The Submission of a Dragon

Story by Voltscream on SoFurry

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Hello again! Getting a bit faster with these, aren't I? I've had a lot more time and focus to write lately, so here's another I'm quite happy with! This time featuring the young black dragon, Kirasta, accepting a most unusual offer from another dragon, by the proxy of his kobold servant.

Commission info can be found here!

Emerging slowly from beyond the wall of sleep, Kirasta could not help but feel more certain than ever that his love of the autumn season was justified. The others had their merits, of course, but none could compare to the wonderful feeling of waking, bundled in one's bedding, on a cool fall morning. Indeed, for a while the young black dragon simply laid there, warm and comfortable, simply enjoying himself and the knowledge that there was nothing of import to be done today. Certainly, he _could_be working on that warming spell, but with the library finished yesterday, his little cave-built home was in quite a nice state. The spell could wait. Yet, the longer he lay there, the more the grumble of his stomach and subtle tightness of his sheath demanded his attention.

Very well, then. Finally, the dragon extracted himself from the modest pile of furs and bedding, shaking the sleep from his eyes properly. Food first, he thought, as he padded his way to the kitchen. It wasn't exactly the most impressive room, but he was_rather proud of the food storage he had, with a bit of creative magic use, set up in the spring. Grabbing some ingredients from the ice-cold metal chest, a hearty stew was brewing above the fire in no time. Setting up _that had been no easy task either, getting everything ventilated as not to smoke himself out of his own home, but it had been very well worth it indeed.

The stew was, thankfully, quite quick to cook, and proved quite the filling meal! However, just as he was cleaning up, and considering sating the other thing that had driven him out of bed, a very distinct tug in his chest told him someone had just disturbed one of the early warning spells he had set up outside. At first, he thought it was likely an animal, given they had only passed through the lower of the two at the cave entrance, but a small, feminine voice that echoed a few moments later dispelled that theory.

"Um, hello?" the voice called out, "Kirasta, are you here?" There was quite a nervous tone present, but the dragon's attention was certainly piqued. Emerging from the kitchen and making his way to the mouth of his cave, he was greeted by a kobold! She was dressed for travel, but the rather impractical hat atop her head marked her quite obviously as some kind of witch, and the collar around the neck made her status clear indeed. Seemingly unwilling to step much further than the entrance threshold, she seemed quite worried as he first arrived, but perked up quite quickly as she saw him approach. "Oh, you are, good!" she said excitedly, though she still did not draw nearer, "Relthar said you would be around this area, but I wasn't sure I had the right place, you know? A-Anyways, um, he sent me here to give you sort of an... offer."

Relthar wanted something from him? That was a new one. The older red dragon lived at the top of a mountain somewhat nearby, but he was certainly a more well-known, important reptile than Kirasta. Despite living near the edge of Relthar's territory, the two had only met in passing once, and he certainly never expected any sort of personal attention. Though, the way she phrased things, he wasn't sure if such a powerful dragon having time for him was a good thing or not.

"What kind of... offer?" he asked carefully.

She shifted in place nervously, no... was she embarrassed? There was certainly a bit of a blush. "Well, ah, essentially Relthar is looking for a new mage. I'm rather amateur in most areas, and none of the other kobolds have any talent for it, but he had heard you were something of a practitioner!"

Kirasta was no master of magic, but he would at least consider himself experienced. The question was, what would being Relthar's mage require? "Go on."

"I-In return for your magical aid with his home, and training me if you can, you'd get to live in his home and have access to his amenities and the like. There was a mage living with him in the past, but some of the fancier things she made have been breaking down lately and I can't figure out how they work. I can attest to how nice living up there is personally, and mainly you'd just need to keep things working, y-y'know?"

That all sounded fairly reasonable, he thought. He didn't know Relthar on any personal level, but both his own fleeting encounter and the testimony of others suggested he was quite a nice fellow. A touch full of himself at times, sure, but that was almost expected for a dragon of his status. Having to move out of his little abode would be a shame, but no doubt a dragon of Relthar's wealth could give him access to a much more expansive library, and this other mage's devices did sound very intriguing, indeed! Yet, the kobold was not finished.

"But, um... h-he doesn't just want your magic." she continued, seemingly having trouble getting the words out as her blush deepened. "Part of living with Relthar would mean you have to, um, would have to serve him. L-Like, in... in bed." Kirasta's surprise must've shown quite clearly, for the kobold began to wring her hands together as she kept going. "R-Relthar really is a very kind master, but h-he has needs, you know? We do our best, but a few kobolds can't really match to mating another, um, another dragon. He says he took a liking to you when you met before, a-and that he would make sure you're very comfortable if you were to... join him."

Well, this certainly wasn't what Kirasta had expected from today! The black dragon's interests were not purely female by any means, but he had always pictured himself on top should he engage another male. The idea of raising his own tail was not one he had ever even really considered. Yet, he could not deny the thought made him flush slightly. Relthar was certainly a very attractive dragon, and quite beloved by those Kirasta knew who had met him. As he pondered that thought, the kobold had yet more to say.

"There is also... one more requirement." she said, unslinging her pack and beginning to search inside it, "Relthar treats us very well, and gives us a lot more freedom than I feel most masters would... but we are still his servants." As she said that, she produced a collar from the bag, much like the one around her neck, albeit a good deal larger. No doubt, it was for him, but he had expected as much.

"But, well... keeping us kobolds in our place is pretty easy. We're basically born to serve dragons, after all. But for you, having another male around, he wants a little more, um, insurance. Make sure you're not... not s-sleeping with any of us without permission." Another object was drawn from the pack, but this time of much greater concern. Made of what must have been quite expensive steel was a small metal cage and lock, its purpose clear. "Relthar has the key, so you'd have to ask him to take it back off. A-Although he wanted me to tell you that you should still be able to get off with it on when he, um... beds you."

Today was certainly not going in any way as Kirasta had expected. On the face of it, Relthar's offer should have been out of the question entirely. Him, a dragon, giving up his freedom and body to another, to the point of locking away his own manhood... it should have been unthinkable. And yet, he could not bring himself to dismiss it out of hand. Indeed, he could not deny that a part of him, larger than he would've thought possible, felt drawn to the idea of submitting to Relthar.

The older dragon had been charming, had been attractive and self-assured in just such a way that was attractive on a wyrm such as him. If there were any dragon Kirasta could see himself serve... it certainly would be Relthar. And could he really pass up such a golden opportunity to expand his knowledge and experience with the arcane? His deliberation must have been clear across his face, for the kobold did not speak again. She waited with a nervous sort of patience, holding collar and cage as he thought. Eventually, though, he was ready to make his choice.

"Very well" he said finally, seeming to startle the kobold after he had grown so still, "I cannot promise that I will stay, but at the very least I should attempt the service your master requires of me." She perked up considerably at his affirmation, albeit not a fully committed one, but was not quite finished. "Come with me, then. If you are to affix these things to me, let it at least be done in the comfort of my own bed." the dragon finished, not waiting for a reply as he turned back to the cave.

She was quick to follow, collecting her pack hurriedly, and a moment later he was back in his bedroom, with new company close behind. Padding across the room, the dragon laid himself down on the pile of furs and bedding, draped along his side with privates exposed and head lowered. She approached his head first, cautiously making her way across the relatively small room until they were face to face. "I, um, I'm Maya, by the way." the kobold said, slowly wrapping the collar around his neck. "He really is a very good master. We're much too small to really... mate, but he still does his best make to sure we're happy."

The latch, locked much like the cage, on the collar closed with barely a noise. Such a small sound for such a meaningful item, one that similarly proved less intrusive than he first assumed. He could certainly feel it around his neck, but it did not constrict as tightly as he had expected. After a moment of adjustment, he realized she had not moved on yet. The kobold had more to say, it seemed. "He did say, um, that if you wanted, before I put the cage on, I could... y'know..." Though seemingly unable to get the words out fully, her meaning was clear. A silent nod was all the answer given, but it was enough to deepen her blush much more completely as she slipped away from his muzzle.

Though she had no doubt done similar for her master many a time, Maya still seemed somewhat hesitant to actually go near his privates. Still, after a few seconds for the kobold to steel herself, and to set her hat aside, Kirasta felt the girl's small, scaly hands against his pouch. They were quite a heavy pair, and quite full given his lack of relief that morning, but she was quite eager still, rubbing and kneading at those orbs in earnest. A moment later, Maya's muzzle met his thickening sheath, sinking her tongue into the hot flesh to reach his member, and the sensitive interior surrounding it, early.

Lying on his side, in his bed, being serviced by a pretty kobold... it was not a poor way to start this new venture, by any means. Indeed, Maya was proving herself quite talented! As he slipped free of his sheath, her mouth shifted focus more directly to the head of his cock, planting wet, passionate kisses upon the tapered tip as her hands shifted to stroke at the sides of his ridged length. No doubt, he was easier to handle than her master. Though a touch on the large side for such a young dragon, Relthar's marked age advantage would mean he was quite meaningfully larger than Kirasta would be for quite some time. Though, for one of such small size as Maya, that just made Kira all the easier to please.

As a matter of fact, between the kobold's skill and his own pent-up state... he was advancing much quicker than he had anticipated. Perhaps it was his lack of recent partners, but with his knot fully engorged, he could feel the horizon was not far off after only a few minutes! "You are... quite talented, little one." the dragon grumbled, resisting the urge to push himself deeper into her mouth. He was surprised at how breathy his voice was, in such a state, but it seemed she understood his meaning just fine.

Knowing full well what was about to happen, the kobold sealed her muzzle tight around his head, tongue continuing its work even despite the slight ache it brought to her jaw. Her hands only heightened their work, stroking away at his throbbing shaft with an accelerated pace, before he could hold back no longer. His sack tightened, length surged, and again Maya proved her skill at handling a dragon. Her muzzle remained firmly closed, letting only a trickle escape as his first shot filled her mouth to the brim with hot, thick, and pungent seed. She gulped it down quickly, but the second shot came a bit faster than she could handle. More of that potent cum managed leaked out around the edges of her muzzle, but neither her hands nor her throat slowed.

By the third spurt, his volume was starting to lessen enough she could keep up, and the next few proved mild enough to be swallowed down without difficulty. Finally, as his breathing steadied and the stream reduced to a trickle, she pulled away. With a few more laps at his tip, and a quick wipe across her muzzle, the kobold ensured every drop made its way to her stomach, which seemed to pudge outwards slightly from the sheer volume it now contained. Certainly, Maya was as dutiful a servant as any dragon could hope for, but she was not to be Kirasta's.

While his cock slowly began to retreat into his sheath, its need sated, the kobold collected her hat and his second requirement. By the time the first was properly positioned atop her head once more, his nethers were ready for the second. "It is a shame to lock this away." Maya said as she carefully worked his heavy orbs through the ring that would serve as the cage's base, "That was... that was very good." Next came the cage itself, the cool slipping down snugly over his sheath. A moment later, the small brass lock was threaded between the two pieces... and closed with a quiet little click. Much like his collar before it, such a quiet sound seemed deafening with the weight of what it meant.

"Done." she said softly, planting one last kiss on his sack before pulling away. The feeling of the cage around his sheath, while certainly very unfamiliar, proved less immediately uncomfortable than he had expected. The device was rather tight, yes, but not so much that it hurt or he could not adjust eventually. Perhaps the ache of denied erections and pent-up arousal would change that, though. It was undoubtedly a rather humiliating thing to have to wear, but... perhaps he could learn to enjoy that, given time. Some of his books described quite some benefits to trying more unconventional avenues to pleasure. Besides, being able to adapt and learn was important. He did not intend to become the stubborn old stick-in-the-mud he saw of many of the oldest dragons, so prideful and set in their ways it made them rather unlikable.

As he rose from the beddings, Kirasta was still far from certain this was a good idea... but he knew this could be the beginning of something great. He just had to be willing to try.

"Very well then, Maya. Let us go and meet my new master."

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