on all fours and keep himself from falling down and getting crushed by the zebra's weight as Masud just casually sat there, putting all of his mass over the small hyena's back.

"W-what... are you doing?!" Gahaji asked between huffs of effort. His arms were poorly positioned to support such weight with the rope still keeping his wrists together so he had to spread his legs to avoid buckling over. The large, muscular zebra simply chuckled in response to all of his effort.

"Ye better hold on, pup... I'm comfortable sittin' here so if ye fall, I'm not gonna get up."

Gahaji was too busy trying not to buckle under the zebra mass to even respond properly.

"And ye know what? I got no place for weak pups either. You fall an' it's back to the barn with ye. C'mon. Hold up. I know ya can, eh?"

Gahaji's ears lowered themselves even further. As limbs continued to tremble to hold on to the weight on his back, he took in a deep, sharp breath and made an effort to keep holding on. He had come too far, endured too much to let the zebra's drunken requests send him back to sleeping on hay.

"Ye seem to be havin' a bit of a hard time..." the zebra continued with a small laugh. The squelching sounds returned, which meant that hand had started pleasing the large zebra's cock again. "Reckon' that a few more months workin' the fields and yer gonna be able to hold me up like this for hours an' hours. Heh. Or not. Hardly ever seen a hyena that wasn't a twig. Haven't seen many of them meself though..."

Gahaji let out a tiny growl of frustration. The zebra reached out to his flask to casually drink. The hyena wasn't interested in the zebra's drunken rambling. Not when he was there, on all fours, enduring the whole weight of the large zebra upon his back alone. It was slowly becoming harder and harder to bear...

"Oh, but I did promise I'd help ya enjoy yerself too, didn't I? Almost fuckin' forgot."

Gahaji couldn't move because he knew that if he did, he'd likely slip and collapse under all that weight. Because of that, when the zebra's hand slid down over his rear, all the hyena could do was perk his ears up and blush. He wanted to speak against it when the zebra's hand felt up his rear, but all that came out was a grunt of effort. When the zebra leaned over to reach further down, though...

"W-what're you...!" Gahaji stammered. His face and ears grew hot at the invasion of privacy as the zebra's hand reached down under him to grab at his sheath. Gahaji had seen Masud eyeing it many, many times, but he had never dared touch him and now the zebra's large hand nonchalantly grabbed at it, gave his sheath a squeeze, then started teasing and feeling it up with his big fingers.

"Always wondered what yer packin'. Doesn't look like much given yer size, but I know you hyenas keep it hidden. Ashamed of showin' the world yer dicks, huh? Some predators..."

Gahaji had a lot to say about that, but when he opened his muzzle, the zebra leaned back to reach towards his sheath from between his spread legs rather than from the side, which shifted his enormous weight upon Gahaji's back and forced him to readjust the bearing of it between his trembling limbs with a grunt instead.

The hyena's ears pinned themselves against his head again. The zebra continued to work on his own large cock idly with one hand while the other continued to tease Gahaji's sheath. That finger trailed over the opening, massaged its sides and sometimes reached inside to feel what was in there. Soon enough, as much as Gahaji hated the thought, the zebra's fingers didn't have to peer inside to feel the hyena's member. From the sheer stimulation, Gahaji felt his member growing. That seemed to please Masud as well because, with a snort, those fingers became more active in teasing and pleasing the hyena's member, coaxing it to continue growing until it reached full mast between the struggling smaller male.

"Doesn't feel like much..." the zebra said after a while of teasing. His large fingers trailed over the whole length of Gahaji's hard member, from the tip all the way back to the sheath at the base, as if measuring it. "Heard it grows thick at the base, though. That true?"

The zebra's fingers started feeling up and squeezing Gahaji's sheath. It made the hyena suck in a sharp breath as the teasing on his still hidden knot did have some effect as well. He couldn't reply, though. He could barely keep himself up! Gahaji was sweating with effort, his limbs trembling more than before and the weight on his back feeling more crushing by the second as he struggled to remain on all fours for the sitting zebra. All while he casually messed with the hyena's most private parts...

"Lemme take a better look, eh?" As he said that, the zebra grabbed at the hyena's member and pulled it back from between his spread legs, pushing Gahaji's furry balls to the side to point his member straight back. From the weight shifting to his lower back, the hyena grunted as he felt the zebra leaning on to look at the cock he held. "Mmmm. Weird. Doesn't look that bad though, eh? Ye enjoyin' yerself now?"

The zebra continued to hold his cock pulled back as he was, but with his thumb, he caressed the length of Gahaji's member as he asked that question. The hyena only managed to let out a small semblance of a growl that quickly turned into a grunt of effort. He was nearing the limit of what he could withstand. His muscles were starting to ache from the effort. The zebra was just too heavy for him! Yet Masud just continued to rub both of their cocks idly. The zebra didn't seem like he was planning to get up anytime soon.

"I- I c-can't...-" Gahaji whined. His knees were about to give, his biceps burning as he tried to keep them straight. With his wrists still tied, Gahaji's hands tried to spread as best as they could to spread the weight around his upper back a little, but he couldn't...!

"Mmm? Can't what?" the drunken zebra asked as if he genuinely didn't know what he was talking about! A pang of anger rushed through Gahaji, but he continued to try with all of his might to hold on... but he couldn't.

With a whine, Gahaji reached his limit and was forced to let his legs give in. He used his arms, even as tied as they were, to prevent himself from falling face-first too fast towards the ground, but that barely did anything. Within a second, the hyena collapsed under the zebra's weight with a grunt of pain.

"Whoa!" Masud chuckled as he just went down with the hyena.

Gahaji found himself hard-pressed against the ground as the oversized zebra remained sitting upon his back. His weight was still oppressive and, now trapped between it and the floor, it felt even more crushing against his back. At least the hyena felt relief on his limbs as the gargantuan amount of effort he was putting on them was released.

"Couldn't hold up, eh pup? Bah, that's fine. Ye make a comfortable cushion to sit on as well with all that fur and whatnot." The zebra just chuckled. "And besides, we're still enjoyin' ourselves."

Gahaji felt a finger trailing up the length of his cock and only then did he realize that, since the zebra had been holding his cock pulled back between his legs when he fell, it was still stuck like that, awkwardly pulled between his legs with his nuts, but now trapped by the ground beneath them. The hyena grunted and tried to shift a little bit, but any effort to lift himself even a little bit to fix that felt absolutely impossible. His arms complained about the effort he tried to put on them again so soon and the zebra's weight on his back? It felt like he might as well have a boulder of solid rock pinning him down. He would never be able to lift up so much weight.

Masud might have noticed his efforts because he chuckled again. "Comfy, pup? I sure as heck am."

The zebra shifted over the hyena. Every tiny shift of his weight Gahaji could feel on his back. It made the hyena groan. The zebra shifted a bit upwards, which put his weight more towards Gahaji's upper back and had him gasp and wheeze as it made breathing harder for him. The drunk zebra had no idea of just how heavy he was!

That was evidenced by the fact that Masud just sighed happily.

"I like this. Sittin' by the fire with some company, havin' some good fun between the both o' us. Ye know, maybe bringin' ye in was a good idea after all, pup."

The squelching sounds returned, signaling that the zebra was back to jacking off while sitting over the smaller hyena's back. Gahaji groaned in complaint.

"Oh, right."

Gahaji's ears lowered themselves further when the zebra's hand returned to his member as well. Even Masud could barely grab it, pulled back and hard-pressed against the floor as it was, but that didn't stop the zebra from attempting to stroke him with two fingers. And the worst part was that it felt kind of pleasant. Gahaji's cock had begun to retreat to its sheath due to his situation and the very uncomfortable weight on his back, but the stroking brought it back to life.

For a while, the hyena couldn't do much. He wheezed and breathed shallow breaths under the oppressing weight of the large zebra while Masud jerked them both off. Sometimes the zebra would pause to drink more from his flask, sometimes he would stop jerking the hyena off to focus on his own cock some more, but he took it all slow as if he was genuinely enjoying himself there.

For Gahaji, the opposite was true. With every minute that passed, the huge weight sitting over him felt harder to bear! With a few grunts, he tried to readjust himself a few times, but the zebra above him didn't even seem like he felt it. The worst part was the touching on his cock! In the position the hyena was, the last thing he wanted was to jerk off, yet the zebra kept playing with his member stuck and pulled back there as he pleased. Sometimes he would jerk it off, making pangs of unwanted pleasure bring groans to Gahaji. Little droplets of pre-cum were milked from his member, which the zebra also commented on when he used a finger to collect it and spread over the red length of the hyena's hard member. Sometimes he would stroke, sometimes he would only tease it with a finger... and all the while, the zebra kept working on his own member as well. The zebra's musk was the most prominent in the air, but judging by the zebra's grunts and the pauses between the sounds of him beating his meat, Masud had every intention of jerking off slowly, edging himself, and just dragging this whole obscene show further and further.

It took a while before Gahaji managed to gather up the breath, courage and strength to try and speak once more. He tried to shift under the zebra's weight but failed again. The small hyena felt like he was gonna fall apart!

"Hnngh!" Gahaji managed to grunt, "Tooheavy!" he sputtered between his sharp breaths. "Can't... h-handle..."

"Mmm?" the zebra, who had been playing with his cock at the time, stopped to actually look down at him. Gahaji, with his face pressed against the ground, looked up and met his eyes with pleading eyes.

"C-c'mon..!" he begged.

"Oh, ye sayin' I'm heavy?" the zebra asked as if he had indeed just taken notice of that fact. Masud looked down and let out a little laugh. "Whaddya know. Guess I am a tadbit heavy, eh? But ye make such a soft cushion an' the fire is so warm. I kinda dun wanna get up. 'Sides, ain't it worth it?"

To make his case, the zebra teased the length of the hyena's still hard cock with his fingers, trailing over the exposed length with them playfully and indeed making Gahaji's member throb. The pleasure was there, but the crushing weight on his back was as well!

"No...!" Gahaji managed to wheeze. "C'monn... pleasshe!"

The fingers stopped playing with his cock. When he looked up at the zebra, however, he was smirking. Gahaji saw with the corner of his eyes as Masud's hand returned to his own large and hard cock to idly stroke it again.

"Alright... I did have one more thing I wanted yer help with tonight... If ye promise ye'll do it for me, I'll make the effort to get up..."

Gahaji didn't even want to hear it. He had done things he had never thought he would already and anything had to be better than laying there under the large zebra's huge weight. The hyena nodded quickly as best as he could.

"Yeshhs!" Gahaji sputtered. "I prrommsse!"

"Mmmm..." The zebra brought a hand up to his chin and made an exaggerated, playful motion of thinking. He shuffled around, shifting his weight back and forth over the hyena and making Gahaji grunt as all of that shifted between his lower and upper back. Finally, after a while of playing around with the hyena, Masud chuckled and grunted as he got up.

The zebra almost stumbled for a moment showing that he was indeed pretty damn drunk. For Gahaji, it felt wonderful. As the weight left his back, the hyena just remained there, laying on the ground, but finally able to take in deep breaths as the crushing weight over his body was finally gone. His respite didn't last very long, though.

Gahaji felt a large hand grabbing at his scruff, then suddenly, the smaller hyena was easily pulled up from the ground and lifted up in the air. Gahaji whined about it for a moment, but when his feet pointed down, the zebra let him touch the ground, but didn't let go of his scruff...

"C'me here, on yer knees," the zebra ordered, pulling the hyena with him as he moved back towards his chair. The wood creaked under the weight of the large mammal, a feeling Gahaji was now all too familiar with, but with a grunt and the zebra pulling him down by the scruff, he was forced to fall forward on his knees in front of the chair when the zebra sat down. His tied-up wrists at least served to keep himself from falling further down. Of course, as soon as Gahaji looked up from the position he had been put in, he saw not only a smirking zebra, but his nose was also hit by the source of the musk filling up the room being right in front of his face.

The zebra's member looked even bigger and more imposing from below and up-close like that. So much so that the hyena couldn't help but fold his ears down when he saw Masud's drunken, smirking eyes looking down at him.

"Ye promised ye'd help me..." the zebra said as his large hand let go of his scruff to grab the fur of his head. Tugging at it, he pulled Gahaji's whole snout towards his junk. Gahaji grunted as his nose was pressed right against the middle of the zebra's large, leathery balls and, while he tried not to, he couldn't help but get at least a whiff of them. The musk, for the nose of a hunter, was so strong that he couldn't help but flinch. The hyena placed his tied wrists against the base of the chair to keep the zebra from pushing him further down on it, but the zebra's strength was hard to match. When Gahaji tried to pull back with a groan, he found that he just couldn't.

"C'mon... ye been makin' me very fuckin' proud tonight. Makin' me glad I took ye in and even makin' me consider lettin' ye sleep inside from now on. After all, it's nice to know I can trust ya."

Gahaji's ears splayed further down at those words. He would very much like to be able to keep sleeping by the fire...

"...But ye gotta do this last thing for me. Ye promised, huh? Wouldn't make me think I can trust yer word, right?" The zebra's hand on his head pressed further. Gahaji grunted as his nose was further pressed against the zebra's balls, then that hand practically rubbed his face against his nuts and the base of the large, throbbing flared spire towering above him. "I promise it won't take long. Been havin' a little too much fun with ya. I wanna nut so fuckin' bad..."

"Hnngh..." the hyena just grunted. Having his face rubbed against a zebra's junk was not what he wanted, not at all, but he had come this far. His body was still sore all over and the zebra had already done so much. If he could endure one last thing, he would be able to rest in the warmth. Even if that one thing was... He looked up at the sheer size of the throbbing cock above him and hesitated.

"C'mon... ye wanna make me happy, don't ya? I recommend ya do, pup. Ye do that for me, and I promise I'll reward ya handsomely."

Gahaji's ears remained lowered all the way. He sighed, but ultimately... he nodded.

"...Fine," he just grumbled.

The zebra opened a big smile at that. "That's a good pup. Ye keep makin' me happier an' happier tonight!"

The hand over the hyena's head loosened the grip on his fur to pat him in a condescending manner. Gahaji took that opportunity to finally pull his nose back from the zebra's balls, although he could feel some of that ball musk clinging to his fur and nose. The hyena wanted to bring his tied-up wrists up to at least rub it off, but before he could, the zebra's hand took a firm hold of the fur on his head again and pulled him back.

"Now, ye better try hard, ye hear? If I feel those pointy teeth of yers pricklin' me, I'm gonna fuckin' pry 'em off with me plier before I kick yer ass out. We clear?"

Though the zebra asked the question, he didn't wait for a response. With a painful tug, he pulled Gahaji up, forcing him to straighten his back a bit in front of them while the zebra repositioned himself on the chair. Gahaji didn't understand. Given what the zebra had been implying, he thought he was going to be forced to give the zebra a handjob, maybe use his tongue if things got dire, but when Masud pointed that large, hard cock straight towards his muzzle...

"W-wait a minute!"

The large zebra's shaft was gargantuan to the hyena's standards. Its head, wide as it was, was intimidating to look at by itself and on the tip, droplets of pre-cum still lingered with a fresh one coming to greet the hyena right there and then.

"I'm way past waitin' already, pup."

The zebra shuffled forward. That cock approached the hyena's muzzle and, though he tried to pull away from it, the large hand holding the fur of his head kept him from doing so and, in fact, forced him to do the opposite. It slowly pulled him towards the approaching cock.

"Open wide, pup."

Gahaji shook his head! "It won't fi- HnGHFG!"

When the hyena opened his muzzle to speak, a sudden jerk forward and pull had the head of that cock getting shoved into his snout in one single surprising motion. Masud let out a small displeased grunt from above and, in urgency, Gahaji was forced to open his maw wide to keep his teeth from grazing at the intruder. At least that seemed to please the zebra. He pushed another inch of cock into the hyena's muzzle, filling Gahaji's tongue with a taste that matched the musk he had been smelling since the beginning of that night. His eyes watered as he was forced to taste it when the zebra rubbed that cock against his tongue ever so slightly.

For Gahaji, it was a very uncomfortable experience. Again, he wanted to speak against what was happening, but the cock inside his muzzle, even though it was barely a quarter of its length in, already took all of the space. The hyena's jaw ached from being forced open so wide, but he feared what the zebra might do if he went as far as biting his cock. The threat with the pliers was a little too vivid in Gahaji's mind...

"There we go..." the zebra cooed. "Silly pup. 'Course it fits. Fuck, that muzzle 'o yers is hella warm an' nice..."

Gahaji placed his paws on the edge of the chair, but trying to pull himself back even a little was met with resistance from the hand holding his head in place. In fact, the zebra leaned forward on his chair and pressed his cock yet a little further in, causing the hyena to frown and gag with discomfort.

"There there... we'll take it nice an' slow. Ye can do it."

Gahaji's teary eyes looked up at the zebra with indignation. 'Can do' what?! He already had the zebra's dick inside his muzzle! The hyena began to have a better idea of what the big zebra was after when, holding his muzzle open with his other hand, the zebra shuffled forward yet a little more.

"Ghggh!" Gahaji gagged. His eyes teared up a little more and he had to hold back from coughing. Masud, on the other hand, just chuckled at the way he struggled.

"There we go... little by little, ye? Fuck, that feels good..."

The zebra did it slowly indeed. He pulled back a little, much to the hyena's relief, allowing Gahaji to breathe and recover from the weird feeling of having a huge cock lodged at the entrance of his throat. The taste was pretty much all he could feel now. Well, that and...

It was only when Masud used his foot to press the hyena's erection against his own stomach that Gahaji realized it was still there. He groaned, still panting, as the zebra played with it a little bit using that foot. Before Gahaji could say anything against it, however, Masud's cock throbbed inside his muzzle and the zebra pushed forward again.

That repeated itself a few times. The zebra would push his cock in, enjoy the way the hyena gagged and struggled around it while rubbing it against Gahaji's tongue, then pull back when he was running out of air. Each time, however, the zebra pushed his cock a bit further in. Little by little, Gahaji got the hang of it, breathing through his nose so that he could keep pulling at least some air and not feeling as bad when it came to gagging. That didn't change the fact that having the zebra's oversized cock shoved down his throat was still a deeply uncomfortable and humiliating experience.

It was after a particularly long respite that the zebra finally spoke up again.

"Can't hold back anymore, fuck..." Masud started, making Gahaji's wet eyes glare up at him. "Enough softenin' ya up. We goin' all the way now."

The hyena's ears fell back. In reflex, he tried to pull back, but the hand still holding the fur of his head cruelly reminded him that that wasn't an option. His tied-up wrists couldn't do anything about it, so when the zebra sat at the edge of his chair and positioned his cock over his tongue, Gahaji felt even more anxious.

"Don' worry. I'll reward ya if ye do well..." Another brush of that foot against the hyena's own dick hinted at what the zebra might mean. That wasn't really what Gahaji wanted, though. He didn't even know why the hell he was still hard! He shouldn't be! But alas, as that foot brushed against his exposed knot, he trembled.

The zebra's hand forced him further down, making the hyena bend his back a little and look upwards towards the zebra's cock. It looked long and daunting from below, as always, and then the large zebra pointed it down towards his muzzle... and pulled him towards it.

The first few inches were familiar. The salty taste over his tongue, the texture, the musky taste... Gahaji frowned at it, but when the large tip of the zebra's member reached his throat, he closed his eyes shut. The hyena successfully held back from gagging. He endured the discomfort of having another male's dick down his throat, and the zebra pushed for more. That hand forced Gahaji to lean further down in a way that aligned his muzzle with his throat so that the zebra could keep pushing in. Gahaji started breathing through his nose. He made small gagging sounds, but the zebra ignored them, moaning with pleasure at the undoubtedly great feeling of his tight throat squeezing at his oversized cock.

...What would his hunter fellows say if they saw him like that? Gahaji thought that for the hundredth time that night and felt himself blushing.

"Fuuuuuuuck.... Fuck, that's fuckin' tight... Oh yeah..."

The drunken zebra thrust into his throat. Small, shallow thrusts that were very uncomfortable and hard to handle. Gahaji could barely breathe, his nose pulling as much air as it could with that big cock lodged in there, yet the zebra pushed further in for more.

"Yeeeah... fuck! Take it! Fuck, pup, it's like yer throat was made for this! The perfect lil' sleeve for me cock... oh fuck..."

Gahaji dared open his eyes. What he saw... surprised him. His nose was tickling against the zebra's pubic fur. Almost all of the bigger mammal's big cock had been shoved down his throat. No wonder it felt so terrible! The hyena wheezed, signaling he wasn't breathing enough and, with his always wet eyes, looked up at the zebra, but this time Masud himself had his eyes closed. He thrust into his throat a little more, enjoying the tightness and making Gahaji grunt.

"Fuck..." The zebra's hand that had been holding the base of his cock moved down. It grabbed at Gahaji's throat, making the hyena grunt and cutting his breathing almost entirely.

"I can fuckin' feel it... oh yeah, it's right 'ere..." The zebra squeezed his neck over the fur. Gahaji gasped and tried to pull back, but that hand wouldn't let him. Much to his dismay, the zebra started stroking his neck. In tight squeezes and an up and down motion, the fucking zebra started stroking his cock through his neck. Small thrusts followed as well.

Small tears of effort ran down the hyena's eyes as the zebra used his throat as a literal cocksleeve. He could barely breathe. Every now and then, some air went through, but mostly he couldn't! The zebra moaned louder, though, ignoring the fact that he was choking on cock. Gahaji pulled back and tried to use his hands to poke the zebra and let him know, but he couldn't! The thrusting intensified, and then...

"Oh, fuuuuuuuuck YEAH!" the drunken zebra suddenly shouted. Gahaji could feel everything. He could feel that large cock pulsing inside his muzzle, his throat. He felt it spasm, then he felt as the first large amount of warm seed flooded it. The hyena grunted with renewed discomfort as his throat reflexively swallowed, tightening around the cock lodged inside it and, apparently, providing even more pleasure for the zebra if his moans were any indication.

Gulp, gulp, gulp. Gahaji was forced to swallow jet after jet of zebra cum and, though it only lasted a few seconds, for the hyena that was running out of air and desperately swallowing, it felt like he had swallowed gallons of zebra seed. Masud still held him still with his throat around his cock all the way until his orgasm was over. When that big cock was spurting the last bits of seed, only then did the zebra start carefully pulling it back. The last weak spurts of seed still splattered over the hyena's tongue as that large cock went out, providing a salty taste to make him aware of what he had just swallowed, but at that point, Gahaji didn't even care.

He drew in a sharp breath of fresh air and coughed. Zebra cum sputtered from his muzzle, flying forward, and as the zebra's large hands finally let go of him, Gahaji just let himself fall backward on the floor. He remained there, splayed and finally able to breathe while, at the same time, coughing up cum from his sore, used throat.

Lying there with his eyes closed, Gahaji wasn't sure how much time he was given to recover before he felt the weight of two heavy steps by his side. The hyena opened his eyes to look up and see the zebra. Still naked as before, spent cock hanging between his legs and still semi-hard. Just looking at it made the hyena lower his ears again. How the hell had that fit inside his throat? No wonder it felt so sore! The zebra smiled down at him, though.

"That was fuckin' great. Ye made me damn proud, pup. Couldn't be happier with ye. Ain't that a fuckin' great thing?"

Gahaji felt his face growing red again. He opened his muzzle to reply but realized he didn't know what to say. At least the fire still burning near him was still as warm as before...

"I say ye've earned yer reward. Don't get used to it, though. I don' like botherin' with it so usually that's gonna be yer own job to please yerself."

Again, Gahaji was confused. "What does that me- oh- no NO!"

The hyena tried to turn and get away when he saw the zebra stepping over him, then lowering himself towards him, but it was too late. Suddenly, the gargantuan weight of the large zebra was all deposited over his chest as Masud sat over it. Gahaji let out a long grunt, feeling like he was about to break like before.

"Oh, c'mon, don't be a fuckin' whiny. I'm helpin' ye out here!" The zebra spat down and then, before Gahaji could even try to puzzle out what that meant himself, suddenly those two large hands took hold of the hyena's lingering erection. It had faltered a little bit after the end of that extreme situation, but as the zebra took hold of it, one hand holding the base of his knot and the other gripping his length, it hardened with renewed life quick enough.

The spit, Gahaji quickly found out, had been the zebra's lubrication on his hand. The large mammal spread it over his cock and even spat down a few more times to add more to it crudely. Then, the zebra's hold at the base of his cock tightened. Gahaji had no idea if the zebra was squeezing his knot because he actually knew how sensitive that was or just to be a brute and hold his cock up better, but it made the hyena gasp under the crushing weight keeping him still, and then the zebra started stroking him.

It wasn't a gentle stroke. The zebra worked his cock with a tight grip, going up and down fast and hard to the point of it being uncomfortable. The spit reduced the friction, but Gahaji still shuddered and whined as the zebra started masturbating him as if he was milking an animal. The hyena, even as exhausted as he was, shifted and turned, struggling under the zebra's weight, but Masud barely seemed to notice.

"Hnnnghfgh...! Too ffst..!" Gahaji complained, or tried to, as he could barely breathe or form words with the large zebra sitting on his chest. He pounded weakly against the zebra's lower back with his tied-up fists, but the zebra didn't seem to feel that either.

"Oh yeah. Enjoy yer reward, pup. Fuck yeah..." Masud just chuckled. He kept pumping at his cock, hard and fast, and if anything, he went even harder.

Gahaji shuddered. The discomfort was real, but the squeezing on his knot, the friction on his sensitive cock... there was some pleasure there as well. As uncomfortable as it was, he felt it rise under the slight pain and, with the zebra going so hard at it... The hyena's knot bulged inside the tightness of that grip, his cock throbbed, and before he knew it...


The hyena let out a groan mixed with a moan. He felt a pang of pleasure as he was violently thrown over the edge. His cock started spasming in the zebra's hands and the first jet of cum erupted from his tip.

"Whoa! There we fuckin' go!"

The worst part was that, even as Gahaji cummed, the zebra laughed at it in triumph as his cock shot small ropes of cum upwards, but didn't stop his hard squeezing and stroking even for a second. The first split second of orgasm was pleasant for Gahaji, but everything after that? The more it went on, the more sensitive his orgasming cock grew and the zebra's brutal stroking became more and more unbearable. The hyena grit his teeth, twisting and turning with groans under the zebra's crushing weight as he continued to milk his cock hard while it shot. It didn't stop or slow down even as Gahaji's orgasm started to fade. Masud kept going until he had milked every last drop from the hyena, much to his discomfort.

"S-stop!" Gahaji had to beg. His knot had grown to full size and his smooth, canine length was more sensitive than ever. The zebra's rough grip felt like way too much! Thankfully, when he begged, the zebra finally let go of his cock and knot at the same time. Masud wiped his hands that were covered in cum on the fur of Gahaji's thighs and sides and only then did he look back at the panting hyena with a large smile.

"There we go! Enjoyed yer reward? See? Ye be a good pup and ye get nice things from me."

Gahaji looked up at him. He was exhausted and the unbearable weight of the zebra over his chest was killing him. He opened his muzzle to speak but didn't even know what to say.

Thankfully, the zebra seemed to be done. Masud grunted and started to stand up. Having that weight lifted from his body felt like a huge relief once again, but Gahaji was too exhausted to even move from the floor he lay on.

"That was fun," Masud said as he crudely spat on his hands and used that to rub them together as if it was enough to wash them. "Gotta say, pup, I expected I'd have to kick yer ass into the barn, maybe even tie ye up there somewhere to teach ye a lesson, but ye surprised me! Obeyed like a good fuckin' boy. I'm very fuckin' pleased."

Gahaji's eyes shifted up to the smiling zebra. His ears fell back in embarrassment. His throat felt too sore to argue...

"Ye earned it. Ye can sleep in here tonight. Make yerself comfortable, eh?" As he said that, the zebra used one of his feet to play with the hyena's cock that remained hard above his stomach because of his knot. Gahaji groaned, his member still feeling sore and sensitive after the rough treatment as well.

The zebra just chuckled at that. "If I were ye, I'd rest. Tomorrow we're gettin' up early to plow the fields!"

Gahaji's heart sank. Just the thought of more hard work made his sore body ache... The zebra turned around to head to his room, but not before picking up his flask to take with him as well. Before he left, however, Masud still stopped to look back at him one last time.

"Oh, and lookin' forward to tomorrow night as well. I'll definitely keep ye inside from now on." The zebra winked at him and smiled, then continued on.

The wooden door to Masud's room closed when he left. Gahaji could still hear and even feel his stomping around in there through the wooden floor, then the sound of the bed's poor hinges buckling under the zebra's weight came and, surprisingly fast after that, the sound of snoring echoed around the small house.

Gahaji stayed on the floor the entire time. He was too tired and sore to get up. At least the fire's warmth was still nice. It took a while for his member to finally start receding back to his sheath, but remnants of the seed he had shot remained to mat his fur around his crotch. When he finally sat up, Gahaji groaned, passing a paw over it to remove the stickiest parts. He should clean up, but he was far too tired. The hyena used his teeth to remove the damned rope tying his wrists together, stood up, and then let himself fall down on the old couch. At least it felt softer than hay.

Trying not to think about what had happened or what would happen tomorrow, the hyena quickly drifted into sleep. At least until the sun rose and the zebra woke him up again for his next day as the farmhand of a 'prey' animal.